ket listening test a source: ket handbook 200

, i I i KET LISTENING TEST A Source: Ket Handbook 200. Part 1 Questions 1-5 You will hear Iive short conversations. You WIII hear each conversatian twice. Tbere 1$ one question for each conversation. For quesuons 1-5. pul a lick (,/) under the right answer. Exampte: o Ha" many pcopte were at Ihe meeting? 30 3 13 A [J B O e 0 'NhlCh is the woman's friend? ~ B e B O e O' A A L..l What arurnats has Sue got? 3 What time will they go to the cinema? A O B O e [J 4 What is Joe going to do at the weekend? t( A O B O e O Which man is the English teacher? A O B O e [1 (Turn over

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Page 1: KET LISTENING TEST A Source: Ket Handbook 200




KET LISTENING TEST ASource: Ket Handbook 200.

Part 1Questions 1-5

You will hear Iive short conversations.You WIII hear each conversatian twice.Tbere 1$ one question for each conversation.For quesuons 1-5. pul a lick (,/) under the right answer.


o Ha" many pcopte were at Ihe meeting?

303 13

A [J B O e 0'NhlCh is the woman's friend?

~B e

B O e O'


A L..l

What arurnats has Sue got?


What time will they go to the cinema?

A O B O e [J

4 What is Joe going to do at the weekend?

t(A O B O e O

Which man is the English teacher?

A O B O e [1

(Turn over

Page 2: KET LISTENING TEST A Source: Ket Handbook 200



Pnrt 2Ouc stlons (;·10

LI~It)11 lO Steve telling Oiga about his birthday presents.\Vh,rn present dld each person glve him?

For ouesnons 6-10, wnte a lelier (A-H) nexl lo each person.VOLl WIII hnnr uio corwcrsatíou twice.



•••. '0' ~ '. ~'I ••'""~•••'" !',; ••",.!,. r,.,.,

Part 3Queslions 11-15

lisien lo Paul asking about a club lor children.

For queslions 11-15, lick (,¡) A, B or e,You will hear lhe ccnversatíon twice.


o Ihe U,S oOo

The Children's Fun Club has offices in A




11 The club Iries lo help children wilh Iheir A studies OB sports. OC painling, [J

12 This rnonth, Ihe children will gel a A video. OB magazine. Oe pen. O

13 The club has a competition every A week. OB monlh. [Je year. O

14 The club is lor children under A 10, OB 13, r-'~Je 16, O

15 The club costs A C3 a year. OB E5 ayear. []e E12 a yeaf, O

[Turn over

Page 3: KET LISTENING TEST A Source: Ket Handbook 200

Part aQucslions 16-20

You will hear a conversalion al a sports centre.

lisien and comniete queslions 16-20.You will hcar the conversalion twice.


First namc: Mary

Surnamc: 81

0~=============8 .: September IG;:;=============GLL- _


L---- __ '''",..~_''''''.,...'"'''_.''''~''''__ .J

Parl5Queslions 21-25

You will hear some informal ion aboul a food markei.

lisien and complete queslions 21-25.You will hear the inlcrrnation twice.


11.11 1 sells: vegetables

Eland IHall 2 sells: ~I cakes and IHol breakfast in the café untjl: El IHall J

Picec of pizza costs: GChildrcn's playroom nexl to thc: G

SliJrling d.uc:


("o -,, ora IcsSUI1:

You now have 8 minutes to write your answers on the answor sheet.

Page 4: KET LISTENING TEST A Source: Ket Handbook 200

KET LISTENING TESTSource: Ket Handbook 2004


PausaNow lisIen again.Rapaa/Pausa


Thls 15the Cambrldge Key Engllsh Test Llstenlng Test, Sample Paper 2.There are five parts to the test. Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Flve.

3 Whal lime will Ihey go lo Ihe cinema?We will now slop for a momenl before we slart Ihe lest.Pie ase ask any questions now because you musln'l speak during Ihe lest. What time does the film start?

Well ... we can go at 5.30 or 8.30.I've got to be home by 10 o'clock so hall past eighl's too late.OK. We'lI go at hall past five.



Now, look al the inslructions for Part One.

PauseNow listen again.Repea/Pausa


You will hear five short eonversalions.You will hear eaeh eonversalion twiee.There is one question for eaeh eonversalion.For questlons 1-5, put a lick under the right answer.Here Is an example:

4 Whal is Joe going to do al Ihe weekend?

Would you like to come lo the beach with us on Sáturday, Joe?I don't like swimming mucho I may go lor a cycle ride.It's too cold lor swimming. We're going lo play volleyball.1'11come with you then.


How many people were al Ihe meeling?


Were theremany people at the meeting?About thirty.That's not many.No, but more than last time.

PausaNow lisIen agaln.RapeatPausa


Thc answer Is 3D, so Ihere is a Ilek in box C.Now we are ready lo slart.Look alquestion one.

Whieh man is the English leacher?5

Boy Look, Anna! There's your English teacher.Anna Oh yes, what a nice suit he's wearing.Boy The two men wilh him are teachers at my school.

shirt is the Maths teacher.Anna They're all wearing the same lie! How strange!

Pause The one In the dark

Which is Ihe woman's Iriend?


And here's a photo 01us on holiday. That's my Iriend, Debbie.The woman with long, dark hair next to you?Yes, liIe're very different. Aren't we?Mmm, she's very tall and you're quite shortl

PauseNow lisIen again.Repaa/Pause

PauseNow listen again.RepeatPause

This ls Ihe end 01 Part One.


2 Whal animals has Sue got?

Soy You like animals, don't you, Sue?Sue Yes, I've had Iwo dogs since I was Ihree years old.Soy Do you lika cats too?Sue Yeso my parents gaya me a cat lor my birthday last yearl

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Now look al Part Two.

LisIen lo Sleve lelllng Oiga aboul hls blrthday presenls.Which presenl did each person glve him?

For questlons 6-10, wrile a lelter A-H nexl to each personoYou wlll hear Ihe conversatlon twlce.



./ SteveOigaSteve




PauseNow lisIen again.RepeatPause

Happy Birthday, Steve. Oid you get lots of presents?Yes, I did, Oiga. Mary gave me this jacket. lI's lovely isn't it?Yes, it is. Oid Harry buy you anything?Something very expensive. a Japanese camera. I must get a film for it.Oh, you are lucky! And that purple sweater you're wearing, that's new.Yes, linda qave it to me.I! looks really good on you. Oid you get anything else?Oh yes - Thomas knows I leve travet films, so he bought me a video about Africa.must get a book on Arrica now, too.What about Victoria? I saw her looking at some big boxes of chocolates.\(ruefully) Oh, I love chocolates but she gaye me a pen and I've already got lots ofthose.Anything else? I suppose James gave you a book.Well not this year. He bought me some purple socks. They're the same colour as mynew sweater.That was clever of him!


This Is Ihe end of Part Two.

Now look al Part Three


lisien lo Paul asklng aboul a club for chlldren.For queslions 11-15, tick A, B or C.You will hear Ihe conversatlon Iwlce.


Look al questlons 11-15 now. You have twenly seconds.

Now lis ten lo Ihe conversalion.


Hallo, Children's Fun Club.Oh, hello, my name's Paul, can you lell me where your offlces are?They're in London but we send information lo children in Europe, India and the USo


Whal's the club about?We want to help children get better at school - with reading and writing. So that theylike these subjects as much as things like sports or painting.What do you send us?This month, it's a magazine about films and video. A month ago everyone got a redpeno It's always something different.How nice. Are there any competitions?YesoAre they every month too?Just once ayear, and it's next weeklGrea!! (pause) How old do you have to be? I'm only thlrteen.That's fine. Some chlldren in our club are only ten. We just say that you can't be olderthan fifleen. The club wlll be just right for you.And how much does It cost?For twelve months it's five pounds or three pounds for half ayear.OK, thanks.




PauseNow tlslen agaln.RepeatPausa

Thls Is the end of Part Three.


Now look al Part Four.


You wlll hear a conversatlon al a sports cenlre.Llsten and complete questlons 16-20.You wltl hear Ihe conversatlon twlce.



Hello, I'd like to learn a new sport here. Could you give me some information please?Of course. Could I have your name, please?It's Mary Lawlor.How do you spell your surname?LAWLOR.Thanks. Now which sport do you want to do?What is there?Well, we've gol volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf... ...Last year I played baskelball so this year I'd like to do something different, tennis, I think.When can I start?Let me see (reading). The next votleyball course starts on the third of September; and, herewe are, tennis on the seventh. There's room for slx more people.I'd like to play once a week. Whlch day can I come?Lessons are on MondaY$ and Fridays.Monday is better because on Fridays I usually go out with my friends. I've just got one morequestion. How much do I have to pay?ft's three pounds seventy-five a lesson, and it's tive pounds for a key to Ihe changing roomThat's fine ..... (fade)




(Turn over

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KET LISTENING TEST 'A:Source: Ket Handbook 2004


1 B2 e3 A4 B5 e

6 B7 G8 H9 E10 F

14'11 A12 B13 e14 e15 B

For numbers 16-25, recognisable spelling is accepted, except In numbers 19, 21 and22.

16 LAWLOR17 tennls18 71th)/ seven / seventh / 07 Seotlemberl19 Mondavls)20 IE13.75/ three pounds seventv five

21 ñstuesus)22 breadts)23 11.30 / eleven thirtv / half oast eleven24 IEO:\55 o/oence25 telenhonfes! / nhonres) / foriTeSl