keyword optimization supplement


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Post on 27-May-2015




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Adwords has become a very important tool in search engine optimization of websites. Recently, this platform has been changing. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your Adwords performance and use of the tool itself. You can refer to the following tips for enhancement of your Adwords performance.

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One way to improve Adwords performance is through enabling Ad Sitelinks. This tool helps oyu to maximize the value o f the current Adwords ad through the provision of added links to certain, important content deeper in the website. 

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Instead of directing all users to a single landing page, this tool will offer up to four different destinations or URLs. The users will have the freedom to choose which destination to go through. This can increase the clickthrough rate (CTR) of the website.

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Google has changed to the top ads. The changes allow people to display more information. The position is at a part where users are most likely to Through obtaining information from the initial line of description and then transferring it to the headline, it is possible to create a more enhanced user experience.

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It is also possible to enhance the performance of advertisers see the headline.  Actually, ads that have longer headlines, on the average, gain 6% average increase in terms of CTR compared to similar ads that only use standard description and headline. 

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If you want to make sure your ads have longer headlines then you need to see to it that the description has complete sentences and ends with proper punctuation mark.

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By providing location extensions, you are also able to maximize or extend your AdWords campaigns. This is because, through location extension, the business address gets dynamically attached to your ads. Additionally, the URL and the description lines are featured in the ad text.

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You can also include information like your business name, phone number and address. This effectively promotes your business brand, services, products and different components of the business. The more important thing, the promotion is location specific. Your business becomes more relevant in this way.

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Seller Rating Extensions can also be used for your keyword optimization. It is essential to always be updated about different SEO techniques to keep up with the competition and remain relevant.