jd marketing consultant presentatiom 010913

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership Joe Doyle Medical Marketing Leadership

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Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

Joe DoyleMedical Marketing Leadership

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Strategic Planning

Brand Development

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Strategic Planning

Brand Development


Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Joseph Doyle Medical Marketing Leadership

Pharma Sales & Medical Agency

Account Management

Academic BackgroundBA Biology

BS – Pharmacy SUNY Buffalo

Creating, Strengthening &

Launching Innovative

Healthcare Brands

Global & USBrand Planning &


Medical Agency Operations & Management

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Discussion Overview


Brand Development

Strategic Planning

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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The longest journey begins with a single


Lao Tsu

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The First Step

Conduct a strategic review

1• Define Brand Specific Goals• Align Strategies/Tactics• Strengthen Positioning

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Take share?

Leverage clinical & economic data?



WhereAre We Going?

“If you don’t know where you’re going . . . You’ll probably end up somewhere else!”

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Analyze the market &


Develop deep insights into

your audiences.

Codify key issues as the basis for


“Where We Are” with the Brand

Market Target Brand

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WhereAre We Going?

Strategic & Tactical Plan

Key Issue 1



a b c

Key Issue 2



a b c

Key Issue 3



a b c

Key Issue 4



a b c

A strategic roadmap links issues, strategies and tactics to realize the vision.

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Driving a Belief ShiftBeliefs Drive Behavior

BehaviorWhat do we want them to do?


BehaviorWhat are they doing?

BeliefsWhat do they believe and why?

BeliefWhat do we need them to believe?


Belief Shift - Drives Behavior Change

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Great brands are built on great architecture. . .

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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. . . which is built on an eternal promise . . .

Core Value

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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. . . that appeals to the mind and the heart.

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational Emotional

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Key messages appeal to the mind . . .

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational EmotionalKey Message 1

Key Message 2

Key Message 3

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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. . . and are supported by data.

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational Emotional

Data Data Data

Data Data Data

Data Data Data

Key Message 1

Key Message 2

Key Message 3

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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The personality appeals to the heart . . .

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational Emotional

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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and is built on the brand hallmarks.

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational EmotionalImages






Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Great brands are built on great architecture.

Core ValuePositioning Personality

Rational Emotional

Data Data Data

Data Data Data

Data Data Data

Key Message 1

Key Message 2

Key Message 3







Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Discussion Overview


Strategic Planning

Brand Development

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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"There's an old Wayne Gretzky

quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where

it has been.‘”

Steve Jobs

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The Second Step

Re- invigorate the brand

2• Refine messaging• Refresh the identity to

reflect the core technology

• Leverage the evidence

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Messaging Evolves From PositioningPositioning Messaging

What the company wants its target audience (customers) to think about the


How the company communicates the positioning to the target audience


Internal External

A good positioning statement needs to be…

• Credible

• Unique and differentiating

• Clinically relevant

• Motivating

• Enduring

A good message needs to be a good story…

• Attention-Getter

• Benefit

• Reason to Believe

• Obstacle Handlers

• Close

Ideally, there should be one unified, global “umbrella” brand positioning

There can be separate messages to different audience segments (e.g., high vs. low users, customers with different needs, different product lines and/or


Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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KOLs – Clinical Messages/Dissemination

Ad Boar


• Input on core positioning and establish a target product profile

• Sort thru and prioritize the clinical evidence and economic outcome data that currently exists that supports the target product profile

• Identify the gaps and establish a plan to fill them

Publications & Material

• Review articles, roundtable discussions, supplements, clinical monographs, case histories, letters to the editor

• Original research articles

• Guideline recommendations

• Educational Slide decks


Peer Education

• Congress Symposia or Podium Presentations

• Clinical Preceptorships

• Webinars

• Speakers Bureaus

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Brand Development - Creative

Concepts contain a key visual element, icon, headline, subheads and a tagline

Market research:• Differentiating• Motivating and memorable• Credible and relevant

Develop brand personality and several creative visual alternatives

Expresses the character and benefits of the


Capture the different ways that we can verbally and visually communicate the essential points of the brand to audiences

Essential to ensure you select the strongest concept to communicate with your audience

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Neuland Laboratories

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Neuland Laboratories extensive scientific, manufacturing and drug discovery & development resources helps their customers thrive

in the competitive pharma arena.

Vision / Objective

PersonalityProblem Solver Scientific Partner

Only Neuland has the experience, insight and vision to provide customized, end-to-end drug discovery, effective formulation, and

clinical services solutions that enables their clients reduce the inherent risks of commercialization and further secure their competitive edge.


Brand Overview

Situation:Neuland Laboratories is an India based API, Contract Manufacturing and other Essential Drug Discovery & Development Provider to the Global Pharma Market

Our goals were to position Neuland Laboratories on the strength it brings to its customers today and tomorrow as it broadens its services, create a new and distinct corporate brand identity based on this positioning and to effectively communicate this brand identity via core promotional tactics.

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Neuland Brand Concept A

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Neuland Brand Concept B

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The Winner!

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Neuland BoothBIO 2008

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Integrated Strategic Roadmap to Success

• Market• Company/Product• Competition• Target Audience - Segmentation - Needs - Beliefs & Behaviors


Key Issues

The Unique Core Promise

MessagingThe Compelling Story

Brand IdentityThe Perception

KOL Activities

Brand Promotion

Education, Publications

Congress & Trade Shows

Consistency Across Tactical Channels

Where are You?

Where doYou Want

To Be?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Strategic Imperatives

Business Impact Brand Development Clinical Leadership


Marketing Vision,Goals & Objectives


Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Have a bias toward action.

Let’s see something

happen now!

Indiria Ghandi

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Three Steps Toward the Future

Penetrateinternational markets

3• Elevate your brand• Fortify leadership position• Develop a global platform

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Deliverable and Key Areas of Focus

Deliverable:Develop and launch a focused, actionable global integrated tactical marketing & sales plan to grow brand penetration and share in select high growth country markets

Areas of Focus:• Innovation Leader - providing better patient outcomes• Scientific Data Development and Education- Propose specific investments in

countries or institutions via specific clinical studies. Invest in patient education programs for physicians and nurses using regional KOLs

• Reimbursement Economics - outline funding available in specific country markets as well as individual product reimbursement opportunities. Propose specific economic studies that can be conducted for a specific country or institution

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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A Global Actionable Platform


• Unparalleled objective studies by researchers around the world demonstrate the clinical advantages of its innovative technologies


•Portfolio of clinically-proven systems unsurpassed in innovation, performance and patient safety


•Provide patient care solutions by giving health care providers the flexibility to configure systems for the information they need to optimize clinical decision-making and reduce costs


•Go beyond the traditional customer service & technology support and educational programs by offering truly unique risk share programs

Demonstrate Leadership in Four Areas

Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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Three Steps Toward the Future

Conduct a strategic review

Re-invigorate the brand

Penetrateinternational markets




Joe Doyle | Medical Marketing Leadership

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. . . this nation should land a man on the Moon and

return him safely to the Earth.

John F. Kennedy

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Joe Doyle

LeadershipStrategy Execution