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How to develop research skills in students. The model of searching information. Carol Collier Kuhlthau Khan M.K. – librarian NIS PhM in Shymkent

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How to develop research skills in students. The model of searching information. Carol Collier Kuhlthau. Khan M.K. – librarian NIS PhM in Shymkent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Khan M.K.  –  librarian NIS  PhM  in  Shymkent

How to develop research skills in students. The model of searching information.

Carol Collier Kuhlthau

Khan M.K. – librarian NIS PhM in Shymkent

Page 2: Khan M.K.  –  librarian NIS  PhM  in  Shymkent

 Carol Collier Kuhlthau is a professor of library and information science at Rutgers University, founder of the Center for International Scholarship school libraries (CISSL) (USA). She is known worldwide for her pioneering research on the process of searching information and the introduction of a 6-steps model of the process of information search / Information Search Process (ISP). Her books are among the most highly cited librarians and heads of scientific research in the United States and abroad.

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The model of the process of searching information

1Motivation 2.Theme immerse 3. Theme research

4. Identify

5. Gather 6. Create - Evaluate-Share

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- cognitive interests ;- the need for intellectual activity, new skills and knowledge;- advantage of university admissions, other words connection with the future profession;- the need to communicate with people for their evaluation and approval, to be eager to take their place in society (among classmates, friends, teachers, etc.).

Motivation of students interest in research work

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When you choose a topic , you must have the structure, the student does not have to focus on small details . When the student just begins to research work he needs teacher’s help . Teacher advises, makes recommendations for drawing up the plan. The plan will help to bring, to accumulate the primary sources on the topic. During the proses of researching the plan will be certainly evolved . However, a draft plan will give the opportunity to link into a whole range of information . Therefore, such plan should be in the first stage of the student’s research work .

Immerse to the theme

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Criteria for choosing the topic- The topic should be relevant, understudied and important in practical terms;

- The topic should really be feasible, so it is necessary to make the conditions to achieve in this work (literature, material security, the availability of the object of research, meetings with scientists, etc.); - The theme should be interesting to engage students.- The topic should be original, have an element of surprise

and singularity;- The topic should be interesting but easy so that the work could be done relatively quickly.

Immerse to the theme

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After determining the working title of the topic (the final title can be determined only after the completion of the study), the student goes to the preparation of the work program. Examines the state of the problem, determine the relevance and purpose of the study, its objectives, methods and steps. Finds out that you already know and what to learn, and makes a prediction about the expected results of the study. At this step, the student focuses on the research topic. Subject - this is the item you want to learn about and want to read.

Topic exploration

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When students research they should be able to:

Ask their own questions

Deepen their questions

Develop a strategy of searching the answers.

Identify the questions.

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The scheme of asking and answering

In the asterisk you should write a theme and in the surrounding ovals you should write down questions and further develop the issues regarding the previous questions for further study and clarify the topic. Using such schemes , the student will develop an idea of his subject, the student will begin to have his opinion about the topic, develop questions, plan, prepare a brief summary of the research, etc.

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You can develop the similar schemes in any form, for example:

In this example, the theme of the research is "Solar energy is the energy of the present and the future."

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Searching and studying the topic.

After studying all the questions don’t be hasten in finding the information. One should learn to use the appropriate key words in searching information. These words must reflect the meaning of the topic.

“the Key words” are words that are common for this or that document and reflects the subject. There are different resources, which help the student to define the key words in the text, so called “words’ clouds”.

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The sources for creating the “words’ clouds”


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The examples of Words’ cloud designing

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The question forming. The question defining. For example, the key words for the theme “The Renewable energy.

Solar power.” are the following: solar power, alternative energy, solar energy, renewable energy etc. When defining the key words we can use synonyms, the common words for the theme, for instance synonyms for “solar power” are “bioenergy”, “solar battery”, “electrical power stations” and so on.

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Data Collection.

At this stage the pupil is engaged in searching and collecting detailed information from various resources. The student assess the sources, write down the key words from them and cites. The student expresses his own mind clearly, finds arguments and evidences, makes external and internal criticism (characterizes authorship of sources, time, circumstances, its aims, the degree of reliability).

The interest of a student grows as he collects information, so he possesses the sense of ownership towards his topic and he gains an experience. The sources of information he gathered are reliable and oriented on the definite topic and the questions direct his research work.

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Developing and designing the work outcome At this stage the student ends his searching, makes analysis of

information got. The scientific research helps to develop skills of research works’

designing according to the approved and common requirements. The primary task is to show your new knowledge, comprehension and

express your mind clearly.

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Presentation of the research work

The student prepares the presentation of his research work, presents his ideas, conclusions and knowledge. It’s not enough to learn the prepared report to succeed on the conference. Frequently we have to observe the situation when the works serious in content are not included in the best five as they are not presented in a due level. The major reason is that the students are not ready for struggle and victory psychologically. It can be very useful for them to present their works at first in front of a small audience and then at the scientific practical conference. This stage is not just for training but for making them confident about their work and that they are able to win.

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The analysis and assessment of the work The student should analyze his work to determine what can be

improved and what things are already done well. At this stage the student and the supervisor observe the acquired knowledge. The supervisor makes his recommendations and notes, so called feedback. The student’s work assessment is a gathering the information about what the student have learnt as well as observing the process of research, checking his portfolio and defining his abilities and skills.

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The Used resources for the lecture



