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182 Abraham, S. 19t>7 . Floral ablaormalities and soma tic mutation in th e staminal hairs of trade s cantia clone o 2 induced by eff lu e nt from th e tita nium factory. In: of the seminar on so matic m utation in tradescantia as a model syst em in Radiobiology and e nvir o nm e nt studies held in Poland from September 7.10.1987. pp. 33-45 . Abr aham , s. : Effect of titanium factory efflue nt s on cell division in root meristems of Vicia fabal L. J. Cytol. Genet. 23:95-98. Abraham, S. and Abraham , S. Meiosis in Chlorophytum heyneanum treated with effluent from the titanium factory. In : National Symposium on Recent Advances in Plant Cell Research Trivendrum, 7.9.89 Section III, Abst. 1. Agrawal,A.R., Chopra, G. and Sharma, K. (Eds). State of India's Environment, A citizen report C.S.E. New Delhi 1982. Aptla, Awwa and WPCF 1976. Standard Methods for the Examination of water, Sewage and Industrial wastes. 14 edn APHA Inc., New York. Amer, S. and Ali, . Amer, s. and Ali, <! Bs.. M. Ames, B.N . bac effects of pestjcides 33, 21-33 1969.Cytological effects of pesticides IV. .. - . of some . .. .... 34 : . . ( · .. .. !l · chemical with (Ed) Chemical Mutagens, Plenum . New I . X,ork. · Vol I. . . .. ,.. .. Auerbach, c /:tW J \ Robson I l9 · 4f1{ Cheml'Mtl .. : .-,: 3"'·2·. . · production of · ..

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