jason priest affidavit

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  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit




    MARY E. CQc..ltE. OJRAnisfam A GmcnJSp

  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    reasonable apprehension of bodily injury in I panner, A.P.. when hegJ'3bbed her shoulder and tried to push her off the: stairs of the: froot pon::hwhile he was SCT'taming and yelling obicenitics at A.P.Thi. offense punishable by imprisoomenl in the county jail for a term nO10 cJI;cecd I year and Ol Jess than 24 hours and by a fine in an amount no tless than $100 or more han $1,000. Mont Code Mn. 45-S-206 3 ;COUNT III: ASSAULT. a misdemcllllQr, as specified in Mont CodeAnn. 45.5.201(1)(1). On or about Fehnury 1,2014, the Defendantpurposely or k n o w l n ~ I u\15Cd bodily injury to Jon Trapp when he tad:ledMr. Trapp, causing lum to fall agaillJ ;11 fence and 10 tile ground, tllcrcbybreaking Mr. Trapp's rib, causing h1m pain llIId an open wound 10 his lono.This offense is punishable by imprisonment in the coont)' jail for any termnot to el

  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    011 the phone lind ,. id 10 A_P. ' 'yOU fuckinJ CUlll, you mil Jon come oyer and letyoor daughter riglll n o w ~ Due 10 Pncsl. beh.yior on I ~ phone, TrlflP I Skcd that llwenfortcmcnl observe lIIe child pick-up.OffITGneshop arrived u the 200 block ofN. Word SIfftt. Officer QriQhop:Ill A.P.S \ dick: drin up Ind * il l fiollI of Priest . IlouK. A.P. JOI OUI oltbcvehicle and ....IUd up 10 the front 600r 110M. OfflCa Griahop Ibm Prin come OUIO ( l ~ fronl door of the house and immedialCly call A.P, a CURt. OfflCefGrieshop'sYiew was ob ;uuclcd partially by Ute limbs and branc:he, bUI he could ue lhlll A.P. andPrie l 'ere mOyillll aroond 011 the (runl pon;h lLnd he cl)lIld hear Priesl eOl1linuin& to yellu A P callinl her I ~ U I I l ~ IpIn, Officer Grieshop Ihm heard PriC ~ I I . Trapp. who IlO\OI SlaDIiIIlJJIl5t lIlSidc tbc onl: p ofPrics 's ploperty. OffICU Oricsbop:lllwPrint run lim.>T1 from 1M Ironl porctl and knoek Tripp 10 tbc Jl OUI d,

    Officer O r c i ~ .... 10 l'rie$t, ~ n n g ~ S T O P POLIO':., STOP POLICE 1'ricIlWIS on lop of Trapp and punching Trapp. Officer Griesllop continued 10 demand lllalPriesl lop, 1M Priesl ilJ l C'l his command. and continued punchin Trapp. Trapp wasl)11lI on Ihr: etuulc in a fNI POSllion, 1ry11ll1O protect hlluelfrrom P m I s ~ .otTten' Gncshop pbbcd Pnc::sI-.:llIDd hot IK'Ck and pulkd him offofTl1Ipp, Pnc::sICOO IJllielllo SlrUgle willi Officer Oricsbop. IJlIOI'UIK his COImIaIIds for PrieslIO S10presisling and 10 put hi. hands bdiind h back, Priesl conlinued 10 II } 10 gel It Trapp.orneer Grin./lOp had to lake PrieSt dOWl1IO the ground lUId struggled with l'1iest to leIhim in handcuffs, Officer Grieshop desaibed Pries as beinl in blind r a s e ~

    After Pries was detained iIlllanlkufTs. OfftCel Qriesllop IVlIk:ed 1IW Pricslwas..a m i only socks evcn thou tl1mI was _ on he sro-d and tie apprux nalcly IG-dqrcc:s. Offoccr Qric::)hop look PricsI inside the (ronlOoor 10 hImlIU1 nrlht cold md ,mmedtllely nnliced three children who wm: S1anding by the (ronlwindow and cryinl. The childKn wen: later identified as tIM: Priests' thKe children: i

    Sl .TY 5 MOTlOIO rooo ISJ, :Tn m.r i_ >iD .1Tl l lA\ lT rH ~ . T e l

  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    Jyear-oldc.J .1'.. 7year-oldC.P., and 4-yearold J.I'. Priest put 00 a pair ofshocs alld ajacket:md was detained in Officer Gricshop's patrol vehicle.

    Officer Grieshop then asked A.P. what happellCd. A.P. explained thai she hadrttei\'ed a calt fium J.P.. she was crying and stated thaI Iter dad was using wo.ds likeruck \0 he . Priest gOl on the phone, called A.P. names, and told A.P. and Trapp topick up J.P. A.P. 51ated she was fct:ling scared because of the way Priest Wa acting linthe phone nd that he had een dUeItening to her before. A.P. Slated she drove to p.iest'shou>c and went up to the front door to

  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    porth. l'tieSl denied throwing his 4-year-old daughter, slllting thai he only quiekly pickedher up and put her inside the hoose. Priest also denied trying to push 1\.1'. down the slll;rs,and stated that he grabbed her shoulder and asked her to lea e. Priest Slaled that herespondcd approprialely. and for

  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    prOlect himself from Priest s blows. Trapp staled that Priest looked wild rid thaIsomo:tlling didn t look right with him: it s t the way he nonnally presents in p u b l i c ~

    Priesl was mesIC( for Partrlcr Family Member Assault and Resisting Arrest.Local authorities requested thllt the case be turned over t the Dep.artmenl of Ju.stice forrunher investigation and prosecution due 10 the appelll llfl of impropriety since I riest iswell known in tile community.

    After the use WIl tumed over. tile PriestS three children were forensicallyintcn-iewed by Dawn Spencer ffQm the Monlanll Department of Justice. Spencer hasl)lCcific and specialized lraining in the techniques of fOl'ClIlic interviews of children. Allthn.-c children staled thaI Priest grabbc their mOlher, A.P., by tile ann and tried to pll.'lhher down tile s t a i ~ that Priest had picked up J.P. and threw her into the house. causing,njtJr)'; and that Priest had tadded Trapp in the front yard.

    Specifically. 4yurold J.I . stated that her dad started using bad words. sayingfuckine and fuck off to her while lhey ,ere at the house. J.P. staled lhal her dllct.alked to her mom on the phone and her mom came to the lIouse to pick her up. J.P. saidshe saw her dad push her mommy and thaI she almost fell down tile stairs. J.P. Staleddad throwed [sic] me and a crash went on t l floor.

    Seven-rear-old c.P. stated thaI she was walching oullhc window when her dad lriedto pw;h lher) mom down the stain outside on the front porcll. C.p, staled that J,P. wantedto go to their mOthe,s house: and that dad got mad about J.P, waming to leave. c.P. statedthaI her father said some bad wOl ds and then called her mother and said aooliler had wordand told her to oome over and pick up your child. She said that her mom came to Ihe IIollSC,and that h.,. dad tried to push h.,. mom down tile stairs but she held onto the railing Her dadalso pushed J.P. into the IIol,lse and that she heard a big bang and saw J.P. fall do.. onto thenoor J.P. W3'i crying. C.P. stated thaI her dad thm atlacked her mom s friend.

    Nine-year old C,J,P. ~ t a t e d that the three children were at their dad , hoose,watching the new Lone Ranger movie. J.P. wanted t go home so she called their mom.


  • 8/12/2019 Jason Priest affidavit


    CJ.P. stated that their dad got on the poone Ind Slated ' you and Jon come over here, thenhe said . . I am not going to repeat the word. c-u-n-t: C.J.P. sWtl'll that his mom arrivcdat the house shonly after the phone eonvcrsation and that J.P. rushed out the door to meettheir mother. C.1.P. staled that their father physiully threw J.P_into the hous -----ST.. O T t o ~ FOIl l \ It TO FtL[ tNmRMA TtO O ..NO FFI .. VIT I: SUProRT... G t