is allah satan?

SATAN IS ALLAH IS ALLAH 1 is allah satan? Some people believe that according to what the Qur’an states in comparison to what the Bible teaches, that Allah is Satan. If this is true, then Allah is a murderer, a deceiver and a thief. Are there any proofs that Satan in the Bible matches the Allah in the Qur’an and the hadiths, and if so, then what are they? - Coffee Scribe I am one who loves to “re- search.” I like to look at things from different angles and search what has already been searched (re-search). In this article, I have used as many different translations of the Scriptures as possible in order to gain a broad, unprejudiced view of this topic. [email protected]

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is allah satan?Some people believe that according to what the Qur’an states in comparison to what the Bible teaches, that Allah is Satan. If this is true, then Allah is a murderer, a deceiver and a thief. Are there any proofs that Satan in the Bible matches the Allah in the Qur’an and the hadiths, and if so, then what are they?

- Coffee Scribe

I am one who loves to “re-search.” I like to look at things from different angles and search what has already been searched (re-search). In this article, I have used as many different translations of the Scriptures as possible in order to gain a broad, unprejudiced view of this topic.

[email protected]

Page 2: is allah satan?

is allah satan?The only real way to determine this is to:

• Find out what the Qur’an actually says about Allah;

• Compare those findings against what the Bible says about Satan;

• Then look to see if there are any real-life examples in the world that

confirm whether or not any of what was found matches those findings.

What the Qur’an says:Surah 3:54 54 But they [the Jews] were deceptive, and Allah was

deceptive, for Allah is the best of [planners] deceivers

[Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena]!

Surah 8:30 30 And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who

disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you

or evict you [from Makkah], But they plan, and Allah plans.

And Allah is the best of planners (‘makr ’, deceivers).

(See the word ‘makr’ for ‘deceiver’ at right used in the surahs above.)


The word translated “plan” by most English translations of the Qur’an is actually the Arabic

word “makr” meaning “To practice deceit or guile or circumvention, practice evasion

or elution, to plot, to exercise art or craft, cunning or trickery, act with policy, practice



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What the Bible says:Revelation 12:9 (KJV) 12 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the

Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was

cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Satan is described as the deceiver in the Bible (Rev. 12:9) and, Allah is described as the greatest (best of) deceiver(s) in the Qur’an (Surah 3:54 and Surah 8:30). By the transitive property of equality, both Satan and Allah are called ‘deceivers.’”

both allah and satan are called “the god of this world…”Surah 1:1 states that Allah is the god (lord) of this world:

1 The praise be to Allah, the lord of the worlds.

The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that the god of this world is Satan: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which

believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the

image of God, should shine unto them.


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Allah Qur’an Satan Bible

Allah is the best (greatest) of deceivers

Surah 3:54, 8:30, 27:50, 3:118

Satan is the great deceiver Revelation 19:20, 20:10

Allah is the god (lord) of this world Surah 1:1 Satan is called the god of this world 2 Corinthians 4:4

Allah leads people astray Surah 35:8 Satan leads people astray 1 Peter 5:8, Revelation 12:9

Allah was the most glorious creature

Surah 11:73 Satan was the most glorious creature YHVH ever made

Ezekiel 28:12

Angel Jibril always spoke in the name of Allah

Surah 2:9, bukhari 12-1.3

Satan is a fallen angel Job 1:6, 38:7

Allah has no son and does not procreate (as nor do angels)

Surah 18:4-6, 19:35-36

Satan as a fallen angel does not procreate

Matthew 22:28-29Sa

Allah is called a morning star, the lord of serius, the mighty star of pagan Arabs

Surah 53:49sauag 14:12

Satan is called a morning star Isaiah 14:12

Allah is perfect Surah 59:23, 62:1 Satan was the model of perfection Ezekiel 28:12

Allah is wise Surah 31:27, 46:2, 57:1, 66:2

Satan is full of wisdom Ezekiel 28:12

Allah is sublime, (grandeur, superb) Surah 4:34, 31:30, 42:4, 42:51

Satan was perfect in beauty Ezekiel 28:12

Allah accuses all non-muslims of being evil, vilest beasts

Surah 8:12, 8:55, 9:5, 9:29

Satan in Hebrew means “Accuser” Job 1:7

Allah is a blood thirsty and corpse hungry monster

Surah 8:12 Satan is called Dragon, the red dragon

Revelation 12:3

Allah’s slip of tongue brought satanic verses of the Qur’an

Surah 22:52, 53:19-22, babari’s account

Satan is the devil Matthew 4:11

Allah’s fly both kills and heals bukhari 4.537, 7.673

Satan is Beelzebub, the lord of the flies,1 the prince of demons

Luke 11:15

Allah denies Jesus as the Son of God, his Qur’an refers to Jesus as son of Mary

Surah 2:87 Satan mocked Jesus as Son of God, saying: “If you are the Son of God…”

Matthew 4:3-6

comparisonsbetween Allah in the Qur’an and Satan in the Bible

Note: 1 In Luke 11:15, the title “lord of the flies” is the title of a Philistine god of which the name Palestine comes from, which are the enemies of Israel, God’s chosen people. This matches the conflict between Muslim Arabs and Jews. Satan wants God’s chosen people to be annihilated, just as Allah wants the Jews and the Christians to be killed too.


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Allah Qur’an Satan Bible

Allah teaches a completely different Jesus from the Bible

Surah 4:15 Satan opposes God’s Word, the Bible

Zechariah 3

Allah denies Jesus’ deity, His death on the cross and His resurrection

Surah 44:157, 19:35-36

Satan hinders the Gospel Matthew 13:2, 1 Corinthians 4

Allah reveals his message by terror Surah 17:59-60 Satan ensnares the wicked 2 Timothy 2

Allah is the best deceiver Surah 43:54, 7:99 Satan deceives the nations 1 Kings 22, Revelation 16, 20

Allah is the light Surah 24:35 Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light

2 Corinthians 11:14

Allah says: to wage war on non-muslims and kill them until they submit and the only religion is Islam

Surah 8:39 Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour

1 Peter 5:8

Allah accuses Jesus and Christians of corrupting the Bible in the Qur’an

Surah 2:41-42, 59, 72-79, 85, 101, 140, 146, 159, 174, 176, 213, 3:19, 24, 70-71, 78-79, 94, 184

Satan is the accuser of the brethren Revelation 12

Allah has the power of death Surah 3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2

Satan has the power death Hebrews 2

Allah is the depressor and abuser, Allah has power over all things

Surah 95:5, 59:23, 2:20, 66:8

The whole world is under the control of Satan

1 John 5:19

Allah desires to fill hell with people Surah 38:85, 11:119

The opposite of YHVH, the God of the Bible, desires that no one perishes!

John 3:16

Allah is Proud and arrogant Surah 59:23 God of the Bible is meek and lowly in heart

Matt. 11:29


real-life examples

21,238+lives were claimed by Muslim Islamic terror attacks, plus another 26,677 were injured, during 2016 alone

Islam – Let’s Talk NumbersThe TRUTH behind the deadly Islamic terrorist attacts! Exactly how many people has Islam killed?

also on Coffee Scribe:

Page 6: is allah satan?

and moreSurah 35:8 states that Allah leads people astray:

8 So surely Allah leads astray whom he wills and guides whom he wills.

Does God lead people astray? No. Then who does the Bible say wants

to lead people astray and keep them from having eternal life through

Jesus Christ? Satan leads people astray. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that

Satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and

Revelation 12:9 states: The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient

serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray…

Surah 38:85 and 11:119 both state that Allah desires to fill hell with


85 surely I will fill hell from you and from those who followed you from

among them together. 119 “I will surely fill hell with the jinn and the

people together.”

What does the Bible say about people? God wants us to be with Him in

heaven. He even sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay for our

sins so that people can have a way to live eternally in heaven with Him.

He does not want any to perish. John 3:16 states:

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


also on Coffee Scribe:IslamophobiaWhen does telling someone the facts become known as hate speech? What’s really going on?

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characteristics of allahAllah is not God because Allah is proud. Surah 59:23 states:

23 He is Allah. There is no god except him… the proud. But the God of

the Bible is meek and lowly in heart. Matthew 11:29 states: 29 Take my

yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart…

Allah is a seditionist. Surah 25:20 states:

20 and we made some of you to be a sedition to some others…

Allah is a seducer. Surah 11:34 states:

34 And my advice will not profit you, if I desire to advise you,

if Allah was desiring to seduce you…

Allah is abominable. Surah 10:100 states:

100 And it was not for a soul to believe except by Allah’s permission,

and he will lay the uncleanness on those who will not understand…

Allah is wrathful. Surah 2:59 states:

59 So those who were unjust changed the saying to what had not been

said to them, so we sent down on those unjust a wrath from the heaven

because they were transgressors.


also on Coffee Scribe:Islam – Peaceful or Violent?Is Islam truly a religion of peace? What exactly is so peaceful about Islam?

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See also Surah 7:162:

162 Allah is a misleader. Surah 4:88 states:

88 And whomever Allah leads astray, so you will not find for him a way.

But the God of the Bible is a true leader. See Proverb 3:5-6.

Allah is a schemer. Surah 68:45 states:

45 Surely my scheme is firm. Also Surah 86:16 states: 16 and I am scheming a scheme.

Allah spreads hate. Surah 5:14 states:

14 So we have stirred up enmity and hatred among them…


The more we read the Qur’an about Allah, the more we know that

Allah is
