jazz workshop and jam sesson 2019 held n ncosa! · jazz workshop and jam sesson 2019 held n ncosa!...

12.07.2019 EU Infopont Newsletter | June 2019 https://malch.mp/e995cc0609ad/eu-nfopont-newsletter-june-2019?e=20b5834cca 1/7 EU Infopont Newsletter June 2019 Issue:48 Vew ths emal n your browser Jazz Workshop and Jam Sesson 2019 held n Ncosa! As part of European Musc Nghts, a Jazz Workshop and Jam Sesson n collaboraton wth Jazz Educaton Abroad took place for the thrd year n a row wth the partcpaton of 50 students between 19 - 21 June at Lefkoşa Anadolu Fne Arts Hgh School, Ncosa. The 3-day workshop was open to musc teachers, students, and muscans of all ages, for all nstruments and for all levels. The workshop was followed by a jam sesson on Frday, 21 June from 20:00 – 21.30 at Selmye Square, Ncosa where the jazz masters and partcpants from the workshop gave a jazz concert to the publc. More than 150 people took part n ths event. Subscrbe Past Issues Translate

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EU Infopo�nt Newsletter June 2019 Issue:48 V�ew th�s ema�l �n your browser

Jazz Workshop and Jam Sess�on 2019 held �n N�cos�a!

As part of European Mus�c N�ghts, a Jazz Workshop and Jam Sess�on �ncollaborat�on w�th Jazz Educat�on Abroad took place for the th�rd year �n a roww�th the part�c�pat�on of 50 students between 19 - 21 June at Lefkoşa AnadoluF�ne Arts H�gh School, N�cos�a. The 3-day workshop was open to mus�cteachers, students, and mus�c�ans of all ages, for all �nstruments and for alllevels. The workshop was followed by a jam sess�on on Fr�day, 21 June from20:00 – 21.30 at Sel�m�ye Square, N�cos�a where the jazz masters andpart�c�pants from the workshop gave a jazz concert to the publ�c. More than150 people took part �n th�s event.

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The Jazz workshop was held from 10:00 to 17:15 each day where jazz mastersDr. Gene A�tken (Mus�c Educat�on & D�rector), Mar�os Toumbas (P�ano), Lo�zosPaf�t�s (Gu�tar), Cah�t Kutrafalı (Bass), Gonzalo Maestre (Drums), N�han Görgü(Vocals), and Mar�ano Abello (Saxophone & Flute) ran parallel workshops.

Mus�c �s one of the most popular forms of art, w�dely consumed, and a v�brantexpress�on of Europe's cultural d�vers�ty. Strengthen�ng th�s sector contr�butesto the promot�on of cultural d�vers�ty and �ntercultural d�alogue, culture as acatalyst for creat�v�ty. In �ts efforts to promote further creat�v�ty, d�vers�ty, and�nnovat�on �n Europe's mus�c sector, the Comm�ss�on works w�th all concernedstakeholders. As part of the EU A�d Programme for the Turk�sh Cypr�otcommun�ty a ser�es of act�v�t�es and projects to ra�se awareness about arts,mus�c, and cultural her�tage were supported.

Check out the photo album!

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Page 3: Jazz Workshop and Jam Sesson 2019 held n Ncosa! · Jazz Workshop and Jam Sesson 2019 held n Ncosa! As part of European Musc Nghts, a Jazz Workshop and Jam Sesson n collaboraton wth

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An�mal D�sease Erad�cat�on: Health�er An�mals, Safer FoodConference

The “An�mal D�sease Erad�cat�on: Health�er An�mals, Safer Food” conferenceaddressed the �mportance of an�mal health for food safety and reduct�on oflosses for farmers w�th a focus on brucellos�s. The conference, wh�ch tookplace at H�dden Garden, N�cos�a on Thursday, 13 June 2019 also h�ghl�ghtedthe EU contr�but�on �n �mprov�ng an�mal and publ�c health �n the Turk�sh Cypr�otcommun�ty by �mplement�ng EU standards. The open�ng speeches were madeby Mr. M�chael Docherty, Mr. Dursun Oğuz, and Mr. Mustafa Na�moğulları.

Erad�cat�on of brucellos�s from the �sland �s the ult�mate object�ve. It �s verycomplex and hard work, as po�nted out by the EU expert Dr Yolanda Vaz(Portugal), who shared w�th part�c�pants, the years of challenges to el�m�natebrucellos�s �n Portugal. The EU expert Dr N�ck Taylor expla�ned the general�mportance of an�mal d�sease prevent�on and expla�ned how to prevent an�mald�seases enter�ng farms. Experts h�ghl�ghted that success �n erad�cat�ngbrucellos�s depends on many factors such as understand�ng what contr�butes

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to d�sease �ntroduct�on, spread and pers�stence; support and part�c�pat�on of all�nterested stakeholders; shared respons�b�l�ty and transparency; ava�lab�l�tyand use of tools (such as robust legal texts, an�mal �dent�f�cat�on andreg�strat�on systems, an�mal health data management system, controls, etc.).W�thout such tools and �nteract�ons, success to el�m�nate any an�mal d�seasecan only be part�al.

The conference h�ghl�ghted the �mportance of cont�nued detect�on andel�m�nat�on of brucellos�s �nfected an�mals and, �n part�cular, of protect�on ofnegat�ve farms. Farmers have been rem�nded that �n order to ma�nta�n thegood brucellos�s status of the�r herds, all el�g�ble an�mals need to be testedannually. Many part�c�pants stressed the �mportance of cont�nued efforts toel�m�nate pr�or�ty an�mal d�seases (such as brucellos�s), emphas�s�ng thatveter�nar�ans and an�mal producers should work together to ach�eve th�sobject�ve. The part�c�pants also recogn�sed the �mportance of cont�nued EUsupport to ach�eve the object�ve of the el�m�nat�on of brucellos�s and other�mportant d�seases �n the Turk�sh Cypr�ot commun�ty.

F�nally, the conference part�c�pants recogn�sed that soc�ety �s better �nformed,demand�ng qual�ty and safe products and th�s �nd�cates the level of publ�c�nterest �n the el�m�nat�on of �mportant an�mal d�seases �n the Turk�sh Cypr�otcommun�ty.

In the context of the EU A�d Programme, more than €20 m�ll�on has beenallocated to �mprove the performance of the l�vestock sector, �n part�cularan�mal product�on and health. Ass�stance to �mprove an�mal product�on andhealth �s prov�ded to l�vestock owners (espec�ally da�ry producers), andveter�nary serv�ces. Techn�cal tra�n�ngs �n farm�ng pract�ces and hyg�ene,an�mal d�seases prevent�on, control and el�m�nat�on, da�ry products hyg�ene,and food safety have been prov�ded to more than a thousand farmers.

The conference was organ�sed by the EU Infopo�nt and the EU-fundedtechn�cal ass�stance project to strengthen the capac�ty of Turk�sh Cypr�otveter�nary serv�ces to erad�cate, control and prevent an�mal d�seases. Morethan 100 farmers, veter�nar�ans, representat�ves of local bod�es, and other�nterested operators part�c�pated.

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The 30th Ann�versary of the B�-communal Meet�ngs of the Leaders andRepresentat�ves of Cypr�ot Pol�t�cal Part�es was commemorated w�th twoevents �n the buffer zone �n N�cos�a at Ledra Palace Hotel and RestaurantChateau Status on 10 and 11 June under the ausp�ces of the Slovak Embassy�n Cyprus. The events a�med to demonstrate good pract�ces �n conf�dencebu�ld�ng and reconc�l�at�on �n Cyprus.

On 10 June the pol�t�cal part�es meet�ng w�th the part�c�pat�on of SlovakRepubl�c M�n�ster of Fore�gn Affa�rs was held at Ledra Palace Hotel, followedby a photo exh�b�t�on and recept�on �n the even�ng at Chateau Status. On 11June, an �nternat�onal conference on “30 years of the d�alogue between GreekCypr�ot and Turk�sh Cypr�ot pol�t�cal part�es �n serv�ce of peace �n Cyprus”wh�ch cons�sted of two panels was held at Chateau Status. The ser�es ofevents was supported by the European Un�on.

Upcom�ng Events and Themes


New Trends �n Susta�nable Energy Sem�nar

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10 July 18:00 - 19:30 @ Un�on of the Chambers of Cyprus Turk�sh Eng�neersand Arch�tects

Internat�onal Youth Day Act�v�t�esStreetball TournamentRoundtable D�scuss�on/WorkshopMarkutt� (K�te Event)


Internat�onal Youth Day Act�v�t�esYouth Bands ConcertWalled C�ty B�ke TourMak� Fest


European Mob�l�ty Week

European Researchers' N�ght

European Week of Sport

European Day of Languages

An�mal Health

Follow our Facebook page for up to date �nformat�on!

The EU Infopo�nt a�ms to �ncrease publ�c knowledge, awareness and understand�ng of the European

Un�on, �ts values, pol�c�es and programmes as well as the EU A�d Programme for the Turk�sh Cypr�ot

commun�ty. The EU Infopo�nt �s a project funded by the European Un�on under the A�d Programme for the

Turk�sh Cypr�ot commun�ty w�th the a�m to br�ng the Turk�sh Cypr�ot commun�ty closer to the EU.

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Th�s Project �s funded by the European Un�on.

Copyr�ght © 2019 AB B�lg� Merkez�, All r�ghts reserved.

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