juicing edition · and prevent disease. studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of...

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Page 1: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Juicing Edition

Page 2: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Table of ContextIntroduction....................................................................................................................... 3

Juicing vs Blending............................................................................................................ 4

What type of juicer is best?............................................................................................... 6

Ratio is important when juicing....................................................................................... 8

Does it have to be organic?............................................................................................... 10

Hypothyroidism…………………………………………………………………………. 13

Preparing your produce for juicing or blending……………………………………… 14

Drink the rainbowRed..................................................................................................................................18

Recipe: Red Snapper...................................................................................................19Orange............................................................................................................................ 20


Page 3: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Recipe: Orange You Glad! ............................................................................................21adduction......................................................................................................................

Yellow....................................................................................................................... 22Recipe: Yellow Fever............................................................................................23

Green........................................................................................................................24Recipe: The Utopia Special..................................................................................25

Blue and Purple......................................................................................................26Recipe: Purple Power...........................................................................................27

Adding White Vegetables............................................................................................ 28Recipe: V-6...........................................................................................................29

Detox..............................................................................................................................30Recipe: Liver Lover..............................................................................................30

Juicing Wheat Grass.....................................................................................................31

Recipe: Amazing Juice..................................................................................................32

Page 4: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

IntroductionJuicing is an essential part of any cancer based nutrition plan. Daily juicing ensures that you receive all of the vital nutrients, vitamins and enzymes that the fruits and vegetables have to offer. Fruits and vegetables also contain phytonutrients which may help to improve immunity and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only offers many life-enhancing benefits, it also provides a more efficient way for the gut to absorb them.

One of the great advantages of juicing for cancer is that it helps the body become more alkaline, which research has shown to be highly beneficial for cancer patients. It also facilitates in hydration, reducing inflammation and eliminating toxins. Juicing certain combinations of fruits and vegetables have a cleansing action on the liver and aids in releasing bile, while other combinations are powerful detoxifiers and fight free radicals.

I hope that you enjoy the delicious and healthy juicing recipes we have provided for you. Feel free to make them your own by adding some of your favorite ingredients. Try to make juicing a part of your everyday routine and don’t forget to share some with your loved ones!


Page 5: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Juicing versus BlendingIf I had a cucumber for every time someone has asked me if it is better to blend or juice, I’d be hip deep in cucumbers. The answer is that both are great! Both share many healthful benefits. The difference is simple. Juicing extracts the liquid along with the vitamins and minerals from the fruit or vegetable leaving the fiber and pulp behind. After all, what is fiber’s role? The answer is, to slow digestion and absorption. With the fiber and pulp removed, these nutrients are immediately absorbed by the gut and enter into the bloodstream. This is a much more efficient process for the body to consume the nutrients. That’s why we recommend that your juice be consumed on an empty stomach. A good general rule is to wait at least 2 hours after a meal to drink a juice and wait 20 minutes after drinking a juice to consume a meal.


Page 6: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


While many of us may begin each day with the good intention of eating our daily quota of fruits and vegetables, we typically fall short of the recommended five to nine servings. Juicing or blending just might be your solution. Blending your fruits and vegetables does allow you to absorb the fiber contained within the produce. Although fiber is important to the digestive system, not all of the nutrients are as efficiently absorbed. When blending, you typically must add some liquid for a thinner consistency. We recommend filtered water, unsweetened almond or coconut milk. You can also pump up the volume of your smoothie by adding ingredients such as plant-based protein powders, nut butters, avocados, chia seedsor ground flax seeds. Feel free to add half of a green-tipped banana for added magnesium and potassium or a scoop of tahini for its production of inflammation reducing selenium.

Digestion requires an enormous amount of energy. When juicing, the juicer does the work for you. This allows your body to shift its healing efforts to other areas. By the way, that’s one of the reasons that you shouldn’t consume a meal prior to going to bed. Your body does its deepest repairing while you sleep. If your belly is full of food, all efforts go to your digestive system and not to repairing.

Whether you have a juicer or a high speed blender, the most important thing to do is just get started! Optimal health is just a sip away!

Page 7: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

What type of Juicer is the Best?

There are two basic types of juicers to choose from; centrifugal juicers or masticating juicers. The micronutrients remain intact regardless of which of juicer used.

A centrifugal juicer spins at high speeds and during the spinning motion, the produce that is fed into the hopper is ground to a pulp. The spinning motion then forces the juice away from the pulp. The high speeds required to extract the juices causes the juice to oxidize quickly. The high speed action may also produce too much heat which can possibly damage the enzymes in the juice.


Page 8: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Masticating means to chew, grind or knead into a pulp. A masticating juicer grinds the produce and presses out the juice. Since a masticating juicer works at low speeds, it tends to juice many vegetables more efficiently by creating more juice while using less produce. This allows for greater retention of beneficial enzymes. It is especially efficient at juicing green leafy vegetables such as wheat grass, spinach, parsley and kale.

Another question that I am frequently asked is, “How long is it good for?” If using a centrifugal juicer, I always recommend consuming it immediately upon making it. As soon as you juice those fruits and vegetables and it gets exposed to air, its live enzymes begin to degrade and bacteria can begin to grow. If you have a slow masticating juicer, you can store it in an airtight container, filled to the top with no air gaps for up to 24 hours refrigerated. You will feel the difference as the live enzymes of a fresh juice give you immediate energy where as an older juice may not give you that boost.

Page 9: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Ratio is Important When Juicing

Whether juicing or blending, a good rule of thumb is to keep your ratio 3:1That means, for every three vegetables add only one fruit. For example, you can juice some cucumber, celery, spinach and an apple.


Page 10: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


You want to focus on juicing more vegetables than fruits. Fruit contains two types of sugar; fructose and glucose. The amount varies, but most fruits are about 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Since the fiber is removed when you juice a fruit, the fructose enters your system rapidly. When blending, you have the fiber to slow down the process.

Fruits and vegetables, such as pears and carrots are very nutritious when consumed whole. However, if you consume too many of them juiced, it can affect insulin levels significantly. We include them in our juicing recipes in moderation because of their overall health benefits.

I like to recommend low glycemic fruit such as green apples and berries. Apples are known to have a neutral effect when blended with vegetables. Lemons and limes are also naturally very low in sugar and do not spike the blood insulin levels like other fruit. I also recommend using fruit that is in season whenever available. That being said, when juicing, we rarely follow exact recipes so this is where ratio is key. Variety is important for your body in terms of creating balance and overall health. Have fun experimenting!

Page 11: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Does it Have to be Organic?Ideally, most of your produce should be organic whenever possible. I suggest that you jump on the environmental working group website to keep updated on the dirty dozen. These fruits and vegetables contain the highest amount of pesticide residue. This means that these should be purchased organic. The current list has been provided for you below.

The Dirty DozenStrawberries PeachesSpinach CherriesKale PearsNectarines TomatoesApples CeleryGrapes Potatoes


Page 12: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Let me give you an example as to why the strawberry is a usual suspect on the Dirty Dozen list. Many people think that it is probably due to the thin outer membrane allowing pesticides to easily soak in. In actuality, in commercially farmed strawberries, the pesticide is typically in the soil so the fruit grows with the pesticide within the fruit. No amount of soaking or scrubbing can remove it.

Page 13: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


You will also find the Clean Fifteen posted on their website. The fruits and vegetables listed are those lowest in pesticide residue. Although sweet corn is included in the Clean Fifteen, I choose not to include it as most corn sold in the United States have been known to be genetically modified.

The Utopia Clean Fourteen

Avocados Eggplant Pineapples PapayaCabbage KiwiOnions CantaloupeSweet Peas CauliflowerAsparagus GrapefruitMushrooms Broccoli

Page 14: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


If you have hypothyroidism, you may want to limit the amount of cruciferous vegetables that you consume. Raw cruciferous vegetables have been shown to suppress the thyroid. You may also want to avoid juicing them since juicing makes it easy to ingest large quantities of produce. For those with thyroid issues, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale should be parboiled until tender and then chilled to be used in juices or smoothies.


Page 15: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Preparing Your Produce for Juicing or Blending


Page 16: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Just because a fruit or vegetable is organic, they still have to be properly washed before consuming them.

Washing your fruits and vegetables can decrease pesticide residues and peeling them even more so, but the skin is often where the nutrition is most concentrated. Just within the last year, half a dozen studies have touted the benefits of apple peels. But if it is not organic and it is on the dirty dozen, peel it!

You must use safety precautions when preparing your produce for consumption. Remember, fruits and vegetables naturally have microscopic larva and parasites, and since this is an unpasteurized drink you also want to remove surface bacteria as well.

It just takes a few steps to ensure that your fruits and vegetables are cleansed and ready for juicing or blending.

Page 17: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


• Step 1: When purchasing, choose fresh, ripe, organic fruits and vegetables. Examine your produce for signs of damage and bruising. Avoid those that contain brown spots and bruises. Place your fresh produce selections in separate bags to keep them away from raw meats and other sources of bacteria.

• Step 2: When you bring your produce home from the market, cleanse them thoroughly by soaking them in cold water and white distilled vinegar. Use a ratio of ten cups of water to one cup of vinegar. Also, use a vegetable brush to scrub any visible soil. After soaking for a few minutes, rinse with fresh water and place on a clean kitchen towel to dry.

• Step 3: Don’t forget to wash your hands with soap and warm water before handling the cleansed produce.

• Step 4: Slice your produce on a clean cutting board. This is another place where bacteria can hide. Place unused produce in re-sealable bags for future use.

• Step 5: Let’s talk about what to juice. Although we love a mean green drink, we also recommend adding a few colorful juices as well. Juicing your organic fruits and veggies are the best and quickest way to reduce inflammation while hydrating your body and drenching your cells in life giving nutrients. Let’s face it, it can be difficult to get 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables in a typical day. You can practically get an entire day’s serving in one glass. We understand that juicing can take time and effort. We hear that excuse all the time. You can save some time by cleaning your juicer right away. That will save a lot of scrubbing and your knuckles. Also, by pre-cleaning and pre-cutting your produce, it will take you less than 15 minutes from start to finish.

Page 18: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Drink the Rainbow


Page 19: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

RedFruits and vegetables such as apples, beets, red cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelons, radish and cranberries improve heart and blood health and support joints. Apples contain a natural laxative. When juiced with carrots and spinach, it helps aid bowel movements. The pectin in apples lowers bad cholesterol. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones. Beets, although high in sugar, contains nutrients that can improve blood flow and may lower blood pressure. Red cabbage is a blood builder and is highly alkaline. It also aids in digestion and elimination. When juicing beets or red cabbage, don’t be alarmed if you observe red pigments in your urine or stool. Strawberries are both immune enhancing and anti-inflammatory. The fiber in strawberries effectively reduces constipation and cleanses the colon. Strawberries can stimulate the release of serotonin which improves mood. They also contain compounds which may help to lower blood pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Juicing tomatoes boosts your entire immune system. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene which helps to destroy free radicals. Watermelons are very hydrating and can act to detoxify your body by cleansing your kidneys and bladder. They are high in B vitamins which boost your energy levels. Red onion is associated with lowering LDL cholesterol while improving oxygen utilization. The juice from radishes is one of the greatest detoxifiers for the liver and gallbladder. They also act as an antifungal and anti-inflammatory for the body. Cranberries are a powerful antioxidant that can assist in everything from reducing inflammation to improving blood pressure and boosting immunity.


Page 20: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: Red Snapper

• 1 cup radish• ¼ red cabbage• 2 celery stalks• 2 red pears

Serves 2


Page 21: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes and pumpkin help to protect against cancer and promotes collagen growth. Carrots have a cleansing action on the liver and helps it to release more bile. Carrot juice is a diuretic and helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body. Apricots are a rich source of vitamin C and iron. They are also rich in carotenoids and lycopene which have been shown to help prevent some cancers. Cantaloupes are packed with immune building nutrients and antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber and are known to boost the immune system by helping to increase T cell activity in the body. Pumpkin is high in carotenoids and are converted to Vitamin A in our bodies which is linked to a lower risk of certain cancers. The combination of fiber,potassium and vitamin C in pumpkins support heart health.


Page 22: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: Orange You Glad!

• 3 medium carrots• 1 small sweet potato• 1 orange bell pepper• 1 cucumber• 1” piece of ginger

Serves 2


Page 23: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


Fruits, vegetables and herbs such as lemons, pears, pineapple, yellow peppers and turmeric help with vision, digestion and immune system support. Lemons are highly alkaline and the vitamin C from lemons help to stimulate the formation of immune building antibodies. Pears are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and copper which help in boosting the immune system and fighting free radicals that damage the cells of the body. Pineapple is high in Vitamin C and contains bromelain which is a powerful enzyme that acts as an anti-inflammatory. That being said, a little goes a long way due to its high sugar content. Bell peppers have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Drinking bell pepper juice has been shown to be effective in alleviating gastrointestinal disorders. Turmeric is a root whose active ingredient is curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, to reduce oxidative stress and pain, to have a protective effect on the liver and to help with hay fever and depression.


Page 24: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: Yellow Fever

• ¼ pineapple• 1 yellow pepper• 2 celery stalks• ½ cucumber• 2” knob of turmeric

Serves 2


Page 25: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

GreenFruits, vegetables and herbs such as broccoli, spinach, kale, cucumbers, asparagus, celery, cabbage, watercress and kiwi are powerful detoxifiers and fight free radicals. Parsley and cilantro are great chelators that bind heavy metals such as lead and aluminum and then carry the waste products out of the bloodstream. Parsley stimulates brain activity and prevents gas and bloating. Broccoli is high in iron and celery and is calming because it is a great source of magnesium. The mineral chromium which is found abundantly in broccoli, helps in proper functioning of insulin and regulates blood sugar. Spinach and Swiss chard are rich in iron and folic acid which is needed to produce hemoglobin which, in turn, aids in the prevention of anemia. They are also a great source of calcium which is important for the health of bone and teeth. The combination of folate and zinc in spinach makes for a strengthened immune system. Kale is a potent antioxidant and an excellent source of calcium, vitamin C, iron and potassium. Cucumbers are 95 percent water. They help to keep the body hydrated while also helping to eliminate toxins. They have been shown to promote joint health, relieve gout and arthritis pain. Asparagus contains prebiotics, soothes the stomach and aids digestion. They are also highly alkaline. Celery has a calming effect on the central nervous system due to its high calcium and magnesium content. Watercress contains chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid which may increase the efficiency of the liver. Dandelion and endive also support liver function. Cabbage is known to protect against inflammation and to have the ability to fight free radicals. Kiwis aid digestion and are a good source of folate.


Page 26: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: The Utopia Special

• 1 large cucumber• 5 kale stalks• 4 romaine leaves• 4 celery stalks• 1-2 broccoli florets and stem• Handful of parsley• 1 green apple

Serves 2


Page 27: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Blue and Purple

Fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, purple cabbage, eggplant, plums, purple potatoes, purple asparagus, blackberries and figs help to improve mineral absorption and are powerful antioxidants which help to counteract free radicals. Blueberries contain flavonoids which help to reduce cell damage. Blueberries are the king of antioxidants which reduces DNA damage and may protect against cancer. Purple cabbage contains compounds that protect against cellular damage. Eggplant detoxifies the body and improves kidney function. Plums are a great source of iron and potassium and have been shown to reduce blood pressure. Purple tomatoes are anti-inflammatory and heart healthy. Blackberries are high in vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese and helps to support oral health. Figs are considered by many to be one of the world’s healthiest fruit. Rich in antioxidants and phytochemical compounds, they help to prevent oxidation which may protect the cells from cancer.


Page 28: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: Purple Power

• 2 cups blueberries• 1 cup blackberries• ¼ purple cabbage• 1 cucumber• ½ lemon

Serves 2


Page 29: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Adding White

Vegetables such as cauliflower, onions, garlic, mushrooms and ginger activate our natural killer cells and reduce cancer risk. Cauliflower is one of the best sources of choline, an essential nutrient which supports a healthy nervous system, metabolism and DNA synthesis. It contains high levels of folic acid and B6. It also has a high concentration of a sulfur compound that supports the liver’s ability to neutralize toxins. Onions are considered to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties. Drinking garlic juice is known to strengthen the immune system and aids in expelling toxins from the body. Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D and selenium which works as an antioxidant in the body. Ginger is shown to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation and to support detoxification. It also reduces nausea and aids in digestion.


Page 30: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: V-6

• 1 small sweet onion• 1 garlic clove• 3 medium whole tomatoes• 3 celery stalks• ½ cucumber• 2 medium carrots

Serves 2


Page 31: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

DetoxInternally, your body is continually at work to keep itself clean. Your skin, liver, lungs, kidneys, lymphatic system, and colon perform together to keep toxins and waste products moving out naturally. When you have cancer, your detoxification system must work even harder and can benefit from detoxifying juices.


Recipe: Liver Lover• 2 celery stalks• 1 cucumber• 1 cup radish• ½ lemon• Handful of parsley• 1 green apple

Serves 2

Page 32: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Juicing Wheat GrassThere are many benefits to juicing wheat grass. Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll, contains over 90 minerals and is loaded with vitamins B, C, E and K. Its highly alkaline properties pairs well with the dietary protocol followed by our patients. Other benefits include stimulating digestion, aiding in bowel movements, strong anti-fungal properties, helping to purify the liver, naturally helps with anemia and helps to remove heavy metals from the body.

It is important to know that a little bit of wheat grass goes a long way! Begin with about an ounce and slowly increase to 2 ounces as tolerated.


Page 33: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only

Recipe: Amazing Juice

• 2 broccoli florets• 4 kale stalks• Handful of spinach• 3 Brussels sprouts• 3 carrots• 2 celery stalks• 5 pieces of

asparagus• 1” piece of turmeric

• ½ inch piece of ginger• ¼ of a red bell pepper• ¼ purple cabbage• 1 purple cauliflower

floret• 1 medium apple• 1 clove garlic

Serves 1


I was first introduced to this juicing recipe by the son of a patient. He would prepare this recipe daily for his mother and attributed much of his mother’s success to this amazing juice.

Page 34: Juicing Edition · and prevent disease. Studies indicate that gut health is an essential part of immunity. Your gut houses up to 70% of your immune system cells. Juicing not only


I hope that this information has made you love juicing as much as we do. It is one of the best forms of preventative medicine when it comes to avoiding disease. And always remember, whether juicing or blending, variety is the spice of life.