key concepts in organizational development organizational change and development - manu melwin joy

Key concepts in Organizational Development

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Key concepts in Organizational Development

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Manu Melwin JoyAssistant Professor

Ilahia School of Management Studies

Kerala, India.Phone – 9744551114

Mail – [email protected]

Key concepts – Organizational Change

• Organization change is the process of learning and behaving differently, in order to achieve new and better outcomes, by reordering the system structures that drive behavior.– Organization change is a departure

from the status quo.– It implies movement toward a goal,

an idealized state, or a vision of what should be and movement away from present conditions, beliefs, or attitudes.

Key concepts –Change Agent

• Cummings and Worley (2005) define a change agent “as a person who attempts to alter some aspect of an organization or an environment. – Change agents may come from

inside an organization, in which case they are called internal consultants, or they may come from outside an organization, in which case they are called external consultants.”

Key concepts –Client

• The client is the organization, group, or individuals whose interests the change agent primarily serves.– A key question for any OD

consultant to consider is “Who is the client?” (Varney, 1977).

– On occasion, the “client” may not be the one who originally sponsored or participated in the change effort.

Key concepts –Culture & Climate

• One focal point of OD is making changes in an organization’s culture.

• Culture should not be confused with climate. Culture refers to the overall organization.

• Climate refers more specifically to how things are done in a local team, department, or site.

Key concepts – Intervention

• Cummings and Worley (2005) define intervention as “any action on the part of a change agent.

• [An] intervention carries the implication that the action is planned, deliberate, and presumably functional.”

Key concepts – Sponsor

• A sponsor is one who underwrites, legitimizes, and champions a change effort or OD intervention.

Key concepts – Stakeholder

• A stakeholder is anyone who has a stake in an OD intervention. – Stakeholders may be

customers, suppliers, distributors, employees, and government regulators.

Basic Organization Development Model

Diagnosis of Situation

Introduction of interventions

Progress Monitoring


Organization Development Interventions


Structural TechniquesRelationship Techniques

T-group Training

Team Building

Survey Feedback

Job Redesign

Management by Objectives

Supplemental Organizational Processes

Organizational Learning

Exploitative Learning


Organization Development Across Cultures

EthnocentricAttitude andStereotyping


Knowledge ofSpecific Cultures
