issue 5 may 2018 - lord williams's school

We are on Facebook - make sure you like our page to keep up to date with the latest news! ‘Take Me Home’ Newsletter ISSUE 5 MAY 2018 Inside this issue: Headteacher’s Message 2 Uniform Update - Skirts Student Planners News from the Libraries 3 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 4 Fun Run 5 Singing Examinations School Fund Appeal LWPA 6 Gambia Night Choreography Challenge Creative Arts Evening 7 Catering News 8 Communication 11 Useful Information Calendar 12 Fun Run raises over £5K! Gambia Night P7 GDPR Notice Important Uniform Update - Skirts P3 P4

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Page 1: ISSUE 5 MAY 2018 - Lord Williams's School

We are on Facebook - make sure you like our page to keep up to date with the latest news!

‘Take Me Home’


ISSUE 5 MAY 2018

Inside this issue:

Headteacher’s Message 2

Uniform Update - Skirts

Student Planners

News from the Libraries 3

General Data Protection

Regulations (GDPR) 4

Fun Run 5

Singing Examinations

School Fund Appeal



Gambia Night

Choreography Challenge

Creative Arts Evening


Catering News 8

Communication 11

Useful Information

Calendar 12

Fun Run raises over £5K!

Gambia Night


GDPR Notice

Important Uniform

Update - Skirts



Page 2: ISSUE 5 MAY 2018 - Lord Williams's School

The examination season is well and truly upon us and I would like to wish all students every

success in their examinations. They are facing up to the challenge of new examinations and

tougher assessments. What is key at this stage, is the quality of their organisation and planning so

that revision is effective and hard work is balanced with rest and recreation. When the balance is

right, students can and should feel confident. The hard work is worth it because after they are over

our students have a long holiday to look forward to.

On a lighter note I would like to thank the LWPA, our site team and everyone who helped to make

the Fun Run such a big success. It was a hugely enjoyable event which raised significant money

for the school. Next year will be bigger again! Prizes for students who were successful in the draw

will be announced in assemblies after half term.

As we look forward to the last term, students will be reminded of their responsibilities to look after

each other, the school environment and to follow our uniform regulations; these were the themes

we started the year with. Regarding uniform, skirts have been a problem this year; in response we

have decided to sharpen our policy in this area and from September the only skirts permissible will

be pleated ones. Please note Mrs Vear’s article on page 3. We are alerting you to this now so that

if new skirts are purchased they will be of the style stipulated.

As a school we recognise the need to make our students aware of environmental issues both in

our locality (i.e. the school) and also on a global front. We need to be pro-active as much as we

can in response to real threats to our environment and this includes safety and health. Next term,

a newly formed Environmental Group will be looking, amongst other things, at removing litter from

both sites and significantly improving the parking issues around both sites. Once concerted plans

of action are agreed with staff, students and members of the local community, we will let you know

what our focus areas will be next term and in the Autumn term.

Best Wishes

David Wybron

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Important Uniform Update - Skirts

We are concerned that a number of students are not wearing skirts that are suitable for school. It was made very clear to all students in assemblies and in the uniform booklet which styles are appropriate and which are not.

Many parents have requested that we give clearer guidance, so from September 2018 the only skirts allowed will be plain black, fully pleated, near knee length skirts in a non-jersey fabric. We recommend the following skirts from SWI - Aspire Pleated Skirt (112019) and Pleated Skirt (111850).

If your child already has a plain black, fully pleated, near knee length skirt in a non-jersey fabric from another supplier, then that will be acceptable. Students who are not wearing the correct uniform will be issued with detentions until the situation is remedied. Please help us by ensuring your child has the correct school uniform, so that valuable teaching time is not wasted on uniform issues.

Mrs Vear, Deputy Headteacher

Student Planners 2018/2019

The way that students use their planners has evolved since the implementation of Show My

Homework. We have noticed that students in Years 10 and 11 and the Sixth Form increasingly

do not bring their planners to school as they have ready access to their mobile devices and

use those to obtain the homework information. We have also spoken to students at student

council meetings regarding the usefulness of the planners.

After some thought and deliberation we have decided that from September 2018 we

will no longer provide student planners to students in Years 10 - 13, students in

Years 7 - 9 will still be given planners.

If you feel that your son/daughter would benefit from having a planner in Years

10 - 13, then they will be available to purchase for a small amount via

sQuidshop from September.

Miss Galpin, Assistant Headteacher

Pleated Skirt


Aspire Pleated Skirt


News from the Libraries It has been a wonderful reading term this year with students at Upper School revising hard for their forthcoming examinations with the help of our fantastic range of revision guides and the students at Lower School getting a new lease of life with the warmer weather and the end of their examination period.

The Year 7s in particular have been very motivated, as you can see from the Accelerated Reader board showing an astonishing number of 'millionaires' and we're welcoming more into the club every day.

Good Luck to everyone taking their examinations in the coming few weeks.

Libraries Team

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

I am sure you will be aware of the introduction of the GDPR legislation on 25th May, either through the

news or, indeed, because it is impacting on the work that you yourself do.

At school we have been preparing for this over the last 12 months which has involved us auditing

what personal data we hold, reviewing what we do with it and with whom we share it. It is important that

we now let you know what we do with your son/daughter's personal data and your child's rights to access

this data. We would encourage you to share this with your sons and daughters however, we will also be

covering this as part of the curriculum.

In preparation for the GDPR we have updated all our data protection policies and these are available to

view or download from our website: click here.

In particular I would like to draw your attention to the Privacy Notice which explains how we use your data.

You may also be interested to watch this short video about the GDPR in schools: GDPR Mind Map for

Parents - YouTube

As a result of the legislation we will be contacting you more frequently to check the accuracy of the data

we hold. I would be grateful if you could respond promptly to any such requests so that school staff do not

waste time chasing parents for responses.

If you have any questions about data protection,

please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ms Armitage, School Manager

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Rain Holds Off For A Successful Fun Run 250 runners of all ages and abilities took to Upper School on Saturday 28th April, for a 5K Fun Run, which saw participants clambering over hay bales, under cargo nets, then negotiating tyres and coloured paint – along with keeping an eye out for an ‘on the run’ panda, monkey and spotted deer!

After a 10-minute warm-up to get runners ready to take on their 2.5K or 5K challenge led by Ali Galbraith of Peak Fitness Bootcamp, the event saw students from across all the year groups taking part, along with entrants from Thame Runners, Stuart Barr Furniture and Thame Cricket Club.

The first runner to cross the line, Ed Hayes did so in an impressive twenty-one minutes, thirty-five seconds and competition was fierce as Mr Wybron took on his daughter in a nail-biting finish!

“We hoped last year we’d have a bigger and better Fun Run, and we’ve just had one,” commented Mr Wybron. “We’ve had a brilliant event, with colour and obstacles and more people than 2017 entering. Everyone’s had a great time. People have raised a lot of money for the school, so we’re all delighted.”

He added: “Thank you to all those who have helped out today, our volunteers, marshals, local businesses in-cluding Lucy Electric who sponsored our runner numbers; to the Lord Williams’s School Parent Association (LWPA) and the school premises team. It’s just been a really fun day.”

The Run Run is predicted to raise nearly £5,000 for the school with sponsorship still to come in.

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School Fund Appeal

Thank you to everyone who has already committed to making a monthly donation to support our school.

Setting up a Direct Debit is very easy - click here for further details and parents/carers are able to choose the amount they give each month.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Wybron, Headteacher

Singing Success

Congratulations to the following students for passing their singing examinations:

Eleyna Kibble DISTINCTION 96/100 at this grade! Grade 8 Musical Theatre Singing

Poppy Hemmings DISTINCTION 91/100 Grade 4 Musical Theatre Singing

Priya Sri Rangan PASS Grade 4 Musical Theatre Singing

Phoebe Yates PASS Grade 4 Musical Theatre Singing

Clarissa Cox DISTINCTION 92/100 Grade 2 Musical Theatre Singing

Samara Chan DISTINCTION 90/100 Grade 5 Pop Vocals

Maya Wakeling MERIT Grade 4 Pop Vocals

Eleanor Brown PASS Grade 4 Pop Vocals

Maria Karteris PASS Grade 4 Pop Vocals

Beth Buchanan MERIT Grade 3 Pop Vocals

Emilia Black PASS Grade 2 Pop Vocals

Mrs Purcell, Head of Music

Please like our page on Facebook:


In order to ensure all our events are well supported and run as smoothly as they can, the LWPA need

more people.

There are currently only 5 parents trying to raise funds

for your child’s school!! Please get in touch via [email protected]

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Year 10—Thursday 21st


Lower School—Friday 22nd


Creative Arts Evening

Thursday 28th June

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Summer Food Facts – Foods to Keep You Cool this Summer

Watermelon - Who doesn't like juicy, cooling

watermelon? They may be available all year round

at supermarkets but it still is a treat to see the

fresh local ones in stock when the

summer rolls around. The bright red ones are

usually the sweetest. Made up of 92% water, they

are great for hydration and help clean out toxins

from the body too. The vitamin A content keeps

the skin looking good. Here's a tip, look for one

with a yellow splotch and which seems to be

heavy for its size (there's a good chance it will be

ripe and sweet).

Tomatoes - Here's a fun fact: Did you know that

tomatoes are scientifically classified as a fruit and

not a vegetable? Yes, that is correct. They help

prevent skin pigmentation and tanning, something

like a natural sunscreen. You could make a

tomato juice or just serve raw slices as a salad or

a snack.

Cucumber - The saying 'cool as a cucumber'

doesn't come out of nowhere! This vegetable is

popular as part of the 'green salad'. Cucumbers

help cool the body and have fibre which keeps

constipation at bay. If your child is being fussy

about food, just leave a bowl of cucumber sticks

on the table and watch them disappear.

Other things include mint leaves in chilled water,

coconut water & raw onions.

Healthy Winners Congratulations to Eliza who won our Healthy Winner Star Prize of an Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet.

The students showed great excitement buying the healthy products in hope of getting a winning scratch card. We have sold 3140 healthy products in the last month, a great achievement!

Recipe Time: Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Lemon-roasted Apricots

Seasonal Ingredients: Apricots


1. For the buttermilk panna cotta, heat the double cream in a small saucepan with the split vanilla pod. 2. Remove from the heat once it has boiled and add the condensed milk. 3. Gently squeeze dry the gelatine leaves and add to the hot cream. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. 4. When the cream mixture has cooled to near body temperature, add the buttermilk and stir gently to mix in. 5. Remove the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. Stir the seeds into the cream mixture. 6. Carefully pour the mixture into four 8-10cm/3-4” ramekins, making sure that each mould has a good amount of the vanilla seeds in it. 7. Allow to set in the fridge for at least four hours. 8. Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. 9. Halve the apricots, stone them and gently roll them in the lemon juice to prevent discolouration. 10. Place 50ml water in an ovenproof dish with the remaining lemon juice, the orange juice and the lemon peel, add the apricot halves skin side down. Sprinkle the sugar over them. 11. Cover loosely but firmly with foil, and bake in the hot oven for approximately ten minutes, the exact time will depend on size and ripeness of fruit. 12. When cooked, the tip of a knife should easily pierce the flesh of the fruit with no resistance. The juices of the fruit will blend with the liquids in the dish. 13. Reduce this liquid by removing the fruits carefully with a slotted spoon and pour the juices into a small pan. 14. Boil down to a syrup like consistency. Return the fruit to the syrup off the heat and allow to cool. 15. To serve, dip the panna cotta moulds into hot water for a few seconds, then gently turn out a buttermilk panna cotta into the centre of a soup plate. Surround with 2 apricot halves & a spoonful of the syrup. Garnish with a piece of the vanilla pod.

Allergens Contains milk and sulphites. Please make sure to check the ingredients of any bought in products.

Interesting Facts and Trivia Apricots originally came from China. This golden fruit has

been around for more than 4,000 years. Apricots progres-sively made their way through the Persian Empire to the Mediterranean where they were fondly adopted. Spanish explorers introduced the apricot to the New World.


300ml double cream

1 vanilla pod, split lengthwise

100ml condensed milk

2 gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water for at least 10 minutes

350ml buttermilk, at room temperature

8 ripe apricots

1 lemon, juice only

half an orange, juice only

4 pieces of lemon peel, (use a peeler and take most of the skin off a lemon)

75g sugar

Catering News

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Watch This Space Our Annual African Food Experience (see below), Caribbean Islands & Half Price Water

Gambian Beef Domoda

served with Rice (Contains Peanuts)


Nigerian Vegetable Jollof

with Crispy Onions


South African Boerewors

with Pap & Chakalaka


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New Products Introducing homemade sushi for our Upper School


Snack Boxes – well balanced snack box containing, proteins, vegetables, fruits & healthy snacks

Self Serve Salad Bar starting from £0.75

Slush is back at Lower School, delicious fruit slush made from natural juice

Have a wonderful half-term

from Julia & the Catering Team

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@LWS_News - up-to-date information about the school’s news and events

@LordwilliamsJob - latest teaching and support staff job vacancies at Lord Williams’s School

@LWS_Careers - for information about careers, events and local job opportunities

@lordwilliamsDoE - for current Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students and their parents/carers

@LordWilliamsPE - follow for latest sporting fixtures and results


Some emails sent from the school are ‘bouncing back’ to us, therefore we urge you to please tell

the school if you have changed your email address recently.

The majority of our communications to parents/carers are sent via email, therefore it is vitally

important that you inform the school of any changes to your email and other contact details.

You can do this by contacting the main office at [email protected].

Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.



A reminder that

weekly Sporting

Fixtures can be

found on our


Page 11

Contacting the School via Email

If you need to contact the school via email then please check that you are emailing the office email

address ([email protected]) NOT [email protected], which is used to send out whole school InTouch emails - this account is not always monitored and we may miss

important messages. A reminder that if you urgently need to contact the school then please call rather

than rely on emails. Many thanks.

Daily Notices Posted on School Website

Daily Notices for Lower School and Upper School are posted on the school website. They include

information on sports fixtures, clubs and other activities that students and parents/carers like to know about.

We also email the Daily Notices to students' school email accounts. These will be emailed the evening

before so that students can check them in preparation for the following day. Please can you encourage

your son/daughter to check their emails for these notices.

We are on


make sure you follow our

page to keep up to date with

the latest news!



This term’s list of extra-

curricular clubs and

activities is available on the

school’s website. Please

click here to take a look.

Twitter Keep up-to-date with the school by following us on Twitter!


The difference between online payments via sQuid or sQuidshop

Payments that are individual to your child such as trips and workshops are on your online account through A quick link to this can be found by clicking on the arrow icon in the top right hand corner of the school website.

School resources such as revision guides, workbooks, calculators, school ties, tickets for events, etc are on our sQuidShop; go to A quick link to this can be found by clicking on the shopping trolley icon in the top right hand corner of the school website.

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Main switchboard: 01844 210510

Absence Lines: 01844 210540 (Upper School)

01844 210520 (Lower School)

E-mail: [email protected]

Cashless enquiries: [email protected]

LWPA: [email protected] (Please only use e-mail for enquiries which do not need an instant response)

Contact Us

Follow us on Twitter

@LWS_News @LordWilliamsJob @LWS_Careers @lordwilliamsDoE


3rd Apr Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Practice (3rd -

8th) Term Dates Summer Term Half-term Mon 28

th May – Fri 1

st June

Term Ends Tue 24th July (12.25pm)

Full 2018/2019 Term Dates are on our website

Autumn Term

Term Begins (Years 7,10 & 11) Wed 5

th September

Term Begins (Years 8, 9, 12 & 13) Thu 6

th September

Old Tamensians’ Association

Membership: [email protected] Newsletter : [email protected] Website:

Upper School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ Lower School, Towersey Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 3NW

Follow us on Facebook @LordWilliamssSchool

Fri 25th May Year 13 Last Day

Term Ends, 2.50pm

28th May - 1st June 2018 - Half Term

Mon 4th Jun Term Begins 8.30am

A2 Examinations Begin

Wed 6th June Year 9 French Exchange (9th-13th June)

Thu 7th June Year 10 Geography Field Trip

Sat 9th June DofE Silver Qualifier Expedition Prep Day

Thu 14th June Year 9 Hospitality Challenge

Mon 18th June Year 10 Geography Field

Tue 19th June Year 7 Parents’ Evening

Wed 20th June Year 8 Drama Trip to Lion King

DofE Silver Qualifier Kit Check

Primary Dance Show

Thu 21st June Year 10 Choreography Challenge

Fri 22nd Lower School Choreography Challenge

Mon 25th June Year 9 German Exchange (Bonn to Thame)

Year 10 Examinations Week

Tue 26th June Year 11 Introduction to Sixth Form

Wed 27th June Year 9 & 11 Awards Evening

Thu 28th June Year 12 Futures Day

Fri 29th June DofE Silver Qualifier Expedition (29/6-1/7)

Year 13 Book Return & Sign-Off

Year 11 Ball at The Oxford Belfry

Sat 30th June Bronze DofE Qualifier Kit Check

Mon 2nd July Year 10 Mathematics Trip ‘Why Further Maths’

Thu 5th July Gambia Night, 7pm

Fri 6th July Year 9 Cheerleading Trip

Year 6 Taster Day

Bronze DofE Qualifier A (6th-8th)

Sun 8th July Bronze DofE Qualifier B (8th-10th)

Mon 9th July ACE Week

Tue 10th July Bronze DofE Qualifier C (10th-12th)

Wed 11th July EPQ Visit to Southampton

Thu 12th July Bronze DofE Qualifier D (12th-14th)

Year 12 Humanities Trip to Berlin

Year 12 University Visit

Tue 17th July Gold DofE Qualifier (17th-21st)

Year 6 New Parents’ Evening, 4.30pm-6.30pm

Thu 19th July DofE Kit Return

Fri 20th July Lower School Sports Day

Tue 24th July Term Ends 12.25pm


What’s Your View? Please email or write to Dawn Armitage, School Manager, if you have any comments

on issues raised in this newsletter or any other school matters: [email protected]. Please remember to include the name and tutor group of your child/ren.

Lord Williams's School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and

Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams's School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ