january 30, 2017 andrew h. rawicz school of engineering...

January 30, 2017 Andrew H. Rawicz School of Engineering Science Simon Fraser University V5A 1S6 Re: ENSC405W Project Proposal VentNet Home Heating Control System Dear Dr. Rawicz, We are Aeolus Systems and we wish to seek your approval for the VentNet Home Heating Control System. Please find attached Aeolus System’s proposal for the VentNet Home Heating Control System, which provides an introduction on this project and an analysis on its viability. The goal of our project is to design a cost-effective and easy to install home heating control system that can divide a furnace heated home into multiple heating zones. In this proposal are details regarding the market viability for our product, a description of the system design and interactions, our planned development schedule, and a cost breakdown for the development phase. Although this project carries some risks, we believe that with the analyzed market viability, our unique proposed implementation, and an efficient development schedule, we can produce a competitive product on time and within budget. Aeolus Systems consists of 4 experienced senior computer engineering students each with industry experience and a hobby in embedded systems development. The founding members of Aeolus Systems are Paul Khuu, Jeremy Leung, James Voong, and Steven Zhou. A detailed company profile is provided in the proposal document for your perusal. Thank you for reviewing our proposal for the VentNet Home Heating Control System. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me by phone (778-708-8679) or email ([email protected]). Sincerely, Steven Zhou Chief Executive Officer

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Page 1: January 30, 2017 Andrew H. Rawicz School of Engineering …whitmore/courses/ensc305/projects/2017/... · 2017. 1. 31. · January 30, 2017 Andrew H. Rawicz School of Engineering Science

January 30, 2017

Andrew H. Rawicz

School of Engineering Science

Simon Fraser University

V5A 1S6

Re: ENSC405W Project Proposal – VentNet Home Heating Control System

Dear Dr. Rawicz,

We are Aeolus Systems and we wish to seek your approval for the VentNet Home Heating

Control System.

Please find attached Aeolus System’s proposal for the VentNet Home Heating Control System,

which provides an introduction on this project and an analysis on its viability. The goal of our

project is to design a cost-effective and easy to install home heating control system that can

divide a furnace heated home into multiple heating zones.

In this proposal are details regarding the market viability for our product, a description of the

system design and interactions, our planned development schedule, and a cost breakdown for the

development phase. Although this project carries some risks, we believe that with the analyzed

market viability, our unique proposed implementation, and an efficient development schedule,

we can produce a competitive product on time and within budget.

Aeolus Systems consists of 4 experienced senior computer engineering students each with

industry experience and a hobby in embedded systems development. The founding members of

Aeolus Systems are Paul Khuu, Jeremy Leung, James Voong, and Steven Zhou. A detailed

company profile is provided in the proposal document for your perusal.

Thank you for reviewing our proposal for the VentNet Home Heating Control System. If you

have any further questions, please feel free to contact me by phone (778-708-8679) or email

([email protected]).


Steven Zhou

Chief Executive Officer

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Project Proposal

VentNet Home Heating Control System


James Voong

Jeremy Leung

Paul Khuu

Steven Zhou

JANUARY 30, 2017

Version 1.35

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Executive Summary

Forced-air furnaces are used by the majority of homeowners in North America because of its ability to heat

houses easily. “Turn up the temperature on your thermostat, and seconds later warm air comes blowing out

of the registers” [1]. However, an issue arises by the number of vents and thermostats available. Typically,

there are a limited number of thermostats in the house, indicating the lack of precise information as rooms

with vents but without sensors would not be able to provide feedback to the main thermostat, leading to

heating inconsistencies in the house and wasted heat. At Aeolus Systems, we devised the VentNet Home

Heating Control System to provide homeowners with extensive control over their heating system to promote

comfort and cost-savings.

The VentNet is a combination of multiple individual smart modules formed into a cohesive system with four

main features consisting of: individual zone temperature control, web/smartphone application interface, the

master thermostat module, and the low-power wireless communications system. To complement these

features, four major components will be developed: the smart thermostats, the router module, the room

sensors, and the motorized vent covers. Users will be able to control the system through the web/smartphone

application or manually on the VentNet thermostat. Additionally, the application will provide users the

ability to monitor their heat usage and schedule customized heating patterns. By providing these

functionalities for homeowners, the VentNet promotes comfort through optimal heating and cost-savings by

minimizing the previous carelessly wasted heat.

Current products exist today that try to tackle this issue but they fail in certain areas. Some fail by not

offering a main thermostat for their heating solution system and others fail by not having motorized vents for

variable heating. Additionally, these solutions are all quite expensive, so we at Aeolus Systems desire to

compete by offering a fully integrated ecosystem with a lower price point. Stretch goals such as self-energy

harvesting modules and custom component PCBs are also detailed out, after development has been

completed for the prototype so that there is an additional factor for differentiating Aeolus Systems from its

competitors. For an initial price estimation, the tentative budget is set at $605 which we will apply for

through the Engineering Students Society Endowment Fund (ESSEF) and the Wighton Engineering

Development Fund.

Aeolus Systems consists of four aspiring fifth-year engineering students that hope to make an impact in the

world. Having experience in a variety of co-op terms with different companies, we all hope to translate those

skills to deliver a product that would be reliable and usable.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... I

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................ III

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. III

GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................................... IV

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2 PRODUCT SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 PRODUCT DESIGN ......................................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 3

2.3 MARKET RESEARCH ..................................................................................................................................... 4

2.4 COST CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 6

3 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 COST CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 8

3.2 BENEFITS ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

4 PROJECT PLANNING ..................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE ............................................................................................................................ 9

1. Brainstorming and Project Proposal Phase ................................................................. 11

2. Commencement and Project Functional Specification Phase ..................................... 11

3. Integration and Project Design Specification Phase ................................................... 11

4. System Testing and Demonstration Phase .................................................................. 11

5. Design Refinement Phase ........................................................................................... 11

4.2 FUNDING..................................................................................................................................................... 12

5 COMPANY PROFILE .................................................................................................................................... 12

6 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 14

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................................... 16

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Canadian Home Heating Systems in 2011 ......................................................................................... 1

Figure 2: System Diagram of the VentNet System ............................................................................................ 3

Figure 3: Simplified Gantt Chart ........................................................................................................................ 9

Figure 4: Flowchart for Project Structure ........................................................................................................ 10

List of Tables

Table 1: Comparison of VentNet and Competitors ............................................................................................ 5

Table 2: Price Estimation for Prototype Parts .................................................................................................... 6

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Air Vents An opening in the home’s duct network from where hot air is

released into the house.

Duct A channel allowing for the passage of air. In the context of this

document, used to refer to home heating ducts that transport hot air

from the furnace.

Furnace A common home appliance for heating the house. It is connected to

a blower and duct network to distribute the hot air.

Heating Zone Defines a specific space (set of rooms, etc.) capable of independent

control over its temperature. Furnace homes often have one heating

zone whilst electric and boiler homes have multiple.

Home Automation The use of computers to control basic home functions such as

heating, lighting, security, etc.

IoT Internet of Things, the internetworking of physical devices to allow

for the exchange of data.

Microcontroller An integrated circuit dedicated to performing one specific task.

PCB Printed Circuit Board

Smart Devices An electronic device capable of communicating with other devices

that is able to operate interactively and autonomously to some


Thermostat A device capable of reading ambient air temperatures and

connected to the furnace to control furnace output based on

temperature setting.

WebApp A typical client-server software application where the client

interface runs in a web browser.

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1 Introduction

When talking about home heating in Canada, “[furnaces are] the main type of heating system used by

Canadian households in 2011” with a reported 57% of the population of Canada utilizing one as shown

below in figure 1 [2]. “A furnace works by blowing heated air through ducts that deliver warm air to rooms

throughout the house via air registers or grills” [3] and this is controlled by thermostats which contain

sensors that measure the ambient temperature of the room. Typically speaking, thermostats are placed in

convenient and frequently-accessed locations of the house so that the heating is most precise within these

zones. A costly and problematic issue arises due to the limited quantity of thermostats as areas without

sensors have poor information on the temperature of the room. Heating inconsistencies, such as cold and hot

spots, derive from this issue and as such, furnaces “will have to work harder than it should in order to heat

[homes] evenly” [4] leading to higher energy bills and heating inefficiency. To address this concern, we

devised the VentNet system.


VentNet is a robust solution for solving heating inconsistencies using a combination of sensors and smart

vents. The VentNet system offers wireless vents, to induce variable heating, and smart thermostats

seamlessly controlled through the VentNet web application. Our smart vents open and close according to the

accurate information provided by the system’s sensors and thermostats, indicating precise controls for

flexibility and comfort. Through the web application, users shall have the convenience of scheduling heating

habits while also being able to monitor the temperature and their usage such that their home heating

experience can be further optimized. With optimized coverage of the VentNet system throughout the house,

VentNet is meant to give users the freedom of not having to worry about heating inconsistencies and the

ability of customizing their own heating preferences to elevate both comfort and savings.

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This proposal will contain the following sections:

Detailed summary of the core functionality and modules of the VentNet system

Market research on the addressed problem, the competitors, and the targeted market

Scope of current project plans with initial stretch goals planned

Risks, benefits, development schedule, and funding of the VentNet system

Company profile with personal excerpts from the founders

2 Product Summary 2.1 Product Design

As the main goal of VentNet is to provide a robust solution for accurate control over the heating in individual

rooms of a house, the end product will be a system comprised of four kinds of physical modules: air vents,

thermo-sensors, a master thermostat, and a router module. The main features of the system are summed up


1. Individual Zone Temperature Control

The system begins with our custom vent modules that can open or close the furnace vent upon receiving an

electronic signal. By attaching a microcontroller to drive the signal and a wireless receiver to network these

vents, all the vents in a house can be grouped according to heating zones. With heating zone groups set-up,

the vents in a zone can be controlled in unison to raise or lower the temperature in a room according to data

from a wireless thermostat. This degree of control will allow for greater comfort and energy bill savings by

optimizing the heating experience.

2. Web/Smartphone App Interface

To achieve the full potential of the individual zone temperature control feature, the system will allow users to

setup advanced control schemes and a monitoring tool through either a web interface or smartphone app.

This interface will be akin to web interfaces for home routers and will be hosted by a module in our system

attached to the home router. By attaching the interface host to the home network, any computer or

smartphone connected to the router can be used to control the temperature for any heating zone in the house.

It will also provide access to advanced features such as heating scheduling, temperature logging, and energy

bill estimations.

3. Master Thermostat Module

Compared to competing systems, the VentNet system will be the first to feature a master thermostat module

capable of adjusting the temperature for each individual zone. This provides a robust solution in-case the

home network is not available or a smartphone/computer is not convenient. In addition to its role as a

backup, it will also be responsible for controlling all the devices tied to the original thermostat in the home

(i.e. the furnace and air conditioning). As some homes lack a dedicated power source for the thermostat, the

Master Thermostat Module will remain battery powered most of the time.

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4. Low-Power Wireless Communications System

Due to the spread nature of all the components in the system and design constraints, limiting most of them to

battery power the wireless communications will have to be robust and energy efficient. To this end we have

decided that a sub-gigahertz radio running a custom wireless protocol would be optimal. Although

developing a wireless protocol from scratch may be challenging, it is more cost effective compared to buying

the licenses and SDK for an existing sub-gigahertz protocol. A custom protocol will also allow us to better

optimize power usage for our specific use case and system.

2.2 System Overview

The VentNet system consists of four major components: the thermostat, router module, room sensors and

motorized vent covers.


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In the VentNet system, the Temperature Sensor measures ambient temperature in a room and will signal the

Vent Covers to open or close when the room temperature moves away from the set temperature. If the room

temperature dictates that the vents are to be opened for heating, then the Temperature sensors will also signal

the Master Thermostat to turn on the furnace. As the Master Thermostat is connected to the furnace signaling

wires for the original thermostat, it is able to effectively issue the call for heat to the furnace.

On the advanced settings side of the system, the Master Thermostat is also capable of changing the

temperature settings stored on the Temperature Sensors as it is capable of acting as the thermostat for all

heating zones. This feature is shared with the Router Module, which connects to the local home network to

host a webapp for adjusting the temperature setting in each room in addition to offering other advanced

settings and monitoring features.

2.3 Market Research

We at Aeolus Systems intend to target users who would like to save energy and cost in their home heating

solutions as well as those interested in the flexibility of a programmable climate control system. In a world

where IoT devices of all functionalities are evolving, we believe there is a great market available for a

commerical IoT climate control system.

Throughout a 24-hour day, a residence containing a working couple could see emptiness for an average of 8

hours a day. Furthermore, with an average of 8 hours of sleep per day, there are potentially 16 hours in a day

that a lower temperature could be maintained in the house to allow for a lower heating bill. With our home

climate control system, users will be able to pre-program these schedules into our thermostats and have the

furnace operate at lower temperatures when necessary to avoid wasted energy. In fact, a user can save as

much as 10% a year in heating bills by turning their home temperatures down by ~1.5C for 8 hours a day

from their normal setting [5]. In addition, with our motorized vents, users may choose not to heat unused

rooms and further save on heating.

From Statistics Canada, 53% of Canadians with a thermostat currently do not have the option to automate

their heating routine [6]. Considering these users, we believe we can sell a product that can appeal to their

potential savings and provide a great home heating experience. Apart from these savings, the VentNet

system also extends a rich set of features to the consumer including separate room temperature control,

control of home heating through mobile and web applications, and motorized vents for controlling air flow to

the fit of the consumer.

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The VentNet has several competitors in Ecovent, Keen and Flair’s smart vent systems. Below is a table

comparing the features and typical costs of the smart vent systems:


Thermostat Control






Price for









Note: We treat average home setup as 5 sensors, 8 vents.

* Price of VentNet estimated based on development materials cost. Production version likely cheaper.

One major difference is that none of the competing solutions provide their own smart thermostat for

interfacing with the furnace. Ecovent’s system includes motorized vents, outlet powered sensors and a

control hub. Likewise, the same modules are included in Keen and Flair’s system, albeit with different

implementations. Their systems must be integrated with a smart thermostat (e.g. NEST Lab’s thermostat) to

communicate with the furnace and consists of many functionalities the VentNet includes by default, albeit at

high cost. The main differentiator between the VentNet and these competitors will be the providing of a fully

integrated ecosystem for a lower price point, a wireless protocol designed specifically for our system and

potential energy harvesting capabilities in our thermostat.

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2.4 Cost Considerations

To complete the proof-of-concept component of the capstone project, we have chosen several parts and tools

to create a market quality product while keeping our budget constraints in mind. To simulate a real system,

we decided to create two vents and two thermo-sensors in addition to our router module and thermostat. To

control our router module and thermostat, two Raspberry Pi boards will be needed. In choosing our radio

protocol, we found a specific board that would include a built-in radio module perfect for building our vents

and thermo-sensors. Another two radio modules would then be purchased for implementation with our

Raspberry Pi boards. Miscellaneous parts and cables covers any power cables, LEDS or inexpensive but

necessary components and we have set aside $50 for these occasions. Shipping and handling estimations

have also been included in our cost estimations and a 15% contingency fund has been set aside for any

unseen circumstances.


Component Price ($ CAD)

2 x Raspberry Pi 2 $ 120

6 x Radio Modules $ 200

2 x Vent Modules $ 65

1 x LCD Screen $ 40

Plastic Enclosure $ 50

Miscellaneous Parts and Cables $ 50

Contingency (15%) $ 80

Total: $ 605

3 Scope

We recognize that due to all the new opportunities this new method of home automation opens, this project

may succumb to feature creep as ideas increase and development feasibility decreases. Given our limited

development time, it is prudent to establish clear functionality targets for the project. With the 9 weeks after

this proposal’s submission, we will work towards bringing VentNet to a proof-of-concept prototype stage.

Namely, the prototype to be presented April 4th will at least demonstrate the following key features:

Battery powered, electronically controlled vents that can be controlled wirelessly

Wireless thermo-sensors able to measure and relay temperature data

Master Thermostat operates furnace control signal based on data from thermo-sensors

Web App contains functionality to set temperatures and display temperature logs

Separate control for multiple heating zones (vent control groups)

At this prototype stage, all modules will be using hobbyist grade microcontroller boards (i.e. Raspberry Pi,

Arduino) and general purpose enclosures; however, we are confident that even within the 9-week timeframe

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we can push beyond the mock-up stage and into a short second development cycle to add product refinement

and certain advanced features.

Although reaching the second iteration development stage by April is not guaranteed, we believe the features

planned for development can greatly enhance the proof-of-concept demonstration and give us a head start in

developing the production prototype. Thus, time and budget permitting, the stretch goals for the prototype

demonstration on April 10th will include these features:

Master Thermostat Energy Harvesting

In some homes the mounting point for the master thermostat on the wall does not have a dedicated line

for power. This presents a problem as the master thermostat is responsible for powering both the

hardware UI for the user to set temperatures in different heating zones and the attendant wireless

transmissions to relay the settings. Thankfully, energy can be harvested from the 24VAC signal line for

the furnace when the furnace is signaled to turn on. We only need to add necessary circuitry to convert

24VAC to the battery voltage.

Wireless Protocol Optimization

To conserve power in the modules of the VentNet system that are battery powered, a scheme can be

implemented for the radios on energy constrained modules to be switched on at set intervals whilst the

wall powered modules will be switched on all the time. This way, the radio on a battery powered module

need not idle, waiting to receive signals. While the basic concept is sound, this feature may require

extensive development time to ensure packets aren’t dropped.

Native Smartphone App

While the VentNet will definitely feature a web application for adjusting temperatures and accessing

advanced functions, the development of a native smartphone app to do the same is not planned for the

first iteration. If time permits, the 1st iteration prototype will feature a smartphone app for a more elegant

mobile user experience.

Custom Component PCBs

Many modules in the system will be prototyped on development boards like Raspberry Pi and Arduino,

but these are not cost-effective components to have in a final product. After final integration testing is

complete, a development cycle can be spent on designing custom circuit boards to directly mount our

microcontrollers, radios, and sensors.

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3.1 Cost Considerations

Risk is involved whether you are crossing the street or investing in a new market. The same can be said

about VentNet. Using the experience our members gained in the field, Aeolus hopes to minimize the risk

involved with this project.

As a group made up of Computer Engineering students, much of our experiences lies in software

development and our minimal experience with hardware could be a problem. However, we believe that there

are sufficient resources available to us online. We also have many experienced technicians and machinists in

our school network that we can consult.

Another potential risk is the arrival time of essential parts. Many of our parts will be shipped across the

border from China or the United States. We cannot guarantee that our parcels will not be lost in transit or be

stuck at the border. If parts do not arrive in time, we will not hit our timeline goals and fail to complete our

project in time. We do not want development to stall because an Arduino fails to ship to our location, so we

will seek reliable sellers and aim to buy essential equipment locally to reduce this risk.

As with any system with multiple wireless devices, problems can occur with interconnectivity. First, we

must find an appropriate wireless protocol for our application. If we are forced to use an unconventional

wireless protocol, it will be difficult to find support and documentation online to assist our team with

troubleshooting and testing. Even if we successfully implement the communication within our system, we

need to test real world applications. We need to consider obstructions, such as walls and radio interference in

the timing and accuracy of messages sent between our different modules.

A risk for consumers might also be the level of expertise necessary for the initial setup of our system. Do we

have the consumer install it themselves or have a technician install it for them? In either case, we need to

make the user manual simple enough that installation does not become a drawback.

Finally, a fundamental risk of our project is whether our product improves the heating situation in the

household or puts unnecessary strain on the furnace system. When a vent is closed, pressure builds up in the

ductwork, leaking out through holes in the ductwork and blowing back against the furnace fans.

3.2 Benefits

Furnace heated homes usually have one or two thermostats, which control the temperature for the whole

house. This method is an inefficient way of distributing heat to the house, especially if there are unused

rooms where there is less traffic.

However, people don’t want to tear out their ductwork to install a new and efficient ventilation system. With

our proposal, we provide an elegant solution for a smart home heating experience.

Through our web application or the main thermostat, you can schedule when to turn your heating system on

and set specific temperatures for different regions of your house. When you go to sleep or leave the house,

VentNet will take responsibility for turning off your furnace.

When you look at the current market for smart HVAC solutions, you find that our competitors often do not

deliver the whole package. Keen Home Vent System and Flair’s system cost $827 and $1015 respectively,

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but do not include a thermostat. Ecovent as well offers a control module, motorized vents, and room sensors

as a package for $1300 and also requires an external thermostat.

Our proposed solution would include all of the above but would cost only $981.50. This price tag is only for

the development version, so when we go to market, costs will assuredly go down as we mass produce our

own PCBs. Soon, a more affordable option for smart vents will appear on the market for consumers to enjoy

an improved home environment.

4 Project Planning 4.1 Schedule and Timeline

In terms of scheduling and time-line, we have created a total of 24 milestones to reflect the critical goals and

course requirements of the eight-month project. To organize these 24 milestones, we have separated our

work load in five main sections, these sections include:

1. Brainstorming and Project Proposals

2. Commencement and Project Functional Specification Phase

3. Integration and Project Design Specification Phase

4. System Testing and Demonstration Phase

5. Design Refinement Phase


On the next page, a simple flow chart outlines the milestones, their section and the length and dates that will

be allocated towards the completion of the section.

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Brainstorming and Project Proposal Phase

(Jan 4 - Jan 29)

• Finalize Project Idea

• Project Proposal Document

• First Draft of Proposal Document

Commencement and Project Functional Specification Phase

(Jan 30 - Mar 13)

• First Component Orders

• Electronics and Firmware for Five Components

• Basic WebApp Loaded on Router Module

• Functional Specification Document

• First Draft of Functional Specification

Integration and Project Design Specification Phase

(Feb 20 - Mar 26)

• Integration of Radio Module to System

• Enclosures for All Modules

• Advanced Functions and UI Design for WebApp

• Master Thermostat Controls for Multiple Zones

• Stretch Goals Development

System Testing and Demonstration Phase

(Mar 28 - Apr 10)

• Poster Presentation

Design Refinement Phase

(Apr 11 - Aug 4)

• Concept Finalization for Second Iteration of Design

• Second Requirements Document

• Customized PCBs for All Modules

• Final Presentation

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1. Brainstorming and Project Proposal Phase

The period geared towards brainstorming and analyzing the feasibility of various project ideas with respect

to the team’s time constraints and individual abilities. In addition, this would include the time set for

garnering interest among colleagues, gaining approval from Professor Rawicz for our project idea and the

entirety of the project proposal document.

2. Commencement and Project Functional Specification Phase

During this phase, first component parts will be ordered and basic firmware and functionalities will be

implemented. Additionally, for documentation, the functional specification document shall be researched,

drafted and completed. For development, we shall specifically be targeting the fully finished electronic

module of our various parts. In terms of the software, the firmware shall be created and ready to integrate

with the finished radio firmware and developed network system.

3. Integration and Project Design Specification Phase

At this point, the project modules will be completed and ready to be integrated. Integration will primarily

consist of the implementation of our radio software to all the modules. Further improvements will then be

made via development of advanced functions such as monitoring/logging/scheduling through the web app

and thermostat controls for multiple zones. Finally, the design specification will be completed for the

deadline and depending on the timely completion of the major tasks, stretch goal development will begin

during this phase.

4. System Testing and Demonstration Phase

Approximately six days will have been set aside to solely focus on testing. While this may seem short, the

team will be implementing a test-driven development approach and will be validating functionality at each

step of the implementation process. The system will be tested both internally and with external input for

critique on a wider spectrum. With this data, final revisions and bug fixes can be completed before the poster

presentation preparation. The poster presentation will have a week of preparation and with the poster

presentation, ENSC305 shall conclude.

5. Design Refinement Phase

The phase designated for improving and changing the design of the product to match economic and

functional constraints. For an estimate of one month, the team will brainstorm and discuss possible revisions

using our development observations. Afterwards, time will be used for implementation of our refinements to

the design. In addition, we would like to use this time to change our controllers and radio components to be

on a self-created PCB. Finally, any additional documentation required by the course shall be allotted time

and completed.

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4.2 Funding

Aeolus Systems was unable to acquire funding from sponsors at the time of the writing of this proposal.

Therefore, we will share any financial costs incurred in the first half of development, making sure to keep

track of our receipts and orders. We will then submit our proposal to the Engineering Students Society

Endowment Fund (ESSEF) and the Wighton Engineering Development Fund to hopefully recoup some of

our losses during the second half of development.

5 Company Profile Steven Zhou – Chief Executive Officer

Steven is a 5th year Computer Engineering student at Simon Fraser University with strong knowledge in

digital electronics and small team project management. Previously, as the leader of Team NoMacs Steven

successfully guided the group to a first place finish in a SFU app design competition where the winning entry

eventually became the basis for the official SFU app. In addition to project management skills, Steven also

brings work experience in software testing and scripting development earned from 8 months of co-op at

Broadcom as a Software Test Developer. As the CEO of Aeolus Systems, Steven will act as group

coordinator and representative. Group decision making will be democratic as befits small groups and

Steven’s background management style; however, he is ready to engage direct leadership when appropriate.

For this project, Steven will focus on the development of the radio module and custom wireless protocol to

be used in the VentNet system.

James Elton Voong – Chief Communications Officer

James is a 5th year Computer Engineering student with background in quality assurance and mobile device

testing. Having completed co-op terms as a testing student at BlackBerry, James has extensive experience in

software debugging, root cause analysis and bridging the gap between the developers and the end users. In

addition, James has relevant computer science courses in the areas of databases, algorithms and data

structures. As the CCO of the company, James will be responsible for ensuring the compliance with

requirements, communications within the team and the final oversee of the various documents and

paperwork created.

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Jeremy Leung – Chief Operating Officer

Jeremy is a 5th year Computer Engineering student who has experience in software test development and a

strong interest in software development. Having done 3 co-op terms at Schneider Electric, Jeremy has been

exposed to the development of a web application software project in an Agile environment from proof-of-

concept to a functional prototype. His role in this project was to develop automation scripts, using Python,

Selenium, and the Robot Framework, in order to ensure robustness of the application. Additionally, he has

experience with object-oriented programming and scripting languages (C, C++, Objective-C, Python). As the

Chief Operating Officer of the company, Jeremy will be in charge of managing the operations of the

company including: meeting minutes, logistics, scheduling, and ensuring that the development process is

both efficient and enjoyable.

Paul Khuu – Chief Technology Officer

Paul is a 5th year Computer Engineering student who is interested in hardware design. During his co-op

assisting a professor with his robotics research applying IoT technology to the elderly, Paul gained extensive

experience in robotics design, Python, and Raspberry Pi development. He has training in C, C++, VHDL,

scripting from the various courses he has taken. As Chief Technology Officer, he will be using the skills he

learned to guide the other members on both the software and hardware development. He will also be

applying his skills on the intercommunication between devices, such as the sensors, Arduino and the

Raspberry Pi.

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6 Conclusion

This proposal has detailed out the general overview and scope of the VentNet to provide an understanding on

what issues we intend to address and our initial plan on how we will succeed in doing so. We at Aeolus

Systems intend to develop a project that will not only address an issue but to be able to impact the lives of

individuals in a meaningful way, and we believe that VentNet is the answer.

VentNet is an intelligent and robust system consisting of motorized vents, smart thermostats, a router

module, and a web/smartphone application that upgrades current heating setups. The motorized vents

provide variable heating that enables users to control the heating in individual zones. The smart thermostats

monitor the ambient temperature of each individual zone and feeds the information to the router module for

further commands. The web/smartphone application provides users with a convenient way to monitor the

heating in individual zones and control the modules without having to manipulate the physical analog

thermostat module. As a result, the combination of these modules into a system provides users with control

over their previously-inflexible heating system to address heating inconsistencies, amplify home comfort,

and permit energy-cost savings by minimizing previously-wasted heat.

With thorough investigations on our target market and the viability of VentNet, Aeolus is committed in

delivering a robust solution so that people who utilize this product will be able to feel at ease knowing that

they can cut down on unnecessary costs while having a more comfortable environment in their homes. In the

future, Aeolus aspires to build upon the foundation of VentNet to create a stronger system and introduce

advanced features to push home automation to its limit and reshape the perception of inflexible heating


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