i’ve been asked to supervise! now what?

I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What? Lisa McDonald, M.A., CCC-SLP Kelly Harrington, M.A., CCC-SLP The University of North Carolina at Greensboro South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Conference February 7, 2019

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Page 1: I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

Lisa McDonald, M.A., CCC-SLP

Kelly Harrington, M.A., CCC-SLP

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Association

Annual Conference

February 7, 2019

Page 2: I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

Speaker Disclosures▶ Lisa McDonald, M.A., CCC-SLP

▶ Financial Disclosures

▶ Received speaking fee from SCSHA to present at conference

▶ Employed at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

▶ Non-Financial Disclosures

▶ None

▶ Kelly Harrington, M.A., CCC-SLP

▶ Financial Disclosures

▶ Received speaking fee from SCSHA to present at conference

▶ Employed at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

▶ Non-Financial Disclosures

▶ None

Page 3: I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

Learning OutcomesParticipants will:

▶ Describe supervision resources provided by ASHA.

▶ Develop a solution-focused scaling plan to use

during supervision

▶ Design a plan on how to use strategic questioning

and giving/receiving feedback with a supervisee.

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How do you supervise?▶ As you were supervised

▶ As you wish you had been supervised

▶ From the knowledge only a master clinician has

▶ Based on your ideas about what the setting


Are any of these ideas the basis for excellence in


(Hale, 2018)

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How should you supervise?▶ Effective supervision requires a unique set of knowledge

and skills

▶ Supervision is a distinct area of practice

▶ Supervision requires special training in order for the

supervisor to be effective

▶ In other words, being a great clinician doesn't mean you

are automatically a great supervisor.(Hale, 2018)

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History of Supervision▶ Speech-language pathology and audiology were

initially recognized as professions in 1925 & 1946


▶ At that time, supervision was not seen as a distinct

fact of the profession.

▶ Supervision was an assumed role of the clinician.

▶ The term “supervisor” began appearing more

frequently in the literature in 1950.

▶ In the 1970s there was a “surge” of activity in the


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History of Supervision▶ 1972 - Jean Anderson directed the first doctoral

program in supervision at Indiana University

▶ 1974 - ASHA Committee on Supervision in Speech

Pathology and Audiology recommended standards and


▶ 1985 - ASHA published a position statement on clinical


▶ 2004 - American Academy of Audiology published

documents focused on the supervisory process

▶ 2008 - ASHA published a position statement, technical

report and a knowledge and skills document needed by

SLPs providing supervision

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Supervision 2019▶ ASHA Practice Portal - Clinical Education and


▶ https://www.asha.org/Practice-Portal/Professional-


▶ ASHA Professional Development Supervision Courses

▶ https://www.asha.org/professional-


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Changes to Audiology Standards▶ Applicants will need to have or show equivalency to an AUD

degree earned from a CAA-accredited program

▶ Clinical supervisors will have to have a minimum of

▶ Nine months of practice experience post-certification

before serving as a supervisor.

▶ Two hours of professional development in the area of

supervision post-certification before serving as a clinical

supervisor or CF mentor.

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Changes in Audiology Standards▶ The CFCC will no longer prescribe a specific number of hours of

supervised clinical practicum. Applicants and their programs will have

to ensure that their experience meets CAA standards for duration, and

for depth and breadth of knowledge.

▶ Applicants are encouraged to include interprofessional education and

interprofessional practice into their clinical supervised experience.

▶ Applicants who did not complete their entire supervised clinical

experience under an ASHA-certified supervisor can make up the

remainder of their experience post-graduation to meet ASHA

certification standards.

▶ Beginning with the 2020-2022 certification maintenance interval,

certificate holders will have to earn one of their 30 required certification

maintenance hours (CMHs) in Ethics.

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Changes to SLP Standards▶ Clinical supervisors and Clinical Fellowship mentors will

need to have a minimum of:

▶ Nine months practice experience post-certification

before serving as a supervisor.

▶ Two hours of professional development in the area

of supervision post-certification.

▶ Applicants for certification will be required to show

coursework that covers basic physics or chemistry


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Changes to SLP Standards▶ Applicants for certification will be required to show coursework that

covers basic physics or chemistry knowledge.

▶ Knowledge and skills will be refined to include speech sound

production, fluency disorders, literacy, and feeding within the

current nine core content areas.

▶ Applicants are encouraged to include interprofessional education

and interprofessional practice into their clinical practicum and

clinical fellowship experience.

▶ Beginning with the 2020-2022 certification maintenance interval,

certificate holders will have to earn one of their 30 required

certification maintenance hours (CMHs) in Ethics.

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9 Building Blocks of Supervision

▶ Preparation

▶ Initiation

▶ Ongoing

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Preparation▶ Review Requirements

▶ Discuss Prior Experiences

▶ Before arrival

▶ After Arrival

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Initiation▶ Create a Schedule

▶ Be flexible

▶ Be realistic about your commitments

▶ Communicate Expectations

▶ Develop clear expectations

▶ Identify gaps

▶ Develop a plan

▶ Provide Orientation

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Ongoing▶ Establish Goals

▶ Student goals

▶ CF goals

▶ Employee goals

▶ Be flexible - goals change over time

▶ Communicate (CCC)

▶ Provide Education

▶ Provide Practice

▶ Evaluate Progress

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SQF Model of Clinical Teaching▶ This clinical teaching model utilizes very specific skills

for the purpose of moving the student/supervisee toward

achieving clinical autonomy in both skill application and

clinical reasoning.

▶ Supervision

▶ Questioning

▶ Feedback

▶ More info can be found in the ASHA Practice Portal

▶ https://www.asha.org/PRPSpecificTopic.aspx?folderi



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Strategic Questioning▶ What is it?

▶ Consciously adapting the timing, sequencing and

phrasing of questions in order to facilitate student

processing of information at increasingly complex

cognition levels.

▶ The purpose is to:

▶ Actively engage and stimulate the student to use

increasingly complex cognitive processing skills.

▶ Assist the student in developing a model for

thinking to assist with making appropriate clinical

decisions.(Barnum et al.,2015)

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Questioning Level 1▶ Requires the student to recall facts and identify

foundational knowledge.

▶ Establishes the student’s knowledge base and confirms

for the student and the supervisor that the student has

the basic knowledge needed to complete the task at


▶ Examples: What is the goal? What is the best

approach? What is the next step? Identify…? What

factors determine…?

(Barnum et al., 2015)

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Questioning Level 2▶ Requires the student to compare, analyze, synthesize

and apply knowledge.

▶ Transitions the student from using low to high level

cognitive processing skills.

▶ Examples: How do you want to handle the situation?

Which technique should you used based on the

situation?(Barnum et al., 2015)

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Questioning Level 3▶ Requires the student to evaluate information, formulate

plans, infer meaning and/or defend decisions.

▶ Provides opportunity for students to practice and utilize

processing skills vital for developing clinical reasoning

and critical thinking skills.

▶ Examples: Why did you choose…? What happens if…?

▶ These are the most difficult to answer and you do not

need to ask a lot them, just a few well worded and

pointed questions. (Barnum et. al, 2015)

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Feedback▶ Helps to shape learning and skill development

▶ Three types of feedback

▶ Confirming

▶ Corrective

▶ Guiding

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Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

▶ Origins in Brief Family Therapy Center, Milwaukee

▶ Developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg

in early 1980’s

▶ Used with a range of client groups and professionals

from a variety of different backgrounds

▶ Used by SLPs working with a range of speech,

language, and communication problems (Burns,

2005; Cook & Botterill, 2005; McNeill, 2013)

Source: Kelman, E. & Nicholas, A. Stuttering Foundation Eastern

Workshop (2015).

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Using SFBT Scaling as a Supervisor▶ 1-10 Scale

▶ Present to supervisee during initial meeting and

periodically thereafter as needed

▶ 1- “your clinical skills in this setting are the lowest that

they could possibly be”

▶ 10- “you are entirely independent in this setting and are

the clinician you dream to become.”

▶ Where are you today?

▶ What are you ALREADY doing that has put you at a


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Using SFBT Scaling as a Supervisor▶ What will you be doing that will tell you that you have

moved 1 point up on the scale? And what else? And

what else?

▶ Where do you hope to end up on the scale? What

would be “good enough?”

▶ What will that look like? How will you know you have

achieved your ultimate goal? What will you be doing?

▶ If supervisee is at a 1- “How are you getting along

day to day?” Point out strengths and resources.

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Example: Initial Meeting

Where are you today?

▶ 5

What have you already done that has put you at a 5?

▶ I have increased my confidence in creating rapport with

children because of my previous school placement.

▶ I have increased my knowledge of communication


▶ I can organize my thoughts better.

▶ I have learned how to be more efficient.

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Example: Initial Meeting

What will be the small signs of change that will tell you that

you have moved one point up the scale? What will you be

doing when you are at a 6?

▶ I won’t feel as anxious when I am given new clients.

▶ I will know what I don’t know.

▶ I will be more inquisitive and won’t just accept

information given to me.

▶ I will search more for outside information to help my


▶ I will be more comfortable in professional attire.

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Example: Initial Meeting

Where on the scale will be “good enough” for you? 8.5.

What will you be doing then?

▶ I will be more put-together in my professional wardrobe.

▶ I will know what to look for with clients because I will

have had experience with a diverse group of clients.

▶ Oral mech exams and other screening procedures will be

second nature to me.

▶ I will obtaining case history information easily.

▶ I will have a “plan B” intuitively in therapy sessions.

▶ I will become better at branching.

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Supervisor Reflections: Initial Meeting▶ New students or supervisees often have no idea what

they want their goals to be for themselves. They don’t

know what they don’t know!

▶ They are often unsure of what skills are needed in a

new setting to become successful.

▶ The SFBT scaling process often forces them to think

about and articulate what growth will look like in the

new clinical setting.

▶ The targets that supervisees mention in their initial

meeting can be referred to again at a later time to

assess growth.

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Example: Midterm Meeting

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being

the best, where do you see yourself now in terms of

clinical skills? 6.5

What have you already done that has put you at a 6.5?

▶ I have improved my ability to fill out the SOAP notes

(the A and P pieces).

▶ I have increased my knowledge of and ability to model

fluency techniques.

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Example: Midterm Meeting

What have you already done that has put you at a 6.5?

▶ I’m better at thinking about and giving target specific


▶ I’m not as self-conscious and nervous with my


▶ I have more creative ideas to help clients achieve

their goals.

▶ I’m more comfortable using CBT cycle and reframing.

▶ I am becoming more self-aware during sessions.

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Example: Midterm MeetingWhat will be the small signs of change that will tell you that

you have moved one point up the scale? What will you be

doing when you are at a 7.5?

▶ I will organize my thoughts more clearly and express


▶ I will not circumlocute or over-explain to my clients.

▶ I will have more content material that builds on prior

sessions and connects to the client’s interests.

▶ I will provide honest and accurate target specific


▶ I will project my voice and feel more confident.

▶ I will plan my explanations ahead of time, but it won’t take

so much effort to explain in the moment.

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Example: Midterm Meeting

Where on the scale will be “good enough” for you? What will

you be doing then? 9

▶ I will be very confident in my clinical skills and in the fact

that I can make progress with my client.

▶ I will be doing more research.

▶ I will have the fundamental clinical skills mastered.

▶ I will stay up-to-date with current research.

▶ I will think critically about the therapy I am doing with


▶ I will modify and question what I’m doing during sessions.

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Example: Final Meeting

Where are you now? 8

What have you already done to get to an 8?

▶ I have learned how to plan effectively.

▶ I’m not just collecting data, but am now better now at teaching

concepts and skills.

▶ I’m much more comfortable modeling techniques.

▶ I am more comfortable with counseling clients.

▶ I know more about what I don’t know.

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Example: Final Meeting

What have you already done to get to an 8?

▶ I now think of creative visual aids and analogies to describe


▶ I am creative with my planning.

▶ I can quickly plan a therapy session and write appropriate

behavioral objectives.

▶ I have increased my knowledge base across disorder types.

▶ I now have an increased ability to talk to parents/families

about fluency disorders.

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Example: Final Meeting

What will be the small signs of change that will tell you that you

have moved one point up the scale? What will you be doing

when you are at a 9?

▶ I will be researching more.

▶ I will be widening my sources of information about each


▶ I will independently consult other professionals.

▶ I will give good advice to others about clients.

▶ I will have better organizational skills and will feel less

scattered internally.

▶ I will provide more concise explanations to clients and


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Example: Final Meeting

Where on the scale will be “good enough” for you? 9.5.

What will you be doing then?

▶ I will be someone that other professionals purposefully seek

out as a resource for clinical expertise.

▶ I will supervise students and will be someone they can look

up to as a role model of a good clinician.

▶ I will conduct research of my own or be involved in

someone else’s research.

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Supervisor Reflections: Final Meeting▶ In the university clinic, student insights moved from

superficial to introspective.

▶ Self-reported student confidence increased throughout the


▶ Students took more initiative in supervisory process (moved

from passive to active participants).

▶ Students verbalized their own short and long term goals for

clinical growth.

▶ Answers to questions became more thoughtful and


▶ Long term goals became more client-centered.

▶ It’s not really about the numbers!

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How Can SFBT Scaling Benefit Supervisees?

▶ It allows them to visualize and verbalize what growth and

success will look like.

▶ It is a positive and creative model that helps them formulate

goals for themselves as clinicians.

▶ It provides a concrete description of how they have grown

and changed as thinkers over the course of their first year.

▶ It pinpoints areas to target for future growth.

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How Can SFBT Scaling Benefit Supervisees?

▶ It is a student-led discussion that can showcase insight (or

lack thereof) in the new clinician.

▶ It helps students see that “baby steps” are still cause for

celebration in their journey.

▶ It provides evidence that the new clinician has the

knowledge, resources, strengths, and abilities to achieve

his or her hopes for success in the clinical setting.

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Student Comments: SFBT Scaling

“Solution-focused scaling helped me visualize that, as I grew as

a clinician, my goals for myself also grew. I think it also made

me feel more connected to you as my supervisor, because you

really listened to my insecurities and you knew what my goals

were right from the beginning. Scaling helped me to be honest

and vulnerable with you throughout the semester and to check

in with you regularly about how I was feeling which I think, in

turn, helped me grow as a clinician.”

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Student Comments: SFBT Scaling

“I absolutely loved the scaling activity as a student! I liked that

by the end of the semester I could use it to measure how I was

doing from my own perspective. The great thing about it is that

it gave me a snapshot as to where I was each time and, just

like with our clients, it showed what my personal goals were at

that time. As a new clinician, it was very motivating to see how

much more my confidence increased from the beginning to the

midterm to the final. Honestly, I plan to use scaling with any

future SLP students when I supervise one day!”

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Student Comments: SFBT Scaling“As a student, this process allowed me to see the growth that I

made over the semester with fluency clients. A lot of times in

graduate school, or in life for that matter, we do not take the

time to self-reflect and see how we are doing or feeling at a

certain point in time. This exercise allowed me the opportunity

to visually see the growth that I made over the semester. It was

quite astonishing to see how far I went from my first day of

therapy to my last day of therapy. This approach is a perfect

tool for first-year graduate students, because it quantifies our

growth in a measurable way that we may not be able to

understand based solely on supervisor feedback. Now that I

have experienced this approach as a student, I can call upon

this experience when I use the SFBT approach with my future


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References▶ Anderson, J. (1988). The supervisory process in speech-language

pathology and audiology. Boston, MA: College-Hill.

▶ Barnum, M., Guyer, M. S., (2015). The SQF Model of Clinical Supervision

[PDF Lecture Slides]. Retrieved from 2015 CAPCSD Conference.

▶ De Shazer, S. (1988). Clues: Investigating solutions in brief therapy. New

York, NY: Norton.

▶ Dudding, C., McCready, V., Nunez, L., & Procaccini, S. (2017). Clinical

supervision in speech-language pathology and audiology in the united

states: Development of a professional specialty. The Clinical Supervisor,

36(2), 161-181. doi:10.1080/07325223.2017.1377663

▶ Ehret, G., Fino-Sxumski, M., and Passe, M. (2017). Nine building blocks of

supervision. retrieved from https://www.asha.org/professional-


Page 45: I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

References▶ Ehret, G., Fino-Szumski, M., Passe, M. Nine Building Blocks of

Supervision [webinar]. Retrieved from ASHA Professional Development

Supervision Courses Website https://www.asha.org/professional-


▶ George, E., Iveson, C. & Ratner, H. (2006). BRIEFER: A solution focused

manual. London: Brief Therapy Press.

▶ Hale, S. T. What’s new and what’s the same in clinical supervision. [PDF

Lecture Slides] . Retrieved from 2018 NCSHLA Convention Presentation,

March 8, 2018.

▶ Hudson, M. W. Knowledge, skills, and competencies for supervision

[webinar]. Retrieved from ASHA Professional Development Supervision

Courses Website https://www.asha.org/professional-


Page 46: I’ve Been Asked to Supervise! Now What?

References▶ Kelman, E. & Nicholas, A. Stuttering Foundation Eastern Workshop


▶ McRea, E. S., Brasseur, J. A. (2003). The supervisory process in speech-

language pathology and audiology. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

▶ Nicholas, Alison (2014). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy With Children

Who Stutter. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 193, 209-216.

▶ Ratner, H., George, E. & Iveson, C. (2012). Solution focused brief therapy.

London: Routledge.

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