j the choicest fancy groceries k d t i kxcr...gucsls of mrs. lu. ijcvv. w. s. lïrord left yesterday...

It ghrç $cüfille. Prof Ltoky End« Hl« Life, Tlio dead body of Prof. I^cky, priiidp*1 ol Woodlawn Insiitufe, o( U 5 «lion,Mo,wm found «bout 8 oclock . "!£n,.lf 1,1 *be «(«bio loft near tbc acliool building. A case kuifo Hincar- cd with blood up tbo handle was found near tbo dead man, aud two hole*, one on each aide of tbo neck, showed where iho life blood, «till wann and staining iho floor, had flowed out. It was a ghastly sight. The head was slightly turned and the countenance betokened that the last agonies had boeu intense. Everything indicated a deliberate aud desperate caso of suicide. Ho had rtiu a case- knife through ids neck. Prof. Ix*cky had uot been feeling well the night previous and took calomel. At 6 oclock yesterday morning he dressed and went out. lie was seen no mere until bis body was fouud in the barn loit. Tbo dead mau was considorod an easy-going, mild-mannered, edu- cated guutleinau of 65 years of age, aud was uot known to bate any trou- bles, real or imaginary, lie came from Ysr.oo City, Mis*, several mouths ago, bringing splendid recommenda- tions as an educator, and took charge of Woodlawn Institute, a newly organ- ized school. He lias a family consist- ing of a wilo and two daughters, cider of whom is 19 years of age. Sev- eral of the pupils report that tho prin- cipal had uot been tiding in bis natu- ral way lor soverni days before the tragic event of yesterday. People liv- ing near by also now recall that for several days tho profossor acted aud conversed in an absout-minded LOCAL WEATQEB BECOfiD, 1892. William Calm GRAND OPENING Temperature noted specially forttaeBisvKiLL* at 8 p. m. dally, from best self-registering instnwou, exposed 111 tho open air. Moon Fall Moon Oat. 6tb; new moon 2ffil:. UOT. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 14. 1892. ■H Thu Cotton Market.New O'r- Icsns quotations yesterday : 1-16 low- cr middling 7J ceuta ; futures dosed steady at 10 potals lower. PERSONAL.' MAX. MIH. WSATHBM. Clear Clear Clear Clear (Sear Clear Two-thirds cloudy WM. CAHNS AMc Of our millinery department will take place next Tuesday, 18th. Our entire stock will be on display. You are invited to see some of the very latest hats and bonnets displayed in your city. Also a splendid line of Dress Goods, and all the very latest trimmings to match. ShoesThe winter is near at hand and your children need shoes. We have them in lace and button at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 for a durable andwell-fitting. For ladies and misses we are equally well prepared. $1.50 buys a real nice dress shoe, and $2.50 and $2.75 buys the world-renound J. & T. Cousins and other reliable makes. 86 51 8 80 56 » 78 43 10 81 88 11 88 42 12 87 4U 13 87 03 place to buy cheap. WM. CAHNS is the II place to find all you want. \ W. li. Levy aud wife, of Vicksburg, gucsls of Mrs. Lu. IjCVv. W. S. lïrord left yesterday for Sum- mit where bis father lies very ill. Special Notice. nro The undersigned will close his busi- ness st the cud of this mouth. Quite a large number of persous owe him bar-bills, and ho requests all such to come forward promptly aud setllc the same. Ilo hopes that Ibose be trusted will require uo further urging; ami he stands ready at tho same timo to pay any bill that ho may owe. WM. CAHNS is ihe place to rely on what is recommended. Mis-s Annie Kelledy has returned visit to Haltimorc friends. from a Mr. ami Mrs. T.awrcnco Pearson ar- rived''Sunday night from St. Louis. WM. CAHNS Is the place to find the tat- e.tl styles. Kev. J. A. It. Jones and wife, of Hol- ton. spent yesterday at tho old home. K. h Brown, lately visiting his un- cle, K. M. Barber, departed Monday for St. Louis. W. T. Morris is now with G. T. Talbert and will be pleased to have bis old friends call. Our former townsman, S. S. Pattcr- Mm, of Vicksburg, is spendiug a few ,l*ys with friends here. John McDougall, Jr,left Sunday for Xe« Orleans w here ho has secured a place in a commission house. J. N. Brnshcar, Jr, is now at Forest City, Arkansas, lie is principal ot a large public school there, having six iiKsUtaut teachers. Mrs. E. W. («ibert, of the Shaw New ».spent Wednesday with .Mr. ami Mrs. Barber. She Ims w son at Cham- berlain-Hunt Academy. Or. Meredith I). Jones, formerly of Claiborne county, has been made pro- fessor ot diseases of the car iu Barnes Medical College, St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McGill of St. Jos- eph. their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Murdock, aud their sou Nat, arrived a few days ago. gucsls of J. D. Wood und J. il. Oaujcan. Miss Xcllic Bea has returned from a visit to Copiah idatives,bringing back with her three cousins, Miss Sarah Ken <>t Pennsylvania, ami Miss Ellen Uca aud George Carter ot Copiah. D. II. SMITH. Oct. 14th, 1892. WM. CAHNS Is the place where you can .send your child to buy. Clothing!-:-aotMng At Bernheimers I WM. CAHNS Is the Finest Makes, and at the Most Reasonable Prices. place to find the larg- est slock dress goods. the 1 WM. CAHNS Is the An assortment of mens, boys, youthsand childrens,unsurpassed in any market, and offered at pop- ular prices. place lo find the best assortment of shoes. WM. CAHNS Jsthe place to find the larg- est slock ofmen9s and boysJ clothing. way. The consensus of opinion is that tho deceased man was dissatisfied with the contract ho had signed with the direc- tory of tho institute, ami that his trou- bles were of a fluancinl character.St. Louis Globc-Dcmocrnl, Sept. SO. The St. Louis Republic's correspond- ent says: “Prot. Leek y had been showiug signs of an unbalanced aud decaying iutclioct for some time past, and his queer actions caused soino comment. Ho had many warm friends ntnong the pcoplo of OFallon, however, ami his eccentric ways were overlooked iu the hope that they were only caused l»y temporary ill health.Tbo deceased lived in Port Gibson from September, 1879, to Juue, 1888, being principal of Chamberlain* Hunt Academy, lie was also an elder in the Presbyterian church. During his stay here he won universal esteem and his tragic death is sincerely la- mented. He was a Virginian, a graduate of Washington & Iæo University, and wheu the war broke out ho served gallantly iu the Confederate aimy. At the battle of Gettysburg bo was shot through the body, from which wouud be uever entirely recovered. Queen of sewing machines is the Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. Easy runner, rapid,noiseless and not ex- pensive. Also the New Home. At Goepels. Full line Butterick Patterns sent to us with the Metropolitan each month free. Heidenreich Bros. What is the u*e of allowing the flies aud mosquitoes to botbor you alien you can make yourself com- fortable by buying screen doors and screen windows from Wm. Cahn ? The vory best sawed and hand- drawn shingles to he had at Wm. Caiixs. The New York Musical Month- ly can be ordered through K. E. Donaldson, Natchez. Price $1.50 per year with one piece of new music. The very best sawed and hand- drawn shingles to he had at Wm. Cah.ns. WM. CAHNS Is the place where you can have a suit made lo order of the vety best imported cassimere. HEIDENREICH BROS. WM CAHNS Js the -I place where you can find 7*, 7),, 2homp- son Glove Pilling, and If artiers Corsets. àü v V : h Remember! - WM. CAHNS is ihe LOA OAK See Mr. Spencers notice offering line »lock for sale. Levy Bros. & Welsch arc exhibiting a 11 pound sweet potato, raised by I. Barlaud, of district 5. There lias been no raiu here 6iucc Sept. 12th, ami tho dust is suffocating. A shower is beginning to fall as wc "o to press. There will be service at the Episco- pal church next Sunday at 11 oclock u. in., ami at 7:80 p. in., conducted by the lier. Mr. Burry, of Birmingham. Tin: iTRfCAL.The 1rescot t-Mac- l.vnii dniumttc company played Wed- lie-day night to a very full house. Other companies are arranging to vfl»- ii Port (UUou *0011. The swallows begau to leavo for parts unknown »bout ten days ago, and tin ir numbers arc daily thinning. A good many yet remain, but the larger portion have already departed soutint ai d. Kino's DauohtkhsScpiKR.The •liH-murliand Whatsoeverdr- eh- ot the King's Daughters will give an oyster supper at the old Wharton store, Thursday evening. Oct. 20th. Every body invited. The Iowa Kxcr union ist*.Prépa- rai ion« are being made to receive ami entertain in a suitable manner the northern gentlemen who will make a brief stop here on the 28th insL Full- er particulars uext week. Subscribers to this paper will please remember that it is timo to setllo their newspaper accounts. A great many people arc indebted to tho Reveille aud hardly any of them are paying up. bet ail concerned act on this hint. See the advertisement of G. T. Tal- bert, whose great inducements in the wav of new goods and low pricos are attracting many customers. Buying ami -düng only for cash he is able to "Her tempting bargains. Give him a place where you can find afull slock hard- ware. vm. "f c I ««E. KIEFER tX» WM. CAHNS Is the L E place for furniture, trunks, valises ard mailing. I M KEEPS------------ WANTED! WM, CAHNS Is the nlace lo find a full stock and best grade grocej ics. Programm* Of a meeting to be held nt Herman- ! To Confederate »temp, and will« 11..>.t;„i ,, _,.i. .1 tit., li. _ ' money. Also old U. S. stamps and envelopes Ville Baptist church on tho fifth Sun- j from 1912 to MME [Let stamps stay on envel- day Iu Oct. and Saturday before. j ope*.] Will pay best prices for all of above. Subject No. 1. Who should become ,«r «end by malt to nr. Henry C. Pope,at church members. Joseph Buckles, J. Dmg Store. Port Gibron. agi.-im II Purser. Subject No. 2. Should church mem- bers visit place* ot worldly amuse- ment, J. E. Lowe, W. B. Thompson, J. W. Crewsc, T. J. Marliu, J. A. Lord. Subject No. 8. E The Choicest Fancy Groceries I m WM. CAHNS Is the place to buy the best wagofi, the celebrated Tennessee. WM. CAHNS Is the place to sell cotton or any other produce at the highest price. Shoes ! Shoes Ï Posters Flours In \ V \, L/ / At Bernheimers. ÖAK. Tho difference be- tween conviction and conversion. J. C. Fairer, W. W. Bolls. Subject No. 4. Relation of church oud Suudav School. W. S. Rogers, J. W. Clark, J. W. Patrick. Subject No. 6. What have wo done for the cause of Christ in tiio world. J. E. Lowe, J. II. Purser, II. T. Lewis, J. J. Etnbry, S. R. Young. HAND SEWED. MACHINE SEWED. and------ F H Ziegler, Douglas and other popu- lar makes. t Best and most complete assort- ment for ladies, misses, men, boys and children ever exhibited in our city. 0. K.LARD Always on Hand ! .. i A R William Cahn. Ice-Cream Freezers E J. II. Pl KSKR, II. T. Lkwis, Committee. E ----- and----- D Trustees Sate. By virtne of the power vested in me by s mortgage, with power of appointment snd »ale, and an appointment thereunder, ».id mortgage being on record in deed book 3D page« 862 et Keep-, and given by Baratt W. French in favor of A.L and J. A. Lejeune, default having been mal« in the payment of the note» therein men- tioned, the undersigned trnatee appointed by the benefleurie» to exeente »aid mortgage, will, on 1ST MONDAY AND 7TH DAY 0? NOVEM- BER, 1*92, «eil at public auction for ca»h to the highest bidder, at the court bouse door of Clai- borne county, within the legal hour»,the follow- ing real estate lying in Claiborne county,Mia»., to-wit : 43 18-100 acre» in aonth ea»t quarter ; 13 97-100 acres in sontn we«t qr,; 9 50-100 acre, in north we«t qr., and 20 50-100 acres in north east qr., ail in section 5, township 11, range 4 east. Alao 9 acres in north weat qr. of section 4, township 11, rango 4 cast; in all 96 15-100 acres. All more fnlly described in said mort- gage to which reference is made for full des- cription. E. 8 A J. T. Drake, Attorney». Oct. 7th, 1892-4 Our fall and winter good» are be- ginning to arrive, and will keep coining in until erery department of our business is replenished with fresh stock. As for prices, we sim- ply ask you to call and sec for your- selves how low goods can be sold in Port Gibson. The Orest Excursion. Tbc Illinois Central railroad will ruu a special excursion from the West through this slate iu about three weeks, bringing capitalists from Iowa, Illinois nud Wisconsin. These gentle- iiicu will examine the country aloug the route, notiug the inducements of- fered by the various localities to capi- talists seeking a field for investment. This train will reach Port Gibson on tlic 28th of October at 8:30 a. m., re- maining two Lours. Arrangements should bo made lo receive the visitors hospitably aud sot betöre them the ad- vantages possessed by our town and couuty. Tho Illinois Central has guar- anteed them bospitablo treatment everywhere, aud our citizens should make this pledge good. B Steam »1*4 Ware* w a A C E SOLE AGENT Laz Levys Sons. E E BERNHEIMERS CHARTER OAK STOVES Large, elegant and well assorted stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now complete. Selling rapidly. All are invited to call early before the choicest goods are gone. S. BERNHEIMER & SONS. AJutjjU W'/. v' . ----- AND- OAK »A m call. PRATT'S FOOD. A. R. JONES. Truatee. U Closed by Attachment. Last Saturday the grocery busiucss of W. J. Mason was closed by attachment »'"I i- now in the hands of the sheriff. The stock will be sold at auction on •ho -1st of this month. Mr. M«sous [mud* regret the misfortune that has Befallen him. V//n t T I #v'- Important to Housekeepers! High Class Tailoring FOR RENT PLANTATION ! FOR SALEHORSE! Writ of Attachment. Applicants for TeachersLicense, Take Notice! The examinations for license will tako place in the oonrt-room at Pôrt Gibaon aa follow« : COLOREDHept. 30th, Oct. 1st. and Oct. 28th. 2#tb. WHITESSept. 23rd, 24(h, and Oct. 21at, 22nd. Exercise« will begin promptly at S o'clock a. m., and all applicants moil be present when the first topic is placed on the board», aa each topic most be flniahed in the time assigned to it. CJTAprucAHTH AKunao arm 9 a.m.will n* Too latx roa adxdmio*. No stationery will furnished by the ooanty for other than official answers. CHAH. K. REGAN, Co. Superintendent. Teachers will give attention to ro- cent decisiou ol State Board of Educa- tion, below : Licenses heretofore oudorsod nro no longer valid. Holders of unexpired and renewed licenses must bo exam- ined in October on tbo two new BRANCHES.Is the only kind we do here. Our stock of Imported Suitings, Trous- erings and Vestings is complete, and if you will call and leave your measure we will GUARANTEE YOU PERFECT SATISFACTION as to fit, style, quality and price. Samples by mail. Dont Fail to See and Examine State or Mimnwirri, I OotntiT Jor CLAiBoaxt. f To the Groton Bridge aud Manufacturing Com- pany, Tompkins County, New York : Tako notice that a writ of attachment ha* la- med ont of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Claiborne Couuty, Htete of Miaahwip- pi. at the suit of Robert W. Curtis against the eeute. real and personal, of the Groton Bridge and Maun facto ring Company of the town of Groton, Tompkins County, State of New York, for the ram of Six Thousand Dollars and ousts of court : and that the aaid attachment anit pending in the Cirenlt Coart of aaid Claiborne County, Stete of Mimimippi, and that unleM the Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Compa- ny aforesaid appear on the let day of the Janu- ary term of said c ircuit Court, said term com- mencing on the 2nd Monday of January, 1893- and plead to aaid action, lodgment will be en- tered and the estate attached will be sold. Garnishment under aaid attachment ha« also been iaraed again»t the Port Gibson Bank, the Board of Supervinora of aaid <'laiberM QmtpSf and also the County of Claiborne, State afore- said. Witneaa my hand ihia 2Sth day nt Septem- ber, 1892. W. D. PATTERSON, sep 28-4. Clerk. Tho umlersigucd offers tor reut h plantation known as the Ilagsda placo near Inglesidc station. Place is well tenced and improved, with good residence and tenant houses. For terms apply to oc7-4ni is A Fine Hone. Fast racker and good trotter. The MEMPHI !” Ic » Reasonable price. Apply to Iort Gibson is not tho only town in the Hinte that is givou over to the dep- tyilntioiis of hordes ot cows. Oyslal Springs Meteor says : -The town cow has finished tho consumption of the slirwbbofy in the parks. The Celebrated Cooking Stove I Tho Latest & Newest Thing Out ! The Wonder of the Age !C. B. WHARTON, At Martin's Office. R. H. RAGSDALE, Iuglcside Station, Miss. The Hotel Piazza! Has more modern Improvements of real merit than any other Stove. Mas tho only perfect system of Venti- lation through fire br.cks, cross pieces and oven. Saves Money, Fuel, Labor. -----FOR SALE BY----- Notice to Tax Payers. The asHemment roll« of town of Port Gibaon are now complete and open one month for in- spection and correction. Call at the mayor» office. By order of board of mayor and aider- men. T. M. RE A, Marshal and Tax Collector. Warner & Searles Co., Vicksburg, Miss. Beautiful resorts despoiled by Worlbicsts quadrupeds.CENTRALLY LOCATED And convenient to both Railroads : and : Steamers. County Registration. Tiio following is official : Disl. 1White.......................... Colored...................... Knle Harris, a colored woman of mat ago, tlictl Tuesday moruiug iu I ort Gibson. Report puts her age at Myears; but while this will be (eived with doubt, sho was probably lll»«ai il* ol 90. Sho remembered weil ";c" « caiiebrtko covered nearly the "Me of ihe prcseul site of Tort Gib- Oct. 3rd, 18924 .237 . 68 t* FOR SALERESIDENCE. rc- -A. New Hotel 295 I. E. KELLEY, Mrs. 8. J. Backs residence on Church street u for sale. Easy term«. Apply to MRS. 8. J. BUCK. With Modem Improvement«. VINCENT PIAZZA, Proprietor. VICKSBURG, : MISSISSIPPI. Disk 2—Whito.. Colored. 64 1 u son. *ep9-4 AT BERNHEIMERS 56 Akmy Rwiurrre.Last Saturday Md Lieut. J. W. Watson sent off to l|crsou barracks, ucar St Louis, *!?Vcu lnCH, 5 whites and 6 blacks, he had enlisted iu the regular i(rvic®. The whites wero Messrs. ,, iw of Copiah comity, Garrotte of «iPîî*.1 kl>rh'g«, Long, latclv ol Flori- Ui,>bal! ftU,i |81.ac, of 1,ort UiUoiK Kew Store ! New Goods ! New Prices ! 183 Disk 8White... Colored. Builders, for L. F. BROWN Bucklsn'i Arnica Salve. The beat mlve in the world for cate, bruise« •ore«, aloer*, «alt rheum, fever «ore«, tetter, chapped hand«, chilblains, corn«, and all skin eruptions, and positively enre« pile«, required. It is guaranteed to give perfect *at- iafaction, or money refunded. Price 25 een I* per box. Por «ale by J. A. Bhreve mar41y i 18 « Judgment 410.00 Lumber, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Nails, Doors, Bash, Flooring, BuildersTools, Call on LAZ LEVT8 SONS. « « L. N. O. A T. Railway Co. 0. A. ilYNL'M A beautiful »election of Silk-Warp Henriettas, in all the new and stylish shades. 146 ! Judgment §16.00 va. or no pay DisL 4—Whito . Colored. 166 Same. The Backet Store Is now with yoa. üd vaine« and bed rockprices Wo offer for ready pay. We don't give credit to any one; we un- derbuy and undersell for cash only. Come and when yen are looking for real, genuine bargain«? New goods arriving almost every day at price« that no oampetilTon can touch. We are backed by the great merchant prince of New Yoik City, Mr. Chas. Broadway Room,who la worth miUiooa. He tolls ha to «ell the good« and he will keep ne supplied. Do yon want any further evidence of our ability to aerve you? Come and aee ns and look through our stock, get our prices and then go home and scatter the news among yonr neighbors. C. T. TALBERT, MAIN STREET, UNDER INHEEL ESS HOTEL. ootl4-3m 24 u C. A* ETYNUM ! Judgment §25.00 n 189 Same. To January term, A. D., 1898, Claiborne ooun- ty circuit court. By virtue of the above executions to me di- rected from the clerk of tbe circuit court of Claiborne county, Miaateaippi. 1 will, on MON- DAY, THE THIRD DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D., 1892, proceed to sell, at the front door the court bouse iu Port Giheon, Mi«*i«aippi,_ following described lands, to wit: Partofeqr.3 and out lots M M of tho old town of Port Oibeoa. The same having been levied upon as the prop erty of the above nested defendant*, to aattsfy the above stated see u* Chancery Summons. Tbs Stars or Muwiwim, I To Tho«. P. Leather«, j Yon are commanded to appear before the chancery court of tbe coonty of clalborne. in •aid state, on tbe 3RD MONDAY OF *• .141 Dist. 6White .... * Colored.... CohiMHua Day.The memory of L Kreut navigator will be honored ot exercises iu tho cha|>ol ... T female College next Friday tl nt half-past seven oclock, ''tv being tho four hundredth au- Tl»i , a, v.°11,10 discovery ol America. Drin.'- Ul1' bo short addresses by Stio,1 cil,MMa» wlth ,,,U8ic and . 27 V 1 Imported Cashimeres, 168 V .......... 863 Total Registration ............. Tbo highly impertinent Tariff Re- form league of Now England wants to know why McKinley strudNdl the sugar tax which yielded our govern- ment an annual rcveuue of $53,886,- 878 if tbo foreigner pays the tax. Was Mr. McKinley cndcavoriug to relieve the foreigner from paying this noat sum to our government ?-Memphis Appeal-Avalanche. NOVEM- 1892, to defend tbe suit iu «aid court of Peraon et al, wherein you are a defend- A. K JONES, Clerk. J McC. Martin, Attorney. Bedford Cords and Freneli and German flannels, FOR SALERESIDENCE. ? ». ■M. A nice new reaidenoe of 8 room«, in the best part of town. Cheap, and terms easy. Apply E. 8. A J. T. DRAKE. Oct. 7th, 1892-4 'If men la and ail coats 8. WALKER, Sheriff. •ngSl-S ilic full programme will l*i.i 'V,,n®°d In this paper next week. Witr/iî.0 *^IO(d No. 2 will also cole- * nul HO! °fCft»ion st 11 oclock the r*«i,«iiIOlll",,?^ addresses, singing, Sou elc* Th0 «croises will coüiii, u ,u t*lC Miool house and tvill to be 1.! IL C. MOUNGfcit, Attorney for Ptaintiff*. September 30, 18934 Stylish dress trimmings, velvets, braids, Russian bands, etc. selected with the greatest care and attention. Bound to please. Laz Levys Sons Handle Smith SonsGin Stand, the best stand on the market for long or short staple cotton. For Sale ! Two cane-bottom barber chairs. They hav« been used but are in good coudilten. Will he at a bargain, either toga!her or separate- ly. Apply at REVEILLE OFiicE. May 11, i»t«. Seated Proposals Wanted. Scaled proposals tor repairing Barlaud creek bridge will be received by the board of super- viaors at their regular November meeting. A. K. J0NE8, Clerk. All FINE SHOW ÜÄSES. Cahn keep« an A No. 1 stock fur- uiture on hand. The public arc Sjr Ask for catalogua. TERRY MFG GO., NAOHVithE. Tim« . invited to attend. Oct. 7, 1892-3 ■i 3 m 3 *T ^ K yr hi***'? * S' « . v . Clerk.

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Page 1: j The Choicest Fancy Groceries K D T I Kxcr...gucsls of Mrs. Lu. IjCVv. W. S. lïrord left yesterday for Sum mit where bis father lies very ill. nro Special Notice. The undersigned


ghrç $cüfille. Prof Ltoky End« Hl« Life,Tlio dead body of Prof. I^cky,

priiidp*1 ol Woodlawn Insiitufe, o( U 5 «lion,Mo,wm found «bout 8 o’clock

. "!£n,.l“f 1,1 *be «(«bio loft near tbc acliool building. A case kuifo Hincar- cd with blood up tbo handle was found near tbo dead man, aud two hole*, one on each aide of tbo neck, showed where iho life blood, «till wann and staining iho floor, had flowed out. It was a ghastly sight. The head was slightly turned and the countenance betokened that the last agonies had boeu intense. Everything indicated a deliberate aud desperate caso of suicide. Ho had rtiu a case- knife through ids neck. Prof. Ix*cky had uot been feeling well the night previous and took calomel. At 6 o’clock yesterday morning he dressed and went out. lie was seen no mere until bis body was fouud in the barn loit. Tbo dead mau was considorod an easy-going, mild-mannered, edu­cated guutleinau of 65 years of age, aud was uot known to bate any trou­bles, real or imaginary, lie came from Ysr.oo City, Mis*, several mouths ago, bringing splendid recommenda­tions as an educator, and took charge of Woodlawn Institute, a newly organ­ized school. He lias a family consist­ing of a wilo and two daughters, cider of whom is 19 years of age. Sev­eral of the pupils report that tho prin­cipal had uot been tiding in bis natu­ral way lor soverni days before the tragic event of yesterday. People liv­ing near by also now recall that for several days tho profossor acted aud conversed in an absout-minded


William Calm GRAND OPENINGTemperature noted specially forttaeBisvKiLL* at 8 p. m. dally, from best self-registering instnwou, exposed 111 tho open air.

Moon Fall Moon Oat. 6tb; new moon 2ffil:.UOT.


■HThu Cotton Market.—New O'r-

Icsns quotations yesterday : 1-16 low- cr middling 7J ceuta ; futures dosed steady at 10 potals lower.


MAX. MIH. WSATHBM.ClearClearClearClear(SearClearTwo-thirds cloudy

WM. CAHN’S AMc Of our millinery department will take place next Tuesday, 18th. Our entire stock will be on display. You are invited to see some of the very latest hats and bonnets displayed in your city. Also a splendid line of Dress Goods, and all the very latest trimmings to match.

Shoes—The winter is near at hand and your children need shoes. We have them in lace and button at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 for a durable andwell-fitting. For ladies and misses we are equally well prepared. $1.50 buys a real nice dress shoe, and $2.50 and $2.75 buys the world-renound J. & T. Cousins and other reliable makes.

86 518 80 56» 78 43

10 81 8811 88 4212 87 4U13 87 03

place to buy cheap.WM. CAHN’S is the

IIplace to find all you want.

\W. li. Levy aud wife, of Vicksburg, gucsls of Mrs. Lu. IjCVv.

W. S. lïrord left yesterday for Sum­mit where bis father lies very ill.

Special Notice.nroThe undersigned will close his busi­

ness st the cud of this mouth. Quite a large number of persous owe him bar-bills, and ho requests all such to come forward promptly aud setllc the same. Ilo hopes that Ibose be trusted will require uo further urging; ami he stands ready at tho same timo to pay any bill that ho may owe.

WM. CAHN’S is iheplace to rely on what is recommended.

Mis-s Annie Kelledy has returned visit to Haltimorc friends.from a

Mr. ami Mrs. T.awrcnco Pearson ar­rived''Sunday night from St. Louis. WM. CAHN’S Is the

place to find the tat- e.tl styles.

Kev. J. A. It. Jones and wife, of Hol­ton. spent yesterday at tho old home.

K. h Brown, lately visiting his un­cle, K. M. Barber, departed Mondayfor St. Louis.

W. T. Morris is now with G. T. Talbert and will be pleased to have bis old friends call.

Our former townsman, S. S. Pattcr- Mm, of Vicksburg, is spendiug a few,l*ys with friends here.

John McDougall, Jr,left Sunday for Xe« Orleans w here ho has secured a place in a commission house.

J. N. Brnshcar, Jr, is now at Forest City, Arkansas, lie is principal ot a large public school there, having sixiiKsUtaut teachers.

Mrs. E. W. («ibert, of the Shaw New ».spent Wednesday with .Mr. ami Mrs. Barber. She Ims w son at Cham­berlain-Hunt Academy.

Or. Meredith I). Jones, formerly of Claiborne county, has been made pro­fessor ot diseases of the car iu BarnesMedical College, St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McGill of St. Jos­eph. their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Murdock, aud their sou Nat, arrived a few days ago. gucsls of J. D. Wood und J. il. Oaujcan.

Miss Xcllic Bea has returned from a visit to Copiah idatives,bringing back with her three cousins, Miss Sarah Ken <>t Pennsylvania, ami Miss Ellen Uca aud George Carter ot Copiah.

D. II. SMITH.Oct. 14th, 1892. WM. CAHN’S Is the

place where you can .send your child to buy.

Clothing!-:-aotMngAt Bernheimer’s I

WM. CAHN’S Is theFinest Makes, and at the

Most Reasonable Prices.place to find the larg­est slock dress goods.


1WM. CAHN’S Is theAn assortment of men’s, boys’,

youths’ and children’s,unsurpassed in any market, and offered at pop­ular prices.

place lo find the best assortment of shoes.

WM. CAHN’S Jstheplace to find the larg­est slock of men9s and boysJ clothing.

way.The consensus of opinion is that tho deceased man was dissatisfied with the contract ho had signed with the direc­tory of tho institute, ami that his trou­bles were of a fluancinl character.—St. Louis Globc-Dcmocrnl, Sept. SO.

The St. Louis Republic's correspond­ent says:

“Prot. Leek y had been showiug signs of an unbalanced aud decaying iutclioct for some time past, and his queer actions caused soino comment. Ho had many warm friends ntnong the pcoplo of O’Fallon, however, ami his eccentric ways were overlooked iu the hope that they were only caused l»y temporary ill health.”

Tbo deceased lived in Port Gibson from September, 1879, to Juue, 1888, being principal of Chamberlain* Hunt Academy, lie was also an elder in the Presbyterian church. During his stay here he won universal esteem and his tragic death is sincerely la­mented.

He was a Virginian, a graduate of Washington & Iæo University, and wheu the war broke out ho served gallantly iu the Confederate aimy. At the battle of Gettysburg bo was shot through the body, from which wouud be uever entirely recovered.

Queen of sewing machines is the Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. Easy runner, rapid,noiseless and not ex­pensive. Also the New Home. At Goepel’s.

Full line Butterick Patterns sent to us with the Metropolitan each month free. Heidenreich Bros.

What is the u*e of allowing the flies aud mosquitoes to botbor you alien you can make yourself com­fortable by buying screen doors and screen windows from Wm. Cahn ?

The vory best sawed and hand- drawn shingles to he had at

Wm. Caiix’s.

The New York Musical Month­ly can be ordered through K. E. Donaldson, Natchez. Price $1.50 per year with one piece of new music.

The very best sawed and hand- drawn shingles to he had at

Wm. Cah.n’s.

WM. CAHN’S Is theplace where you can have a suit made lo order of the vety best imported cassimere.

HEIDENREICH BROS.WM CAHN’S Js the -Iplace where you can find 7*, 7),, 2homp- son Glove Pilling, and If artier’s Corsets.

àü v V :

h Remember! • -WM. CAHN’S is ihe LOAOAKSee Mr. Spencer’s notice offering

line »lock for sale.

Levy Bros. & Welsch arc exhibiting a 11 pound sweet potato, raised by I. Barlaud, of district 5.

There lias been no raiu here 6iucc Sept. 12th, ami tho dust is suffocating. A shower is beginning to fall as wc"o to press.

There will be service at the Episco­pal church next Sunday at 11 o’clock u. in., ami at 7:80 p. in., conducted by the lier. Mr. Burry, of Birmingham.

Tin: iTRfCAL.—The 1‘rescot t-Mac- l.vnii dniumttc company played Wed- lie-day night to a very full house. Other companies are arranging to vfl»-ii Port (UUou *0011.

The swallows begau to leavo for parts unknown »bout ten days ago, and tin ir numbers arc daily thinning. A good many yet remain, but the larger portion have already departed soutint ai d.

Kino's Dauohtkhs’ Scpi’KR.—The ‘•liH-murli’’ and “Whatsoever” dr­eh- ot the King's Daughters will give an oyster supper at the old Wharton store, Thursday evening. Oct. ‘20th. Every body invited.

The Iowa Kxcr union ist*.—Prépa­rai ion« are being made to receive ami entertain in a suitable manner the northern gentlemen who will make a brief stop here on the 28th insL Full­er particulars uext week.

Subscribers to this paper will please remember that it is timo to setllo their newspaper accounts. A great many people arc indebted to tho Reveille aud hardly any of them are paying up. bet ail concerned act on this hint.

See the advertisement of G. T. Tal­bert, whose great inducements in the wav of new goods and low pricos are attracting many customers. Buying ami -düng only for cash he is able to "Her tempting bargains. Give him a

place where you can find a full slock hard­ware.

vm.• "f

cI««E. KIEFER tX»WM. CAHN’S Is theL Eplace for furniture,

trunks, valises ard mailing. I M

KEEPS------------WANTED! WM, CAHN’S Is thenlace lo find a full stock and best grade grocej ics.

Programm*Of a meeting to be held nt Herman- ! To Confederate »temp, andwill« 11..>.t;„i ,, _,.i. .1 tit., li. _ ' money. Also old U. S. stamps and envelopesVille Baptist church on tho fifth Sun- j from 1912 to MME [Let stamps stay on envel- day Iu Oct. and Saturday before. j ope*.] Will pay best prices for all of above.

Subject No. 1. Who should become ,«r «end by malt to nr. Henry C. Pope,at church members. Joseph Buckles, J. Dmg Store. Port Gibron. agi.-im

II Purser.Subject No. 2. Should church mem­

bers visit place* ot worldly amuse­ment, J. E. Lowe, W. B. Thompson,J. W. Crewsc, T. J. Marliu, J. A.Lord.

Subject No. 8.


The Choicest Fancy Groceries Im

WM. CAHN’S Is theplace to buy the best wagofi, the celebrated Tennessee.

WM. CAHN’S Is theplace to sell cotton or any other produce at the highest price.

Shoes ! Shoes ÏPosters Flours In\ V \, L/ /

At Bernheimer’s.ÖAK.Tho difference be­

tween conviction and conversion. J. C. Fairer, W. W. Bolls.

Subject No. 4. Relation of church oud Suudav School. W. S. Rogers, J. W. Clark, J. W. Patrick.

Subject No. 6. What have wo done for the cause of Christ in tiio world. J. E. Lowe, J. II. Purser, II. T. Lewis, J. J. Etnbry, S. R. Young.


F HZiegler, Douglas and other popu­lar makes.t

Best and most complete assort­ment for ladies, misses, men, boys and children ever exhibited in our city.

0. K.” LARD Always on Hand !..

i ARWilliam Cahn. Ice-Cream Freezers EJ. II. Pl KSKR,

II. T. Lkwis, Committee. E -----and----- DTrustee’s Sate.

By virtne of the power vested in me by s mortgage, with power of appointment snd »ale, and an appointment thereunder, ».id mortgage being on record in deed book 3D page« 862 et Keep-, and given by Baratt W. French in favor of A.L and J. A. Lejeune, default having been mal« in the payment of the note» therein men­tioned, the undersigned trnatee appointed by the bene fleurie» to exeente »aid mortgage, will, on 1ST MONDAY AND 7TH DAY 0? NOVEM­BER, 1*92, «eil at public auction for ca»h to the highest bidder, at the court bouse door of Clai­borne county, within the legal hour»,the follow­ing real estate lying in Claiborne county,Mia»., to-wit : 43 18-100 acre» in aonth ea»t quarter ; 13 97-100 acres in sontn we«t qr,; 9 50-100 acre, in north we«t qr., and 20 50-100 acres in north east qr., ail in section 5, township 11, range 4 east. Alao 9 acres in north weat qr. of section 4, township 11, rango 4 cast; in all 96 15-100 acres. All more fnlly described in said mort­gage to which reference is made for full des­cription.E. 8 A J. T. Drake, Attorney».

Oct. 7th, 1892-4

Our fall and winter good» are be­ginning to arrive, and will keep coining in until erery department of our business is replenished with fresh stock. As for prices, we sim­ply ask you to call and sec for your­selves how low goods can be sold in Port Gibson.

The Orest Excursion.Tbc Illinois Central railroad will

ruu a special excursion from the West through this slate iu about three weeks, bringing capitalists from Iowa, Illinois nud Wisconsin. These gentle- iiicu will examine the country aloug the route, notiug the inducements of­fered by the various localities to capi­talists seeking a field for investment.

This train will reach Port Gibson on tlic 28th of October at 8:30 a. m., re­maining two Lours. Arrangements should bo made lo receive the visitors hospitably aud sot betöre them the ad­vantages possessed by our town and couuty. Tho Illinois Central has guar­anteed them bospitablo treatment everywhere, aud our citizens should make this pledge good.

B Steam »1*4 Ware* waA

C ESOLE AGENTLaz Levy’s Sons.

E EBERNHEIMER’S CHARTER OAK STOVESLarge, elegant and well assorted stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now complete. Selling rapidly. All are invited to call early before the choicest goods are gone.


AJutjjUW'/.v' .


OAK »A mcall. PRATT'S FOOD.A. R. JONES. Truatee. U

Closed by Attachment. — Last Saturday the grocery busiucss of W. J. Mason was closed by attachment »'"I i- now in the hands of the sheriff. The stock will be sold at auction on •ho -1st of this month. Mr. M«sou’s [mud* regret the misfortune that has Befallen him.

V//nt T I #v'- ’

Important to Housekeepers!High Class Tailoring FOR RENT — PLANTATION ! FOR SALE—HORSE! Writ of Attachment.Applicants for Teachers’ License, Take Notice!

The examinations for license will tako place in the oonrt-room at Pôrt Gibaon aa follow« :

COLORED—Hept. 30th, Oct. 1st. and Oct. 28th. 2#tb.

WHITES—Sept. 23rd, 24(h, and Oct. 21at, 22nd.

Exercise« will begin promptly at S o'clock a. m., and all applicants moil be present when the first topic is placed on the board», aa each topic most be flniahed in the time assigned to it. CJTAprucAHTH AKunao arm 9 a.m.will n* Too latx roa adxdmio*.

No stationery will b« furnished by the ooanty for other than official answers.

CHAH. K. REGAN,Co. Superintendent.

Teachers will give attention to ro- cent decisiou ol State Board of Educa­tion, below :

“Licenses heretofore oudorsod nro no longer valid. Holders of unexpired and renewed licenses must bo exam­ined in October on tbo two new BRANCHES.”

Is the only kind we do here. Our stock of Imported Suitings, Trous­erings and Vestings is complete, and if you will call and leave your measure we will GUARANTEE YOU PERFECT SATISFACTION as to fit, style, quality and price. Samples by mail.

Don’t Fail to See and Examine State or Mimnwirri, I OotntiT Jor CLAiBoaxt. f To the Groton Bridge aud Manufacturing Com­

pany, Tompkins County, New York :Tako notice that a writ of attachment ha* la­

med ont of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Claiborne Couuty, Htete of Miaahwip- pi. at the suit of Robert W. Curtis against the eeute. real and personal, of the Groton Bridge and Maun facto ring Company of the town of Groton, Tompkins County, State of New York, for the ram of Six Thousand Dollars and ousts of court : and that the aaid attachment anit I« pending in the Cirenlt Coart of aaid Claiborne County, Stete of Mimimippi, and that unleM the Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Compa­ny aforesaid appear on the let day of the Janu­ary term of said c ircuit Court, said term com­mencing on the 2nd Monday of January, 1893- and plead to aaid action, lodgment will be en­tered and the estate attached will be sold.

Garnishment under aaid attachment ha« also been iaraed again»t the Port Gibson Bank, the Board of Supervinora of aaid <'laiberM QmtpSf and also the County of Claiborne, State afore­said.

Witneaa my hand ihia 2Sth day nt Septem­ber, 1892. W. D. PATTERSON,

sep 28-4. Clerk.

Tho umlersigucd offers tor reut h plantation known as the Ilagsda placo near Inglesidc station. Place is well tenced and improved, with good residence and tenant houses. For terms apply to


isA Fine Hone. Fast racker and good trotter.The “MEMPHI !”Ic »

Reasonable price. Apply toI’ort Gibson is not tho only town in

the Hinte that is givou over to the dep- tyilntioiis of hordes ot cows.Oyslal Springs Meteor says :

-The town cow has finished tho consumption of the slirwbbofy in theparks.

The Celebrated Cooking Stove ITho Latest & Newest Thing Out !

The “Wonder of the Age !”


At Martin's Office.R. H. RAGSDALE,

Iuglcside Station, Miss.The

Hotel Piazza!Has more modern Improvements of real merit than any

other Stove.Mas tho only perfect system of Venti­

lation through fire br.cks, cross pieces and oven.

Saves Money, Fuel, Labor.-----FOR SALE BY-----

Notice to Tax Payers.The asHemment roll« of town of Port Gibaon

are now complete and open one month for in­spection and correction. Call at the mayor’» office. By order of board of mayor and aider- men. T. M. RE A,

Marshal and Tax Collector.

Warner & Searles Co., Vicksburg, Miss.

Beautiful resorts despoiled byWorlbicsts quadrupeds.” CENTRALLY LOCATED

And convenient to both

Railroads : and : Steamers.

County Registration.

Tiio following is official :Disl. 1—White..........................


Knle Harris, a colored woman of mat ago, tlictl Tuesday moruiug iu I ort Gibson. Report puts her age at Myears; but while this will be (eived with doubt, sho was probably lll»«ai il* ol 90. Sho remembered weil ";‘c" « caiiebrtko covered nearly the "Me of ihe prcseul site of Tort Gib-

Oct. 3rd, 1892—4.237. 68t*


-A. New Hotel295

I. E. KELLEY,Mrs. 8. J. Back’s residence on Church street u for sale. Easy term«. Apply to

MRS. 8. J. BUCK.

With Modem Improvement«.


Disk 2—Whito..Colored.


son.*ep9-4 AT BERNHEIMER’S56Akmy Rwiurrre.—Last Saturday

Md Lieut. J. W. Watson sent off to l|‘crsou barracks, ucar St Louis,

*!?Vcu lnCH, 5 whites and 6 blacks, M» he had enlisted iu the regular

i(rvic®. The whites wero Messrs. ,, iw of Copiah comity, Garrotte of «iPîî*.1 kl>rh'g«, Long, latclv ol Flori-Ui,>bal! ftU,i |81.ac, of 1,ort UiUoiK

Kew Store !New Goods !

New Prices !

183Disk 8—White... Colored.

Builders, for L. F. BROWNBucklsn'i Arnica Salve.The beat mlve in the world for cate, bruise«

•ore«, aloer*, «alt rheum, fever «ore«, tetter, chapped hand«, chilblains, corn«, and all skin eruptions, and positively enre« pile«, required. It is guaranteed to give perfect *at- iafaction, or money refunded. Price 25 een I* per box. Por «ale by J. A. Bhreve mar41y

i18«Judgment 410.00Lumber,




Flooring,Builders’ Tools,


« «L. N. O. A T. Railway Co.

0. A. ilYNL'MA beautiful »election of Silk-Warp

Henriettas, in all the new

and stylish shades.

146 ! Judgment §16.00va.or no payDisL 4—Whito .Colored.

166 Same.The Backet Store Is now with yoa. üd vaine« and “bed rock” prices

Wo offer for ready

pay. We don't give credit to any one; we un­derbuy and undersell for cash only. Come and

when yen are looking for real, genuine bargain«? New goods arriving almost every day at price« that no oampetilTon can touch. We are backed by the great merchant prince of New Y oik City, Mr. Chas. Broadway Room,who la worth miUiooa. He tolls ha to «ell the good« and he will keep ne supplied. Do yon want any further evidence of our ability to aerve you?

Come and aee ns and look through our stock, get our prices and then go home and scatter the news among yonr neighbors.



24uC. A* ETYNUM !■

Judgment §25.00n189 Same.

To January term, A. D., 1898, Claiborne ooun- ty circuit court.By virtue of the above executions to me di­

rected from the clerk of tbe circuit court of Claiborne county, Miaateaippi. 1 will, on MON­DAY, THE THIRD DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D., 1892, proceed to sell, at the front door the court bouse iu Port Giheon, Mi«*i«aippi,_ following described lands, to wit: Partofeqr.3 and out lots M M of tho old town of Port Oibeoa. The same having been levied upon as the prop erty of the above nested defendant*, to aattsfy the above stated

see u* Chancery Summons.Tbs Stars or Muwiwim, I

To Tho«. P. Leather«, j Yon are commanded to appear before the

chancery court of tbe coonty of clalborne. in •aid state, on tbe 3RD MONDAY OF

*•.141Dist. 6—White .... * Colored....CohiMHua Day.—The memory of

L Kreut navigator will be honored ot exercises iu tho cha|>ol... T female College next Friday tl nt half-past seven o’clock,

■ ''tv being tho four hundredth au- Tl»i , a, v.°11,10 discovery ol America. Drin.'- Ul1' bo short addresses byStio“,1 cil,MMa» wlth ,,,U8ic and

. 27 V 1

Imported Cashimeres,168

V..........863Total Registration .............

Tbo highly impertinent Tariff Re­form league of Now England wants to know why McKinley strudNdl the sugar tax which yielded our govern­ment an annual rcveuue of $53,886,- 878 if tbo foreigner pays the tax. Was Mr. McKinley cndcavoriug to relieve the foreigner from paying this noat sum to our government ?—-Memphis Appeal-Avalanche.

NOVEM-1892, to defend tbe suit iu «aid court of Peraon et al, wherein you are a defend-

A. K JONES, Clerk.J McC. Martin, Attorney.

Bedford Cords andFreneli and German flannels,



■M.A nice new reaidenoe of 8 room«, in the best

part of town. Cheap, and terms easy. Apply

E. 8. A J. T. DRAKE.

Oct. 7th, 1892-4

'Ifmen la and ail coats 8. WALKER, Sheriff.

•ngSl-Si’lic full programme will

l*i.i 'V,,n®°d In this paper next week. Witr/iî.0 *^IO(d No. 2 will also cole-

* nul HO! °fCft»ion st 11 o’clock ther*«i,«iiIOlll",,?’ ^ addresses, singing,Sou elc* Th0 «croises will

coüiii, u ,u t*lC Miool house and tvill


1.!IL C. MOUNGfcit,Attorney for Ptaintiff*.

September 30, 1893—4Stylish dress trimmings, velvets,

braids, Russian bands, etc.

selected with the greatest care and

attention. Bound to please.

Laz Levy’s SonsHandle Smith Sons’ Gin Stand, the best stand on the market for long or short staple cotton.

For Sale !Two cane-bottom barber chairs. They hav« been used but are in good coudilten. Will he

at a bargain, either toga!her or separate­ly. Apply at REVEILLE OFiicE.

May 11, i»t«.

Seated Proposals Wanted.Scaled proposals tor repairing Barlaud creek

bridge will be received by the board of super- viaors at their regular November meeting.

A. K. J0NE8, Clerk.


FINE SHOW ÜÄSES.Cahn keep« an A No. 1 stock fur- uiture on hand.

The public arc Sjr Ask for catalogua.TERRY M’F’G GO., NAOHVithE. Tim«. invited to attend. Oct. 7, 1892-3

■i 3m 3

*T ^ “K yr hi***'? * S' « .v . Clerk.