item unique identification (iuid) presented to jpiwg 30 may 2013

Item Unique Identification (IUID) Presented to JPIWG 30 May 2013

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Page 1: Item Unique Identification (IUID) Presented to JPIWG 30 May 2013

Item Unique Identification (IUID)

Presented to JPIWG

30 May 2013

Page 2: Item Unique Identification (IUID) Presented to JPIWG 30 May 2013

Overview Topics


• IUID CONOPS• Target Population• DoD Integrated Master Schedule• Service Schedules• IUID Marking Updates• MIL STD 129 IUID related changes• Road Ahead

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• Use of IUID across the Department will enhance:– Asset visibility– Property accountability– Product lifecycle management – Counterfeit materiel risk reduction – Financial management

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• The UII will be:– Used to uniquely identify an individual item – Included in packaging labels to uniquely identify items without opening the

box or preservation packaging – Directly marked on items using a DataMatrix mark– A mandatory data element to identify items and related data in logistics

systems– Passed in electronic transactions between systems

• Modification of business processes and systems will allow automated collection of the UII from bare item or packaging, during receipt, inventory, maintenance, and any other needed identification of uniquely managed items

• Target population of items aligns with the JLB approved Task Force recommendation

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Target Population


Mark what needs to be marked

• Major end items• Small arms• Depot level reparables• NWRM• Sensitive and classified items• Critical safety items • Pilferable items • Other items as determined by item or program manager

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ADC399A ADC1030

Requirements for Disposal

IUID Integrated Master Schedule


AIS updates to support IUID

FLIS IUID Indicator

Impacted AIS Identification

DLMS Transaction Changes for IUID

Components Mark Legacy Items

Requirements for Net-Centric Data Sharing

Update DAU IUID Online Learning Module

Publish 4140.01 Manual

Publish8320.04 IUID Standards for Tangible Personal Property

PublishModify DFARS to Align with 8320.04

Publish4151.19 Serialized Item Management

Services verify estimated legacy populations using FLIS IUID Indicator

Marking End Date

AIT Hardware Fielding


System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking


Rqmts/ BusRules

Components Report on Marking Progress Quarterly by Class of Supply




For details see slide #6

Integrated Requirements Set for IUID

Requirements for disposal are needed from DLA to complete the Integrated Requirements Set for IUID and the final DLMS changes.

Draft 8320.04 - revision currently under review by the IUID Working Group

Draft 4140.01 – Service comments being adjudicated

IUID Registry Life Cycle Events

For details see slide #7

DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule

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Technical Requirements Design and Build Field

Requirements/Design Build and FieldERP


Impacted AIS Identification


System updates related to Class IX items

Updates to GCSS-MC(Retail Supply)

Updates to GCSS-MC(Maintenance)

System updates related to Class II items

System updates related to Class VII items

Impacted AIS Identification

Updates to AMS-TAC(Distribution)

Updates to CMOS(Transportation)

Updates to MDSS II (Unit Move/Preposition)

Updates to STRATIS(Intermediate Supply)

Additional System Updates

Impacted AIS Identification

Air Force





Updates to EBS

Updates to DSS

Updates to RBI

FLIS IUID Indicator

Design System Changes

Design System Changes

Design System Changes

Code available

Build and Field

Build and Field

Build and Field

Optimize Scanner ApplicationUpdates to PBUSE

Process mapping and gap analysisUpdates to GCSS-A

Updates to LMP

2021Design and Build

Component Implementation Plans should: Provide milestones for each

impacted system Identify intermediate milestones to

track and report progress Identify internal and external factors

which may affect the milestone dates

Identify resource requirements

DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule – AIS Updates

Phase out PBUSE/ Continue Build and Field

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Marking End Date



Opportunistic Marking

Nonrecurring Engineering Analysis and Updates to Tec Data Packages for Class IX items


Air Force





Mark Legacy Items-All Classes

Marking End Date

All Classes 75%

Pilot programs and Marking Teams

Component Marking Plans should provide, by class of supply: 75% marked and marking end dates Annual marking goals Prioritization Strategy Completion dates for Nonrecurring Engineering Quarterly progress reports

Marking teams and opportunistic marking

Marking End Date

Class VII70.0% Marked

Class IX2.5% Marked

Class VII72.9%

Class IX3.0%

Class VII72.2%

Class IX2.8%

Class VII 71.4%

Class IX 2.7%

2019Class VII

75.4%Class IX


Class VIII Legacy Item Marking

Opportunistic marking

Class VII Legacy Item MarkingPMO Marking


Industrial Plant Equipment marked during inventory

Mark Legacy Items

Pilot programs and opportunistic marking

Marking End Date2033

Mobile marking teams deploy and mark legacy items

All Classes 75%2026

Class II and IX Legacy Item Marking

Mark Legacy Items—Class VII & IX

DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule – Item Marking



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Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator

Army IUID Integrated Master Schedule


Mark Legacy Items

Pilot programs and opportunistic marking

2033All Classes 100%

System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking Mobile marking teams deploy and mark legacy items

Technical Requirements Design and Build Field

Process mapping and gap analysisUpdates to GCSS-A

Updates to LMP

Phase out PBUSE/ Continue Build and Field

Optimize Scanner ApplicationUpdates to PBUSE

2026All Classes 75%

Initial Class IX list 21,378 NSNsInitial Class VII list 7,011 NSNsInitial Class V list 36 NSNsInitial Class II list 591 NSNs

AIT Hardware--Researching use of cell phones to limit the need for additional AIT purchases

Army Implementation Plan should: Identify intermediate milestones to

track and report progress Identify internal and external factors

that may affect milestone dates Identify resource requirements

Design and Build

Army IUID Integrated Master Schedule

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Class II and IX Legacy Item Marking

Marking EndDateTBD

System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking


Class VIII Legacy Item Marking

Opportunistic marking


Impacted AIS Identification

Requirements/Design Updates and FieldingERP

Class VII Legacy Item MarkingPMO Marking


AIT Fielding

Requirements Determination Fielding

Navy Implementation Plan should: Provide details about the delay between system identification and

implementing system changes Provide milestones for each impacted system Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress Identify internal and external factors that may affect the milestone

dates. Identify resource requirements

Navy Marking Plan should provide, by class of supply: 75% marked and marking end dates Annual marking goals Prioritization Strategy Completion dates for Nonrecurring Engineering Quarterly progress reports

Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator

List not provided

Navy IUID Integrated Master Schedule

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System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking

Updates to GCSS-MC(Retail Supply)

Updates to GCSS-MC(Maintenance)

Impacted AIS Identification

Updates to AMS-TAC(Distribution)

Updates to CMOS(Transportation)

Updates to MDSS II (Unit Move/Preposition)

Updates to STRATIS(Intermediate Supply)

Updates to additional identified systems

Mark Legacy Items

Marking teams and opportunistic marking

MarkingEnd Date

Class VII70.0% Marked

Class IX2.5% Marked

Class VII72.9%

Class IX3.0%

Class VII72.2%

Class IX2.8%

Class VII 71.4%

Class IX 2.7%

2019Class VII

75.4%Class IX


USMC Implementation Plan should: Identify intermediate milestones to

track and report progress Identify internal and External factors

which may affect the milestone dates.

Identify resource requirements Interim milestones for identification

of remaining AISs modification s Provide a schedule for fielding of

remaining AIT hardware

AIT Hardware has been fielded for the above systems except GCSS-MC.

Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator

5,580 PICA NSNs16,188 SICA NSNs

(Percentages do not include new procurement )

USMC IUID Integrated Master Schedule


USMC Marking Plan should: Provide a timeline for remaining

classes of supply

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AIT fielding related to Class VII items

Mark Legacy Items

Opportunistic Marking

System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking


All Classes 75%

Impacted AIS Identification

System updates related to Class IX items

System updates related to Class II items

System updates related to Class VII items

AIT fielding related to Class II items

AIT fielding related to Class IX items

Nonrecurring Engineering for Class IX items

Pilot programs and Marking Teams

Air Force Marking Plan should: Provide, by class of

supply,75% marked and marking end dates

Annual marking goals

Air Force Implementation Plan should: Provide Interim milestones for

AIS identification process Provide AIS names and

schedules for Class VII and IX modifications underway

Identify Internal and External factors which may affect the milestone dates

Identify resource requirements

Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator

Initial load list provided156,013 PICA NSNs,46 SICA NSNs


Air Force IUID Master Schedule

Marking End Date

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ADC399A ADC1030 All DLMS Changes

Purchase Scanners and Verifiers

13Mark Legacy Items

System Updates/AIT Hardware

Legacy Marking

Rqmts/ BusRules

Industrial Plant Equipment marked during inventory

Updates to EBS

Updates to DSS

Updates to RBI

Design System Changes

Design System Changes

Design System Changes

Code available in MDC

Updates and Fielding

Updates and Fielding

Updates and Fielding

Updates and FieldingDesign System Changes(FLIS Transformation)

Requirements for Disposal

FLIS IUID IndicatorCode Available

AIT Hardware: 100 verifiers and 10,700 scanners are being purchased for use at 26 DDD’s and 102D RMOs.

NSN List—The FLIS IUID Indicator decision for DLA managed items will be based on service input.

Requirements: Requirements for disposal are needed

to complete the Integrated Requirements Set for IUID and the final DLMS changes.

Updates to FLIS

DLA Implementation Plan should: Provide milestones for each

impacted system Identify intermediate milestones to

track and report progress Identify internal and external factors

that may affect milestone dates Identify resource requirements

DLA IUID Integrated Master Schedule

DLA Marking Plan should: Provide annual marking goals Estimated marking end date

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IUID Update – Legacy Marking

• Legacy item marking progress FY13Q3 update due in July


Legacy Marking Totals

Jan Apr Change

Air Force 1,364,020 1,364,165 145

USMC 624,832 624,832 -

Navy 42,000 42,000 - Army 1,008,567 1,130,259 121,692

DLA - - -

DoD 3,039,419 3,161,256 121,837

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DoD Item Marking Status by Class of Supply

Represents 12% of assets marked across all classes of supply.DoD roll up is based on Component input to date. Each class of supply has at lease one component figure not

reported. The Components continue to refine their methods of data collection. See component level charts for more detail.

Apr 2013

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 846,522 N/A New Procurement 52,708 N/A

Legacy 322,365 15,613,921 Legacy 47,663 889,730

Total 1,159,543 15,613,921 Total 100,371 889,730

7% 10%

93% 90%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 894,239 N/A New Procurement 2,341,754 N/A

Legacy 967,907 1,213,729 Legacy 1,454,005 5,542,920

Total 1,862,146 1,213,729 Total 3,795,759 5,542,920

61% 41%

39% 59%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 133 N/A New Procurement 812,346 N/A

Legacy 27,273 93,850 Legacy 342,043 33,527,960

Total 27,406 93,850 Total 1,154,389 33,527,960

23% 3%

77% 97%

CLASS II (Individual Equipment) CLASS V (Ammunition)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VII (Small Arms) CLASS VII (Non Small Arms)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VIII (Medical Materiel) CLASS IX (Consumables & Reparables)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

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Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 318,938 N/A New Procurement 52,708 N/A Legacy 30,841 928,533 Legacy 47,518 889,730 Total 340,435 928,533 Total 100,226 889,730

27% 11%73% 89%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 865,866 N/A New Procurement 1,149,036 N/A Legacy 496,090 1,104,707 Legacy 330,049 2,147,621 Total 1,361,956 1,104,707 Total 1,479,085 2,147,621

55% 41%45% 59%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 124 N/A New Procurement 773,324 N/A Legacy 273 47,855 Legacy 225,488 2,693,290 Total 397 47,855 Total 998,812 2,693,290

1% 27%

99% 73%

CLASS VIII (Medical Materiel) CLASS IX (Consumables & Reparables)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VII (Small Arms) CLASS VII (Non Small Arms)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS II (Individual Equipment) CLASS V (Ammunition)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining


Army IUID Current Item Marking StatusApr 2013

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CLASS II (Individual Equipment) CLASS V (Ammunition) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement TBD N/A New Procurement TBD TBD Legacy TBD 13,600,000 Legacy TBD TBD Total 13,600,000 Total TBD TBD Percentage of Total Marked 0% Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining 100% Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VII (Small Arms) CLASS VII (Non Small Arms) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement TBD TBD New Procurement TBD N/A Legacy TBD TBD Legacy 15,000 430,000 Total TBD TBD Total 15,000 430,000 Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked 3% Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining 97%

CLASS VIII (Medical Materiel) CLASS IX (Consumables & Reparables) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement TBD N/A New Procurement TBD N/A Legacy 27,000 44,000 Legacy TBD 21,800,000 Total 27,000 44,000 Total TBD 21,800,000Percentage of Total Marked 0% Percentage of Total Marked 0%Percentage of Total Remaining 100% Percentage of Total Remaining 100%


Navy Current Item Marking Status

Navy is working to establish enterprise reporting capability.

Jan 2013

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CLASS II (Individual Equipment) CLASS V (Ammunition) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement 27,584 N/A New Procurement TBD N/A Legacy 278,021 398,891 Legacy TBD TBD Total 305,605 398,891 Total TBD TBD Percentage of Total Marked 45% Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Remaining 55% Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VII (Small Arms) CLASS VII (Non Small Arms) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement 557 N/A New Procurement 88,049 N/A Legacy 99,212 68,554 Legacy 241,165 488,678 Total 99,769 68,554 Total 329,214 488,678 Percentage of Total Marked 59% Percentage of Total Marked 45% Percentage of Total Remaining 41% Percentage of Total Remaining 55%

CLASS VIII (Medical Materiel) CLASS IX (Consumables & Reparables) Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked New Procurement 9 N/A New Procurement 39,022 N/A 0 1,995 Legacy 6,434 2,044,791 Total 9 1,995 Total 45,456 2,044,791Percentage of Total Marked 0% Percentage of Total Marked 2%Percentage of Total Remaining 100% Percentage of Total Remaining 98%


USMC Current Item Marking Status

USMC Class V counts are in process of being complied.

Jan 2013

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Air Force Current Item Marking Status

Air Force Class VIII items are tracked in Joint System.The mechanism to extract marking data is currently being defined.

Apr 2013

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 500,000 N/A New Procurement N/A

Legacy 13,503 686497 Legacy 145 0

Total 513,503 686497 Total 145 0

43% 100%

57% 0%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement 27816 N/A New Procurement 1,104,669 N/A

Legacy 372605 40,468 Legacy 867,791 2,451,621

Total 400,421 40,468 Total 1,972,460 2,451,621

91% 45%

9% 55%

Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked Currently Marked Remaining to be Marked

New Procurement N/A New Procurement N/A

Legacy Legacy 110,121 6,989,879

Total Total 110,121 6,989,879



CLASS II (Individual Equipment) CLASS V (Ammunition)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VII (Small Arms) CLASS VII (Non Small Arms)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

CLASS VIII (Medical Materiel) CLASS IX (Consumables & Reparables)

Percentage of Total Marked Percentage of Total Marked

Percentage of Total Remaining Percentage of Total Remaining

Page 20: Item Unique Identification (IUID) Presented to JPIWG 30 May 2013


Suggested IUID related changes to DraftMIL STD 129 Revision P, Change 4

The DoD is transitioning to life cycle management of serialized items through programs for item unique identification (IUID) and serialized item management (see Table III for term definitions). To further enable those processes, the unique identification marking in this standard is changed to include the following:• Each unit pack, container, or palletized unit load will include linked Serial

Number and UII data.• Packaging Bar Codes will now link the UIIs and Serial Numbers• Serial number lists and UII number lists are required if the information is not

included in the package identification bar code marking more than 5 items. PDF417 bar code required on list.

• If a single two-dimension (PDF417) bar code cannot accommodate all the information for the included item information, a set of Macro PDF417 bar codes encode the identification information and the UII information. See Appendix A.

• Assorted package will not contain UII/Serial Number data on main label. UII/Serial Number data will be available at highest level packaging containing like NSN items. Suggested Changes to the draft are in RED

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Unit Pack, Container, Palletized LoadThe serialized numbers marked on each unit pack, container, or palletized unit load include all of the unique item identifiers (UII) and assigned serial numbers.

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Linking the UII and Serial Number within the Bar Code

• ISO/IEC 15434 Format 06 envelopes are used to associate line item specific data (e.g. document number, NSN, quantity, serial number, UII, etc.). The Format 06 envelopes may be used for military shipping label data associations and the Format 06 envelopes are used for serialized item number association.

• With in this label the 25s DI will be used to identify the complete UII regardless of construct type.

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PDF417 required on UII/Serial Nbr lists

Serial number lists (if more than 5 items) and UII number lists are required if the information is not included in the package identification bar code marking. If list contains UIIs PDF417 bar code required. UIIs will not be printed in human readable.

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Multiple Macro PDF417

• If a single two-dimension (PDF417) bar code cannot accommodate all the information for the included item information, a set of Macro PDF417 bar codes encode the identification information and the UII information. See Appendix A.

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Assorted Pack(multiple NSNs.)

• Will not contain UII/Serial Number data on main label. UII/Serial Number data will be available at highest level packaging containing like NSN items

Are serial number lists needed for each NSN on exterior packaging of multipack? Not currently required.

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No change to basic serial number wording

Current MIL-STD-129P—No Change: "When an item is assigned a serial number, that number shall be applied and preceded by the abbreviation "SER NO""

Comment Period closes on June 21, 2013.

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Way Ahead


DODI 8320.04, Start formal coordination Execute and monitor Integrated Master Schedule Review Service Implementation Plans Develop Enterprise CONOPS Complete NSN lists for initial population of FLIS IUID Indicator (Services) Provide quarterly updates on execution of Implementation Plans including item

marking (Services) Complete Disposal Process Flows (DLA) Complete remaining IUID related DLMS Changes (DLA)

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Working Group Leads


MAJ Burke (LPC-2)

Hal Casey (NAVSUP n65) Lora Conrad


USMC Air Force

Dan McLaughlin (J33)


Susan Byrne (ASA ALT)


RH. Bartholomew (AF/A4ID)