kesihatan diri dan keluarga

KESIHATAN DIRI DAN KELUARGA 1. Malnutrisi merupakan masalah pengambilan zat makanan yang tidak mencukupi. Apakah kesan daripada malnutrisi? (understand) A Gaut B Kegemukan C Mudah pitam D Darah tinggi D is the correct answer. Gout is a disease caused by increased uric acid in the blood. When the level of uric acid in the blood continues to increase, some uric acid will form "of uric acid crystals" on the joints and will cause the joint to experience pain, difficulty in moving, swelling and inflammation. Gout usually attacks the big toe joint. Therefore, the correct answer is C because deficiency in the body can cause a person to lose power and easy faint. 2. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan malnutrisi? (remember) A Ketagihan dadah B Lebihan lemak dalam badan C Kurang melakukan senaman D Pengambilan zat makanan yang tidak mencukupi

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Post on 26-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Kesihatan Diri Dan Keluarga


1. Malnutrisi merupakan masalah pengambilan zat makanan yang tidak mencukupi.

Apakah kesan daripada malnutrisi? (understand)

A Gaut

B Kegemukan

C Mudah pitam

D Darah tinggi

D is the correct answer.

Gout is a disease caused by increased uric acid in the blood. When the level of uric acid

in the blood continues to increase, some uric acid will form "of uric acid crystals" on the

joints and will cause the joint to experience pain, difficulty in moving, swelling and

inflammation. Gout usually attacks the big toe joint. Therefore, the correct answer is C

because deficiency in the body can cause a person to lose power and easy faint.

2. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan malnutrisi? (remember)

A Ketagihan dadah

B Lebihan lemak dalam badan

C Kurang melakukan senaman

D Pengambilan zat makanan yang tidak mencukupi

D is the correct answer.

Drug addiction is one of the effects of drugs abuse..Excess body fat was a bad effect on

a person who does not eat a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Lack of exercise can also

be a result of unbalanced food intake or an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, the correct

answer is D.

Page 2: Kesihatan Diri Dan Keluarga

3. Penyakit skurvi adalah disebabkan oleh kekurangan … (analysis)

A vitamin A

B vitamin B

C vitamin C

D vitamin D

C is the correct answer.

Function of vitamin A is able to optimize fetal development, enhance immunity, anti-

aging, anti-oxidant and the fight against malaria. Vitamin A deficiency can cause

blindness dusk, cataracts, respiratory tract infection, declining immunity and healthy

skin. Function of vitamin B keep the digestive system, absorbing nutrients and keeping

the nervous system. Vitamin B deficiency can cause fatigue, numbness, nervousness

and depression. While vitamin D, the function is increase the absorption of calcium and

phosphorus for bone and teeth health. Vitamin D deficiency can cause broken teeth,

muscle seizures, rakitis (O-shaped legs). Therefore C is the correct answer. In this

question, if the student cannot explain vitamin A,B,C and D, they cannot analysis the

need of this question.

4. Penglihatan Tan pada waktu malam adalah terhad. Apakah kemungkinan

penyakit yang dihidapi oleh Tan? (apply)

A Silau

B Mata juling

C Rabun warna

D Rabun malam

D is the correct answer.

Glare describes the refraction of light at night. This causes difficulties to see during the

day or night. Squinting eye is a form of eye abnormality called Strabismus or squint.

Variants of this point are usually the one who inherited disease (derivative). Variants of

this eye are a condition where the eye experiencing abnormal deviation from the park of

Page 3: Kesihatan Diri Dan Keluarga

the other eye to eye, so the lines of sight become misaligned. Squinting eye not

associated with night vision. Moreover color blindness is the inability to distinguish

colors. Therefore, D is the correct answer.

5. Siti mengalami gejala kaki dan tangan mengecil serta perut buncit semasa

berumur 9 tahun. Pilih penyakit yang dikaitkan dengan gejala ini. (apply)

A Anemia

B Maramus

C Beri-beri

D Kwashiokor

6. Dalam bidang perubatan, dadah merupakan bahan untuk menghasilkan ubat.

Antara berikut yang manakah bukan jenis dadah? (understand)

A Morfin

B Kodien

C Sulfur

D Candu