9 o’clock and 3 o’clock hand placement on the steering wheel: there are a variety of different...

Download 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock Hand placement on the steering wheel: There are a variety of different placements. 8 o’clock and 4 o’clock What do you think is

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  • 9 oclock and 3 oclock Hand placement on the steering wheel: There are a variety of different placements. 8 oclock and 4 oclock What do you think is the potential danger of this hand position on the steering wheel ? Potentially dangerous if airbag deployed: possible injuries to hands, arms, chest and face. Lets think more about the 8 and 4 oclock position
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  • 4 and 8 is now recommended This is the location of the hand holds on the wheel. Sit at least 10 inches away This will afford protection in case of air-bag deployment ( 200 mph ) WHY? Lets now notice some different turning techniques.
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  • Hand-over-Hand: This is the most common form of steering. It is comprised of a series of short pulls with the hands alternating from the top of the wheel in the direction of the turn. It is a smooth easy way to turn. However, a potential problem is if the airbag deploys while turning it could force the hands and arms into the face, causing injury. The cross-arm approach: The hands grip the wheel on the opposite sides, about 9 and 3 oclock. The wheel is turned half a turn in either direction until the arms cross, before the hands change grip. Proper turns - there are many different techniques. Your driving instructor will select one to teach you. The Push-pull Method: The hands grip the wheel on opposite sides at the same height, usually 10 to 2. The hands alternate the grip, moving up and down the wheel at the same height. One hand pulls the wheel down to the bottom where it meets the other hand at 6 o'clock position. Changing grips, the opposite hand pushes the wheel to the top where the hands touch at 12 o'clock, ready to change again for the pull down; etc. When the steering is turned to the desired amount, both hands hold the wheel opposite and at the same height as each other. To straighten the wheel, reverse the procedure. The last hand to 'feed in' is the first hand to 'feed out'.
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  • You want to pull away from the curb. You have signaled and you are checking this outside mirror. After this car passes, what must you still do? STOP and THINK Why should you do this? Develop this habit to cover the blind spot
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  • An essential skill for the beginning driver is tracking ability. This is being able to keep the vehicle centered in the lane without drifting to either side. The best way to learn this skill, is to primarily look well up the road in the center of your lane. Of course, youll also need to focus your attention on closer objects at various times.
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  • Its a 4 -way stop. These are easy to see, but some are more difficult to analyze. How many stop signs do you see at this intersection?
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  • We clearly see 3 stop signs, But, the one on the right is harder to see. We clearly see 3 stop signs, But, the one on the right is harder to see. How many stop signs do you see at this intersection?
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  • 2 stop signs. We stop they (crossing vehicles) do not. How many stop signs have you analyzed at this intersection? Try to analyze every residential intersection at least 50 feet before it.
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  • What have you analyzed about this intersection? They stop we dont
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  • At this intersection they stop, we do not. What should you do as you proceed through it? EASE OFF THE GAS, COVER THE BRAKE and CHECK IT ANYWAY. Expect people to run stop signs STOP and THINK You must be a defensive driver Develop the habit of checking every intersection.
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  • How many feet before your turn must you signal in a residential area? 100 feet But, in some states its 5 seconds before the intersection turn. 100 feet But, in some states its 5 seconds before the intersection turn.
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  • How many feet before your turn must you signal in a rural area? In most states, 200 feet. In most states, 200 feet. STOP and THINK Why double the distance? Rural roads have higher speeds. Youll need to give an advanced warning.
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  • HAND SIGNALS You never know when a bulb or a fuse will burn out.
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  • Signaling a _____________
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  • What is a blind intersection? When there is obscured visibility to either side. What is a blind intersection? When there is obscured visibility to either side. Blind Intersections
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  • What must you do at this blind intersection? EASE UP TO SEE BETTER. EASE UP TO SEE BETTER.
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  • Easing up to see better Where should your right foot be while easing up? On the brake; controlling the speed as you slowly move forward.
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  • See at least 1 full block down the street. Easing up to see better
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  • Some larger residential streets are sometimes called through streets. They usually have yellow dashes and side streets have stop signs. Why should you still check down these side streets? Not all vehicles stop!
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  • What should you be doing? What sign do you see at this intersection? YIELD SIGNS Even though they yield; coast and cover your brake.
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  • What have you analyzed about this intersection? ITS AN UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION! There are no stop or yields signs. ITS AN UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION! There are no stop or yields signs. What will you do as you approach it? Slow down and check both ways. STOP and THINK Why should you do this? If both you and a crossing car do not slow downcrash! Its also a blind Intersection. Its also a blind Intersection.
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  • We are at a stop sign intending to turn left, does that van have to stop at the intersection? No, that is a school sign! STOP and THINK What if you thought it was a stop sign? You might have pulled outcrash! Each shape has a special meaning.
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  • If you were driving would you have stopped this close to these people? In most states its 20 mph.
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  • But, in other parts of the country the school speed limit may be different.
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  • Its a school daydo you have to go 20 mph at this time? NOChildren must be PRESENT
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  • The first one is a ____________. The second one is a _____________. How are these two signs different?
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  • Is 20 mph in effect now?What else would you do? And, slow even more! He may not know we are approaching! STOP and THINK When you were younger did you always look before crossing? Children are very unpredictable. Slow down!
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  • Yes, as long as they are yellowonce the bus stops, they will flash red. Can we proceed with the school bus flashing its lights?
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  • Who must yield in this situation? B C Car A and C yields to School Bus Why not B? Its not approaching from in front or behind the bus. (but the driver should be very cautious) A
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  • What is the fine for passing a stopped school bus? In many states: Fines go as high as $1000 and 1 year suspension of license.
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  • Which vehicle(s) must stop in this school bus situation? Bus A B C Just vehicle A (in most states) But there are some exceptions
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  • Do we have to stop for this school bus? In most states a stop is not required on the opposite side of a four lane road.
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  • How to line up the car properly to the curb. Sight line over middle of car in straight line to curb.
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  • Sight line over middle of car in straight line to curb How to line up the car properly to the curb.
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  • No more than 12 inches Be sure you get close enough to the curb. How many inches are you allowed away from the curb?
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  • 1)1) You should take care that you are sitting at least _________ inches away from the airbag. 1)2) The last thing you should do before pulling away from the curb: ________________ 1)3) What should you do at residential intersections even if you do not have a stop or yield sign? ________________ 1)4) At every residential intersection you need to develop the habit of ___________it. Are there stop or yield signs? 1)5) Try to analyze residential intersections ___feet before it. 1)6) You must signal ____feet before a residential turn. 1)7) At a blind intersection, where must your right foot be as you are easing up to see better? ____________________ 1)8) At a blind intersection move up to see at least: _______
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  • 1 )9) Driving the school speed limit is very important because children are very ____________. 1)10) On a 2 lane road, you are approaching a slowing school bus with flashing yellow lights, be prepared to ________ 1)11) In many states, you could be fined up to _______ and have your license suspended for ________ if you pass a stopped school bus with flashing red lights. 1)12) True or False: You can pass a stopped school bus if you are on the opposite side on a four lane road._________ 1)13) Your left arm is extended out and _______ if your brake lights are not working and you are intending to stop. 1)14) Your left rear turn signal bulb has burned out; you extend your left arm ________________ to signal this turn. 1)15) True or False: This is a school sign. ______
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  • 1)16) You see the back side shape of these two signs: what do they mean? 1)17) When you see any traffic sign, it is a good practice to mentally: _________________ 1)18) How might you still know there is a stop sign at an intersection although obscured by a tree? ___________ 1)19) Why should you check the intersection again after analyzing it?_____________________________________ 1)20) What must you do as you approach an uncontrolled intersection? ____________________________________ 1)21) The right rear turn signal bulb has burned out, how can you still signal your right turn? ______________________ 1)22) When pulling over to curb be no more than ______away