kill teams v2.8

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  • 8/8/2019 Kill Teams v2.8


  • 8/8/2019 Kill Teams v2.8



    Ranged weapons are used just like the shooting rules in the 40k rulebook. The exceptionbeing weapons using the flame template.

    Flame Template Shooting. Any model completely under the template takes an automatic

    hit. Any model partially under the template is hit on a D6 roll of 4+.

    Pinning. A model that is successfully hit must take a Leadership test. If the test is passed,the model may continue to act normally. , If the test is passed, the model immediately goesto ground, conferring a +1 cover save, any model within 6 inches also tests for pinning (LDtest). If this test is failed, it must also go to ground. During the pinned models recoveryphase, the model must take a leadership test, if passed may move only D6 inches and mayshoot and assault as normal. If the test is failed, the model may not move, or assault, butmay shoot. Pinned models must always attempt to fire at the model causing the pinning, ifthey are out of range, the closest model has priority and is the only target allowed.

    Shooting at targets that are not the closest enemy requires a Leadership test, if passed theintended model may be fired upon.

    Close Combat

    Models fight in close combat just like Warhammer 40,000 rules (assaults gain +1 attack,e.g.). The only exception being that assaults must be declared in the movement phase, notthe assault phase.

    Fleeing Test: Take Leadership Test, if failed loser rolls D6 plus initiative, winner does thesame. If winner rolls higher loser is destroyed. If loser rolls both move result of theirroll+initiative.

    Reasons for fleeing test:

    All Alone.

    Comrade Taken out of action within 6 inches.

  • 8/8/2019 Kill Teams v2.8


    Weapons of Kill Teams


    Combat Knife. A model is always considered to be armed with a combat knife/weapon.There is no bonus other than gaining +1 attack for carrying one in each hand.

    Chain Weapon. A model carrying a chain weapon will confer a -1 armor save modifier.

    Vibro-Weapon. A highly modified version of any standard weapon. It is forced to vibrateat a specific frequency that will help a rather dull instrument cut through much hardermaterials. Confers a -2 armor save modifier.

    Concussive Weapon. A model carrying a concussive weapon will knock down an opponenton a roll of a 1, and stun on a 2-4.

    Two-Handed Weapon. A model armed with a Two-Handed weapon adds +2 S to attacks inclose combat.

    Witchblade. Always wounds on a 2+. Adds +1 to injury rolls

    Power fist. Doubles the users strength, always strikes last. Power Weapon.

    Power Weapon. No Armor Save.

    Force Weapon. Power Weapon, After successful wounds, roll a leadership test, if passed,model is stunned on 1-4 and out of action on 5-6.

    Chainfist. Same as Power Fist, rolls 2D6 for armor penetration.

    Lightning Claws. Power Weapon, may re-roll to wound in close combat.

    ThunderHammer. Same as power fist. Models successfully hit in are treated as knockeddown, regardless if the attack wounds.

    Storm Shield. Confers a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat.

    Pistol (melee; plasma pistol, bolt pistol, etc.) Counts as a Combat knife when used by itselfas a lone close combat weapon. However, if used in conjunction with a Witchblade, PowerWeapon, Axe, or chainsword, it simply confers +1 A for having a second close combatweapon.


    Only one shot is permitted per ranged weapon per model in any given shooting phase(except rapid fire weapons).

    Rapid Fire: May fire twice while stationary. If the firer has moved, they only hit on a 6.

    Heavy Weapon: May not move and fire, nor may the model declare an assault aftershooting.

    Assault: The model may always shoot the weapon once, even if the model has moved.

    Pistol. Exactly like an assault weapon, with added bonuses in close combat, see the Pistolssection under melee for more details.

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  • 8/8/2019 Kill Teams v2.8


    Injuries Injuries Table Injury Roll Modifiers

    1-2 Knocked downThe force of the blow knocks the warriordown.

    Place the model face up to show that he hasbeen knocked down.

    3-4 StunnedThe target falls to the ground where he lieswounded and barely conscious. Turn the modelface down to show that he has been stunned.

    5-6 Out of actionThe target has been badly hurt and falls to theground unconscious. He takes no further part inthe game and is immediately removed from thebattle

    InjuriesMost warriors have a Wounds characteristic of 1, but some have a value of 2 or more. If the target hasmorethan 1 wound then deduct 1 from his total each time he suffers a wound. Make a note on the rostersheet.So long as the model has at least 1 wound remaining he may continue to fight. As soon as a fightersWounds are reduced to zero, roll to determine the extent of his injuries. The player who inflicted thewound rolls a D6 for the wound that reduced the model to zero wounds and for every wound the modelreceives after that. If a model suffers several wounds in one turn, roll once for each of them and applythe highest result.

    1-2 Knocked DownA fighter who has been knocked down falls to the ground either because of a jarring blow he hassustained, because he has slipped, or because he has thrown himself to the ground to avoid injury.Turn the model face up to show that he has been knocked down. Knocked down models may crawl 3"during the movement phase, but may not fight in hand-to-hand combat, shoot or use psychic abilities.If he is in base-to-base contact with an enemy, a knocked down model can crawl 3" away only if theenemy is engaged in hand-to-hand combat with another opponent, otherwise he has to stay where heis. In combat he cannot strike back and the enemy will have a good chance of putting him out ofaction.

    A warrior who has been knocked down may stand up at the start of his next turn. In that turn he maymove 3, shoot and use psychic abilities, he cannot Assault, or run (but may use Fleet if able). If he isengaged in hand-to-hand combat, he may not move away and will automatically strike last,irrespective of weapons or Initiative. After this turn the fighter moves and fights normally, even thoughhe has zero wounds left. If the model takes any further wounds, then roll for injury once more, exactly

    as if the model had just sustained its last wound.

    Models making attacks against Knocked down models automatically hit.

    Models Knocked Down receive a +2 cover save to represent the model crawling for cover on all fours,having a smaller profile.

    Shooting at models Knocked Down. Once the model has been successfully wounded (after savesare failed), roll again on the injury table, only add +2 to the result.

    Instant death: (doubletoughness) +1 to injury roll

    Witch Blade: +1 to injury roll

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    3-4 StunnedWhen a warrior is stunned, he is either badly injured or temporarily knocked out. Turn the model facedown to show that he has been stunned. A fighter who is stunnedmay do nothing at all. A player mayturn the model face up in the next recovery phase, and the warrior is then treated as knocked down.

    If an enemy model can make an attack against a stunned model, the model is immediately removedfrom the table top. If this model is also in combat with a standing model, this auto-kill attack cannotbe used.

    Shooting Stunned Models. Once the model has been successfully wounded (after saves are failed)the model is removed from the table.

    5-6 Out of actionA warrior who is out of action is also out of the game. Remove the model from the tabletop. Itsimpossibleto tell at this point whether the warrior is alive or dead, but for game purposes it makes no differenceat this stage. After the battle you can test to see whether he survives and if he sustains any seriouslasting injuries as a result of his wounds. See the Serious Injury Table.

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    Serious Injury Table

    11-15 DEADThe warrior is dead and his body is abandoned in thedark pathways of eternity, never to be found again. Allthe weapons and equipment he carried are lost.Remove him from the Kill Teams roster.

    16-21 MULTIPLE INJURIESThe warrior is not dead but has suffered a lot of wounds. RollD6 times on this table. Re-roll any Dead, Captured andfurther Multiple Injuries results.

    22 LEG WOUNDThe warriors leg is broken. The Warrior is alwaysconsidered to be in difficult terrain when moving, even overopen ground.

    23 ARM WOUNDRoll again: 1 = Severe arm wound. The arm must beamputated. The warrior may only use a single one-handedweapon from now on. 2-6 = Light wound. The warrior mustmiss the next game.

    24 TOUCHED BY THE WARPRoll a D6.On a 1-3 the warrior suffers from warp madness;

    On a 4-6 the warrior gains the berserk rulefrom now on(see the below)

    25 SMASHED LEGRoll again: 1 = The warrior may not run (or fleet) any more.2-6 = The warrior misses the next game.

    26 CHEST WOUNDThe warrior has been badly wounded in the chest. Herecovers but is weakened by the injury so hisToughness is reduced by -1.

    31 BLINDED IN ONE EYEThe warrior survives but loses the sight in one eye; randomlydetermine which. A character that loses an eye has hisBallistic Skill reduced by -1. If the warrior is subsequentlyblinded in his remaining good eye hemust retire from the Kill Team.

    32 OLD BATTLE WOUNDThe warrior survives, but his wound will prevent himfrom fighting if you roll a 1 on a D6 at the start of anybattle. Roll at the start of each battle from now on.

    33 NERVOUS CONDITIONThe warriors nervous system has been damaged. HisInitiative is permanently reduced by -1.

    34 HAND INJURYThe warriors hand is badly injured. His Weapon Skillis permanently reduced by -1.

    35 DEEP WOUNDThe warrior has suffered a serious wound and mustmiss the next D3 games while he is recovering. Hemay do nothing at all while recovering.

    36 Damaged EquipmentOne of the Warriors items has been damaged. Roll a D6.

    1-2. The Warriors melee weapon is destroyed.3-4. The Warriors Ranged weapon is destroyed.5-6. The Warriors Armor is destroyed.

    41-55 FULL RECOVERYThe warrior has been knocked unconscious, orsuffers a light wound from which he makes a full


    56 BITTER ENMITYThe warrior makes a full physical recovery, but ispsychologically scarred by his experience. From nowon the warrior may re-roll to hit in the first turn of closecombat againstthe following (roll a D6):

    D6 Result1-3The individual who caused the injury. If it wasa trooper, he hates the enemy leader instead.

    4The leader of the Kill Team that caused the injury.

    5The entire Kill Team of the warrior responsible for theinjury.

    6 All Kill Teams of that type.

    61 CAPTUREDThe warrior regains consciousness and finds himselfheld captive by the other Kill Team. He may be ransomed ata price set by the captor or exchanged for one of their KillTeam who is being held captive.Captives may be sold to slavers at a price of D6x5 credits.Tyranids may kill their captive and incorporate genes of theWarrior into the Leader, giving +1 exp. Chaos may forcetheir will on the prisoner. They will gain a new trooper.Captives who are exchanged or ransomed retain alltheir weapons, armour and equipment; if captives aresold, killed or turned, their weaponry, etc, is retained bytheir captors.

    62-63 HARDENEDThe warrior survives and becomes inured to thehorrors of the Universe. The model is Fearless.


    The warrior has been through many battles, and has themarks, cuts, and bullet holes to prove it. Any model that isnot fearless will think twice before Assaulting such anadversary. Models must pass a Leadership Test to Assaultthis model.

    65 SOLD TO THE DARK ELDARThe warrior wakes up in the infamous prisons of the DarkEldar. The Dark Autarch would like to see the warrior fightagainst a captured Genestealer (Standard Tyranid Profile).Roll to see which side charges, and fight the battle asnormal. If the warrior loses, roll to see whether he is dead orinjured (ie, a D66 roll of 11-35). If he is not dead, he isthrown out, without his armour and weapons and may re-joinhis Kill Team. If the warrior wins he gains 50 credits, +2Experience and is free to rejoin his Kill Team with all hisweapons and equipment.

    66 SURVIVES AGAINST THE ODDSThe warrior survives and rejoins his Kill Team. Hegains +1 Experience.

    Berserk The model must assault if within range to do so.He must forgo his shooting attacks if forced to assault in thisway.. See Serious Injury Table Entry,Touched by the Warp.

    Warp Madness - Model Must make a LD test each turn or goto ground, just like he was within 6 of a model that was hitby a pinning weapon. See Serious Injury TableEntry,Touched by the Warp.

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    Combat skills

    Strike to Injure.The warrior can land his blowswith uncanny accuracy. Add +1 to all injury rollscaused by the model in hand-to-hand combat.Note, if the model already has +1 to injury, (froma Power Weapon for example) the effect of thisability instead allows the model to roll twice onthe chart, and choose the higher result, then add+1.

    Combat Master.The warrior is able to take onseveral opponents at once. If he fights againstmore than one enemy at a time, he gains an extraAttack in each hand-to-hand combat phase aslong as he is fighting two or more enemy models.In addition, the warrior can never be


    Weapons Training. A warrior with this skill isadept at using many different weapons. He maychoose to use any hand-to-hand combat weaponsfrom one specific Army List, not just those in hisequipment options. Tyranids may not use thisskill.

    Web of Steel. Few can match the ability of thiswarrior. He fights with great skill, weaving a webof steel around him. The model gains the Rendingrule when using a normal Close Combat Weapon.

    Powered Weapons.This warrior has beenexpertly taught in the art of swordsmanship. Hemay re-roll all missed attacks if he is using aPower Weapon in the hand-to-hand phase of theturn that he charges. Note that this only appliesto Power Weapons, not Power Fists, orThunderhammers. It does apply to Witch Bladesand Force weapons.

    Step Aside.The warrior has a natural ability toavoid injury in combat. Each time he suffers awound in close combat he may make anadditional saving throw of 5+. This save is nevermodified and is taken after all other armoursaves.

    Eternal Warrior. The Warrior does not suffer

    any adverse effects from the Instant Death rule,(i.e. enemies do not add +1 when rolling toinjure).

    Parry. Melee weapons can sometimes allow youto parry incoming melee attacks. When anopponent scores a hit, warriors with the Parry skillmay try to deflect the blow. Roll a D6. If the scoreis higher than the number your opponent rolled tohit, the parry has succeeded. Note that it is

    therefore impossible to parry a blow which scoreda 6 on the roll to hit.

    Shooting skills

    Quick Shot.The warrior may shoot one extrashot per turn with a Rapid Fire, or Pistol. He maychoose a new target for this extra shot. This maynot be combined with the Relentless Special Rule.

    Pistolier.The warrior is a pistol expert. If he isequipped with a pistol in each hand (they must be

    the same type), he may fire each in the Shootingphase. He may use each pistol in close combat,just as if each was a close combat weapon,conferring +1 attack.

    Eagle Eyes.The warriors sight is exceptionallykeen. He adds +6" to the range of any missileweapon he is using.

    Weapons Expert.The warrior has been trainedto use some of the more unusual weapons of theknown world. He may use any missile weaponfrom one specific Army List (normal equipmentrules apply), not just the weapons available fromhis Kill Teams list. Tyranids may not use thisSkill.

    Relentless.The warrior has the Relentlessspecial rule. Note that this skill cannot becombined with the Quick Shot skill. Nor can thisbe used to fire heavy weapons with Strength 7 orhigher.

    Trick Shooter.The warrior can shoot throughthe tiniest gap without it affecting his aim. Hetreats all cover saves as one worse than normal,i.e. a 4+ cover save becomes a 5+.

    True Grit. The warrior may carry a two handedRanged weapon in a single hand, it counts as aPistol in close combat only.

    Grenade Expert.The warrior is an unrivalledexpert at using grenades for maximum effect. Hecan throw a grenade in any assault he engages.This is done in lieu of shooting. The model beingassaulted, loses -3 Initiative during the first turnof the assault

    Advanced Targeting. If the model has amultiple shot weapon, he may choose where isshot is targeted. Maximum of two targets.

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    Academic skills

    Battle Tongue.This skill may only be chosen bya leader. The warrior has drilled his Kill Team tofollow short barked commands. This increases therange of his Leader ability by 6".

    Master Psyker. This skill may only be taken by

    models with the Psyker ability. A warrior with thisskill subtracts 1 from his psychic test rolls.

    Streetwise. A warrior with this skill has goodcontacts and knows where to purchase rare items.He may add +2 to the roll that determines hischances of finding such items (see the Tradingsection).

    Haggle. The warrior knows all the tricks ofbargaining and haggling. He may deduct 2D6credits from the price of any single item (to aminimum cost of 1 credit) once per post battlesequence.

    Psychic Prowess. Any warrior with this skill maylearn and use Psychic abilities. This confers onlythe ability to learn Psychic abilities, a furtherLearn a New Skill roll must be achieved to learnPsychic powers.

    Scrap Hunter. The warrior has an uncannyability to find useful items from battlefields andwarzones. If a Hero with this skill is searching theruins in the exploration phase you may re-roll onedice when rolling on the Exploration chart. Thesecond result stands.

    Psychic Halo. This skill may only be taken bymodels with the Psyker ability, or psykers. Thepsyker gains a 5+ invulnerable save.

    Anti-Psyker. This character may NOT have thisskill in combination with a psyker himself.Whenever an enemy psyker within 18successfully passes a psychic test, roll a D6, on aroll of a 5-6 the psychic ability is nullified.

    Apothecary. Whenever another fellow Kill Teammember rolls on the Serious Injury Table, theplayer may reroll either the first or second die.

    Strength skills

    Mighty Blow. The warrior knows how to use hisstrength to maximum effect and has a +1Strength bonus in close combat. As his Strength isused for close combat weapons, the bonus appliesto all such weapons.

    Pit Fighter.The warrior has learned how to fightin enclosed spaces from his time in the many cityfights he has engaged in. He is an expert atfighting in confined areas and adds +1 to his WSand +1 to his Attacks if he is fighting inside ruins.Its a good idea to define which bits of your terraincollection count as buildings or ruins at the startof a battle to avoid confusion later.

    Resilient. The warrior is covered in battle scars.Deduct -1 Strength from all hits against him inclose combat.

    Fearsome. Such is the reputation and physiqueof the model that he causes fear in opposingmodels. Enemy models must pass a leadershiptest in order to declare an assault against a modelwith this Skill. Also, enemy models must pass aleadership test if they are assaulted by a modelwith this skill. If this test is failed, they may onlyhit on a D6 roll of 6.

    Strongman.The warrior is capable of great featsof strength. He may use a Power Fist/ Thunderhammer/ Chainfist without the usual

    penalty of always striking last. Work out order ofbattle using Initiative order; however the modelstrikes at -1 Initiative.

    Unstoppable Charge. When he charges, thewarrior is almost impossible to halt. He adds +1to his Weapon Skill when charging, in addition to+1 attack.

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    Feel no Pain. The model treats all Stunnedresults as knocked down when rolling on theinjury chart.

    Steadfast. When a model with Steadfast isassaulted, his toughness is increased by +1 forthe duration of the Close combat phase. In thefollowing close combats it reverts to the normalvalue. This number is not considered whencalculating instant death.

    Speed skillsLeap. Any model with the leap ability may ignoreterrain pieces (up to 3 tall) when moving orassaulting. F the model ignores a piece during

    the movement phase, they may not use it againin the assault phase, and vice versa.

    Sprint.The warrior may assault 12 in the Assaultphase.

    Acrobat. The warrior is incredibly supple andagile. He may fall or jump from a height of up to12" without taking any damage if he passes asingle Initiative test, and can re-roll failed DivingAssault rolls. He can still only make a divingassault from a height of up to 6".

    Counter Attack. The warrior has the CounterAttack special rule. When a model with theCounter Attack rule is assaulted, they will also

    receive +1 attack for the first round of CloseCombat.

    Jump Up.The warrior can regain his footing in aninstant, springing to his feet immediately if he isknocked down. The warrior may ignore knockeddown results when rolling for injuries.

    Dodge. A warrior with this skill is nimble and asfast as quicksilver. He can avoid any hits from amissile weapon on a D6 roll of 5+. Note that this

    roll is taken against missiles as soon as a hit isscored to see whether the warrior dodges it ornot, before rolling to wound. He may also ignorethe effects of pinning (the models surrounding arestill affected as normal).

    Scale Sheer Surfaces. A warrior with this skillcan scale even the highest wall or fence withease. He can climb up or down a height equal totwice his normal Movement, and does not need tomake Initiative tests when doing so.

    Hit and Run. The model may deliberately leavecombat after both sides have struck blows, and ifneither is knocked down or stunned. The modelmust test on their own leadership, if passed, themodel immediately moves out of combat 2D6inches in any direction.

    Tactical SkillsAnd they shall know no Fear. The model can

    never be instantly destroyed from a fleeingmaneuver. If he is bested on the flee roll, he willreenter combat, and will strike with 1 attack atinitiative 1.

    Sky Jump. If the model has this ability, and isequipped with some sort of Jump Pack, (SwoopingHawk Wings, Wings, Warp Generator, etc.) themodel may make a Sky Jump. During themovement phase, if the model has not yetmoved, mark a place on the board, within 20 ofthe model. Roll a scatter die and 1D6 move themarker to the position indicated. the model willland as close to the spot as possible. The modelmay fire Assault weapons, and Pistols, but may

    not assault.

    If the model lands within 6 of an enemy Warrior,the Jumping model may make a Sky Assault. Amodel making a Sky Assault gives up their chanceto shoot (as above) and may make an assaultmove. The model may not move over difficult ordangerous terrain to make contact with theenemy.

    Biker. A model with the Biker rule may equip acombat bike.

    Driver. A model with the Driver rule mayequip a transport vehicle for their Kill Team. SeeTransport Vehicles for more information.

    Heavy Weapons Training. The character withthis ability may carry and fire Heavy Weapons.

    Stealth. The model may add +2 to the coversave allowed, even when in open ground.

    Infiltrate. The model may be places, afterdeployment anywhere on the table, 12 from anyobjecting, and 12 from an enemy model, 18 if inline of sigh

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    Tank Hunter. The Warrior may re-roll the armorpenetration roll when rolling against vehicles. Thesecond result must stand, even if worse.

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    Character Improvement

    Advance RollsMake Advance rolls straight after the battle so

    both players can witness the result. Roll 2D6and consult the appropriate tables below.

    Heroes2D6 Result2-5 New Skill. Select one of the Skill tablesavailable to the Hero and pick a skill. If he is apsyker he may choose to randomly generate anew Psychic Ability instead of a skill.

    6 Characteristic Increase.Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attack.

    7 Characteristic Increase.

    Choose either +1 WS or +1 BS.

    8 Characteristic Increase.Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Initiative;4-6 = +1 Leadership.

    9 Characteristic Increase.Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Wound;4-6 = +1 Toughness.

    10-12 New Skill. Select one of the Skill tablesavailable to the Hero and pick a skill. If he is apsyker he may choose to randomly generate anew Psychic Ability instead of a skill.

    TroopersTroopers never add more than +1 point to anyof their initial characteristics. If the dice rollindicates an increase in a characteristic whichhas already been increased (or is at its racialmaximum), roll again until an un-increasedcharacteristic is rolled. All warriors in the groupgain the same advance.

    2D6 Result

    2-4 Advance. +1 Initiative.

    5 Advance. +1 Strength.

    6-7 Advance. Choose either +1 BS or +1WS.

    8 Advance. +1 Attack.

    9 Advance. +1 Leadership.

    10-12 The lads got talent. One model in thegroupbecomes a Hero. If you already have the

    maximum number of Heroes, roll again. Thenew Hero remains the same Trooper type (eg,a Fire Warrior as a Fire Warrior) and starts with

    thesame experience the Trooper had, with all hischaracteristic increases intact. You may choosetwo skill lists available to Heroes in your KillTeam. These are the skill types your new Herocan choose from when he gains new skills. Hecan immediately make one roll on the HeroesAdvance table. The remaining members of theTrooper group, if any, roll again for theadvance that they have earned, re-rolling anyresults of 10-12.





    S T W I A Ld

    Space Marine 7 6 4 4 3 5 4 10


    6 5 4 4 3 4 4 10

    Tau 5 7 3 3 3 5 4 10

    Tyranid 5 4 5 6 4 7 5 9Eldar 7 7 3 3 3 7 4 1

    0Orc 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 1

    0Necron 5 5 5 5 4 3 5 1


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    End of Battle SequenceAt the end of each battle, a Kill Team may roll on the Exploration chart. This is done as soon as agame is over so that players can witness each others dice rolls. As you can see from the chart, aKill Team that is just starting out has little chance of finding the more obscure places after a

    battle. However, a Kill Team will make more discoveries as it goes along thanks to its betterequipment and accumulated skills. Roll a D6 for each Hero in your Kill Team who survives withoutgoing out of action. This represents the Kill Teams efforts to unearth Imperial Relics. Do not rollfor any Heroes who went out of action during the battle; they are taken back to the Kill Teamsstaging area to recuperate instead. So, for example, if your Kill Team includes four Heroes who allsurvived the last battle, you can roll four dice. If you won your last game, you may roll one extradice. Add the results of the dice together and consult the Exploration chart to see how manyImperial Relics your Kill Team has found.

    Do not roll for Troopers. This does not mean that they dont search the ruins, but insteadrepresents theefforts of the Heroes in coordinating the search parties.

    rolling multiplesAs well as finding Imperial Relics, the Kill Team can come across unusual places or encounterinhabitants of the area. If you roll two or more of the same number while searching, you havefound an unusual building or encountered something out of ordinary. Consult the chart and referto the appropriate entry in the Exploration results. For example, you might roll two 3s or three5s, in which case you should refer to the chart. Choose the most numerous multiples if you scoremore than one set of multiples. So, if you rolled a double 3 and a triple 5, only look up the triple 5on the Exploration chart. In the case of two doubles or triples look up the highest result. Forexample, if you rolled double 1 and double 3, look up the double 3 result.

    Any money or loot you find in these locations is added straight to the Kill Teams treasury. AnyImperial Relics you find can be sold as normal.

    exploration procedure

    1. Roll 1D6 for each of your Heroes who survived the battle and one extra dice if you won, plusany extra dice allowed by skills or equipment. Note, however, that you must pick a maximum ofsix dice out of all the dice you roll, even if you are allowed to roll seven dice or more.

    2. Some things, such as skills and equipment, may allow you to re-roll dice.

    3. If you rolled any doubles, triples, etc, you have found an unusual location in the area. Consultthe Exploration chart on the next page to see what you find. Refer to the appropriate entry on thefollowing pages and follow the instructions given there.

    4. Add the results together and consult the chart on the next page to see how many ImperialRelics you have found. Mark down the amount of Imperial Relics on your Kill Teams roster sheet.

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    1-5 16-11 212-17 318-24 425-30 531-35 636+ 7

    Selling Imperial Relics

    Number of Warriors in Warband

    1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16+

    1 45 40 35 30 30 25

    2 60 55 50 45 40 35

    3 75 70 65 60 55 50

    4 90 80 70 65 60 55

    5 110 100 90 80 70 65

    6 120 110 100 90 80 70

    7 145 130 120 110 100 90

    8+ 155 140 130 120 110 100


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    Post Operations ChartDOUBLES1 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpse

    4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straggler5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Destroyed Vehicle6 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruined Hovels

    TRIPLES1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tavern2 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smithy3 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prisoners4 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overrun Defense Line5 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space Port Market6 6 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Returning a Favour

    FOUR OF KIND1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gunsmith2 2 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shrine3 3 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Townhouse

    4 4 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armourer5 5 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graveyard6 6 6 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyranid Hive Catacombs

    FIVE OF KIND1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Governors House2 2 2 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apothecarys Laboratory3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thieves Hideout4 4 4 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merchants House5 5 5 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shattered Building6 6 6 6 6 . . . . . . . . . . Entrance to the Catacombs

    SIX OF KIND1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pit2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hidden Treasure3 3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marine Outpost

    4 4 4 4 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slaughtered Kill Team5 5 5 5 5 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fighting Arena6 6 6 6 6 6 . . . . . . . . . . Nobles Defense Fortress

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    Doubles(1 1) Well

    Choose one of your Heroes and roll a D6. If theresult is equal to or lower than his Toughness,he finds one Imperial Relic at the bottom of the

    well. If he fails, the Hero swallows tainted waterand must miss the next game throughsickness.

    (2 2) Shop

    After a thorough search you find loot worth D6credits.If you roll a 1 you will also find a Lucky Charm(see the Equipment section)

    (3 3) Corpse

    To see what you find when you search thecorpse, roll a D6:D6 Result1-2 D6 credits3-4 Close Combat Weapon5 Power Weapon6 Lvl 1 Armor Upgrade

    (4 4) Straggler

    Eldar will and gain 2D6 gc.Chaos Kill Teams can sacrifice the unfortunate

    individual for the glory of the Chaos gods. Theleader of the Kill Team will gain +1 Experience.Tyranid Landing Broods can kill the man andgain a gaunt at no cost.Any other Kill Team can interrogate the manand gain insight into the area. Next time youroll on the Exploration chart, roll one dice morethan is usually allowed, and discard any onedice. (For example, if you have three Heroes,roll four dice and pick any three).

    (5 5) Destroyed Vehicle

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:

    D6 Result1-2 Satellite Image (see Equipment)3-4 A trophy with 2D6 credits5-6 Engraved Power Weapon and CombatKnife. These can be kept or sold at twice theirvalue, but note that the normal selling price ishalf the actual cost (see the Trading section forrules on selling items).

    (6 6) Ruined Huts

    You find loot worth D6 credits amidst the ruins.

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    Triples(1 1 1) Tavern

    You could easily sell the barrels for a goodprice.Unfortunately your men are also interested in

    the contents! The Kill Teams leader must takea Leadership test. If he passes, the Kill Teamgains 4D6 credits worth of goods which can besold immediately.If he fails, the men drink most of the alcoholdespite their leaders threats and curses. Youhave D6 credits worth of alcohol left when theKill Team leaves.Eldar, Space Marines, Tyranids, Tau, andNecronsKill Teams automatically pass this test, as theyarenot tempted by such worldly things as alcohol.

    (2 2 2) Armory

    Roll a D6 to determine what you find inside:D6 Result1 Close Combat Weapon2 Rifle (worth less than 10 credits)3 2-handed weapon4 D3 Pistols (worth less than 30 credits total)5 Power Weapon6 2D6 credits worth of metal

    (3 3 3) Prisoners

    Tyranid Landing Broods can sacrifice thevictims They gain D3 Experience which isdistributed amongst the Heroes of the Brood.Dark Eldar can sell the prisoners into slaveryfor 3D6 credits.Other Kill Teams can escort the prisoners out ofthe area. For their trouble, they are rewardedwith 2D6 credits. In addition, one of theprisoners decides he wishes to join the KillTeam (not Space Marines). If you can afford toequip the new recruit with weapons andarmour, you may add a new Tropper to any ofyour human Trooper groups (with the samestats as the rest of the group, even if they have

    already accumulated experience).Space Marines gain a Scout, will create a newTrooper squad.


    BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    3 3 3 3 1 3 1 75+

    (4 4 4) Overrun Defense Line

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:D6 Result1-2 D3 Rifles (S4 or less)3 D3 Pistols (S4 or less)4 D3 Assault guns.5 Heavy Weapon6 D3 Heavy Weapons

    (5 5 5) Space Port Market

    You find several items worth 2D6 credits intotal.

    (6 6 6) Returning a Favor

    You gain the services of an extra Troop Carrierfor the next battle. The Carrier is Armor 10 oneach side, and is open topped. It can hold 8Models.

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    Four of a Kind(1 1 1 1) Gunsmith

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:D6 Result1 a Rifle worth up to 15 credits

    2 D3 Pistols (less than 10 credits each)3 Heavy Pistol (S5 or higher)4 D3 Rifles worth 10 credits or less each5 Heavy Weapon worth less than 40 credits6 Sniper Rifle

    (2 2 2 2) Shrine

    Your Kill Team may strip the shrine and gain3D6 credits worth of loot.Kill Teams of the Imperium (Space Marines,Witch Hunters, Imperial Guard) may save someof the shrines holy relics. They will gain 3D6

    credits from their patrons, and a blessing fromthe emperor. One of their weapons (chosen bythe player) will now be blessed and will alwayswound any Chaos or Deamonic Enemy on 2+,regardless of strength.

    (3 3 3 3) Native Hovel

    Your Kill Team finds 3D6 credits worth of loot.

    (4 4 4 4) Armourer

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:

    D6 Result1-2 a Lvl 1 Armor Upgrade3-4 a Storm Shield5 D3 Lvl 1 Armor Upgrades6 a Personal Halo, (confers a 5+ invulnerable,may be sold for 40 credits)

    (5 5 5 5) Graveyard

    Any Kill Team may loot the donation bowl andgraves and gains D6x10 credits worth of loot.(Except imperium forces) If you loot thegraveyard, the next time you play against anyImperium Forces, the entire enemy Kill Team

    will hate all the models in your Kill Team. Makea note of this on your Kill Team roster sheet.Imperial Kill Teams may seal the graves. Theywill be rewarded for their piety by D6Experience points distributed amongst theHeroes of the Kill Team.

    (6 6 6 6) Tyranid Hive Catacombs

    You can use the new tunnels you found in thenext battle you play. Position up to three

    fighters (not vehicles or Monstrous creatures)anywhere on the battlefield at ground level.They are set up at the end of the players firstturn and cannot be placed within 8" of anyenemy models. This represents the warriorsmaking their way through the tunnels,infiltrating enemy lines and emerging suddenlyfrom below ground.

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    Five of a Kind(1 1 1 1 1) Governors House

    Inside, hidden amongst the debris, you findD6x10 credits to add to your treasury.

    (2 2 2 2 2) Apothecarys Laboratory

    In the ruins you find loot worth 3D6 credits anda battered old notebook. One of your Heroesmay study the Apothecarys notebook, and theextra wisdom he gains will enable him tochoose from Academic skills whenever hegains a new skill in addition to those skillsnormally available to him.

    (3 3 3 3 3) Thieves Hideout

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:D6 Result1-2 Quartz stones worth D6x5 credits3-4 Amethyst worth 20 credits5 a War Trophy worth 50 credits6 A ruby worth D6x15 credits

    If your Kill Team does not sell the gems, one ofyour Heroes may keep them and displays themproudly. He will gain +1 to the rolls for locatingrare items as merchants flock to such anobviously wealthy warrior.

    (4 4 4 4 4) Merchants House

    Inside you find several valuable objects whichcan be sold for 2D6x5 credits. If you roll adouble, instead of finding money you find thesymbol of the Intergalactic Traders. A Hero inpossession of this gains the Haggle skill.

    (5 5 5 5 5) Shattered Building

    You find D3 imperial trophies amongst theruins. In addition take a Leadership test againstthe Kill Team leaders Leadership value. Ifpassed a Cyber dog joins the Kill Team as apersonal guard of the Kill Teams Leader thatwas guarding the building.


    BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    2 0 4 3 1 2 1 75+

    (6 6 6 6 6) Entrance to a CatacombYou can use these tunnels to explore the

    Battlefield more efficiently. From now on, youmay re-roll one dice when you roll on theExploration chart. Make a note of this in yourKill Teams roster sheet. Second andsubsequent catacomb entrances you find donot grant you any additional re-rolls, althoughyou may find further re-rolls from othersources.

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    Six of a Kind(1 1 1 1 1 1) The Pit

    If you wish, you can send one of your Heroes tosearch for any Imperial Trophies hidden here.Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the Hero is devoured

    by the guardians of the Pit and never seenagain. On a roll of 2 or more he returns withD6+1 Imperial Relics.

    (2 2 2 2 2 2) Hidden Treasure

    When you open the vault you find the followingitems. Roll for every item on the list separately(apart from the credits) to see whether youhave found it. For example, on a roll of a 4+you find the Imperial Trophy.Items D6 Result NeededD3 Imperial Relics 4+

    5D6x5 credits AutoHoly relic 5+Lvl 2 Armor Upgrade 5+D3 Gems worth 10 credits each 4+Eldar cloak 5+Holy relic 5+Piece of Legendary Wargear 5+

    (3 3 3 3 3 3) Abandoned MarineOutpost

    Roll a D6 to see what you find:D6 Result1 D3 Double Handed Weapons2 D3 Lvl 2 armor Upgrades3 Power Weapon4 LVL3 armor upgrade5 Power Fist6 LVL3 and LVL2 armor Upgrades

    (4 4 4 4 4 4) Slaughtered Kill Team

    Roll for every item separately (apart from thegold coins and daggers) to see if you find it.

    Item D6 Result Needed3D6x5 credits Auto

    D3 LVL 1 Armor Upgrades 4+LVL 2 Armor Upgrades 5+D6 Combat Knives AutoSatellite (see p55) 4+D3 Power Weapons 5+D3 Pistols 3+D3 Rifles 2+D3 Heavy Weapons 4+D3 Assault Weapons 2+

    (5 5 5 5 5 5) Arena

    You find a training manual, which you caneither sell for 100 credits or let one of your

    Heroes read. The extra knowledge your Herogleans from reading the manual entitles him tochoose from Combat skills whenever he gains anew skill, and his WS may now be increased byan extra point above his normal racialmaximum (for example, a Human who has thebook would now have a maximum Weapon Skillof 7).

    (6 6 6 6 6 6) Nobles Defense Fortress

    Roll a D6. If you roll 1-2, you find D6x10 creditsworth of items and money to add to your

    treasury. On a roll of 3-4, you find D6 vials ofCrimson Shade. On a roll of 5-6 you find ahidden piece of Legendary Wargear carefullyconcealed in a hidden cellar or behind a secretdoor. Roll on the Legendary Wargear table.

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    Legendary WargearRoll a D6 and use this table to determine which item you find when a result in theExploration

    chart indicates that you have found a Weapon of Legend. In a campaign none of theseitems canappear more than once, so if you find a magic item which is already in someone elsespossessionroll again even if the warrior carrying it has been killed.

    1 The Orb of Destruction

    Grants the bearer immunity to psychic abilities. In addition, once per game, during the owning players shootingphase, draw a straight line 8 in any direction from the bearer. All models touched (friend or foe) must pass aninitiative test or be instantly removed. (Invulnerable Saves as normal) The bearer may not assault the same turnthis ability is used.

    2 Morks Mighty Claw

    This is a Power Claw, it combines the rules for Thunder Hammers and Chainfists, and the users Strength is alwaysconsidered to be 10. In addition, Enemy Models may never take an invulnerable save better than 5+. (i.e. a 4+invulnerable save is reduced to a 5+). Consequently, the bearers profile Initiative value is treated as 1 while thebearer has the weapon in his inventory (this is in addition to the rules for thunder hammers). For example, a modelwith this ability tests for jumping and pursuing using an initiative of 1 rather than his normal value.

    3 Grey Armor

    This armor upgrade Grants the Wearer a 2+ armor save and a 4+ invulnerable save. It also allows the bearer to goin and out of phase with reality. The wearer can move through any type of terrain without any penalty. (He maynot end in that terrain though).

    4 The Emperors Reach

    Bolter. May Be used by any race (except Tyranid). The Emperors Reach is an Assault 4 weapon, with S5 and ap4shots. Range, 24.

    5 Demonic Weapon

    Power Weapon, +1 S. The model bearing a Demonic Weapon Gains D6+1 Attacks on any assault he makes. Inaddition, the model suffers from uncontrollable rage. To represent this, roll a D6 every controlling playersmovement phase that the model is on the board, standing. On a roll of 1, the model is filled with rage and movesD6 towards the closest model, if he makes contact he counts as assaulting. If he contacts a friendly model in thisfashion, he will attack during the turns assault phase. At the end of the phase he comes to and is moved out ofbase contact (if the victim is still alive!).

    6 Eldrads Spirit Stones

    The bearer of Eldrads Spirit Stones can see all models on the table top, even if they are out of sight. He treats allcover saves as 2 worse for the target (i.e. a 4+ cover save would become a 6). He can guide his fellow Kill Teammembers through the ruins (this allows you to roll two dice for the bearer after battle when rolling on theExploration chart). The bearer also has an additional 6+ save (which is not modified by Strength or weaponmodifiers) against all shooting attacks and strikes in close combat, as he can sense the attacks before they aremade.

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    Tyranid Legendary BiomorphsRoll a D6 and use this table to determine which item you find when a result in theExplorationchart indicates that you have found a Weapon of Legend. In a campaign none of theseitems canappear more than once, so if you find a magic item which is already in someone elsespossessionroll again even if the warrior carrying it has been killed.

    1 Gland of DeathAll attacks from the Tyranid add +3 to injury rolls.

    2 Rending MawFor every successful hit in close combat, the Tyranid may make an additional attack at its base strength. Theseattacks have the rending ability.

    3 Rock CarapaceThis is the hardest type of Tyranid Carapace known. The model gains a 2+ save and a 4+ invulnerable save. Everytime the model is the target of a psychic ability, roll a D6, if the result is a 4+ the ability is nullified. The modelloses 2 initiative for this biomorph.

    4 Flying BarbsThis biomorph grants the Tyranid an additional ranged attack that may always be fired. (even when engaged inclose combat, although when used in close combat, the target must be one in base contact). Shoots at BS 3, S6,ap4, Assault 3. Range 18

    5 Monstrous GrowthThe Model grows to become a Carnifex Monstrosity. The Model gains the following profile and loses all previousstat line changes. All the models attacks ignore armor saves. From This point on, the new Carnifex may only gainexperience at a half rate.


    BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    3 2 7 6 5 2 3 7 3+

    6 LictorThe Model becomes a Lictor. It loses all skills and may replace each lost skill with one from the speed Skills list, orCombat Skill list.. The Model gains +1 WS, +1S, and +2 I. The model also gains the Lictor Deployment specialRule.

    Lictor Deployment. Before the start of a match, choose a specific point on the table. This point may not bewithin 18 or an enemy model, or the enemies table entrance. The Lictor deploys from this point.

    The Lictor has a +1 bonus to any cover save, even in the open.

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    Grappling Shot & hookA warrior using a rope & hook will find itmuch easier to move amongst ruins anddestroyed structures.A warrior (and any models in his Troopergroup) equipped with a rope & hook may re-roll failed Initiative tests when climbing upand down.

    poisons and drugsBlack Metal ResidueA weapon coated with the Residue will

    wound its target automatically if you roll a 6to hit.Note that you can still roll a dice for everywound inflicted in this way. If you roll a 6,you will inflict a critical hit with that roll. Ifyou do not roll a 6, you will cause a normalwound. Take armour saves as normal. Thismay not be used on any special handweapons, only Combat Knives.

    Bio VenomThis is a poison extracted from Biovores.The slightest wound infected by Bio Venomcauses excruciating pain, incapacitating the

    bravest of men.Any hit caused by a weapon coated with BioVenom counts as having +1 Strength, so, forexample, if a warrior with Strength 3wielding a poisoned weapon hits anopponent, he will cause a Strength 4 hitinstead. This may not be used on anyspecial hand weapons, only Combat Knives.

    Chaos DustEffect: Any warrior who takes Chaos Dustbefore a battle will be subject to Berserk(see the special rules from under the SeriousInjury Table). The Chaos Dust has no effecton Tyranids.Side effect: After the battle, roll a D6. On aroll of a 1 the model loses -2 Ld.

    Crimson ShadeEffect: A model using Crimson Shade hashis

    Initiative increased by +D3 points, andMovement and Strength by +1 (this effectlasts for one game).Crimson Shade has no effect on Tyranids.Side effects: After the battle, roll 2D6. On aroll of2-3, the model becomes addicted and you

    must try to buy him a new batch of CrimsonShade before every battle from now on. Ifyou fail to buy any, he will leave your KillTeam. On a roll of 12 the models Initiative isincreased permanently by +1.

    Combat StimulantsCombat Stimulants increase the usersawareness and pain threshold, however theuser becomes addicted to the drug.Effect: Stims make a man almost obliviousto pain. His Toughness is increased by +1for the duration of a battle and he treats allstunned results as knocked down instead.Stims have no effect on Tyranids.Side effects: If the model took stims in theprevious game, (and is not taking any for thecurrent one) roll a D6, if the result is a 1 or2, the model strikes at -2 I in close combat,and is considered to be at -1 T for the battle.(this does not affect his ability to beinstantly killed).

    Lucky charmThe first time a model with a lucky charmis hit in a battle they roll a D6. On a 4+the hit is discarded and no damage issuffered. Owning two or more charmsdoes not confer any extra benefits, themodel maystill only try to discard the first hit.

    eldar cloakAlways confers an additional +1 cover save,even in the open.

    netSteel nets, such as those used by PitFighters, can be used in battles. Once pergame, the net may bethrown in the shooting phase instead of themodelshooting a missile weapon. Treat the net asa missile weapon in all respects with a rangeof 8". Use the models BS to determinewhether the net hits or not there are no

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    movement or range penalties. If it hits, thetarget must immediately roll a D6. If theresult is equal to, or lower than his Strength,he rips the net apart. If the result is higher,he may not move, shoot or cast spells in hisnext turn, although he is not otherwiseaffected. In either case the net is lost.

    Jump LocatorIf a model is attempting to use the SkyJump skill on a point that is in line of sight ofthe bearer of a teleport homer, the jumpingmodel does not scatter at all.

    Mind AmplifierIf a psyker has a Mind Amplifier may attemptto use a second psychic ability in a singleturn. The model must pass a leadership test

    to do so.

    Mind CalmerA psyker can subtract 1 from the score whendetermining whether he (or she) successfullyuses a psychic ability.

    Aid KitA Hero with an aid kit can use them at thebeginning of any of his recovery phases as

    long as he is not engaged in hand-to-handcombat. This restores all wounds he haspreviously lost during the game.

    Holy (unholy) RelicA model with a holy relic will automaticallypass the first Leadership test he is requiredto make in the game. If worn by the leader,it will allow him to automatically pass thefirst Rout test if he has not taken anyLeadership tests before. You can only ignorethe first Leadership test in any single game

    owning two or more holy relics will not allowyou to ignore second and subsequent tests.

    MREsThe Kill Team makes great use of MREs, theKill Team can carry one more model thanallowed. Space Marines, may not use thisItem.

    Superior AmmunitionThe model has acquired a better quality ofammunition than is normally available (evenfor Space Marines). This new batch makes

    any Rapid Fire weapon an Assault weaponfor the match.

    Satellite ImageWhen you buy/find an image, roll a D6:D6 Result

    1 Fake. The image is a fake, and iscompletely worthless. It leads you on astray. Your opponent may automatically choosethe next scenario you play.

    2-3 Vague. Though grainy, the image isgenerally accurate (well parts of it areperhaps!). You may re-roll any one diceduring the next explorationphase if you wish but you must accept theresult of the second roll.

    4 Subterranean Image.The map shows away through the catacombs of the area. Youmay automatically choose the scenario nexttime you fight a battle.

    5 Accurate. The map is recently taken andvery detailed. You may re-roll up to threedice during the next exploration phase if youwish. You must accept the result of thesecond roll.

    6 Satellite Updated Map. This map iselectronic, it shows the image of the area inreal time from an overhead satellite. Fromnow on you may always re-roll one dicewhen rolling on the Exploration chart as longas the Hero who possesses this map was nottaken out of action in the battle.

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    Commissars CloakAny Human(-like) Kill Team whose leader iswearing a Commissars Cloak may re-roll thefirst failed Rout test. However, after eachbattle in which the leader is taken out ofaction, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the clothes

    are ruined and must be discarded.

    Will of the EmperorA model that drinks a vial of the Will of theEmperor at the beginning of a battle will becompletely immune to all poisons for theduration of combat. There is enough liquid ina vial of the Will of the Emperor to last forthe duration of one battle.

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    VehiclesCertain Kill Teams may wish to come preparedwith some extraequipment. That will help them maneuver

    around the battle field inrelative safety.

    Vehicles types in Kill Teams are:

    Bikes- Move 12 instead of 6. May not receivebonus for two close combat weapons. Adds+1T.

    Jetbikes- Move 12 instead of 6, ignore terrain.Take Dangerous Terrain test in landing inanything other than flat ground. Roll of 6means they take an automatic wound, saves as

    normal, injuries as normal. May not use twoclose combat weapons. Adds +1T.

    Jump Packs- Move 12, may fight in closecombat like normal.

    Troop Carriers See Below

    Troop CarriersTroop Carriers are vehicles that can carry troopsinto battle. They follow all the rules for vehiclesof their type in the main rule book, except whatis described below.

    Small Arms Fire. A Troop Carrier can never bedestroyed by small arms fire. Any weaponwhich Has Strength 5 and below rolls on thefollowing chart to see what happens to theVehicle. (Penetrate, and glance rules as normal)

    1. Crew Startled. The crew was not expecting the sprayof small arms fire across the hull. The Driver jerks the wheelslightly, rotate the front of the vehicle 15 degrees away fromwhere the shots were fired. If the shots were from the front,the owning player may choose.

    2. Cargo Damage. The shots loosen cargo and supplies,the gunner moves to secure the cargo. The vehicle may not

    fire any weapons the following turn.

    3. Fire. The Vehicle may not move the following turn asthe crew puts the fire out.

    4. Doors Jammed. The shots temporarily disable theaccess hatches of the vehicle. Units attempting todisembark from the vehicle may not do anything on the turnthey do so.

    5. Main Weapons Damaged. The main weapon took a

    direct hit in a key area, they are damaged for the rest of thegame. Any auxiliary weapons may continue to fire. If thevehicle does not have a main weapon, treat this as a roll of 4instead.

    6. Ricochet. The bullet finds a weak point in the armor,

    or a small crack. The shot hits the driver, and the vehicleinstantly plows forward 2D6 inches. If stops when it hitsscenery. Any models in the path of the vehicle must pass aleadership test, or take a S10 hit, no armor save hit.

    Note: The vehicle is still in working order,however there is no driver. If there is anothermodel in the vehicle with the Driver special rule,the vehicle may move as normal the followingturn.

    Anti-Tank Weapons. These weapons areanything with S6 or higher. They follow thenormal rules for Vehicle Damage in the Main

    Rule Book. However replace the Immobilizedresult and replace it with Ricochet.