key control: securing the key to your possessions

Key Control: Securing the key to your possessions

Upload: andrea-davis

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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The title may seems to be confusing, but, definitely it is right for what it is all about. Keys are important companion to our daily living and there would be at least one key in the pocket of every individual, it could either be of a car, property, bank locker or anything at work. But, what concerns most about it is, how secure is a person with a key that could be stolen anytime or even misplaced and forgotten?


Key Control: Securing the key to your possessionsCurrent Security ScenarioThe title may seems to be confusing, but, defnitely it is right for what it is all about. Keys are important companion to our daily living and there would be at least one key in the pocket of every individual, it could either be of a car, property, bank locker or anything at work. ut, what concerns most about it is, how secure is a person with a key that could be stolen anytime or even misplaced and forgotten!Totally Vulnerable."ight on the money. Several master keys that multiple people may need access to and is reasonably cheap format. Securing keys is only one of the necessary steps in creating a safer and more organi#ed environment. The ne$t step is making sure only authori#ed users can access keys. This is where you need to opt for a Key Control System.%n developing a comprehensive physical security strategy, it&s important to include a key control plan as part of the overall security package. Key management systems can reinforce access control policies that are already in place and can also help to reduce the costs that are associated with lost keys or unmanaged access. %t&s also important to know that it is never too late ' or too early ' to implement a key control and management plan as part of an overall physical security strategy.What is key control?The tamper(proof systems are designed so that only authori#ed users, using pre(programmed )%* codes, access cards or biometrics, can access keys and on(board advanced technology automatically records all access activity.Key control and management systems are defned as an orderly and secure solution for addressing controlled usage and safekeeping of mechanical keys.Why do you need it?Today&s key control and management systems have become a higher level management tool for e+ectively addressing the safety and security of building occupants and the security of the building assets. Knowing the identity of authori#ed key holders, which keys they have in their possession or have access to and when they were used is all essential information needed to help ensure a safe and secure environment. ,urther, technology developments and open protocols have made it possible to integrate key control with access control and other security systems as part of a facility-s networked security system. *ow, a user who has taken a specifc key can be denied egress from the facility until the key is returned ' and selected management can be alerted via email if a key has not been returned on time.Where it is recommended?Key management systems have become an operational necessity inenvironments such as correctional institutions, hospitals, car dealerships, property management, casinos and educationalfacilities to name .ust a few e$amples. %t is also a criticalfunction for anyone overseeing security at conferencecenters, government agencies, control rooms,automotive businesses and corporate buildings. /owever, key control can and should also be applied to businesses of all si#es because of the measurable benefts of enhanced security, convenience, increased sta+ productivity and accountability.Assess the Risk/ere are a few 0uestions to ask1o you know how many keys your company has issued! 1o you know who currently holds those keys! Can you control who duplicates your keys!%f you answered 2no& to any of those 0uestions, then you have holes in your security program that you need to plug.Sole the !roblem/ere are some steps you can follow to develop e+ective key control policiesStart with a patented keying system 1esign a master key system "e(key your facility Sign out new keys%f 3ou *eed 4ore %deas 5nd 5ssistance. )lease contact www.golden(locksmith(t$.comT/5*K 3678