june 2015 newsletter & calendar

June 1, 2015 Virtue of the Month: Faithfulness Administration V. Tanzini - Principal A. Tamburino - Secretary J. Shain - Superintendent M. Rizzo - Trustee D. Goulet - CSAC Chairperson T. Mehari - Head Caretaker Fr. Damian Young-Sam-You pastor - St. Monica Church (416) 483—1513 St. Monica Catholic school June 2015 Newsletter & Calendar Faith is what gets you started. Hope is what keeps you going. Love is what brings you to the end, Mother Angelica During our third annual Bizarre Bazaar, St. Monica was blessed by the generous donations of baked goods from Alina Lopez-Givens, who operates La Rocca Bakery. Ms. Lopez–Givens is Ms. Mirena Lopez Corvetto’s sister—our parent, and CSPC member who helped organize this year’s bazaar. This year we profited close to $2000, where the baked goods accounted for half the sales! Thanks again to all the parents and staff that came out to support our annual bazaar, and a special thanks again to Ms. Lopez-Givens for her generous gift. School Population = 264 To see this publication, the TCDSB Monthly Update and other important school documents, please visit our school website at: http://www.tcdsb.org/schools/stmonica/ Since 1916 416-393-5224 14 Broadway ave. Toronto, Ontario M4P 1T4 Principal’s Message A. Parsons, M. Lopez, Jordan Parsons, K. Parsons, M. Martinez, and Nicole Naeini selling baked goods. Above: Anna McGovern and head Track and Field coach— Mr. McElhinney. Anna was our only athlete to qualify for this year’s city finals held at Varsity Stadium (U of T) on May 26th. Anna finished in seventh place in the final 800 m city-wide run. Congratula- tions Anna! Artwork by: Julian DiVittorio and Stephen Zoutsos (Ms. Semi- nara’s gr. 4 class). Left: Mr. Tanzini, Rebecca Draper, Elohra Mobo, and Nathan Ephrem present a cheque for over $600 to Mr. Arthur Peters, Director of the Development Office for the Archdiocese of Toronto. The donation from our students, staff and parents will be going to the Nepal earthquake relief fund. The students in Ms. Whalley’s gr. 6 spear-headed this project, by promoting a special civvies day held on May 7.

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June 1, 2015 Virtue of the Month: Faithfulness


V. Tanzini - Principal

A. Tamburino - Secretary

J. Shain - Superintendent

M. Rizzo - Trustee

D. Goulet - CSAC Chairperson

T. Mehari - Head Caretaker

Fr. Damian Young-Sam-You

pastor - St. Monica Church

(416) 483—1513

St. Monica

Catholic school

June 2015 Newsletter

& Calendar

Faith is what gets you started. Hope is what

keeps you going. Love is what brings you to

the end, Mother Angelica

During our third annual Bizarre Bazaar, St. Monica was blessed by the generous donations of baked

goods from Alina Lopez-Givens, who operates La Rocca Bakery. Ms. Lopez–Givens is Ms. Mirena Lopez Corvetto’s sister—our parent, and CSPC member who helped organize this year’s bazaar. This year we profited close to $2000, where the baked goods accounted for half the sales! Thanks again to all the parents and staff that came out to support our annual bazaar, and a special thanks again to Ms.

Lopez-Givens for her generous gift.

School Population = 264

To see this publication, the TCDSB Monthly Update and other important school documents, please

visit our school website at: http://www.tcdsb.org/schools/stmonica/

Since 1916 416-393-5224

14 Broadway ave.

Toronto, Ontario M4P 1T4

Principal’s Message

A. Parsons, M. Lopez, Jordan Parsons, K. Parsons, M. Martinez, and Nicole Naeini selling baked goods.

Above: Anna McGovern and head Track and Field coach—Mr. McElhinney. Anna was our only athlete to qualify for this year’s city finals held at Varsity Stadium (U of T) on May 26th. Anna finished in seventh place in the final 800 m city-wide run. Congratula-tions Anna!

Artwork by: Julian DiVittorio and Stephen Zoutsos (Ms. Semi-nara’s gr. 4 class).

Left: Mr. Tanzini, Rebecca Draper, Elohra Mobo, and Nathan Ephrem present a cheque for over $600 to Mr. Arthur Peters, Director of the Development Office for the Archdiocese of Toronto. The donation from our students, staff and parents will be going to the Nepal earthquake relief fund. The students in Ms. Whalley’s gr. 6 spear-headed this project, by promoting a special civvies day held on May 7.

May Events

Page 2 St. Monica C. S.—June Newsletter

Left: Natania Baska-ran, Katie McGovern, Nicole Naeini hand-ing out flyers for our bazzar. Far left; marshmallow heads(thanks to Ms. Drake) for sale during the bazaar. Right: Mr. Craig dressed as Rob-in, along with Jazari and Jasmine Persad. Below, right: Officer Stather from 53 Divi-sion explaining street safety to our Grade 1 students.

Left: Mr. J. Chapel reviewing some important animal and bird concepts during a science presentation on May 12. Below, 22 Australian educators arrived at St. Monica on May15th. Mr. Stock lead the gr. 3/4 and 4 class in a song!

Left: Shannon Smithwick with Fr. Damian after Confir-mation held on May 26. Below: confirmandi posing for photos along with their sponsors . Bottom, right: Kathe-rine Leung, Mr. Leung and Julia Leung after Holy First Communion held on May 9th. Right: Ms. Waithe, Ms. Macaraeg, Mr. Fracassi and Ms. Leung with

Julia, Riley, Myron and Cameron who participat-ed in the Special Olympics held on May 26.

Page 3 Since 1916


Go to www.tcdsb.org; then locate Program And Services. Look for School Programs K-12. Scroll to Nu-mercy (from choices located on left); then click on thinkmath@home.

Check for these titles on-line or at a bookstore.

Other Websites:



Board Games to Support Math Skills:

1. Basic Skills: Monopoly, Life, Sorry, PayDay

2. Logic/Strategy: Clue, Sudoku, Chess, Check-ers, Connect 4, Othello, Risk

3. Probability: cards, dice

4. Matrix/Grids: Battleship

5. Geometry/Patterning: Blokus, Lego

Grade 8 students going into Grade 9 can purchase a gr. 9 applied math workbook (Indigo).

For U of T summer programs go to their website:


Page 4 St. Monica C. S.— JuneNewsletter