jeeves -natural language interface application

JEEVES - A NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING APPLICATION FOR ANDROID Presented by, Anshul Agarwal (IP108IS017) Karan Harsh Wardhan(1PI08IS045) Pavani Deepak Mehta(1PI08IS070) Jan 2012 - May 2012 Dept. of ISE 1

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A simple natural language interface application for launching applications and showing user information based on voice input processed by using natural language programming concepts


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Presented by,Anshul Agarwal (IP108IS017)Karan Harsh Wardhan(1PI08IS045)Pavani Deepak Mehta(1PI08IS070)

Jan 2012 - May 2012

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• Project Overview• Relevance• Requirements• Introduction• Technologies Used• System Design

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• Software Development Strategy• Implementation• Difficulties• Screenshots• Conclusion• Future Enhancements• References

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• Goal of the Project:– To design a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Interface

Application for Android Platform• Scope of the Project– Input from user using Voice Recognition– Application should process input and recognize user

commands spoken in natural English– Basic features should be to make calls and send messages

to contacts– Advanced features such as showing weather, Google

search and launching apps

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• Allows for more intuitive human-computer interaction

• More convenient if computer can automate tasks usually performed by humans

• Goal is to reduce keypad usage as much as possible, and allow user to speak naturally

• Can help the disabled to easily use phones• Acts as a virtual assistant, enhancing

productivityJan 2012 - May 2012

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• NLP is a field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human languages

• Aim is to design software that will analyze, understand, and generate languages that humans use naturally

• Eventually user will be able to address the computer as they talk to another person

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WHY ANDROID?• Android is an open-source linux-based

operating system for mobile devices• Requires developer license only to publish, not

develop• Google voice recognition inbuilt in most

Android devices• Layered architecture facilitates rapid

development of applicationsJan 2012 - May 2012

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INTENTS• Messaging facility for late run-time binding

between components• Intent object is a passive data structure holding

description of operation to be performed• Three core components of an application —

activities, services, and broadcast receivers — are activated through intents

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INTENTS• Two types - Implicit And Explicit• Intent filters are implemented help with intent

resolution• Used to turn apps into high-level libraries and make

code modular and reusable Intent intent = new Intent (App Package name); startActivity(intent);• Various additional info can be added intent.putExtra(“title”,”Hello codeandroid”); Jan 2012 - May 2012

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• POST request is used to send data to server• The string detected by voice recognizer is

passed to server using this method• Accomplished using in-built HttpCore API i.e

org.apache.http package• The server performs processing and returns a

JSON response

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• JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format

• Based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language

• Is completely language independent • In java, org.json.JSONObject is used to parse

these strings JSONObject responseJSON = new JSONObject(responseString); String workId = responseJSON.getString("id");

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• Example:{"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }}Jan 2012 - May 2012

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WHY GOOGLE VOICE RECOGNITION?• Focus of project was not automatic speech recognition• Pre-installed on most android phones, easy to access• Requires no special permission/payment to be used• Developed, optimized and maintained by Google since

2007• Occurs off-site i.e. on Google’s servers so no “weighty”

voice recognition s/w needs to be installed on phone• Only need “android.speech.RecognizerIntent” package

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HOW DOES RECOGNITION WORK?• Google uses artificial intelligence algorithms to

recognize spoken sentences• Stores voice data anonymously for analysis purposes• Cross matches spoken data with written queries on

server• Key problems of computational power, data

availability and managing large amounts of information are handled with ease

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NATURAL LANGUAGE TOOLKIT• Open-source suite of libraries for NLP for the

Python language• Includes graphical demonstrations and sample

data• Provides NLP API’s, such as for importing a

corpus, loading grammar from a file, etc.

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• DFD Level 0

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• DFD Level 1

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• DFD Level 2

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• Software Development Strategy used is Extreme Programming

• It is a type of agile software development• Advocates frequent releases in multiple short

development cycles rather than one long cycle• Involves programming in groups and doing

extensive code review• Works best with smaller groups

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WHAT WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED• Corpus – modification of Brown• Tokenizer• Part-of-Speech tagger• Grammar• Syntactic and Semantic Analysis• Client application on Android– Takes voice input from user, converts to text, passes text to

NLP server, receives id from server and launches corresponding intent

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• Client application starts up and prompts user to input using Google Voice Recognition

• Input data is sent to Google servers for processing and text is returned to client

• Input text is now passed to the NLP server for processing using HTTP POST

• Server performs Natural Language Processing

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• Steps involved in NLP:– Lexical Analysis: converts sequence of characters into a

sequence of tokens– Morphological Analysis: identification, analysis and

description of the structure of a given language's linguistic units

– Syntactic Analysis: analyzing text, made up of a sequence of tokens, to determine its grammatical structure

– Semantic Analysis: relating syntactic structures from the levels of phrases and sentences to their language-independent meanings

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• A corpus is a large and structured set of texts• Used in part-of-speech tagging to tag words as

parts of a sentence• Tags stored along with the words in the corpus• We have modified the Brown corpus to include

more relevant phrases and commands• Contains data from books, news articles, journals,

etc.• TaggedCorpusReader needed to import the corpus

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• During lexical analysis, the string is split up into various tokens, the separator being space

• Tokens, which are words in this case, are passed to a part-of-speech(POS) tagger

• POS tagger assigns a tag to each word depending on what part of speech it is

• Eg of tags – adjective(ADJ), common noun(NN), proper noun(NP), verb(VB) etc.

• Custom tag for command(CMD) created to recognize commands for application, such as call, message, launch, etc.

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• Different POS taggers available• Simplest is Default Tagger– Tagging Accuracy is 13%

• Unigram Tagger– Tagging Accuracy is 81%

• Bigram Tagger– Used alone, accuracy is 10%, but when used with Unigram

Tagger as a backoff, accuracy is 85%• Trigram Tagger– Accuracy when used with the prev Bigram Tagger as backoff is


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• As it gives the highest accuracy, a model for tagging is used as follows:– First, a Default Tagger is used, which assigns a

default noun tag– Then, a Unigram Tagger is used, which uses Default

Tagger as backoff– Then, a Bigram Tagger is used, which uses the

above Unigram Tagger as backoff– Lastly, a Trigram Tagger is used, which uses the

above Bigram Tagger as backoffJan 2012 - May 2012

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• Taggers need to be trained with the corpus so that they can recognize words and tag them accordingly

• Training needs time• Taggers can be pre-trained with the data to

save time• PICKLE files in python are used to save such

pre-trained taggers

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• Tagger uses technique of statistics and probability to assign tags

• Tagged tokens passed to parser• Parser makes sure sentence conforms to rules

of grammar, hence only grammatically valid sentences are accepted

• Predefined commands specify the functionality they represent

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• Word, tag tuples are parsed to recognize commands and entities to which those commands apply

• Command words and receivers are extracted• A unique id is returned to the client along with the

receiver• The id represents the functionality required, and the

receiver indicates the variable parameter to which the functionality is applied

• This id is used to launch intents which also take into account the parameters

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• Modification of corpus to suit the application needs

• Choosing a POS tagger• Advanced semantics – multiple meanings of

the same sentence. Eg., call, make a call, make a phone call, message, send a message, etc.

• Separation of training of data and processing

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• Aim is to create a Natural Language Interface application which acts as a virtual assistant

• App is able to perform basic functions such as calling and messaging

• Also performs advanced functions like search, showing the weather and launching apps

• Works for multiple semantics for the same command, spoken in natural English

• Does not require much time, only a few seconds

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• Include more semantics for the same command

• Increasing accuracy for longer sentences• Processing on mobile device for short basic

commands such as ‘call smith’• Providing custom settings to user

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REFERENCES[1] Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. Natural Language Processing with Python. United States of America: O’Reilly Media, Inc. June 2009[2] Edward Loper. “NLTK: Building a Pedagogical Toolkit in Python”, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389, USA[3] Cheng Juan. “Research and Implementation English Morphological Analysis and Part-of-Speech Tagging”, Normal Education Department, Bohai Shipbuilding Vocational College, Huludao,China[4] W. Wang, J. Auer, R. Parasuraman, I. Zubarev, D. Brandyberry and M. P. Harper. “A Question Answering System Developed as a Project in a Natural Language Processing Course”, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN.[5] Ivan Archeurov, “Architecture of an NLP engine” Internet:[6] World Weather Online, “How Free Local Weather API Works”, Internet:[7] Natural Language Toolkit, Internet:[8] Andrew Montalenti. “Just Enough NLP With Python”, Internet:

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