ismapng thinktank slides

ISMAPNG Communications Needs Analysis

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Communications Needs Analysis

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The Premise

Theology of Communications

Media – vital area of mission of the Church

Communication is inherently theological

Baptismal call and mission to communicate the Gospel

Encounter with Incarnate Word

Definition of Communications

Greek + Latin meaning “gift, giving, sharing”

How we express messages, ideas, thoughts

Verbal and non-verbal Behaviour, environment,

style Dialogue: 2-way

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The Premise

“It should be clear right from the beginning that communication is more than just Media or even Mass Media.

They are part of social communication but finally, only a part. …

When the preparatory Commission for the Vatican II decree on Social Communication Inter Mirifica proposed this expression they argued that expressions like Mass Media, Media of Diffusion, Audio-Visual Means or similar would not sufficiently express what the Church is concerned about.

Therefore they proposed the new name Social Communication referring to the communication of and in human society and thus including all ways and means of communicating within a community.”

- Franz-Josef Eilers, svd

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Who, What, Where, Why & How?

Analysis of Strategic Plans Leadership Team Workshop Surveys, Face to Face, Phone Calls, Emails Comparative research YOU!

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Communications Objectives To build the new culture of the Institute To instil a trust and confidence among the Sisters that every

voice really counts To decrease sense of isolation and disconnect throughout and

beyond regions To promote unity, inclusion and accessibility plus drive

increased capacity for dialogue and consultation To build opportunities and to drive innovation among the

Institute’s Sisters and Staff To ensure that all tools, technologies etc. are credible, reliable

and authentic as well as secure To build brand equity and identity To harness the capacity for outreach and mission

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Core Learnings

Positives A renewed vision toward unification

and collaboration Leveraging best practices Strong charism and tradition Pioneers in communications

technologies Administrative loyalty Age is a bonus Good ILT comms efforts (newsletter,

website, email, phones) Sister-sourcing (crowd-sourcing) Willingness to learn Facilities and Resources

Challenges Change Management Culture Negativity Administrative confusion New governance Correspondence Utilisation of Resources Lack of self worth and confidence Legacy issues Age Size of communities Authentic connectivity Motivation Skill base Utilisation

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New Structure (Canonical & Strategic Objective) 18 – 15 – 6 – 1 Complex change Incorporated Ministries ILT + ILF + Admin Centres Sisters ISMAPNG - leading ethos strategy into Missions, leading organisation culture,

communication and engagement. Ministries - managing under a trustee based governance structure, leading

doers, operating sustainable entities.

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Breathing life into each areaInformation + Interaction + Inspiration + Integration

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Infrastructure Comms Needs

The ‘Why’ Needs:

To better inform the Sisters about infrastructure changes, upgrades and protocols. [nb. Avoid ‘disempowerment’]

To streamline/improve the internal administrative communications operations.

To educate the administrative staff around the current vision and mission activities and history of the Sisters of Mercy.

To rationalize the contact details within the database.       To familiarise both the internal (Sisters and staff) and external (public

and ministries) networks with the administrative structure, so people are aware of who to correspond with

To actively introduce specialist individuals to the communities via particular communications avenues

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Infrastructure Comms Needs

The ‘How’ Needs

To develop an intranet with a very user friendly interface To consolidate the hosting, the servers, the domains, the email accounts

for ISMAPNG and the Sisters under a single management/ or system and cloud

To incorporate the database for full CRM functional capacity into the website/ portal/ intranet

To introduce the ‘personality factor’ via sharing articles etc on the website signed by admin + part of ‘Team’ profiles

Change naming from ‘Admin’ to ‘Service’ To upskill those administrative staff who are PA’s, EA’s, office managers

and administrators to: Enhance their technical abilities, eg., web content upload, database

management, phone and email correspondence standards. Enhance their communications capabilities - standards, protocols, tone

and ‘turn of phrase’ etc. To have an on-site, community based, IT representative support

officer, eg. Kylie from Community South B.

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ISSUES Feelings re change Community Connectivity Leadership [Consultation, Transparency, Trust] Perception & Assumption vs Reality & Facts Confidence & Worth Networking & Collaboration Identity

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Communion Comms Needs

To bridge the divide between the intention and objectives of the ILT and the perception on the receiving end of their communications.

To encourage the sisters and build authentic perception of self worth and to involve all the sisters more

To ensure authentic communications while utilising new technologies To enable as much quality/ face to face opportunity as possible (either via the

visitations, community days, online video chat.) To enable technologies and techniques which ensure a two-way dialogue experience To equip and empower the sisters and staff to utilise new forms and approaches to

communications To resource the communications needs with especial consideration for the variances in

preferences and platforms for information sharing To increase the potential for cross-border networking and collaboration To enable technologies and techniques which ensure a two-way dialogue experience To equip and empower the sisters and staff to utilise new forms and approaches to

communications To resource the communications needs with especial consideration for the variances in

preferences and platforms for information sharing To increase the potential for cross-border networking and collaboration

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Communion Comms Needs

Build an interest in openness, transparency, and in embracing change

Specific communion/ unity ‘outcomes’ to maintain motivation

To foster a true Mercy culture throughout the network Community ‘Hubs’ Portal Sms Smart devices Multimedia production

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Comms Suggestions: NEWSLETTERS

Create a series of templates which can share a certain look across them

Templates can be in word for ease of formatting

Delivery format – html and single pdf zip file

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Special Interest Articles

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Special Interest Articles

Branding per Community

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Special Interest Articles

Branding per Community

Tone & Personality

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Special Interest Articles

Branding per Community

Tone & Personality Editorial Guidelines

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Issues:•Limited Connectivity•Limited Technology•Cultural Connection

Suggested solution 1: SMS•Benefits Include

A comfortable mode of communicationsUsed everywhere by everyone

Suggested solution 2: DVD + Audio• Click the link for a demonstration

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Mission Comms Needs

ISSUES Audience

• Incorporated Ministries

• External

Identity• Branding – dilution, equity

Outreach• Justice

• Vocations

• Evangelisation

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Mission Comms Needs

Mission and Vision better articulated (maybe extracted from the new report by the mission group?)

Brand consolidation process (look, feel, messaging) Content input from and to the incorporated ministries Specific plans for harnessing numbers and growing

advocacy/ outreach capacity (i.e. via Social Networking and focussed calls to action in newsletter)

Utilisation of more sisters for ethos training Inspiring via sharing stories (i.e. via Multimedia content

production) A consolidated front and one-stop shop integrated news

system (i.e. website with blog news feed which autoposts to social media, can be followed via RSS in emails and which outputs a weekly roundup html newsletter as well as pushes out SMS notifications when opted for by the author.)

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Suggestion: consolidate branding across all ministries.

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Sharing the Charism, Values and Tradition

With and through Incorporated Ministries

With the rest of the Church With the “outer world”

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Harness the numbersPrayerPetitions

Campaign Timing Info Sharing Viral Opportunities

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Challenge Despondency ‘Family’ Formation

support ‘Sales’ &


Response Re-engage

where people Be prepared to

be responsive (packages)

Be confident

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Mission Comms Suggestion

Mission Hubs/ CentresSupported by on and offline resources

and sessionsIntranet doubles as website

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Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

Talking Points:- Social Media Policy- Aka “Rules of
