june 6th math copy - professional learning library...

Roosevelt School District: June 6th, 2014 Mathema<cal Prac<ces that Promote Rigor & Complexity in Student Thinking RSD June 6th, T. Lauffer, Facilitator

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Roosevelt  School  District:  June  6th,  2014  

Mathema<cal  Prac<ces  that  Promote  Rigor  &  Complexity  in    Student  Thinking  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

Page 2: June 6th Math copy - Professional Learning Library Point...RooseveltSchool(District:(June(6th,(2014(Mathemacal(Prac

Learner  Benefit:  

Why  does  this  par<cular  topic  have  relevance  for  you  in  your  current  role  and  work?  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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(Enthusias)cally  read  aloud  together  J)  Today,  as  learners,  we  will:  

1)  …  be  able  to  define  and  describe  rigor  &  complexity  in  lesson  design,  instruc<on,  and  student  thinking  in  observable  classroom  terms.    

2)  …  be  able  to  ar<culate  and  support  the  value  of  produc<ve  struggle  in  the  learning/thinking  process.  

3)  …  be  able  to  iden<fy  teacher  &  student  ac<ons  that  demonstrate  the  8  Mathema<cal  Prac<ces.  

4)  …  prac<ce  interac<ve  and  metacogni<ve  skills,  confron<ng  our  externalized  and  internalized  disposi<ons  towards  learning  mathema<cs.    


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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       Norms  for  our  Learning  Today  1)  Start  on  <me  aZer  

breaks  and  lunch.    2)  Be  ac<vely  engaged  and  

listen  to  others.  3)  Follow  the  signal  to                to  close  out  talking.  4)      Say:  “I  don’t  know”                to  own  your  learning.  5)  Feel  the  stretch  of                  produc<ve  struggle.    

1)  Come  back  late.  No  one  will  miss  you.    

2)  Passively  observe  or  dominate  the  thinking.  

3)  Hold  side  or  electronic.  conversa<ons  

4)  Hide  what  you  need  or  want  to  learn.    

5)  Feel  frustrated  and  let  that  shut  you  down.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Mathema<cs  Metacogni<on  Journal    

No<cing  my  thinking:  Summary  Statements:        Observa<ons  to  Explore:      Ques<ons  to  Answer:      

No<cing  my  feelings:        

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Forma<ve  Assessment  of    Prior  Knowledge  &  Paradigms  

1)  Explain  how  these  three  terms  describe  the  math  instruc<onal  shiZs:  focus,  coherence,  rigor?  

2)  If  the  math  standards  are  more  focused=  fewer,  how  can  they  be  more  rigorous?  

3)  What  is  the  difference  and  significance  of  conceptual  understanding  vs.  procedural  understanding?  

4)  What  is  the  rela<onship  between  the  math  standards  and  the  8  math  prac<ces?  

5)  What  is  the  role  of  produc<ve  struggle  in  the  thinking/learning  process?    How  might  this  push  up  against  exis<ng  paradigms  regarding  learning  math?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Cross-­‐referencing  the  LOI  tool  with  the    rigor  &  complexity  of  the  AZCCRS  

We  need  to  see  teachers  designing  for  rigorous  &  complex  learning.  We  need  to  see  teachers  instruc<ng  with  rigorous  &  complex  learning  ac<vi<es  and  tasks.  We  need  to  see  teachers  assessing  and  evalua<ng  student  thinking  and  work  against  a  higher  level  standard.  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Sharing  a  common  defini<on  of  rigor.    (Source:  Rigor  is  not  a  Four-­‐Leier  Word,  Barbara  Blackburn)  

Crea<ng  an  environment  in  which    Ø   each  student  is  expected              to  learn  at  high  levels,  Ø   each  student  is  supported              so  that  he/she  can  learn  at  high  levels,  and  Ø   each  student  demonstrates              learning  at  high  levels.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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A  concrete  demonstra<on  of  how    rigor  and  complexity  work  to  produce  thinking                          

 What  do  you  no<ce  in  this  demonstra<on?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  







RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  




Teacher  planning  to  CREATE  student  involvement  &  cogni<ve  engagement  thru  a  learning  design  that  requires  Ø Engagement  Ø Accountability  Ø Making  thinking  visible.  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Describe  the  difference  between  students  doing  the  work  and  students  thinking?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Can  you  see  people  thinking?  What  can  you  see?    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Founda<onal  Understandings  about  “Thinking”  (Source:  Making  Thinking  Visible,  How  to  Promote  Engagement,  

Understanding,  and  Independence  for  All  Learners)  

When  asking  someone  to  think,  what  are  we  asking  him  or  her  to  do  mentally?                                            How  would  we  see  that  in  a              classroom  observa<on  in              teacher  or  student  ac<on?  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Draw/Describe  a  picture  that  represents  “cogni<ve  engagement”    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  




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Let’s  look  at  our  opening  task:  What  did  the  design  require  of  individuals?  

What  did  the  design  tell  me  as  the  facilitator?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  



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Construc<ng  thinking  starts  with  two  things:  


When  am  I  going  to  use  this  or  need  to  know  this?  


Why  do  I  need  to  know  this?  Of  what  value  is  this  to  me?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Ah  ha!  (chicken  or  the  egg)  

       Understanding  is  the  outcome  of  thinking.    It  is  through  the  process  (or  learning  task)  of    ü Applying  ü Analyzing  ü Evalua<ng  ü Crea<ng  that  we  gain  understanding.        So  what’s  the  common  problem  here?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“Levels  of  Thinking”  








Lower  Level  Thinking    

Higher  Level  


TRANSFER  of    1.  Concepts  2.  Generaliza<ons  3.  Thought  Processes    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“Levels  of  Thinking”  


Knowledge:    Store  and  recall  

Same  form  I  gave  it  to  you:  Repea<ng  the  same  back  

Repe<<on,  memory  strategies:  write/say  it  

Comprehension:  Understand  (connect  to  prior  knowledge)      

Different  form:  iden<fy  examples/non-­‐examples.  Restate  it  

Using  examples  to  help  the  learner  make  connec<ons  to  which  he  can  relate  

Applica<on:    Use  knowledge    

New  situa<on    Solve  a  problem/  do  a  task  

Examine  the  thinking  process  steps.  Meta-­‐cogni<on.  Ask  ques<ons  

Analysis:  Take  knowledge  a  part    

New  situa<on:  dissect  look  for  rela<onships,  report  what  observed      

What  is  the  criteria  you  will  look  for  as  evidence,  what  thought  process  to  use  

Evalua<on:  Make  a  judgment/conclusion  based  on  criteria/evidence  

New  situa<on:  use  criteria,  draw  a  conclusion  and  cite  evidence  

What  criteria  to  use,  evidence  to  cite,  what  thought  process  to  use  

Synthesis:  Crea<ng  something  

Invent  something  new   A  thought  process  for  crea<vity  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Examples  of  Learning  Engagement  by  Design    in  Mathema<cs      

(More  effec<ve  design)   (Less  effec<ve  design)  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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8  Kinds  of  “Thinking  Moves”    integral  to  crea<ng  understanding    

1.  Observing  closely  &  describing  what’s  there  2.  Building  explana<ons  &  interpreta<ons  3.  Reasoning  with  evidence  4.  Making  connec<ons  5.  Considering  different  viewpoints  &  perspec<ves  6.  Capturing  the  heart  &  forming  conclusions  

(iden<fying  the  essence  of  something)  7.  Wondering  and  asking  ques<ons  8.  Uncovering  complexity  and  going  below  the  surface    (Source:  Making  Thinking  Visible:  How  to  Promote  Engagement,  Understanding  and  Independence  for  all  Learners  )  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

Page 23: June 6th Math copy - Professional Learning Library Point...RooseveltSchool(District:(June(6th,(2014(Mathemacal(Prac

What  kinds  of  “thinking  rou<nes”  can  teachers  use  to  help  student  gain  metacogni<on  skills?    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

Page 24: June 6th Math copy - Professional Learning Library Point...RooseveltSchool(District:(June(6th,(2014(Mathemacal(Prac

What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  






 Teacher  planning  &  implementa<on  to  MAINTAIN  student  involvement  during  learning  work.  What  extra  supports  might  which  students  need?    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

Page 25: June 6th Math copy - Professional Learning Library Point...RooseveltSchool(District:(June(6th,(2014(Mathemacal(Prac

What  is  Scaffolding?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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And  what  else?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

Page 27: June 6th Math copy - Professional Learning Library Point...RooseveltSchool(District:(June(6th,(2014(Mathemacal(Prac

Examples  of  Scaffolding  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Examples  of  Scaffolding  Ø Asking  guiding  ques<ons  Ø Chunking  informa<on,  breaking  down  processes  Ø Differen<a<ng  by  content,  process,  product  Ø Color-­‐coding  steps  of  a  project  Ø Using  wait  <me  as  thinking  <me  Ø Using  visuals  and  graphic  organizers  to  map  thinking  Ø Providing  tools  like  interac<ve  reading  guides  Ø Modeling  and  guided  prac<ce  with  feedback  Ø Providing  clear  expecta<ons  (what  makes  a  good  answer)      

Ø Presen<ng  mul<ple  opportuni<es  to  learn  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  






Teacher  ac<ons  to  SUSTAIN  student  involvement  when  learning  feels  like  a  struggle.  Ø  Teacher  

Ques<ons    Ø  Student  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  





1.  Format  Maiers  2.  Higher-­‐Order  Thinking  

(HOT)  ques<ons  asked  by  teacher  

3.  Open-­‐ended  ques<ons  asked  by  teacher  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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 Format  Maiers:  

Teacher  uses  ques<on  stems  to  complete.        Teacher  requires  the  use  of  academic  vocabulary  and  accurate  math  terminology  in  speech.      

Students  respond  in  a  complete  sentence  using  the  stem  as  a  starter.      Students  speak  in  an  audible  VOICE  to  be  heard  and  clearly  understood.      

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What’s  the  difference  between  H.O.T.  vs.  Open-­‐Ended  Thinking  Qs  in  math?  

Higher  Order  Thinking  Qs:   Open-­‐ended  Thinking  Qs:  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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In  the  opening  exercise,  which  were  comprehension,  applica<on,  analysis  or  evalua<on    


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

     LOOK  at    the


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What  you  should  see  in  teacher  prac<ce  to  support  rigorous  and  complex  student  thinking:  





    1.  Format  Maiers  

2.  Higher-­‐Order  Thinking  (HOT)  ques<ons  asked  by  teacher  

3.  Open-­‐ended  ques<ons  asked  by  teacher  

 Responses  by  students  and  how  teacher  pushes  the  thinking  1.  No  opt  out  2.  Right  is  right  3.  Stretch  it    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“No        opt  out”  response  to  students  (doesn’t  accept  “I  don’t  know”  as  work  avoidance)  

1)  Teacher  provides  correct  answer.  

2)  Another  student  provides  the  answer.  

3)  Teacher  provides  a  cue  and  has  the  student  try  again.  

4)  Another  student  provides  a  cue.  

1)  Student  repeats  answer.  

2)  Ini<al  student  repeats  the  answer.  

3)  The  student  uses  the  cue  to  find  the  answer  by  breaking  it  down.  

4)  The  ini<al  student  uses  the  cue  to  answer.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Cues:  addi<onal  useful  informa<on  to  help  in  the  thinking  process  

Some  examples  of  cues  are  as  follows:    ü   The  place  where  the  answer  can  be  found…  ü   The  step  in  the  process  that’s  required  at  the            moment…  ü   Another  name  for  the  term  that’s  a  problem…  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“Right  is  right”  response  to  students  (par<ally  to  all  the  way  right—  hold  to  a  high  standard    

of  correctness)    

Ø Ask  to  extend  the  answer;  hold  out  for  all  the  way.  “Tell  me  more.  Think  more  deeply.”  

Ø Repeat  back  the  answer  &  vocally  ques<on  its  incompleteness  

Ø Use  wait  <me  as  thinking  <me  to  probe.  

Ø Answer  the  ques<on;  note  that  the  student  answered  correctly  but  to  a  different  ques<on.  

Ø Repeat  the  ques<on  to  cue  a  sharper  focus  for  what  is  being  asked.    

Ø Use  technical  or  academic  vocabulary.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“Stretch  It”  response  to  students  (extends  knowledge  &  check  for  understanding)  

Ø   Ask  “How  or  Why?”  Ø Ask  for  another  way  to  answer  

Ø Ask  for  a  beier  word  Ø Ask  students  to  explain  their  thinking,  which  is  different  than  show  your  work  

Ø Ask  for  evidence  Ø Ask  students  to  integrate  a  related  skill  

Ø Ask  students  to  apply  a  skill  in  a  new  way  

Ø Ask  for  comparisons,  opposites,  or  non-­‐examples  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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 “Mathema<cal  Prac<ces”  Defined:  

ü   These  describe  varie)es  of  exper)se  that  teachers  should  seek  to  develop  in  students.    

ü These  prac<ces  rest  on  important            “processes  and  proficiencies”  with  longstanding          importance  in  mathema<cs  educa<on.                ü These  Mathema<cal  Prac<ces  are  listed  throughout  the  grade  level  documents  to  reflect  the  need  to  connect  the  mathema)cal  prac)ces  to  mathema)cal  content  in  instruc<on.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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8  Mathema<cal  Prac<ces    

1)  Make  sense  of  Problems  &  Persevere  in  Solving  Them  2)  Reason  Abstractly  &  Quan<ta<vely  3)  Construct  Viable  Arguments  &  Cri<que  the  Reasoning  of  

Others  4)  Model  with  Mathema<cs  5)  Use  Appropriate  Tools  Strategically  6)  Aiend  to  Precision  7)  Look  for  &  Make  Use  of  Structure  

8)  Look  for  &  Express  Regularity  in  Repeated  Reasoning.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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4  Thinking  Tasks  to  learn  the    Math  Prac<ces  (MPs)    in  applica<on    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

1. Discuss  and  digest  the  8  MPs  2. Examine  the  MPs  in  the  context                of  the  Math  Standards  progression  K-­‐5  3. Recognize  and  iden)fy  how  daily  student                behaviors  in  learning  mathema<cs  leads  to                gaining  proficiencies  in  the  MPs  4. Analyze  and  align  student  mathema<cal      proficiencies  with  the  various  MPs.    

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(Math  Prac<ce  1)  Make  Sense  of  Problems  and  Persevere  in  Solving  Them  Thinking  TASK  #1  (Table  Group  Discussion  of  all  8  Prac>ces)  

Thinking  TASK  #2  (Examining  the  Rela>onship  of  the  8  MP  to  the  Math  Standards)  

MathemaIcally  Proficient  Students  Can:    Thinking  TASK  #4    (Matching  Descriptors  to  the  Wall  Posters  of  Each  Math  Prac>ce)  1)  2)  3)  4)    5)    Classroom  Rou<nes/Structures:            

Teacher  Prac<ces/Ques<ons:                

Student  Behaviors  Observed:  Thinking  TASK  #3  (Matching  Student  Behaviors  to  each  Math  Prac>ce  and  having  a  line-­‐up  check)    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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1st  Table  Thinking  Task:    Diges<ng  the  Math  Prac<ces  (key  ideas)      

ü Select  a  table  facilitator  and  a  <mekeeper.  ü Assign  each  table  member  a  math  prac<ce.  ü Engage  in  table  dialogue  around  2  ques<ons:  1) What  does  each  math  prac)ce  mean?  2) What  is  its  value  for  thinking?  ü Use  your  journal  as  a  “thinking  template”  at  pause  points.  

ü We  will  check  in  with  you  in  half  way  through.      

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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2nd  Table  Thinking  Task:    Recognizing  the  math  prac<ces  in  rela<onship  to  the  Math  Standards  progression  at  each  grade  level  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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2nd  Table  Thinking  Task:  Recognizing  the  math  prac<ces  in  rela<onship  to  the  Math  Standards  progression  at  each  grade  level  

Examine  the  progression  grades  K-­‐5  of  this  standard  from  the  domain  “Opera<ons  &  Algebraic  Thinking.”  No<ce  and  note  on  the  margins  of  your  poster:  ü   The  progression  of  the  rigor  and  complexity  ü   The  demonstra<on  of  the  math  prac<ces  with  the  standard    

ü   Anything  else  you  see  as  significant.  You  will  notate  and  exchange  your  thinking/observa<ons  with  your  table  partner  A  or  B.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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3rd  Table  Thinking  Task:    Matching  student  behaviors  that  demonstrate  the  

math  prac<ces    ü   Each  table  has  a  poster  with  the  8  Math  prac<ces  noted  on  it.    

ü Open  your  envelope  and  find  par<cular  student  behaviors  that  could  be  observed  in  the  classroom  which  are  a  part  of  the  process  of  gaining  that  mathema<cal  proficiency.  

       (This  is  what  you  would  see  students  doing.)  ü Match  the  grouping  of  student  behaviors  to  the  math  prac<ce  it  best  demonstrates.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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4th  Table  Thinking  Task:    Describing  the  Math  Prac<ces  by  student  proficiencies    

ü Each  table  group  will  be  given  4  different  descriptors  of  competencies  comple<ng  this  stem:  

     “Mathema)cally  proficient  students  can……”  ü Read  through  the  proficiency  descriptor  carefully  &  discuss  which  math  prac<ce  it  best  demonstrates  in  student  ac<ons.  (things  a  student  can  do)  

ü Match  the  descriptor  strip  to  the  math  prac<ce  posted  using  the  tape  on  your  table.  

ü Raise  your  hands  when  your  table  is  done.      

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Let’s  talk  about  Produc)ve  Struggle  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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“Produc<ve  Struggle”  

What  is  its  value  in  the  thinking  process?  What  makes  it  produc)ve?  How  do  students,  teachers,  parents  perceive  learning  struggle?    How  do  we  reshape  perspecIves  on  producIve  struggle  to  meet  the  challenge  of  rigor?        

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  does  this  cartoon  say  about  current  autudes?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  does  this  quote  say  about  failure.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Change  the  message,  change  the  mindset.    

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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How  to  set  up  struggle  which  is    produc<ve  for  learning    

1.  Make  clear  the  content,  context,  and  value  of  the  learning  (the  what,  why,  and  when)  

2.  Know  your  learners  so  that  you  can  scaffold  appropriately  to  push  &  expand  their  zone  

3.  Prac<ce  “metacogni<on”  and  thinking  skills  in  rou<nes,  modeling,  and  language  

4.  Reinforce  the  “growth  mindset”  that  focuses  on  effort  and  process  –  not  instant  knowing.  

5.  Tell  students/parents  overtly  that  rigor  forces  stretching  and  your  belief  that  their  child  can  do  it,  and  you  will  be  there  to  help  him  succeed!  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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What  am  I  currently  seeing  in  classrooms,  and  how  do  I  give  feedback  to  change  that?  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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(Enthusias)cally  read  aloud  together  J)  Today,  as  learners,  we  will:  

1)  …  be  able  to  define  and  describe  rigor  &  complexity  in  lesson  design,  instruc<on,  and  student  thinking  in  observable  classroom  terms.    

2)  …  be  able  to  ar<culate  and  support  the  value  of  produc<ve  struggle  in  the  learning/thinking  process.  

3)  …  be  able  to  iden<fy  teacher  &  student  ac<ons  that  demonstrate  the  8  Mathema<cal  Prac<ces.  

4)  …  prac<ce  interac<ve  and  metacogni<ve  skills,  confron<ng  our  externalized  and  internalized  disposi<ons  towards  learning  mathema<cs.    


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Learner  Benefit:  

Why  does  this  par<cular  topic  have  relevance  for  you  in  your  current  role  and  work?  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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In  summary,  this  is  the  BEST    you  can  give  your  students  

B  elief    in  their  ability  to  learn  E  ncouragement  to  persevere  S  upport  as  they  are  on  the  path  T  ime  to  exert  effort  and  try  again  

RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator  

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Sources  Used  in  Designing  this  Session:  

Ø Rigor  is  not  a  Four-­‐Le]er  Word,  Barbara  Blackburn  Ø Making  Thinking  Visible:  How  to  Promote  Engagement,  Understanding,  and  Independence  for  All  Learners,  Ron  Ritchhart,  Mark  Church,  Karen  Morrison.    

Ø Teach  Like  a  Champion:  49  Techniques  That  Put  Students  on  the  Path  to  College,  Doug  Lemov  

Ø Thinking  Through  Quality  Ques)oning:  Deepening  Student  Engagement,  Jackie  Acree  Walsh  and  Beth  Dankert  Saies  


RSD  June  6th,  T.  Lauffer,  Facilitator