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Study on role agriculture as provisioning ecosystem service STUDY ON THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURE AS PROVISIONING ECOSYSTEM SERVICE Framework contract nr 385309 on the provision of expertise in the field of Agri- Environment FRAGARIA consortium Final report

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Framework contract nr 385309 on the provision of expertise in the field of Agri-


FRAGARIA consortium

Final report

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Final report version 17 May 2012


Alterra Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Ecologic Institute, Germany

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Subcontractor EuroCARE

Study on the role of agriculture as provisioning ecosystem service

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Administrative summary

Specific Contract No 3 implementing Framework Contract 385309

The specific contract Study on the role of agriculture as provisioning ecosystem service was signed by the European Union represented by the European Commission, which is represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by Mr Guido Schmuck, Acting Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (JRC/IES) on 8 November 2011, and by Mr. Kees Slingerland, Managing Director of Institute Alterra of Stichting Landboukunding Onderzoek, representing the contractor, on 1 November 2011. Total duration of the contract is maximum six months after the contract is signed by JRC/IES and the consortium, thus the contract will end on 8 May 2012. Consortium:

ALTERRA Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Ecologic Institute, Germany University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Subcontractor:

EuroCARE, Germany Institute for Environment and Sustainability, European Commission Joint Research Centre Official Responsible: M.L. Paracchini Co-ordinating institution:

Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre Person authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the consortium:

Ir. C.T. Slingerland, General Director of Alterra Person authorised to manage the contract:

Dr. Marta Pérez-Soba Persons responsible for administrative matters:

Elizabeth Rijksen and Petra van den Broek (Alterra WUR) Contact information:

Dr. Marta Pérez-Soba Alterra, P.O. Box 47; NL-6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

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Report authors and contributors

Recommended citation:

Pérez-Soba, M., Elbersen, B., Kempen, M., Braat, L., Staristky, I., Wijngaart, R. van, Kaphengst, T., Andersen, E., Germer, L. and Smith, L., der (2012). Study on the role of agriculture as provisioning ecosystem service. Interim report to the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (JRC/IES). Alterra Wageningen UR, Ecologic Institute, University of Copenhagen and EuroCARE Project contact: Dr Marta Pérez-Soba ALTERRA Wageningen University and Research Centre P.O. Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected]


This study was funded by the European Commission. We thank the European Commission Desk Officer, Maria Luisa Paracchini, and the JRC/IES post-doc Celia García Feced for their helpful advice and guidance. We are especially grateful to Joost Wolf and Kees van Diepen (Wageningen University and Research Centre) for their expert advise on the reference layers for grasslands.

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Table of contents

SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 10

1. Setting the scene of the study ........................................................................................... 11

2. Review of main concepts dealing with agricultural production as ecosystem service, and specifically as provisioning ecosystem service ......................................................................... 15

3. Analytical framework for the quantitative assessment of the energy balance ................ 33

4. Results ................................................................................................................................ 43

5. Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 57

6. Conclusions and recommendations .................................................................................. 60

7. References ......................................................................................................................... 63

Annex 1 Grouping of crop groups for presentation and analysis of final energy balance calculations ............................................................................................................................... 67

Annex 2 Calculating energy input for spreading manure ......................................................... 68

Annex 3 Calculating energy input through labour .................................................................... 69

Annex 4 Energy content of output of food, feed and other biomass ...................................... 71

Annex 5 Allocation of input and output variables from region to HSMU level ........................ 74

Annex 6 Preparation of the three reference layers with the MARS-CGMS system ............. 76

Annex 7 Analysis of most suitable crop aggregates for presentation of results ...................... 81

Annex 8 Land use, input and output information per country and environmental zone .... 82

Annex 9 Variation in input levels per crop ........................................................................... 99

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Agro-ecosystems provide provisioning, regulating and cultural services to human society. This study focuses on the agro-ecosystem provisioning services regarding food, feed, fibre and fuel. These services strongly respond to the socio-economic demands of human beings, but do not always consider the ecological demands of the ecosystem, i.e. the bio-physical structure and processes that take place during the agricultural production. Therefore there is no clear agreement within the policy and scientific communities on whether all types of agricultural production should be seen as a provisioning ecosystem service and if so, how the ecological-socio-economic flow linked to the provisioning service should be better assessed. Several studies have provide qualitative assessments but no one, to our knowledge, has done it in a quantitative way. This study makes an attempt to answer the former questions by assessing quantitatively the degree of provisioning service by the agro-ecosystems by considering their energy balance and their different bio-physical structures and processes.

This Final Report presents the methodology and results obtained in this study, which was developed from November 2011 until May 2012.

The work was divided in the following tasks:

Task 1: Conceptual approach to define the way in which agricultural production fits into the provisioning ecosystem services framework

Task 2: Selection of suitable units of measure and reference for the analysis

Task 3: Definition of analytical framework for the analysis

Task 4: Mapping of crop production as provisioning ecosystem service For every task a research objective was formulated as follows:

1) The conceptual development of the way in which agricultural production should fit into the reference ecosystem services frames (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, TEEB), keeping into consideration that it is not a “pure” ecosystem service, but it is originating from deeply modified habitats;

2) Identification of the most suitable unit of measure (i.e. biomass, energy, yield), and of the reference against which analysing actual plant provision (potential productivity of the land);

3) The definition of the analytical frame to address crop production as ecosystem service, while taking into consideration external energy flows linked to agricultural management (i.e. labour, machinery, fertilisers, irrigation)

4) Mapping of the ecosystem service, including reference productivity considering different degrees of human intervention as external inputs.

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1. Setting the scene of the study

1.1 Background and outline

This report presents the final results from a study commissioned by the JRC to the agri-environmental framework contract consortium FRAGARIA. The main aim of this study was to design and implement a methodology to assess the provisioning service of agriculture in the EU-27.

The work was divided in the following tasks:

Task 1: Conceptual approach to define the way in which agricultural production fits into the provisioning ecosystem services framework

Task 2: Selection of suitable units of measure and reference for the analysis

Task 3: Definition of analytical framework for the analysis

Task 4: Mapping of crop production as provisioning ecosystem service

The work resulting from these four tasks is reported in the different chapters of this report.

1.2 Policy and thematic context of the study

The concept of ecosystems services (ES) has advanced significantly since late 1970s when it was used primarily to explain societal dependence on nature. It currently incorporates economic dimensions and it is starting to be used as support to decision makers for implementing effective policies that support human wellbeing and sustainable development.

The attention to ecosystem services, resource efficiency and natural capital in the European Union has rapidly developed in the years 2010 and 2011, as result of the compelling evidence that the in 2001 globally agreed target of stopping the loss of biodiversity by 2010 has not been met despite of substantial efforts in order to better protect nature. In contrast, biodiversity, ecosystems and the services they provide continue to deteriorate. Many of the pressures that affect habitats and species, including the conversion of ecosystems for other purposes of land use, climate change, invasive species, fragmentation of the land, pollution and overexploitation of biological resources, continue to impact biodiversity. The main processes around the ecosystem service concept are:

The EU's new biodiversity strategy (COM/2011/244 final) in May 2011, which marks a major milestone in the operationalisation of the ES concept in EU policies. In 2010 the EC proposed a renewed vision and targets for biodiversity for the ensuing period, building on and contributing to the international deliberations on a global vision for biodiversity beyond 2010, which will be part of a revised and updated strategic plan for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (European Commission, 2010). The new target includes restoration of ecosystem services, therefore a crucial step in its achievement is the provision of a first set of biophysical maps of ecosystem services of key importance at the EU level. Among these agricultural production plays a special role, since it is a provisioning service characterised by a strong human influence. It considers measuring Europe's natural capital and integrates for the first time in European policy the value of ecosystem

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services into policymaking: Biodiversity — the extraordinary variety of ecosystems, species and genes that surround us is our life insurance, giving us food, fresh water and clean air, shelter and medicine, mitigating natural disasters, pests and diseases and contributes to regulating the climate. Biodiversity is also our natural capital, delivering ecosystem services that underpin our economy. Its deterioration and loss jeopardises the provision of these services: we lose species and habitats and the wealth and employment we derive from nature, and endanger our own wellbeing. This makes biodiversity loss the most critical global environmental threat alongside climate change — and the two are inextricably linked;

A resource-efficient Europe – Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy in January 2011 (COM/2011/21). This strategy is the seventh and last of the Europe 2020 flagship initiatives which aim at building smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for Europe. It establishes resource efficiency as the guiding principle for EU policies on energy, transport, climate change, industry, commodities, agriculture, fisheries, biodiversity and regional development. European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, who steered the launch of this initiative, said: "Continuing our current patterns of resource use is not an option. They put too much pressure on our planet and make our economy more dependent on external supplies. A smarter use of scarce resources is therefore a strategic necessity, but also an economic opportunity. Through more resource-efficiency, clearer long-term policies and joint investments in green innovation, we are strengthening the basis for growth and jobs for our citizens and delivering on our climate and energy objectives.”;

Publication of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010) reports;

Publication of "the Atlas of ecosystem services" in September 2011 by the EU executive's in-house research facility, the Joint Research Centre, which has started the mapping of ecosystem services at EU level;

The proposal for a Common International Standard for Ecosystem Services (CICES) made to the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) in 2010, as part of the revision of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA);

Work carried out by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on ecosystem services accounting in Europe;

The centrepiece of the EU's current nature and biodiversity policy is the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. However, according to the EU executive, the future ecosystem services cannot only be delivered only through such protected areas, and the remaining 82% will need to be addressed as well. Therefore, investment in natural capital in protected and non-protected ecosystems, which the Commission refers to as "green infrastructure" is needed. The Commission is set to table a green infrastructure initiative in late 2011.

All these policy initiatives respond to the recognition that most of the ecosystem services in Europe are ‘degraded' — no longer able to deliver the optimal quality and quantity of basic services, as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Status of ecosystem services in Europe (RUBICODE project 2006–2009; marine ecosystems not included)

Agro-ecosystems provide provisioning, regulating and cultural services to human society. The provisioning services of agriculture relate to the provision of crops and livestock, which are considered as agricultural production.

There is significant evidence that most intensively managed agricultural systems produce services in an unsustainable way, in which the natural capital resources are progressively depleted at a high rate and not restored.

For example, the changes in natural habitats, which are mostly due to intensive agricultural production systems, are one of the main causes of biodiversity loss and decrease in quality and quantity of ecosystem services. In addition, 30 % of species are threatened by overexploitation (IUCN).

It seems therefore urgent to assess how sustainable agricultural production systems have to be in order to consider their productive outputs as provisioning ecosystem services.

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1.3 General approach

Based on the above given context and considerations, the overall objective of this study is mapping the provisioning services delivered by EU agro-ecosystems at the highest possible resolution, considering the net energy use of resources and the net economic benefits.

The approach needs to take into consideration that:

agro-ecosystems result from strongly modified habitats;

the focus will be on the direct use of the soil, as natural resource for plant production, and

therefore will exclude the indirect animal production;

it will exclude as well crop production in greenhouses, which have a small share of the UAA,

use mainly artificial soil and have a very negative net energy balance. It also needs to be

assessed how and to which extent other horticultural and permanent crop activities need to

be included in the energy balance, like e.g. flower and vegetable production, olives and

vineyards. These types of agricultural production will either be included or conceptually

addressed in the report;

the way to express the provisioning ecosystem services provided by agriculture should be as

net energy balance, and therefore the energy input and output in the production agro-

ecosystem need to be expressed in energy and biomass. The input will include labour,

machinery, fertilisers and irrigation as far as data are available. The consideration of labour

as input in terms of energy needs further discussion on how these can be included (e.g. in

person hours using different agricultural machines). The output will be measured as the

biomass related to the different crops yields;

the comparison baseline against which actual food provision can be compared, will take

account of the full productive capacity of the soil including food and feed, but also additional

biomass production not necessarily being used by humans at this moment, such as biomass

for fibre and fuel production, as far as data are available;

the approach targets the EU in terms of its practical implementation, but conceptually

should have a more general applicability , i.e. should be applicable in other continents as


the approach should also consider economic assumptions, which are inherent to the

valuation of the benefits provided by agricultural production to human well-being.

1.4 Outline of the report

This report consists of five chapters including this first introductory chapter. Chapter 2 deals with Task 1 and provides a review of the main concepts dealing with ecosystem services, specially focusing on production of agricultural ecosystems, and ends with a discussion on how the soil energy balance can be used to describe the role of agricultural production as provisioning ecosystem service. Chapter 3 deals with Tasks 2 and 3 and describes the analytical framework designed in this study to measure the crop energy balance, including an explanation of the translation of the methodology from the regional soil energy balance towards a more spatially explicit energy model. This model calculates the energy balance at

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the level of Homogenous Spatial Mapping Unit (HSMU) taking into account the detailed soil and other biophysical characteristics and diversity in farm management. Chapter 4 deals with Task 4 and presents, mainly in maps, the results of applying this methodology. In Chapter 5, the results are discussed and in Chapter 6 conclusions derived.

2. Review of main concepts dealing with agricultural production as ecosystem service, and specifically as provisioning ecosystem service

2.1 Methodological approach

The overall questions to be tackled in the methodological approach are:

how agricultural production fits into the existing concepts of ecosystem services?

More specifically, how the ecosystem services concepts deal with provisioning

services from agro-ecosystems, considering the fact that agricultural production

results from strongly modified ecosystems and generally needs external

anthropogenic energy inputs before a final output of biomass can be delivered;

how the provisioning services provided by agro-ecosystems can be assessed in a

quantitative way?

The former questions are answered in the following Task 1 activities:

a literature review dealing with the history of the concept of ecosystem services in

general, mainly highlighting how the scope and perspective on ecosystems and their

services to humans have changed over time and what implication this has for the

purpose of the study;

an analysis and comparison of the different concepts of ecosystem services and

functions focusing on agricultural production. A specific emphasis is laid on the

relationship between provisioning and other ecosystem services such as regulating,

supporting and cultural services. This analysis should sharpen the view on the

current lack of a comprehensive framework to deal with agricultural production

within the concept of ecosystem services, which is widely applied in current

biodiversity and other EU policies (see section 1.2);

building on this comparative analysis, a preliminary conceptual framework is

developed that considers the energy balance of the agricultural ecosystem as a

measure to describe the provisioning ecosystem services provided by agriculture. It

introduces the issue of trade-offs between provisioning and other ecosystem

services, and how this can be advanced in future analyses.

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2.2 Review of the evolution of concepts on ecosystem services and their linkage to agriculture

Developing concepts of ecosystem services dates back to the late 1970s and has changed its scope over time, culminating in the widely used definition by The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) in 2010. The origins of the modern history of ecosystem services are to be found in the late 1970s (see for an extensive history Gomez-Baggethun et al., 2010). It starts with the utilitarian framing of those ecosystem functions, which were deemed beneficial to society, as services in order to increase public interest in biodiversity conservation. It then continues in the 1990s with the mainstreaming of ecosystem services in the literature (Costanza and Daly, 1992; Daily, 1997), and with increased focus on methods to estimate their economic value (Costanza et al., 1997). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) did put ecosystem services firmly on the policy agenda, and since its release the literature on ecosystem services has grown exponentially (Fisher et al., 2009). A series of theoretical divergences within the society of Environmental and Resource Economics led to the formation of the society and journal of Ecological Economics (Costanza et al., 1992). Ecological Economics conceptualizes the economic system as an open subsystem of the ecosphere exchanging energy, materials and waste flows with the social and ecological systems with which it co-evolves. The focus on market-driven efficiency typical for Neoclassical economics is expanded to the issues of equity and scale in relation to biophysical limits, and to the development of methods to account for the physical and social costs involved in economic performance using monetary along with biophysical accounts and other non-monetary valuation languages. A major issue in the debate between Neo-Classical and Ecological Economists is the sustainability concept. The so-called “weak sustainability” approach, which assumes substitutability between natural and manufactured capital, has been mostly embraced by Neoclassical environmental economists. Ecological Economics have generally advocated the so-called “strong sustainability” approach which maintains that natural capital and manufactured capital are in a relation of complementarity rather than of one of substitutability (Costanza and Daly, 1992). The concept of ecosystem services, introduced by Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1981) builds on earlier literature highlighting the societal value of nature's functions. In ecology, the term ecosystem function has traditionally been used to refer to the set of ecosystem processes operating within an ecological system irrespective of whether or not such processes are useful for humans. However, in the late 1960s and 1970s, a series of contributions started referring to the way particular “functions of nature” served human societies (Helliwell, 1969; Hueting, 1970; Odum, 1971; Braat et al., 1979). In the 1970s and 1980s, a growing number of authors started to frame ecological concerns in economic terms in order to stress societal dependence on natural ecosystems and raise public interest on biodiversity conservation. The rationale behind the use of the ecosystem service concept was mainly

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educational, and it aimed to demonstrate how the loss of biodiversity directly affects ecosystem functions that underpin critical services for human well-being. The paper by Costanza et al. (1997) on the value of the global natural capital and ecosystem services was a milestone in the mainstreaming of ecosystem services. The monetary figures presented resulted in a high impact in both science and policy making, manifested both in terms of criticism and in the further increase in the development and use of monetary valuation studies. In the late 1990s and early 2000s the concept of ecosystems services slowly found its way into the policy arena, e.g., through the “Ecosystem Approach” (adopted by the UNEP-CBD, 2000). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) constitutes a critical landmark that firmly placed the ecosystem services concept in the policy agenda. While emphasizing an anthropocentric approach, the MA framework stressed human dependency not only on ecosystem services, but also on the underlying ecosystem functioning, contributing to make visible the role of biodiversity and ecological processes in human well-being. Since the MA, the literature on ecosystem services and international projects working with the concept have multiplied (Fisher et al., 2009). In the last few years several initiatives have framed global environmental problems in economic terms and conducted global cost-benefit analysis. Some relevant examples are the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (Stern, 2006) and the Cost of Policy Inaction study (Braat & Ten Brink, 2008). The project Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (www.teebweb.org), stemming and building on this initiative, has brought ecosystem services now in the policy arena with a clear economic connotation. And with increasing research on the monetary value of ecosystem services, the interest of policy makers has turned to the design of market-based instruments to create economic incentives for conservation, e.g. Payments for ecosystem services (PES).

In the TEEB concept, the “flow of value” is further divided in ecosystem functions providing ecosystem services which directly or indirectly lead to benefits for humanity. The TEEB “flow

Text Box 1: Brief overview on the “evolution of Ecosystem Services concepts” since 1997

Ecosystem Services are the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems, and the species that make them up, sustain and fulfil human life - Daily (1997).

Ecosystem Services are the benefits human populations derive, directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions - Costanza et al. (1997).

Ecosystem Services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems – MA (2005).

Ecosystem Services are components of nature, directly enjoyed, consumed, or used to yield human wellbeing – Boyd & Banzhaf (2007).

Ecosystem Services are the aspects of ecosystems utilized (actively or passively) to produce human well-being – Fisher et al. (2009).

The concept of ecosystem services refers to the flow of value to human societies as a result of the state and quantity of natural capital – TEEB (2010b).

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of value” diagram is adapted in this study for the agro-ecosystems, to describe the role of crop production as provisioning ecosystem service when focusing on the direct use of the soil as natural resource and including the external anthropogenic input in the soil system (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2: Adaptation of the TEEB “flow of value” elements (TEEB Foundations, 2010) for agro-ecosystems in this study, i.e. biophysical structure or processes, functions, services, benefits and values, when focusing on the provisioning services delivered by crop production, and including the external inputs to the soil ecosystem by humans.

2.3 Comparing different concepts dealing with functions, services and benefits of agricultural production

Given the historical debate in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy, services from agricultural (or agro-) ecosystems in the EU usually have been associated with public goods and services that agriculture delivers to society, in addition to the provision of those considered as ‘private’ goods, e.g. food or biomass. However, to date, there is an apparent lack of conceptual models and empirical evidence allowing for the valorisation of agriculture as a public good for the maintenance of European landscapes and their ecological and socio-economic functions (Paracchini et al. 2012). On the other hand, agricultural production is

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considered as a provisioning ecosystem service. In the following sub-sections, three approaches describing the functions, services and benefits derived from agricultural ecosystems to humans will be distinguished in terms of their perspectives and implications for the description of agricultural production as provisioning ecosystem service.

(i) Ecosystem functions as the ecological basis for agricultural activities

The principal studies1 on benefits that humans can derive from nature have generally relied on two main concepts: ecosystem services and ecological functions2. Despite increasing work on this subject, there is still some debate in the literature about how to define these main terms.3

In the 1960’s and 1970’s the term “functions” combined with nature, environment and natural environment was used to describe the “useful” (from an anthropocentric or utilitarian point of view) properties of ecosystems for society or economic processes (a.o. reviewed in Braat et al. 1979). Even though in most cases the “functions of nature” term was explicitly distinguished from “ecological functions” much confusion remained. Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1981) attempted to solve this problem when they coined the term “ecosystem services”, which joins the ecological concept “ecosystem” (Tansley, 1935; Lindemann, 1942), with the economic concept of services (used as short term for goods & services). But still for more than two decades the concepts of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services co-existed (De Groot, 1992; Daily, 1997) and prolonged the confusion, until the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) forced a clear swing towards ecosystem services. In the MA a widely supported definition and classification was published, which was the input for the TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) work in 2010. In the TEEB reports, a major change in the classification of the MA was introduced by taking out the group of Supporting Services, which in the MA diagrams were correctly positioned “behind” the other groups (provisioning, regulating and cultural), because it would cause double-counting in economic assessments and essentially referred to dynamics in ecosystems which ecologists had been calling “functions”. “It is helpful to distinguish ‘functions’ from the even deeper ecological structures and processes in the sense that they are the potential that ecosystems have to deliver a service. Services are actually conceptualizations (‘labels’) of the “useful things” ecosystems “do” for people, directly and indirectly whereby it should be realized that properties of ecological systems that people regard as ‘useful’ may change over time even though the ecological system itself does not (TEEB Foundations, Chapter 1, 2010).

This TEEB introductory chapter has made a point about “clearly delineating between ecological phenomena (functions), their direct and indirect contribution to human welfare (services), and the welfare gains they generate (benefits)” The delineation is also considered relevant to allow spatial analysis of where the potential service (= the ecological function) occurs, where the actual provision of the service occurs, and where the benefits are realised. In the same TEEB chapter the concept of dis-services is mentioned. This refers to, for example, ecosystems, which include reproduction of species that damage crops and human

1 TEEB 2010, de Groot et al. (2002) and MA (2005)

2 ‘Ecological functions´ is sometimes referred to as ´ecosystem functions´; the two terms are synonymous.

3 TEEB 1.10

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health. Of course many of these disservices are the result of inconsiderate planning and/or management of man-made ecosystems, such as agricultural systems, and thus at least partially the consequence of human actions. Examples mentioned in this TEEB chapter are “normalizing” rivers (leading to floods), cutting forest on hill slopes (causing erosion and landslides), and disturbing natural food webs (leading to outbreaks of pests).

The concept of ecosystem services is distinct in that it implies the existence of humans who have conceptualized certain ecological processes and structures as beneficial to them (de Groot 2002). Maple tree sap, for example, could not have been considered a provisioning ecosystem service until humans conceptualized it as a benefit to them, namely as maple syrup. Referring to such ecological processes and structures as the basis for “services” that humans perceive as benefits, however, follows from an anthropocentric point of view. Aside from providing benefits to humans, ecological processes and structures of course constitute the building blocks of the ecosystems themselves. Sap, for example, is essential for circulating water and nutrients in trees, in addition to being used by humans in food production. The lessons to be learned by society from this are that if all the sap is used by humans, the supply will stop, because the tree will die.

The term “ecological functions”, which existed in the ecological literature some time before the term “ecosystem services (de Groot 2002), was originally an ecological term describing the role of processes and structures in the dynamics of ecosystems, but was later (e.g. Braat et al., 1979; De Groot, 1992) used to describe the useful roles of ecological structures and processes for human society, e.g. in economic or social activities.

Ecological functions have later been redefined and now refer to the capacity that ecological processes and structures have to deliver an ecosystem service (TEEB 1.11 2010a; de Groot 2002). The relationship between these concepts is best described as the translation of a large and diverse number of ecological processes and structures into a more limited set of ecological functions, which in turn can be re-conceptualized as ecosystem services by human beneficiaries (TEEB 1.11 2010a; de Groot 2002). So, for example, the water and nutrient circulation in trees (an ecological process) involves the production of sap (an ecological function), which is harvested for maple syrup (a provisioning service).

Essentially, if a beneficiary exists to enjoy the ecological function, then it can be re-conceptualized as an ecosystem service (TEEB 1.12 2010a). As humans change their perceptions over time about the benefits that ecological processes and structures provide, the overlap between ecological functions and ecosystem services may shift (TEEB 1.12 2010).

Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of the range of services provided by agricultural ecosystems, and shows the links to the ecological functions. With appropriate structuring and management, agro-ecosystems can provide or contribute to provision of all of these ecosystem services.

However, agro-ecosystems that are modified to enhance the provision of some services can lead to trade-offs with other, important services (MA 2005). In agriculture, the issue of “trade-offs” generally arises from the fact that managers tend to focus on optimizing provisioning services to increase profits, making decisions that often “trade off” regulating and cultural ecosystem services. Intensive agriculture, characterized by monoculture crops

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and heavy dependence on water, pesticides, and fertilizers, has especially deleterious effects on these services in the form of i.e. increased soil erosion, lower soil fertility, pesticide accumulation, and river and lake eutrophication (MA 2005).

Table 1: Ecological processes and structures, ecological functions and ecosystem services that can be provided by agro-ecoecosystems (adapted from de Groot et al. 2002). The two ecological processes, and linked functions and services analysed in this study are highlighted in orange.

Ecological Processes and Structures

Ecological Functions Ecosystem Services

1) Bio-geochemical cycles e.g. CO2/O2 balance

Gas regulation Climate change mitigation

Temperature regulation

Good air quality

2) Nutrient storage and cycling Nutrient regulation Water purification

3) Influence of ecosystem structure on dampening disturbances

Disturbance prevention Flood and fire prevention

4) Influence of land cover on runoff and river discharge

Water regulation Drainage and natural irrigation

5) Retention and storage of water Water supply Drinking water

6) Influence of vegetation root matrix and soil biota

Soil retention Erosion prevention

Arable land

7) Rock weathering and accumulation of organic matter

Soil formation Soil productivity

8) Influence of biota and vegetation in nutrient and compound breakdown

Waste treatment Pollution control

9) Influence of biota on movement of floral gametes

Pollination Plant pollination*

10) Trophic-dynamic population control Biological control Pest and disease control

11) Living space and conditions Habitat provision Bio- and genetic diversity

12) Conversion of solar energy into edible plants

Vegetation growth, feed supply

Supply of food*

13) Conversion of solar energy into biomass

Vegetation growth Supply of fibre, fuel and other raw materials

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14) Landscape structure Landscape with the potential to be:

aesthetically attractive


culturally, spiritually, artistically, historically or educationally valuable

Scenic roads and housing

Outdoor sporting, eco-tourism

Use of landscape for cultural, spiritual, artistic, historical or educational purposes

*has been adjusted from de Groot 2002 to fit the context of agriculture.

(ii) Positive and negative externalities of agricultural production

Agriculture affects the natural environment in a diverse set of ways. For example, like most economic activities, agricultural production uses natural resources and environmentally harmful substances as inputs and can exploit the environment as a sink for pollution and waste (Pretty et al. 2001). Such activities have side-effects for a diverse set of third parties uninvolved in agricultural production or consumption processes themselves such as communities and ecosystems located downstream from agricultural areas; these effects constitute the “externalities of agriculture”.

“Externalities” is an economic term generally understood as the unintended, non-monetary impacts of a production or consumption process on third parties (RISE 2009; Exiopol 2009). So to qualify as an externality, an impact must be ‘’unintended’’, or external to the production or consumption process’s main rational (RISE 2009) and ´´non-monetary´´, or not transmitted through price (Kahn). And, it must affect a ´´third party´´, or an entity not involved in the production or consumption process (RISE 2009). Pollution is a frequently cited example of an externality because it generally both occurs incidentally and affects other entities than the polluters. Though people often consider externalities to be negative, as it is the case with pollution, there are positive externalities of economic activities as well. For example, when landowners plant gardens to increase the aesthetic value of their property, they inadvertently change the environment by increasing the biodiversity of the area. This benefit can be considered as a positive externality of gardening.

The externalities of agricultural production are, accordingly, the unintentional, non-monetary effects of agricultural production on third parties. These third parties could be the agricultural habitat itself, which might lose biodiversity at the hand of crop species restriction, or an area downstream, which could experience fertilizer contamination in its water source. The third party could also be society in general, which might experience climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions from manure. On the other hand, agricultural practice has the capacity to increase resilience to floods, regulate water and nutrient supplies and support farmland habitats; these are all examples of positive externalities of agriculture.

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Table 2: Externalities of agricultural activities

Resource Negative







Transfer of zoonoses

Water accumulation and supply

Flood protection

Recycling and fixation of nutrients

Air and climate change

Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Ammonia emissions (NH3)

Nitrous oxide emissions (N2O)

Methane emissions (CH4)

Carbon sequestration (soil, biomass)


Erosion due to missing soil cover

Salinisation caused by improper irrigation practices

Contamination by dangerous substances (organic pollutants, pesticides)

Compaction due to use of heavy machinery

Decline in soil organic matter due to missing crop rotation or arable stubble management

Increase in soil fertility by sustainable land use practices

Biodiversity and Landscape

Habitat destruction

Loss of landscape elements

Loss of genetic diversity among agricultural crops

Support of wildlife dwelling

Conservation of agricultural landscape and aesthetic value

Recreation and amenity

Source: Ecologic Institute, Exiopol 2009

The highly managed and manipulated character of agro-ecosystems provides ample opportunity for humans both to conserve and enhance the environment, and to damage it. For example, “carbon dioxide emissions” and “carbon sequestration” are included in Table 2 as a negative and positive externality, respectively, i.e. depending on the practices that are employed, agricultural production systems can both increase or mitigate carbon in the atmosphere. Porter et al. (2009) even offers the concept of a combined food and energy agro-ecosystem (CFE), a fully-functioning agro-ecosystem that is also a net energy producer (Porter et al. 2009). Therefore, balancing positive and negative externalities of agricultural production requires consideration of the specific agricultural practices involved in each system.

When agricultural producers prioritize the maximization of agricultural production, they tend to create too many negative externalities and too few positive ones (RISE 2009). This often occurs because agricultural producers respond to market signals for their saleable

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outputs and disregard the effects of production for which there are no functioning markets (RISE 2009). In essence, producers are not paid for providing positive externalities, nor are they required to pay the full social or environmental costs of providing negative externalities (RISE 2009). The resulting undersupply of positive externalities and oversupply of negative externalities constitutes a classic case of market failure, or the inability of the market to allocate resources efficiently (Kahn). In the context of externalities, this means that the market fails to provide the socially optimal level of positive externalities. A core focus of environmental economics is how governments can best correct such market failures by introducing subsidies, taxes or regulation to bring provision of these goods and services up or down to the desired level (RISE 2009).

(iii) The public goods provided by agriculture

The debate surrounding the CAP has unveiled that agriculture provides other goods than the mere provision of food, biomass and livestock, which were summarised as the public goods of agriculture (Cooper et al. 2009). This follows from the fact that historically, agricultural production in the EU has received continuous public support, while other economic sectors with similar characteristics have not. The public goods provided by agriculture were, in fact, commonly utilised as a justification for subsidies because they were not rewarded by markets (RISE 2009). In the current debate about the CAP reform, the provision of public goods through agriculture is gaining an even higher significance due to its relevance for the payments provided to farmers.

“Public goods´” is a well-established economics concept defined by the following criteria: (i) non-excludability, i.e. the good is available to everyone; (ii) non-rivalry, i.e. one person’s consuming the good does not reduce the amount of it available to others. A good must fulfill at least one of these criteria to a reasonable extent in order to be considered public. Pure public goods, which fulfill both criteria completely, are rare, and therefore most public goods lie along the continuum between private and public (RISE 2009). For example, though theoretically no one can be excluded from enjoying a scenic landscape open to the public, there might be competition for physical occupation of the landscape, should it become congested. In this case, the public good exhibits complete non-excludability but some degree of rivalry due to congestion. Air, on the other hand, is a pure public good because air is available to everyone, and one person´s consuming it does not reduce the amount of it available to others. The public goods of agriculture are those goods provided by agriculture that qualify as ´´public´´. They include both tangible structures and dynamic processes or flows. Besides socio-cultural public goods (e.g. employment for people working on farms), which are not in the focus of this study, the main environmental public goods of agriculture for the EU are:

agricultural landscapes,

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farmland biodiversity,

water quality and water availability,

soil functionality,

climate stability (carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions),

air quality,

resilience to flooding and resilience to fire (Cooper et al. 2009).

All of these goods show non-excludability or non-rivalry at least to some degree (Cooper et al. 2009). Farmland biodiversity, for example, exhibits a high degree of non-excludability as enjoying the sight of and benefiting from the ecological services of species and habitats is available to everyone. Farmland biodiversity also exhibits a high degree of non-rivalry; one important exception, however, is hunting, whereby excessive hunting of a targeted species can reduce the number of animals available to others. Water quality and availability, which can be both depleted and enhanced by agriculture, exhibit both public and private characteristics. Whereas water usage and extraction is subject to private control, the longer-term benefits associated with sufficient amounts of high quality water constitute public goods. Similarly, soil functionality is rival and excludable due to private ownership and control of land, but also essential to public goods such as food security, climate stability, biodiversity and landscape. In contrast, climate stability is a pure public good. In the context of this study, it is important to note that food, which is strongly associated with agriculture, does not appear on the list of public goods. This is because food products are generally provided via a market that excludes consumers who do not have the means to purchase them, and creates competition between consumers who do. As a result, food products do not generally fulfill either of the public goods criteria. Precisely due to their non-excludable and non-rival properties, the provision of public goods from agriculture generally cannot be secured through markets (Cooper et al. 2009) (i) because the producers of goods have little incentive to provide them, and (ii) the consumers of such goods have little incentive to pay for them (Cooper et al. 2009). These conditions have created a significant undersupply of public goods from agriculture in the EU (RISE 2009). In addition to showing varying degrees of publicness, the environmental public goods of agriculture exhibit varying degrees of dependence on agricultural production. Some farmland habitats and species, for example, have co-evolved with certain (mostly extensively used) agricultural systems to the extent that they are now fundamentally bound to them, and are unlikely to adapt to other forms of land use (Cooper et al. 2009). These habitats and species exhibit a significant and direct dependence on agricultural land use. In contrast, other public goods such as soil functionality can be maintained by various land use types, and so are not directly dependent on agriculture. Nevertheless, the increasing demand for food worldwide will likely increase the demand for agricultural land as well,

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making the soil functionality of this land ever more important. For this reason, it is important to find ways for agriculture to provide those public goods that are not dependent on agricultural land per se, as well as for the public goods that are dependent on it directly (Cooper et al. 2009). This comparative analysis provides a broad context for the development of the conceptual approach in the next section.

2.4 Dealing with the trade-offs between different ecosystem services

Regarding trade-offs between different ecosystem services, past research mainly restricted the view on highlighting the disservices or externalities incurred from agro-ecosystems as a result of optimizing production or provisioning services at the expense of other (regulatory or cultural) eco-system services (see de Groot et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2007). Recent research, however, emphasizes more strongly the importance of informed management to mitigate the trade-offs between provisioning and other ecosystem services and to enhance the often overlooked regulating and cultural services of agro-ecosystems (see Power 2010).

The COPI study added an important visualisation of the trade-offs between provisioning and other ecosystem services with an increase in intensity of land use. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between the provisioning and other ecosystem services and biodiversity (Mean Species abundance indicator) in different land uses.

Figure 3: Relationship between Ecosystem service provision and land use types (The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI), Braat & Ten Brink, 2008)

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There is a gradual fall of regulating services (water, air, climate) services with further degradation of the ecosystem (Fig. 3). For recreation and tourism, values of ecosystems for humans are high if a certain degree of accessibility and infrastructure is provided, whereas they also fall with the degradation of the ecosystem leading to humans seeking for a substitution of the service. Hence, according to the figure, the optimum can mostly be found in agro-ecosystem of light use/extensive agriculture. However, exceptions exist as for instance wine areas that are intensively managed but highly appreciated in their aesthetic value by many people. Provisioning services are maximised with further conversion of ecosystems, with the maximum value depending on the soil quality and how vulnerable the ecosystem is for degradation, as well as on the revenue generated for the product on the market. The maximum level is dependent on the additional inputs from humans into the provisioning process. In sum, all ecosystem services tend to decrease in value with further degradation of the ecosystem. The key problem of finding the right balance between those services is the difference between the maximum value of the services which vary depending on the degree of land use intensity. Regulating, cultural and other services reach their peak in value in agro-ecosystems that are managed with low input. On the contrary, provisioning services are usually maximised through an increase of inputs leading automatically to a decline of the other services. Finding a compromise between provisioning on the one hand and other ecosystem services on the other is site and context specific and cannot be limited to a (mathematical) maximisation function alone as divergence from the “classical” relation shown in figure 3 might occur and preferences of humans can vary. ‘The European assessment of the provision of ecosystem services’ (Maes et al., 2011) provides an interesting visualisation of the trade-offs between ecosystem services based on a Principal Component Analysis that assesses the statistical correlation of thirteen spatial indicators that map the capacity of ecosystems to provide services. (see Figure 4). This analysis shows clearly the secluded position of crop production capacity (provisioning service), which is either uncorrelated or more importantly negatively correlated to other ecosystem services, particularly the regulating services directly linked to agricultural production, i.e. water regulation, erosion control and soil quality regulation. The analysis also shows that NUTS X regions rich in agro-ecosystems are essentially producing crops and are relatively poor in delivering other ecosystem services. They cover large portions of Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Poland.

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Figure 4: Trade off analysis based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on 13 ecosystem

services (EU scale, NUTS X resolution). Vectors or arrows closely to each other represent

correlated services and vectors pointing in perpendicular directions represent services that

are not spatially related (Maes et al., 2011).

Moreover, the trade-off framework has to take into account that services has to be expressed in the same units to be compared. Provisioning services can be measured in economic terms (yield or revenue) through market prices, next to physical units such as tons of grain, while regulating services can readily be measured in physical or biological units but require alternative monetization methods to be expressed into monetary values. Similarly, to quantify cultural services bio-physical measures are generally available, but monetization requires a mix of market and non-market methods (Source: see TEEB 2010b, chapter 5). After monetization of each of the services an optimization routine can be applied to find the local optimal mix.

However, another guiding measure for finding the right balance between ecosystem services could for instance be the level of degradation, because the value of all ecosystem services are declining with further degradation of the ecosystem – even though the gradient might be different. A core question is therefore, to what extent degradation can or should be tolerated in order to maximise the value across all ecosystem services.

In the first decades since the term was coined (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 1981) ecologists provided most of the research on ecosystem services and the trade-offs between them (culminating in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), but in the last decade, economists added useful insights in valuation techniques and incentive programmes, much of which is brought together in the TEEB reports (2009, 2010a,b ) A possible approach for better integration of ecological fundaments into economic decisions when addressing trade-offs between ecosystem services, specifically, could be the

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“ecological production functions” mostly developed by Polasky (2008). Ecological production functions rely on extensive research of a specific ecosystem service in a small or localized area and typically equate the output of goods (e.g. bushels of grain) to the inputs (e.g. irrigation, fertilizer) used. Insufficient on its own, this equation seeks to develop an “eco-economic” production function that weighs the output of a range of ecosystems services in relation to the impact on ecosystem structure and function. There are two important components of these production functions: firstly, there has to be advanced knowledge on the ecosystem functions; and secondly, proper valuation techniques must be developed. In terms of the first task, research has come far and greatly improved our understanding of ecosystem functions, but there will always be unknowns. For the second task, Polasky (2008) suggests distinct physical units of measurement for ecosystem services (e.g. bushels of crops, tons of carbon sequestered, concentrations of nitrate in water). Using an ecological production function that takes land-use management as the input, Polasky (2008) explores joint biological and economic impacts of management decisions. His study finds that different land use patterns can substantially increase both biodiversity conservation and the value of economic activity (commodity production). This methodology employs localized knowledge and small-scale focus and provides a more accurate valuation method for specific services, which can then be implemented into local or regional policy. The major shortcoming of this approach is the fact that it analyses a “steady state” only. In other words it is a very localized approach that does not consider the externalities of land use and it does not consider the spatial and temporary dimension of trade-offs. The challenge is to extend the meticulousness of the “local approach” to broad scale assessments that can be applied on a global level. The analysis has shown that trade-offs are complicated by different scales, which can have at least three dimensions (see Rodriguez et al. 2006): that of space, time and irreversibility. Like Polasky (2008), Rodriguez et al. (2006) takes land-use as the input and studies the effects of different decisions based on their spatial repercussions. Rodriguez, therefore, adds the spatial and temporary dimension to ecological production functions and focuses on whether the effects of the trade-off are felt locally or at a distant location, whether the trade-off is felt rapidly or slowly, or irreversibly, whether the eco-system service may return to its original state if the perturbation ceases. This approach addresses the complexity of trade-offs that are often unpredictable and whose impact occurs over space and time. Such an approach provides managers with the ability to monitor the short-term provisions of services along with the long-term evolution of slowly changing variables. Policies can then be developed to take account of ecosystem service trade-offs at multiple spatial and temporal scales (See Rodriguez et al. 2006). Taking land-use management as the input factor, Rodriguez develops a variety of “future assessments,” based on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios. He experiments with different land-use management decisions that prioritize different ecosystem services,

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and charts the potential effects of these decisions over space, time and irreversibility. By highlighting the impacts of trade-offs through future scenarios, Rodriguez offers a critical contribution to making better decisions about trade-offs themselves. These predictions are useful indicators of the cumulative and synergistic effects of certain decisions. Drawing on historical examples, he provides further support to Polasky´s argument that the enhancement of “other” ecosystem services does not come at the elimination of meeting provisioning agricultural needs. Difficulties again arise in applying the methodology globally, however, experimenting with different management decisions and using existing knowledge can help predict different scenarios on a global scale (see Rodriguez et al. 2006).

2.5 Towards a conceptual framework: the energy balance as a possible measure to describe provisioning services provided by agro-ecosystems

This last section off Chapter 2 studies the possibility to use the energy balance to assess quantitatively the provisioning services provided by agro-ecosystems. Ecosystem services can be viewed as the flows of energy from ecological systems to human or social-economic systems (H.T. Odum, 1984 a.o.). In the agro-ecosystems there may be energy embodied in biomass (e.g. food, fibre) or in water streams; i.e. provisioning services), in the work by ecosystems influencing environmental conditions (e.g. climate, water levels; i.e. regulating services), or in generating information (e.g. the diversity of genes and species in ecosystems and landscapes; i.e. cultural services). The energy flows involved in (food/feed) biomass production from agro-ecosystems are very complex as it is shown in Figure 5. The energy flows include:

1. R&D energy: many if not all crops result from human intervention in genetic structure of crop and grass plant species, either through selection, crossbreeding or more recently gen-modification. In addition a lot of energy is spent to define optimal growing conditions. The resulting seed quality (potential to produce desired type of biomass) can thus be expressed as ratio between energy content and energy invested per seed;

2. Before starting the agricultural process seeds need to be delivered to place of application. 3. Farmers plant or sow the seeds, by manual labour or aided by mechanical tools and (fossil)

fuels. 4. Soils may be prepared for growing the crops or fodder, again by human and mechanical

energy. Often highly concentrated chemical products are added (fertilisers, fungicides, nematocides), which again add energy cost to the process.

5. Some crops require weeding and or above ground pest control, again with manual, mechanical labour and energy intense chemical products.

6. Crops must be harvested (and transported, on their way to food processing, distribution and retail, which is not included in the present analysis). During harvest, desired biomass (usually the sugar and protein rich parts are separated from the so called residual biomass (cellulose fibres, minerals), which can be used as source of fuel or fibre products, or fed back to the soil ecosystem, potentially saving on fertilisers.

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A. Natural ecosystems have so far provided the genetic capital, with which crops and fodder have been produced in agricultural systems.

B. Sunlight, rain, wind are often grouped as abiotic or environmental services, to distinguish them from the ecosystem services which are derived from biotic processes. Nutrients are cycled with the solar based energies in the hydrological cycle and with the complex soil ecosystem processes involving microbial chemistry such as mycorrhiza providing essential nutrients to the root systems of the crops (C).

Figure 5: The energy flows involved in food / feed biomass production. Solid lines indicate

energy flows. Red lines = human activity; yellow lines = environmental / ecosystem

processes; other colours: energy flows resulting from interaction of (natural) ecosystem &

human flows.

As previously mentioned in section 1.3, this study focuses only on the direct use of the soil, as natural resource for plant production, and therefore excludes all the indirect input (see production) and output processes (e.g. animal production). Therefore the energy input will include labour, machinery, fertilisers and irrigation. The approach should also consider economic values, which are inherent to the valuation of the benefits provided by agricultural production to human well-being. Consequently, not all the energy flows shown in Figure 5 are considered. Figure 6 shows the major energy flows from agro-ecosystems to society in the provisioning ecosystem services, which are the objective of this study.

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Figure 6: Energy flows in provisioning services

The energy balance approach can easily be applied to provisioning ecosystem services in a broad sense, as biomass produced for energy consumption is directly captured by humans building on the support of biological processes (photosynthesis and other). The harvest of the amount of biomass planned, can only be ensured by manipulation of the ecosystem, e.g. in the selection of particular (crop) species, minimisation of nutrient shortages, optimisation of water availability etc. All of these activities can be expressed in energy units as well as the output gained in biomass.

This study focuses on the assessment of the degree of human intervention in the agro-ecosystem for provisioning services compared to natural ecosystems. Therefore it does not quantify the also required (natural) external energy inputs, (e.g. sun, rain and wind), nor internal inputs within the ecosystem, (e.g. nutrient and water flows, microbial activity in root systems). In addition to the desired types of biomass (for food, feed, fibre, fuels), production processes also deliver plant components that are not always used in consumptive processes, but nonetheless contain energy that goes somewhere and has to be included in an overall energy balance system. It has to be kept in mind that the caloric (Joule) content of the agricultural product is not reflecting the whole level of embodied energy within the product, as heat energy has been lost in processing activities in relation to the output energy.

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3. Analytical framework for the quantitative assessment of the energy balance

3.1 Introduction

The central objective of the project is to analyse the role of agriculture as provisioning ecosystem service. Since in the former it was shown that ecosystem services can be viewed as the flows of energy from ecological systems to human or social-economic systems the energy balance approach seems a useful concept to analyse the provisioning service of agriculture. Another advantage of using an energy balance is that it enables a quantified assessment of many different human influenced and natural ecosystems which are all characterised by flows of energy. In addition to the flows of energy and the net energy gains it will also be assessed to which extent the net energy production of an agricultural system is valued in terms of economic value. The focus of the analysis will therefore be on the input and output relation of agriculture, the extent to which there is a willingness to pay for the output and not on the way agricultural production may impact other ecosystem services. Production in agriculture relates to feed, food, fibre and fuel. These products can be expressed in terms of biomass and also in terms of energy. Such energy input-output relations can be assessed for the actual agricultural production systems, but also for more ‘natural’ systems in which there is no human interference, or systems with very low and very high human interference. By comparing these 4 situations a better understanding can be derived of the role of agriculture in provisioning ecosystem service. An energy balance approach has many advantages as it enables to:

express in a comparable way the size of the output even though these have a very different nature (e.g. wheat, grass, wood, corn);

assess the net energy production by plants, comparing the energy input in the soil with the energy output in the yields;

estimate the efficiency of the production systems which may range strongly within and between regions by management;

express the production function of agricultural ecosystems in a range of indicators (see Table 3), which can be used further to develop a statistically robust analysis of the level of provisioning services delivered by agricultural ecosystems in the whole EU.

Analyse the provisioning service of agricultural ecosystems at different levels of human interference ranging from no interference, low interference to very high interference.

3.2 CAPRI energy balance model

The CAPRI energy balance model was designed for evaluating energy use and energy reduction policies in EU agriculture. In the CAPRI energy module several energy indicators are calculated incorporating the energy requirements for the input quantities of mineral fertilizer, direct energy sources, machinery, buildings, plant protection, seeds, production

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support systems (such as irrigation) and others. The CAPRI energy module data and methodology enables to calculate various indicators in relation to energy (Kempen and Kranzlein, 2008). An overview of the type of indicators and units is given in Table 3.

Table 3: Overview of parameters produced in the CAPRI energy module and the related units

For the assessment of the energy balance in this study it was first necessary to convert the calculation approaches in the CAPRI module which were applicable to the farm level to the level of the soil. This meant that among the available energy indicators at farm level, only those that affect the energy balance at soil level were selected, and aggregated to the energy input and output at soil level. This implies that energy input and output included in the balance has to be directly linked to crops and to the land management activities of establishment of a crop, management during cultivation (e.g. weeding, spreading plant protection products and fertilisers and irrigating) and harvesting. The processing of the harvest in further end-products for human consumption is excluded. The same applies to the production of meat or milk is excluded from the balance or at least stops after the cutting of grass, even though this grass may in fact be fed to animals to produce the milk and meat. The latter however need further inputs not linked directly to the soil (e.g.

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external feed, labour, machinery). The abiotic or environmental input such as solar energy water and nutrients from the soil are considered both in natural and farming systems as a constant factor and are therefore not included in the soil balance calculation. This also applies to the reference layers against which the soil-energy balance of the actual agricultural systems are compared. For the soil energy balance calculations produced in this study we focused on two main indicators to analyse the provisioning service: 1) MJout/MJin per ha. 2) Net MJ per output per ha=MJout-MJin The two units are calculated per crop type and per crop group type. This will be discussed in further detail in the next section. The calculation of the energy balance are done at regional level (Capri regions) and to take account of the diversity in agro-environmental diversity also at the level of Homogenous Spatial mapping units (HSMUs) as will be further explained in the next Section. The following factors are considered in the energy balance calculation:

On the input side we consider energy input in relation to machinery, seeds, fertilisers (including nitrogen from manure), irrigation and labour.

On the output side biomass production and related energy output is taken into account in produced food, feed and other biomass potentially used for fibre, fuel and other products. To determine the total biomass output, the starting point is the biomass which can be removed sustainably. How this is further defined is discussed in detail in next Section. When presenting the final calculations in chapter 4 it will become clear that there are agricultural crop activities which produce relatively small amounts of energy, e.g. vineyards, olives and fallow and will therefore generally show a negative energy balance result. In the interpretation of the results as categorized according to crop type and grouped crop types account needs to be taken of the composition of the crop activities on the final results.

3.3 Approach to calculating a soil energy balance

The first step is to convert the farm energy balance to a soil energy balance. In order to do this all cropping activities in a region are considered, and for these activities energy input and output factors are linked as far as these are directly linked to the soil on which these crops are cultivated. The crops included in the assessment are given in Table 4. The energy balance is calculated per crop, but then aggregated to different clusters of crops to produce final results of the analysis.

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Table 4: Overview of crops included in CAPRI

Crop accronyms Crops In/excluded SWHE softwheat in

DWHE durumwheat in

RYEM rye in

BARL barley in

OATS oats in

MAIZ sugarmaize in

OCER other cereals in

RAPE oil seed rape in

SUNF sunflower in

SOYA soya in

OOIL other oil crops in

OIND other industrial crops ex

NURS nursery crops ex

FLOW flowers ex

OCRO Other crops ex

MAIF fodder maize in

ROOF fodder root crops in

OFAR fodder other on arable land in

GRAE extensive grassland in GRAI intensive grassland in PARI paddy rice in OLIV olives in PULS pulses in POTA potatoes in SUGB sugarbeet in TEXT flax and hemp in TOBA tobacco in TOMA tomatoes in OVEG other vegetables in APPL apples in OFRU other fruits in CITR citrus in TAGR table grapes in TABO table olives in TWIN wine in FALL fallow in ISET Set aside obligatory - idling in GSET Set aside obligatory used as grass land in TSET Set aside obligatory - fast growing trees in VSET Set aside voluntary in

The final energy balance results are calculated per crop as specified in Table 4. However for the presentation of the crops different crop groups were made. The grouping of the crops is presented in Annex 1.

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On the input side there are two dimensions of energy inputs: 1) Input per resource (e.g. fertiliser, machinery, fuel) 2) Input per activity/process (e.g. cultivation, irrigation)

The difference between these dimensions can be illustrated with the following example. Ploughing a field requires 4000 MJ for fuel and 3000 MJ for energy used to produce the machinery (tractor and trailed machinery). The latter is allocated to the crop according to the hours of machinery use in the crop and the depreciation of it. Irrigating the plot requires 2000MJ for fuel and 1000 MJ for energy used to produce the pump in the factory which is again allocated to the crop according to the hours of irrigation and the depreciation of the pump. In total the energy input is 10000 MJ, which can be allocated to the crop and aggregated in two ways:

1) in 6000 MJ fuel and 4000 MJ machinery (resource dimension) , or 2) 7000MJ for cultivation and 3000 MJ for irrigation (activity dimension).

An overview of all energy input indicators per crop per resource and per activity is given in Table 5. The energy input per resource refers to all the energy that is used to produce the resource that is further used in the establishment, cultivation and harvesting of a crop.

Table 5: Input indicators included in the soil energy balance

Indicator Unit Description

Plant protection products MJ/ha Energy that is needed to produce the plant protection products that are needed per hectare per crop

Electricity MJ/ha Energy input as electricity

Diesel MJ/ha Energy input as diesel fuel (energy content of diesel + energy used in processing)

Other fuels MJ/ha Energy input as other fuel (energy content + energy used in processing)

Machinery MJ/ha Energy that is needed to produce the machinery that is used during the planting, cultivation and harvesting of the crop.

Seed MJ/ha Energy used during production of the seed

Mineral fertiliser (Nitrogen, Phosphates and potassium) MJ/ha Energy used during production of the mineral fertiliser

Seeding/planting MJ/ha Energy used for planting/seeding the crop.

Cultivation management MJ/ha Energy used in mechanisation (tractor use) and fuel for managing the crop once established (e.g. weeding)

Application of fertiliser MJ/ha Energy used for applying the fertilisers

Application of manure MJ/ha Energy used for applying manure

Application of plant protection products MJ/ha Energy for plant protection products

Application/pumping of irrigation water MJ/ha Energy used in mechanisation (e.g. pump) and fuel for applying irrigation water

Processing harvested goods MJ/ha Energy used to conserve harvested good, mainly drying of cereals

Labour MJ/ha Energy needed by humans to perform all the crop production related activities

Plant protection products, seeds and mineral fertilisers all need energy when produced. The input of this energy can directly be linked to the crop as it is known how much of these inputs are used per crop. So these can also be linked easily to the land on which these crops are grown and therefore expressed in an input per hectare. For the energy input used in the production of machinery this is more complicated as the machinery is not only used for a single crop, furthermore some crops need more, while

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others less of machinery input. For this CAPRI uses the (average) operation time of machinery per crop as a distribution factor which are based on data derived from national machinery inventories. In case of data gaps, values of countries are used which have most similar farming characteristics. To calculate the energy contents of fertilizers both artificial and manure fertilisers need to be included and allocated to a crop. The incorporation of manure fertiliser required additional processing as in the CAPRI farm energy balance calculation all manure fertilizer was (indirectly) allocated to animal production, while for the soil energy balance this needs to be allocated to the cropping activities (including grasslands). Since CAPRI calculates input of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K) in kg per crop, the energy input used for spreading the manure also needs to be allocated to the nitrogen, phosphate and potassium contents of the manure. How this is calculated is explained in Annex 2. The reason why the energy input only includes the fuel consumption of the tractor and other machinery use, and not the energy used in the production of the machinery, is because according to the logic of the CAPRI energy model this part of the energy input is completely allocated to the ‘cultivation’ part of the cropping activities. For irrigation figures from different sources were used to get a most up to date and spatially detailed overview of irrigation share per crop and total irrigation water consumption per crop. Several of these sources were already included in the in the CAPRI model. They are based on various national sources providing information on irrigated crop area and/or water use combined with crop specific expert information. However as part of this project these CAPRI irrigation data were further up-dated with more spatially detailed irrigation data based on Wriedt et al. (2008) in which irrigation shares per crop area and total irrigation water consumption are provided at 10*10 km grid. For further details see Annex 5. Labour was not included in the CAPRI energy balance at first. Within the scope of this project a first simple estimate was made of the energy contents of one hour of labour input. How this was done and included in the up-dated CAPRI energy balance calculation is explained in Annex 3. On the output side we distinguish between

output of harvested products used for food and feed and

output of biomass that can be used for production of non-food products including bioenergy.

The latter category includes all biomass that can be harvested sustainably and which is already partly harvested as part of regular crop management activities such as pruning and cutting activities. The CAPRI model calculates crop yield in kg fresh weight. The CAPRI energy module was fed with data on energy content of the output products (food, feed and other biomass) which were collected from literature. In Annex 4 an overview of the energy content of all output

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included in the assessment is given. As a starting point, coefficients are estimated from the energy of forage ( as defined in animal science literature) and heating value of biomass. As values are typically given per kg dry matter, all the coefficients had to be converted to fresh weight.

Calculation of energy balance at regional and HSMU level 3.3.1

The calculation of the energy balances is made at the scale of regions (CAPRI regions) and at a more detailed scale of Homogenous Spatial Mapping Units (HSMUs) (see Box 1). The reason to use these units is explained underneath. The approach to converting all the input and output factors to this detailed spatial level is explained in Annex 5. Since most administrative regions (e.g. NUTS regions) are very diverse from an agro-physical perspective there is a need to split these regions up into smaller entities to take better account of the diversity in farming conditions and farm management practices. These conditions and practices are very influential in the energy input and output relations of cropping activities. It therefore makes sense to also establish a soil energy balance at the level of HSMUs enabling a better approach to the diversity within regions. In order to do this there is also a need that HSMU specific energy input and output factors are available which will reflect the diversity in HSMU characteristics in the final energy balance. In Annex 5 a description is given of the characteristics of the HSMUs and the approach applied to add farm specific input and output factors to the individual HSMUs. In Chapter 4, results are presented at regional and HSMU level.

Box 1: Homogeneous Spatial Mapping Units (HSMUs ) Within the Dynaspat project, the Homogeneous Spatial Mapping Units (HSMUs) have been created and land use information has been assigned to these units in a statistical allocation procedure. In the SEAMLESS project the allocation of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) farms to HSMU then followed a similar statistical and econometric procedure as the land use allocation and the results were then aggregated into dimensions of a farm typology. HSMUs are an intersection of land cover (Corine LC 2000), relief (slope in five classes), Soil Mapping Units (so-called soil landscapes from the European soil map) and the NUTS 2/3 boundaries (depending on the size of the NUTS regions) (see Figure 10). Each HSMU has identical values for land cover class, slope class and Soil SET. Other parameters (such as annual rainfall) may differ inside the HSMU. These HSMUs can be multiple polygons (open) which implies that one HSMU can be spread over different locations within a NUTS area. Attributes belonging to every HSMU are calculated (characteristics in terms of soil, climate, land cover, yielding capacity). These attributes were used to allocate the land uses to the HSMUs, but also the farms. Further details on the allocation of land uses and farm types can be derived from Kempen et al. (2011) and Elbersen et al. (2006 and 2010).

An HSMU is an intersection of land cover, slope, soil mapping units and Nuts boundaries

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In order to calculate the soil energy balance at the HSMU level it was necessary to first allocate all energy input and output factors to the HSMU level. In the CAPRI-Dynaspat module all crop areas are already distributed over HSMUs. The same applies to some input and output factors which have already been allocated in a statistical allocation procedure to the crops per HSMU (see Table 12 for overview) or will still be allocated to HSMU within the scope of this project. The allocation already done took yield level as the distribution factor (so everything is proportional to yield). The yield was derived from the MARS-CGMS

4, a crop growth model

providing yield predictions for all major crops in the EU taking account of detailed soil and meteo data integrated with statistical yield information. Details on the spatial allocation procedure of already allocated farm management factors can be derived from Leip et al. (2008).

Calculation of the reference layers 3.3.2

In order to compare the different land use intensity levels of agricultural ecosystems in terms of energy balance, different reference situations that reflect various human interference into the provisioning function of natural systems have been created. Given data availability and the logic discussed in Chapter 3 the following reference situations are available:

Only natural grassland (all present agricultural land use per region/HSMU is covered by natural grassland, extensively grazed by wild animals)

Low-input farming

High input farming (intensive crop production) The natural grassland layer assumes a situation in which the present agricultural land area of the EU is covered by grassland that is maintained under grass by grazing with wild animals. No inputs are assumed. The climate and soil conditions determine the biomass

4 See: http://mars.jrc.ec.europa.eu/mars/About-us/AGRI4CAST/Crop-yield-forecast/The-Crop-Growth-


Slope CORINE Land Cover

NUTS3 Regions

Soil Mapping Unit

Soil mapping units

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yield in combination with the extensive grazing of wild animals. The yield is both water limited and nutrient limited. This layer was prepared using the MARS system (for details see Annex 6. Map 1 Dry biomass yield (kg/ha) for low input layer

The low input layer assumes a similar land use pattern as the actual land use, but at a 50% lower input level for nitrogen and no irrigation (see Map 1). Also this layer was prepared using the MARS-CGMS system (see Annex 6). The high input layer assumes a similar land use pattern as the actual land use pattern but a maximum yield. This implies that crop growth is simulated with the MARS CGMS assuming no water, nor nitrogen limitation. More details on the preparation of this layer is given in Annex 6. For the three reference layers the energy balance and the net energy balance are calculated. The results are compared against the energy balance of the actual farming situation to understand the relative position of actual farming in provisioning services.

Calculation of the economic value 3.3.3

The economic value per crop and ha is defined as product of yield and national market prices (yield*market price). For non-marketable feed a shadow value is estimated based on marketable commodities. For example, the value of roughage is determined by taking the value of the replacement, e.g. the value of oil cake and cereals to be bought to replace the roughage in terms of crude

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protein and energy. The amount of replacement and the related price determines the shadow value of the roughage. For the calculation of the output values the subsidies paid under pillar 1 and 2 of the common agricultural policy of the EU are excluded, but the market price may be affected by market intervention policies (e.g. export subsidies, intervention).

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4. Results

The soil energy balance calculations based on the approach described in the former section are presented in this chapter for the actual situation. With the actual situation we refer to the situation which was calculated with the detailed statistically based farm information for the years 2003-2005 contained in the Coco and Capreg database belonging to the CAPRI system. For the presentation of the results different crop groups have been produced (see Annex 1). A further analysis of which groups of crops are most suitable for the presentation of the final results is further investigated in Annex 6. From this analysis it became clear that the best coverage of HSMUs is reached by including the category CropsAll and ArablePermGrassFallow. In the following first an overview is given of the input and output levels specific per crop group. This provides an understanding of the differences in crop types in input and output mixes and how these also differ between EU regions, environmental zones and within regions. This is then followed by a presentation of the final energy balance results and an analysis of how the input levels relate to the output levels and the net energy output relates to the economic value. The economic value represents a proxy for the willingness to pay for the energy output of agriculture. Finally the net energy balance of the actual farming situation is compared against situations with more and less human interference.

4.1 Energy balance results

The soil energy balance calculations were made per crop and were then aggregated to total area averages and total crop group averages to make them presentable and analyse the overall patterns and trends. Overall, we see that there are very large differences in input and output levels between crops, but also within crop groups between EU regions. In Figure 10 an overview is given of the average per hectare input per category. Overall it becomes clear that input levels are generally lower in EU-10 then in EU-15 countries. This particularly applies to Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. In the EU-15 group the UK jumps out as a country with a relatively low input level per hectare. High average input levels per hectare in the EU-15 are particularly found in the Netherlands and Belgium, Italy, Spain and Germany. In the EU-10 Slovenia jumps out with a very high input per hectare. The categories taking the largest part of the input are mostly energy for cultivation and fertilisers. In the Mediterranean countries irrigation also adds significantly to the input side.

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Figure 10 Composition of input (MJ/ha) for all crops

Figure 11 Average output (MJ/ha) for all crops in terms of food, feed and other biomass

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000




Czech Rep


























Manure Fertilizer

Mineral Fertilizer

Plant Protection

Process Harvest


















ia UK














































ch R














Other biomass



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On the output side a distinction was made between output in food, feed and other biomass. The latter category includes biomass such as straw and cuttings not necessarily harvested from the field at this moment. The results in Figure 11 show that highest output levels in food are found in countries like Denmark, Poland, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic and Belgium. The EU-10 who have generally a lower input level have an higher output level then the EU-15, at last when looking at the food output. The comparison of the input and the output already shows that high input levels often go together with high output levels and vice versa especially in relation to total biomass output, but not necessarily in relation to food output. This is also confirmed when looking at the net energy balance in Figure 12. Figure 12 Average net energy balance per hectare (MJ/ha) for all crops

The highest net output in terms of total biomass is reached in Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, UK and Germany which were countries showing both relatively high and low input levels. Explanatory factors should clearly be sought in a combination of factors, but location in the Atlantic zone having a temperate climate could be one of them. The other explanatory factors are of course the land use composition and the farming management practices. Land use patterns in the EU countries differ significantly (see Table 6 and Annex 9, Table 1 and 2).



































en UK







































ch R








All crops net energy balance (MJout-MJin)

Food Total

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Countries with a very high share in the arable land category are Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Sweden. These high arable land shares often go together with high to very high output levels, particularly in relation to food output. The countries with the highest grassland area shares, e.g. Ireland, UK, Slovenia and Netherlands, are also among the countries with the higher output levels particularly in total biomass. Countries with a more mixed land use pattern, like is seen in most southern EU countries, generally show a lower output level, particularly when it goes together with high fallow land areas shares, like is the case for Portugal, Spain and Bulgaria. Table 6 Relative area shares per crop (%/total UAA)

Country total arable Fallow Vegetables Grass Fruits Olives Vineyards

Austria 39% 5% 0% 54% 0% 0% 1%

Bulgaria 51% 10% 1% 34% 1% 0% 3%

Belgium-Luxemburg 55% 2% 3% 38% 1% 0% 0%

Czech Rep 72% 2% 1% 24% 1% 0% 0%

Germany 63% 7% 1% 28% 0% 0% 1%

Denmark 84% 8% 0% 7% 0% 0% 0%

Estonia 66% 4% 0% 30% 0% 0% 0%

Greece 37% 9% 3% 29% 4% 16% 2%

Spain 35% 16% 1% 31% 4% 9% 4%

Finland 81% 15% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0%

France 58% 6% 1% 32% 1% 0% 3%

Hungary 74% 4% 2% 17% 2% 0% 2%

Ireland 27% 1% 0% 72% 0% 0% 0%

Italy 50% 4% 3% 26% 4% 7% 5%

Lithuania 58% 7% 1% 32% 1% 0% 0%

Latvia 56% 6% 1% 36% 1% 0% 0%

Netherlands 50% 2% 4% 43% 1% 0% 0%

Poland 67% 9% 1% 21% 2% 0% 0%

Portugal 36% 10% 1% 32% 4% 10% 6%

Romania 60% 3% 2% 33% 2% 0% 2%

Sweden 71% 15% 0% 14% 0% 0% 0%

Slovenia 35% 0% 1% 59% 1% 0% 4%

Slovakia 65% 0% 1% 33% 0% 0% 1%

UK 35% 3% 1% 61% 0% 0% 0%

Although part of the energy ratios per country can be explained from the composition of the agricultural land use, diversity in management of the crops is also an important factor for regional differences which also become clear when comparing input and output levels per country and environmental zone level per crop (see Annex 8).

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For all crops the energy for fertilisers and cultivation on average make up the largest part of the input, but the largest variation in input levels per region is found for irrigation as is shown in Annex 9. Clearly average input levels are lower in the Alpine, Boreal-Nemoral and Continental-Pannonian zones. In the Atlantic-Lusitanian zone and the Mediterranean the input levels are higher. In the Atlantic this is cause by an overall high input level as compared to other zones, but in the Mediterranean the extreme are larger with very low and very high input levels occurring at the same time. An important factor of influence on the final energy balance in the latter zone is irrigation which can be extremely high in certain regions in certain crops. In the Atlantic high input levels are particularly caused by high level of energy input in cultivation and through mineral fertiliser application. For cereals the mineral inputs generally make up the largest share of the input, followed by energy input for harvesting, but the largest regional variation is found in the irrigation level and the harvesting. The permanent crops show by far the highest average inputs and also the largest regional variation in input levels. This variation is caused by large variation in both cultivation and irrigation inputs. For grassland the variation is also enormous, with irrigation and fertiliser inputs as most regionally diverse. Overall one can conclude that variations in input levels are very wide within crops, both for the whole EU as within environmental zones particularly in relation to irrigation, process harvesting and mineral fertiliser gift. Map 2 Energy balance per hectare (MJout/MJin) calculated for food at HSMU level

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Map 3 Energy balance per hectare (MJout/MJin) calculated for total biomass at HSMU level

Map 4 Net energy per hectare (MJout-MJin) calculated for food at HSMU level

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Map 5 Net energy per hectare (MJout-MJin) calculated for total biomass at HSMU level

The variation in inputs and output shows strong differences in net energy balance results as can be seen from Maps 2 to 5, certainly when total biomass output is taken into account. Overall the largest energy gains per hectare when only food output is taken is found mostly in the regions in North, west and central Europe and Italy and it concerns mainly arable land dominated regions. The highest energy gains per hectare when total biomass is taken as output are mostly in grassland areas in the Atlantic UK, Ireland, Sweden, western and central France, North-western Spain and Germany.

4.2 Relation between input and output

From the former it became clear that there is a large diversity in energy input and output levels between crops, between regions and even between similar crops in the same region. The energy gain that can be reached per crop differs therefore strongly but overall it is clear that the biggest energy gains are in arable and grassland systems in which generally high outputs are reached with generally lower input levels. This is confirmed in Figure 13 in which we see that grasslands show low input levels while their output levels vary from very low to very high. Arable crops, like cereals and oilseed, also cluster in the lower input levels. The output for oil crops is however also rather low, because their crop residues are not assumed to be used as biomass. For cereals the output ranges strongly from low to high, whereas the straw of cereals contributes significantly to the total output. In fruits and olives the relation between input and output levels are relatively weak and show a large diversity. But overall input levels are clearly higher than in grassland and

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arables, while the output levels for fruits are even lower. The correlation of input and output over regions is generally rather low, for olives and oilseeds even almost zero. Cereals, oilseeds and fruits are aggregates of various crops. Following a low correlation can partly be explained by changing crop shares within these aggregates. Only grassland, which is a pure class, shows is a medium, positive correlation of input and output. In fruits and olives overall input levels are clearly higher than in grassland and arables, while the output levels are generally also lower, with some exceptions to the high side. The optimal level of inputs is difficult to establish, but in grassland it is clear that high output gains can be reached at relatively low additional inputs. Figure 13 Input and output relation

Overall we can conclude that the general relation between inputs and outputs is very weak, but within crops some patterns can be distinguished.

4.3 Relation between net energy output and economic value

To determine to which extent agricultural production is a provisioning service it can be assessed whether and to which extent there is a willingness to pay for the output of agriculture. To analyse this the relation between the net energy output (MJout-MJin) and the economic value is assessed in Figure 14. It becomes clear that the relation between both indicators is very weak, but positive. This implies that there is some indication that if the net



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 110000 120000



t (M



Input (MJ/ha)

Input vs Output






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energy output is high there is also a higher economic valuation. However when we look at this relation within crop groups we see that the relational patterns are less distinct then when the input and output are compared. But some clusters can be distinguished (see Figure 14 and Table 7). Figure 14 Relation between net energy output and economic value

Table 7 Characteristics of crop groups at Eu-27 level

Input (GJ/ha)

Output ((GJ/ha)

Net Effect (GJ/ha)

Output Value (Euro)


Cereals 20 84.0 63.9 642 7,8

Oilseed 15.7 44.7 29.0 618 13,7

Grass 6.5 57.9 51.5 164 2,9

Fruits 40.3 52.4 12.1 4465 62,1

Olives 41.8 133.5 91.7 1420 10,3

The output value of arable crops and grassland cluster on the lower side of the output value, but show relatively higher output levels in MJ/ha then the olives and fruits. In the arable group the oil crops show more often negative output levels then the cereals, but this does not go together with a lower economic value. If the willingness to pay would be similar among the crops, the consumer would value a crop mainly because of its energy. In fact the value of oilseeds, cereals and olives is similar. However, grass and especially fruits differ significantly from other crops. The net energy




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



t (M



Output value (Euro/GJ)

Output value vs net energy output






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gain of fruits is rather low, while the willingness to pay is high. One would therefore expect higher output values for fruits then for the rest, but this does not become particularly clear from Figure 14. This is probably because the range in output value in fruits as compared to arable crops is lower. The value of grass is rather low, while the net energy gain is comparable to cereals. This is probably because grass is often the only possible choice under unfavourable natural conditions. Overall it means that although the net energy outputs are generally higher in cereals, permanent grass and olives they are least valued in economic terms. In fact the lowest energy producing system, fruits, has the highest economic value.

4.4 Comparing energy balance of actual farming situation against varying levels of human interference in ecosystems

In order to compare the different land use intensity levels of agricultural ecosystems in terms of energy balance, different reference situations that reflect various human interference into the provisioning function of natural systems have been created. Given data availability and the logic discussed in Chapter 3 the following reference situations are available:

Only natural permanent grassland (all present agricultural land use per HSMU is permanent grassland)

Minimum-input farming

High input farming (intensive crop production) More details on the preparation of these layers is given in Annex 6.

Comparison of energy balance for actual farming situation and reference layers 4.4.1

The net energy balance calculations per HSMU for the three reference situations and the actual farming situation (Map 6) show that there is a wide diversity in European in relation to the situation in which the highest net energy output is reached. The difference between the actual farming situation and the reference situations illustrates this diversity even further (Map 7). It becomes clear that the widest EU spread in high net energy gains are reached in the high input system and also, although less wide spread, in an actual farming situation. While at the same time the lowest energy gains are seen in the natural grassland situation. The low input system is somewhere in the middle with overall positive but moderate energy gains EU wide. It should be noticed that this comparison is made on the total biomass output, while in the actual system only a part of this energy output is really used by humans.

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There are practically no spots in the EU where the natural grassland situation has a higher net energy output than in the actual situation. The few exceptions are found in the Alpes in Lombardia and Lombardia, in the south of Cataluña and some spots particularly in Valencia and Andalucia, Provence-Alpes-Cote D’Azure, Languedoc-Rousillon and in central Portugal. The difference between the actual and the high input situation (Map 7) shows that in the actual situation higher net energy gains are still reached as compared to high input in Finland and Sweden, in half of the territory of Poland, Romania, Germany, France, the majority of the territory in Denmark, England, the whole Po-Valley and Northern Ireland, in Spain only in part of Aragón, Murcia and Castilla la Mancha and in Portugal only in the southern half. High input systems perform clearly better in net energy production as compared to actual farming in most of Italy, Spain, Greece, the Baltics Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, most southern and western France, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Eastern Poland and Romania. The difference between the actual and the low input situation shows that in the largest part of the EU the actual system shows a higher net energy gain with clear exceptions in western Scotland, many spots spread over Portugal, in Spain in Andalucia, Valencia, Cataluña, Aragón and in Italy larger areas in Piemonte, Lombardia, Luguria, Sardinia, Toscana, Lazio, Sicilia and Abruzo, in France particularly in Provence-Alpes-Cote D’Azure and Languedoc-Rousillon. When looking at the difference between low and high input systems it is clear that the high input systems show an overall higher energy gain in the majority of the regions. The opposite is however seen in central Sweden and Finland, most of western Scotland, half of Poland, western regions of Romania, the western Balkans, Macedonia, Austria, several regions in Spain like Aragón, Murcia, Castilla la Mancha, Valencia and Cataluña, central and southern Portugal, in France most of Provence-Alpes-Cote D’Azure and Languedoc-Rousillon and in Italy several spots spread all over the country but mostly concentrate in the Alpine region and the Po-valley.

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Map 6 Net energy (MJout-MJin) for total biomass at HSMU level in actual farming and in the three reference situations

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Map 7 Differences in net energy (MJout-MJin) for total biomass at HSMU level between actual farming and the three reference situations

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Map 8 Differences in net energy (MJout-MJin) for total biomass at HSMU level between low input and natural grassland situation

In the final comparison between low input and natural grassland situation (Map 8) it becomes clear that low input performs better in terms of net energy production over the large majority of EU-27 regions and this is particularly pronounced in the upper north and south, and southeast. The rare spots where the opposite is seen are in particularly concentrated in in Corsica, Calabria, Ireland, Wales, western England, northern Germany and southern Denmark. Overall we can conclude that in terms of net energy gains high input systems and actual farming systems perform best over the majority of European regions. The exceptional regions where low input systems perform best are mostly found towards the upper north in Scandinavia, and western Scotland, parts of Poland, Romania, the western Balkans and particularly south of Portugal, southwest of Spain and France. The natural grassland layer hardly ever beat the actual and other reference layers in terms of net energy gain which is most pronounced in the particularly pronounced in the upper north and south, and southeast.

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5. Discussion

In every ecosystem, whether partly influenced by human interference or purely natural, there are flows of energy. These flow from ecological systems to human (or social-economic) systems. Because of this the energy balance approach seems to be a useful concept to analyse the provisioning service of agriculture. The focus of the analysis has therefore been on input and output relations of agriculture in terms of energy and not on the way agricultural production may impact other ecosystem services. Production in agriculture relates to feed, food, fibre and fuel. These products can be expressed in terms of energy (Joules or Kcal, per unit area or per unit weight; the flows per unit time). Such energy input-output relations can be assessed for the actual agricultural production systems, but it can also be assessed for more ‘natural’ systems in which there is no human interference, or systems with very low and very high human interference. The energy balance in this study is limited to the agro-ecosystem, including soil and aboveground biomass, i.e. the crop, as this is best comparable to a natural ecosystem. This implies that energy input and output included in the balance are directly linked to the crop itself, and to the land management activities linked to its production, i.e. establishment of a crop (e.g. seeding), management during cultivation (e.g. weeding, spreading plant protection products and fertilisers and irrigating) and harvesting. The human labour input during all these activities is also included. To keep it as comparable as possible to a natural ecosystem, all secondary processes are excluded. Consequently, the processing of the harvest in further end-products for human consumption is excluded from the energy balance, as well as the production of meat or milk, or at least stops after the cutting of grass, even though this grass may in fact be fed to animals to produce the milk and meat. Input, output and net energy gains The highest average input levels per hectare in the EU-15 are particularly found in the Netherlands and Belgium, Italy, Spain and Germany. In the EU-10, Slovenia stands out with a very high input per hectare, but overall input levels in EU-15 are higher than in EU-10. The categories taking the largest part of the input are mostly energy for cultivation and fertilisers. In the Mediterranean countries irrigation also adds significantly to the input side. The highest output levels in provisioning of food are found in countries like Denmark, Poland, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic and Belgium. The EU-10 countries have generally a lower input level and a higher output level than the EU-15, at least when looking at the food production. The highest net output in terms of total biomass is reached in Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, UK and Germany which were countries showing both relatively high and low input levels. Explanatory factors should clearly be sought in a combination of factors, but location in the Atlantic zone having a temperate climate could be one of them. The other explanatory factors are of course the land use composition and the farming management practices.

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The regions with high arable land shares, often have high to very high output levels per hectare, particularly in relation to food output. Similarly, the countries with the highest grassland area shares, i.e. Ireland, UK, Slovenia and Netherlands, are also among the countries with the higher output levels particularly in total biomass. Countries with a more mixed land use pattern, like is seen in most southern EU countries, generally show a lower output level, particularly when it goes together with high fallow land areas shares, like is the case for Portugal, Spain and Bulgaria. Average input levels are lower in the Alpine, Boreal-Nemoral and Continental-Pannonian bio-geographical zones, where extensive agriculture is more dominant than in the other zones. On the contrary, in the Atlantic-Lusitanian zone and the Mediterranean the input levels are higher. In the Atlantic zone, with the largest share of intensive agriculture in Europe, input levels are overall high and are particularly caused by high level of energy input in cultivation and through mineral fertiliser application. However, in the Mediterranean zone extreme levels are found, with very low and very high input levels, being irrigation, which can be extremely high for certain crops in certain regions, a very important factor of influence. When assessing the efficient use of the agro-ecosystem potential in creating provisioning services, it is important to distinguish between two ratios. Firstly, the Total Energy Output/ Total Energy input, which will always be < 1, because energy is lost as heat in transformation processes (2nd Law Thermodynamics). And secondly, the ratio of Total Energy Output/ Human (manipulated) Energy Input, which should be > 1 to be called efficient. In addition the Capital Stock of the Soil (fundamental part of the agro-ecosystem) should be maintained, to speak of sustainable efficient provisioning ecosystem services. In this study, we consider the second ratio, and find that the net energy gain that can be reached per crop system differs strongly. However, a clear trend is found showing that the biggest energy gains are in arable and grassland systems in which generally high outputs are reached with generally lower input levels. On the other hand, in fruits and olives overall input levels are clearly higher than in grassland and arable crops, while the output levels are generally also lower, with some exceptions. This shows that several food services are not efficient and show a negative ratio for two main reasons:

(Human) Input levels of energy are much higher than output levels of energy, so lot

of energy is lost;

The total energy output is not used, or only partially used.

Net energy gain and economic value of the output To which extent agricultural production is a provisioning ecosystem service and contributes to human well-being can be valued by the willingness to pay for the output of agriculture. Overall it can be concluded that although the net energy outputs are generally higher in cereals, permanent grass and olives are least valued in economic terms. On the contrary, the lowest net energy producing system, fruits, has the highest economic value. This is because to produce fruits the plant makes a very high investment in “metabolic” energy,

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and therefore fruits have high “embodied energy”, which is recognised in the market as valuable. Embodied energy refers to very specific fruit sugars and aromatic chemicals that are produced at the cost of burning calories in the production process. This is in contrast with cereals, which are straightforward glucose chains and have therefore much lower embodied energy . Net energy in actual agriculture production systems as compared to natural and high and low input systems In order to compare the different land use intensity levels of agricultural ecosystems in terms of energy balance, the actual farming situation was compared to three reference situations:

Natural permanent grassland, where all present agricultural land use per HSMU is permanent grassland;

Minimum-input farming (extensive crop production);

High-input farming (intensive crop production).

Comparison results show that in terms of net energy gains for total biomass, high input systems perform best over the majority of European regions, as it could be expected. Actual farming systems are close to the high input systems, showing that most of current production in Europe is already highly intensive. However, there are exceptions where low input systems perform best, mostly found towards the upper north in Scandinavia, western Scotland, parts of Poland, Romania, the western Balkans and particularly south of Portugal, southwest of Spain and France. The natural permanent grassland shows the lowest net energy gains. Actual farming as compared to natural grasslands, shows the highest gains in the upper north, and extreme south and southeast of the EU. However, the comparison was made for an energy balance taking total biomass output into account. If the comparison of the net energy balance between the natural permanent grassland reference and the actual farming is made taking only food (as part of the total biomass) into account the picture is less pronounced.

Limitations of the analysis

The analysis in this study was performed using the best available data both on input factors and output levels in farming. The data that CAPRI uses for calculating the actual situation of farming are for the years 2003-2005, and are contained in the Coco and Capreg database belonging to the CAPRI system. This database is 2-yearly up-dated according to same methodology and calibration approach. Also for the distribution of input and output factors to HSMU levels very robust methodologies are used which integrate statistical information at NUTS 2 and 3 level with more spatially detailed factors including the MARS-based CGMS yield levels which are available at Soil Mapping Unit level. Despite these data are the best available, it should be noticed that the data on input levels have different quality. The best quality data at HSMU level, which have been tested and corrected in several former projects, are on fertiliser input, plant protection and process

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harvest. The distribution of N-inputs for manure and artificial fertilisers is based on extensive work done by CAPRI and JRC in several joined project in the last few years. The same applies for output levels as they are calibrated and compared against yield levels modelled in the MARS-CGMS. They are also based on yield statistics which have been carefully collected for several years at regional level by Eurostat. In the cultivation input data the estimates of ploughing energy input is still rough and does not consider the large differences in types of machinery used on different types of soils. This could be improved, but no data is known to be available EU-wide to make this improvement. The irrigation data from CAPRI were of lower quality and contained many rough disaggregation estimates. In addition irrigation figures of Wriedt et al. (2009) were used which were based on detailed irrigation data from regional and national sources and distributed spatially according to crop growth model estimates to 10*10 km grids to estimate irrigation shares per crops and total irrigation water consumption. These irrigation figures were rescaled to the cropping shares per HSMU in this project. The results show for some HSMUs, particularly in Spain and Portugal very high irrigation water consumption levels. In this study these figures were accepted as they are the best available source at the required regional level. However it is known that some Spanish regions (e.g. Castilla-la-Mancha) set maximum levels of irrigation water consumption per crop per hectare and the average water consumption data per crop in certain HSMUs in la Mancha exceed by far these levels. For the 2003-2005 time period used as actual farming situation, which is also applicable to the data we used from the Wriedt study, these levels may have been exceeded. However, in more recent years it is likely that water use consumption per hectare in several regions of Spain have decreased. This would also theoretically lead to a better performance on the net energy balance for some regions in Spain, as pumping energy for irrigation is taking a large share of the energy input in many crops grown there in the actual farming energy balance calculations in this study. For the Portuguese situation it is also advisable to further improve and cross check irrigation water consumption levels in future up-dates of this study. Labour energy was estimated based on German references. It only specifies an average energy input per working hour. The estimate of the working hours per farm activity were derived from assessments done in Seamless which mainly built on the FADN labour hour estimates. The total labour investment per region was used as reconciliation factor to distribute over crops and activities in a region and this total was derived from Eurostat Regional statistics on total agricultural labour.

6. Conclusions and recommendations

Agro-ecosystems provide provisioning, regulating and cultural services to human society. This study focuses on the agro-ecosystem provisioning services regarding food, feed, fibre and fuel. These services strongly respond to the socio-economic demands of human beings,

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but do not always consider the ecological demands of the ecosystem, i.e. the bio-physical structure and processes that take place during the agricultural production. Therefore there is no clear agreement within the policy and scientific communities on whether all types of agricultural production should be seen as a provisioning ecosystem service and if so, how the ecological-socio-economic flow linked to the provisioning service should be better assessed. Several studies have provide qualitative assessments but no one, to our knowledge, has done it in a quantitative way. This study makes an attempt to answer the former questions by assessing quantitatively the degree of provisioning service by the agro-ecosystems by considering their energy balance and their different bio-physical structures and processes. The first objective of this study is therefore mapping the provisioning services delivered by EU agro-ecosystems at the highest possible spatial resolution, which is the homogenous Spatial Mapping Unit (HSMU), considering the bio-physical characteristics, the net energy use of resources and the net economic benefits. Secondly to compare the net-energy balance of the actual farming situation against reference situations with higher and lower human interference. The analytical framework considers the main input and output energy factors in the agricultural production. The results show that there are currently very large differences in input and output energy levels between crops, but also for the same crop group between EU regions. In addition, the net energy gain that can be reached per crop system differs strongly. These results show that the energy balance approach used in the study seems a useful tool to identify which are the factors in the agricultural production process that could be modified to improve the agricultural provisional services and the sustainability of their production. The analytical framework considers as well the economic value of the output, as a way to assess the last part of the ecosystem services flow - the willingness to pay for the agriculture benefits. Interestingly, the analysis makes evident the contrast between the crop energy outputs and their economic values, e.g. fruit production is the lowest net energy producing system, while fruits have the highest economic value. This indicates the need to consider in future studies other types of energy, such as the plant intrinsic metabolic energy . The use of three reference layers considering different degree of human intervention (i.e. natural permanent grasslands, minimum input farming and high input farming) helps to identify how actual agricultural provision performs compared to the potential service (= the ecological function), in terms of net energy gains for total biomass, and how this changes across Europe. In future work, it will be interesting to differentiate between the net energy gains of the different components of the total biomass (feed, fibre and fuel), and not only on food. Overall it is clear that the largest uncertainty about quality of the input data in this study is for labour and for irrigation. No distinction was made between different categories of labour, such as heavy manual labour and light labour such as driving a tractor.

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Consequently, for the use of the developed methodology worldwide it would be recommended to further elaborate on the labour categories and derive more information on energy input in different categories of labour. It should be emphasised that improvement in data quality and higher time and spatial resolution in data would always improve the results of the assessment done in this study, and help improving the understanding of the relation between agro-ecosystem and their provisioning services, green infrastructure and resource efficiency. In summary, the use of the energy balance seems to be a useful approach to assess the efficiency of the use of natural and human resources in the agro-ecosystem to deliver provisioning services. The approach can be used to operationalise the concept of provisioning ecosystem services in policies and management:

Improving the resource efficiency in the provisioning service of the agro-ecosystem can be

done in several ways: (i) diminishing human energy inputs; (ii) increasing energy output by

choosing the most appropriate combination of plant-soil and bio-geographical region,

maintaining the natural resources without causing more externalities; (iii) using not only part

of the total biomass, but more of the output (e.g. energy residues);

Whether agricultural ecosystems should be included as part of the Green Infrastructure

could be based on energy efficiency in combination with externality effects. Therefore, those

agricultural land uses in which the Total Energy Output/ Human (manipulated) Energy Input

is > 1 that maintain the Capital Stock of the Soil should be considered as sustainable efficient

provisioning ecosystem services.

The same argument could be considered regarding the restoration of certain agro-

ecosystems in order to increase their energy efficiency.

Finally, this study can be considered as a first step in the assessment of the total energy balance of the agro-ecosystem. It only deals with the quantification of energy regarding human inputs and output. Next analysis should deal with crucial issues such as the quality of the energy and the embodied energy in the plant production, which will help to understand the full complexity of the agro-ecosystem. In addition, the analysis of the externalities associated to the agricultural production, which are outside the scope of this study, will be fundamental to assess the inter-linkages (trade-offs and synergisms) between the provisioning services and the other ecosystem services provided by agriculture.

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7. References

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Annex 1 Grouping of crop groups for presentation and analysis of final energy balance calculations

Table 1: Mapping CAPRI crop activities to aggregates






















































































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Annex 2 Calculating energy input for spreading manure

Data used for estimating the energy input of manure spreading were based on German average figures (available at http://www.llh-hessen.de/landwirtschaft/vtec/text63.htm). According to these it is assumed that a spreading tank contains on average 16m3 of manure (average 11 – 22 m3). It takes 30 minutes to drive, fill and spread the tank (own estimate). This means that 32m3 are spread per hour which implies that 1.67 litres of diesel are used to spread 1 m3 manure (32/19,2 = 1,67 l). 1 m3 manure contains 12 kg Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium (NPK) in equal shares (based on “rough” average of nutrient content in different types of manure see e.g. http://www.lfl.bayern.de/iab/duengung/organisch/09556/). To link the fuel input to the separate NPK contents the following formula is applied: 1,67/12=0,139 l per kg NPK Where 0.139 is the amount of diesel needed to spread 1 kg of nutrition. As the energy content of diesel is 45,71 MJ/l we arrive at about 6,4 MJ/kg (nutrition). When the calculation results on the energy input for manure spreading is combined with the fertiliser spreading, the following coefficients for energy input for mineral and manure spreading are the result:

mineral manure

N 58,99 6,4

P 40,06 6,4

K 9,25 6,4

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Annex 3 Calculating energy input through labour

The labour input estimate builds on a German study5 which is based on the average energy intake for a person (see Table 1) doing light physical work.

Table 1: Overview of average energy in-take per day for males and females

Age Males Females

15-18 years 3100 kcal 2500 kcal

19 < 24 year 3000 kcal 2400 kcal

25 -50 years 2900 kcal 2300 kcal

51 - 64 years 2500 kcal 2000 kcal

>= 65 years 2300 kcal 1800 kcal

Source: D-A-CH: Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr

For heavier work, the following additional energy in-take is needed:

Moderately heavy physical work: plus ca. 600 kcal Heavy physical work: plus ca. 1200 kcal Very heavy physical work: plus ca. 1600 kcal

Examples of these working categories are given in Table 2.

Table 2: Examples of light to very heavy work categories

Light physical work

Moderately heavy physical work

Heavy physical work Very heavy physical work

Clerk Garage employee Construction worker Steel worker

Housewife/man Painter Sports instructor Kohl miner

Teacher Gardener Physiotherapist Top sportsmen/women

Lorry driver Salesman/women Roofer Forest worker

In this study we assume that a farmer operates at the same physical work level as a roofer

or construction worker and that on average he is male and is in the age of 25-50 years.

This implies that his caloric needs are:

2900 + 1200 = 4100 kcal.

5 D-A-CH: Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr. Available at: http://www.ernaehrung.de/tipps/allgemeine_infos/ernaehr10.php

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Per working hour he needs:

4100 / 8 hours of work = 500kcal per hour (approximately)

Conversion to MJ: 1kJ = 0,239kcal this implies that:

500 kcal/0.239= 2092kJ = 2.092 MJ per hour

In a follow up it could be considered to differentiate between different categories of labour (e.g. with machinery vs. manual labour), although data on which basis this differentiation can be made are scarce.

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Annex 4 Energy content of output of food, feed and other biomass

As values are typically given per kg dry matter, all the coefficients had to be converted to fresh weight. For an overview of the energy content factors used for food products see Table 1. An overview of the energy contents of forage crops is given in Table 2.

Table 1: Energy content of the food products

MJ per kg fresh weight

Soft wheat 11,38

Durum wheat 11,38

Reye and meslim 12,06

Barley 11,46

Oats 10,19

Grain maize 11,02

Other cereals 11,46

Rape (seed) 15,28

Sunflower (seed) 15,28

Soya (seed) 10,19

Other oil (seed) 37,07

Paddy rice 15,88

Olives 36,81

Pulses 14,00

Potatoes 2,74

Sugar beet 2,38

Tomatoes 0,81

Other vegetables 1,12

Apples 1,70

Other fruits 1,75

Citrus fruits 1,18

Table grapes 2,86

Tabacco 4,07

Wine 2,85

Table 2: Energy content of forrage or biomass output

Energy (MJ per kg dry matter) ****

Dry matter content (g/kg)

Energy (MJ per kg fresh weight) - approximately

Silage Maize* 11,2 352 3,75

Fodder root crops** 7,9 – 8,3 140 - 190 2,00

Other fodder from arable land* 10.2 – 10.7 390 – 406 3,75

Grass* 10,0 - 10,6 423 – 431 3,75

Straw*** 18 890 16,00

* Taken from http://www.landwirtschaftskammer.de/landwirtschaft/tierproduktion/rinderhaltung/ ** Taken from https://www.fibl-shop.org/shop/pdf/mb-futterrueben.pdf *** Taken from Elbersen et al. (2012) **** Heating value of biomass

To derive the potential biomass output of non-food (e.g. wood cuttings as by product of apple trees) specific biomass coefficient estimates were used first to estimate the total

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volume for cuttings and pruning from vineyards, citrus and other fruit trees, nuts and olives and for straw. These volumes were then converted to energy content according to their lower heating values and their dry matter content. In order to estimate the residue potential the permanent cropping areas derived from CAPRI for 2004 the average harvest ratios per type of permanent crop. The harvest ratios were derived from several publications (see underneath) and their averages are summarised per crop category in Table 3. Table 3: Average residue harvest ratios per type of permanent crop

Land use category Residue yields Ton DM/HA/Year

Fruit and berry plantations – total 2.15

Temperate climate fruit and berry plantations

Subtropical climate fruit and berry plantations

Nuts fruit and berry plantations 2.15

Citrus plantations 2.75

Olive plantations - table olives 1.77

Olive plantations - oil production

Vineyards - quality wine 2.81

Vineyards - other wines

Vineyards - table grapes

Vineyards – raisins

Sources: 1) Di Blasi, C., Tanzi, V. and Lanzetta (1997), M. A study on the production of agricultural residues in Italy; Biomass

and Bioenergy Vol 12 No 5 pp 321-331 (1997) 2) Iacopo Bernetti et. Al. (2004). A methodology to analyse the potential development of biomassenergy sector: an

application in Tuscany; Forest Policy and Economics 6 (2004) 415-432 3) Figures taken from powerpoint presentation "Bioenergy market in Greece" by Despina Vamvuka (15/12/2006):

http://www.enveng.tuc.gr/Downloads/ABES_LAB/05%20Vamvuka.pdf 4) Siemons, R., Mc Chesney, I., Nikolaou, N., Vis, M., Berg, van den D. & Whitelye M. (2004). Bioenergy’s role in the

EU energy market. A view of developments until 2020. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/etap/pdfs/bio_energy.pdf

5) Mladen Ilic, Borislav Grubor and Milos Tesic (2004). The state of biomass energy in Serbia; BIBLID: 0354-9836, 8 (2004), 2, 5-19; http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/ft.aspx?id=0354-98360402005I

For the conversion of this biomass to energy the following conversion factors were used: Lower heating value: Energy (MJ per kg dry matter)= 11.7 Dry matter content (g/kg)= 890 Energy (MJ per kg fresh weight)= 10.41 A methodology for estimating the straw biomass potential is available from a JRC study (JRC and CENER, 2006 and Scarlat et al. 2009). In this work the methodology for estimating a sustainable potential applies to a wide range of crops delivering straw including all cereals, rice, and maize, sunflower and oil seed Rape. Based on a wide range of EU expertise the straw yield ratios per type of crop are provided together with sustainable harvest levels. The latter relate to harvest practices aimed at maintaining the soil carbon levels in the soil. These were estimated to be at 40% for wheat, rye, oats and barley and at 50% for the other 4 crops. The JRC approach was be applied to all crop area and yield levels in the Capri

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database to arrive at a final straw biomass energy output. For conversion of the straw biomass to energy the figures provided in Table 2 for straw were used.

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Annex 5 Allocation of input and output variables from region to HSMU level

Table 1: Overview of input and output factors and approach to how these have been allocated to HSMU level in CAPRI-Dynaspat

Factor Linked to HSMU? Description of allocation approach Yield Yes Reconciliation of HSMU specific yields with regional


Cultivation No If needed it will be disaggregated using information at HSMU level on sand/clay content of soil

Manure fertilizer Yes Derived from estimated spatial animal density (see Leip et al., 2008)

Mineral fertilizer Yes Derived from yield, manure application and soil characteristics (see Leip et al., 2008)

Irrigation Yes/No Map of irrigation shares used in CAPRI-Dynaspat is already available. However, water consumption is not yet linked to HSMU. This will happen as part of this project. It will be done by combining the Wriedt et al. (2009) data providing irrigation water consumption and irrigation shares per crop at 10*10 km grid with the HSMU level

Seed No If needed it could be disaggregated proportional to yield

Plant protection No If needed it could be disaggregated proportional to yield

Processing harvest No Take regional average. No allocation needed

Labour No Not clear if needed estimates of more or less manual labour input can be derived from the HSMU specific farm typology.

Table 1 shows that important energy input factors like fertilisation levels, and energy output as yield levels are already allocated to HSMU level. For the allocation of irrigation water consumption per crop at HSMU level the data from Wriedt et al. (2009) were used together with crop-region specific irrigation data from Mars-CGMS. For this purpose the following steps were taken:

1. Data were extracted on irrigation shares and crop areas and total irrigation water consumption contained in the Wriedt et al. (2009) database for the EU-27 at the level of 10*10 km grids.

2. A spatial overlay was made between the 10*10 km grid with the HSMU polygons to transfer the irrigation shares per crop and the total irrigation water consumption to the level of HSMU.

3. Like for the allocation of the crops and the fertilisation levels also for the estimation of the irrigation water use levels per crop at the level of HSMU the existing Dynaspat allocation procedure was further adapted and applied. This was done by using a Bayesian Highest Posterior Density method that distributes the total irrigation water to a crop in an HSMU within the totals of irrigation water consumption for the Nuts regions and taking account of prior information on total irrigation water consumption and irrigation crop shares. In the allocation prior information from MARS-CGMS was also used on crop specific irrigation water consumption at nuts level. This information is however only available for 8 arable crops and can therefore only improve the irrigation water consumption estimates on a selection of crops. The

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distribution aimed at creating an optimal consistency between scales, i.e. between the totals at Nuts 2 and HSMU levels.

It was decided that there was no need to also make HSMU specific distributions of seed and plant protection within the scope of this study. Since these inputs are generally not making up a large share of the total inputs per crop it was not considered necessary.

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Annex 6 Preparation of the three reference layers with the MARS-CGMS system

The three reference layers were prepared with the CGMS. First a short description of the system is given, followed by a description of the preparation of the three reference layers. CGMS The Crop Growth Monitoring System (CGMS) as parts of the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (MARS-CYFS) of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission consists of a meteorological, soil and crop data base, an agro-meteorological model and remote sensing information on Europe (including Russia, Turkey and Maghreb) and third countries. The system provides indicators of crop yield for specific crops with a resolution of 25x25 km for the whole of Europe and several countries in Central Asia on a 0.25 DD resolution. The system runs on a daily basis to provide to the European Commission with near real time information on the status of arable crop development across Europe in terms of delays and biomass production in the current year and in comparison to the past (1975-2011). The crop biomass production is first simulated using biophysical environmental factors (weather, soil, crops) and agronomic knowledge, and in a second step an analysis done to relate the simulation results to agricultural statistics. Estimates distinguish total biomass production and harvestable yield of 11 arable crops (Winter wheat, grain maize, Spring barley, Rye, Field beans, winter rapeseed, sunflower, permanent grassland, temporary grassland, sugar beet and potato). The components of the system are running on computers at three locations (Wageningen (NL), Mol (B) and Berlin (D)) , while a copy of it is maintained at JRC, Ispra, Italy by remote control. The MARSOP Consortium acts as data provider, the final analysis and forecasts are done by MARS Unit of JRC at Ispra, Italy. For further information on MARS see: www.marsop.info CGMS is based on a number of crop physiological responses to weather and soil conditions which is the case for a family of crop growth models, of which SUCROS, WOFOST and ORYZA are the best known members. These models are used to explain or predict the potential and attainable yields of crops under the environmental and management conditions, and to compare these yields against actual yields in a field, farm, or a region, to quantify the yield gap and to identify the constraints limiting crop production. The WOFOST model (see Van Keulen and Wolf, 1986; van Diepen et al., 1989; Supit et al. , 1994; Vossen and Rijks, 1995) is the weather driven crop engine of CGMS. In WOFOST first, instantaneous photosynthesis (calculated at three depths in the canopy for three moments of the day) is integrated over the depth of the canopy and over the light period to arrive at daily total canopy photosynthesis. After subtracting maintenance respiration, assimilates are partitioned over roots, stems, leaves and grains as a function of the development stage, which is calculated by integrating the daily development rate, described as a function of temperature and photoperiod. Assimilates are then converted into structural plant material taking into account growth respiration. Leaf area growth is driven by temperature and limited by assimilate availability.

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Above ground dry matter accumulation and its distribution over leaves, stems and grains on a hectare basis are simulated from sowing to maturity on the basis of physiological processes as determined by the crop’s response to daily weather: (rainfall, solar radiation, photoperiod, minimum and maximum temperature and air humidity), soil moisture status (i.e. Ta/Tp, alike the FAO models) and management practices (i.e. sowing density, planting date, etc.). Water supply to the roots, infiltration, runoff, percolation, capillary rise and redistribution of water in a one-dimensional profile are derived from hydraulic characteristics and moisture storage capacity of the soil. Also included is detailed physiological information such as heat sums to reach various phonological stages, energy conversion, portioning of assimilates over various plant organs. For specific crop varieties grown in certain regions some parameters in the crop files have been modified. Since new crop varieties are constantly introduced, crop parameters that describe crop growth and development, such as for example the temperature sums to reach the flowering stage, are regularly updated and calibrated as new information comes available. The need for soil data is twofold. Rooting depth and water retention characteristics determine the maximum available water that can be stored by the soil. Important system aspects like initial available water at the start of the growing season and the soil capacity to buffer infiltrated rainfall are influenced by these soil properties. Further, soil data are used to define whether a crop has to be included in the simulation for a given soil type. For instance shallow soil types are excluded as these soils are not be cropped in reality. The current CGMS is based on the Soil Geographical Database of Europe (SGDBE) version 4 covering pan Europe. The resolution available for geographical representation is 1:1,000,000 for most countries. The SGDBE contains list of Soil Typologic Units (STU), characterizing distinct soil types that have been identified and described. The STU are described by attributes specifying the nature and properties of the soils, for example texture, the moisture regime, the stoniness etc. Because it is not technically feasible to delineate each STU on the map, the STUs are grouped into Soil Mapping Units (SMU) to form soil associations. Soil attributes like rooting depth and water retention required in the crop water model of CGMS have been derived from basic properties like soil name and texture applying so called pedotransfer rules. CGMS-Europe contains a meteo data base with historic daily meteorological data from weather stations. For the EU15 and neighbouring countries data from approximately 380 stations with data since 1976 are available, in some cases back to 1930. Since about 1990 the data set was extended with stations from eastern Europe, western Russia, Maghreb and Turkey, while the station density increased over the entire area . Presently, data from about 7000 stations is available. Of these stations about 3000 receive daily meteorological information. The historic data were converted into consistent units and scanned for inconsistencies and non-realistic values. Variables covered are global radiation, air temperature, dew-point temperature (humidity), pressure at sea level, wind speed, amounts of precipitation, clouds, and sunshine duration.

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Although CGMS can be applied at station level, CGMS runs on a 25 by 25 km grid for the following reasons: irregular spatial distribution of the meteorological stations, spatial variability of the crop and land use, crop and soil information. The weather variables needed as input are: precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, global radiation, wind speed and vapour pressure. The data interpolation is based on the averaging of values from weather stations surrounding a given grid cell, with a preference for similar stations. Similarity is expressed as a score based on distance between grid centre and station, difference in altitude and, distance to the coast, position relative to a climatic barrier and the distribution of the used stations around the grid cell. The interpolation is executed in two steps: first, from the list of suitable stations a set of stations is selected that is most suitable for the interpolation. Second, a simple average is calculated for most of the meteorological parameters, with a correction for the altitude difference between the station and grid cell centre in case of temperature and vapour pressure. As an exception rainfall data are taken directly from the most similar station. This empirical interpolation method is robust and accurate. Natural grassland The natural grassland layer assumes a situation in which the present agricultural land area of the EU is covered by grassland that is maintained under grass by grazing with wild animals. No external inputs are assumed such as in terms of nitrogen or irrigation water. The nitrogen availability is restricted to the nitrogen base supply per soil type which is maintained by the nitrogen fixation of the vegetation. This fixation is very low as under purely natural circumstances there is practically no nitrogen deposition resulting from intensive livestock systems and other sources. The base nitrogen supply is estimated per STU based on its texture class (Figure 1). We also assume that the N-base in the soil remains stable as there is a balance between nitrogen fixation by the grassland and nitrogen removal by natural grazing. Since The nitrogen base supply was used in to correct CGMS results for possible nitrogen shortage in natural grassland systems. Figure 1 Base nitrogen levels per STU in purely natural grassland conditions with

extensive grazing by wild fauna

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1 Course: 30kg/ha 2 Medium: 45kg/ha 3 Medium fine: 50kg/ha 4 Fine :40kg/ha 5 Very fine: 30kg/ha Climate and soil conditions together determine the biomass yield in combination with the very extensive grazing of wild animals. To calculate the natural grassland yield the CGMS water limited permanent grassland yield was taken as a basis (YIELD_CGMS_WYB). This water limited yield assumes no irrigation water application and unlimited nitrogen availability. In order to correct for nitrogen limitation the following calculation steps were applied in a post model assessment. Two situations are considered. If the nitrogen requirement needed for YIELD_CGMS_WYB can be provided by the base nitrogen availability, there is no nitrogen limitation and N_CORRECTION is set to 1. If the base nitrogen availability is smaller than the nitrogen requirement needed for YIELD_CGMS_WYB we assume a linear relation between the amount of nitrogen and yield. Therefore N_CORRECTION is equal to the base nitrogen availability divided by the nitrogen requirement. The nitrogen requirement was calculated by multiplying YIELD_CGMS_WYB with the average nitrogen fraction in the crop (0.015). Finally a correction factor is applied for loss of biomass via natural grazing which is set at 25%. To summarize: If nitrogen base supply >= nitrogen requirement: Natural grassland yield = 0.75 * YIELD_CGMS_WYB If nitrogen base supply < nitrogen requirement: Natural grassland yield = 0.75 * YIELD_CGMS_WYB * N_BASE_SUPPLY / N_REQUIRED Low input farming In a low input farming situation we assume that land use is the same as in the actual situation and that the nitrogen supply to all crops is reduced by 50% of the actual nitrogen supply and that there is no irrigation. This implies that the yield is always considered water

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limited, but compared to the maximum water limited yield there is an extra post processing reduction. It is assumed that 20% of the CMGS_YIELD_WYB is supplied by the soil and not influenced by the reduced nitrogen supply. For the remaining production (80%) a linear relation is used to account for the 50% nitrogen supply reduction. Finally a 0.7 harvest share is applied: Low input yield = 0.7 * (CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.2 + CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.8 * 0.5) By using nitrogen fractions from table 1 we can derive nitrogen shares: Low input base nitrogen = CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.2 * N_MEAN Low input nitrogen = CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.8 * 0.5 * N_MEAN Table 1: Mean nitrogen fractions per crop


Barley 0.44 1.10 0.35 0.680 0.010200

Maize 0.50 0.95 0.40 0.675 0.010125

Potato 0.80 0.85 1.50 0.980 0.014700

Rapeseed 0.50 1.50 0.55 1.025 0.015375

Sugerbeet 0.70 0.60 1.80 0.960 0.014400

Sunflower 0.56 1.80 0.70 1.316 0.019740

Wheat 0.50 1.10 0.30 0.700 0.010500

Where: HI = Harvest index N_MIN_STO = minimum % N of dry weight storage organs N_MIN_STE = minimum % N of dry weight stems and strow N_MIN = HI * N_MIN_STO + (1-HI) * N-MIN_STE N_MEAN = 1.5 * (N_MIN) / 100 HI, N_MIN_STO and N_MIN_STE have been derived from Nijhof, 1987; Van Heemst, 1988; Boons-Prins, 1993; and literature review.

High input farming The high input layer assumes a similar land use pattern as the actual land use pattern but a maximum yield. This implies that crop growth is simulated with the MARS CGMS assuming no water, nor nitrogen limitation. In CGMS this maximum yield level is already calculated for all crops included in the system. It is the potential above ground biomass yield (CGMS_YIELD_PYB), corrected with a 30% management correction fraction: High input yield = 0.7 * CGMS_YIELD_PYB Also in this case the nitrogen shares can be derived using the nitrogen fractions from table 1. The base nitrogen is equal to the low input situation and High input accounts for the remaining part: High input base nitrogen = CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.2 * N_MEAN High input nitrogen = (CGMS_YIELD_PYB - CGMS_YIELD_WYB * 0.2) * N_MEAN

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Annex 7 Analysis of most suitable crop aggregates for presentation of results

To understand which crop aggregates are most suitable to be used for presenting the final results of the energy efficiency and balance results an analysis was done for Spain. Spain is a very diverse country in terms of crop, farming type and agro-environmental characteristics and therefore very suited to test the coverage of crop type aggregates for HSMUs. It has been investigated with which crop groups the largest number of HSMUs are covered with energy balance calculation results. After all if certain crop groups are excluded from the analysis it could also lead to exclusion of HSMUs from the analysis. An overview of where HSMUs are no longer covered per crop group is presented in Figure 1. The results show that, as it was expected, full coverage is reached when all crops are included (first map), but if the crops belonging to NoClass (see Annex 1) are excluded from the analysis (fourth map including the categories arable, vegetables, grasslands, permanent crops and fallow) it still provides a practically full coverage of all HSMUs. In conclusion it means that this class is the most suitable class to present the final results for. Figure 1: Coverage of HSMUs per crop group (grey = not available , green = available)

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Annex 8 Land use, input and output information per country and environmental zone

Table 1 Land use 2004 per country (*1000 ha)

Table 2 Land use 2004 per aggregate Environmental Zone (*1000 ha)

Country Cereals Oilseeds Other arables total arable Fallow Vegetables Grass Fruits Olives Vineyards total

Austria 796 77 384 1270 148 13 1754 10 48 3242

Bulgaria 1726 649 193 2628 516 55 1730 66 135 5130

Belgium-Luxemburg 358 11 434 854 32 52 584 20 1 1544

Czech Rep 1558 309 838 2724 92 19 904 28 19 3787

Germany 6874 1329 2898 11208 1318 106 4945 73 101 17752

Denmark 1454 113 716 2293 224 11 187 8 2722

Estonia 280 49 222 555 30 3 250 4 0 842

Greece 1113 19 426 1702 403 121 1339 161 746 112 4584

Spain 6498 681 1829 9522 4290 393 8562 1052 2515 1132 27467

Finland 1243 94 703 2051 384 10 78 7 2531

France 9197 2022 5909 17425 1642 275 9427 184 18 882 29853

Hungary 2852 619 455 4028 197 99 956 100 89 5469

Ireland 318 14 814 1154 39 7 3052 2 4254

Italy 3903 352 2449 7423 641 485 3866 660 1006 788 14869

Lithuania 990 98 585 1694 213 21 944 35 2908

Latvia 473 56 486 1029 118 14 661 16 1838

Netherlands 219 2 693 992 32 77 847 20 0 1969

Poland 8497 527 1981 11192 1480 187 3499 360 0 16718

Portugal 439 214 580 1307 378 48 1174 143 358 218 3627

Romania 5646 1214 1165 8257 420 231 4516 208 220 13853

Sweden 1206 152 1114 2486 507 13 487 4 3496

Slovenia 91 2 82 178 1 3 299 6 2 20 508

Slovakia 798 195 354 1359 8 11 677 8 14 2079

UK 3091 580 1954 5738 561 112 9979 33 1 16423


Environmental zone Cereals Oil- seeds





Alpine 654 64 579 1297 100.5 19 2050 35 2 68 3572

Boreal - Nemoral 4842 454 3133 8429 1292.9 76 2838 71 0 12707

Continental - Pannonian 18959 3230 13787 35976 3343.3 647 34423 317 232 657 75594

Atlantic - Lusitanian 26424 4726 8142 39292 3837.1 692 17258 819 638 62536

Mediterranean 12629 1562 6892 21082 5810.2 1062 15882 2010 4411 2464 52721



yards total




tables Grass Fruits

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Table 3 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for all crops in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 6526 6 90 860 2411 193 2896 260 13242 24637 23628 5190 1.86 3.64 4.04 11395 35023 40213

Bulgaria 4560 16 494 230 1597 0 505 831 8233 24752 7916 5936 3.01 3.97 4.69 16518 24434 30370

Belgium-Luxemburg 8785 34 73 2801 8014 1206 2847 380 24139 39251 64377 5750 1.63 4.29 4.53 15111 79489 85239

Czech Rep 5439 12 22 517 5052 219 797 377 12436 40900 22185 10174 3.29 5.07 5.89 28465 50649 60823

Germany 7963 126 86 1132 6775 320 1235 353 17991 41484 38181 12330 2.31 4.43 5.11 23493 61674 74004

Denmark 7210 222 56 1454 5243 222 586 439 15434 45924 40095 15852 2.98 5.57 6.60 30491 70586 86438

Estonia 5310 0 164 423 2397 79 457 419 9250 31812 21539 4923 3.44 5.77 6.30 22562 44101 49024

Greece 9105 125 343 505 3890 431 0 880 15278 32586 16477 10498 2.13 3.21 3.90 17308 33786 44284

Spain 6516 9029 79 468 3100 277 3 258 19729 19213 15208 9691 0.97 1.74 2.24 -515 14693 24384

Finland 8672 0 51 545 4703 93 166 468 14699 41760 12866 8873 2.84 3.72 4.32 27061 39927 48801

France 5926 1480 91 844 5755 544 2633 465 17738 33851 39952 10032 1.91 4.16 4.73 16112 56064 66096

Hungary 5555 13 331 356 4199 141 6278 430 17304 29861 10251 8436 1.73 2.32 2.81 12557 22807 31243

Ireland 4752 0 37 1911 6137 90 0 115 13041 10125 93471 17 0.78 7.94 7.95 -2916 90555 90571

Italy 9679 7158 271 757 4310 899 1 378 23453 32882 23719 10058 1.40 2.41 2.84 9428 33147 43205

Lithuania 5445 0 188 382 2916 43 14 494 9483 30085 17479 5729 3.17 5.02 5.62 20602 38081 43811

Latvia 5295 0 256 279 1557 0 505 365 8257 25793 20992 3716 3.12 5.67 6.12 17536 38528 42244

Netherlands 9466 261 217 3367 9404 776 783 713 24986 28728 76056 2234 1.15 4.19 4.28 3742 79797 82031

Poland 6899 6 411 506 4441 104 1442 571 14379 44083 10771 9057 3.07 3.82 4.44 29705 40476 49533

Portugal 8209 2936 163 604 2286 614 0 262 15075 11657 13210 8698 0.77 1.65 2.23 -3418 9792 18490

Romania 5610 27 613 0 0 128 24 342 6744 31963 11524 4202 4.74 6.45 7.07 25220 36744 40946

Sweden 6691 20 36 625 3622 97 418 361 11871 23536 40202 7875 1.98 5.37 6.03 11666 51868 59743

Slovenia 10579 11 401 1375 8644 486 345 317 22158 21242 38852 4267 0.96 2.71 2.90 -916 37936 42203

Slovakia 4331 41 51 333 2924 281 1887 418 10264 30178 18724 6795 2.94 4.76 5.43 19914 38638 45432

UK 3752 53 32 955 4674 413 286 239 10403 22321 57601 5941 2.15 7.68 8.25 11917 69518 75459

EU-10 6161 9 298 460 4102 128 1971 492 13620 37718 14270 8195 2.77 3.82 4.42 24098 38368 46563

EU-15 6789 3071 108 884 4819 440 924 364 17399 28832 35072 9191 1.66 3.67 4.20 11432 46504 55695

Energy balance results

Net balance: Mjout-MJinEnergy Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)Allcrops

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Table 4 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for all crops per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest SEED


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 6392 318 163 862 3371 277 1510 219 13113 18285 23653 3564 1.39 3.20 3.47 5173 28825 32389

Boreal Nemoral 6447 2 162 496 3313 64 329 444 11257 31515 21991 6715 2.80 4.75 5.35 20258 42249 48964

Atlantic Lusitanian 5374 409 67 1139 5523 436 1233 293 14473 29050 52345 7938 2.01 5.62 6.17 14577 66922 74860

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian6324 29 329 490 3602 172 1494 447 12886 36080 18274 8134 2.80 4.22 4.85 23193 41467 49601

Mediterranean 7575 7206 156 534 3488 516 240 435 20150 23871 18206 9692 1.18 2.09 2.57 3721 21927 31619

Allcrops Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-

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Table 5 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for cereals in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 9761 14 104 572 6630 162 11942 504 29688 70173 0 18243 2.36 2.36 2.98 40485 40485 58729

Bulgaria 5423 4 567 273 3270 0 1544 566 11647 60452 0 13261 5.19 5.19 6.33 48806 48806 62066

Belgium-Luxemburg 8555 10 74 1128 13054 536 12370 611 36339 94896 0 22830 2.61 2.61 3.24 58558 58558 81388

Czech Rep 6229 1 28 483 6707 205 1988 571 16212 76608 0 24211 4.73 4.73 6.22 60396 60396 84607

Germany 8819 49 97 764 9658 263 3197 541 23387 81006 0 30861 3.46 3.46 4.78 57618 57618 88479

Denmark 7010 222 50 1170 5942 233 1095 524 16248 72672 0 29427 4.47 4.47 6.28 56425 56425 85852

Estonia 6361 0 183 99 3997 120 1372 544 12676 77895 0 14245 6.15 6.15 7.27 65219 65219 79464

Greece 6272 129 146 328 8916 310 0 682 16783 45113 0 7227 2.69 2.69 3.12 28330 28330 35557

Spain 5393 5533 65 293 6025 173 11 660 18153 34424 0 10447 1.90 1.90 2.47 16271 16271 26718

Finland 7913 0 58 144 5953 108 341 602 15118 73190 0 18030 4.84 4.84 6.03 58072 58072 76102

France 6632 1725 75 479 11490 522 8555 507 29985 78668 0 27445 2.62 2.62 3.54 48683 48683 76128

Hungary 5529 7 340 372 6232 121 12393 561 25555 45724 0 14011 1.79 1.79 2.34 20170 20170 34181

Ireland 7483 0 125 953 10283 232 0 468 19545 111959 0 0 5.73 5.73 5.73 92414 92414 92414

Italy 6581 6631 201 451 8530 603 4 444 23445 56911 0 10347 2.43 2.43 2.87 33467 33467 43813

Lithuania 6042 0 231 296 5044 52 42 637 12344 69062 0 16024 5.59 5.59 6.89 56717 56717 72742

Latvia 6398 0 369 50 2834 0 1984 634 12269 78192 0 13463 6.37 6.37 7.47 65923 65923 79386

Netherlands 8939 167 120 1207 14177 276 6939 705 32529 88722 0 16604 2.73 2.73 3.24 56193 56193 72797

Poland 5964 0 406 333 6298 65 2836 631 16533 67960 0 16333 4.11 4.11 5.10 51427 51427 67761

Portugal 5715 7382 166 171 5458 315 0 569 19775 31745 0 608 1.61 1.61 1.64 11970 11970 12578

Romania 5848 25 757 0 0 101 59 351 7141 55580 0 7164 7.78 7.78 8.79 48440 48440 55604

Sweden 7977 9 52 449 5619 122 1218 629 16074 54259 0 22840 3.38 3.38 4.80 38184 38184 61025

Slovenia 12300 8 591 1863 16462 429 1947 636 34236 81673 0 11148 2.39 2.39 2.71 47437 47437 58585

Slovakia 5162 48 68 317 4495 368 5077 586 16121 58829 0 17104 3.65 3.65 4.71 42708 42708 59812

UK 5732 24 57 551 11330 769 1524 523 20510 87029 0 31315 4.24 4.24 5.77 66519 66519 97834

EU-10 5932 4 323 348 6067 105 4384 609 17772 64919 0 16561 3.65 3.65 4.58 47147 47147 63708

EU-15 6929 2231 91 526 9017 382 3389 551 23115 67185 0 21711 2.91 2.91 3.85 44069 44069 65780

Cereals Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 6 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for cereals per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 9196 940 212 823 9587 398 8282 443 29881 74631 12779 2.50 2.50 2.93 44750 44750 57529

Boreal Nemoral 6978 1 194 262 5253 80 872 625 14264 68124 17286 4.78 4.78 5.99 53859 53859 71145

Atlantic Lusitanian 6748 643 74 633 11021 545 4919 520 25103 82980 28969 3.31 3.31 4.46 57877 57877 86846

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian6503 14 378 349 5323 133 3563 533 16795 64567 17214 3.84 3.84 4.87 47773 47773 64987

Mediterranean 5926 5464 113 342 7118 336 1005 588 20892 44352 10522 2.12 2.12 2.63 23459 23459 33982

Cereals Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 7 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for grain maize in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest SEED


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 11025 56 127 962 11299 298 53550 247 77564 71111 0 0 0.92 0.92 0.92 -6453 -6453 -6453

Bulgaria 5082 8 798 197 4586 0 0 318 10989 46526 0 0 4.23 4.23 4.23 35538 35538 35538

Belgium-Luxemburg 8763 62 95 2267 10591 474 54398 424 77073 76484 0 0 0.99 0.99 0.99 -589 -589 -589

Czech Rep 6049 12 40 456 8648 329 31132 243 46909 65805 0 0 1.40 1.40 1.40 18896 18896 18896

Germany 10935 331 122 994 11435 378 42643 508 67346 78228 0 0 1.16 1.16 1.16 10882 10882 10882



Greece 5940 298 268 539 20494 751 0 265 28553 100411 0 0 3.52 3.52 3.52 71857 71857 71857

Spain 5317 35377 149 929 20582 644 0 147 63144 106067 0 0 1.68 1.68 1.68 42922 42922 42922


France 6935 7512 108 479 9652 548 39845 413 65492 90060 0 0 1.38 1.38 1.38 24568 24568 24568

Hungary 5557 12 442 320 7042 155 30960 470 44956 40374 0 0 0.90 0.90 0.90 -4582 -4582 -4582


Italy 7406 19576 268 857 12484 1083 0 80 41755 97049 0 0 2.32 2.32 2.32 55293 55293 55293

Lithuania 5081 0 378 268 3332 70 15576 424 25129 43629 0 0 1.74 1.74 1.74 18500 18500 18500


Netherlands 9829 1564 79 2156 14839 340 42544 508 71860 73363 0 0 1.02 1.02 1.02 1504 1504 1504

Poland 4954 0 640 253 9587 136 27830 196 43597 71584 0 0 1.64 1.64 1.64 27988 27988 27988

Portugal 5680 15024 332 383 10434 599 0 424 32875 22456 0 0 0.68 0.68 0.68 -10419 -10419 -10419

Romania 5395 44 919 0 0 127 0 75 6560 54078 0 0 8.24 8.24 8.24 47517 47517 47517

Sweden 8588 0 82 530 3690 156 32943 424 46412 74439 0 0 1.60 1.60 1.60 28027 28027 28027

Slovenia 12525 23 756 2388 29663 825 0 508 46689 62437 0 0 1.34 1.34 1.34 15747 15747 15747

Slovakia 5199 149 97 271 5497 510 27304 329 39356 46437 0 0 1.18 1.18 1.18 7082 7082 7082


EU-10 5550 21 440 345 7929 201 29438 390 44314 49113 0 0 1.11 1.11 1.11 4799 4799 4799

EU-15 7379 12179 175 725 12505 687 22247 293 56189 89658 0 0 1.60 1.60 1.60 33469 33469 33469

Grain Maize Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 8 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for grain maize per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed total input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 9541 2305 289 1015 14103 673 19737 228 47891 76051 1.59 1.59 1.59 28159 28159 28159

Boreal Nemoral

Atlantic Lusitanian 7310 5583 130 652 10069 529 38643 423 63340 84407 1.33 1.33 1.33 21067 21067 21067

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian5890 43 687 180 3780 156 13687 216 24638 53727 2.18 2.18 2.18 29089 29089 29089

Mediterranean 6723 20323 214 781 14545 871 5703 177 49337 97150 1.97 1.97 1.97 47813 47813 47813

Grain Maize Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 9 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for oilseeds in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 7969 10 85 247 5778 178 72 1 14340 47324 0 0 3.30 3.30 3.30 32984 32984 32984

Bulgaria 4738 16 400 303 2510 0 56 1 8024 29330 0 0 3.66 3.66 3.66 21306 21306 21306

Belgium-Luxemburg 7689 0 66 522 15636 610 49 1 24573 56686 0 0 2.31 2.31 2.31 32113 32113 32113

Czech Rep 5500 3 24 255 10882 282 49 1 16996 46774 0 0 2.75 2.75 2.75 29778 29778 29778

Germany 7289 3 86 385 12932 271 49 1 21017 54422 0 0 2.59 2.59 2.59 33405 33405 33405

Denmark 6385 143 63 597 15878 243 53 1 23363 53500 0 0 2.29 2.29 2.29 30137 30137 30137

Estonia 5814 0 166 22 5197 178 49 1 11426 37400 0 0 3.27 3.27 3.27 25973 25973 25973

Greece 6503 195 81 228 3243 230 56 1 10536 17819 0 0 1.69 1.69 1.69 7283 7283 7283

Spain 4858 15717 50 104 5275 109 67 1 26181 20027 0 0 0.76 0.76 0.76 -6153 -6153 -6153

Finland 7500 0 55 237 3616 94 49 1 11551 104505 0 0 9.05 9.05 9.05 92954 92954 92954

France 6212 849 64 280 10039 442 56 1 17943 46074 0 0 2.57 2.57 2.57 28131 28131 28131

Hungary 5262 1 228 278 5111 140 73 1 11094 35852 0 0 3.23 3.23 3.23 24758 24758 24758

Ireland 6970 0 102 650 15144 390 49 1 23306 75972 0 0 3.26 3.26 3.26 52666 52666 52666

Italy 5991 12202 216 348 5611 478 135 1 24982 30444 0 0 1.22 1.22 1.22 5462 5462 5462

Lithuania 5703 0 210 142 2005 77 49 1 8186 39855 0 0 4.87 4.87 4.87 31668 31668 31668

Latvia 6334 0 335 23 1892 0 56 1 8640 43194 0 0 5.00 5.00 5.00 34554 34554 34554

Netherlands 9016 0 168 747 14535 369 49 1 24886 58072 0 0 2.33 2.33 2.33 33186 33186 33186

Poland 5723 0 379 78 8286 130 49 1 14647 49110 0 0 3.35 3.35 3.35 34463 34463 34463

Portugal 6144 2851 31 8 1947 174 56 1 11213 499 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 -10714 -10714 -10714

Romania 4969 58 469 0 0 69 69 1 5635 56420 0 0 10.01 10.01 10.01 50785 50785 50785

Sweden 7282 0 46 193 4210 134 59 1 11924 38446 0 0 3.22 3.22 3.22 26522 26522 26522

Slovenia 10716 11 444 1400 12254 333 55 1 25214 43482 0 0 1.72 1.72 1.72 18269 18269 18269

Slovakia 4717 21 50 192 5072 401 66 1 10519 40022 0 0 3.80 3.80 3.80 29502 29502 29502

UK 5540 0 53 445 7061 820 49 1 13969 61191 0 0 4.38 4.38 4.38 47222 47222 47222

EU-10 5452 3 219 188 6719 182 59 1 12823 42358 0 0 3.30 3.30 3.30 29535 29535 29535

EU-15 6301 3067 74 298 9054 370 60 1 19226 44679 0 0 2.32 2.32 2.32 25453 25453 25453

Oilseeds Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 10 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for oilseeds per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 6797 2286 175 439 6887 362 131 1 17078 40347 2.36 2.36 2.36 23270 23270 23270

Boreal Nemoral 6609 0 165 138 3720 99 52 1 10785 54171 5.02 5.02 5.02 43386 43386 43386

Atlantic Lusitanian 6104 134 61 379 9432 566 51 1 16727 53968 3.23 3.23 3.23 37241 37241 37241

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian5640 20 270 196 6172 154 60 1 12512 47080 3.76 3.76 3.76 34567 34567 34567

Mediterranean 5703 10743 87 174 5203 247 79 1 22237 21868 0.98 0.98 0.98 -369 -369 -369

Oilseeds Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 11 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for permanent grassland in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 2865 0 74 973 512 38 1 0 4464 0 31557 0 7.07 7.07 27094 27094

Bulgaria 1358 26 72 207 83 0 1 0 1747 0 18868 0 10.80 10.80 17121 17121

Belgium-Luxemburg 2402 68 41 3434 6161 503 1 0 12609 0 94336 0 7.48 7.48 81727 81727

Czech Rep 1702 22 4 319 2024 47 1 0 4120 0 33819 0 8.21 8.21 29698 29698

Germany 3112 103 49 1525 3737 149 1 0 8675 0 79884 0 9.21 9.21 71208 71208

Denmark 2012 265 28 1320 4230 78 1 0 7934 0 123272 0 15.54 15.54 115338 115338

Estonia 1522 0 28 380 1357 0 1 0 3288 0 32290 0 9.82 9.82 29002 29002

Greece 1542 68 8 981 2082 131 1 0 4813 0 47766 0 9.93 9.93 42953 42953

Spain 1591 5821 9 881 1865 60 1 0 10227 0 41580 0 4.07 4.07 31353 31353

Finland 2266 0 7 745 2534 39 1 0 5592 0 31805 0 5.69 5.69 26213 26213

France 1945 1387 30 908 2262 173 1 0 6705 0 74561 0 11.12 11.12 67856 67856

Hungary 1530 32 38 297 1004 24 1 0 2926 0 33680 0 11.51 11.51 30754 30754

Ireland 2291 0 15 1884 5116 56 1 0 9363 0 99556 0 10.63 10.63 90194 90194

Italy 1319 2579 20 1062 1318 103 1 0 6402 0 45512 0 7.11 7.11 39110 39110

Lithuania 1522 0 37 461 1902 14 1 0 3937 0 35681 0 9.06 9.06 31744 31744

Latvia 1522 0 55 355 1012 0 1 0 2946 0 34475 0 11.70 11.70 31530 31530

Netherlands 2558 418 112 3682 7842 159 1 0 14771 0 103116 0 6.98 6.98 88345 88345

Poland 1519 13 63 866 1553 18 1 0 4033 0 32348 0 8.02 8.02 28316 28316

Portugal 1630 1130 9 929 1678 69 1 0 5448 0 24524 0 4.50 4.50 19076 19076

Romania 1497 27 87 0 0 50 1 0 1661 0 27851 0 16.77 16.77 26190 26190

Sweden 2156 78 2 632 1683 35 1 0 4588 0 73920 0 16.11 16.11 69332 69332

Slovenia 4068 11 75 747 6304 98 1 0 11303 0 45292 0 4.01 4.01 33989 33989

Slovakia 1481 32 8 299 455 68 1 0 2343 0 28860 0 12.32 12.32 26517 26517

UK 1820 0 16 1077 2655 78 1 0 5647 0 80127 0 14.19 14.19 74479 74479

EU-10 1631 15 45 585 1614 27 1 0 3917 0 33404 0 8.53 8.53 29487 29487

EU-15 1983 1627 25 1169 2607 108 1 0 7520 0 66666 0 8.86 8.86 59146 59146

Grass Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 12 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for perm. grass per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 2886 62 65 786 1449 50 1 0 5300 26185 4.94 4.94 20884 20884

Boreal Nemoral 1633 6 40 560 1589 14 1 0 3843 39957 10.40 10.40 36114 36114

Atlantic Lusitanian 2033 236 23 1257 3003 107 1 0 6662 81948 12.30 12.30 75286 75286

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian1953 28 61 658 1361 63 1 0 4125 40684 9.86 9.86 36559 36559

Mediterranean 1459 4207 14 874 1705 87 1 0 8347 42959 5.15 5.15 34611 34611

Grass Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 13 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for fruits in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour









Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 38017 94 783 1213 5347 5426 0 1 50881 137665 0 34830 2.71 2.71 3.39 86784 86784 121614

Bulgaria 19713 36 2410 139 1003 0 0 1 23301 3933 0 34830 0.17 0.17 1.66 -19368 -19368 15462

Belgium-Luxemburg 23031 28 467 694 1984 9086 0 1 35291 50779 0 34830 1.44 1.44 2.43 15489 15489 50319

Czech Rep 22839 17 148 134 4768 836 0 1 28744 35933 0 34830 1.25 1.25 2.46 7189 7189 42019

Germany 38896 363 617 307 2217 2529 0 1 44929 32045 0 34830 0.71 0.71 1.49 -12884 -12884 21946

Denmark 33433 532 227 17 2245 808 0 1 37262 15052 0 34830 0.40 0.40 1.34 -22210 -22210 12620

Estonia 19567 0 1094 46 1227 953 0 1 22888 1694 0 34830 0.07 0.07 1.60 -21194 -21194 13636

Greece 23687 204 988 265 2814 1892 0 1 29852 21667 0 37788 0.73 0.73 1.99 -8185 -8185 29603

Spain 21801 26520 318 169 2803 808 0 1 52418 7379 0 37602 0.14 0.14 0.86 -45039 -45039 -7437

Finland 40875 0 432 228 1087 1293 0 1 43916 3838 0 34830 0.09 0.09 0.88 -40078 -40078 -5248

France 24884 18072 986 381 2128 5470 0 1 51921 33312 0 34933 0.64 0.64 1.31 -18608 -18608 16325

Hungary 19120 109 2118 175 693 429 0 1 22645 15432 0 34830 0.68 0.68 2.22 -7214 -7214 27616

Ireland 41670 0 497 40 2274 2468 0 1 46950 13868 0 34830 0.30 0.30 1.04 -33083 -33083 1747

Italy 29296 5253 933 128 3533 3394 0 1 42539 21999 0 37343 0.52 0.52 1.39 -20541 -20541 16803

Lithuania 17148 0 1368 186 1259 43 0 1 20006 4144 0 34830 0.21 0.21 1.95 -15862 -15862 18968

Latvia 16792 0 2043 0 1890 0 0 1 20727 9292 0 34830 0.45 0.45 2.13 -11435 -11435 23395

Netherlands 25960 824 1089 471 3058 2113 0 1 33517 51908 0 34830 1.55 1.55 2.59 18391 18391 53221

Poland 19014 3 2018 334 964 746 0 1 23080 15095 0 34830 0.65 0.65 2.16 -7984 -7984 26846

Portugal 24805 6226 743 24 1978 1448 0 1 35225 3249 0 36607 0.09 0.09 1.13 -31976 -31976 4631

Romania 19711 26 3391 0 0 1009 0 1 24138 15017 0 34830 0.62 0.62 2.07 -9121 -9121 25709

Sweden 29895 0 261 128 1258 1562 0 1 33105 14476 0 34830 0.44 0.44 1.49 -18629 -18629 16201

Slovenia 35076 144 2693 902 4826 7689 0 1 51330 44599 0 34830 0.87 0.87 1.55 -6731 -6731 28099

Slovakia 18407 185 395 77 4007 1417 0 1 24488 30607 0 34830 1.25 1.25 2.67 6119 6119 40949

UK 21142 1464 509 125 819 7474 0 1 31535 15939 0 34830 0.51 0.51 1.61 -15595 -15595 19235

EU-10 19218 26 1879 277 1241 715 0 1 23357 15830 0 34830 0.68 0.68 2.17 -7527 -7527 27303

EU-15 25181 15024 633 186 2854 2249 0 1 46128 16345 0 37070 0.35 0.35 1.16 -29783 -29783 7287

Fruits Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 14 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for fruits per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 37675 729 1162 598 3352 3686 0 1 47204 3838 34830 0.08 0.08 0.82 -43366 -43366 -8536

Boreal Nemoral 20020 0 1513 162 1338 322 0 1 23358 47676 35374 2.04 2.04 3.56 24318 24318 59692

Atlantic Lusitanian 26209 2904 773 260 1904 4230 0 1 36280 6707 34830 0.18 0.18 1.14 -29573 -29573 5257

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian20654 44 2231 213 986 927 0 1 25056 23987 35524 0.96 0.96 2.38 -1069 -1069 34455

Mediterranean 24425 17319 607 166 2985 1992 0 1 47495 17883 34830 0.38 0.38 1.11 -29612 -29612 5218

Fruits Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 15 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for olives in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Belgium-Luxemburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Czech Rep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Germany 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Estonia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Greece 25740 105 1021 126 2234 446 0 1 29672 95420 0 42880 3.22 3.22 4.66 65748 65748 108627

Spain 24271 21270 194 101 2313 833 0 1 48984 79851 0 43497 1.63 1.63 2.52 30868 30868 74364

Finland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

France 40560 640 331 170 1010 1290 0 1 44002 39632 0 42113 0.90 0.90 1.86 -4369 -4369 37743

Hungary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Italy 30934 1016 475 54 2478 920 0 1 35878 135915 0 44257 3.79 3.79 5.02 100037 100037 144294

Lithuania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Latvia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Netherlands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Poland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Portugal 30058 559 311 30 1913 251 0 1 33124 22170 0 44079 0.67 0.67 2.00 -10954 -10954 33126

Romania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sweden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Slovenia 69076 0 1628 516 1546 313 0 1 73079 86232 0 44550 1.18 1.18 1.79 13153 13153 57703

Slovakia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

EU-10 69076 0 1628 516 1546 313 0 1 73079 86232 0 44550 1.18 1.18 1.79 13153 13153 57703

EU-15 26461 11803 397 90 2300 746 0 1 41799 89889 0 43602 2.15 2.15 3.19 48089 48089 91691

Olives Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Eeney balance:Mjout/MJin Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 16 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for olives per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 64916 9 1535 499 1486 422 0 1 68867 90765 44550 1.32 1.32 1.96 21898 21898 66448

Boreal Nemoral

Atlantic Lusitanian 30657 717 424 56 1809 318 0 1 33984 26306 43992 0.77 0.77 2.07 -7677 -7677 36315

Continental, Panonian

Mediterranean 26240 12387 396 91 2326 769 0 1 42210 93229 43581 2.21 2.21 3.24 51019 51019 94600

Olives Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-

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Table 17 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for vineyards in EU-27 per MS

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Austria 34419 35 314 345 582 1768 0 1 37463 15108 45522 0.40 0.40 1.62 -22355 -22355 23167

Bulgaria 11859 31 2688 137 336 0 0 1 15052 4874 45522 0.32 0.32 3.35 -10178 -10178 35344

Belgium-Luxemburg 34516 135 374 743 4212 7679 0 1 47660 33203 45522 0.70 0.70 1.65 -14458 -14458 31064

Czech Rep 26494 0 151 197 939 408 0 1 28191 2462 45522 0.09 0.09 1.70 -25729 -25729 19793

Germany 43746 672 389 486 2343 2714 0 1 50351 26247 45522 0.52 0.52 1.43 -24104 -24104 21418

Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Estonia 24206 0 1185 141 2598 4636 0 1 32766 42097 45522 1.28 1.28 2.67 9331 9331 54853

Greece 15683 133 1015 385 2844 1119 0 1 21179 25007 45522 1.18 1.18 3.33 3827 3827 49349

Spain 12749 16765 325 172 1931 661 0 1 32604 10660 45522 0.33 0.33 1.72 -21944 -21944 23578

Finland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 -1 -1

France 19699 1772 453 238 1837 3945 0 1 27944 17248 45522 0.62 0.62 2.25 -10696 -10696 34826

Hungary 14996 7 1504 219 825 552 0 1 18105 13698 45522 0.76 0.76 3.27 -4408 -4408 41114

Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Italy 21617 3825 1086 325 2543 3711 0 1 33109 22919 45522 0.69 0.69 2.07 -10190 -10190 35332

Lithuania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Latvia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Netherlands 38127 0 1177 459 1881 3825 0 1 45470 20312 45522 0.45 0.45 1.45 -25157 -25157 20365

Poland 24206 0 2109 265 1017 1874 0 1 29471 12651 45522 0.43 0.43 1.97 -16820 -16820 28702

Portugal 15136 2399 598 83 1989 3066 0 1 23273 10552 45522 0.45 0.45 2.41 -12721 -12721 32801

Romania 12989 27 2789 0 0 416 0 1 16221 7314 45522 0.45 0.45 3.26 -8908 -8908 36614

Sweden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Slovenia 41815 23 2142 704 1947 2989 0 1 49620 12672 45522 0.26 0.26 1.17 -36948 -36948 8574

Slovakia 14955 36 293 118 894 579 0 1 16875 8749 45522 0.52 0.52 3.22 -8126 -8126 37396

UK 21220 493 259 149 441 1781 0 1 24344 6728 45522 0.28 0.28 2.15 -17615 -17615 27907

EU-10 12559 28 2751 52 128 258 0 1 15777 6386 45522 0.40 0.40 3.29 -9391 -9391 36131

EU-15 20226 11 1291 273 1007 886 0 1 23694 11669 45522 0.49 0.49 2.41 -12025 -12025 33497

Vineyards Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Table 18 Average input, output and net energy balance levels per hectare (MJ/ha) for vineyards per aggregate Environmental Zone

Country Cultivation Irrigation Labour








Harvest Seed


input Food Feed biomass Food


Feed Total Food


Feed Total

Alpine 35470 1610 1374 622 1725 2725 0 1 43526 18267 45522 0.42 0.42 1.47 -25259 -25259 20263

Boreal Nemoral 24206 0 1185 141 2598 4636 0 1 32766 42097 45522 1.28 1.28 2.67 9331 9331 54853

Atlantic Lusitanian 21928 467 578 312 1281 3082 0 1 27648 15111 45522 0.55 0.55 2.19 -12537 -12537 32985

Continental, Pannonian, Anatolian19128 91 1832 166 572 812 0 1 22602 10756 45522 0.48 0.48 2.49 -11846 -11846 33676

Mediterranean 16215 9618 590 206 2322 2389 0 1 31341 16412 45522 0.52 0.52 1.98 -14929 -14929 30593

Cereals Input (GJ/Ha) Output (GJ/Ha)

Energy balance results

Energy Net balance: Mjout-MJin

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Annex 9 Variation in input levels per crop

Figure 1 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in EU-27

Figure 2 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in Alpine










All crops










All crops: Alpine

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Figure 3 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in Boreal-Nemoral

Figure 4 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in Atlantic-Lusitanian










All crops: Boreal-Nemoral










All crops: Atlantic-Lusitanian

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Figure 5 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in Continental-Panonian

Figure 6 Average level and regional variation in inputs for all crops in Mediterranean










All crops: Continental-Pannonian










All crops: Mediterranean

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Figure 7 Average level and regional variation in inputs for permanent crops in EU-27 (MJ/ha)




Permanent:Fruits, olives and vineyards

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Figure 8 Average level and regional variation in inputs for grass in EU-27 (MJ/ha)


1613 5938







Permanent grassland