kairos review · kairos outside weekend #4, originally scheduled for april, is planned for october...

ISSUE 03 . SPRING 2020 Kairos Review The latest news from Kairos of Delaware Kairos of Delaware From Our CEO Conference Update Kairos Outside Kairos Inside Kairos Torch Message from the State Chair Volunteer Opportunies KairosofDe.org State Chair, Marie Van Der Wall [email protected] (302) 249-7897 P.O. Box 187, Lewes DE 19958 Kairos Prison Ministry.org K airos, its time to PRAY! During this time of suspension from all Kairos meetings, Weekends and Continuing Ministry around the world, we encourage all to do your part in following the guidelines to help stop the spread of coronavirus. If we all are diligent, we can help get our world back to what we call normal. We, as Christians, know God is in control and need to seek Him diligently during this time. Pray for our nations and world to be rid of this virus and for protection of people and the healing of our land. Pray for our health care professionals and emergency personnel on the front lines. Pray for our local, national and world leaders. Evelyn Lemly, CEO From Our CEO Lets join together as a Kairos family in prayer daily at 8 am, noon, and 8 pm to lift up our nation and world. Set an alarm & join us wherever you are & whatever time zone in prayer to our Lord and Savior. (continued on page 4)

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Page 1: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks

ISSUE 03 . SPRING 2020

Kairos Review The latest news from Kairos of Delaware

Kairos of Delaware

From Our CEO

Conference Update

Kairos Outside

Kairos Inside

Kairos Torch

Message from the State Chair




State Chair, Marie Van Der Wall

[email protected]

(302) 249-7897

P.O. Box 187, Lewes DE 19958

Kairos Prison Ministry.org

K airos, it’s time to PRAY!

During this time of suspension

from all Kairos meetings,

Weekends and Continuing Ministry around the

world, we encourage all to do your part in following the

guidelines to help stop the spread of coronavirus. If we all are

diligent, we can help get our world back to what we call normal.

We, as Christians, know God is in control and need to seek

Him diligently during this time.

• Pray for our nations and world to be rid of this virus and for protection of people and the healing of our land.

• Pray for our health care professionals and emergency personnel on the front lines.

• Pray for our local, national and world leaders.

Evelyn Lemly, CEO

From Our CEO

Let’s join together as a Kairos family in prayer

daily at 8 am, noon, and 8 pm

to lift up our nation and world.

Set an alarm & join us wherever you are & whatever time zone

in prayer to our Lord and Savior.

(continued on page 4)

Page 2: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks



Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April,

is planned for October 16-18th, provided

Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s


Thanks again to all team members who

attended the first two team formation

meetings. Hopefully, you are able to be on

team when we are able to restart team

formation again.

Kairos Inside


Kairos Inside needs a replacement Resident

Council set up since the first leader has been

recently paroled. Several volunteers have

asked if they can write letters to the graduates

of Kairos and were advised to write their letter

and send to the chaplain. Work on Weekend

#10 is on hold at this time due to restrictions of

entering the prison.

Kairos Torch


Torch at Ferris School is currently in a holding pattern due to Covid-19 issues and also concern at Ferris related to residents’ missing visitation and physical exercise times. Once we get our state open enough to have meetings, the advisory council will work on filling the AC positions, including the chair [previously held by Curtis Andrews]. They also plan to set up a meeting with Ferris to

discuss the options of holding a Weekend

at the school.

Kairos Inside


Kairos Inside at Baylor is still waiting to talk

with prison staff to set up a plan for

Weekends. Baylor has always been on the

bottom of the staffing priorities and has not

been in a position to handle the security of an

Inside Weekend. Staff turnover makes it a

requirement that we hold a meeting with the

current staff to establish a plan.

Please keep Baylor in your prayers.



A brief recap of each program during this time of suspended activity.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn

from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Page 3: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks


Message from the State Chapter Chair

Information from the KPMI Operating Guidelines updated 5/12/20:

• No virtual team formation meetings have been approved.

• In-person activities of any kind are suspended

• Even if the state opens or DOC/DJJ we may not go in.

• The Board of Directors will make the decision on when and how we will open.

• Continue to plan for but do not finalize weekends until BOD says we will open; ex: KO #4 planned for April is tentatively set as KO #4 for October.

• The Financial Policies and Procedures are fully in place and will be adhered to during the sus-pension and upon restarting the programs.

• We have a new KPMI Volunteer Health Requirements form. These will be shared with the Advi-sory Councils for distribution.

These are just a few of the guidelines. If you have specific questions, please contact me and if I

don’t have the answer, I will find it. Call 302-249-7897 or email me at [email protected].

I want to thank everyone for continuing this ministry during these trying times. Advisory Council’s

and the State Chapter are continuing to meet virtually or by conference calls.

The most important things we can do is to pray for and stay in touch with each other. But also con-

sider ways we can do continuing ministry. A phone call to a volunteer or someone you have men-

tored, I am sure would be appreciated. Talk to a friend or neighbor (from 6ft away) about volunteer-

ing on a weekend, advisory council, or state chapter committee. On those days when you don’t

have anything to do, brainstorm ways to fundraise for Kairos during this time of social isolation and

when we return. Continue to read your manual and pray for the ministry and each other. When the

BOD gives the okay to reopen, let’s be ready to hit the ground running.

Marie Van Der Wall

Delaware State Chapter Chair

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you” Psalm 85:6

Conference Update

The 2020 KPMI Conference has been cancelled. Please save the dates on your calendar since

some parts of the conference will be held virtually. [More on that later as it develops.]

If you have already made your reservations, you will be contact by the headquarter office for a refund.

General Session: Friday, July 24th, 7:00pm—8:30pm

Virtual Workshops: Saturday, July 25th (times TBD)

The 2021 Conference will be held July 13-17th in Louisville KY, at the same location.

Page 4: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks


(Continued from Page 1, From Our CEO)

• Pray for the churches to be the body of Christ as He has called us to be.

• Pray for the people infected by this virus and the healing of their bodies.

• Pray for those who have lost loved ones.

• Pray that the virus is fully contained quickly and the spreading stops.

• Pray for Kairos and the wonderful ministry God has given us.

• Pray for those in prison and the Kairos Graduates. May their own Prayer and Share be sustaining them and the graduates be encouragement to others during this time.

• Pray for each other.

• Pray for the people everywhere to turn to Jesus Christ as

their Lord and Savior!

While we are doing our part to help stop the spread, to care for our family and loved ones, and to stay home, it’s a time to reflect on our Lord and His Word, a time to renew family connections and just be together, a time to remember Psalm 46:10 which says: “Be Still and know that I am God.”

Let’s not let this time make us anxious or fearful, but help us turn to God and walk even closer with Him daily.

- Evelyn Lemly

(Reference: “God’s Special Time,” Spring 2020)


Congratulations and welcome!


• Marie Van Der Wall—Chair

• Alec Thomson—Recruiting Coordinator

• Terry Ward—Treasurer

• Gina Ward—Secretary

• Carol Craig—Program Committee Chair

• Mary Thomson—Website Development


• Carol Martin—Treasurer

• Judy Evans—Secretary

• Susan Davis—Recruiting Coordinator

• Diane Donohue—State Representative


Many thanks to Charley and Bobbie Albert who have moved to their new home in South Carolina. They have been devoted supporters and volunteers for Kairos of Delaware, with Charley starting in 2013 and Bobbie in 2015. Their more recent jobs were as State Recruiting Coordinator for Charley and Bobbie as our State Financial Secretary.

We will miss their dedication and support and we wish them well in their new endeavor.


Positions Available

There are several positions available in each of the advisory councils for Outside, Inside and Torch.

SCC position still available: Agape Job description — An Agape Subcommittee shall be established to coordinate the solicitation and sharing of (non-financial) agape between advisory councils and all 4th Day communities, including Kairos communities. The chair shall be appointed by the state chair and approved by the State Chapter Committee. This is a voting position.

If you are interested, or know of someone who may be, please contact Marie Van Der Wall ([email protected]) or complete the Interest form on page 5.

Page 5: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks

Volunteer Opportunities

Many people do not have the time needed to be a team member but really want to do something to support this valuable ministry.

There are many ways to stay involved in Kairos Prison Ministry—


All Kairos Weekends are covered in prayer. You can be a part of that effort by keeping Kairos in your prayers.


All Kairos programs (Inside, Outside and Torch) must raise support for all meals and other expenses for the 2-4 day weekend, so all contributions are greatly appreciated. Online donating is available at: Kairosofde.org/donate.


Kairos Outside “Angels” work behind the scenes on the Weekend for several hours or provide transportation for guests to/from the Weekend, as well as attend closing. Angels are special!


Positions are available on advisory councils and the state chapter committee. They are jobs that may be done at your convenience and require only monthly (or bimonthly) meetings—and they are imperative to running Kairos.

Advisory Councils and

State Chapter Committee—

What Do They Do Anyway?

Advisory Council (AC)

Each Kairos program has its own Advisory Council which overseas and supports their Weekends. There are 14 positions on each council. Meetings are held monthly (or bimonthly) and are generally kept to one hour. Currently we are holding our meetings either via conference call or virtually through Zoom.

Baylor Correctional Institute and Ferris School have not yet held a Kairos Weekend. Please pray that all issues are resolved soon!

State Chapter Committee (SCC)

The SCC overseas the activities of all the advisory councils in the state. Meetings are held bimonthly (about 1-2 hours). The committee consists of 12 positions.

AC & SCC Contacts:

State Chapter Chair: Marie Van Der Wall

[email protected]

SCI Advisory Council Chair: Tim Weschler

[email protected]

Outside Advisory Council Chair: Mary Thomson

[email protected]

Torch Advisory Council Chair:

Position vacant

Baylor Advisory Council Chair: Vicki McDowell

[email protected]


“Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10

___ Kairos Inside

___ Kairos Outside

___ Kairos Torch

___ AC or SCC

Name _______________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________

Phone _______________________________________________

eMail ________________________________________________

Mail to Kairos Prison Ministry, P.O. Box 187, Lewes DE 19958 Yes! I am interested in learning more about:


Page 6: Kairos Review · Kairos Outside Weekend #4, originally scheduled for April, is planned for October 16-18th, provided Kairos Headquarters has lifted Delaware’s suspension. Thanks


Kairos Outside

2020 Reunion Schedule (Tentative)

August 8th & November 14th


Conley’s United Methodist Church

33106 Jolyns Way, Lewes DE

Children and families of our Kairos Outside

community are invited, as well as anyone

who has an interest in Kairos Outside.

Snacks and drinks provided.


KairosPrisonMinistry.org—website for the general public

MyKairos.org—website for volunteers with a wealth of information

KairosofDe.org—Delaware’s Kairos site

God’s Special Time—KPMI’s Newsletter