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Simply a Better Way to Treat Neck and Back Pain

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Simply a Better Way to Treat Neck and Back Pain
  2. 2. Our Purpose Present permanent, affordable options to help Moroccan patients suffering from neck and back pain that are Non-surgical Non-invasive No side effects
  3. 3. Meet Dr. Samir Haddad Father of 2 Licensed Neurologist 25+ Years Clinical Experience
  4. 4. Meet Dr. Brian Self Father of 2 Licensed Chiropractor 10 years Spinal Decompression consultant Nutrition Degree Spinal Mechanics Specialist
  5. 5. Back Pain Statistics "Eighty percent of the population of the United States, at some point in their life, is going to have back pain," says Ronald J. Wisneski, MD. (Orthopedic surgeon and specialist in spinal disorders and spine surgery, and associate in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania) Billions spent trying to treat back pain Billions spent on drugs and surgery that dont provide effective, long-term solution Studies suggest up to 60% of patients have pain originating from spinal discs
  6. 6. Middle East and Back Pain "The incidence of lower back pain in the Arab world is definitely on the rise," says Issam Ayache, a chiropractor with three decades of experience practicing in Lebanon and Abu Dhabi.
  7. 7. Back and Neck Pain is Becoming an Epidemic Why Do You Think Back and Neck Pain Is Increasing World Wide?
  8. 8. Work Kids Spouse Economy Aging Causes Stress
  9. 9. Too Much Weight 2/3 of population is overweight 1/3 is obese Every extra pound of weight can add up to 8 extra pounds of force on the joints
  10. 10. Sitting Poor Posture Sitting at Computer Sitting all day long Sitting at dinner Sitting in the car
  11. 11. Back Pain and 18-34 Year Olds The lifestyles of young people in the UAE could lead to years of back pain and medical problems, according to new research. A recent study from the UK indicates that two-thirds of people between 18 and 34 years old regularly suffer from spine and back- muscle complaints. Now, experts in the UAE fear that the severity of this problem could mean thousands of young men and women are destined to spend the rest of their lives with chronic back pain. Bob Kemp
  12. 12. Forward Head Posture It is currently estimated that Forward Head Posture (FHP) occurs in 90% of the U.S. adult population
  13. 13. Tech-Neck Main Entry: 1 tech-neck Pronunciation: /tek-nek/ Function: noun 1 : Overuse syndrome of the head, neck and shoulders from maintaining a flexed head position while viewing any hand held mobile device or laptop technology that causes progressive detrimental changes in the structural integrity of the cervical spine.
  14. 14. Forward Head PostureForward Head Posture (FHP)(FHP) CervicalCervical Kyphosis/HypolordosisKyphosis/Hypolordosis 1) The Structure Underlying Tech-Neck
  15. 15. Estimated that 90% of U.S. Adults Exhibit These Signs of Deteriorating Spinal Health In 1992 the estimate was 66%!
  16. 16. Our Kids With our increasing use of hand-held digital devices FHP is beginning to affect children at an alarming rate.
  17. 17. The Onset of Deteriorating Spinal Health is Occurring Earlier than Ever
  18. 18. This is the Future of Your Business!
  19. 19. So, What Are We Doing Well? Identifying Forward Head Posture Diagnosing cervical curve loss Educating patients about proper ergonomics
  20. 20. So, What Are We Doing Poorly? Restoring the cervical curve Reducing FHP Providing sustainable structural correction to our patients Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-rayPre PosturePre PosturePre PosturePre Posture Post PosturePost Posture
  21. 21. Current Protocol
  22. 22. Kenneth Hansraj, MD (Spine Surgeon) Good posture is defined as ears aligned with the shoulders and the shoulder blades, retracted. In proper alignment, spinal stress is diminished. It is the most efficient position for the spine. The weight seen by the spine dramatically increases when flexing the head forward at varying degrees. Why Spine Structure Is Relevant
  23. 23. Kenneth Hansraj, MD Why Spine Structure Is Relevant
  24. 24. Why Spine Structure Is Relevant
  25. 25. I.A. Kapandji, MD For every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds. Mayo Clinic Long-term forward head posture leads to long-term muscle strain, disc herniations and pinched nerves. Alf Breig, MD -Neurosurgeon Loss of the cervical curve stretches the spinal cord 5-7 cm and causes disease Why Spine Structure Is Relevant
  26. 26. Bruce Cailliet M.D. Found FHP Causes Former Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at USC results in loss of vital lung capacity. In fact, lung capacity is depleted by as much as 30 percent. Loss of lung capacity leads to heart and blood vascular problems.
  27. 27. Bruce Cailliet M.D. Found FHP Causes Former Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at USC The entire gastrointestinal system increase in discomfort and pain. Freedom of motion in the first four cervical vertebrae is a major source of stimuli that causes production of endorphins. With forward head syndrome many otherwise non-painful sensations are experienced as pain. loss of healthy spine-body motion. The entire body becomes rigid as the range of motion lessens. Soon, one becomes hunched.
  28. 28. Attributed to FHP . Many of the most common symptoms in your practice today can be attributed to FHP Loss of Cervical Curve
  29. 29. Attributed To FHP..
  30. 30. Tension Headaches and FHP The Department of Neurology, Nagoya University School of Medicine in Japan conducted studies of 372 patients with tension headaches in comparison to 225 normal control subjects. The studies were published in 1992 and state in part: A great majority of the patients with tension-type headache were found also to have straightened cervical spine. [25]
  31. 31. What about Forward Head Posture and Low Back Pain? Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the immediate and long-term effects of a multimodal program, with the addition of forward head posture correction, in patients with chronic discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Conclusion: The addition of forward head posture correction to a functional restoration program seemed to positively affect disability, 3-dimensional spinal posture parameters, back and leg pain, and S1 nerve root function of patients with chronic discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Ibrahim M. Moustafa, PT, PhD, Aliaa A. Diab, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor, Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. Received: May 3, 2013; Received in revised form: October 6, 2014; Accepted: November 1, 2014; Published Online: February 20, 2015
  32. 32. 2) The Function of Discs Many specialists think 75%- 80% of back and neck pain come from the discs
  33. 33. 2) Function: Imbibition - Nutrients In, Waste Out No direct blood supply into the disc Pressure squeezes out water and waste Grabs Oxygen, nutrients Discs maintain health, hydration
  34. 34. Did You Know? No direct circulation Blood supply outside the disc Force inside through specific movements to maintain its health
  35. 35. After Injury or With Age Patients stop moving No imbibition occurs Waste products build up Discs dry out Discs thin and degenerate
  36. 36. Disc Related Causes #1 Reason for Back Pain 2 Main Causes of Disc Problems Disc Degeneration Disc Herniations , Disc Bulging, Slipped Discs
  37. 37. 1) Degenerated Discs
  38. 38. 1) Degenerated Discs/Arthritis Disc degenerates - no shock absorption Transfers 75% of weight bearing off the discs and onto facet joints Causes bone spurs around facet joints and in the spinal cord canal Nerve and Cord compression
  39. 39. 2) Disc Herniations (Bulging/Slipped Discs) Disc is like a Jelly Doughnut Overload and jelly squirts out Chronic poor posture Long periods of sitting Improper lifting (same as up to 4x force) *** Most Common *** Lifting with twisting (pick up a golf ball, child, suitcase etc.)
  40. 40. Are We On the Right Track? Why are incidents increasing despite new drug and surgery options? Is it possible we are not doing the right thing?
  41. 41. Are Back Surgeries the Answer?
  42. 42. Alarming Rate of Failed Back Surgeries "The world of spinal medicine, unfortunately, is producing patients with failed back surgery syndrome at an alarming rateDespite a steady stream of technological innovations over the past 15 yearsfrom pedical screws to fusion cages to artificial discsthere is little evidence that patient outcomes have improved. (The BackLetter, vol.12, no. 7, pp.79 July, 2004. The BackPage Editorial, The BackLetter, pp. 84, vol. 20, No. 7, 2005.)
  43. 43. On average about 53% of L5-S1 surgeries fail to produce relief of symptoms. (Radin, E.L. "Reasons for failure of L5-S1 intervertebral disc excisions." International Orthop 1987; 11:255-259.)
  44. 44. Patient Dissatisfaction with Surgery Among spinal surgery patients, 1 out of every 4 patients is dissatisfied with their surgery two years post-op. (Surg Neuol 1998 Mar; 49(3): 263-7)
  45. 45. Surgery Success Rates Eugene Carragee MD, of Stanford University performs spinal surgery on only a select group who he carefully screens. His conclusions: Less than 25% will be completely successful (even after careful screening) For the majority of the patients, the surgery does not have a dramatic impact on their pain or mobility A patients prospect for a future free from back pain is fairly poor
  46. 46. Post Surgery - Less Likely to Return to Work After two years, just 26 percent of those who had surgery returned to work. Thats compared to 67 percent of patients who didnt have surgery. 41% increase in the use of painkillers, specifically opiates, in those who had surgery. (University of Cincinnati College of Medicine) (Failed Back Syndrome: The Disturbing Statistics By Lisette Hilton : Special To DG News)
  47. 47. Surgery Leads to More Surgery Dr. Belanger, a skilled surgeon, recognizes that even successful surgeries might require follow-up surgery in the future. Revision surgery, as it is called, is according to him also highly likely to be successful. 72% of patients may need further surgery (April 8, 2002. New Yorker online)
  48. 48. Treatments Specific to the Discs Physical therapy No Chiropractic No Exercise No Drugs No Acupuncture No Massage No Surgery Yes, can cut out part of the disc (risks, side effects, scar tissue, invasive)
  49. 49. How Are We Going to Fix this 1) Fix the Structure 2) Fix the Function
  50. 50. Why Is Spine Structure Relevant?
  51. 51. Always Start With the Head Calliet also states: Most attempts to correct posture are directed toward the spine shoulders and pelvis. All are important, but, the position of the head is the most important. The body follows the head. The entire body can be aligned by first aligning the head.
  52. 52. How We Now Treat Forward Head Posture Introducing the Itrac
  53. 53. Introducing the Revolutionary, New Itrac
  54. 54. Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Controlled application of counter- balancing traction forces while the patient is positioned in cervical extension Produces a stretch in the anterior cervical spine soft tissues, most importantly the anterior longitudinal ligament (Davis Law) Results in an increase in the length and flexibility of the anterior cervical soft- tissues
  55. 55. Cervical Extension Traction Therapy When applied repeatedly, these structural corrective forces allow: 1) The cervical spine to regain its lordotic curve 2) The head to return to its healthy position directly above the shoulders
  56. 56. Restore the Curve then Maintain Restore the Curve 12-30 Treatments Maintain the Curve 1-2 treatments per month Even with ongoing exposure to detrimental postural positions in daily life. Similar to wearing a retainer
  57. 57. Until Now
  58. 58. Case Study 1 20 y.o. female, chronic daily headaches Note she had been a chiropractic patient since childhood when she arrived at my office for her initial exam. Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-ray Initial Exam Findings: FHP, Kyphotic C-spine Reduced Cervical ROMs Active Trigger Points - Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine Initial Treatment Plan 3 treatments/week 4 weeks CMT Myofascial Release Exercise Therapy (Neck) Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Post-Treatment Exam Results (visit 13) 100% symptom resolution by visit 6 Near normal cervical curve and posture ROMs normal, No Trigger Points Patient currently continues a monthly care plan (since 2013) to maintain her curve, posture and symptomatic improvements
  59. 59. Case Study 2 28 y.o. female, chronic daily headaches Note she had been a chiropractic patient since childhood when she arrived at my office for her initial exam. Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-ray Initial Exam Findings: FHP, Hypolordotic C-spine Reduced Cervical ROMs Active Trigger Points - Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine Initial Treatment Plan 3 treatments/week 4 weeks CMT Myofascial Release Exercise Therapy (Neck) Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Post-Treatment Exam Results (visit 13) 100% symptom resolution by visit 8 Normal cervical curve and posture ROMs normal, No Trigger Points Patient currently continues a biweekly care plan (since 2007) to maintain her curve, posture and symptomatic improvements
  60. 60. Case Study 3 37 y.o. female, chronic TMJ pain, chronic headaches Note referred to me by her orthodontist Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-ray Initial Exam Findings: FHP, Kyphotic C-spine Reduced Cervical ROMs Active Trigger Points - Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine, Bilateral TMJ Initial Treatment Plan 2 treatments/week 6 weeks CMT Myofascial Release Exercise Therapy (Neck) Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Post-Treatment Exam Results (visit 13) 100% symptom resolution by visit 10 Near normal cervical curve and posture ROMs normal, No Trigger Points Patient currently continues a monthly care plan to maintain her curve, posture and symptomatic improvements
  61. 61. Case Study 4 60 y.o. male, headaches, neck & upper back pain Note referred to me by his previous chiropractor Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-ray Initial Exam Findings: FHP, Slightly Hypolordotic C-spine Reduced Cervical ROMs Muscle Tension Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine Initial Treatment Plan 2 treatments/week 12 weeks CMT Myofascial Release Exercise Therapy (Neck) Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Post-Treatment Exam Results (visit 25) 100% symptom resolution by visit 16 Near normal cervical curve and posture ROMs normal, Reduced Muscle Tension Patient currently continues a monthly care plan (since 2010) to maintain his curve, posture and symptomatic improvements
  62. 62. Case Study 5 61 y.o. female, headaches, TMJ pain, neck pain Note referred to me by her orthodontist Pre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-rayPre X-ray Post X-rayPost X-ray Initial Exam Findings: FHP, Kyphotic C-spine Reduced Cervical ROMs Active Trigger Points - Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine, Bilateral TMJ Initial Treatment Plan 2 treatments/week 12 weeks CMT Myofascial Release Exercise Therapy (Neck) Cervical Extension Traction Therapy Post-Treatment Exam Results (visit 25) 100% symptom resolution by visit 13 Near normal cervical curve and posture ROMs normal, No Trigger Points Patient currently continues a monthly care plan (since 2011) to maintain her curve, posture and symptomatic improvements
  63. 63. Cervical Extension Traction Therapy
  64. 64. 2) Address the Function- Spinal Decompression
  65. 65. Current Spinal Decompression Model 8000+ spinal decompression tables in the USA and Canada 1,000,000 + patients successfully treated Recently added into Russia, Singapore, England, Kuwait and more 10 + Research articles
  66. 66. Decompression Produces a Negative Pressure In a Study Published by The Journal of Neurosurgery, Researchers Placed a Pressure-Sensor in a Disc While undergoing Decompression and Found that the Disc Pressure Dropped to -150 mm hg
  67. 67. How It Works Disc Herniations Specialized traction forces are used at a specific: force angle time frequency This creates negative pressure inside discs Negative pressure acts like a vacuum It sucks in herniations and bulges
  68. 68. What Decompression Treats Herniated Discs Degenerated Discs Facet Syndrome Sciatica Chronic Neck and Back Pain
  69. 69. Typical Treatment Protocol Treatment takes 12 minutes Comfortable and safe Safe for Patients into their 80s Up to 350lbs Begin Everyday for 2 weeks Then 3X week for 2 weeks
  70. 70. Safe For Older Patients Safe for patients into their 90s Comfortable Gentle No exercises
  71. 71. A Pain Management Doctor in Pain I was amazed at the results. I was astounded. I have now treated hundreds of patients including myself and am continually impressed with the results. Dr. Donald Bailey, M.D., Pain Management, Savannah, GA
  72. 72. An Orthopedic Surgeon Talks As an orthopedic surgeon and peer reviewer, I see many patients who are significantly worse after back surgery. In many cases I believe that if they had been treated with spinal decompression before surgery they would have resolved completely. Dr. Howard Berkowitz, M.D., Orthopedist, Atlanta, GA
  73. 73. Before Surgery Manipulation, acupuncture, steroid injections, anti-inflammatory agents and muscle relaxants all fall short of addressing the underlying problems associated with intervertebral disc lesions. Spinal Decompression should be utilized in all patients who are poor surgical candidates and before surgery is undertaken except in the emergent conditions. Dr. Gustavo Ramos, M.D., Neurosurgery, McAllen, TX
  74. 74. More Effective Than Surgery Spinal decompression is a more effective treatment than surgery, is a safer treatment than surgery, has fewer side effects than surgery and may have beneficial side effects. Dr. David Duncan, M.D., Anesthesiology, Tulsa, OK
  75. 75. 71% to 89% success rates Rehydrates discs 20% to 40% Reduces Disc Herniation Size up to 90% In many Patients Decreases pain levels from 9/10 to a 1- 3/10 on average in most patients Good long term results Success Rates 71% to 89%
  76. 76. The Most Effective Tool I have found Spinal Decompression to be my most effective tool in the treatment of low back pain due to discogenic causes, facet syndrome and failed back surgery syndrome. Robert Odell, M.D., Anesthesiology, Las Vegas, NV
  77. 77. Reduction In Disc Herniation Size Journal of Neuro Imaging 1998 Volume 8 Number 2 Subjects Condition Herniated Discs, Degenerated Discs, Torn Annulus Prior to Treatment Pain in back and down the leg Numbness in legs, weakness 5 week protocol 20 treatments
  78. 78. Reduction In Disc Herniation Size Journal of Neuro Imaging 1998 Volume 8 Number 2 Up to 90% reduction of nucleus herniation in 71% of patients Torn annulus repair is seen in all Virtually all subjects have sufficient relief of pain to return to work. 71% had significant pain relief and complete relief of weakness 90%+ had numbness in the leg disappear 86% had good to excellent relief of Sciatic and back pain 28% had rapid relief in as few as 3 treatments 85% improved clinically Only 6% recurrence rate at 1 year
  79. 79. Reduction In Disc Herniation Size- Case Report European Musculoskeletal Review: Management of Low-back Pain with a Non-surgical Decompression System (DRX9000) . Post Treatment Pain went from a 10 on a scale of 1-10 down to a 1 No longer felt the burning sensation in the buttocks or legs Improvement in muscular strength MRI revealed Decreased herniation size Increased disc height at multiple disc levels
  80. 80. Reduction In Disc Herniation Size Case Report Size of Herniated Disc Pre-Tx MRI Post-Tx MRI 4 Oct 2007 28 Jan 2008 L5S1 2.5 (left) 2.0 (left) 5.1 (centre) 2.2 (centre) 2.5 (right) 1.6 (right) L45 4.5 (left) 3.3 (left) 5.1 (centre) 4.1 (centre) 4.8 (right) 3.5 (right) L34 5.0 (left) 3.2 (left)
  81. 81. How It Works Disc Degeneration Specialized traction forces Create negative pressure inside discs Draw in Blood, Oxygen, Nutrients Rehydrate and promote repair Causing Discs to become taller Pressure to be taken off nerves
  82. 82. Research Shows Increase in Disc Height- Case Report Management of Low-back Pain with a Non-surgical Decompression System (DRX9000) Pre- and Post-treatment MRI Measurements Pre-Tx MRI Post-Tx MRI 4 Oct 2007 28 Jan 2008 L5/S1 10.2 mm 11.9 mm L4/L5 3.3 mm 5.1 mm L3/L4 6.4 mm 8.4 mm L2/L3 6.1 mm 8.1 mm
  83. 83. Mayo Clinic Study PRESENTED AT : American Academy of Pain Management AAPM 18th Annual Clinical Meeting Prior to Treatment: Average pain score was 6.4 out of 10 Pain for more than 6 months 20 Treatments were given over 6 weeks Sept 27-30, 2007 | Las Vegas, Nevada and New York State Society of Anesthesiologists - 61st Post Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology December 7-11, 2007 | New York, NY
  84. 84. Mayo Clinic Study Post Treatment Significant pain relief in 88.9% of patients Average pain decreased from 6.4 to .8 Out of 10 Required fewer analgesics after treatment No Safety Issues No Adverse Effects
  85. 85. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression for Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain As Reported at the American Academy of Pain Management Sept 7-10, 2006 Orlando, FL. . Patients reported a mean 90% improvement in back pain, and better function as measured by activities of daily living. On a 0 to 10 scale patients rated Decompression an 8.98. No patient required more invasive therapies (e.g. surgery) 100% would Recommend Decompression to someone else Require fewer analgesics after treatment Achieve better function after treatment No patients contacted required surgery
  86. 86. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression for Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain As Reported at the American Academy of Pain Management Sept 7-10, 2006 Orlando, FL. Subjects had a mean pain score 5.99 on a 0 to 10 scale (0= no pain 10=worst pain) at time of initial presentation that decreased to 0.87 after last treatment
  87. 87. The Journal of Neurological Research (April 1998) Showed: 778 Patient Cases 40 Month Avg. Time of Symptoms Avg. Pain was 4.2 out of 5 Success Was Considered a 0-1 out of 5 (little or no pain whatsoever). Overall, Treatment was Successful with 71% of the Patients
  88. 88. A Study in The Orthopedic Technology Review (Nov 2003) Showed: 219 Patients with Herniated and Degenerated Discs 86% Showed Immediate Improvement 92% Improved Overall Only 2% relapsed within 90 Days
  89. 89. But Will The Results Last?
  90. 90. Long Term Results 4 Years Later 91% resumed Normal, Daily Activities Over 80% showed 50% or Better Pain Reduction at the End of the 4 Year study. Greater than 50% Still Had a Pain Level of Zero! The Anesthesiology News (2003)
  91. 91. Long Term Results- 4 years later More than 50% of Patients Still Had a Pain Level of Zero!
  92. 92. More Studies Prove Effectiveness Practical Pain Management: Outcome: The treatment leads to satisfactory pain relief and improved quality of life in up to 88% of patientsmany of whom have failed "conventional" approaches. (Technology Review: Decompression Therapy. April 2005. Vol. 5, Issue 3. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD.) American Journal of Pain Management: Outcome: The Decompression system gave ''good'' to "excellent" relief in 86% of patients with ruptured discs and 75% of those with facet arthrosis. (Decompression, Reduction, and Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine: A Cost Effective Treatment for Lumbosacral Pain. April 7997. Vol. 7, NO.2. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD; Vera Borgmeyer, RN, MA).
  93. 93. Spreading to other countries The implementation of vertebral axial decompression in Mexico has revolutionized the therapeutic approach to patients with lumbar spine pathology. Dr. Jose Antonio Alcala, M.D., Orthopedist, Monterrey, Mexico
  94. 94. Does Not Increase Doctors Time A technician can do all the work Unattended therapy Doesnt require a lot of space, consumables Little ongoing expenses
  95. 95. Gives You a Distinct Marketing Advantage Technology Computerized Wow factor Safe, comfortable Research proving its effectiveness 1000s of patient and doctor testimonials
  96. 96. Neurologists Like Myself Neurologists like myself have long known that we should do everything possible to help our patients avoid back surgery. Now with Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression, we finally have a very effective way to treat back pain without surgery. The vast majority of even our worst cases experience significant, long-lasting relief if they complete the entire treatment regimen. Dr. Orlando Maldonado, MD
  97. 97. Allows You To Treat Lots of Patients 1 Table Treats 4 patients per hour 32 patients per day Some clinics have 10-12 tables
  98. 98. Treats Not Just the Symptoms The addition of spinal decompression to my practice has been a most impressive and rewarding experience..treats the underlying etiology of common causes of acute/chronic low back pain, and not just the symptoms should be tried prior to undergoing surgery in all chronic low back pain patients who meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Dr. Gerald Weiss, M.D., Neurologist, Norwalk, CT.
  99. 99. Saves Doctors Hands, Neck & Back No hands on work No bending, twisting, lifting Table does all the work Many physical therapists and chiropractors are physically burned out Saves the doctors hands, neck, back and shoulders
  100. 100. We Have Treated Thousands. We have treated thousands of patients who have experienced long-term, pain-free healing because of decompression therapy. With Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression we offer real modification of the patients disc disease processes and rehabilitation of the neuropathic and mechanical symptoms, rather than just offering palliative care. I use it for myself, and it is worth its weight in gold. Dr. Phil Fisher, DO, PhD Osteopathic Physician