italian-chapter 5

Ecco la mia famiglia Capitolo 5 Cinque Terre

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Beginning Italian *Some materials acquired from Percorsi| Marchegiani (all rights reserved for their product) *This material is intended for educational use only


Page 1: Italian-Chapter 5

Ecco la mia famiglia

Capitolo 5

Cinque Terre

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Percorso 1

La famiglia e i parenti

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Per parlare della famigliail bambino/la bambina

il cugino/la cugina

il figlio unico/la figlia unica

i gemelli/le gemelle

il/la nipote

i nonni materni/paterni

il papà (babbo)/ la mamma

i parenti





only child



maternal/paternal grandparents





Page 5: Italian-Chapter 5

Per discutere dei rapporti tra i familiari andare d’accordo con

Che lavoro fa?

è avvocato/casalinga/ingegnere/medico


il fratello/la sorella piu grande/piu piccolo

in quanti siete?

Siamo in...


somigliare a


to get along with

what does he/she do?

He/she is a lawyer/a housewife/engineer/a doctor


older/younger brother/sister

How many are there in your family?

There are... of us

to argue

to look like/to be lie

to live

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In contesto: Una famiglia italianaMi chiamo Alberto Sorrentino. Sono di Napoli, ma lavoro a Roma da molti anni.Sono avvocato. Mia moglie, Luisa, insegna all'università di Rome. Abbiamo due belle bambine. Giulia e Patrizia. Patrizia ha cinque anni, e ancora non va a scuola, ma sa già leggere e scrivere. Giulia invece fa la terza elementare. I miei genitori vivono a Napoli. Mio padre ha 70 anni ed è in pensione. I miei genitori paterni sono morti, la mia nonna materna, invece, vive con i miei genitori. Ho anche due sorelle e un fratello. La mia sorella. più grande, Marisa è medico. è sposata e ha un figlio di sette anni.  Anche suo marito è avvocato, come me. Noi andiamo molto d'accordo. Fra tutti i miei parenti, lui è il più simpatico.Giovanna, la mia seconda sorella, è divorziata. è ingegnere e lavora sempre tanto. Io somiglio molto a lei. Abbiamo lo stesso carattere e spesso litighiamo.Mio fratello Carlo è più piccolo di me. è un tipo disinvolto, energico e allegro. Studia lingua e letterature straniere all'Università di Napoli. Studia anche l'inglese, ma non lo so parlare molto bene. Non ci vediamo spesso . 

My name is Alberto Sorrentino. I'm in Naples, but I work in Rome for many years. I am a lawyer. My wife, Louise, teaches at University of Rome. We have two beautiful girls. Patrizia and Giulia.Patrizia five years, and still does not go to school, but he already knows to read and write. Julia however is the third grade. My parents live in Naples.My father is 70 years old and is retired. My father's parents are dead. My maternal grandmother, however, live with my parents. I also have two sisters and a brother. My older sister, Marisa is a doctor. Is married and has one child of seven years.Her husband is a lawyer, like me. We go on very well.Of all my relatives, he is the most sympathetic. Joanna, my second sister, is divorced.'s An engineer and works always so.I am very similar to her. We have the same character and often quarrel.My brother Charles is younger than me. Is a type casual, energetic and cheerful. He studied foreign languages and literatures at the University of Naples. He also studied English, but I do not speak very well. We do not see why we are often far away, but we are a very close family.We call each other often and we help each other.

perchè abbiamo lontano, ma siamo una famiglia molto unita. Ci telefoniamo spesso e ci aiutiamo a vicenda

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Gli aggettivi possesiviused to indicate possession

equivalent to the English: my, your, his/her, its, our, and their

agree in number and gender with the noun they modify


usually preceded by the definite article- this also agrees in number and gender

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il mio/la mia

Myi miei/le


il tuo/la tuail Suo/la


your (informal)

your (formal)

i toui/le tuei Suoi/ Le


il suo/la sua

his/heri suoi/le sue

il nostro/ la nostra

Ouri nostri/le nostre

il vostro/la vostra

y’all (informal)


i vostri/le vostre

il loro/la loro

Theiri loro/le loro

Singulare Plurale Singulare Plurale

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Possessive Rules 1. his and her are both expressed by il suo, la sua, le sue. Il suo is also used in the formal form of your

2. When possessive adjectives are used with a singular, unmodified family members the article is omitted

3. Loro never changes form and ALWAYS used with definite article

4. Article is always used with the word famiglia.

5. Article is if noun is referring to a relative that is plural or is modified by an adjective

6. Idiomatic expressions such as “a casa mia” (my home) are never used with an article

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i pronomi possessivi used in place of things and people

correspond to English: mine, yours, his, her, its, ours, and theirs.

Are identical in form to possessive adjectives

agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace

usually used with article, even when they refer to relatives

Le mie cugine sono molto simpatiche. (My cousins are very nice)

Come sono le tue? (What are yours like?)

Il calico è il mio sport preferito. E il tuo qual è?

Soccer is my favorite sport. And what is yours?

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il presente di consocere e sapere

Conoscere is a regular verb. It means “to be familiar” or “acquainted with.” It is used with people, places, and things

Conosco molto bene tutta la famiglia di Carlo. I know Carlo’s entire family very well.

Conoscete Roma Bene?- Do you know Rome well?

Sapere is irregular. It means “to know a fact” or “some information”, or “to know how to do something

Sai il suo nome? - Do you know his/her name?

Si, e so anche dove abita. - Yes, and I also know where he/she lives.

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Conoscere- to know

conosco I know

conosci you know

conosce he/she knows

conosciamo we know

conoscete y’all know

conoscono they know

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Sapere -To know (how to do something

So I know

Sai you know

Sa He/she knows

Sappiamo we know

Sapete y’all know

Sanno they know

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Percorso III

Le faccende di casa

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Le faccende di casa

annaffiare le piante

apparecchiare la tavola

dare da mangiare al cane/al gatto


fare il bucato

fare giardinaggio

to water the plants

to set the table

to feed the dog/cat

to have to

to do laundry

to work in the garden

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Le faccende di casa

fare la spesa

lavare (i piatti)

mettere in ordine

passare l’aspirapolvere

portare fuori la spazzatura


to buy groceries

to wash (the dishes)

to put in order

to vaccum

to take out the trash

to be able to

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Le faccende di casa

rifare il letto

sparecchiare la tavola





to make the bed

to clear the table

to sweep the floor

to dust

to iron

to want

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Cosi Si Dice


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Azioni Reciproche the plural forms of the reflexive pronouns (ci, vi, si) can be used with the noi, voi, loro forms to indicate reciprocal actions-

Vi vedete spesso? (Do you see them often?)

Non, ma ci telefoniamo e ci scrviamo sempre. (No, but we always call and we write to each other)

Giuseppe e Claudia invece si vedono ogni weekend. Giuseppe and Claudia, on the other hand, see each other every weekend.

Page 22: Italian-Chapter 5

La famiglia allargata the words patrigno (stepfather), matrigna (stepmother) fratellastro (stepbrother) sorellastra (stepsister) have negative connotations

Instead they use words like il marito di mia madre (my mother’s husband). i miei fratelli acquisiti (my stepbrothers); la mia sorella acquisita

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La Toscana

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Cathedral of Santa Mariail centro religioso e artistico di firenze è rappresentato dal Battistero dal Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore con la bellissima cupola di Filippo Brunelleschi,uno dei maggiori architetti del Quattrocento, e il Campanile di Giotto uno dei grandi artisti del Medioevo. 

The religious and artistic center of Florence is the Baptistery from the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore with the beautiful dome of Filippo Brunelleschi (1423-1497) one of the major architects of the fifteenth century, and Giotto's bell tower one of the great artists of the Middle Ages.

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The Tombs of Medici Le Tombe Medicee. La tomba di Giuliano di Nemours, nipote of del Magnifico.Le tre statue sono di Michelangelo Buonarroti(1475-1564) uno dei più grandi artisti del RinascimentoAl centro c'è la statua di Giuliano, a sinistra la Notte e a destra il Giorno. Buonarroti Simboli del tempo che distrugge tutto. 

The Medici Tombs. The tomb of Giuliano de Nemours, nephew of Lorenzo the Magnificent.The three statues by Michelangelo, one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. At the center is the statue of Giuliano, left to right is Night and Day. Symbols of time destroys everything.

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Siena Il centro storico di Siena, una tipica citta medievale, con la Torre del Mangia, e bellissima Piazza del Camp. in questo pizza il 2 luglio e il 16 agosto si tiene la famousa manifestazione del Palio. La pizza ha la forma di una conchiglia. Santa Caterina, patrona d'Italia, è nata a Siena. Siena è anche la patria del panforte, un dolce tipico che si mangia spesso a Natale

The historic center of Siena, a typical medieval town, with the Torre del Mangia, and beautiful Piazza del Campo. On July 2 and August 16 is the famous festival of Palio, a horse race. St. Catherine, patron saint of Italy, was born in Siena. Siena is also the home of gingerbread, a traditional cake that is often eaten at Christmas

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San GimignanoSan Gimignano, la citta delle torri, fra le sue antiche mura. Oggi a San Gimignanosono rimaste solo 13 torri, ma nel Trecento ce n'erano 72. Nel Medioevo la torre erasimbolo di potenza. Le famiglie ricche della citta infatti costruivano questo costose e alte abitazioni per dimostrare il loro potere economico. Nel 1354 però la citta si deve sottomettere a Firenze. Oggi questo pittoresco paese è un importante centro turistico, famoso per il suo vino.

San Gimignano, the city of towers, including its ancient walls. Today in San Gimignano only 13 towers remain, but in the fourteenth century there were 72. In the Middle Ages the tower was symbol of power. The rich families of the city that built it expensive and upper houses to show their economic power. In 1354, however, the city must submit to Florence.Today this picturesque village is an important tourist center, famous for its white wine.