japanese fairy tale series 01 #13- the silly jelly-fish

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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    S. ATKIJ !*y 5 i

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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    THESILLY JELLY-FISHNCE upon a time the Kingof the Dragons, who had till

    then lived as a bachelor, took it intohis head to get married. His bridewas a young Dragonette just sixteenyears old,-lovely enough, in very so-oth to became the wife of a King.Great were the rejoicings on the oc-

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    casion. The Fishes, both great andsmall, came to pay their respects,and to offer gifts to the newly wed-ded pair ; and for some days all wasfeasting and merriment.But alas! even Dragons have their

    trials. Before a month had passed,the young Dragon Queen fell ill.The doctors dosed her with everymedicine that was known to them,but all to no purpose. At last theyshook their heads, declaring thatthere was nothing more to be done.

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    The illness must take its course, andshe would probably die. But thesick Queen said to her husband:"I know of something that will

    cure me. Only fetch me a live Mon-key's liver to eat, and I shall getwell at once." "A live Monkey'sliver ! " exclaimed the King. "Whatare you thinking of, my dear!Why! you forget that we Drag-ons live in the sea, while Monkeyslive far away from here, amongthe forest-trees on land. A Mon-

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    key's liver ! Why ! darling, you mustbe mad." Hereupon the youngDragon Queen burst into tears:"I only ask you for one smallthing," whimpered she, "and youwon't get it for me. I alwaysthought .you didn't really love me.Oh! I wish I had staid at homewith my own m m m mama andmy own papa-a-a-a!" Here hervoice choked with sobs, and shecould say no more.

    "Well, of course the Dragon King

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    did not like to have it thought thathe was unkind to his beautiful youngwife. So he sent for his trustyservant the Jelly-Fish, and said:

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #13- The Silly Jelly-Fish


    is to swimpersuade a

    "It is rather a difficultI want you to try to