kettlebell-beatdown.pdf - critical bench · you can become a master at kettlebell training. you...


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Post on 17-Apr-2018




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TRANSCRIPT 2Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

LegaL Stuff© 2013 Critical Bench Inc.

All Rights Reserved. International

This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. It is reserved solely for paying customers of Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted. This document has been watermarked with a digital GPS identification tag.

NOtICeThe information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise program. 3Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

KettLeBeLL BeatdOwN

By Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC 4Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

KettLeBeLL BeatdOwNYou’re hired!

Whoo-hoo, yeah baby!!!

I was so excited the day it was official. My new journey with Critical Bench had just begun and I finally felt satisfied with my career path. I had been in fitness for years and really enjoyed the connection to clients and staff but now I was taking a HUGE step forward. Now I would be reaching people globally and really impacting the fitness community.

But that’s not the story at all….???

The weekend before my big debut with Team Critical Bench started with a 3 Day Workshop in Tallahassee Florida and about 30 hours of kettlebell exercise.

A few months prior to this amazing weekend the Founder of Critical Bench and my good friend Mike Westerdal reached out to me with an opportunity. We had already been discussing the possibility of me joining the business but at the time he was searching for a training partner. He wasn’t looking for a spotter or motivator...he was looking for a commitment from a hard working friend. 5Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

Mike had recently been rewarded with the chance to train with kettlebell’s. And not with Joe Schmoe either. With the most prestigious organization in the world for Russian Kettlebell Training…Dragondoor.

He’s like, “Hey, do you know much about kettlebells?” I said, “a little bit, stuff like swings and squats I guess.”

He proceeds to tell me a little bit more about this awesome chance to learn from the best in the business and offered me the opportunity to join him. Knowing that I had a real chance at joining Critical Bench in the near future, I felt almost an obligation to say YES to Mike.

So the date was circled on the calendar and I felt great about it, until…

I drove up to where Mike had been training for the past few weeks with an RKC Instructor and I had a RUDE AWAKENING.

I meet this really nice, reserved fellow named Mike as well. We make friendly conversation during warm ups and then we start doing some basic kettlebell exercises.

Fast forward about 5 minutes…

I’m already dying and scared about what’s coming next! Meanwhile, Mike the trainer is tossing these things around like they’re 5 lbs AND I outweigh him by at least 50 lbs! Talk about feeling wimpy.

I barely get through the hour long 6Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

workout and I have to drive back to work (almost two hours by the way…ughh). Let me tell you, I’ve been training with weights for years and just one hour of doing strict kettlebell movements left me beaten, battered and extremely humbled.

I was so nervous about not only the next training session with “Mr. Nice Guy” Mike the trainer but I was seriously considering bailing out on that RKC Workshop thing at the end of April.

Well, I didn’t quit just yet…I wanted to stay the course for my friend and see if there was any chance that I could improve my skills with that darn 24 kilogram weight. I’m usually pretty confident when it comes to strength movements and being explosive.

But not doing stuff like deadlifts, power cleans, clean and jerk, and push presses for a while will drastically destroy your chances of being truly explosive with weights. I practically had to reteach myself to be explosive and move with real power through my hips.

By the fourth session with Mike the trainer I had a smidge of confidence in myself. Enough to remain committed to my friend and this upcoming weekend workshop. 7Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

Mike and I make the drive to northern Florida from the Tampa Bay area in good time. We decide to eat some burgers (with some reservations of course) the Thursday night before the workshop started. Little did we know, we could have eaten 5,000 calories if we wanted to and still lost weight over the weekend.

By Friday evening (after 10 hours of straight exercise), Mike and I were so sore, so exhausted that we looked at each other at dinner and thought, “how in the world are we gonna be able to do that again on Saturday AND Sunday???”

Well, Saturday came and went ending with the kettlebell Snatch Test, an RKC special. After moving around all day long with kettlebells varying in weight from 16 kg to 32 kg, we were asked to do 100 reps of kettlebell snatches in 5 minutes or less….it still scares me to think about.

I was toasted. I failed to get 100 snatches. My hands were destroyed with open sores and I fumbled my way to 67 reps.

Mike did much better and got to 88 reps. His powerlifting background really helped his efforts. For the rest of my life, I will remember those numbers!

Sunday was more of the same with even more testing at the end along with the final workout called the Graduate Workout….let me just say, imagine the worst 20 minutes of your life and multiply it by 5. Easily, one of the most grueling exercise routines I’ve ever participated in. A non-stop combination of kettlebell swings, cleans, presses and squats….I mean non-stop…you never put the weight down! 8Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

Mike and I received certificates of attendance and we passed on several of the skills but both of us had to retest the Snatch Test and we had 90 days to do it following the workshop.

Good old Mike was the first one to nail it and a few weeks later (after 3 failed attempts) I reached 100 reps with the 24 kg kettlebell in 5 minutes and became an RKC certified instructor too.

Easily, one of the greatest and most challenging accomplishments of our life. 9Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC 10Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

wOrKOut ParameterSNow, we’ve continued to work on our skill set with more advanced movements and a ton of conditioning with our good friend and trainer, Mike. Because of him, we were able to pass our RKC in the first place.

This collection of movements is a glimpse into the world of effective kettlebell training. This is not a Russian Kettlebell specific routine. We mix in other things that compliment and challenge your entire body. As hard as these workouts are, they are also super fun!

This is a progressive program. The movements get more advanced as you go.

That being said, if you have specific goals like fat burning or strength building, you can begin with that phase and follow it for the recommended SIX week period.

The THREE phases of the program are Fat Burning, Strength Building and Conditioning.

Within each phase is a beginner, intermediate and advanced routine. We do recommend you start at the beginning, even if you have kettlebell experience but again base your decision on your personal goals.

Spend TWO weeks at each level and complete the phase in the recommended six week period as stated above. 11Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

Mike and I continue to be humbled and challenged by doing workouts like these. Individually, all of these kettlebell routines are effective at improving overall strength and explosive ability.

Now, for the REALLY important stuff…

Always remember that this kind of training is based on 3 key components:

Hip Hinge, Explosiveness and Breathing

If you can master all three of these elements, you can become a Master at Kettlebell Training. You will become so strong from your rooted feet to your locked wrist. Honestly, you will totally blow up your ability (off the charts stuff) that will help you make gains in ALL other complex lifts.

So what are you waiting for…? 12Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

fat BurNINg PHaSe5 Minute Warm Up

Fat Burning All Levels

fat BurNINg PHaSe5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE TimEKB Swings 30 sec Left ArmKB Swings 30 sec Right ArmKB Full Orbit 20 sec clockwiseKB Full Orbit 20 sec counter-clockwiseKB Figure 8’s 30 secKB Pendulum Swings 30 secKB Swings (both arms) 30 secKB Rack position Carries down and back (50 ft or so)KB Goblet Squats 30 sec 13Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

fat BurNINg fOr BegINNerSDo as many reps within 20 sec as possible. Maintaining proper form and focusing on the targeted muscle groups are key. Each exercise will be done FOUR times. The exercises without a space between them are “super sets” and will be done together, again in sets of FOUR. Beginners may take up to 60 sec of rest between sets or as needed, and 15-20 seconds of rest in-between exercises.

fat BurNINg fOr BegINNerS5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS TimEKB Swings 4 20 secKB Squat to Shoulder Press (L-arm 1st set, R-arm 2nd set and repeat)

4 20 sec

KB Lunge 4 20 sec RightKB Lunge 4 20 sec Left

KB High Pull 4 20 secKB Deadlift (L-arm 1st set, R-arm 2nd set and repeat) 4 20 secKB Figure 8s 4 20 secKB Full Orbit 4 20 sec

KB Split Leg Rows 4 20 sec RightKB Split Leg Rows 4 20 sec LeftKB Floor Press 4 20 sec RightKB Floor Press 4 20 sec Left

Burpees 4 20 secHard-Style Plank 4 20 secKB ½ Turkish Get-up (L-arm 1st set, R-arm 2nd set and repeat) 4 20 secKB Russian Twist 4 20 sec 14Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

fat BurNINg INtermedIate LeveL

Doing as many reps as possible (amrap) within 30 sec. The intermediate group should have a strong understanding of proper form and be able to pick up the pace while focusing on the targeted muscle groups. They may take up to 60 seconds in between sets and 15 seconds between exercises. There are THREE rounds of each super set.

fat BurNINg INtermedIate LeveL5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS TimEKB Swings 3 30 secKB Split Jumps 3 30 secKB Shoulder Press 3 30 secKB Balance Row 3 30 sec LeftKB Balance Row 3 30 sec Right

KB ½ Turkish Get-up 3 30 sec LeftKB ½ Turkish Get-up 3 30 sec RightKB Jump Squats 3 30 secKB Punch-out 3 30 sec

KB Russian Twists 3 30 secKB Push-ups 3 30 secKB Figure 8s Lunge Position 3 30 sec LeftKB Figure 8s Lunge Position 3 30 sec Right 15Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

fat BurNINg INtermedIate LeveLCont.

ExERCiSE SETS TimEKB Alternating Reverse Lunge (hold it by the horns) 3 30 secKB Windmill 3 30 sec LeftKB Windmill 3 30 sec Right

Do this for TWO rounds:Turkish Get-up- 1 on left side (body weight) 2 -KB Mountain Climbers 2 30 secTurkish Get-up- 1 on right side (body weight) 2 -KB Mountain Climbers 2 30 sec 16Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

fat BurNINg advaNCed LeveL

Doing as many reps as possible during the stated time, the advanced group should not only have a very strong understanding of form, but should be able to quickly move through their reps without any rest other than between the exercises. Advanced level exercises get 20 seconds rest after each movement and 60 seconds between sets. There are FOUR rounds of each super set.

fat BurNINg advaNCed LeveL5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS TimEKB Swing & Catch 4 30 secKB Goblet Squat 4 30 secKB Swing, Catch & Goblet Squat 4 30 sec

KB Orbit to Front Raise 4 30 secKB Split Jumps 4 30 secKB Swings 4 30 sec

KB Punch-out 4 30 secKB Split Leg Row 4 30 sec LeftKB Split Leg Row 4 30 sec Right

KB Reverse Lunge 4 30 sec RightKB Reverse Lunge 4 30 sec LeftKB Alternating Swing, Clean & Press 4 30 sec

Do this for 10 Rounds (rest for 30 sec between rounds)5 KB Swings to Wide Leg Push-ups 10 30 sec 17Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

StreNgtH BuILdINg PHaSe5-7 Minute Warm Up

Strength Building ALL Levels

StreNgtH BuILdINg PHaSe5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE TimEKB Swings 30 sec Left ArmKB Swings 30 sec Right ArmKB Pendulum Swings 30 secKB Swings 45 secKB Rack position Carries down and back (50 ft. or so) -KB Waiter Carries down and back (same) -KB Windmill (3 per side) -1 Turkish Get-up (per side) - 18Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

StreNgtH BuILdINg BegINNerSThe beginner group in the strength building series will be learning the basics of muscle building components. This group should pay very close attention to their form. Each exercise will be done THREE times in super set style. Take 20 seconds rest between exercises and 60 seconds rest between sets.

StreNgtH BuILdINg BegINNerS5-7 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS REpS TimEKB Alternating Squat Press 3 15 20 secKB Push-ups 3 15 20 secKB Jump Squats 3 15 60 sec

KB Snatch 3 12 (Left) 20 secKB Snatch 3 12 (Right) 20 secDouble KB Snatch 3 12 60 sec

Double KB Alternating Row(Each Arm so L, R=1)

3 12 20 sec

KB Wind Mill per side (complete one side and repeat)

3 12 per side 20 sec

KB Clean(complete one side and repeat)

3 12 per side 60 sec

Only do ONE round:KB Swings & Goblet Squat Ladder10 Swings, 10 Squats, 9 Swings, 9 Squats and so on…Rest only when you need to all the way to 1 and 1. 19Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

StreNgtH BuILdINg INtermedIate

In this segment, people should be more comfortable with the movements done in the beginner level and be able to complete them with a moderate amount of weight. The amount of rest between sets and the exercises will increase. In between each exercise you get 25 seconds rest and 90 second rest periods between super sets. Do each super set FOUR times.

StreNgtH BuILdINg INtermedIate5-7 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS REpS TimEKB Clean and Press (L, R=1) 4 10 25 secKB Snatch 4 10 (Left) 25 secKB Snatch 4 10 (Right) 90 sec

Double KB Alternating Row (L, R=1) 4 10 25 secDouble KB Swings 4 10 25 secDouble KB Snatch 4 10 90 sec

Double KB Deadlifts 4 10 25 secDouble KB Single Leg Deadlifts 4 10 (Left) 25 secDouble KB Single Leg Deadlifts 4 10 (Right) 90 sec

KB Push-ups 4 10 25 secKB Turkish Get-up 4 3 (Left) 25 secKB Turkish Get-up 4 3 (Right) 90 sec 20Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

StreNgtH BuILdINg advaNCedAdvanced users should not only have a strong understanding of the components in each workout but should be able to complete each with a weight that is challenging for them. The goal in this segment is to just barely be able to complete the amount of reps stated. The reps will range from 8-10. Rest time between exercises is 30 seconds and 90 seconds between sets. Do each super set FOUR times.

StreNgtH BuILdINg advaNCed5-7 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS REpS TimEDouble KB Rack Position Squats 4 8-10 30 secDouble KB Deadlifts 4 8-10 90 sec

Double KB Clean 4 8-10 30 secKB Snatch (complete one side first and proceed)

4 8-10 per side

90 sec

Double KB Clean & Press 4 8-10 30 secKB Reverse Lunge (complete one side first and proceed)

4 8-10per side

90 sec

Double KB Press 4 8 30 secDouble KB Snatch 4 8 90 sec 21Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

CONdItIONINg PHaSe5 Minute Warm Up

Conditioning ALL Levels

CONdItIONINg PHaSe5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE TimEKB Goblet Squat with prying (holding at the bottom for 5-10 sec)

10 reps

KB Swings 30 sec Left ArmKB Swings 30 sec Right ArmKB Pendulum Swings 30 secKB Swings (both arms) 45 secKB Rack Position Carries down and back (50 ft) -KB Waiter Carries down and back (same) -KB Windmill (3 per side) -1 Turkish Get-up (TGU) per side - 22Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

CONdItIONINg fOr BegINNerSThe conditioning series in this program will be a more intense and complex version of the Fat Burning program. Conditioning on each of the three levels will be set up to not only burn fat and build muscle but also improve overall physical endurance. The beginning level will introduce a series of complex exercises to be done in time while focusing on form. Each exercise should be timed at 30 seconds with 15 second breaks in between. Each super set is allowed a 1 minute break between. Do each super set THREE times before continuing to the next super set.

CONdItIONINg fOr BegINNerS5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS TimEKB Swings 3 30 secKB Single Arm Swings 3 30 sec RightKB Single Arm Swings 3 30 sec Left

KB Swing, Clean & Press 3 30 sec RightKB Swing, Clean & Press 3 30 sec LeftDouble KB High Pulls 3 30 sec

KB Burpees 3 30 secKB Alternating Swings 3 30 secKB Figure 8s 3 30 sec

KB Russian Twists 3 30 secKB Push-ups 3 30 sec 23Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

CONdItIONINg fOr INtermedIate LeveL

Intermediate level users should have mastered the beginner’s level program and be able to add moderate weight to their exercises. The breaks will be shorter and work time will be more intense. Breaks between sets are 20 seconds and NO rest between exercises. Do each super set THREE times before continuing to the next super set.

CONdItIONINg fOr INtermedIate LeveL5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS TimEDouble KB High Pulls 3 45 secKB Swings 3 45 sec

Double KB Squat to Alternating Press 3 45 secKB Windmill 3 45 sec

Double KB Floor Press 3 45 secKB Push-ups 3 45 sec

KB V-Ups 3 45 secKB Push-ups with Single Leg Raise(switch raised leg halfway through)

3 45 sec

Only do TWO rounds:Double KB Rack Hold 2 45 secDouble KB Wall Sit 2 45 secKB Single TGU (first set do L, second set R) 2 45 sec 24Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

advaNCed CONdItIONINg PrOgram

This program will be one of the most challenging, as it requires a high skill set in kettlebells as well as in strength and conditioning. Breaks between exercises are cut down to 10 seconds and between sets to 60 seconds. The idea is to eventually get through the entire workout with little or no breaks. Unlike the other programs, this workout combines both timed and counted reps. Everything is done in sets of THREE.

advaNCed CONdItIONINg PrOgram5 Minute WarM up

ExERCiSE SETS REpS TimEKB TGU 3 1 each side 10 secKB Swings 3 - 30 secKB TGU to Bent over Rows 3 15 (Left) 10 secKB TGU to Bent over Rows 3 15 (Right) 60 sec

Double KB Squat to Alternating Press (L, R=1)

3 - 25 sec

Double KB Snatch 3 - 45 secKB Russian Twists 3 - 30 sec

KB Windmill (Left) 3 - 20 secKB Windmill (Right) 3 - 20 secDouble KB Clean 3 - 30 secDouble KB Press 3 - 30 sec

Double KB Single Leg Deadlifts(complete one side and repeat)

3 10 10 sec

KB Squat Jumps 3 15 10 secKB Split Jumps (L, R =1) 3 15 60 sec 25Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

aBOut tHe autHOr’S Chris wilson, rKC

Chris Wilson has worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years. He has seen and done it all from working the front desk at health clubs to personal training to managing entire fitness facilities. Chris became a Certified Personal Trainer in 1999 and has trained over 15,000 hours with clients from 10-100 years old. He specializes in functional exercise including balance specific movements to better develop the core muscles of the body. He is a childhood friend of Mike Westerdal and became the Head Strength Coach with Critical Bench in May of 2013. 26Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

mike westerdal, rKC

Mike Westerdal is a personal trainer, russian kettlebell instructor and founder of a fitness publishing company that helps half a million people per month achieve their strength & health goals.

With a background in sports training, powerlifting and muscle building, Mike has also been recognized as a Russian Kettlebell Certified instructor.

Connect With Mike:

Mike’s Gifts For You: Leading Solutions: Critical Bench Facebook Fan Page: Critical Bench YouTube: 27Chris Wilson, RKC & Mike Westerdal, RKC

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