kaylee bialozor com 321 one-frame story

Running Head: ONE-FRAME STORY 1 One-Frame Story Kaylee Bialozor Central Washington University

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Kaylee Bialozor COM 321 One-Frame Story

Running Head: ONE-FRAME STORY 1

One-Frame Story

Kaylee Bialozor

Central Washington University

Page 2: Kaylee Bialozor COM 321 One-Frame Story


One-Frame Story


In this image, I wanted to convey the emotions felt by someone suffering from a

hangover. I chose to depict the character and the consequences of the complication in this image.

In this case, the character is the woman lying on the bed, and the complication is illustrated by

the liquor bottles and paraphernalia on the bedside table. The consequence of the complication is

shown by the cloth on the woman’s forehead, the pain pills in the woman’s hand, and the

generally unwell body language of the woman.

The scene is well lit, showing this hangover has lasted throughout the majority of the day,

and the lighting demonstrates an additional consequence since light is especially painful for

those with hangovers. The color black typically symbolizes death, but in this case it symbolizes

how the woman feels as if she is experiencing death as a result of her pain. Blue symbolizes

Page 3: Kaylee Bialozor COM 321 One-Frame Story


something being clam and soothing, therefore the blue cloth on the woman’s head symbolizes its

soothing relief. There are notes of the soothing blue in the pain pills as well, but additionally,

there are strong hues of red. Red can symbolize a variety of messages, but, in this case, red

symbolizes health. This shows the pain pills being soothing and the bringers of good health.

The pills are foremost in the front of the image, demonstrating the desire for the pain to

go away. The liquor in the back is blurred, showing the mistake of consuming so much of it.

Similarly, the woman is in the background and blurred, showing the undesirable state she is in.

The angle of the frame is slanted to symbolize the stress the woman is physically enduring and

how her world is spinning due to the pounding pain in her head and body. Overall, I believe each

element of the image works to convey the consequence of a painful hangover as the result of the

complication of consuming too much alcohol.