jsh» sbrpr^jjnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031930/1856-07-03… ·  · 2012-01-10•d by...

«8£? **&*«* **-**; (^V »-T«f^^h>KJrJ»agg5E»,.... . -it. -iijw., J f f l H p l 4 n V | V M * * t V I M 0 ST War^ lVc «,'«.] Wut>cr*»niKRT, I*w 0,1846, »«• [mum 1 *<)* May, 1MB J<*n (. I emont, aptain In th «• rpi ot Topo- rs and IK f appointed t Lieut. tinder order* front UIM Depart. IM Mseiplarattira in tha region* Roaky Hnutttios. Tha *>|eot* of aa tHaee o f l)b p K * w * txplo- •f s^nilt*e»Asr»efef, without tflMtiji "i ' Not BpiQ Ma and his we»WT*^«HW Istadofinjtytwomen employ. •d byfclmssirf r arcur tv *L M( f nds* is, and foljj^urinjf au^wteijce In the wllflerness and' dawt^eSti^^W^^'iWhkri he-was to pass. tl€lWWlisi^§#»#»*I ( >' view. «»/to dt»- ;'rfth*R*,k Mow-tl.tothemouthofthe toJBJWMW*?* the tiowttled. ,_« JMQV!llki{<)i>T<!ito-ot the settled ; aUf<Knl^fe'H#iippW)*thed'these settle- iai^lM»^i«t|f^f^«5^tf.,'' Awareof the -W.^riui 9 ofsmMr«t W tweJ,tl l «ir ll ited«t»te. ij^^exiqofanddetormin*^ to give no cause of #<iBfM*Jtaroft «Mhorjites of her provioce, with xa»oW»eBdabl».prudence--hB' halted his command on lh|fiwn|feon«i^ndfeJ miles frool jtfqnte. t»*: ; TaJI«y-«if'thi S.W Jo S l].,ih;.»here there w,,» game forlSnjw'iandyriiiw for hi« torses, and no' inhibitarta tp,;b*taolMtedby'riis treMnfc. T)»^tot^llnvU>*$but<»e*rcW* had be reached thedMt&spoCW refref.Hlpent.iipJ re- k.t a.- -i^j—juwr^-jaTuJi. Jf'^ ,j, e Wm oar force of artillery, caralrj) anC;i!)f»qtry, upoathe pretext that, under thi^vq^pfiA'aoieptmCrmis- »ioD, he waa exciting the American settler* >'to wroltfe s |ipaQt*t.4fiifcdai«j«'r,MA«Ut be iri l a condition to repal aiMtUiiK, bb'thin'tjaolrayh- •ition onamonotain overlooking Monterey, at a diaUnce of about thirty miltli. 'intrenched; ft, raited the' i!*^»#t|)e•TOIie^'fi&afB*,,and with bit own men, aixty-two jilriuipber,awaited the •pproacfrbfthe'coditiiandant jeperaL. ( . From the7tf ' '""* ' Fremont and withitr.ittacliing distance, ana Colonel .Freni6.pt, adhering to,hia plan ;GfsaVbWihj5 air collisions, and determined neither! tofcornproraitliis GoV- aiiW^fr.taSfitiJea American-aettlers, ready to join hira a^ al], hanrd^ if he.fctdbeen attacked, abandoned .hiij;piiiiition,, arid; ; gorJcnnwiced hia mite^Jot^mo^JMWmg by that route to return to Wie Doited States.^Deeming all dan. ger from the Mexicans" to :b» passed, fie-yielpS ed to'the,*i^ie»!of5«ouje'of Ti»" erieD, «ho do!- aired to remain' in tliejiWfiHtrti'dlsiBhlrWa^li'eni fromrhia'.»e«rW) *bSrf refused'16 t e e o W olh- Amn&fcm^WP,p%m,*vf>n »color .of of. remit to *m3fyWM ^ ^ m S ^ W French, Rngli^H and, Spani.h C o n ^ s in Cailfomi.; and ,io,^ro\n fhp>Met thj,,,<%i«l piipew^thr Mexicani v gpv<(tpjwiwl» oo^the, J6tb of .October. ia laying these officiol communications before the public, introduotid them with the emphatic declaration, ''The lows of the Calufornfaa fa con- «uijjia*(od." The whole province ..was, yjejd-d tip to the Uiiiied Slate** and fs now in ou/ inillUry pccupatlcy. A eirt II part of the tfoopj. sent out tontibjeot Ihjs province will constitute, it is pr^utped, m toffielent force to Wa'ih 1 ou- ponseasion, and 4he remulnder rli\\ be diopusu ble for othe^bl^jiplt^^ar,:, ^ " ^ . To' the President of thi tTnltttd State*, ' t CARDS uiiDKit tin HgirTtS 0 0 r i i VIA^" nSfTpTF: WOODfcUr'F, ,. M o l e *afie : ' sua Ketali Dealers in „llroNirH» »«.. Proviaiotuof dUltiudi), cheap lorCaaliorUwul> i'nj N. B. Ail kinda.ot tjouutrv Papduoe ukeu in •*- oMnBeforUoMUToYCkfi. "Wopdlatf'a 31o«k, tfertowtt, N. Y. Uppoi>it« the FQnn'tain. «8v4 ATTOKHIT A.KU OoBOTBCtdn AT LAW.' uillee In Chu piu'e Block, war Ai Uliapiu'n, stora, Main Street, Antwerp,'N. If. Prompt utteution will be' given to Uolleetions, Convevaaciii^. <ka.. 4«v» , XJLL.L/JGO SL CuNUtirt, Whole ale aui JtttJtjttl Dealers In Drugs and Medi- oinee, i J »iDt», Uil», Varoianes, Djewoods, Urushta, ' UKOWN St DKACH " ;ABarae«»ndCotuiMlJor»-atX«w. Office OTer Clara <fe Wi^jglni'B store, €aart4trMt, uearij opposit* the Ba&wy.^'- ^ty>K C. B a j c , JOHH WHITli,'li. D American. Oatoaand zattdanee on Banetllot atraat, .between dtoue and Ctiuton atreeU, oppoaita (Jol. tioldamidt's reaidenoa. .-.,i»tyfe v..^;o.MWI>riw»>yl».-y;" GENN£T & OHBOKNE, ^ ii^» taw «jar ira> aest r #. "W I a^MasfS ETT'S fajBHlS instihitioa will U reanored to giraciue, W Welting Block, n»it Ootober. Tadiea anil Oentlenien wUlilus to avail themsolm of a' eoureo of. instraOtibn in' 'Book-Keeping or Pen- manship at thiB'iaititUtion ^rlll find it to their Inter- est to attend, while at tliii place. Ladies and Gentle- men can enter college at any time. ° ' "• iSend for Circular.) Fulton, Oawego Co., N . T . 88mJ» ABE1.L &COPELAND, ANTWERP, H AVE just received s N«,v, Xarge and Very Gen- eral Assortment of ever; kind of QU0CERI£8, MM> WARE, CHWKER-1 VAX HTM ASD Olltll II oto, Shoes, IlatK, i.'up», Wuod and Willow Ware, Paper HaiiiiingK, MM., AC To whioh the attention or porobjuera is rtwpeoiftill) roicitvd Antwerp, May 20. 1858, «>t«tt AT WA8HL\0WN HALL, CHEAP DAGUERREOTYPES ! !! A PPEAR T O B E AUTUE GO. It i s no wopder but s fixed tact, tliat you can get a hot- ter Iikeneax, beauti/ally Inished in tli« mo»t clurnblt manner, for only Three allillliofaf and upwwdx, Chun can be liadTthis aide />{ Nevr-1 oi k city. We uro oonsttntiy-Tecetvinsr~th«*>nosf'elegfnnt*vaTletror<.'a- sesmai.utkctured in New York, which ws sell inclu- ding Llkenas., at half the prices usually charged at other establishments. We now ipffer a good opportunity to s young m«u of good address and capacity, to learn the art. 8»wa 8. 1). D10K)EmdAy, Artist. lie' Mexican'aiiifioritiei. He pursued hi* march, slowly and Teialirely, as' the state, of fiis men, *nd .horsed reqoired,^ntil the middle of .MayVSaa 1 bad rf^d-the norther,, .hore of lfc*«^ A T**»**lalt*:. wilhirf'-the'li.nit, r,f &?: . _„ i^*fMif^^^W!^; 1 Mr«io«t-'Wn by General Ca*lriv:pad"k'Hed and'wounded four o f l i a ^ n v ^ d lertOiim'rio repots either in e«rn^o?'b^'J^',»srpk;£At* lie-same lime, in- ^nmtlopvrsaelvedfeimthat Gtneral Castro, fn BSjgg^jpSe^fid'lJwIth ar.tMlery and cswlrv. he»dje|j^r ,»>^« bnndrea- men;, that tallV of" theriS icftSlMi^el^Jojtaprebtnded- ^,.i.^«r:the^;c!ri,'arnstani!ei, he delermlned to tarn opojk hia jMexIcanpariuersj and sevk safe- ty.vbotir ] 'for-,..;hiaf,o»a party and the American *»|ji% v 4^:#V*lm»*ho def*Tit of Oa»tro ( but W"f<ire 1; ilir:*.ornsrknc*inenl of xhe wdr between .IIWiU^WSlatHiand Mexico could hive lh.,re ^b^'*****^ tristS tbia reaololion was taken: Mpf#lJi>t>pld.*tt«k*. by. small ifA,of>;adveiiturnu» rnen. under the conduct 'pf^sa.Wii'Sld^ader.-.giijck to perceive and ablf ^^Slaf *S*I^%«^ fnr'awpmpii.h'i. g wfft^Pf|^Pftf>¥«^d by, ll»f Fremon^" pa"riy;\lD^|i|e;"iotfi,at'dny hresk.lhf mditan poat of .^aiinnia' W.M also' surprised and (alcerij wiih s^o^Vs^ate; -a4o>tjaria of ma^ie;. and sevef(il-oflreera, ! ahd' nurnet.nien and' muniu on*or *ar. ' ^^ ,.-.,.'. .,' ' . i- \ l*Mt»i* Pmall earnaon atSanoma, Cot; Fra- tBontweftttoth-Sicrem niotoiou»l!flheAtner- .' No. 5 WoodraU'tloaji), Watt>rtown,N. Y. Nov., 1851. I'.a.^—faruoular attention paid to Bepairing Fine WatohMaid Jewelry. H. it. NiiWCliMB, Dealer in Watcliea, Ulocka, Jewelry of every variety, onyw and »uyiir; 1'tited .Whate^ ito~ » Ameribiu. titoak, Kepmntig done to order.., 1 ' u. &. oi. aajsujoN. Commission Merchaiito, tor th* Sals ol ail kin<ia oi Country pruauoe. Uimatf biuxnoM. MASK SHKLDOM. S. BAltdik, in. I)., HUMKOfATtilar d> BtiiUlSUll, WM.TiU.TUWH, JKKF. CO., R. V. tSfOSitx at ins reaideuco, uii Arumul street, 4 doou Wu»t ol Jiemmpait OltureU. % a. mtai^Tk: i>. ' rhysician and Burgeon. Oflioe »t his iwiueueu, tkiuau jiai., Jofl. Co., N. \ All caila promptly aUauUua to. 0. J. W Aut.it, ATTUENK^ AMD COUftOHlduOlt AX1-AW. I'liUadlnymu, Jell. U)., IS. !• »iv» E. A. MUDliUUUK, tJurgeon Donti»i. Ail wurit aouu uue*u and «smuu oa. Umee at Wu reoniuuue on jilouniuucoueot, loui guars iroin auui DCroet, llwveji; ^_ Attorney and Counsellor. Law oltloa in Ctley c Block, Jwtnuw*, au auuxwsy aouui oi Aruuia n aur ertuwu, ii. k. Svv4 J. 8. VAX* B U h U i N , T W hoissale and'retail dealer in Uanlware, Ootlsry, anu Hancy Utwda, Don, Steel, Kails, cCu. dtc, Mo. », iron Bloc*. >.0.« ILLUMa, Physlciiui & Shrgeuu, will attend promptly to all oalh- u uia prutosstou. unice and rasiueuuu tio. *&, Ai- iajual otreet, two doOts abuve the Al«Uio«list ctiurcui . dstSatat ^sha^a Michigan Southern Sail Road line. , CAHKVIMG (JHEAT WBSTGaN VMTBD STATJESTHRPl/CiH MAIL. I Buffalo in Chicago in Tumey-FoHr Hour* I araatt Western Vaited State* Bftail Bonte. ForChieagOi Bt. LoabsMilWankee, Kacint, Kenosha, Dubuque, Qa'moy/Folton, Unriicgtoh, Book la- land, Galena, 8t. Paul, and all places tn the West and 8oatbwe»t, The following msgnlncent and tineqnalled steam- ears lor eomlort, speed and safety, form the Lin* be- t *een Burfalo and Toledo. Th* Western Metropolis, biailt during the past sea- son, under tb* immediate charge and aaperlntendence of Cspia n CLIVULAND FOBSCS, lately the Managuig Agent of the PaciBo Mail Steamship Company's .steamers in th* Pacific Ocean, haa been pronounced »y judges auporlor to any iteamer lieretotore built on the-e lake-. Ttia best evidence of tills fact is that ins model, by Bldwell, Banta A Co., the builders, has been taken to construct aeagoing alcamera for the Ps- cillo service. ' WESTERN METROPOLIS,. A. D. Piuauxa, Commander. Leaves Buffalo Monday and Thursday. Leaves Toledo Wednesday and Saturday. SOUTHERN MICHIGAN, L. B. OOLDSMITH, Commander. Leaves Buffalo Tuesday and Friday. Leaves Toledo ' Monday and Thursday. NORTHERN n»l)IANA, 1. T. PHKJTT, Commandar. Leave* Bu ffaio W etlnewday and Baturdav Leaver Toledo Tuenday and Friday. Leaving the dock of the Micliifran Moulhern H&il road Line, fool of •• am street, Buffalo, immediately nfer the arrival of the Expiees trains from Hostoa Aluanv and ^«w York, ti,rough to Toledo withoui lull,ling, in is hour-, conned ng witli Michigan ^outi era and Norihcu In liana Hanroad for hiesgo pa-aimr through the hew i»it ,.f vnchitnin, the bean- t'u'ul valley o> the St. Jusepn Hiver and tne splendid prairies oi Northern Indiana. Tb* M.S. aud N. I K. B. is built of extra heavy T ra.1. only 242 milea from Toledo to' hieigo. enubiin); pa>sengars to reach Chicago In reasonable bed time, tiie night stUr leav- ing Buffilo. r'or thep»pld trannit of lhrou((h frsijrht, this Line iffors unsttri'ssred facilities, running an Exprasn Freight train over the Rood in connection with tba si earners. All freight should be marked care C I Forbes, Agent of the Company's Stsameraat Buffalo. J A w KS JI (. JORE, General 8up't. rAsataaia AOKHTH. S.Jtah9J*SXai*s, M A.NUt'AUiU.WUia auid ,a«wnrs in cane aao wood-a6nt ulnuz* ol all auuda, aelUea Ivr puoui uaiii, 4 c , tSteZ MacAJUver, ilea. 18M. A W. BaaKifiaaMW, Village Hextou auu 0uacru»».ei. 11uuipl and pru^ ur sttunuou grven to »11 orders lull at J. AnuuU'a CMDS uet miu Coinu rturelioUBo, i\i>. lo, uunu side rubu, C^UMfu, ur at n u nauuuuc«, Au, 1*, liuudaie otruoU i>.a. (juiHussua jUoumoaiuuu UHMM luxuuaitiu W orders. »atortowu, Dec «, 1864. 16U ' . Joss F. Poma, J. Q. A BIAS, C. V ABOIT, O. M. GBAT, H. a KiTOHia, F. P. CAaraa, I Ws, BucaxKY, 18n Broadway, N. Y. I Bute St. Boston- Toledo, Ohio. Chicago, Illinois. Foot of Main St., Buffalo. [ Apenta, "Water'own, N. Y. E.T»)'•TNEIt. TraveUmr Agent. ML t. XAXO, JZCL£\j i iv ru i oiC'iAiV, UlUoe sum itosiuuuue i\u. DO, uoruor ol atone LJIU MaaMiy IW. Air». j. Mayo, Uedicul Clair voyai.t, will be happj ^o wui ou Ui* »iek unu ullliuluu, ul u~i reaiueuce, <M/ uq, oivuu -au, o n Atouuay, AUtoUay auu »( MvUiusa^j ol wuiu W«BS. ou« wia ausu Viait lue sloa 11 i*. juu^d* uilruiottois, "live and help others live,'' and Un. Wu Uiluk van bauulio utteu^UAliy, WlUiUUt tu* Miu v.. jieicuriAia, iMoeuiu^ ur Ittisuitiug. 1. iN. I'Uda&it, UKNTlal. Uffios ouuin miu? ui i uotw sonant, Su £>ulmuu>U> •»asuiugtid< Inui, v<auuu>»u, it. 1 UAViug lBaMKiuisauuv«(uviuaiiur nva year* wuuiu luiurtu tua I'HOMO uuu. 141a uusuisss uaa ousu aulnulsiii. ly naituriaig w inuiiuw unu lo ouuuuua at turiuar re u'uoeupruM*. • •' ' " Aii wora duuo in is beautiful wvMuuauuaa inauuv and warnaiiiud. Uaa iaguui iur opMaunn uveuun». at^n^»jA^tWntrirn>strprt that C«»Do*« Whole fores was,«rossl«g«th'ibay to silauihait,place. I oflllfjJlJa'OflTifrilv while he- wns on the Amen- ca^foffcflf the Sitenmento.'SO mile* from the little •garrison at S^rmmi; itid,>t"9 o'clock o'n the mornlng'pt the^Stb, he arrived at that place with JSo riflefflf n from the American settler* in that valley. w Tb*( enemy bad not vet, appeared. Seoul* were -»ent:0ut'to wsonaoiu*, and-a paf- ty-efoao^lell in with a sqnadr6n 6f"70 rjrsgobhs; (all of.'ttstroVfo'rc^whmh had crossed )he,bay,> attacked and dcfeated.it, killijg and wpundinp x h»rjaUo,thea«afvef*; ths Mexican aaanjeViilkjhVTorTev'barelT' ewapiiig- with pfiif Wf Jt^P»rt'lwsv'»n3^»filB plect'* of •"artllffiiEftisiiikiEd: •> .- fiP^pikSd: .Tbe> eooijtry .north idf the Bny.of San Fran- <jMi>ilwipf cleared of the enemy, Col, Fremont MttpccltO Saojirrlaoii the evening of the 4th of. July and on the .moraing of the 6th, called the people together, explained to then) the con- 4Hws-fljf,*»hbi*»-in tKe protinc*, and recOmmin. df^?»lri^lin1n^i*^*jl*ratior>^o/ independence. The declaration wi«,made,' and he wab selected 4o,tUf*r;ir«*fiierdireotlon of affairs. ' 'TfieatUck on Csatrowis the next object.— UawajtatiStnU'-Clara, an entrenched p<nto"H the op^er or sooth side of thjB Buy of San FrtrJ- ei^Ylarltn^'olHmeb' and two pieces'offieldar- ||j||r'f|'^%!pB^iiuf more than a.hundred miles . mt("iit'j»;wycr»ed to reach him. On the 6th of 4TnJy.th« pursuit waa commenced, by a body of 300 rooented riflimeti, commanded by Colonel f rtnion^ in person, hi threa dturs, arrived si the me^yin aet|,Te<nenta. 00 the Bio de lo* Ameri> •aapi.s .Here.he lareed that Castro hsdaban 4o»eoVij8aRt«iClsr»,''and waa retreitfng'aotiln low»rd*T3ndnd de lo* Angelea, (Ihe city of the Angel*,) Uie seat of the Gfofernor Genera 1 of tha.yCalifprnia*, *"d distant 4O0 miles It was fe*t*a4lf resolved Oil loJpowuehira to that place. « -At-tJrtrnlor»ent 0/ departure tha grttifying in- fajltgeme tfa* received that with Mexico bad ^ . M « M - > a t Monterey bad been taken by jH|r pawl/*ro*,ilhd the flagof the United States e tlNr»w**«1ha)) l thof Jolyi and Hint the fleet wo*4*W-pper*tt ht the pursuit of Castro' and ' Bees' 3 f Theflagof. independence 'was hauled 1. CAlJJ.t H.LL, W lTli Juan B. A ULAMI), iui,ort«r, Mauutautuii., , aiid Diuaitir 111 LuOfeAUg" ul^tssgs, ul sal sl> tes ut. ir.wo, Portrait sua Picture jTruuu*, Fmucn sua ixu- luttuliuosSi^g^iiuiB^'i^ieb, »lmduwwidx'luiuxu\iuw- ^nglun, truueu aud. Aauuncau Juigravmas, ui JloiUUfiijfji, tiluu, "Ulaiicrs uuuiiuiiao, u>luix»i. W^rauolM, ttO Jresri at., boiweon tnauism »i.>. inidDJdti'iw., Auw Vurk " ii|w' *—' ... ','JJ—: . JOHN ii. OAll i 11, Manufitpturer of LeaUier BellLug. All order* punc- luiuiy atttindedto. eWidy crooB, uswegoCo., N. Y. vo*Sutt BHAULKV VVllSsfLUW, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Olfice with J mux Jf. ouirotiok. lytiBva. Jattoraay *s Oosaawlior, *ke 4 Offloa witu-i^.iv t Aaiwia, l't»Jer&a, jon^Co. W.Y. JLttornsT aaa .Oomwllcr at Xsaw>, "J. X4ia^JaJUB.ilayf>l«a. Co.,M. X. %gr Bnelnees promptly attendntl to. *vBly >'Wa^ll|^MBlr1CI «t)s* soaiauiBd 'of Colonel F»eeuont. .«| i , ;, $ fl>e sosibwedr puriult w«* rapidly eoBtldued,- iwHw k llU» pf^AMjWjtr CoaimiBlor»i8tocktoh; M4 jpolonel FMnioDl, wjlh^i dofichn tktW«i*drinanilWroerifl man wa»va»i+rwaFia»saw*ae** was u «w«tn> * raavujicaijf iityf ofj ,lh* Angels,'withostSiWtel. ^^^;«k,.GcmrK>r'G, M ,.l;; 'tM&^H^^^ HAHLL'S ilOTliL (Formerly the K1BBY HOUSIi,) COURT S'iV iVATERTOWiM, A. ) _ Ear Tbia BataM is k*pt oa attrictlj Tamparanca a*iincivl*a, stages leave Un* UotsllHdly. A UOOi) 171VKKY attached,' t. B.J&ABLL, Propri*tor. ~^ HORACE E.MOBSE AttsnaysmdyWaUwllsrrai Xsaw, OIIsBam^t^ilatT^iBIaaL Wathitwtm lit., oppmUtki Jff.Ob. Jfnki Wutitrtivi a Ot/l> HOEtibB and Carriages Mr Uie aooounio> datiou of the publlOi always Kept on band, at moderate prices, and at all hour* of th* day and night. . KSXi<oaa & aostama., N O. 14 court tit. wholesale' slid; ielait dealers in 'Drugs, Medicines, Painb,,'UiU, UrocsHe. uigars, dec;,' are' now otferintt thbir large.,and, wci. selected assortment of goodn at greauy ,r*dacci> prices. Physiciins aud all in want'of goods ii. their line will do well to give them 1 a call befor. parohsslngetsewere u they afe prepared » sol lower than any other H eat*bllibmettt In northern Nev, York. QEOCERIES. Black and green teat, fwm 1-t to I* per lb, CoftV old Java, Lagurie, Bio, Bt, Domingo, and Macho Sugars, crushed, powdered, clarified, *nd brown. New-orlesm *nd Cuba liihlaase*, Stswait syrup, boney, a ckoioearticle. All aelllng cheap at KBlipQ^cliCoN^KBa. (.KEAT CEN , ItAt, ROUTE. MICHIGAN CENTRAL «. E. LINE. ja. as ^a> « a • BUFFALO TO CHICAGO, Detroit. St. Louis, Cairo, Oalsna, ' >abue, B irlington Milwaukee, Rjaeiue, Waufeegan, Ki-uoaha, Madison, Ind. New Albany, Louisville, LsAyolte, and all Important Points hi the Great Went The fo 1 lowing Splendid Low Presanre Steamera form the L">e txtveen Uuff.loiiid Detroit: UVastaro World,— T. U. BAUCBH, Commander, v\ ill leuve liudaio ondaya Hi.d Thursdays Fly month ltock,-»P, J. Bauru, Gonimander. Will e»v» BMlfaJO r u . l l « \ l » . , u Frida>B. OSisaiaaippi, - - - a. 0 LAKOLXT, Coi,m-mler W1I1 I. av<> Butfalo Wednesday- MII , Satur.ioyn One of 1 ho above K teanii'i> arid leave the Michiffui L-'auiral B B- Dock, font o- ErieMro«t Every Even g at ft o clock, iSandavr el,«j,t<at_) o- imuied,a'sl u thu urnv I «f thu £xpre»a Trulns fnm the h-st d run directly ihrouirii to l>«?troii. via North Sli«r». vitiontUn.liiig reec.iwr I>etr> it .<-zi itny m timet, -•un ct with the Ligi V lug E»|,r «- T>- -iti i,»»r th- ill.i,gaii Oeuirai had Koad,arrivingi Cniitigoi-nm. S ghi- >_« m c Inir 111 M'vhigsn H'y with 'he N,w ^P», ,y &S..I ui $ . K i ut ifakuSintiot. wi^h .l"li t K R J ,i,i, 1, Cni<-»L>y. A >oi' a 8 . Loui E. K toS u 11 *, "uBir 10 Mil-- Shoriurih.ii b m.y o'hi r it- ; a- ii at li,cgo with a 1 Ilia B li- «n.i Sloittu-1 oa: LincK to a I Importai.t Points in the West an<l ei>oii« w^bli'C to go all the iray bv"Riii| Road, hi>u d puruhaso Tickeis for thefrrest AV'cstern and ^licUitfun Oii-tral B It's, via. Buffitlosr Ningam Fall,* n-d ,->UMHU'1UII Bndire; obtaining a view of the ,nat haitwuy Susj^iifio'i Bridge and Niagura Falla,, xithoat ou»t or, loss of time.. Trains leave 8oi.penaiou Bridiroon arrival of Trains from Albany, B,»stou, Phl'adelpliia, New Vork, Lew i-ton and Bud/do lor Detroit, minting close oonnco- tious with Michigan C«ntml K- K. Trains leave Dut.oil for Chicago on srri val of Wsrtb Rhnro Sieamcrs, and all Trains from Suspension Hridge. Tuese Boats aie the Largest and most Magnificent ever put afloat on Che inland watem of America.^— Unvilig . fuor Water-tight Bnlk-heada, making IT* separate couipartmcbts. givine perfect security sg'uBt anv iccicjoutj and arc thoroughly strengthened with latticework of bar iron the entire length of their hulls. For Spo-d, Safety ane Comfort they stand un- cqnaled. Tonnage,-2200 tons each. Cost. *7S0,0OO, snd have accommodations for 2,000 Passengers each. Freight will be forwarded by tliia Line with the,bj- nioet enre and dispatch. Mark Packages, "CareC. L. SEYMOTJK," Agent, Buffalo. .S •.". }^~'PaMengers by delivering tbe Cheeks to the Agent on the Can. can nave their Bsggage conveyed to the Boat Free of Charge. {Trains of Miohieaa Central R. R. to run Into the Union Depot at Chicago, from which tbe Trains of Chicago, Alton & St. Louie, Illinois Central, and Chi- cago. Burlington cfe Quincy Rail Roads depart, avoid- ing Hick hire and change of Baggage incident to other Bonus. Through Ticket* by this line can be had at all the Principal Knil Boad and Steamboat Offices £sst of Hofialo; at the uffice of th* Orert Central Rome, ITS UrcadWay, New \ o r k ; at fhenllioeof Greui We*t- ,-re Hallway. 21 State Street, Ronton: at Great West- ern Rail wry Offlco WaverlyHoute Blook, Hochestex, ittheOfflceouUdeTa., and Michigan Central 8. -R. HiWolcej Ms'O.'B. B. Dobk/footol tWe'SC, 'Bu* alo. CHAKLE8 I KOBLE, , General Agent, Baflalo. Tickets can be prcCared at the Steam Boat Office, WajerjQjn,^nyfa. BDCKLEY. . , Nttl'UMB. M ACK and Brother or Watertown, Jeff. County, having made an assignment of all their effect! JSh» 'Jfirurs n^o*x;B*o.,tlie well" known pernirner, "ofCheat- 1 nut Street, Philadelphia, whoso choice products -are found at ataost eyoCT.touot,,,H»yii: . " T am happy to safOf Vour fartbatio Pills, that 1 have found ttema.bettcr&unilyuaodioinc for oomuaon one, than any other within my knowledge. Many o| anyfiriend*haya reaUted marked benefit* fxpin,tb.fiii and coincide with me iu believing that ttjej poeaeiui ertraordiuiiry Virtue* for driving Out dluease *nd cu- ringthasick. Thoyarenotouiyeti'ectuiJ biitanljaujiil pleasant fb. h* hikep, 4BalitJe» whi^h must uxaku thani •valued bythe paMic, wben they ate known." 'Th*ye»er*hiej6hanc*UorWaaBtafw, writes nxmjBal- umore, 16th April, 1984: ' "Pr.J. C. ArS»-8ir; i have taken your Pillf with great benefit, for th* lisuenanesajanguor, loaeol appeutv, and-Bilious headache. whiohJbas of date years overtaken me in the spring. A few doses of^our pills cured me. 1 have used -your Cherry Peotoml many year* in my family for Coughs and colds with unfail' tng ancceaa. You make medicines which care, and 1 feel it a pleasure to commend! you for the good you have done and, are doing." - ' JOHN F, BKATTY, Esq., Secretary of tho Fann. Kailrcrad Com,, sayH; ''Pa. B. K. Office, Philadelphia, Dec. 18,18W. Sir: 1 tuko pleasure in adding my testimony tb the efficacy of your medicines, having derived very ma- terial benefit from the use of both your Pectoral olid' Cathartic Pills. 1 am never witliout tlieM inmy fam- ily, nor nlioll I ever consent \.6 be, while niiy moaiii- will procure thctn." Tlio widely rcnowuod S. &. .STKVINS, M. D., of Went- worth, N.'H., wHton, " Havinli unod yonr Catlmrtlo Pills In my practice, I certilV from eiperienefi, that they are an luvsluublo S urgative. In eiioes of disordered functions of the ver, causing headiuibe, indigestion, oostivcEiesii, and- tho great variety of diseuaes thaU; follow) they, are a surer remedy than any other. In all oaaea where,pur- gative remedy ia required, rconfidently recommend these Pills to the public asBuperiorto any otlioxl liave ever found. TheV are sure in their operations, and perfectly mile, quufitiea which make them an ui- valuable article for public uae. I have for manyyears known yourC herry Pectoral as the .bertt cougrh medi- cine in the world, ana these pills are in no w me infe- rior to that admirable preparation for the treatment ol diseases." Acton, Me., Nov. 25, 1858. Dr. J. C. ATSK—Dear Sir: I have been afflicted from my birth with scrofula in its worst form, and now, alter twenty yoara' trial, and an untold of ainout of Buffering, have been completely cured in a few weeks by yonr Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write, "can only be imagined wben you realize what 1 have aulfered, and how long. •Never nntif now have I been free from this loath- some disease in some shape. At times it attacked my eyes, and made me almost-blind, besidesxhe unendu- rable pain; at others il settled in the scalp of my head and destroyed my hair, and in my face, and. kept il for months a raw sore. About nine weeks ago I commenced taking yonr Cathartic PillB, and now am entirely tree from the complaint. My eyes are well, my skin ia fair, and iny hair has commenced a healthy growth ; all ol wbich makes me feel already a new person. Hoping this statement may be the menns of con- veying information that- shall do good to others, 1 iuni with e*cry sentimeut of gratitude, Youra, o£0-, 11AR1A K1CKKS. " I have known the above named Maria Rickerfrom her childhood, and her statement is strictlv true. ANDREW J. MK8F-RV£, Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co. Capt. JOB. PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from Boatcin, 20th April, 1S54; -' Yonr pills have cured me from a bilious attack which arose from derangement of the Liver* which hod become very serious. 1 hud failed of any reliel by my Physician, and from every remedy I could try but ufew doses of your pills have completely restore*! mt lo health. 1 hu\e given them to my children for worms, with tho bc»t effects. They were promptly cured. I recomended them to a friend forcoativenesM, which had troubled him for months-; he told me in a few days they had cured him. You make the beet medicine in the world, and I am tVee to say so." Read this from tha distinguished Solicitor of the g u preme court, who.-e brilliant abilities have made him well known, not only in this but the noighbor ing States: Now Orleans, pth April, 1854. "Bir: I have great sutisfaction in assuring v outhal myielf and family have been very much benefitted by your medicines. My wife was cured two year* since, of a severe and dangerous cough, by your Cherrj Pectoral, and since then has enjoyed perfect healtli. My children have several times been cured from nt tacka of the Influenza and Croup by it. It is an in- valuable remedy for these complaints. Your Catliar tic Pills have entirely cured me from-a dyspepsia fn> I costiveness, which has grown upon me for some yeans, —indeed thia cure ia much more important, from the fact that 1 had failed to get relief from, the best phy- ticians which tins section of the country affords, an<l from any of the nnmorous remedies 1 had taken, You seem to ua, doctor, like a providential blear- ing to our family, aud you may well suppose wo are not unmindful of it. Yours respeotfnllv, JLEAvTTT THAJCT-EB." Senate Chamber, Ohio. April 5th, 1854. Dr. J. C. ATEB—Honored Sir: I have mado a thor- ough trial of the Cathartic Pills, left me by your a- genti and have been cured by thorn of the dreadfn I Rhounmtiflin tinder which he found me sufferinff:—' The first do«e relieved me, and afewsubsequent do sea have entirely removed the disease. 1 feel in hot- ter health now than for some years before, which I attribute entirely to the effects of your Cathartic pills. Yours with great respect, LUCIUS B. METCALF. The above are all from persons who are pablich known whe-e they re-ide, and wtio would not make beat statements without a thorough conviction that Ley were true. PREPARED BY Dr J O ATEB, Practical and Analytical Cbemiat, Lowell, Masi. 88v6m6 W . W . & I . N . II E R R I C K. wnoLZSALs AXO RF.TAIL D>AI.KICI nv ITAPUi AND rAWOT DRY GOODS AND OnOOBRID*. —ooKaiavmo at rtxt or— slieei'ngs, 8 iiticgs, Tieklngs, it icki'iiiS) Wad-iings. Batting, i Vpot warp, Woolen Yarn, t'oitoa Yarn, Comeil Yarn, Twines. Laeee, Embroider es. Gloves, Hosiery, H ool D'-'XM'ett, Floor Ofl Cloth, Silka, ' Delaines and Prints. No-5. Washington Place, vi atertoivn. 41 wS Dress Good*. Ureas Silks, consisting of PUin, T'UBlNa extra Cologne bay wittj»l" 'ro** wat.r' JLi toilet »o*p*;8towe., ekoelsinr rsydaild cbinlecal washing do. Barr>« Tricoperioj, Lyoti's Katbhron, hair oil*, pornaium*.'Amandine cold cream, inavui cream, ecaps.' btuaheej combs, kinv**, and atarch, OUopearlcornandexklslordo. Mlllhgeh**p 7 by n ui i i is *•• •-••is»s>yMsafc«*atrj^'J|i iijai^;*. •*' •'• •»»^a*!*saawa*«i«<sB»asa»si^iia»t. '$0. '^Wt^^^m^^miM tbi* IWtlS^Mifbtiring rUd M4 dttperaed USim^hmSfty** to% .pois*s*ibn of tbi a ? 4N**«brt*wC < l^l* r a ro o„t Govern^ 4l *t-^\ht&$&fa, iM^i.qiia.tVnotmer.ly alMai A t e attsBBBaBtm^" j L a ^ k ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ' j i k ^ ' ; 1 ,JER£tir&* BDjDltLL; '^SEaSBP/aftfe-a--• - - ' I HAV» now o* hand at K« »iaiiord**Bi«ckvO»urt ,8Jir*«^_»:l*r^»»wrta^ l^l^tffSl itoi*b*j|rtU*(*'.bii are s i ^ in ataufi«»5Diliiaj t wiU '-f:« ,.|'ar^,Ib^dw)iMf?4sr*«*nn«s^ dnalltha rwlo*. *tyi*i*<rV>o**'Md;Ssoe*,v wore a^iP|a|ii^^C's^w»bd>ba' Ma SllisSa&Koia *m Spring R l\j rl ^.|^. 'AJaj a/ivon viian, vuiiDiniiiu^ vi a i«*Uj Chsnjeable, Striped and Brocade oolored unci black. KT Also a Full Stock of Blaok Silka, from the lowest to the beat imported, at *tw* HERKICX'8. PSXNVa. Full Assortment, Consisting of Merritnac Co- checo. 8 Prague, P.Allen, Pacific, New burgh, anch ester and Madder Prints, at *lw,i HEBBUlK'S, No. 8 Wasington, Place- XMAWNB. P ARIS Printed. Jaoonets and Beragea, Anaerican and English Printed Lawns, and Cambrics, at 41w8- HKBBIC5K'8. S PRING Shawl*.—A Splendid Assortment, at 41 v.« BEKRICK'8. B rilliants, Challles and Delaines. Also a large stock of Cloths, CassimoreB and Vestinirs, at 4lw8 HKRRICK'8. ^urnur Htnafet in any quantity, ot the laUiatand most approved style*, and nona' I •lw*: letter, at BEBRICE'S. Plows, Bbi*s>OaItira«ors, Ohnras, IcTtkaa Seed Sowers, Crowbars, Axes, Corn Plattten, Picks, Butter Tubs, Grain Cradles, Sickles, Bntter Bowls, Hon* Rakes, Otivor Amea Best Csst Steel Shovels snd Spades, FOT sale low at Antwerp, by 89v*tf ABELL & COPELAND. iKrthreal aitd fwtttonal to lbe.nncj*}r»lgne<), Notice H hereby gjvon that'all'per.bns Indebted to thesaid Mack * B'rp'her art requested to make immediate a»yuieluV,.and all. thow-Jiaviiig clHitos against them to present the same to the) Sub-arilier, at the Cataract 'Mill, for adjustment. Ail accounla remaining unpaid to the lflof'April will be lea tor o Iteetion. »lv.'tt * KG- MACK. Awiignee. ; Oioirge'ssTalobB at Wo 13 Arcad*. r8operr«a-nsnarTor the reception of visitor* snd the X poblio generally^ The'snbsorib^r still mainuins tn*gWg»ousauii,oonirqodiouaityle of thia ftshlona- bte s*looot',»ud will ever be happy to rsotlv* the call at bis trl»nd* MdiB» pnblli fttllbg .every assurance that with hWpTWerit'foitfrovenliritt tfp'-will, be »na- iii^ uiQ^ttiy M WBO may tawmbirn,with, tbjirfe** ^_-. ^iiioim*»ttwitb^*8a*So!4s' a Iadla'e Parlor, fitted up i«-jee.-rfch*»fcstyle of thodun t**t* *ad*I*ig*nce,twhar*,LadJ** will be -waited unpni »ojd ^r,T,*lt*r*nd*r*d,*fr***bie, being fir** from the uoissarid oonfosion*e*n at otiw Saloon*. , HiftUtrdM will always be riebljr and abmadanUy stotedwHhUi* beat th* market tflbrdft, and will be dealt ont toimUry th* -*»rt*» of hla various onatorn- ^«fs. \: • • a ' • • - Thankful for tb* many tokeni at wgard heretofore rsesirsd from this eotuntlnHy and ths public, it will stiUhemy higliCst pleasure to tadeavor to merits e»mifiti»nospf,ftps* fa*cr» . r . - Th*S*li)dH^pWs*t7'A. Mt,i Da close*et 11 P.M. P* pi* from in* country will b« served with hot ot •old metis ou th* *lj6rteVtiiotii'«,. •tandard Booka. J USTBeceived, ihe ban publiaiied in any ooun try. Call and examine, at 88v6 HALL4BOGEB8. Y OD""can buy GOLB CHAIHB awfnl cheap at - NKWCOMB'8 JUST RilOBIVBD, A T the .teffersbn County Music Store, Ne. ? Wash Ingtou atreet, Watertown, * large and stell-se- lected assortment of Sheet Music for the Piano, Gui- tar. Ac., oonaisting of Songs, Duetts, Trios, Quartette, and Instrumental pieces. Also, an assortment of best Italian 8trtngs, tor Gui- tars, Violin*, Base Viol, and Double Bast. i J. ADAMS SMITE. January T, -18BH. 11 U8T EtCEIVEb, at (Smith's" Mnftic Store, So. 5 Washington street, s splendid and well oelectod assortment of Gilt Moulding for Picture Frames, con- sisting of ornamented, waved, and plain, from 1-2 inch to S inches in width, which will be made np Into frames to order. January 7, 186G. J aousii Tazausuros. T HUMB Latches, Run and Mortice Lock* and Latches pt every description for sale by 8tv« TEN EYCK & BOAK-DMAN. Oaat boa Wall and.Oistam Pomps, •, V ARIOUS sixes cut iron sinxs, cast iron uiiimbl si elm and pipe-boxes for wagons. Lead Pipe for sal* by ABELL & COPBUAvND. Antwerp, N. Y. »9v«»"- '.riots, XAWBI and aammer OoodiT .l>B.4J«n>and Boys' W**r, at tb* Oi*Pnaa8toro No.«, Com Street. «0v«w4 O. W. glKM. M ibL ZCit Saws 5 to T feet t " 41-ttofiftet, Hrcnlar " stotainohea, , Band, Parol and Hipping Saws, Blgfo A SOB, 14 » r " Bp^sr* JMOSOB, " " " Ibbottaon * Co,, " " " James Siokoraon, Prttning and Meat Saws, for sal* by »4v« TltfiltyCK * BOABDiTAN. D O you wish to ByOIothlngf if so, go to No 8 1'aildock Buildings, Fiist Door North of Arcade hlutrance. 86vS. WUMipBM BOOM.B. J.oo» mm^m&Jt ? i 5HBSS^H? pBB ™* -,\»7iipJIlAS4e»*olth*»b«*a,i»*de is. lbs etndj; YV iloa of a certain indenture of mortgage, dated the 19thiday ot Maroh, 1848. executed by Zebulon li. B^Lon. if file city of Philadelphia Pa., aud Stephen e*kefbTthe'Cityof N«w York, to Baron Freder- idk oV Frendenf eich of Alpine.ln the County of Lewie New York.tosoouro th* paymont of tho sum oi twen- ty-font r thousand dollar* and interest. Tbe said mort- gniio wi n tb a wer of sale tborelu ooiitaiued, was duly recordedlu the office of tha Clerk of the Coun- ty of Lewis, on the 86th day of April 1848 in Book N of Mortgages pages 4U-I4-1M*, and on tha btli day of March 18S6, in tl>e 9I800 Of the clerk pt tlio Coun- ty ol Jefferson, in Book No 5» of mprtgage^, page t\ 4 c , and whereas, the said mortgage hue been utily assigned to Abnef Baker ot Watenown', in theConu- ty ot-detferson, wlilob assignment was on' the 8th day of Marshy 1856, dhly recorded iu the Jetfemoii Coun- t y ClorV* office, <• ud, has been duly receded in Lewis Cqnnty clerk's office, and whereas, there Is uow a| the time of the first publication of this notice claimed to be due cm said mortgage, the sum of twenty thou- sand nine hundred and twenty- three dollars aud six- ty-nine cents, and, no proceedings at law or otherwise having been commenced for the recovery of the a- mount due or any part thereof. Now therefore, no- tice is, hereby given, that In and by virtue of tbe pow- er of sole contained in said mortgage, and recorded with it, and in pursuance of the Statue in such cases made and'provided, the taoitgaged premises men- tioned, and described iuaaid mo.ljtage, will bV-old at Cublie anction to the highest bidder, tborelor, at the ilotel uow kept by S. Lamb, in the village of Copenhagen, in the county of Lewis, and State ot New I'ork, on the Twenty-Flrat day of July, 1854, at One o'clockiin the alternoon of that day. The inortgotred premises are described as follows inaaid mortgage. All that oeVtain piece or parcel ot land situated on lots No 019 aud 920, in the town of Diana, county of Lowis, and State of New York, and in bounded aa follows, to wit: Beginning at a cedar treo, cornered and marked on the easterly shore ot thooutlet of Bonaparte's Lake, and running thence aouth.8*deg._eitavS7 oil's 8g Ife'sj. to, * sjnsUbirsli tree. on tbe northerly shore of a large bay of th* lake, thence south 12 1-2 deg wtst7 ch'B 80 Ik's to a hem- lock tree cornered and marked on the shore of the lake; thence south 41 deg. £ Hob's 84 Ik's toa large cedar tree cornered, and marked; thence south 15 1-2 deg, west4 oh's611 Ik's toa large granite atono, on the shore of the 'ake; thence south 54 deg. wnst 5 oh's 49 Ik's to a birch tree,on the shore, cornered^ marked; thence northwesterly and westerly along the shore of the lake aronnd tho point, to tho place of Beginning. Containing Filly acres of land, be the aame more or And also, all that certain piece or paroel of land, situate on lot No 968 in the town, county and slate aforesaid, and boande 1 as follows to-wit: Beginning at the corner of lots No 967-968-983-984.andrunninr thence north 64 deg. west along the line between lots No 967 and 968, 81 ch'a 70 lk'B to the southwes- terly comer of 60 and 95-100 acres of land heretofore deeded to John Wreeros, thenoe along the southeast- erly bounda of 84 69 100 acres of land heretofore deeded to JOBBO Palmer, to southeasterly corner there- of, to a point on tho line of 56 50-100 acres of land, heretofore deeded to Major H. Goodrich, thence along the bounds of thesaid Goodrich to the southeasterly corner thereof, in the line between lots No 968-969, ihonce south 54 deg. east 11 oh's 10 Ik's to the'corner of lots No 968 969 982 988 ; thonce north 86 deg.east 47 ch'B along the line between low 968-988, to the S laco of Beginning, containing 90 8j-100 acres of land e the same more or less. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate on Tot So 932 in the town, county and state aforesaid, und bounded as follows, to -wit. Beginning ut tbe «oulhwe»tcrly corner ot 76 acreB of land, heretofore deeded to Benjamin Cuhoon. and running thence south 54 deg. east along the bounds of said deeded land, to the center of the Ford road, so called; thence southerly along the center of the said road, aa far as by running north 54 deg west parallel with the firat above mentioned line; thence northerly parallel with trie said Ford road, to the place of Beginning; Con- taining one hundred acres more or less. Alio, all t hat certain piece or parcel of land, situate on lots No 892 918 914 915 982 988, in ti e town coun- ty and state aforesaid, and is bounded as follow, to- wit. Beginning at the cdrner of lots No 891 892 918 914, and running thence north 87 1-2 deg. east along the line between lots 891 914 toa booeh tree, the cor- ner of lots 890 891 914 915; thence north 41 deg east alone tbe line between lots 890 915 4 ch'B 84 Ik's to a hemlock post, and stone, standing in said lot line ; thence south 50 deg. east 95 oh's 50 Ik's to a hemlock post an<t atones, cornered and marked In the line be- tween 916 932, 2 ch'a 15 Ik's north 86 dag. east from Uie corner of lota No914915 982 983; thence north •16 dug east along aaid lots line, 5 ch'a 76 Ik's to a hemlock treo, cornered snd marked; thence south 54 deg. eie«t 16 ob's to a spruce tree cornered and marked ; thence south 86 deg. west 21 ch'a 48 Ik's to a hemlock post, aud atones ; thence north 54 deg west 16 ch'» t.) a uimuracli tree, in tho line betwoen lots No'J14 983; thence north 74 deg. west 48 oh's toa hemlock tree cornered and marked ; thence south 86 deg. we^ 18 ch'B 20Ik's toa hemlouk tree cornered and marked ; thence north 80 deg. west 63 oh's to a post and atone, in the line between lots No 89S 918 ; thence north 54 deg. west 8 ch'a 86 Ik'a to a sprnce *apliug, cornered und marked; thence north S6 deg. oaat to a point in the line, between lots No 891 892 ; tbence south 54 deg. east along said lot line to the place ot Beginning. Containing 468 77 K'0 acres of Und. be the same more or loss. AIKO, all of that certain pieceor parcel of land situ- ate on lota No 910 911, in the town, county and ataU; aforesaid, and is bounded as follows. Beginning at a beech tree, cornered and marked in the line between lota No S10 911 at 41 ch's 74 Ik's north westerl. from the corner of lots No 910 911 986 987; thence north 41 deg eubt 22 ch's 44 Ik's to a email beeoh tree oomered and marked; thenoe north 49 deg west 11 ch'a 50 lk'» to a spruce treo ooroered and marked; thonce nouih 41 Jtfg west 4 > oh's 10 Ik's, to a post and stones, corner yil and marked (backsight north 82 dog. east ;1 theuce -outli 5s deg. east 11 ch's 50 Ik's to a |>ost and stoues, cornered and marked ; thence north 82 deg. cast 21 oh's 59 Ik'a to the place of Beginning. Contaiuiugfif- ty acres of land, be the same niore or less. Alto "11 that certain piece or parcel of lend, situate on lot 888 in the town, county and state aforesaid, and noonded ai. follows. Beginning at the comer of loi No 879 880 883 881, and running thence N' 86 deg K dona the. line between lot SBo 888, 20 ch's ; thence »ondi54 deg. E 11 ch's46Ik's; thence south 86 deg weal 20 ch's to a post set in Uie line between lot 888 884 and thence non h 54 deg. west along said lot line, II ch's46 Ik's to the place of Beginning Containing ti 91-100 »cr. s of land, be the same more or less. AIBO nil that certain piece or parcel of land, situate HI the town, county and state aloresaid, and known as great lot No 884 of the -ubdirision of Great lot No l o t MoCouib'e purchase, as surveyed by Charles Uroadhead and others, containing 40 acres of Land, ne tho sanio more or less. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, sitnate ou tot No9»8 931. Beguimns at the southeast cor- ner of Kitzgerald'a int. marked M. F. A C. F. thence north 86 deg. east Wen's to the northeast corner ot Kilzg' raid's lot, marked M F C F ; thence south 54 deg.easjt 12 ch's 25 Ik's to a small hemlock tree, cor uered and marked CF south 86 deg. west 16 ah'l to appruce stake a. rnered and marked CF;tbenco north 64 dcif. west 12 oh's M Ik's to the place of Beginning containing 19 60-100acres of land, more or leas. Es- timated to be in the whole 1242 88-100 acres of land' Also all and singular tbe following lots, pieces or parcels of Und, subject to the reservations hereinaf- ter mentioned, lying and being in the town, county and state aforesaid, and in Antwerp, JeffeFson county and state aforesaid, wbich lots are parts of Uraet lot No 4, of MoComb's purchase, a part ot which great lot No 4 of MoComb's purchase was surveyed and sub- divided into two smaller lots, by Charles Broadhead, according to a map filed in tbe office of the Surveyor General, of the But* of New York, and a copy of which is represented on amap-of the North Western part of aaid eUte, compiled from original surveys, and published by P. Ferdiiuin the year 1816,the aforesaid lots A pieces of land being distinguish'd on said map by the numbers following, to wit. 782 788 784 785 786 7*7 788 828 829 880 831 882 888 884, sitnate in the town of Antwerp, in the county of Jefferson ; and numbers 885 886 887 888 889 840 841 842 848 874 875 876 877 87- 879 880 881885 886 887 888 889 890 891, aitnate In the town of Diana, county ol Lewla, except- ing nevertheless, all such lots and portions of lots, as may have been sold, and conveyed by John La Farge, or by James Le Ray de Chaumont, or by Joseph Bo- naparte Count de Servlliers, or by Charles L. Farvagei and bis aasigns,or by Frederiok de Freudenreleh, the party oi the second pan, excepting also all snch land us were contracted to be sold by said F. de Freuden- reich A others.previously to thlB convoynn' e, of which land as sold ft contracted to be sold, a achedule is here to annexed and is referred to as a part of theae pre- Benta,tbe premises beroby intended to be convoyed,are comprised in the said big lot, containing 8104 acre* pi laud. Excepting and reserving, from the above big lot all such parte of said lands, as have been sold or cen- tmcted to be sold, by Frederick de Freudenreleh and others, previous owners thoreof, the following lots to- wit. St.Lswrence Turnpike Co., No 4 on lot No 888 886,169 81-100 aoros. Northeasterly half No 10 on lots No 842 874. 81 25-100 acres. Southwesterly half No 11 on lots No 841 842 874 875, 81 25-100 acres. St. Lawrence Turnpike Co., No 9 on lots 842 848 874, 161 60-100 acres. No 17 on Noit 889 877, 162 50-100 aores. No 28 on Nos 883 636,' 162 50 100 acres. No 24 onNo888 886,162 60-100 aores. No 25onRo885 162 60-100 acres. No 26 on No 885162 50-100 aores. 18»7,Sept 80, to Francis Bonnet 84 50 100 acres. 1842. Jane 1 James liazleton on 882 62 40-100 acres. 1346 March 3 , to lchshod Palmer on No's 842 74 87 100. 1841, Jan'y 27 to VanBnren on No's «82 * 888 50 50- lOOaores. Maroh 1, JohnGr«enon No's882*. 888,61 acres. Jonathan Goodenoogh on No's 882, 888 51 62 100 acres. 185 J, Sept 1 to Evans A Robertson on No's 887,888 189 90-100 acres. Eln. Bulbert on No's 888, 889 SOaerea. To HathaWay,Brown,Blohardaon,Phlk lips, Billings, Bulbert, Lagnaire on big lot* No's 840 v41 6115 81-100aorea. 1848,Marohl,to Benjamin Cand- 8axonNo885 2598-100acre*. July 6 to John Fliolion No'a 889,890 56 52-100 ao'e. 184B,t5epLtoPoterFurrer 8T4.889 87 4-100 sore*. 1858, Jan'y 1 J Bralllard 878, 877, 45 seres. March 1 to F de Freudenreleh on No's 878.877 2ft0 aores. MoKleJomllnspn.Slmpson.Briggs Kowlei, Van Ness, do**, Brown, Waite end others on 386, 884, 782 698 53-100 acre*. To MoKie, Simmon, Touillnsnn, llailoion,Gi|let,VanNeea ou lots No's 888 783 681 61-100 seres. To HMleton, Swan, McKie, tUmpton, 1'omllnaon, De Freudenrsiob and others on No's 882,784868 16-lOOaoe*. Maroh 1,18ol,Wright, ilolbtrt, Southwell, Allen, Hack, Bider, Hall, Baker, Moriarty,DoFreud*Ureich,McKi*,SiuipsOn,Tomlm«d'n aud Kimpsoa on lot* No'* Ml-, 786, 8*0,788, 829, 787, 8»8, 8107 acre*. To Simpson, McKie, Tomllnaon oO lotsNo'a78t,tM,1ri!«,W» Mel88-100acres. ToSimp- aon, McKie, Tomlinson on No 788 440 acre*. To F. d* Freudenreleh on No 882 M 75-100 *cr**,wbioh ex- cepted lands are estimated at 8615 acre*. All suoh lots and reservations are laid down on a map of tb* tract in possession of th* grantee, and to which reference is roads intending to oonvei In all by tbi* deed Nine Thousand Threeiluudred Fort -8i* 87 100 apres, more or lew, being the same premises sad subjeot to seine reeemtion* or exceptions con- tained in t conveyance this day mad* by tie party ot tha'ateond part to th* parti** of lb*arst part, tbi. . .:c>I ill a.ij. - <aVAHM,aVn**aav W f s a f a w w ^ ' ; - •' I mmMAOB ted bjr John 'Butler'ofPnmeliairt tb* CouMyiof ilef- ffersbn and State of'N<iw Y'oik. to,GoorgejCiSnorman President of the WrtertoWu.BluikandiLoan,Coiupa, ny, to secure - he naytnont of two hundred and fifty dollars snd internet ;*whioh said mortgage with the' power of tale therein contained was duty recorded in Jefferson County Clerk's office on tho hth day m April 1859, In book No. 47 of mortgages on page 658, &c And whereas there ia now at the date of thi»- notice claimed to be due on said uiorigaire tho sum ot three hundred and twenty dollars arid forty-eight dents, and no proceedings ut law or otherwise having been commenoed for the recovery of ths amount due bu any part thereof. Now therefore notloe is har*i 0 given that in and by virtue of the power of sale con I talned in isid mortgage and recorded with it, and In pursuance of the statute in such case mad* *nd : prt> vided the mortgaged premises mentioned and descri- bed in said mortgagn wi'l be sold at public suction to th* highest bidder therefor at the office ot Messrs Lansing aud Sherman in the village of Watertown in the County of Jefferson and State of New Vork.' on tha twenty-second day of July 185* at two o'clock on the afternoon of that day. Tbe mortgaged premises are described a* follows in aaid mortgage, via: All that certain piece or par- cel of land known and d scribed as follows, to, wit:— lying in the Town of Pamelia, beginning in the ceu ter of the Williamstown and Juiielville road at th South-east corner ot a lot belonging to Leonard, Todd and running from thenoe Easterly along the centei of said road six rods, thence-at right angles Norther ly parallel to and six rods distance from the Easterly line of said Todd's 18 1-2-rods; thence Westerly at right angles with last line six rods to the North- east corner of said Tood's lot; thence 'Southerly atonir said Easterly line of said Todd'B lot 18 1-2 rods to the place of beginning, be the same more or less' "Tlin- mortguge being given for the consideration monoy. LANSING dr. SHERMAN, Att'ys or Mortgagee. Watertown. April 18 1856.. 84v6wl2 jaOBTGAGB B.AXS. D EFATJLT having been made in the condition of a certain indenture of Mortgage datedethe 4th day of July, 1848, executed by Jason Frauds of Bn- land, in the County of Jefferson snd Stat York, to Thomas F. Francis of tho same place, toter- cure the payment of Two Hundred Dollars and inre- est, which Baid mortgage with the power of sale there- in contained was, on the 16ihday of July,1842,duly re- corded, i n the office oi the Clerk of the said (Jounty ot Jefferson, in liber A ot mortgages on page 445, and whereas uie said mortgage hasbecn by the aaid Thom- as F, Francis, duly assigned to Ames C. Pennock, and by the said Ames C. Pennock duly assigned to Wilaoi Pennock, and bv the aaid Wilson Pennock duly as- signed to Uuidah Ann Merrill. Wbich said several assignments were duly recorded in the said Clerk's office on the 2d day ot December. 1854. And where- as there is now, at the first publication of this notice, olaimed to be due on the said mortgage th* sum ot Four Hundred and Thirty-nine Dollars and thirty seven cents, and no proceedings at law, or otherwise, having been commenced for the recovery of theamount due or any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby giveg. that in and by virtue of the power ol sole contained in aaid mortgage aud recorded with it. and in pursuance of the Statute in suoh case made and provided the mortgaged premises mentioned aud des- cribed in said mortgage, will he sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder therefor at the office of '• esars. Lansing & Sherman, in the Village of Watertown, in ' t e County and State aforesaid, on tho Eighteenth da} !-• July, 1856, at Two o'olock in the afternoon of that •lay The mortgaged premises are described in said mort- gage as follows, viz:—All that certain piece or parcel oi land lying and being in the town of Rutland, Coun iy of Jefferson and State of i>ew York, being a partol sub-division No. 2, on Great Lot No. 2, according to Benjamin Wright's survey of sold Kntland,and bound ed as follows, to wit:—Beginng at the North-east cor- ner of John Felt's land, a stake on the bank of Black River, and runs thenoe along the east line of said Fell's land S. 10 1-2° W. 28 chains M links to a hub in the centre of tho road, thence along said centre N. 76 8 4° E. 8 chains 18 links to a post 50 links S. 10 1 2° W. from a post, thence N. 10 1-2" E. 28 chains 82 links to a hemlock post on the bank of Black hive/, thence down along said bank as it winds and turns to the place of beginning containing N iuoteen 32-100 acres of land as surveyed by Jason Clark, bo the aame more or less. LANSING * SHERMAN, , Alt'ya for Assignees. Watertown, April 9,185*. n88-v6 l2w late county ( SBrPr^Jj m ?i* e ^ a .deceased, at.the.rea)deno*'anda aud State of New YorktdVo*«aVd^BTe«tate,t srajieDah^tDcs^bit^aip, fith_thj\ '•»*»' I'A? sumont, in laid town or Lyme, oi e^bMEkeSE! day of SepUmljar^rtvrtT^iihl, " E s f i the admlnietrafom of the grind*, ^n, u «| of the said deceased, at Uto realdsuoe ar,J ranaaeuog business'of the saldTS's^ i^"^^7^"™"" *»•"•••"vases* vt vt*v D*a** in Chaumont, in aaid town of L tenth day of March, . JboiSrari.: JAkUBI.H, 28-m« T^OTICE U hjnreby given,- »eebrdui| t « S o a . ' ... ,l*»*on» "«*"« «»»m» *g*io»t MarvK. B22T,'*•• ° i ° P * Vi »oent, County ofViftrwnl fh #*?"** «d th*t,th**ar* required to. * ^ b l t 'the I'i the vouchers thereof; to,tbV IlbWbsf&W tratorof th* goods, chettele sud^sdttiWt* ceased, at bis realdeno* in WatwUnrn of* Jefferaonj m.drbsfcrsth* Mttfci^lf (Aug. 20th 18S6.K ; , JOSEPH listed Match ifith. Vm* nXEOTJTORH NOTIOB r+£fi££*z |^aaf:K.ialMirebygiven < , ll00 ^J^^M| lamp", lat* of the town of Cl»ytoZ"lntt!' 7 •' Jefferson, deceased, that they are lionF*-'* 1 the same wlth.th* voucher* thereof ti bars, the Exeoutora-of th* last will 'and the said deceased, at the rosidejio* and n d T M acting business of the underaiansd r>J«!3r*% .'amp in the town of CiaytonTSnor ug™f day of October next, i Oct. lat 188«T < COBNELIU8 H, VA» CAllV DAVID VAN. eAMJ> MP » P.«ted,iiai»h,«'.,.l.Sfi«;, -il-vl BxOBTGAQa 8AXJB, I T T B E B E A S default has been made in the condi- VV tion of a certain indenture of Mortgage dated the 15th day of September, 18«8, executed by Janon Francis and Maulda hia wife, and John W. Pennock'. all of Rutland, in tho County of Jefferaon and State oi Now York, to Wilson Pennock of Champion, in tho County ana State aforesaid, to secure <he pay ment ot ihe sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and interest, and the said mortgage, with the power ol sale therein contained, having been duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County oi Jefferson afore aaid, on tho 9Ui day of Ootober, 1838, iu liber. U, ot mortgage on page 256 A c , and the said mortgage having beendn y assigned by the Buid Wilson Pennock to the Watertown Bank & Loan Company, an aasocia tion formed Cor Bunking pnrpoees with Bankiug pow er», under tho Statute of toe Bute of New York, which ussigumetit ha* been duly recorded in the office ot said Clerk of said County, on the 7th day of Maroh, 18Jo in Book No. 69 of inortgaves. on page 25. And where aa there is now at the time of tbe first publication ol this notice claimed to be due on said mortgage, Lht sum oi Six Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Ninety six cents, and no proceedings at law or otherwise huv ing been commonced for the recovery of tbe umouiii due, or any part thereof. Now therefore notice h here, y given, that in and by virtue of the power ol »alc contained in aaid mortgage and recorded with it und in pursuance ot the Statute in such case madeaiid provided, the mortgaged premises mentioned and lei-cribed in said mortgage will be sold at Public A no- tion to the highest bidder therefor, at ths office oi Messrs. Laming A Sherman, in the Village of Water- k. town, in the County and 8tate aforesaid, on the (eighteenth day of July, 1556, at Two o'clock in the afemoon of that day. The mortgaged premises are described aa follows in said mortgage, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the town of Rutland, County ot Jefferaon and State of New lork, and la part of aub-diviaioti No. 1 of Great Lot No. I, according to Benjamin Wright's surv y of said town, and is bounded as fol- lows, to wit:—Beginning at a paint three feet Wes terly from the South-east corner, and in range witli .South end of a buildu g built of stone and cow oouu pied by Jason Francis aa a store, tbence run nipg along th* East margin ot be highway North 6" West, 61 links to a red cedar stake, thence North «4- East 42 links to a red cedar stake, thence South * 25 Kaat 74 links toa r.'d osdarstake, theoc* along the margin of the highway South 81* 45 Weattotheplac of beginning, and ia now standing on aaid premises i„ stone store. Also, all that other piece of land covered by th< North-West corner of the wordon building attached to the North end of the aforesaid atone store and used as a store room. Aiso, that o.her piece of land situate in the town ol Rutland afore aid, and bounded as follows, via:— Beginning on the margin of the street leading up the river at the North-east corner of a lot of land now oc- cupied by JasonFrahoi* and John W. Pennock, thence running along the margin of aaid road N. (6 I E. ono chain 2 lluka to a new street laid out in the year 1829, thenoe 8ooth 87* 54 East along the margin of aadd last mentioned street > chains 72 links, thence South 68 1-2° West one ohain 67 links to a cedar post, thence North 27° 40 West 4 ohsins 8 links to th* place of beginning containing 82 1-4 rods. Also, all that other piece of land situate in Rutland aforesaid, snd in the Lot on which Jason Francis now lives, and bounded as follows, to wit:—On the east by the road leading from Felt's Mills to Butland Hoi low, south and West, by lands owned by Jobn Felt, and North by a lot of land owned by Willium Usher. LANSING 4 BHEBMAN, Attorneys for Assignee Watertown, April 9, 1866. nt8-v6-12w Beady-Had* Olotbiaf for all Ant, fiom oight years snd upwards, in order, ^hayaasad Boys may also dress new. This Stock 1* ntMebisar- pa*aed In style, beauty or quality in Nortim Hew York, having been manufactured under tit iajtcrV sionof men possessing competent skm aud axptrsaea. I n fact, to make a long story short, we wooMtkttN fully invito all who wish to improve their outwniai. .hpoarance, to call aud see us. with our prasesthw -and facilities for ttelling Goods Cheap, wa antarti) tleid this Spring with that confidence which flatMsa we can please lie meet diffioult. N.W.8TBKETEB4iriE Watertown, April, 1856; »*»« FASHION ! C LAY'S Spring and Summer Fashion Plata If 1866. just received by BALME a NAPtll, Fcbuary, 1856. No. 6 Counvfc . Fash, Blind and Door EstabL STEVKNS, KANSOM, A'cT ^ tOWkeepon hand a large supply 1 '* _ i Sash, Blinds and Doors, and arev manufacture to order on the shortest nottoe.t'i,, t t y Dnor and Band Mouldings, WinaWftsteiiatf Shop Joiner Work, Painting andatSjf^ Done to order and Obut FurnMtd by tbijsatfl, . ,. box, if desired. «ss»t» OarSstaUBAmaat is Pitnatsdt,, Cataract 10011*, where we.hsve maoiLw and workmen, and can dispatch a targtriui work in a given time, and in a b*tter*m*a»*"i any establishment in Northern New York, jKaiV. er doubts thia, will confer a favor on the anbaerlls. ati^do^ca.'Sin'g: 7 "** tt ^T«?$ Mayl 8 ,IS56. 8 T ^ ^ B A g C , Ornamental Hair Work. l '^^ Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, Breast.Pins /n» and Vtst Watch Chains, Ear.Draps, aV mu rstAJfoai QuaKTa. il-TOULD call attention to her spt3ia»iiaf-ri,. VV« namenta) Hair Braids, now on •xSSSlVattiLi Book Store of Sterling A Bidden. , "TT™.. Persons dashing braid* of *ny d**er)paoa era ia. quested to leave their ord*r» at , 8tv< STERLING a ITJDPIH.'I. Wild Oherry sad Iceland Ifoas. ,; D R. J NO. BULL'S Balsam of Wild Cbany.gJ Iceland Moss., The only positive eon* JkiQ fatal diseuae, Conaumption, and. all J lilMM ' pulmonary organs, auch aa Coughs, Coh ing Cough, Aathma, Spitting of Hood, dtc. Also Dr. Jno. Bull's unproved Ssrsaparaa,* frwh supply joat received, snd for sal* by t^aaHk or single bottle,'at Manufacturer'* priceaby f, „„.,, No. 8 Saffard Block. N. M. SaitH, A Qx Watertown, Maroh 8th, 1866. "^TigJ BATHING TUBS d> PANS O F all kinda, for tb* Biokand th* well, I on hand. Also * good assortment ol Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Work done I manner and shorteat none*, at'No.' fit/ti] Woodruff Hon**. ,../.. A.?.-VMtm»s. * oxoTaxwatbrtha inure 1 HB HE hard and eevere Winter «t '64 »'***'j llf it will fill a pruminent place in th* history o aeeaona. The Spring aeaaon now i* apooos, ApitJ M. near at band, and what next! All CT*W~"' *~ iiur out with a new auit entire. Kv*n tbi I , TTJ esdo not neglect this, and why should Haftt WlL those facts staring us in lull view, our WAiarooas-tli again replenished witba_obolceand rlck»*jalyj|f, A Paw WAITTBD. Jonraeymaa Tailor*, __m apabM*' making ttrst daaa coate^atjiberal 'pjioajjaB* May 2$. BALMB A"l , No. « O w l * •ilka, thawls and Parasols, m Great Variety at the One Price Store. Eat No. 8, Court Street. 40v6w4 C. W. Sim PAPBH OOXaXaABw f\f Every JOaa, Siie and DMviptkm, jtlstraaVi \J and fbv Sale St OLAJtri, e -. No. 4 Ceart 8* , 2*d Call mi ****** STOVES! 6TOVH3J J every Variety kepi and sold at the lowest pric . i F nearly every Variety kept constantly < L P. BRATTOfT. Honse Triratxtiarsi A ND Hon** Bnild*r'» Hard-war* of evert;!*** Barn Door Kollsrs, Bam Door Hinfat, a«*to ilaspa and Staple*, Jbr sale low by _, ^u ABKLL A COrTOP., Antwerp, N. T. ; »»>•»£ r ... _ Any Quantity O F New Goods at the Cne Price Store, , •, No. 8, CourtJ^**^- ay.snrji^ L A 9 I I I W ILL find a very oholcs selection of Dr*»s0«»dj Etubroideriss, Bibbons, Glov^H«J«y,»kl» Goods, Laces, A*., dko., at ^_ ,'__-, ABEIL«%COP«Ji TW»y Antw«rp. N. T. tWttt -1 j . WATCHES I W HY don't you by * « u * Watch, w6tf*U«r*» so cheap, at Nk^COMBV . No. 2. wM^tlfW' TP yon want a Blob OABftBOVwt 1 Pair of Fin. CAM« EA, r * ^ ^ ^ ^ . , No 2. WMhifagWt W*j> S Plated CA*TOBI an going off fast, »»|j*i it one very reasonable, yon mt«t StriMtwat an tho iron Is hot, st aXOBTGtAOH SAZ.B. W HEBEAS default has been made in the Condi tion of a certain Indenture of Mortgage, dated the twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, Execu ted by Henry G. Cratsenberg, to George Plumer, to secure tbe payinent of the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars, with interest two years from the date of the aaid mortgage, according to tbe conditions con- tained insaid mortgage. Whlohsaid mortgage with a power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county of Jefferaon, on the 2nd day ot April 1858, at 8 o'clock P. M. in Book No. 61 of Mortgages on psges 178 A c And where.,* there is now at the first publication of this notice, olaimod to be due on said mortgage tbe sum of Two hundred and ninenty-one dollars and seventy noe oente, and no proceedings at law having been commenced for the recovery of the amount so due as aforesaid or any part thoroof. Now therefore notice is hereby given, that by virtue of ths power of sale contained in said Mortgage, snd recorded with it, and in pursuance of the Statote in suoh case* mad* and provided, tho mortgaged premises mentioned and des- cribed In said mortgage, will be sold at public auotion to the highest bidder therefor, at tbe Law office of Marcus Bickford in the village of Carthage, Jefferson oounty, N. Y., on Thursday the 8d day of Judy 1866, at 2 o'oiook in tha afteroon of that day. The mortgaged premises are described in said mort- gage as follows, to wit. All that piece or paroel of land, sit bated Oh lot No. 698 of Great lot No. 4, of Un- oomb's purohase in the tpwn of Wilna, in the county of Jefferson, and State of New York, and bounded a* follows, to-wlt. On the south by » street, on thtwast by a street, ou the east by a village lot No. *fi< Inv bracing two village lota of one half »n*or* e*oh, num- bering 81 *nd 88, each bslnrfflv* rods b/*i«*en,said containing In all on* scrs of lshd mbr*', e» l»*s. It ly- ing in ths village of Natural Brldg*, formerly deeded to a.C.8herrpsn,by0fa*mberl*insad,wife,teagbar- man's dead to P*nnock i excepting and reserving one fourth of the above named, acre -oJ a n d , j>r*vipaaly c^ntra«t«dtothe8tbward*'dftha M.E. OhuiCb.'ta^ ken out Of the northweat corner, on Which the BMW' ord* have erected* penwnag* htro**, *«id Joir***rv"- ed to b* lurvayed. Dated st Carthage. April ad, IBB*. _ , OEOBSK PLtrMM, Mertgsg**. M.BK3CT0BP, Atty. 81 *?wll T the \J and Prssxs, at ALL and see those rich Rimcrci**; PoW W>ff» .as, at rTfcWCOMlgL Y OU can buy anything in tk* jewelry o i r o f Gooda lin. **rf lowTat NKWCOMMV No. 8, WMhlnitonf*! COPPER STEAMEU8.1 T H E subscriber msnufaotur** Copper 8 t * * » r t P making Ch«*se, Steaming Timber, ac. **»" practical utility »nd gr**t oonvemeno* reler**»saw be had to Mr. Tho*. Bryant, and the a»l*»r* «gw and George P*rker, Watertown, who will •»»J»»". the moat skeptical that they are no i an JSfci(ilir. Isw Hepairing B^bUakateat.^ At JVo. 19, Courf Street, neft to Oft 4t *;«* Wafcrlosm, iS._ Y, I LL kinds of Saw* Set •ndJfiW. Oumn??* „ , „ -Ro-tawthed; Teelh cut »irrmi* ol *}*Vh$£Z punched In Mill StWs, Steel ot Iron, *$2g/££i jobs done that needs the uee of *-a m ^2SSSS*rw shears, diea and punobe*, file*, eta_wtj > lg"TVB, Mill, Ciromar^ncav«,.. t Croa«Bt,^^fjjfci,***; Crosscut and Wood Saw* Ht *"¥ - j Sffidwit** Saw Frames « n d Strainers. A l*H(* 1, S35i^giaaaW qnality of MIU snd li»pd*A,WTllei**™Sgt 2p aprings, Ao. 0e. B*w» and File* ff^Ssr «ot to order at short notice. Th»na«rM|«- permanently located in Watertown^ to***?, solicit* a ahare of the public P * u ^p' A eflbiIsV Jnne.Tth, 1858. . , ,!""1^' Beaiii* Parmer's Hstat*. VTOWOjrii hereby given Sceording to U # , t6 si! LI persons having claims against Dennis Farmer, l»t* of the town of Honnafield, in th* County of.laf i*mon, deoeased, that they ar* required to axhibl' the same, with the vonobers thereof, to the Subscriber, the administrators oi the Good*, Chittel* and Credits or the said deceased at the residence *nd ptaceoftfitnv aotlng business of the Subscriber Jew* Ay«r», In the town *nd TillkM of BrowWllI*, in T *«d 6^ntyj , 6n oi fig** ^*.|(f|*«»tbda T»>f Oetobef tj*s^.<D*t,J* 40 lw»W*^^* W ^'' 0> W HITE lead, red laad.rine^BCi'WujM^g and boiled, 43oalm--Wr^«ttr8»' !: * l ' , * ! * pf - 8hell*c,AJir^,VarBishsa*Pu»Jll FrentAjnd SMtM^^sM^*"'" Part ' p H E best uaortmant 8«v«' A lArff* asaortm*nt 2 tlil«5aTs»^tlldto ASv$sty*S anlP^SiPwIor) OU8o*pWd»nsnd «c .„ rtotel*r4a.; Marbl*:Fo«t*l*fOU Lamp* of all kinda, OlisndjUsi-. -Xii±.~ lantern*, Mirror*,^W)W>*)mi*P*M?4% > T»rr»tyrAm«rio»p f»% Ca'tknr. « » 4 r , ] Ware of *U dWeription*, WJipoW JWjs, m $ all of whieb will besold XWf Or*™*! ' * * : * TSBM8, Q*H; •fAoo), ho loft H «nc1 so far jl» could nev |- Wielp* would "one th»n chi 'rretliiedths wsdowy nismi tion of Rnborl l«««M it her O"* Sabbatl •••ing her gri Wirm-clin|r i MO-hook cm NM whero ^1 Wgaret set x> 'I »*» ne&rlj »«>cool.and s "gstolBintoh W»ndc»lm "I wero alw«j P'y's coutenti Joua spirit, SI "sWhow** al m««P T dr< j|»5 Btj power ti Willi revere terfi •B^WhsHdj «»B they wi s%*»*W-ll *?'••> mid cro, l»«'°.i» r<| veri *te*Mr.Wa« n JtffHarff WW3M "fe»9«*J.,- t t ., t * |.;.V", TM'VV''"*!*

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«8£? >» **&*«* **-**; (^V

»-T«f^^h>KJrJ»agg5E»,.... .-it. - i i jw., J f f l H p l 4 n V | V M * * t V I M 0 ST War

lVc «,'«.] Wut>cr*»niKRT, I*w 0,1846,

»«• [ m u m 1

• • *<)* May, 1MB J<*n (. I emont, aptain In th «• rpi ot Topo-rs and • IK f appointed t Lieut. tinder order* front UIM Depart.

IM Mseiplarattira in tha region* Roaky Hnutttios. Tha *>|eot* of

aa tHaee o f l)b p K * w * txplo-•f s^nilt*e»Asr»efef, without

tflMtiji "i ' Not B p i Q Ma and his

we»WT* «HW Istadofinjtytwomen employ. •d by fclmssir f r arcur tv *L M( f nds* is, and foljj^urinjf au^wteijce In the wllflerness and' dawt^eSti^^W^^'iWhkri he-was to pass.

t l € l W W l i s i ^ § # » # » * I ( > ' view. «»/to dt»-;'rfth*R*,k Mow-tl.tothemouthofthe

toJBJWMW*?* the tiowttled. ,_« JMQV!llki{<)i>T<!ito-ot the settled ;aUf<Knl fe'H#iippW)*thed'these settle-

iai^lM»^i«t|f^f^«5^tf.,'' Awareof the -W.^riui9ofsmMr«tWtweJ,tll«irllited«t»te. ij^^exiqofanddetormin*^ to give no cause of #<iBfM*Jtaroft «Mhorjites of her provioce, with xa»oW»eBdabl».prudence--hB' halted his command

on lh|fiwn|feon«i^ndfeJ miles frool jtfqnte.

t»*:;TaJI«y-«if'thi S.W JoSl].,ih;.»here there w,,» game forlSnjw'iandyriiiw for hi« torses, and no' inhibitarta tp,;b* taolMted by'riis treMnfc. T)»^tot^llnvU>*$but<»e*rcW* had be reached thedMt&spoCW refref.Hlpent.iipJ re-

k.t a.- -i^j—juwr^-jaTuJi. Jf'^ , j , e

Wm oar

force of artillery, caralrj) anC;i!)f»qtry, upoathe pretext that, under thi vq^pfiA'aoieptmCrmis-»ioD, he waa exciting the American settler* >'to wrolt fes|ipaQt*t.4fiifcdai«j«'r, MA«Ut be iri la condition to repal aiMtUiiK, bb'thin'tjaolrayh-•ition onamonotain overlooking Monterey, at a diaUnce of about thirty miltli. 'intrenched; ft, raited the' i!*^»#t|)e• TOIie^'fi&afB*,, and with bit own men, aixty-two jil riuipber, awaited the •pproacfrbfthe'coditiiandant jeperaL. ( . From the7tf ' '""* '

Fremont and

withitr.ittacliing distance, ana Colonel .Freni6.pt, adhering to,hia plan ;GfsaVbWihj5 air collisions, and determined neither! to fcornprorait liis GoV-aiiW^fr.taSfitiJea American-aettlers, ready to join hira a al], hanrd^ if he. fctd been attacked, abandoned .hiij;piiiiition,, arid;;gorJcnnwiced hia mite^Jot^mo^JMWmg by that route to return to Wie Doited States.^Deeming all dan. ger from the Mexicans" to :b» passed, fie-yielpS ed to'the,*i^ie»!of5«ouje'of Tii»" erieD, «ho do!-aired to remain' in tliejiWfiHtrti'dlsiBhlrWa li'eni fromrhia'.»e«rW) *bSrf refused'16 teeoW olh-

Amn&fcm^WP,p%m,*vf>n »color .of of.

remit to

*m3fyWM ^ ^ m S ^ W French, Rngli^H and, Spani.h C o n ^ s i n Cailfomi.; and ,io,^ro\n f h p > M e t thj,,,<%i«l p i i p e w ^ t h r Mexicanivgpv<(tpjwiwl» oo^the, J6tb o f .October. ia laying these officiol communications before the public, introduotid them with the emphatic declaration, ' 'The lows of the Calufornfaa fa con-«uijjia*(od." T h e whole province ..was, yjejd-d tip to the Uiiiied Slate** and fs now in ou/ inillUry pccupatlcy. A eirt II part of the tfoopj. sent out tontibjeot Ihjs province will constitute, it is pr^utped, m toffielent force to Wa'ih1 ou-ponseasion, and 4he remulnder rli\\ be diopusu ble for o t h e ^ b l ^ j i p l t ^ ^ a r , : , ^ " ^ .

To' the President of t h i tTnltttd State*, ' t

CARDS uiiDKit t i n HgirTtS 00 r i i V I A ^ "

n S f T p T F : WOODfcUr'F, ,. M o l e *afie:' sua Ketali Dealers in „llroNirH» »«.. Proviaiotuof dUltiudi), cheap lorCaaliorUwul> i'nj

N. B. Ail kinda.ot tjouutrv Papduoe ukeu in •*-oMnBeforUoMUToYCkfi. "Wopdlatf'a 31o«k, W» tfertowtt, N. Y. Uppoi>it« the FQnn'tain. «8v4

ATTOKHIT A.KU OoBOTBCtdn AT LAW.' uillee In Chu piu'e Block, war Ai Uliapiu'n, stora, Main Street, Antwerp,'N. If. Prompt utteution will be' given to Uolleetions, Convevaaciii^. <ka.. • 4«v»

, XJLL.L/JGO SL CuNUtirt, Whole ale aui JtttJtjttl Dealers In Drugs and Medi-oinee, iJ»iDt», Uil», Varoianes, Djewoods, Urushta,

' UKOWN St DKACH " ;ABarae«»ndCotuiMlJor»-atX«w. Office OTer Clara <fe Wi jglni'B store, €aart4trMt, uearij opposit* the

Ba&wy.^'- ^ty>K C. B a j c , JOHH WHITli,'li. D


Oatoaand zattdanee on Banetllot atraat, .between dtoue and Ctiuton atreeU, oppoaita (Jol. tioldamidt's reaidenoa. .-.,i»tyfe v.. ;o.MWI>riw»>yl».-y;"


^ i i^» taw «jar ira> aes t r #. " W

I a^MasfS


fajBHlS instihitioa will U reanored to giraciue, W Welting Block, n»it Ootober.

Tadiea anil Oentlenien wUlilus to avail themsolm of a' eoureo of. instraOtibn in' 'Book-Keeping or Pen­manship at thiB'iaititUtion rlll find it to their Inter­est to attend, while at tliii place. Ladies and Gentle­men can enter college at any time. °

' "• iSend for Circular.) Fulton, Oawego Co., N . T . 88mJ»

ABE1.L & C O P E L A N D , A N T W E R P ,

HAVE just received s N«,v, Xarge and Very Gen­eral Assortment of ever; kind of


CHWKER-1 VAX HTM A S D O l l t l l

II oto, Shoes, IlatK, i.'up», Wuod and Willow Ware, Paper HaiiiiingK, MM., A C

To whioh the attention or porobjuera is rtwpeoiftill) roicitvd

Antwerp, May 20. 1858, «>t«tt



wopder but s fixed tact, tliat you can get a hot­ter Iikeneax, beauti/ally Inished in tli« mo»t clurnblt manner, for only T h r e e allillliofaf and upwwdx, Chun can be liadTthis aide />{ Nevr-1 oi k city. We uro oonsttntiy-Tecetvinsr~th«*>nosf'elegfnnt*vaTletror<.'a-sesmai.utkctured in New York, which ws sell inclu­ding Llkenas., at half the prices usually charged at other establishments.

We now ipffer a good opportunity to s young m«u of good address and capacity, to learn the art.

8»wa 8. 1). D10K)EmdAy, Artist.

lie' Mexican'aiiifioritiei. He pursued hi* march, slowly and Teialirely, as' the state, of fiis men, *nd .horsed reqoired,^ntil the middle of .MayVSaa1 bad rf^d-the norther,, .hore of lfc*«^AT**»**lalt*:. wilhirf'-the'li.nit, r,f

&?: . _„ i ^ * f M i f ^ ^ ^ W ! ^ ; 1 M r « i o « t - ' W n by General Ca*lriv:pad"k'Hed and'wounded four o f l i a ^ n v ^ d lertOiim'rio repots either in e«rn^o?'b^'J^',»srpk;£At* lie-same lime, in-^nmtlopvrsaelved feim that Gtneral Castro, fn

BSjgg^jpSe^fid'lJwIth ar.tMlery and cswlrv. he»dje|j^r ,»>^« bnndrea- men;, that

tallV of" theriS icftSlMi^el^Jojtaprebtnded-

,.i. «r:the ;c!ri,'arnstani!ei, he delermlned to tarn opojk hia jMexIcanpariuersj and sevk safe-ty.vbotir]'for-,..;hiaf,o»a party and the American *»|ji%v4^:#V*lm»*ho def*Tit of Oa»tro( but

W"f<ire1; ilir:*.ornsrknc*inenl of xhe wdr between .IIWiU^WSlatHiand Mexico could hive lh.,re ^b^'*****^ tristS tbia reaololion was taken:

Mpf#lJi>t>pld.*tt«k*. by. small ifA,of>;adveiiturnu» rnen. under the conduct 'pf sa.Wii'Sld^ader.-.giijck to perceive and ablf ^ ^ S l a f *S*I^%«^ fnr'awpmpii.h'i. g

wfft^Pf |^Pftf>¥«^d by, l l»f Fremon^" pa"riy;\lD |i|e;"iotfi,at'dny hresk.lhf mditan poat of . aiinnia' W.M also' surprised and (alcerij wiih s ^ o ^ V s ^ a t e ; -a4o>tjaria of ma^ie;. and sevef(il-oflreera, !ahd' nurnet.nien and' muniu on*or *ar. ' ^ ^ ,.-.,.'. .,' ' . i- \

l*Mt»i* Pmall earnaon atSanoma, Cot; Fra-tBontweftttoth-Sicrem niotoiou»l!flheAtner-

.' No. 5 WoodraU'tloaji), Watt>rtown,N. Y. Nov., 1851. I'.a.^—faruoular attention paid to Bepairing Fine

WatohMaid Jewelry.

H. i t . N i i W C l i M B , Dealer in Watcliea, Ulocka, Jewelry of every variety, onyw and »uyiir; 1'tited .Whate ito~ » Ameribiu. titoak, Kepmntig done to order.., 1 '

u. &. oi. aajsujoN. Commission Merchaiito, tor th* Sals ol ail kin<ia oi

Country pruauoe. Uimatf biuxnoM. MASK SHKLDOM.

S. B A l t d i k , in. I)., H U M K O f A T t i l a r d> B t i i U l S U l l ,

WM.TiU.TUWH, JKKF. CO., R. V. tSfOSitx at ins reaideuco, uii Arumul street, 4 doou

Wu»t ol Jiemmpait OltureU.

% a. mtai^Tk: i>. ' rhysician and Burgeon.

Oflioe »t his iwiueueu, tkiuau j ia i . , Jofl. Co., N. \ • All caila promptly aUauUua to. 0. J. W A u t . i t ,

ATTUENK^ AMD COUftOHlduOlt AX1-AW. I'liUadlnymu, Jell. U)., IS. !• »iv»

E. A . MUDliUUUK, tJurgeon Donti»i. Ail wurit aouu uue*u and «smuu oa. Umee at Wu reoniuuue on jilouniuucoueot, loui guars iroin auui DCroet, llwveji; _

Attorney and Counsellor. Law oltloa in Ctley c Block, Jwtnuw*, au auuxwsy aouui oi Aruuia n aur ertuwu, i i . k. Svv4

J. 8 . VAX* BUhUiN, T W hoissale and'retail dealer in Uanlware, Ootlsry, anu Hancy Utwda, Don, Steel, Kails, cCu. dtc, Mo. », iron Bloc*.

> . 0 . « I L L U M a , Physlciiui & Shrgeuu, will attend promptly to all oalh-u uia prutosstou. unice and rasiueuuu tio. *&, Ai-iajual otreet, two doOts abuve the Al«Uio«list ctiurcui

. dstSatat ^ s h a ^ a

Michigan Southern Sail Road line. , CAHKVIMG (JHEAT W B S T G a N VMTBD

S T A T J E S T H R P l / C i H M A I L . I Buffalo in Chicago in Tumey-FoHr Hour* I

araatt W e s t e r n V a i t e d S t a t e * Bftail B o n t e . ForChieagOi Bt. LoabsMilWankee, Kacint, Kenosha,

Dubuque, Qa'moy/Folton, Unriicgtoh, Book la-land, Galena, 8t. Paul, and all places t n the

West and 8oatbwe»t, The following msgnlncent and tineqnalled steam-

ears lor eomlort, speed and safety, form the Lin* be-t *een Burfalo and Toledo.

Th* Western Metropolis, biailt during the past sea­son, under tb* immediate charge and aaperlntendence of Cspia n CLIVULAND FOBSCS, lately the Managuig Agent of the PaciBo Mail Steamship Company's .steamers in th* Pacific Ocean, haa been pronounced »y judges auporlor to any iteamer lieretotore built on the-e lake-. Ttia best evidence of tills fact is that ins model, by Bldwell, Banta A Co., the builders, has been taken to construct aeagoing alcamera for the Ps-cillo service. '

W E S T E R N M E T R O P O L I S , . A. D. Piuauxa, Commander.

Leaves Buffalo Monday and Thursday. Leaves Toledo Wednesday and Saturday.

S O U T H E R N M I C H I G A N , L. B. OOLDSMITH, Commander.

Leaves Buffalo Tuesday and Friday. Leaves Toledo ' Monday and Thursday.

N O R T H E R N n » l ) I A N A , 1. T. PHKJTT, Commandar.

Leave* Bu ffaio W etlnewday and Baturdav Leaver Toledo Tuenday and Friday.

Leaving the dock of the Micliifran Moulhern H&il road Line, fool of •• am street, Buffalo, immediately nfer the arrival of the Expiees trains from Hostoa Aluanv and ^«w York, ti,rough to Toledo withoui lull,ling, in is hour-, conned n g witli Michigan ^outi era and Norihcu In liana Hanroad for • hiesgo pa-aimr through the hew i»it ,.f vnchitnin, the bean-t'u'ul valley o> the St. Jusepn Hiver and tne splendid prairies oi Northern Indiana. Tb* M.S. aud N. I K. B. is built of extra heavy T ra.1. only 242 milea from Toledo to' hieigo. enubiin); pa>sengars to reach Chicago In reasonable bed time, tiie night stUr leav­ing Buffilo.

r'or thep»pld trannit of lhrou((h frsijrht, this Line iffors unsttri'ssred facilities, running an Exprasn Freight train over the Rood in connection with tba si earners. All freight should b e marked care C

I Forbes, Agent of the Company's Stsameraat Buffalo. J A w KS JI (. JORE, General 8up't.

rAsataaia AOKHTH. S . J t a h 9 J * S X a i * s ,

MA.NUt'AUiU.WUia auid ,a«wnrs in cane aao wood-a6nt ulnuz* ol all auuda, aelUea Ivr puoui

uaiii, 4 c , tSteZ MacAJUver, ilea. 18M.

A W . BaaKifiaaMW, Village Hextou auu 0uacru»».ei. 11uuipl and pru^

ur sttunuou grven to »11 orders lull at J. AnuuU'a CMDS uet miu Coinu rturelioUBo, i\i>. lo, uunu side rubu, C UMfu, ur at n u nauuuuc«, Au, 1*, liuudaie otruoU

i>.a. (juiHussua jUoumoaiuuu UHMM luxuuaitiu W orders.

»atortowu, Dec «, 1864. 16U ' .

Joss F. P o m a , J. Q. A B I A S , C. V ABOIT, O. M. GBAT, H. a KiTOHia, F. P. CAaraa, I Ws, BucaxKY,

18n Broadway, N. Y. I Bute S t . Boston-

Toledo, Ohio. Chicago, Illinois.

Foot of Main St., Buffalo.

[ Apenta, "Water'own, N. Y.

E.T»)'•TNEIt. TraveUmr Agent.

ML t. XAXO, JZCL£\j i iv ru i oiC'iAiV,

UlUoe sum itosiuuuue i\u. DO, uoruor ol atone LJIU MaaMiy IW.

Air». j . Mayo, Uedicul Clair voyai.t, will be happj ^o wui ou Ui* »iek unu ullliuluu, ul u~i reaiueuce, <M/ uq, oivuu -au, on Atouuay, AUtoUay auu »( MvUiusa j ol wuiu W«BS. ou« wia ausu Viait lue sloa 11 i*. juu^d*

uilruiottois, "live and help others live,'' and Un. Wu Uiluk van bauulio utteu^UAliy, WlUiUUt tu* Miu v.. jieicuriAia, iMoeuiu^ ur Ittisuitiug.

1. iN. I 'Uda&it , UKNTlal. Uffios ouuin miu? ui i uotw sonant, Su

£>ulmuu>U> •»asuiugtid< Inui, v<auuu>»u, it. 1 UAViug lBaMKiuisauuv«(uviuaiiur nva year* wuuiu luiurtu tua I'HOMO uuu. 141a uusuisss uaa ousu aulnulsiii. ly naituriaig w inuiiuw unu lo ouuuuua at turiuar re u'uoeupruM*. • •' ' "

Aii wora duuo in is beautiful wvMuuauuaa inauuv and warnaiiiud. Uaa iaguui iur opMaunn uveuun».

at^n^»jA^tWntrirn>strprt that C«»Do*« Whole fores was,«rossl«g«th'ibay to silauihait,place. I

oflllfjJlJa'OflTifrilv while he- wns on the Amen-ca^foffcflf the Sitenmento.'SO mile* from the little •garrison at S^rmmi; itid,>t"9 o'clock o'n the mornlng'pt the^Stb, he arrived at that place with JSo riflefflf n from the American settler* in that valley. wTb*( enemy bad not vet, appeared. Seoul* were -»ent:0ut'to wsonaoiu*, and-a paf-ty-efoao lell in with a sqnadr6n 6f"70 rjrsgobhs; (all of.'ttstroVfo'rc^whmh had crossed )he,bay,> attacked and dcfeated.it, killijg and wpundinp

xh»rjaUo,thea«afvef*; ths Mexican aaanjeViilkjhVTorTev'barelT' ewapiiig- with pfiif Wf Jt^P»rt'lwsv'»n3^»filB plect'* of •"artllffiiEftisiiikiEd: •> . -fiP^pikSd:

.Tbe> eooijtry .north idf the Bny.of San Fran-<jMi>ilwipf cleared of the enemy, Col, Fremont MttpccltO Saojirrlaoii the evening of the 4th of. July and on the .moraing of the 6th, called the people together, explained to then) the con-4Hws-fljf,*»hbi*»-in tKe protinc*, and recOmmin. df ?»lri lin1n i*^*jl*ratior>^o/ independence. The declaration wi«,made,' and he wab selected 4o,tUf*r;ir«*fiierdireotlon of affairs.

' 'TfieatUck on Csatrowis the next object.— UawajtatiStnU'-Clara, an entrenched p<nto"H the op er or sooth side of thjB Buy of San FrtrJ-

• ei Ylarltn 'olHmeb' and two pieces'of field ar-||j||r'f|'^%!pB^iiuf more than a.hundred miles

. mt("iit'j»;wycr»ed to reach him. On the 6th of 4TnJy.th« pursuit waa commenced, by a body of 300 rooented riflimeti, commanded by Colonel

frtnion in person, hi threa dturs, arrived si the me^yin aet|,Te<nenta. 00 the Bio de lo* Ameri>

•aapi.s .Here.he lareed that Castro hsdaban 4o»eoVij8aRt«iClsr»,''and waa retreitfng'aotiln low»rd*T3ndnd de lo* Angelea, (Ihe city of the Angel*,) Uie seat of the Gfofernor Genera1 of tha.yCalifprnia*, *"d distant 4O0 miles It was fe*t*a4lf resolved Oil loJpowuehira to that place.

« -At-tJrtrnlor»ent 0/ departure tha grttifying in-fajltgeme tfa* received that with Mexico bad

^ . M « M - > a t Monterey bad been taken by jH|r pawl/*ro*,ilhd the flagof the United States etlNr»w**«1ha))lthof Jolyi and Hint the fleet wo*4*W-pper*tt ht the pursuit of Castro' and ' Bees'3 f The flag of. independence 'was hauled

1. CAlJJ.t H.LL,

WlTl i Juan B. A ULAMI), iui,ort«r, Mauutautuii., , aiid Diuaitir 111 LuOfeAUg" ul^tssgs, ul sal sl> tes ut.

ir.wo, Portrait sua Picture jTruuu*, Fmucn sua ixu-luttuliuosSi^g^iiuiB^'i^ieb, »lmduwwidx'luiuxu\iuw-^nglun, truueu aud. Aauuncau Juigravmas, ui JloiUUfiijfji, tiluu, "Ulaiicrs uuuiiuiiao, u>luix»i.

W^rauolM, ttO Jresri at., boiweon tnauism »i.>. inidDJdti'iw., Auw Vurk " ii|w' *—' ... ','JJ—: . JOHN ii. OAll i 11,

Manufitpturer of LeaUier BellLug. All order* punc-luiuiy atttindedto.

eWidy crooB, uswegoCo., N. Y. vo*Sutt BHAULKV VVllSsfLUW,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Olfice with J mux Jf. ouirotiok. lytiBva.

Jattoraay *s Oosaawlior, *ke4

Offloa witu-i .ivt Aaiwia, l't»Jer&a, jon Co. W.Y.

JLttornsT a a a . O o m w l l c r a t Xsaw>, "J. X4ia^JaJUB.ilayf>l«a. Co.,M. X. %gr Bnelnees promptly attendntl to. *vBly


«t)s* soaiauiBd 'of Colonel F»eeuont. . « | i , ;, $ fl>e sosibwedr puriult w«* rapidly eoBtldued,-iwHw kllU» pf AMjWjtr CoaimiBlor»i8tocktoh;

M 4 jpolonel FMnioDl, wjlh^i dofichn tktW«i*drinanilWroerifl man wa»va»i+rwaFia»saw*ae** was u « w « t n > * raavujicaijf

iityf ofj ,lh* Angels,'withostSiWtel. ^ ^ ^ ; « k , . G c m r K > r ' G , M , . l ; ;


HAHLL'S i l O T l i L (Formerly the K1BBY HOUSIi,)

COURT S'iV iVATERTOWiM, A. ) _ Ear Tbia BataM is k*pt oa attrictlj Tamparanca a*iincivl*a, stages leave Un* UotsllHdly. A UOOi) 171VKKY attached,'

t. B.J&ABLL, Propri*tor. ~ ^ HORACE E .MOBSE AttsnaysmdyWaUwllsrrai Xsaw,

O I I s B a m ^ t ^ i l a t T ^ i B I a a L Wathitwtm lit., oppmUtki Jff.Ob. Jfnki Wutitrtivi aOt/l> HOEtibB and Carriages Mr Uie aooounio>

datiou of the publlOi always Kept on band, at moderate prices, and at all hour* of th* day and night. .

KSXi<oaa & aostama.,

NO. 14 court tit. wholesale' slid; ielait dealers in 'Drugs, Medicines, Painb,,'UiU, UrocsHe.

uigars, dec;,' are' now otferintt thbir large.,and, wci. selected assortment of goodn at greauy ,r*dacci> prices. Physiciins aud all in want'of goods ii. their line will do well to give them1 a call befor. parohsslngetsewere u they afe prepared » sol lower than any otherHeat*bllibmettt In northern Nev, York.

QEOCERIES. Black and green teat, fwm 1-t to I* per lb, CoftV

old Java, Lagurie, Bio, Bt, Domingo, and Macho Sugars, crushed, powdered, clarified, *nd brown. New-orlesm *nd Cuba liihlaase*, Stswait syrup, boney, a ckoioearticle. All aelllng cheap at

K B l i p Q ^ c l i C o N ^ K B a .

( . K E A T CEN , I t A t , R O U T E .

MICHIGAN CENTRAL «. E. LINE. ja . a s ^a> « a •

B U F F A L O TO CHICAGO, D e t r o i t . S t . Louis , C a i r o , O a l s n a , '

>abue, B irlington Milwaukee, Rjaeiue, Waufeegan, Ki-uoaha, Madison, Ind. New Albany, Louisville,

LsAyolte, and all Important Points hi the Great Went

The fo1 lowing Splendid Low Presanre Steamera form the L">e txtveen Uuff.loiiid Detroit:

UVastaro W o r l d , — T. U. BAUCBH, Commander, v\ ill leuve liudaio • ondaya Hi.d Thursdays

F l y month l t o c k , - » P , J. Bauru, Gonimander. Will e»v» BMlfaJO ru . l l « \ l » . ,u Frida>B.

OSisaiaaippi, - - - a. 0 LAKOLXT, Coi,m-mler W1I1 I. av<> Butfalo Wednesday- MII , Satur.ioyn

One of 1 ho above Kteanii'i> arid leave the Michiffui L-'auiral B B- Dock, font o- ErieMro«t Every Even

g at ft o clock, iSandavr el,«j,t<at_) o- imuied,a'sl u thu urnv I «f thu £xpre»a Trulns fnm the h-st

d run directly ihrouirii to l>«?troii. via North Sli«r». vitiontUn.liiig reec.iwr I>etr> it .<-zi itny m timet, -•un ct with the Ligi V lug E»|,r « - T>- -iti i,»»r th-ill.i,gaii Oeuirai had Koad,arrivingi Cniitigoi-nm. S ghi-

>_« mc Inir 111 M'vhigsn H'y with 'he N,w ^P», ,y &S..I ui $ . K i ut ifakuSintiot. wi h .l"li t K R

J ,i,i, 1, Cni<-»L>y. A >oi' a 8 . Loui • E. K toS u 11 *, "uBir 10 Mil-- Shoriurih.ii b m.y o'hi r

it- ; a- ii at li ,cgo with a 1 Ilia B li- «n.i Sloittu-1 oa: LincK to a I Importai.t Points in the West an<l

ei>oii« w^bli'C to go all the iray bv"Riii| Road, hi>u d puruhaso Tickeis for thefrrest AV'cstern and licUitfun Oii-tral B It's, via. Buffitlosr Ningam Fall,*

n-d ,->UMHU'1UII Bndire; obtaining a view of the ,nat haitwuy Susj^iifio'i Bridge and Niagura Falla,, xithoat ou»t or, loss of time..

Trains leave 8oi.penaiou Bridiroon arrival of Trains from Albany, B,»stou, Phl'adelpliia, New Vork, Lew i-ton and Bud/do lor Detroit, minting close oonnco-tious with Michigan C«ntml K- K.

Trains leave Dut.oil for Chicago on srri val of Wsrtb Rhnro Sieamcrs, and all Trains from Suspension Hridge.

Tuese Boats aie the Largest and most Magnificent ever put afloat on Che inland watem of America. — Unvilig . fuor Water-tight Bnlk-heada, making I T * separate couipartmcbts. givine perfect security sg'uBt anv iccicjoutj and arc thoroughly strengthened with latticework of bar iron the entire length of their hulls. For Spo-d, Safety ane Comfort they stand un-cqnaled. Tonnage,-2200 tons each. Cost. *7S0,0OO, snd have accommodations for 2,000 Passengers each.

Freight will be forwarded by tliia Line with the,bj-nioet enre and dispatch.

Mark Packages, "CareC. L . SEYMOTJK," Agent, Buffalo. .S •.".

}^~'PaMengers by delivering tbe Cheeks to the Agent on the Can. can nave their Bsggage conveyed to the Boat Free of Charge.

{Trains of Miohieaa Central R. R. to run Into the Union Depot at Chicago, from which tbe Trains of Chicago, Alton & St. Louie, Illinois Central, and Chi­cago. Burlington cfe Quincy Rail Roads depart, avoid­ing Hick hire and change o f Baggage incident to other Bonus.

Through Ticket* by this line can be had at all the Principal Knil Boad and Steamboat Offices £sst of Hofialo; at the uffice of th* Orert Central Rome, ITS UrcadWay, New \ork; at fhenllioeof Greui We*t-,-re Hallway. 21 State Street, Ronton: at Great West­ern Rail wry Offlco WaverlyHoute Blook, Hochestex, ittheOfflceouUdeTa., and Michigan Central 8 . -R. HiWolcej Ms'O.'B. B. Dobk/footol tWe'SC, ' B u * alo.

CHAKLE8 I KOBLE, , General Agent, Baflalo.

Tickets can be prcCared at the Steam Boat Office, WajerjQjn,^nyfa. BDCKLEY. . ,


MACK and Brother or Watertown, Jeff. County, having made an assignment of all their effect!

J S h »

'Jfirurs n^o*x;B*o.,tlie well" known pernirner, "of Cheat-1 nut Street, Philadelphia, whoso choice products -are

found at ataost eyoCT.touot,,,H»yii: . " T am happy to safOf Vour fartbatio Pills, that 1

have found ttema.bettcr&unilyuaodioinc for oomuaon one, than any other within my knowledge. Many o| any firiend* haya reaUted marked benefit* fxpin,tb.fiii and coincide with me iu believing that ttjej poeaeiui ertraordiuiiry Virtue* for driving Out dluease *nd cu-ringthasick. Thoyarenotouiyeti'ectuiJ biitanljaujiil pleasant fb. h* hikep, 4BalitJe» whi^h must uxaku thani •valued bythe paMic, wben they ate known."

'Th*ye»er*hiej6hanc*UorWaaBtafw, writes nxmjBal-umore, 16th April, 1984: ' " P r . J . C. ArS»-8ir; i have taken your Pillf

with great benefit, for th* lisuenanesajanguor, loaeol appeutv, and-Bilious headache. whiohJbas of date years overtaken me in the spring. A few doses of^our pills cured me. • 1 have used -your Cherry Peotoml many year* in my family for Coughs and colds with unfail' tng ancceaa. You make medicines which care, and 1 feel it a pleasure to commend! you for the good you have done and, are doing." - ' JOHN F, BKATTY, Esq., Secretary of tho Fann. Kailrcrad Com,, sayH;

''Pa. B. K. Office, Philadelphia, Dec. 18,18W. Sir: 1 tuko pleasure in adding my testimony tb the

efficacy of your medicines, having derived very ma­terial benefit from the use of both your Pectoral olid' Cathartic Pills. 1 am never witliout tlieM inmy fam­ily, nor nlioll I ever consent \.6 be, while niiy moaiii-will procure thctn."

Tlio widely rcnowuod S. &. .STKVINS, M. D., of Went-worth, N.'H., wHton,

" Havinli unod yonr Catlmrtlo Pills In my practice, I certilV from eiperienefi, that they are an luvsluublo

Surgative. In eiioes of disordered functions of the ver, causing headiuibe, indigestion, oostivcEiesii, and-

tho great variety of diseuaes thaU; follow) they, are a surer remedy than any other. In all oaaea where,pur-gative remedy ia required, rconfidently recommend these Pills to the public asBuperiorto any otlioxl liave ever found. TheV are sure in their operations, and perfectly mile, quufitiea which make them an ui-valuable article for public uae. I have for manyyears known yourC herry Pectoral as the .bertt cougrh medi­cine in the world, ana these pills are in no w me infe­rior to that admirable preparation for the treatment ol diseases."

Acton, Me., Nov. 25, 1858. Dr. J. C. ATSK—Dear Sir: I have been afflicted

from my birth with scrofula in its worst form, and now, alter twenty yoara' trial, and an untold of ainout of Buffering, have been completely cured in a few weeks by yonr Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write, "can only be imagined wben you realize what 1 have aulfered, and how long.

•Never nntif now have I been free from this loath­some disease in some shape. At times it attacked my eyes, and made me almost-blind, besidesxhe unendu­rable pain; at others il settled in the scalp of my head and destroyed my hair, and in my face, and. kept il for months a raw sore.

About nine weeks ago I commenced taking yonr Cathartic PillB, and now am entirely tree from the complaint. My eyes are well, my skin ia fair, and iny hair has commenced a healthy growth ; all ol wbich makes me feel already a new person.

Hoping this statement may be the menns of con­veying information that- shall do good to others, 1 iuni with e*cry sentimeut of gratitude, Youra, o£0-,

11AR1A K1CKKS. " I have known the above named Maria Rickerfrom

her childhood, and her statement is strictlv true. ANDREW J. MK8F-RV£,

Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co.

Capt. J O B . PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from Boatcin, 20th April, 1S54; -' Yonr pills have cured me from a bilious attack

which arose from derangement of the Liver* which hod become very serious. 1 hud failed of any reliel by my Physician, and from every remedy I could try but ufew doses of your pills have completely restore*! mt lo health. 1 hu\e given them to my children for worms, with tho bc»t effects. They were promptly cured. I recomended them to a friend forcoativenesM, which had troubled him for months-; he told me in a few days they had cured him. You make the beet medicine in the world, and I am tVee to say so."

Read this from tha distinguished Solicitor of the gu preme court, who.-e brilliant abilities have made him well known, not only in this but the noighbor ing States:

Now Orleans, pth April, 1854. "Bir: I have great sutisfaction in assuring v outhal

myielf and family have been very much benefitted by your medicines. My wife was cured two year* since, of a severe and dangerous cough, by your Cherrj Pectoral, and since then has enjoyed perfect healtli. My children have several times been cured from nt tacka of the Influenza and Croup by it. It is an in­valuable remedy for these complaints. Your Catliar tic Pills have entirely cured me from-a dyspepsia fn> I costiveness, which has grown upon me for some yeans, —indeed thia cure ia much more important, from the fact that 1 had failed to get relief from, the best phy-ticians which tins section of the country affords, an<l from any of the nnmorous remedies 1 had taken,

You seem to ua, doctor, like a providential blear­ing to our family, aud you may well suppose wo are not unmindful of it.

Yours respeotfnllv, JLEAvTTT THAJCT-EB."

Senate Chamber, Ohio. April 5th, 1854. Dr. J. C. ATEB—Honored Sir: I have mado a thor­

ough trial of the Cathartic Pills, left me by your a-genti and have been cured by thorn of the dreadfn I Rhounmtiflin tinder which he found me sufferinff:—' The first do«e relieved me, and a few subsequent do sea have entirely removed the disease. 1 feel in hot­ter health now than for some years before, which I attribute entirely to the effects of your Cathartic pills.

Yours with great respect, LUCIUS B. METCALF.

The above are all from persons who are pablich known whe-e they re-ide, and wtio would not make beat statements without a thorough conviction that Ley were true.

P R E P A R E D B Y Dr J O A T E B , Practical and Analytical Cbemiat, Lowell, Masi.


W . W . & I . N . II E R R I C K. • wnoLZSALs AXO RF.TAIL D>AI.KICI nv

I T A P U i A N D r A W O T D R Y G O O D S A N D O n O O B R I D * . —ooKaiavmo at rtxt or—

slieei'ngs, 8 iiticgs, Tieklngs, it icki'iiiS) Wad-iings. Batting, i Vpot warp, Woolen Yarn, t'oitoa Yarn,

Comeil Yarn, Twines. Laeee, Embroider es. Gloves, Hosiery,

H ool D'-'XM'ett, Floor Ofl Cloth, Silka, ' D e l a i n e s a n d P r i n t s .

No-5. Washington Place, vi atertoivn. 41 wS D r e s s Good*. Ureas Silks, consisting of PUin,

T ' U B l N a extra Cologne bay wittj»l" 'ro** wat.r' JLi toilet »o*p*;8towe., ekoelsinr rsydaild cbinlecal washing do. • Barr>« Tricoperioj, Lyoti's Katbhron, hair oil*, pornaium*.'Amandine cold cream, inavui cream, ecaps.' btuaheej combs, kinv**, and atarch, OUopearlcornandexklslordo. Mlllhgeh**p7by

n ui i i i s *•• •-••is»s>yMsafc«*atrj^'J|i iijai^;*. •*' •'• •»»^a*!*saawa*«i«<sB»asa»si^iia»t.

'$0. '^Wt^^^m^^miM tbi*

IWtlS^Mifbtiring rUd M 4 dttperaed USim^hmSfty** to% .pois*s*ibn of tbi

a?4N**«brt*wC<l^l*raroo„t G o v e r n ^

4l *t-^\ht&$&fa, iM^i.qiia.tVnotmer.ly

alMai Ate attsBBBaBtm^" jLa^k^^B^^^'jik^';1

,JER£tir&* BDjDltLL; '^SEaSBP/aftfe-a--• - - '

IHAV» now o* hand at K« »iaiiord**Bi«ckvO»urt ,8Jir*«^_»:l*r^»»wrta^

l^l^tffSl itoi*b*j|rtU*(*'.bii

are s i^ in ataufi«»5Diliiajt wiU '-f:« ,.|'ar^,Ib^dw)iMf?4sr*«*nn«s^ dnalltha rwlo*. *tyi*i*<rV>o**'Md;Ssoe*,v wore

a ^ i P | a | i i ^ ^ C ' s ^ w » b d > b a ' Ma

SllisSa&Koia *m

Spring R l \j r l .| . 'AJaj a / ivon v i i a n , vuiiDiniiiu^ vi a i«*Uj Chsnjeable, Striped and Brocade oolored unci

black. K T Also a Full Stock of Blaok Silka, from the lowest to the beat imported, at

*tw* HERKICX'8.

P S X N V a . Full Assortment, Consisting of Merritnac Co-checo. 8 Prague, P.Allen, Pacific, New burgh,

anch ester and Madder Prints, at *lw,i HEBBUlK'S, No. 8 Wasington, Place-


PARIS Printed. Jaoonets and Beragea, Anaerican and English Printed Lawns, and Cambrics, at

41w8- HKBBIC5K'8.

SPRING Shawl*.—A Splendid Assortment, at 41 v.« BEKRICK'8.

Br i l l i ant s , Challles and Delaines. Also a large stock of Cloths, CassimoreB and Vestinirs, at

4lw8 HKRRICK'8. ^ u r n u r Htnafet in any quantity, ot the laUiatand

most approved style*, and nona' I •lw*:

letter, at BEBRICE'S.

Plows, Bbi*s>OaItira«ors, Ohnras, IcTtkaa Seed Sowers, Crowbars, Axes, Corn Plattten,

Picks, Butter Tubs, Grain Cradles, Sickles, Bntter Bowls, Hon* Rakes, Otivor Amea

Best Csst Steel Shovels snd Spades, FOT sale low at Antwerp, by


iKrthreal aitd fwtttonal to lbe.nncj*}r»lgne<), Notice H hereby gjvon that'all'per.bns Indebted to thesaid

Mack * B'rp'her art requested to make immediate a»yuieluV,.and all. thow-Jiaviiig clHitos against them to present the same to the) Sub-arilier, at the Cataract 'Mill, for adjustment. Ail accounla remaining unpaid to the lflof'April will be lea tor o Iteetion.

» l v . ' t t * K G - MACK. Awiignee.

; Oioirge'ssTalobB a t Wo 1 3 A r c a d * . r8operr«a-nsnarTor the reception o f visitor* snd the X poblio generally^ The'snbsorib^r still mainuins tn*gWg»ousauii,oonirqodiouaityle of thia ftshlona-bte s*looot',»ud will ever be happy to rsotlv* the call at bis trl»nd* MdiB» pnblli fttllbg .every assurance that with hWpTWerit'foitfrovenliritt tfp'-will, be »na-i i i ^ uiQ^ttiy M WBO may tawmbirn, with, tbjirfe** ^ _ - . ^ i i i o i m * » t t w i t b ^ * 8 a * S o ! 4 s ' a Iadla'e Parlor, fitted up i«-jee.-rfch*»fcstyle of thodun t**t* *ad*I*ig*nce,twhar*,LadJ** will be -waited unpni »ojd ^r,T,*lt*r*nd*r*d,*fr***bie, being fir** from the uoissarid oonfosion*e*n at o t i w Saloon*.

, HiftUtrdM will always be riebljr and abmadanUy stotedwHhUi* beat th* market tflbrdft, and will be dealt ont toimUry th* -*»rt*» of hla various onatorn-^«fs. \: • • a ' • • • - Thankful for tb* many tokeni at wgard heretofore rsesirsd from this eotuntlnHy and ths public, it will stiUhemy higliCst pleasure to tadeavor to merits e»mifiti»nospf,ftps* fa*cr» . r . -

Th*S*li)dH^pWs*t7'A. Mt,iDa close*et 11 P.M. P* pi* from in* country will b« served with hot ot

•old metis ou th* *lj6rteVtiiotii'«,.

• t a n d a r d B o o k a .

J USTBeceived, ihe ban publiaiied in any ooun try. Call and examine, at


YOD""can buy GOLB CHAIHB awfnl cheap at -NKWCOMB'8

J U S T R i l O B I V B D ,

AT the .teffersbn County Music Store, Ne. ? Wash Ingtou atreet, Watertown, * large and stell-se-

lected assortment of Sheet Music for the Piano, Gui­tar. Ac., oonaisting of Songs, Duetts, Trios, Quartette, and Instrumental pieces.

Also, an assortment of best Italian 8trtngs, tor Gui­tars, Violin*, Base Viol, and Double Bast.

i J. ADAMS SMITE. January T, -18BH. 11

U8T EtCEIVEb, at (Smith's" Mnftic Store, So. 5 • Washington street, s splendid and well oelectod

assortment of Gilt Moulding for Picture Frames, con­sisting of ornamented, waved, and plain, from 1-2 inch to S inches in width, which will be made np Into frames to order.

January 7, 186G.


aousii Tazausuros.

THUMB Latches, Run and Mortice Lock* and Latches pt every description for sale by

8tv« TEN EYCK & BOAK-DMAN. Oaat b o a W a l l a n d . O i s t a m P o m p s , •,

VARIOUS sixes cut iron sinxs, cast iron uiiimbl si elm and pipe-boxes for wagons. Lead Pipe

for sal* by ABELL & COPBUAvND. Antwerp, N. Y. »9v«»"-

' . r i o t s , X A W B I a n d a a m m e r OoodiT .l>B.4J«n>and Boys' W**r, at tb* Oi*Pnaa8toro

No.«, C o m Street. «0v«w4 O. W. glKM.

M ibL Z C i t

Saws 5 to T feet t " 41-ttofiftet ,

Hrcnlar " stotainohea, , Band, Parol and Hipping Saws, Blgfo A SOB,

1 4 » r " Bp^sr* JMOSOB, " " " Ibbottaon * Co,, " " " James Siokoraon,

Prttning and Meat Saws, for sal* by »4v« TltfiltyCK * BOABDiTAN.

DO you wish to ByOIothlngf i f so, go to No 8 1'aildock Buildings, Fiist Door North of Arcade

hlutrance. 86vS.



?i5HBSS^H?pBB™* -,\»7iipJIlAS4e»*olth*»b«*a,i»*de is. l b s etndj;

YV iloa of a certain indenture of mortgage, dated the 19thiday ot Maroh, 1848. executed by Zebulon l i . B^Lon. i f file city of Philadelphia Pa., aud Stephen e*kefbTthe'Cityof N«w York, to Baron Freder-

• idk oV Frendenf eich of Alpine.ln the County of Lewie New York.tosoouro th* paymont of tho sum oi twen­

ty-font r thousand dollar* and interest. Tbe said mort-gniio wi n t b a p ° w e r of sale tborelu ooiitaiued, was duly recordedlu the office of tha Clerk of the Coun­ty of Lewis, on the 86th day of April 1848 in Book N of Mortgages pages 4U-I4-1M*, and on tha btli day of March 18S6, in tl>e 9I800 Of the clerk pt tlio Coun­ty ol Jefferson, in Book No 5» of mprtgage^, page t \ 4 c , and whereas, the said mortgage hue been utily assigned to Abnef Baker ot Watenown', in theConu-ty ot-detferson, wlilob assignment was on' the 8th day of Marshy 1856, dhly recorded iu the Jetfemoii Coun­t y ClorV* office, <• ud, has been duly receded in Lewis Cqnnty clerk's office, and whereas, there Is uow a| the time of the first publication of this notice claimed to be due cm said mortgage, the sum of twenty thou­sand nine hundred and twenty- three dollars aud six­ty-nine cents, and, no proceedings at law or otherwise having been commenced for the recovery of the a-mount due or any part thereof. Now therefore, no­tice is, hereby given, that In and by virtue of tbe pow­er of sole contained in said mortgage, and recorded with it, and in pursuance of the Statue in such cases made and'provided, the taoitgaged premises men­tioned, and described iuaaid mo.ljtage, will bV-old at Cublie anction to the highest bidder, tborelor, at the ilotel uow kept by S. Lamb, in the village of Copenhagen, in the county of Lewis, and State ot New I'ork, on the Twenty-Flrat day of July, 1854, at One o'clockiin the alternoon of that day.

The inortgotred premises are described as follows inaaid mortgage. All that oeVtain piece or parcel ot land situated on lots No 019 aud 920, in the town of Diana, county of Lowis, and State of New York, and in bounded aa follows, to wit: Beginning at a cedar treo, cornered and marked on the easterly shore ot thooutlet of Bonaparte's Lake, and running thence aouth.8*deg._eitavS7 oil's 8g Ife'sj. to, * sjnsUbirsli tree. on tbe northerly shore of a large bay of th* lake, thence south 12 1-2 deg wtst7 ch'B 80 Ik's to a hem­lock tree cornered and marked on the shore of the lake; thence south 41 deg. £ Hob's 84 Ik's toa large cedar tree cornered, and marked; thence south 15 1-2 deg, west4 oh's611 Ik's toa large granite atono, on the shore of the 'ake; thence south 54 deg. wnst 5 oh's 49 Ik's to a birch tree,on the shore, cornered^ marked; thence northwesterly and westerly along the shore of the lake aronnd tho point, to tho place of Beginning. Containing Filly acres of land, be the aame more or

And also, all that certain piece or paroel of land, situate on lot No 968 in the town, county and slate aforesaid, and boande 1 as follows to-wit: Beginning at the corner of lots No 967-968-983-984.andrunninr thence north 64 deg. west along the line between lots No 967 and 968, 81 ch'a 70 lk'B to the southwes­terly comer of 60 and 95-100 acres of land heretofore deeded to John Wreeros, thenoe along the southeast­erly bounda of 84 69 100 acres of land heretofore deeded to JOBBO Palmer, to southeasterly corner there­of, to a point on tho line of 56 50-100 acres of land, heretofore deeded to Major H. Goodrich, thence along the bounds of thesaid Goodrich to the southeasterly corner thereof, in the line between lots No 968-969, ihonce south 54 deg. east 11 oh's 10 Ik's to the'corner of lots No 968 969 982 988 ; thonce north 86 deg.east 47 ch'B along the line between low 968-988, to the

Slaco of Beginning, containing 90 8j-100 acres of land e the same more or less.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate on Tot So 932 in the town, county and state aforesaid, und bounded as follows, to -wit. Beginning ut tbe «oulhwe»tcrly corner ot 76 acreB of land, heretofore deeded to Benjamin Cuhoon. and running thence south 54 deg. east along the bounds of said deeded land, to the center of the Ford road, so called; thence southerly along the center of the said road, aa far as by running north 54 deg west parallel with the firat above mentioned line; thence northerly parallel with trie said Ford road, to the place of Beginning; Con­taining one hundred acres more or less.

Alio, all t hat certain piece or parcel of land, situate on lots No 892 918 914 915 982 988, in ti e town coun­ty and state aforesaid, and is bounded as follow, to-wit. Beginning at the cdrner of lots No 891 892 918 914, and running thence north 87 1-2 deg. east along the line between lots 891 914 toa booeh tree, the cor­ner of lots 890 891 914 915; thence north 41 deg east alone tbe line between lots 890 915 4 ch'B 84 Ik's to a hemlock post, and stone, standing in said lot line ; thence south 50 deg. east 95 oh's 50 Ik's to a hemlock post an<t atones, cornered and marked In the line be­tween 916 932, 2 ch'a 15 Ik's north 86 dag. east from Uie corner of lota No914915 982 983; thence north •16 dug east along aaid lots line, 5 ch'a 76 Ik's to a hemlock treo, cornered snd marked; thence south 54 deg. eie«t 16 ob's to a spruce tree cornered and marked ; thence south 86 deg. west 21 ch'a 48 Ik's to a hemlock post, aud atones ; thence north 54 deg west 16 ch'» t.) a uimuracli tree, in tho line betwoen lots No'J14 983; thence north 74 deg. west 48 oh's t o a hemlock tree cornered and marked ; thence south 86 deg. we^ 18 ch'B 20Ik's toa hemlouk tree cornered and marked ; thence north 80 deg. west 63 oh's to a post and atone, in the line between lots No 89S 918 ; thence north 54 deg. west 8 ch'a 86 Ik'a to a sprnce *apliug, cornered und marked; thence north S6 deg. oaat to a point in the line, between lots No 891 892 ; tbence south 54 deg. east along said lot line to the place ot Beginning. Containing 468 77 K'0 acres of Und. be the same more or loss.

AIKO, all of that certain pieceor parcel of land situ­ate on lota No 910 911, in the town, county and ataU; aforesaid, and is bounded as follows. Beginning at a beech tree, cornered and marked in the line between lota No S10 911 at 41 ch's 74 Ik's north westerl. from the corner of lots No 910 911 986 987; thence north 41 deg eubt 22 ch's 44 Ik's to a email beeoh tree oomered and marked; thenoe north 49 deg west 11 ch'a 50 lk'» to a spruce treo ooroered and marked; thonce nouih 41 Jtfg west 4 > oh's 10 Ik's, to a post and stones, corner yil and marked (backsight north 82 dog. east ;1 theuce -outli 5s deg. east 11 ch's 50 Ik's to a |>ost and stoues, cornered and marked ; thence north 82 deg. cast 21 oh's 59 Ik'a to the place of Beginning. Contaiuiugfif-ty acres of land, be the same niore or less.

Alto "11 that certain piece or parcel of lend, situate on lot 888 in the town, county and state aforesaid, and noonded ai. follows. Beginning at the comer of loi No 879 880 883 881, and running thence N' 86 deg K dona the. line between lot SBo 888, 20 ch's ; thence »ondi54 deg. E 11 ch's46Ik's; thence south 86 deg weal 20 ch's to a post set in Uie line between lot 888 884 and thence non h 54 deg. west along said lot line, II ch's46 Ik's to the place of Beginning Containing ti 91-100 »cr. s of land, be the same more or less.

AIBO nil that certain piece or parcel of land, situate HI the town, county and state aloresaid, and known as great lot No 884 of the -ubdirision of Great lot No l o t MoCouib'e purchase, as surveyed by Charles Uroadhead and others, containing 40 acres of Land, ne tho sanio more or less.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, sitnate ou tot No9»8 931. Beguimns at the southeast cor­ner of Kitzgerald'a int. marked M. F. A C. F. thence north 86 deg. east Wen's to the northeast corner ot Kilzg' raid's lot, marked M F C F ; thence south 54 deg.easjt 12 ch's 25 Ik's to a small hemlock tree, cor uered and marked CF south 86 deg. west 16 ah'l to appruce stake a. rnered and marked CF;tbenco north 64 dcif. west 12 oh's M Ik's to the place of Beginning containing 19 60-100acres of land, more or leas. Es­timated to be in the whole 1242 88-100 acres of land'

Also all and singular tbe following lots, pieces or parcels of Und, subject to the reservations hereinaf­ter mentioned, lying and being in the town, county and state aforesaid, and in Antwerp, JeffeFson county and state aforesaid, wbich lots are parts of Uraet lot No 4, of MoComb's purchase, a part ot which great lot No 4 of MoComb's purchase was surveyed and sub­divided into two smaller lots, by Charles Broadhead, according to a map filed in tbe office of the Surveyor General, of the But* of New York, and a copy of which is represented on amap-of the North Western part of aaid eUte, compiled from original surveys, and published by P. Ferdiiuin the year 1816,the aforesaid lots A pieces of land being distinguish'd on said map by the numbers following, to wit. 782 788 784 785 786 7*7 788 828 829 880 831 882 888 884, sitnate in the town of Antwerp, in the county of Jefferson ; and numbers 885 886 887 888 889 840 841 842 848 874 875 876 877 87- 879 880 881885 886 887 888 889 890 891, aitnate In the town of Diana, county ol Lewla, except­ing nevertheless, all such lots and portions of lots, as may have been sold, and conveyed by John La Farge, or by James Le Ray de Chaumont, or by Joseph Bo­naparte Count de Servlliers, or by Charles L. Farvagei and bis aasigns,or by Frederiok de Freudenreleh, the party oi the second pan, excepting also all snch land us were contracted to be sold by said F. de Freuden-reich A others.previously to thlB convoynn' e, of which land as sold ft contracted to be sold, a achedule is here to annexed and is referred to as a part of theae pre-Benta,tbe premises beroby intended to be convoyed,are comprised in the said big lot, containing 8104 acre* pi laud. Excepting and reserving, from the above big lot all such parte of said lands, as have been sold or cen-tmcted to be sold, by Frederick de Freudenreleh and others, previous owners thoreof, the following lots to-wit. St.Lswrence Turnpike Co., No 4 on lot No 888 886,169 81-100 aoros. Northeasterly half No 10 on lots No 842 874. 81 25-100 acres. Southwesterly half No 11 on lots No 841 842 874 875, 81 25-100 acres. St. Lawrence Turnpike Co., No 9 on lots 842 848 874, 161 60-100 acres. No 17 on Noit 889 877, 162 50-100 aores. No 28 on Nos 883 636,' 162 50 100 acres. No 24 onNo888 886,162 60-100 aores. No 25onRo885 162 60-100 acres. No 26 on No 885162 50-100 aores. 18»7,Sept 80, to Francis Bonnet 84 50 100 acres. 1842. Jane 1 James liazleton on 882 62 40-100 acres. 1346 March 3 , to lchshod Palmer on No's 842 74 87 100. 1841, Jan'y 27 to VanBnren on No's «82 * 888 50 50-lOOaores. Maroh 1, JohnGr«enon No's882*. 888,61 acres. Jonathan Goodenoogh on No's 882, 888 51 62 100 acres. 185 J, Sept 1 to Evans A Robertson on No's 887,888 189 90-100 acres. Eln. Bulbert on No's 888, 889 SOaerea. To HathaWay,Brown,Blohardaon,Phlk lips, Billings, Bulbert, Lagnaire on big lot* No's 840 v41 6115 81-100aorea. 1848,Marohl,to Benjamin Cand-8axonNo885 2598-100acre*. July 6 to John Fliolion No'a 889,890 56 52-100 ao'e. 184B,t5epLtoPoterFurrer 8T4.889 87 4-100 sore*. 1858, Jan'y 1 J Bralllard 878, 877, 45 seres. March 1 to F de Freudenreleh on No's 878.877 2ft0 aores. MoKleJomllnspn.Slmpson.Briggs Kowlei, Van Ness, do**, Brown, Waite end others on 386, 884, 782 698 53-100 acre*. To MoKie, Simmon, Touillnsnn, llailoion,Gi|let,VanNeea ou lots No's 888 783 681 61-100 seres. To HMleton, Swan, McKie, tUmpton, 1'omllnaon, De Freudenrsiob and others on No's 882,784868 16-lOOaoe*. Maroh 1,18ol,Wright, ilolbtrt, Southwell, Allen, Hack, Bider, Hall, Baker, Moriarty,DoFreud*Ureich,McKi*,SiuipsOn,Tomlm«d'n aud Kimpsoa on lot* No'* Ml-, 786, 8*0,788, 829, 787, 8»8, 8107 acre*. To Simpson, McKie, Tomllnaon oO lotsNo'a78t,tM,1ri!«,W» Mel88-100acres. ToSimp-aon, McKie, Tomlinson on No 788 440 acre*. To F. d* Freudenreleh on No 882 M 75-100 *cr**,wbioh ex­cepted lands are estimated at 8615 acre*.

All suoh lots and reservations are laid down on a map of tb* tract in possession of th* grantee, and to which reference is roads intending to oonvei In all by tbi* deed Nine Thousand Threeiluudred Fort -8i* 87 100 apres, more or lew, being the same premises sad subjeot to seine reeemtion* or exceptions con­tained in t conveyance this day mad* by t ie party ot tha'ateond part to th* parti** of lb*arst part, tbi.

. .:c>I i l l a . i j . - <aVAHM,aVn**aav W f s a f a w w ^

' • ;- •' I mmMAOB

ted bjr John 'Butler'ofPnmeliairt tb* CouMyiof ilef-ffersbn and State of'N<iw Y'oik. to,GoorgejCiSnorman President of the WrtertoWu.BluikandiLoan,Coiupa, ny, to secure - he naytnont of two hundred and fifty dollars snd internet ;*whioh said mortgage with the' power of tale therein contained was duty recorded in Jefferson County Clerk's office on tho hth day m April 1859, In book No. 47 of mortgages on page 658, & c And whereas there ia now at the date of thi»-notice claimed to be due on said uiorigaire tho sum ot three hundred and twenty dollars arid forty-eight dents, and no proceedings ut law or otherwise having been commenoed for the recovery of ths amount due bu any part thereof. Now therefore notloe is har*i0 given that in and by virtue of the power of sale con I talned in isid mortgage and recorded with it, and In pursuance of the statute in such case mad* *nd: prt> vided the mortgaged premises mentioned and descri­bed in said mortgagn wi'l be sold at public suction to th* highest bidder therefor at the office ot Messrs Lansing aud Sherman in the village of Watertown in the County of Jefferson and State of New Vork.' on tha twenty-second day of July 185* at two o'clock on the afternoon of that day.

Tbe mortgaged premises are described a* follows in aaid mortgage, via: All that certain piece or par­cel of land known and d scribed as follows, to, wit:— lying in the Town of Pamelia, beginning in the ceu ter of the Williamstown and Juiielville road at th South-east corner ot a lot belonging to Leonard, Todd and running from thenoe Easterly along the centei of said road six rods, thence-at right angles Norther ly parallel to and six rods distance from the Easterly line of said Todd's 18 1-2-rods; thence Westerly at right angles with last line six rods to the North- east corner of said Tood's lot; thence 'Southerly atonir said Easterly line of said Todd'B lot 18 1-2 rods to the place of beginning, be the same more or less' "Tlin-mortguge being given for the consideration monoy.


or Mortgagee. Watertown. April 18 1856.. 84v6wl2

j a O B T G A G B B . A X S .

DEFATJLT having been made in the condition of a certain indenture of Mortgage datedethe 4th

day of July, 1848, executed by Jason Frauds of Bn-land, in the County of Jefferson snd Stat York, to Thomas F. Francis of tho same place, toter-cure the payment of Two Hundred Dollars and inre-est, which Baid mortgage with the power of sale there­in contained was, on the 16ihday of July,1842,duly re­corded, in the office oi the Clerk of the said (Jounty ot Jefferson, in liber A ot mortgages on page 445, and whereas uie said mortgage hasbecn by the aaid Thom­as F, Francis, duly assigned to Ames C. Pennock, and by the said Ames C. Pennock duly assigned to Wilaoi Pennock, and bv the aaid Wilson Pennock duly as­signed to Uuidah Ann Merrill. Wbich said several assignments were duly recorded in the said Clerk's office on the 2d day ot December. 1854. And where­as there is now, at the first publication of this notice, olaimed to be due on the said mortgage th* sum ot Four Hundred and Thirty-nine Dollars and thirty seven cents, and no proceedings at law, or otherwise, having been commenced for the recovery of theamount due or any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby giveg. that in and by virtue of the power ol sole contained in aaid mortgage aud recorded with it. and in pursuance of the Statute in suoh case made and provided the mortgaged premises mentioned aud des­cribed in said mortgage, will he sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder therefor at the office of '• esars. Lansing & Sherman, in the Village of Watertown, in ' t e County and State aforesaid, on tho Eighteenth da} !-• July, 1856, at Two o'olock in the afternoon of that •lay

The mortgaged premises are described in said mort­gage as follows, viz:—All that certain piece or parcel oi land lying and being in the town of Rutland, Coun iy of Jefferson and State of i>ew York, being a partol sub-division No. 2, on Great Lot No. 2, according to Benjamin Wright's survey of sold Kntland,and bound ed as follows, to wit:—Beginng at the North-east cor­ner of John Felt's land, a stake on the bank of Black River, and runs thenoe along the east line of said Fell's land S. 10 1-2° W. 28 chains M links to a hub in the centre of tho road, thence along said centre N. 76 8 4° E. 8 chains 18 links to a post 50 links S. 10 1 2° W. from a post, thence N. 10 1-2" E. 28 chains 82 links to a hemlock post on the bank of Black hive/, thence down along said bank as it winds and turns to the place of beginning containing N iuoteen 32-100 acres of land as surveyed by Jason Clark, bo the aame more or less.

LANSING * SHERMAN, , Alt'ya for Assignees.

Watertown, April 9,185*. n88-v6 l2w

late county (

SBrPr^Jj m

? i * e ^ a .deceased, at.the.rea)deno*'anda

aud State of New YorktdVo*«aVd^BTe«tate,t s r a j i e D a h ^ t D c s ^ b i t ^ a i p , f i t h _ t h j \

'•»*»' I'A?

sumont, in laid town or Lyme, o i e^bMEkeSE! day of SepUmljar^rtvr tT^i ih l , " E s f i

the admlnietrafom of the grind*, n,u«| of the said deceased, at Uto realdsuoe ar,J ranaaeuog business'of the s a l d T S ' s ^ i ^ " ^ ^ 7 ^ " ™ " " *»•"•••"vases* vt vt*v D*a**

in Chaumont, in aaid town of L tenth day of March, .

JboiSrari.: JAkUBI .H, 28-m«

T^OTICE U hjnreby given,- »eebrdui| t « S o a . ' „ . . . ,l*»*on» "«*"« «»»m» *g*io»t MarvK. B22T,'*••

° i ° P * Vi»oent, County o f V i f t r w n l f h # * ? " * * «d th*t,th**ar* required to. * ^ b l t 'the I ' i the vouchers thereof; to,tbV I l b W b s f & W tratorof th* goods, chettele s u d ^ s d t t i W t * ceased, at bis realdeno* in WatwUnrn of* Jefferaonj m.drbsfcrsth* M t t f c i ^ l f (Aug. 20th 18S6.K ; , JOSEPH

l i s t ed Match ifith. Vm*

nXEOTJTORH NOTIOB r+£fi££*z | ^ a a f : K . i a l M i r e b y g i v e n < , l l 0 0 ^ J ^ ^ M |

lamp", lat* of the town of Cl»ytoZ"lntt!'7 •' Jefferson, deceased, that they are lionF*-'*1

the same wlth.th* voucher* thereof t i bars, the Exeoutora-of th* last will 'and the said deceased, at the rosidejio* and n d T M acting business of the underaiansd r>J«!3r*% .'amp in the town of CiaytonTSnor ug™f day of October next, i Oct. lat 188«T <


P.«ted,iiai»h,«'.,.l.Sfi«;, -il-vl

BxOBTGAQa 8AXJB, ITTBEBEAS default has been made in the condi-V V tion of a certain indenture of Mortgage dated

the 15th day of September, 18«8, executed by Janon Francis and Maulda hia wife, and John W. Pennock'. all of Rutland, in tho County of Jefferaon and State oi Now York, to Wilson Pennock of Champion, in tho County ana State aforesaid, to secure <he pay ment ot ihe sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and interest, and the said mortgage, with the power ol sale therein contained, having been duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County oi Jefferson afore aaid, on tho 9Ui day of Ootober, 1838, iu liber. U, ot mortgage on page 256 A c , and the said mortgage having beendn y assigned by the Buid Wilson Pennock to the Watertown Bank & Loan Company, an aasocia tion formed Cor Bunking pnrpoees with Bankiug pow er», under tho Statute of toe Bute of New York, which ussigumetit ha* been duly recorded in the office ot said Clerk of said County, on the 7th day of Maroh, 18Jo in Book No. 69 of inortgaves. on page 25. And where aa there is now at the time of tbe first publication ol this notice claimed to be due on said mortgage, Lht sum oi Six Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Ninety six cents, and no proceedings at law or otherwise huv ing been commonced for the recovery of tbe umouiii due, or any part thereof. Now therefore notice h here, y given, that in and by virtue of the power ol »alc contained in aaid mortgage and recorded with it und in pursuance ot the Statute in such case madeaiid provided, the mortgaged premises mentioned and lei-cribed in said mortgage will be sold at Public A no­tion to the highest bidder therefor, at ths office oi Messrs. Laming A Sherman, in the Village of Water- k. town, in the County and 8tate aforesaid, on the (eighteenth day of July, 1556, at Two o'clock in the afemoon of that day.

The mortgaged premises are described aa follows in said mortgage, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the town of Rutland, County ot Jefferaon and State of New lork, and la part of aub-diviaioti No. 1 of Great Lot No. I , according to Benjamin Wright's surv y of said town, and is bounded as fol­lows, to wit:—Beginning at a paint three feet Wes terly from the South-east corner, and in range witli .South end of a buildu g built of stone and cow oouu pied by Jason Francis aa a store, tbence run nipg along th* East margin ot be highway North 6" West, 61 links to a red cedar stake, thence North «4-East 42 links to a red cedar stake, thence South * 25 Kaat 74 links toa r.'d osdarstake, theoc* along the margin of the highway South 81* 45 Weattotheplac of beginning, and ia now standing on aaid premises i„ stone store.

Also, all that other piece of land covered by th< North-West corner of the wordon building attached to the North end of the aforesaid atone store and used as a store room.

Aiso, that o.her piece of land situate in the town ol Rutland afore aid, and bounded as follows, via:— Beginning on the margin of the street leading up the river at the North-east corner of a lot of land now oc­cupied by JasonFrahoi* and John W. Pennock, thence running along the margin of aaid road N. (6 I 2° E. ono chain 2 lluka to a new street laid out in the year 1829, thenoe 8ooth 87* 54 East along the margin of aadd last mentioned street > chains 72 links, thence South 68 1-2° West one ohain 67 links to a cedar post, thence North 27° 40 West 4 ohsins 8 links to th* place of beginning containing 82 1-4 rods.

Also, all that other piece of land situate in Rutland aforesaid, snd in the Lot on which Jason Francis now lives, and bounded as follows, to wit:—On the east by the road leading from Felt's Mills to Butland Hoi low, south and West, by lands owned by Jobn Felt, and North by a lot of land owned by Willium Usher.

LANSING 4 BHEBMAN, • Attorneys for Assignee

Watertown, April 9, 1866. nt8-v6-12w

B e a d y - H a d * O l o t b i a f for a l l A n t , fiom oight years snd upwards, in order, ^hayaasad Boys may also dress new. This Stock 1* ntMebisar-pa*aed In style, beauty or quality in Nortim Hew York, having been manufactured under t i t iajtcrV sionof men possessing competent skm aud axptrsaea. I n fact, to make a long story short, we wooMtkttN fully invito all who wish to improve their outwniai.

.hpoarance, to call aud see us. with our prasesthw -and facilities for ttelling Goods Cheap, wa antarti) tleid this Spring with that confidence which flatMsa we can please l i e meet diffioult.

N . W . 8 T B K E T E B 4 i r i E Watertown, April, 1856; »*»«

F A S H I O N • !

CLAY'S Spring and Summer Fashion Plata If 1866. just received by

BALME a NAPt l l , Fcbuary, 1856. No. 6 Counvfc .

Fash, Blind and Door EstabL S T E V K N S , KANSOM, A'cT

^tOWkeepon hand a large supply1'*

_ i Sash, Blinds and Doors, and arev manufacture to order on the shortest nottoe.t'i,, t t y Dnor and Band Mouldings, WinaWftstei iatf

Shop Joiner Work, Painting andatSjf^ Done to order and Obut FurnMtd by tbijsatfl,

. ,. box, if desired. «ss»t» O a r S s t a U B A m a a t i s P i t n a t s d t , , C a t a r a c t 10011*, where we.hsve maoiLw and workmen, and can dispatch a targtriui work in a given time, and in a b*tter*m*a»*"i any establishment in Northern New York, jKaiV. er doubts thia, will confer a favor on the anbaerlls.

a t i ^ d o ^ c a . ' S i n ' g : 7 " * * tt^T«?$

Mayl8 ,IS56. 8 T ^ ^ B A g C ,

O r n a m e n t a l H a i r Work. l ' ^ ^ Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, Breast.Pins /n»

and Vtst Watch Chains, Ear.Draps, aV

m u rstAJfoai QuaKTa. il-TOULD call attention to her spt3ia»iiaf-ri,. VV« namenta) Hair Braids, now on •xSSSlVattiLi

Book Store of Sterling A Bidden. , "TT™.. Persons dashing braid* of *ny d**er)paoa era ia.

quested to leave their ord*r» at , 8tv< STERLING a ITJDPIH.'I.

W i l d Oherry sad Iceland Ifoas. ,;

DR. J NO. BULL'S Balsam of Wild Cbany.gJ Iceland Moss., The only positive eon* JkiQ

fatal diseuae, Conaumption, and. all JlilMM ' pulmonary organs, auch aa Coughs, Coh ing Cough, Aathma, Spitting of Hood, dtc. Also Dr. Jno. Bull's unproved Ssrsaparaa,* frwh supply joat received, snd for sal* by t^aaHk or single bottle,'at Manufacturer'* priceaby f, „„.,, No. 8 Saffard Block. N. M. SaitH, A Qx

Watertown, Maroh 8th, 1866. "^TigJ


OF all kinda, for tb* Biokand th* well, I on hand. Also * good assortment ol

Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Work done I manner and shorteat none*, at'No.' fit/ti] Woodruff Hon**. , . . / . .



oxoTaxwatbrtha i n u r e 1

H B HE hard and eevere Winter «t '64 »'***'j l l f it will fill a pruminent place in th* history o aeeaona. The Spring aeaaon now i* apooos, ApitJ M. near at band, and what next! All CT*W~"' *~ iiur out with a new auit entire. Kv*n tbi I , TTJ esdo not neglect this, and why should Haftt WlL those facts staring us in lull view, our WAiarooas-tli again replenished witba_obolceand rlck»*jalyj|f,


Jonraeymaa Tailor*, __m apabM*' making ttrst daaa coate^atjiberal 'pjioajjaB*

May 2$. BALMB A"l ,

No. « O w l *

• i l k a , t h a w l s a n d P a r a s o l s , m Great Variety at the One Price Store. Eat No. 8, Court Street.

40v6w4 C. W. S i m

P A P B H OOXaXaABw f\f Every JOaa, Siie and DMviptkm, jtlstraaVi \J and fbv Sale St OLAJtr i , e - . No. 4 Ceart 8* , 2*d Call mi ******

S T O V E S ! 6 T O V H 3 J J every Variety kepi

and sold at the lowest pric . i F nearly every Variety kept constantly <


H o n s e Triratxtiarsi

A ND Hon** Bnild*r'» Hard-war* of evert;!*** Barn Door Kollsrs, Bam Door Hinfat, a«*to

ilaspa and Staple*, Jbr sale low by _ , u ABKLL A C O r T O P . ,

Antwerp, N. T. ; »»>•»£ r ... _

Any Quantity

OF New Goods at the Cne Price Store, , •, No. 8, CourtJ^**^-

ay.snrji^ L A 9 I I I

WILL find a very oholcs selection of Dr*»s0«»dj Etubroideriss, Bibbons, Glov^H«J«y,»kl»

Goods, Laces, A*., dko., at ^_ , '__- , ABEIL«%COP«JiTW»y

Antw«rp. N. T. tWttt -1 j .


W HY don't you by * « u * Watch, w6tf*U«r*» so cheap, at Nk^COMBV

. No. 2. wM^t l fW' T P y o n w a n t a B l o b O A B f t B O V w t 1 Pair of Fin. C A M « E A , r * ^ ^ ^ ^ . ,

No 2. WMhifagWt W*j>

S Plated CA*TOBI an going off fast, »» | j* i it one very reasonable, yon mt«t StriMtwat an

tho iron Is hot, st


WHEBEAS default has been made in the Condi tion of a certain Indenture of Mortgage, dated

the twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, Execu ted by Henry G. Cratsenberg, to George Plumer, to secure tbe payinent of the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars, with interest two years from the date of the aaid mortgage, according to tbe conditions con­tained insaid mortgage. Whlohsaid mortgage with a power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county of Jefferaon, on the 2nd day ot April 1858, at 8 o'clock P. M. in Book No. 61 of Mortgages on psges 178 A c And where.,* there is now at the first publication of this notice, olaimod to be due on said mortgage tbe sum of Two hundred and ninenty-one dollars and seventy noe oente, and no proceedings at law having been commenced for the recovery of the amount so due as aforesaid or any part thoroof. Now therefore notice is hereby given, that by virtue of ths power of sale contained in said Mortgage, snd recorded with it, and in pursuance of the Statote in suoh case* mad* and provided, tho mortgaged premises mentioned and des­cribed In said mortgage, will be sold at public auotion to the highest bidder therefor, at tbe Law office of Marcus Bickford in the village of Carthage, Jefferson oounty, N . Y., on Thursday the 8d day of Judy 1866, at 2 o'oiook in tha afteroon of that day.

The mortgaged premises are described in said mort­gage as follows, to wit. All that piece or paroel of land, sit bated Oh lot No. 698 of Great lot No. 4, of Un-oomb's purohase in the tpwn of Wilna, in the county of Jefferson, and State of New York, and bounded a* follows, to-wlt. On the south by » street, on thtwast by a street, ou the east by a village lot No. *fi< I n v bracing two village lota of one half »n*or* e*oh, num­bering 81 *nd 88, each bslnrfflv* rods b/*i«*en,said containing In all on* scrs of lshd mbr*', e» l»*s. It ly­ing in ths village of Natural Brldg*, formerly deeded to a.C.8herrpsn,by0fa*mberl*insad,wife,teagbar-man's dead to P*nnock i excepting and reserving one fourth of the above named, acre -o Jand, j>r*vipaaly c^ntra«t«dtothe8tbward*'dftha M.E. OhuiCb.'ta^ ken out Of the northweat corner, on Which the BMW' ord* have erected* penwnag* htro**, *«id Joir***rv"-ed to b* lurvayed. Dated st Carthage. April ad, IBB*. _ ,

OEOBSK PLtrMM, Mertgsg**. M.BK3CT0BP, Atty. 81 *?wll

T the

\J and Prssxs, at ALL and see those rich Rimcrci**; PoW W>ff»

.as, at rTfcWCOMlgL

Y OU can buy anything in tk* jewelry o i r o f Gooda l in. **rf lowTat N K W C O M M V

No. 8, WMhlnitonf*!


TH E subscriber msnufaotur** Copper 8 t * * » r t P making Ch«*se, Steaming Timber, ac. * * » "

practical utility »nd gr**t oonvemeno* reler**»saw be had to Mr. Tho*. Bryant, and the a»l*»r* «gw and George P*rker, Watertown, who will •»»J»»". the moat skeptical that they are n o i a n JSfc i ( i l i r .

I s w H e p a i r i n g B^bUakateat.^

At JVo. 19, Courf Street, neft to Oft 4t *;«* Wafcrlosm, iS._ Y, I

LL kinds of Saw* Set •ndJfiW. Oumn??* „ , „ -Ro-tawthed; Teelh cut »irrmi* ol *}*Vh$£Z punched In Mill StWs, Steel ot Iron, *$2g/££i jobs done that needs the uee of *-am^2SSSS*rw shears, diea and punobe*, file*, eta_wtj>lg"TVB, Mill, Ciromar^ncav«,..tCroa«Bt,^^fjjfci,***; Crosscut and Wood Saw* Ht *"¥ - j Sffidwit** Saw Frames « n d Strainers. A l*H(*1,S35i giaaaW qnality of MIU snd li»pd*A,WTllei**™Sgt 2 p aprings, Ao. 0e. B*w» and File* ff^Ssr «ot to order at short notice. Th»na«rM|«-permanently located in Watertown^ to***?, solicit* a ahare of the public P * u ^ p ' A e f l b i I s V

Jnne.Tth, 1858. . , , ! " " 1 ^ '

Beaiii* Parmer's Hstat*. VTOWOjrii hereby given Sceording to U # , t6 si! LI persons having claims against Dennis Farmer,

l»t* of the town of Honnafield, in th* County of.laf i*mon, deoeased, that they ar* required to axhibl' the same, with the vonobers thereof, to the Subscriber, the administrators oi the Good*, Chittel* and Credits or the said deceased at the residence *nd ptaceoftfitnv aotlng business of the Subscriber Jew* Ay«r», In the town *nd TillkM of BrowWllI*, inT*«d 6^ntyj ,6n oi fig** ^*.|(f|*«»tbdaT»>f Oetobef tj*s^.<D*t,J*

40 l w » W * ^ ^ * W ^ ' '

0> W HITE lead, red laad.r ine^BCi'WujM^g and boiled, 43oalm--Wr^«ttr8»'!:*l',* ! * p f -

8hell*c,AJir^,VarBishsa*Pu»Jll FrentAjnd SMtM^^sM^*"'" -»

Part ' p H E best uaortmant


A lArff* asaortm*nt 2tlil«5aTs» tlldto

ASv$sty*S a n l P ^ S i P w I o r ) OU8o*pWd»nsnd « c .„ rtotel*r4a.; Marbl*:Fo«t*l*fOU Lamp* of all kinda, OlisndjUsi-. -Xii±.~ lantern*, Mirror*,^W)W>*)mi*P*M?4%>

T»rr»tyrAm«rio»p f » % Ca'tknr. «»4 r,"» ]

Ware of *U dWeription*, WJipoW JWjs, — m $ all of whieb will besold XWf Or*™*! ' * * : *



•fAoo), ho loft H «nc1 so far jl» could nev

| - Wielp* would "one th»n chi 'rretliiedths wsdowy nismi tion of Rnborl l«««M it her

O"* Sabbatl •••ing her gri Wirm-clin|r i MO-hook cm N M whero ^1 Wgaret set x>

'I »*» ne&rlj »«>cool.and s "gstolBintoh W » n d c » l m "I wero alw«j P'y's coutenti Joua spirit, SI "sWhow** al m««PTdr< j|»5 Btj power ti

Willi revere


•B^WhsHdj «»B they w i

s%*»*W- l l

*?'••> mid cro, l»«'°.i»r<|veri *te*Mr.Wa«n


WW3M "fe»9«*J.,- t t ., t *

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