kotex · 2017. 2. 23. · u. d. c. chapter meets friday the local u. d. c. chapter will hold its...

- - -, i' 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 j '-'.rx ^7"^ VO'■■■ -> nKSfl^t " : . ■■ . , THE CLINTON CHRONICLE. CLINTON, S. C OF INTEREST to WOMEN Mrs. Larry B. DUlard, Society Edttof. Telephone 154 ENTERTAIN AT ROOK On Tuesday morning: Mrs. M. A. Hays and Mrs. S. C. Hays entertained twenty-four friends at a rook party. Lovely spring flowers adorned the home and i tempting salad course and tea were served. U. D. C. CHAPTER MEETS FRIDAY The local U. D. C. chapter will hold its regular mating Friday afternoon at 4 oclock in the library rooms at the high school. The following host- esses for the meeting have been an- nounced: Mrs. M. A. Hays, Mrs. B. H. Boyd, Mrs. A. E. McIntosh, Mrs. J. Hamp Stone, Mrs. Bessie Godfrey, Mrs. Ralph Copeland and Miss Louise McIntosh. tdkes the place of the May and June meetings, and it is important that each member be present. Election of officers for the next three years will be held, and a report from Continen- tal Congress given, besides the his- torical paper appointed for the June meeting. Hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mesdames J. W. Finney, M. A. Hays, J. B. Parrott, W. B. Owens and Miss Clara Duckett. SPEND-THE-NIGHT PARTY FOR YOUNK FOLKS ' On Friday evening Mary Howie "DHIard entertained afew friends at a spepd-the-night party composed at the following: Caroline Martin, Pa- tricia Giles, Copie McCrary, Margare^, Moorhead, Nannie Sue Adair, Myrtis Holland and Frances Bailey. The fol- lowing boys called for a weiner'' Billy Owens, Dill Ellis, Henry ton Dillard, Lamar Nelson, Thad Johnson and Fred Oxley. Irene Dil- lard and Peggy Sprunt served sand- wiches, punch and wafers. CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. NABORS The Ella Riddell circle of Thom- well Memorial church, met with Mrs. R. P. Nabors on Monday afternoon at her country home. The devotional was led by Miss Harvey and an interesting pjogram on Women In Foreign Fieldswas presented by Misses Bell, Simpson and Adams. Bible study on I Kings was conducted by Mrs. F. M. Stutts. At the close of the meeting ice cream and cake* was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. F. M. Stutts. ACTAEAN CLUB WITH MRS. VANCE Mrs. R. B. Vance entertained the Actaean club on Thursday afternoon. A salad course followed by block cream and cake were served by Mrs. George Cornelson, Misses Rosanna Vance, Florence Bailey and Rose Wil- lia^ Jo the following guests: Mes- dai^ "J. H. Stone, John McSween, J. L. Wright*, Zee McLees, B. H. Boyd, C. M. Bailey, W. J. Bailey, J. F. Ja- cobs, Sr., George Copeland, W. D. Copeland, D. J. Woods, L. B. Dillard, E. J. Adair, J. W. Leake, T. L. W. Bailey, W. A. Moorhead, Misses Clara Duckett and Ruth Bailey. D. A. R. MEETING THIS AFTERNOON The last meeting of the Musgroves Mill chapter, D. A. R., before Septem- ber, will be held this afternoon at the high school building, at 4 oclock. This. PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES MEET MONDAY. JUNE 10 Circle No. 1, Mrs. Roger Coe, chair- man, will meet with Mrs. Joe Carter, Monday night at 8. ... Circle No. 2, Mrs. W. P. Jacobs, chairman, will meet with Mrs. A. J. Milling, Monday afternoon at 4. Circle No. 3, Mrs, C! M. Bailey, chairman, will meet with Mrs. W. H. Shands, Monday afternoon at 4. Circle No. 4, Mrs. H. E. Sturgeon, chairman, will meet with Mrs. R. C. .^4*^1 Monday afternoon at 4. Cirde No. 5, Mrs. Rufus Sadler, chairmanrwiir meet with Mrs. M. A. Hays? Monday aftemonon at 4. Circle No. 6, Mrs. Irby. Hipp, chair- man, will meet with Mrs. Gus David- |i^io4ay afternoon at'4.. ircle No. 7, Mrs. T. J. Blalock, chairman, will meet with Mrs. J. F. Jacobs, Jr., Monday afternoon at 4. Circle No. 9, Miss Bell, chairman, will meet with Mrs. A. V. Martin, Monday afternoon at 6:30. BRIDGE CLUB WITH MRS. ADAIR Mrs. R. C. Adair entertained the Thursday Bridge club and had as an honor guest. Miss Grace Young of Laurens. Nine tables were arranged for the players and a corsage of sweet peas marked the honorees place.' Sweet peas, hydrangeas, pink and blue larkspur were most artistic in arrangement. After a salad course, Mrs. Adair remembered three brides- elect with beautiful gifts. Miss Grace Young, Miss Elizabeth Young and Miss Margaret Copeland. Mrs. Adair had as tea guests: Mes- dames T. J. Blalock, H. D. Rantin,- H. M. Young, Frank Adair, D. W. Mason and Miss Janie Lois Lynn. The following were also present from Lau- rens: Misses Sara Eliza Swygert, Eloise Clardy, Mesdames Ross Young, Frank Cain, Booth Knight, Gus Ma- so|i, Douglas Gray, Tom Easterby, Charles Fleming, Wolf, Moore and Marchant. Mrs. Raymond Pitts, Mrs. Barnie Parrott and Mrs'. B. 0. W^hit- ten assiste*d the hostess in entertain- ing. IN HONOR OF HOUSE GUESTS On Monday evening Billy ^ Owens entertained with a lawn party in hon- or of his house guests: Misses Doro- thy and Mary Scott of Easley, Mary Smith -of Greenville, Margaret Moor- head of Goldville, George Hagood, Jerome Fiiriey and Robdrt Martin of Ea^yTAbbut fifty guests were pres- ent. Mrs. J. F. Jaclx^s, Jr., Mrs. R. E. Sadler and Miss Nancy Owens assist- ed in their entertainment. Irene Dil- lard and Pegrgy Sprunt served punch. On Tuesday morning Mrs. R. E. Sadler entertained in honor of Billy Owenshouse guests. Five tables were arranged for rook and a tempting sal- ad and sweet course were served to the following gUests: Misses Mary Smith, Dorothy and Mary Scott, Mar- garet Moorhead, Patricia Giles, Mary Howie Dillard, Copie McCrary, Caro- line Martin, Frances Spratt, Mary Emma Speake, George Hagood, Je- rome Finley, Robert Martin, Billy Owens, Allen McSween, Bobby Cope- land, Guy Pitts, Bob McLees, Robert Vance and Bailey Williams. CAMPING AT RIVERSIDE Prof, and Mrs. A. V. Martin are chaperoning a party of campers at Riverside for the week. On Tuesday evening the guests of Billy Owenshouse party in addition to Allen and Bill McSween, Henry Dillard and Bob- by Copeland, Fred Oxley annd Lamar Nelson, joined forces with the camp- ers and a delightful picnic supper and weiner roast were enjoyed. The camping party is composed of Prof, and jlrs-Martin, Edward Mar- tin, Caroline Martin, Patricia Giles, Mary Emma Speak, Copie McCrary, Frances Spratt, Kathryn and Eliza- beth Blakely, Myrtis Holland, Nannie Sue Adair, Willis Mae Wilson, Mary Ella Bailey, Mary, Howze and Irene Dillard. IN HONOR OF MISS YOUNG On Saturday Mrs. J. 1. Copeland honored Miss Elizabeth Young with a course luncheon. Sweet peas and del- phinium lent touches of beauty. Each guest was presented with a cup towel to hem and embroider and these were later presented to the honoree. Misses Margaret Copeland and Marion Cope- land assisted the hostess. Those pres- ent were: Miss Elizabeth Young, Mes- dames Jack H. Young, G. A. Copeland, H. A. Copeland, J. Lee Young, A. O'Daniel, H. D. Henry, W. D. Cope- land, Myrtle Hunter, Maggie Hays, Lee Hunter, A. M. Copeland and W. H. Shands. Miss Elizabeth Young was attrac- tively entertained on Wednesday morning when Mrs. W. H. Shands and Mrs. Roger Coe honored her with a butterfly luncheon. Most artistic was the table carrying out this scheme, and particularly pretty were the plac- es marked for the two brides. Miss Elizabeth Young and Miss Margaret Copeland. Both were presented with exquisite b^ndkerchiiafs. SThe follow- ing were guests > on this occasion: Misses Elizabeth Young, Margaret Copeland, Edi'th Mills, Willine Spann, Mesdames Marshall Brown, DeSaus- sure Edmunds, D. J. Woods, Howard DuBose, Horace Payne, Jack .H. Young, Bynum Betts, and Lonnie Mc- Millian, Mrs. A. ODaniel and Miss Essie Young assisted the hostesses. charming and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs, _Andrew McKuight of Norwood avenue. Mr.^ Meltcn is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. WV M. Melton of Bla;kstock. He is a graduate of the class of 1926 of Wofford college, and for the past three years has been teaching in Charleston........... ........................ ' < '■ '■ ■■ I WANT ADS FOR RENT10-room house on East Carolina Ave. Apply to B. L. King. FOR SALEOne fresh milk cow. Apply to J. B. Philson, Route 1, Clinton. itp WANTEDTo coach pupils who wish to study through the summer. Mrs. William B. Bailey, 127 N. Broad. Itp FOR SALE—Vinelees Porto Rico po- tato plants. Joe W. Leake, Clinton, S. C. Itc WANTED A cla^ of students to coach during the months of July and August. Any subject offered by experienced college graduate. For fur- ther information call A, care The Chronicle. 6-6-2tc FOR SALE—Wood or coal range, in excellent condition. Mrs. W. E. Hoy. Itp New Currency On Display New Currency, which will replace the old greenbacks, July 10, is^ noW being displayed by the First Nation- al bank of this city and many of their customers have called within the past few day« to inspect the bills. Being smaller in size, the new money will be more convenient to carry. Bills on display at the local bank are the $1, $2, |5, and |10 denominations. CITATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION The State of South Carolina, Laurens County. By O. G. Thompson, Probate Judge:- ^er^, Mrs. Julia Griffin ntadw suih^biMi to^ grant her Lettens of" Administration of the Estate and ef- fects of E. C. Briggs, Jr. These are therefore, to cite eiMl admqni^ ^1 and singular the EliiK&fad and Creditors of the said E. Briggs, Jr., deceased, that they bw and appear before me, in the Coast, of Probate, to be held at Laomz Court House, Laurens, S. C., on Jwm- 14th, 1929 next, after publication how- of, at 11 oclock in thq forenoon, fta> show cause, if any they have, why tiMk said Administration chculd not hft granted. Given under my hand this 30th dajr of May, A. D. 1929. 0. G. THOMPSOff, 6-13-2tc J. P. L. C. LOSTOne sack .of Purina laying mash. Finder please notify T. R. Young, phone 2203. ^ , Jt^ LOST—Between Cross Hill and Spar- tanburg, black automobile top cov- er. Finder please notify Chronicle office. Itp c KOTEX LEARANCE Sale Price! 30 cts. Package Order Early. Sadler-Owens Pharmcy Phones 377 and 400 THE TALE LITE Published By the Back Scat Driver yoL2 May 2S,ol929 No. 9 Pnblished for the beneHt of the motorists of Clinton and vicinity by tbe Clinton Motor Co. R D. CRAIC, Editor We have a New Towif ^^an on our show room floor. This is the first one to come to Clinton. We will be glad for you to come in and look at it. We have a number of good used cars in stock. If you are in the market for a used car, come in and look them over. We will be glad to show them to you. We wash and grease all makes of cars. There is nothing like a nice clean car well greased. We have a good stock of Model T Ford parts. Let us do your re- pair work. Our mechanics are trained to do the work. If Noah were to come back today he would probably build himself another ark to get away from all the traffic. The trouble with automobiles to- day is that they run about a month ahead of a fellows bank account. A superman is a guy who can strike a match on a cake of ioe :ream. Good morning, Mr. Cohen, how been you already? Oh, I got locomoter taxi, Mr. Rosenstein. Shush, I got a Cadillac myself. Dan Cupid is a marksman poor. Despite his love and kisses. For while he always hits the mark, Hes always making Mrs. Clinton ' Co. Authorized FORD Sales Service Clinton, S. C. iiiniinuuai niuiiitaMiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiamiiiiiiintJiiiiiuiiiiiniiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiamiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiHiiiiuianiiiiiii THERES NO BLUE MONDAY In the home that sends us the F^amily Wash to be done scientifically, promptly and economically. > PHONE 28 k. BUCHANANS LAUNDRY PHONE-29 ^ - iMiiiiiiauniiiiiiiiniHiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiMicntitiiiiuiiaiuiaimntiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiimmuiiiitiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiini -C- Beauty Treatment Free *r For one week, we will give a complete Armand Beauty Treatment, consisting of Eau de Cologne, Cleansing Cream, Foundation Cream, Cold Cream Face Powder, Rouge and full directions for most effective use, with each dollars purchase pf the famous Armand toilet preparations. Dont miss this opportu- nity to become familiar with Armand superlative quality and value. SADLER-OWENS PHARMACY CORNER AT UNION STATION FOR MISS COPELAND Miss ' Lena CCpeland was honored on Monday evening when the choir of the Methodist church entertained at the home of Mrs. B. C. Blalock. All brought a lovely gift for the honoree. Block cream and cake were served to the following guests: Misses Eden and Green, Lois Blakely, .Mrs. Stanley Pitts, Messrs. G. W. Hollingsworth and B. M. Arrington. Endless Varieties Exclusive Values Will be found at your neairest A&P Store PHONES 377 and 400 Miss Mattie L. Copeland of Renno was hostess at a miscellaneous show- er on Saturday afternoon, compliment- ing Miss Lena Copeland, popular bride-elect, whose marriage to Russell Cooper'is to take place at the Metho- dist church this afternoon at five oclock. The guests were entertained with music and by a group of children who presented an interesting program from a stage arranged in the yard. Following the program, Miss Cope- land was ushered into the dining room where she .discovered a table spread w'ith beautiful and useful gifts from the guests present. The dining room was lovely with its color note of pink and white. Most attractive was the dining table with a cover of Venetian jlace. A salad course with ice'd tea . was served. I On Thursday evening Mrs. L. L. j Copeland entertained with a dinner party in honor of Miss Lena Cope- ! land. Gladiola and sweet peas' were I effective decorations. A corsage of sweet peas marked the brides place. ! Those present were: Misses Lena I Copeland, Mary Lizzie Owens, Mat- ! tie L. Copeland, Esther Holland, Aline j Eden, Alma Ruth Cooper, William McMillian, Clair Pitts, P. M. Pitts, Jr., IClayte Ray, Posey Watts Copeland j and Russell Cooper. 1 McKNIGHT-MELTON ! The fcdlowing taken from The Spar- tanburg Herald will be of interest to many friends and relatives in Clinton: A marriage which came as a great surprise, and is of interest to their many friends throughout the two Car- olinas, was that of Miss Virginia Copeland McKnight and Robert Coop- er Melton of Charleston, who were married yesterday afternoon at the manse of Rev. W. L. Mullikin. Mrs. Melton, who attended the Frank Evans high school, is the THE CHOICEST BLEND THEA NECTAR - TEA ORANGE INDIA PEKOE " CEYLON %-Ib pkg- ^ 19c RAJAH :BRAND Maydilhaise 8-oz jbT Pint Jar 17er29c D. M. FRUIT SALAD NO. 1 CAN 27c A&P FAMILY OR SELF RISING FLOUR S4 lA BAG 48 LB. BAG 98 LB. BAG SWIFTS JEWEL ^ or SCOCO 87c $1.73 $3.45 Shortening 2 ■». 25c GRAPE JUICE A&P PUllE MILK WHrit HOUSE EVAPORATED TaU Cans 25c pint bottle" 25c SUNNYFIELD BUTTER in 1-4-Ib Prints lb. 57c SHREDDED WHEAT pkg. 12c LARGE V JUICY 1jJEiIHI%P£9 iSl Dozen 19c Candy Bars and Gum a. for lOc B.VBE RUTHS, URRSUEYS WKIGUKVS UKII^NTJT AND OTHERS Trr<-. filRiCAT Atlantic & .IPaciific ■T£^ 1

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Page 1: KOTEX · 2017. 2. 23. · U. D. C. CHAPTER MEETS FRIDAY The local U. D. C. chapter will hold its regular mating Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the library rooms at the high school

• - - • ■ -, i' ■ • 1 ■


j '-'.rx ^7"^VO'■■■ ->

nKSfl^t "

: . ■ ■ ■ ■■ . ,



INTEREST to WOMENMrs. Larry B. DUlard, Society Edttof. Telephone 154


On Tuesday morning: Mrs. M. A. Hays and Mrs. S. C. Hays entertained twenty-four friends at a rook party. Lovely spring flowers adorned the home and i tempting salad course and tea were served.


The local U. D. C. chapter will hold its regular mating Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the library rooms at the high school. The following host­esses for the meeting have been an­nounced: Mrs. M. A. Hays, Mrs. B. H. Boyd, Mrs. A. E. McIntosh, Mrs. J. Hamp Stone, Mrs. Bessie Godfrey, Mrs. Ralph Copeland and Miss Louise McIntosh.

tdkes the place of the May and June meetings, and it is important that each member be present. Election of officers for the next three years will be held, and a report from Continen­tal Congress given, besides the his­torical paper appointed for the June meeting. Hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mesdames J. W. Finney, M. A. Hays, J. B. Parrott, W. B. Owens and Miss Clara Duckett.


On Friday evening Mary Howie "DHIard entertained a’ few friends at a spepd-the-night party composed ■ at the following: Caroline Martin, Pa­tricia Giles, Copie McCrary, Margare^, Moorhead, Nannie Sue Adair, Myrtis Holland and Frances Bailey. The fol­lowing boys called for a weiner''Billy Owens, Dill Ellis, Henry ton Dillard, Lamar Nelson, Thad Johnson and Fred Oxley. Irene Dil­lard and Peggy Sprunt served sand­wiches, punch and wafers. •


The Ella Riddell circle of Thom- well Memorial church, met with Mrs. R. P. Nabors on Monday afternoon at her country home. The devotional was led by Miss Harvey and an interesting pjogram on “Women In Foreign Fields” was presented by Misses Bell, Simpson and Adams. Bible study on I Kings was conducted by Mrs. F. M. Stutts. At the close of the meeting ice cream and cake* was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. F. M. Stutts.


Mrs. R. B. Vance entertained the Actaean club on Thursday afternoon. A salad course followed by block cream and cake were served by Mrs. George Cornelson, Misses Rosanna Vance, Florence Bailey and Rose Wil- lia^ Jo the following guests: Mes- dai^ "J. H. Stone, John McSween, J. L. Wright*, Zee McLees, B. H. Boyd, C. M. Bailey, W. J. Bailey, J. F. Ja­cobs, Sr., George Copeland, W. D. Copeland, D. J. Woods, L. B. Dillard, E. J. Adair, J. W. Leake, T. L. W. Bailey, W. A. Moorhead, Misses Clara Duckett and Ruth Bailey.


The last meeting of the Musgrove’s Mill chapter, D. A. R., before Septem­ber, will be held this afternoon at the high school building, at 4 o’clock. This.


Circle No. 1, Mrs. Roger Coe, chair­man, will meet with Mrs. Joe Carter, Monday night at 8. ...

Circle No. 2, Mrs. W. P. Jacobs, chairman, will meet with Mrs. A. J. Milling, Monday afternoon at 4.

Circle No. 3, Mrs, C! M. Bailey, chairman, will meet with Mrs. W. H. Shands, Monday afternoon at 4.

Circle No. 4, Mrs. H. E. Sturgeon, chairman, will meet with Mrs. R. C. .^4*^1 Monday afternoon at 4.

Cirde No. 5, Mrs. Rufus Sadler, chairmanrwiir meet with Mrs. M. A. Hays? Monday aftemonon at 4.

Circle No. 6, Mrs. Irby. Hipp, chair­man, will meet with Mrs. Gus David-

|i^io4ay afternoon at'4.. ircle No. 7, Mrs. T. J. Blalock,

chairman, will meet with Mrs. J. F. Jacobs, Jr., Monday afternoon at 4.

Circle No. 9, Miss Bell, chairman, will meet with Mrs. A. V. Martin, Monday afternoon at 6:30.


Mrs. R. C. Adair entertained the Thursday Bridge club and had as an honor guest. Miss Grace Young of Laurens. Nine tables were arranged for the players and a corsage of sweet peas marked the honoree’s place.' Sweet peas, hydrangeas, pink and blue larkspur were most artistic in arrangement. After a salad course, Mrs. Adair remembered three brides- elect with beautiful gifts. Miss Grace Young, Miss Elizabeth Young and Miss Margaret Copeland.

Mrs. Adair had as tea guests: Mes­dames T. J. Blalock, H. D. Rantin,- H. M. Young, Frank Adair, D. W. Mason and Miss Janie Lois Lynn. The following were also present from Lau­rens: Misses Sara Eliza Swygert, Eloise Clardy, Mesdames Ross Young, Frank Cain, Booth Knight, Gus Ma- so|i, Douglas Gray, Tom Easterby, Charles Fleming, Wolf, Moore and Marchant. Mrs. Raymond Pitts, Mrs. Barnie Parrott and Mrs'. B. 0. W^hit- ten assiste*d the hostess in entertain­ing.


On Monday evening Billy ^ Owens entertained with a lawn party in hon­or of his house guests: Misses Doro­thy and Mary Scott of Easley, Mary Smith -of Greenville, Margaret Moor­

head of Goldville, George Hagood, Jerome Fiiriey and Robdrt Martin of Ea^yTAbbut fifty guests were pres­ent. Mrs. J. F. Jaclx^s, Jr., Mrs. R. E. Sadler and Miss Nancy Owens assist­ed in their entertainment. Irene Dil­lard and Pegrgy Sprunt served punch.

On Tuesday morning Mrs. R. E. Sadler entertained in honor of Billy Owens’ house guests. Five tables were arranged for rook and a tempting sal­ad and sweet course were served to the following gUests: Misses Mary Smith, Dorothy and Mary Scott, Mar­garet Moorhead, Patricia Giles, Mary Howie Dillard, Copie McCrary, Caro­line Martin, Frances Spratt, Mary Emma Speake, George Hagood, Je­rome Finley, Robert Martin, Billy Owens, Allen McSween, Bobby Cope­land, Guy Pitts, Bob McLees, Robert Vance and Bailey Williams.


Prof, and Mrs. A. V. Martin are chaperoning a party of campers at Riverside for the week. On Tuesday evening the guests of Billy Owens’ house party in addition to Allen and Bill McSween, Henry Dillard and Bob­by Copeland, Fred Oxley annd Lamar Nelson, joined forces with the camp­ers and a delightful picnic supper and weiner roast were enjoyed.

The camping party is composed of Prof, and jlrs-Martin, Edward Mar­tin, Caroline Martin, Patricia Giles, Mary Emma Speak, Copie McCrary, Frances Spratt, Kathryn and Eliza­beth Blakely, Myrtis Holland, Nannie Sue Adair, Willis Mae W’ilson, Mary Ella Bailey, Mary, Howze and Irene Dillard.IN HONOR OF MISS YOUNG

On Saturday Mrs. J. 1. Copeland honored Miss Elizabeth Young with a course luncheon. Sweet peas and del­phinium lent touches of beauty. Each guest was presented with a cup towel to hem and embroider and these were later presented to the honoree. Misses Margaret Copeland and Marion Cope­land assisted the hostess. Those pres­ent were: Miss Elizabeth Young, Mes­dames Jack H. Young, G. A. Copeland, H. A. Copeland, J. Lee Young, A. O'Daniel, H. D. Henry, W. D. Cope­land, Myrtle Hunter, Maggie Hays, Lee Hunter, A. M. Copeland and W. H. Shands.

Miss Elizabeth Young was attrac­tively entertained on Wednesday morning when Mrs. W. H. Shands and Mrs. Roger Coe honored her with a butterfly luncheon. Most artistic was the table carrying out this scheme, and particularly pretty were the plac­es marked for the two brides. Miss Elizabeth Young and Miss Margaret Copeland. Both were presented with exquisite b^ndkerchiiafs. SThe follow­ing were guests > on this occasion: Misses Elizabeth Young, Margaret Copeland, Edi'th Mills, Willine Spann, Mesdames Marshall Brown, DeSaus- sure Edmunds, D. J. Woods, Howard DuBose, Horace Payne, Jack .H. Young, Bynum Betts, and Lonnie Mc- Millian, Mrs. A. O’Daniel and Miss Essie Young assisted the hostesses.

charming and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs, _Andrew McKuight of Norwood avenue.

“Mr.^ Meltcn is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. WV M. Melton of Bla;kstock. He is a graduate of the class of 1926 of Wofford college, and for the past three years has been teaching in Charleston.”— .......... ........................ ' < '■ '■ ■■ ■ I

WANT ADSFOR RENT—10-room house on East

Carolina Ave. Apply to B. L. King.FOR SALE—One fresh milk cow.

Apply to J. B. Philson, Route 1, Clinton. itp

WANTED—To coach pupils who wish to study through the summer. Mrs.

William B. Bailey, 127 N. Broad. ItpFOR SALE—Vinelees Porto Rico po­

tato plants. Joe W. Leake, Clinton, S. C. Itc

WANTED — A cla^ of students to coach during the months of July

and August. Any subject offered by experienced college graduate. For fur­ther information call A, care The Chronicle. 6-6-2tcFOR SALE—Wood or coal range, in

excellent condition. Mrs. W. E. Hoy.Itp

New CurrencyOn Display

New Currency, which will replace the old greenbacks, July 10, is^ noW being displayed by the First Nation­al bank of this city and many of their customers have called within the past few day« to inspect the bills. Being smaller in size, the new money will be more convenient to carry. Bills on display at the local bank are the $1, $2, |5, and |10 denominations.


The State of South Carolina,Laurens County.

By O. G. Thompson, Probate Judge:-

^’er^, Mrs. Julia Griffin ntadw suih^biMi to^ grant her Lettens of" Administration of the Estate and ef­fects of E. C. Briggs, Jr.

These are therefore, to cite eiMl admqni^ ^1 and singular the EliiK&fad and Creditors of the said E. Briggs, Jr., deceased, that they bw and appear before me, in the Coast, of Probate, to be held at Laomz Court House, Laurens, S. C., on Jwm- 14th, 1929 next, after publication how- of, at 11 o’clock in thq forenoon, fta> show cause, if any they have, why tiMk said Administration chculd not hft granted.

Given under my hand this 30th dajr of May, A. D. 1929.

0. G. THOMPSOff, 6-13-2tc J. P. L. C.

LOST—One sack .of Purina laying mash. Finder please notify T. R. Young, phone 2203. ^ , Jt^LOST—Between Cross Hill and Spar­

tanburg, black automobile top cov­er. Finder please notify Chronicle office. Itp


LEARANCE Sale Price!

30 cts. Package Order Early.

Sadler-Owens Pharm’cyPhones 377 and 400

THE TALE LITEPublished By the Back Scat Driver

yoL2 May 2S,ol929 No. 9

Pnblished for the beneHt of the motorists of Clinton and vicinity by tbe

Clinton Motor Co.R D. CRAIC, Editor

We have a New Towif ^^an on our show room floor. This is the first one to come to Clinton. We will be glad for you to come in and look at it.

We have a number of good used cars in stock. If you are in the market for a used car, come in and look them over. We will be glad to show them to you.

We wash and grease all makes of cars. There is nothing like a nice clean car well greased.

We have a good stock of Model T Ford parts. Let us do your re­pair work. Our mechanics are trained to do the work.

If Noah were to come back today he would probably build himself another ark to get away from all the traffic.

The trouble with automobiles to­day is that they run about a month ahead of a fellow’s bank account.

A superman is a guy who can strike a match on a cake of ioe :ream.

Good morning, Mr. Cohen, how been you already?

Oh, I got locomoter taxi, Mr. Rosenstein.

Shush, I got a Cadillac myself.

Dan Cupid is a marksman poor. Despite his love and kisses.For while he always hits the mark, He’s always making Mrs.

Clinton “ ' Co.Authorized

FORDSales Service

Clinton, S. C.


THERE’S NO BLUE MONDAYIn the home that sends us the F^amily Wash to be done

scientifically, promptly and economically.>

PHONE 28 k.




Beauty Treatment Free*r

For one week, we will give a complete Armand Beauty Treatment, consisting of Eau de Cologne, Cleansing Cream, Foundation Cream, Cold Cream Face Powder, Rouge and full directions for most effective use, with each dollar’s purchase pf the famous Armand toilet preparations. Don’t miss this opportu­nity to become familiar with Armand superlative quality and value.



Miss ' Lena CCpeland was honored on Monday evening when the choir of the Methodist church entertained at the home of Mrs. B. C. Blalock. All brought a lovely gift for the honoree. Block cream and cake were served to the following guests: Misses Eden and Green, Lois Blakely, .Mrs. Stanley Pitts, Messrs. G. W. Hollingsworth and B. M. Arrington.

Endless Varieties Exclusive Values

Will be found at your neairest A&P Store

PHONES 377 and 400

Miss Mattie L. Copeland of Renno was hostess at a miscellaneous show­er on Saturday afternoon, compliment­ing Miss Lena Copeland, popular bride-elect, whose marriage to Russell Cooper'is to take place at the Metho­dist church this afternoon at five o’clock.

The guests were entertained with music and by a group of children who presented an interesting program from a stage arranged in the yard. Following the program, Miss Cope­land was ushered into the dining room where she .discovered a table spread w'ith beautiful and useful gifts from the guests present. The dining room was lovely with its color note of pink and white. Most attractive was the dining table with a cover of Venetian

jlace. A salad course with ice'd tea . was served.

I On Thursday evening Mrs. L. L. j Copeland entertained with a dinner party in honor of Miss Lena Cope-

! land. Gladiola and sweet peas' were I effective decorations. A corsage of sweet peas marked the bride’s place.

! Those present w’ere: Misses Lena I Copeland, Mary Lizzie Owens, Mat- ! tie L. Copeland, Esther Holland, Aline j Eden, Alma Ruth Cooper, William ■ McMillian, Clair Pitts, P. M. Pitts, Jr., IClayte Ray, Posey Watts Copeland j and Russell Cooper.

1 McKNIGHT-MELTON! The fcdlowing taken from The Spar­tanburg Herald will be of interest to many friends and relatives in Clinton:

“A marriage which came as a great surprise, and is of interest to their many friends throughout the two Car- olinas, was that of Miss Virginia Copeland McKnight and Robert Coop­er Melton of Charleston, who were married yesterday afternoon at the manse of Rev. W. L. Mullikin.

“Mrs. Melton, who attended the Frank Evans high school, is the


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