ipopular magazine write up jis mrs cra · inglert and brya-ntspecials fret patent flour per sack...

rt PAGE TAOtTf THE PABUClAH EVENING SUNF FRIDAY MAiicn 27 ty7 r c y 4 ° iPOPULAR MAGAZINE TO WRITE UP CITY a 4 Hob Taylor Publication lo Exploit Padflc8l1 Jlosourccs d PerliMllonl Is Xftiv One f till Mwt Sucrisfiil In UK Smith anil SGnlwlug lu Finer IllfK OKKHIt FOR SUIlSCItlllKIJS c During tho last few iinpa there hat btmi in the city a roiirsecntntlve of the TnylorTrotwood Magazine the w uths greatest monthly publication dited by Senator Hoburt I L Taylor l four llob of Tennessee and John Tiotwood Moore The TuylorTrotwood magazine ws originally lluh Taylors Magazine t until It consolidated with Trolwnods Monthly of Nashville and the name changed to Taylor Trotvood This was about eighteen months ago aiil since that time the circulation liar been going upward with each issue- d iTho magazine has enjoyed from Ihu beginning A great popularity in Kerr Junky where Senator Taylor Is as will known us he Js In his native state and John Trotwood Moores brilliant rfeilitorlalH and stories of Kentucky and i I Tennessee thoroughbreds which are dear to thfe hearts of all citizens of these two states He has a new SITI story In the April number of Taylor j l Vctwood Magazine entitled The I ti LOUIS CLARKS SPECIALS Saturday March 100 Ihs Granulated Sugar 545 GO lb can Pure Lard 450 1 24 lh bag Pansy Flour 75c 10 Ib pall Pure iard110 5 lb pall Puro Lard 55c 2 do Eggs 2u i 3 Ibs Ferndell Coffee A C5o 3 boxes Manner Lye 25o Mllchner Herring per k0 7 C5c White Ftih per pall vVi 40c 4lbs Codfish 25c 6 weet Pickles per tjt 2Qc large Nutmegs Co t tlIxell Currants s 25c Raisins I 25c 19 2 lbs Country Dried Apples 25t f 2 Ibs Evaporated Apples 25c Ibs Evaporated Ponchos 40c 1 1I 3 Ib cans Tomatoes 2Gc 2 lb cans Corn 2Cc l 2 2lb cans Acme Table Peaches 2Gc j 1 3 cansMttlo Fellow Peas 40c t 3 cans Ferndell Peas 7 40c 1L 3 cans Singapore Slica Pineapple 25c 2cans Sliced Table Beets 2Cc 3 3 lb cans White Heath Peaches 50c p 3 cans French Peas COc JI BIEDERMANS Specials Saturday March hvhlto Fawn Flour bag 7rc t I Eggs per lloz12e I l 6cl Macaroni per lb 7e Graham Flour per lb 4c I Flaked Hominy per lb lo I can20eI i j 1 PHONE 7 lbs Granulated Sugar 4Bc 24 Ib sack Palmer House Flour 760 2 lbs Palmer louse Coffee CSe 2 the Fairy Santos Coffee 45e 2 Ibs Special Santos S5n 4 lbs 15c lUo Coffee COc- 41b r GOc Tea 2S 1 eve bottle Flavoring lOe 5I lbs Kavk henna 25u- C Ibs Joel Kldnoy ferns 25c rt lbs Butter Henna 25c 10 bars Laundry Soap 25c- a Soda lOc 3 boxes Matches lOc 4 lbs Broken nice 25c 5 Ibs Corn Meal l lOc 3 Cane corn 20c e i 3Ib can Tomatoes l0e t 3 cans Pumpkins 25o 3 cans llonilny 20r W Gift of tine tract being the autobto graph of a famous race horse ant as Mr Moore says translated for the benefit of the great white race That tho TaylorTrotwood Maga zlne has always proven a literary gem J Is testified to by the fact that It has 11 circulation rating that has passed the eighty thousand mark This circula tion Is among the better class of pee jilts throughout the United States and was obtained wholly on the merits of tho publication and not by offering numerous premiums and cutting tilt subscription price The giving away of four scholar ships to worthy young Loon or women wns conceived I by the representative who Is now In the city who purchased the scholarships yesterday from tile Padticah Central Uuslnesr College Will Give Iailitrnli an Illustrate I Wrllrtii- tfr Henry T Price of the Taylor Trotwood staff has been gutting data preparatory to a general writeup of 1aducah and as to what It offers In the way or Inducing outside capital or people seeking new homes to locate here This writeup will bo llhistratu with Important scones Industries and residences of the city and will go Into ever eighty thousand homes throughout the United Statos The wrlle tip has the endorsement of the ° Commercial Club and If you lave nayscene or outer Illustration that- r0u think would make the wrltoup attractive phone Mr Price care of Commercial Club1 and he X1 111 call an you The ScfmlarMilii Omlcst As stated above the TaylorTrot tvood Magazine has never given away anything In the way of cheap prem ins in an effort to loose clrcuhi Inn and does not intend to now but hey Intend to put their publication Ito seventyfive p ° r rant of the homes For 28 t I Ibs Powder Sugar 2 cI 3 pkgs Blue Ribbon Oats 7 rolls Toilet Paper 2Cc 3 cans Imported Sardines 2ue Sugarcured WIlliS perIbI9tfze I 2 lbs large Prunes 2 cI I Evaporated Apricots per Ib 2 cakes Gorman Sweet Chocolate cI I 2 cans Pink Salmon iI Irish Potatoes per pk 20c I 24 lb bag White Frost Flour 65I Large School Pickles ppr dos 20c 33 lb cans Hawaiian Slice Pine- apple 0 > 5c 3 3 Ib cans Ferndell Peaches 95c 3 3 lb cars Apricots 9u c 3 3 lb cans Pears r9b5 j 3 3 Jb cans White Cherries 95c i 3 3 Ib cans Whole Tomatoes COc 3 2 lb cans Corn 35c Long handle Ceiling Broom 3be 25 lb bag Green Seal Moat 20c Fancy large Bananas per doz 20u 7 bars Swift Pride Soap 23c Queen Olives per qt 50c 2 I large cans Chunk Pineapple 35c 3 cans Cut String leans 2 5c 5 lbs Kidney Beans I2ic r 28 Holland Herring the good kind per doIOcBr- ick and Llmherger Cheese Farona tier pkg 5c Mackerel nice fat ones tOe Matzos t Dr Johnson l Educator Crack orsBulk Garden Seed at your own prleof as we nro over- stocked ¬ Use our Lawn Grass Seed SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY MARCH 28 r AT THE J Great Pacific Tea Coffee Op I1i i OLD PHONE 1179 H- Op pugs 3 pkgs Mince Meat 2lic s 2QeJ G J cans Ce Sardines 25c 1 Ib Shredded Cocoanut 20c 4 lbs I L B Sugar r2be 1 15c can Cocoa ge 3 tbs Fancy Evap Peaches SOe 3 ttg Fancy Prunes 4lic 3 Ibs Whole Evaporated Apples 40e 1 pkg Raisins lOr 3 iikgs Currants 250 1 25c can Lobsters r20c 2 Shredded Biscuit 2br 2 Grape Nuts 25c 1 35c Mottle Olives 3Oc 1 Snlders Ketchup 20c 1 45e can Asparagus 41 Regular Hams per lb 12o Breakfast Bacon per Ib 1 iSc I wiif Fit + of Paducah ami to do this purchase above scholarships to Induce ambit ous young Inca Or vomcn who want a business education to compete for these scholarships which embrace ar course you desIre at this well known school you are to have your clinic and It is optional with you as to how loon after tho contest closes when jou enter the school How to Knler 1 Contest Fill out or have your friend fill out the coupons below which counts rOl 100 votcj find mill or bring to the I Paducah Dally Sun olllce whero you name will be entered In the contcs If you live on a rural route fill In tho number of route If In the city glvo st vet number The Viiliin of Coupons 1 years subscription 1200 otoll 3 years subscription 2i500 olfJ The above prices nro tar subscrli tiou to the TaylorTrotwood Magazine but the coupon run in this paper I Is good for one vote after nomination arc made Tho contest will close May 9 am the four having the highest numbe of votes will bo declared the wlnnn of this popular contest and bo award eJ the scholarship Two are to bo given on tho runt routes leading out of Paducah post a dice and two in the city of Paducah After you are onco entered la tho contest wo will forward you a could book and blank receipts Address ai rubscrlptlons and votes fuel nomlna tons The Manager Magazine Con tfst care Dally Sun Paducah I Ky c c = c 1 I II I nominateM t as a candidate In the Taylor Trotwood Popularity Contest whoso address Is NoStwh- ose addrotsIs Il 1 F Do No This contain good for 100 votes After nomination Is mado only good for one vole and Is not necessary to send In a sub ¬ scription wth It and must b 3 signed by two people who can vouch for the character of tho candidateSigned Signed I Manager Daily Mitgaxit Sun e OuntejStI Find herewith ONE DOLLAR for one years subscription to tho TaylorTrotwood Magazine Give Two Hundred votes to r M whose addroes Is St rJCFDNoSi- gned Candidates can get eamplo collie- f II the magazlno on application at this office or the Commercial Club IKW I PUBLIC HflLDIVCS Joininlltei AV1II Dash HDIKS of Man nllgtY111111 Washington March 27 IfIlepre lentntlvo Bartholdt chairman of the house building committee Is a rail rophet therell be a building bill aEsed this year which will carry bout 12000000 Mr Bartholdl aye ho has between 950 and 1000 Mils In his desk which added to- gether call for more than 90000 too We will put In only the vitally leccsrary projects said Mr Bar holdt diccuislng the subject and at many of throne nro additions to build ngs already erected or are structure for sites purchased In the past The fellows with pet now buildings will he pretty likely to he left out In tht oldWhen tho bill leaves our commit- tee It will carry just about S 15000 000 The senate will he likely to add a few millions to this but owing It he state of financial affairs we can- not agree to a very largo addition- S t4F OK IIOUHKS l A Nil HACKS I will by order of court sell the iroporty of Chas J Clark to the hlgl st bidder on the 1st day of April at IOn m at the Ioeb stable on Flftl between Broadway and Kentucky consisting of one match team of gre- inrseg three other horses two hacks tno sets of double harness one phae- ton and harness on a credit of three ind six months with good and ap proved security bearing C ir cent merest on all over 110 A C SHELTON Constnhln McCracken County INGLERT AND BRYA- NTSPECIALS fret Patent Flour per sack 75c 2 cans Corn for lfie 2 pkgs Macaroni for 1lic Open Kettle Molasses per gal Col c 3 i j pkgs Graham Crackers for 25 3 I pkgs Nabisco Wafers for 25 C i pkgs Uneeda Biscuit for 25 S I pkgs Vanilla Waters for 261 S i pkgs COcoanut I Dainties tar 2iic 3 I pkgs Fig Newtons for 261 c 3 I pkgs Cheese Sandwich for 2rc 2 pkgs Saratoga Flakes for 2 lie Cream Cheese per lb 21k 3 I pkga Cake Flour for 25 2 bars H and 11 Soap for 2Jic 3 l 1lb cans HlLo Baking Powder 26e C rolls Toilet Paper for 2ic 10 lb bucket Lard for 100 5 lb bucket Iard for liOc t 3 sacks Salt for 10c 4 JIfR I Ii4I A i 428I I Mrs R H Cra leI I Elwnlh and Madiso S s I Won that handsome hat at our I opening last night null na ¬ turally was delighted with it Thanks are duo out many friends for the hearty nip port which they gave our opening yesterday for n larger more enthusiastic or more representative gather- ing ¬ never attended a milli tif ry opening in Pddtunli Mrs E R Mills Hlu Broadway > VISITING STAFF CHOSEN Ill PUYSIOAXS KOI ItlVKItSIDE HOSriTAIi XVIII Ho In Charge of City t CJIMS fur e Month Slv Depart limits Tho Paducah Medical anti Surglw society met with Dr Ileddlck y stti9r jay afternoon and selected tho follow lug physicians as members of lh visiting staff for the month at Ulv Bislde hospita- lSurgicalDr P H Stewart and Dr H P Sights Medical Dr Chartas II IIale I Female Medical Dr Porno Blythe I tienltoUrlnary Dr Jeff Uobert tfnObstetricsDr I L I E Young Eye 1 Far Nose and ThroatDr Harry F Williamson I RIVER NEWS I Imcr Slakes Cairo 412 03 fa Chattanooga 152 lD fal I Cincinnati 417 31 fall Evansville 370 DC rise I JololcncernIsIJng ohhsonvllio 21G 14 rise Xulsvlllo 200 16 fal ill Carmelti1601 03 fat Cashvlllo 1CC- Htsburg lG full 77 05 fnll 51 Louis r 153 04 full ott Vernon 3C2- adiicah OI rile 357 02 rl8l lurnsidosr C8 00 fait I Carthage 10J 00 full The Ohio will become stationary here Sunday and then falU River stage ai7 oclook this morn- Ing road 357 a rise of 02 since yes erday morning v Tho Inverness left this morning for tho Cumberland after ties for tho Vyor k Lord Tie company The Joo Fowler was In and out for Svnnsvlllo today with a good trill loch Way The Dick Fowler got away hill morning on time for Cairo vlih a fall m- j Saturday Specials The Union CoOperative Grocery 10lh I Broadway New Phone 1 1233 j1 21l jibs Omega Flour S5c 24 lbs Pride of Dixie Flour 8001 24 Ibs Lafort Patent j Flour 76c 24 lbs White Star Flour 7r t 24 lbs Swan Lake Flour 76c 24 lbs White Llllle C5c 12c Ib Hams the host 12c lilc Ib for good Bacon lIe 3 cans Peas 25c 3 cans Sugar Corn 25c 1 3lb call Tomatoes tOe 1 can nice Table Peaches 15c 3 3lb caps linked Bean3 25c 3 bottles Catsup 25c 3 bottles Mixed Pickles 25c 3 cans Pineapple 2Eo 3 3lb can Lye Hominy 25c 1 gal Heinz Sour Pickles LOc 1 gal Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles 1J0 3 Ibs Prunes 25o 2 Ihs Evap Apples 2fc 2 lbs I Evap Peaches 290 3 his Ginger Snaps 29o 3 pkgs Flake Hominy 2Cc 1 pkg Quaker Oats 5n 2 Jars Apple Butter 2ic 2 lbs Mince Meat 53c C bars Star Soap25c C bars Big Deal Soap 25c a bars Money Worth 25c 1 peck Irsh jotatoed > 25c i 5 trip and will return tonight The Dick had some trouble In making her landings yesterday on account of the strong wind The John S Hopkins will be tho Evqnivllle packet tomorrow morning The Martha Hennen arrived from Joppa last night with a tow of empty barges and got away this morning fat the Tennessee after a ttfw of ties The George Cowling did a fair sized hiiRlncss on her two trips from Me- tropolis ¬ to Paducah und return the l Kentucky arrived last night from the Tennessee with a big trip of freight She went on down to Brook port Metropolis and Juppa to unload and take on freight this morning and will leave for the Tennessee Saturday oclockI wlnd bound at Got did not make a trip but undo up for the lost trip today by having a big freight and passenger business each way The Nellie passed down from Clarks river to Metropolis with a raft of logs this morning The Georgia Leo loft Memphis yes- terday ¬ afternoon for Cincinnati and will arrive here tomorrow afternoon late ITho Egnn will leavo tomorrow for Illvcrton Ala with three barges of west Kentucky coal for tine colltptnyI this got morning empty away late this afternoon for the Ten after a tow or ties fsee Charles Turner arrived from tihs morning with an empty t tow and will leave tomorrow for th > Cumberland after a tow of ties t I The Harth one of tho West l Kerr lucky Coal companys towboats was condemned by Steamboat Ins ector8 Green and St John of Nashville yel- l ¬ terday l afternoon I The Chattanooga will be duo from tho Tennessee Sunday afternoon w Tho government boat Lily will he- lot off the marine ways tomorrow and will return to St Louis tho first of next week Patrick Joyce deckhanit on the Fannie Wallace will ship on the Lily when she leaves for St I AMI la Olllrliil Ion cnels- The I Ohio at Evnnsvllle will ron Jane riling during tho next 30 hours reaching slightly over 37 feet At Ml l lernon will continue rUIng for two lays reaching slightly tinder 3S fcfct t- t Paducah will begin rising this afternoon and rite slowly for three layr At Cairo will continue falling luring Clio next 24 hours thon rloe The Tenncdee from Florence to the mouth will rise during tho next SO Jour reaching slightly ovor 21 Feet it Johnsonvlllo The MlMlMlppl from below St Louie to Cairo will continue falling rOf 24 to 30 hours Tho Wabash at Ml Carnet no iliaI erlal change for 24 bourII I Try the Sun for lob Work i l i XTRAGOOD Coo Ederheitner Stein NAKxaf If you seek a confirmation suitT or a general wear suit for the boy como to tie No department of the excellent store makes a stroi cer bid for your patronage than our a childrens depariinont none gives greater values e j The products are from the very best makers ill this 1 t I- It t country und exclusive with ni We show evtry r good thing the reason affords every style and idea t the prices tango I IaUll 350 up I I lf 1 1- r extend yon mother a cordial invitation t tWo to look through our showings A visit tllI I i imply a purchase Wo merely want jbu to ht I ly appreciate whirl sJlhmtlillnhiltJrcllft deportment r i iI wo have and how convenient nail pleasing sboltr ping in it is i rtoY1JiLLYCo 1 1l l 1 t j fEnsTAkftNANdBoYS I 1 1- t ourn1 f t t 11 f 4 N tti Ff ff1 If q fI ee For Quick Action Use SUN Want Ads 1 r I t 1845L 1908I The I MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE C0 II of Newark N J IN I ACCOUNT WITH ITS POLICYHQLDERS i It I Premium RcccipH to January 1 1008tUJ 31179296635 I Of this sum there hat already been returned to Policy Holders o I For Policy Claltnll41i 0 ler cent 11431 155I HU For Surrendered rollclca 122 Per cent 39119211121 for DIVIDENDS 222 Pert OplU141Nt50 lvi lutal 80 3 ler eenti iu TtvuMio Leaving fitlll in Companys Possession > Hll3tnll277 i 1 The Companys Investments have yielded sulllclcnt returns to pay all Expenses nlll l Taxes und still add to the Policyholders Fund for the fulllllmcnl of exlstlntf contracts 50Mno J Total Assets January 1 11KM J Market Value 111OJ579t 01i i Unapportloned Surplus January 11909 JlOOri48Ult3 It Now there is one vitally important thing i regarding this magnificent show ¬ l- ing J which we with to impress upon you particularly J JIt piny is administered f for the benefit of the Policyholders Fundjoprs is a mutuall t Ithf cimpany The profits arc credited to our members they do not go to the en ¬ ri < hment of a few favored stock holders Consider the importance of this matter to you and I ifyou would be willing to listen to a straightforward business prop oiition sceor write a T M NANCE District ManagerI1 t IDS Fraternity Bldg Old Telephone 83541a s l ppi Bairn iSYnwJ Yip I

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Page 1: iPOPULAR MAGAZINE WRITE UP JIs Mrs Cra · INGLERT AND BRYA-NTSPECIALS fret Patent Flour per sack 75c 2 cans Corn for lfie 2 pkgs Macaroni for 1lic Open Kettle Molasses per gal Colc


ty7r c y




4 Hob Taylor Publication lo

Exploit Padflc8l1 Jlosourccsd

PerliMllonl Is Xftiv One f till MwtSucrisfiil In UK Smith anilSGnlwlug lu Finer


During tho last few iinpa there hatbtmi in the city a roiirsecntntlve of theTnylorTrotwood Magazine the

w uths greatest monthly publicationdited by Senator Hoburt IL Taylor

l four llob of Tennessee and JohnTiotwood Moore

The TuylorTrotwood magazine wsoriginally lluh Taylors Magazine

t until It consolidated with TrolwnodsMonthly of Nashville and the namechanged to Taylor Trotvood Thiswas about eighteen months ago aiilsince that time the circulation liarbeen going upward with each issue-

d iTho magazine has enjoyed from Ihubeginning A great popularity in KerrJunky where Senator Taylor Is as willknown us he Js In his native stateand John Trotwood Moores brilliantrfeilitorlalH and stories of Kentucky and

i I

Tennessee thoroughbreds which aredear to thfe hearts of all citizens of

these two states He has a new SITIstory In the April number of Taylor jl

Vctwood Magazine entitled The I


100 Ihs Granulated Sugar 545GO lb can Pure Lard 450

1 24 lh bag Pansy Flour 75c

10 Ib pall Pure iard1105 lb pall Puro Lard 55c2 do Eggs 2u i3 Ibs Ferndell Coffee A C5o

3 boxes Manner Lye 25oMllchner Herring per k0 7

C5cWhite Ftih per pall vVi 40c4lbs Codfish 25c

6weet Pickles per tjt 2Qc

large Nutmegs Co

ttlIxell Currants s 25cRaisins I 25c

19 2 lbs Country Dried Apples 25t

f 2 Ibs Evaporated Apples 25cIbs Evaporated Ponchos 40c

11I 3 Ib cans Tomatoes 2Gc

2 lb cans Corn 2Cc

l 2 2lb cans Acme Table Peaches 2Gcj

1 3 cansMttlo Fellow Peas 40c

t 3 cans Ferndell Peas 7 40c

1L 3 cans Singapore Slica Pineapple 25c2cans Sliced Table Beets 2Cc

3 3 lb cans White Heath Peaches 50cp

3 cans French Peas COc


BIEDERMANSSpecials Saturday March

hvhlto Fawn Flour bag 7rctI

Eggs per lloz12eIl6clMacaroni per lb 7e

Graham Flour per lb 4c

I Flaked Hominy per lb lo





7 lbs Granulated Sugar 4Bc24 Ib sack Palmer House

Flour 7602 lbs Palmer louse Coffee CSe2 the Fairy Santos Coffee 45e2 Ibs Special Santos S5n4 lbs 15c lUo Coffee COc-

41br GOc Tea 2S1 eve bottle Flavoring lOe5I lbs Kavk henna 25u-

C Ibs Joel Kldnoy ferns 25crt lbs Butter Henna 25c10 bars Laundry Soap 25c-

a Soda lOc3 boxes Matches lOc4 lbs Broken nice 25c5 Ibs Corn Meall lOc3 Cane corn 20c

e i 3Ib can Tomatoes l0et 3 cans Pumpkins 25o

3 cans llonilny 20r


Gift of tine tract being the autobtograph of a famous race horse antas Mr Moore says translated forthe benefit of the great white race

That tho TaylorTrotwood Maga

zlne has always proven a literary gem

JIs testified to by the fact that It has 11

circulation rating that has passed theeighty thousand mark This circulation Is among the better class of peejilts throughout the United States andwas obtained wholly on the merits oftho publication and not by offeringnumerous premiums and cutting tiltsubscription price

The giving away of four scholarships to worthy young Loon or womenwns conceived Iby the representativewho Is now In the city who purchasedthe scholarships yesterday from tile

Padticah Central Uuslnesr CollegeWill Give Iailitrnli an Illustrate

I Wrllrtii-tfr Henry T Price of the Taylor

Trotwood staff has been gutting datapreparatory to a general writeup of

1aducah and as to what It offers In

the way or Inducing outside capital orpeople seeking new homes to locatehere This writeup will bo llhistratuwith Important scones Industries andresidences of the city and will go

Into ever eighty thousand homesthroughout the United Statos Thewrlle tip has the endorsement of the° Commercial Club and If you lavenayscene or outer Illustration that-

r0u think would make the wrltoupattractive phone Mr Price care of

Commercial Club1 and he X1111 callan you

The ScfmlarMilii OmlcstAs stated above the TaylorTrot

tvood Magazine has never given away

anything In the way of cheap prem

ins in an effort to loose clrcuhiInn and does not intend to now buthey Intend to put their publicationIto seventyfive p ° r rant of the homes

For 28


I Ibs Powder Sugar 2cI

3 pkgs Blue Ribbon Oats7 rolls Toilet Paper 2Cc3 cans Imported Sardines 2ueSugarcured WIlliS perIbI9tfze I

2 lbs large Prunes 2 cII

Evaporated Apricots per Ib2 cakes Gorman Sweet Chocolate


2 cans Pink Salmon iI

Irish Potatoes per pk 20cI

24 lb bag White Frost Flour 65ILarge School Pickles ppr dos 20c3 3 lb cans Hawaiian Slice Pine-

apple 0> 5c

3 3 Ib cans Ferndell Peaches 95c3 3 lb cars Apricots 9u c

3 3 lb cans Pears r9b5j

3 3 Jb cans White Cherries 95c i

3 3 Ib cans Whole Tomatoes COc

3 2 lb cans Corn 35cLong handle Ceiling Broom 3be25 lb bag Green Seal Moat 20cFancy large Bananas per doz 20u7 bars Swift Pride Soap 23cQueen Olives per qt 50c2 Ilarge cans Chunk Pineapple 35c3 cans Cut String leans 2 5c5 lbs Kidney Beans I2ic



Holland Herring the good

kind per doIOcBr-ick and Llmherger CheeseFarona tier pkg 5c

Mackerel nice fat ones tOeMatzos tDr Johnson lEducator Crack

orsBulkGarden Seed at your

own prleof as we nro over-


Use our Lawn Grass Seed



Great Pacific Tea CoffeeOp I1ii




3 pkgs Mince Meat 2lic s2QeJGJ cans Ce Sardines 25c1 Ib Shredded Cocoanut 20c4 lbs IL B Sugar r2be1 15c can Cocoa ge3 tbs Fancy Evap Peaches SOe3 ttg Fancy Prunes 4lic3 Ibs Whole Evaporated

Apples 40e1 pkg Raisins lOr3 iikgs Currants 2501 25c can Lobsters r20c2 Shredded Biscuit 2br2 Grape Nuts 25c1 35c Mottle Olives 3Oc1 Snlders Ketchup 20c1 45e can Asparagus 41

Regular Hams per lb 12oBreakfast Bacon per Ib 1iSc

I wiifFit +

of Paducah ami to do this purchaseabove scholarships to Induce ambitous young Inca Or vomcn who wanta business education to compete forthese scholarships which embrace arcourse you desIre at this well knownschool you are to have your clinicand It is optional with you as to how

loon after tho contest closes whenjou enter the school

How to Knler1 ContestFill out or have your friend fill out

the coupons below which counts rOl

100 votcj find mill or bring to theI

Paducah Dally Sun olllce whero youname will be entered In the contcsIf you live on a rural route fill In thonumber of route If In the city glvost vet number

The Viiliin of Coupons1 years subscription 1200 otoll3 years subscription 2i500 olfJ

The above prices nro tar subscrlitiou to the TaylorTrotwood Magazine

but the coupon run in this paper IIs

good for one vote after nominationarc made

Tho contest will close May 9 amthe four having the highest numbeof votes will bo declared the wlnnn

of this popular contest and bo awardeJ the scholarship

Two are to bo given on tho runtroutes leading out of Paducah posta dice and two in the city of Paducah

After you are onco entered la thocontest wo will forward you a couldbook and blank receipts Address airubscrlptlons and votes fuel nomlnatons The Manager Magazine Contfst care Dally Sun Paducah IKy

c c = c 1



as a candidate In the TaylorTrotwood Popularity Contestwhoso address Is NoStwh-ose addrotsIs Il 1F Do No

This contain good for 100votes After nomination Is madoonly good for one vole and Is

not necessary to send In a sub ¬

scription wth It and must b 3

signed by two people who canvouch for the character of tho



I ManagerDaily


e OuntejStIFind herewith ONE DOLLAR forone years subscription to thoTaylorTrotwood Magazine GiveTwo Hundred votes to


whose addroes Is St



Candidates can get eamplo collie-f

IIthe magazlno on application at this

office or the Commercial Club


Joininlltei AV1II Dash HDIKS of MannllgtY111111

Washington March 27 IfIleprelentntlvo Bartholdt chairman of thehouse building committee Is a railrophet therell be a building billaEsed this year which will carry

bout 12000000 Mr Bartholdlaye ho has between 950 and 1000

Mils In his desk which added to-

gether call for more than 90000too We will put In only the vitallyleccsrary projects said Mr Barholdt diccuislng the subject and atmany of throne nro additions to buildngs already erected or are structure

for sites purchased In the past Thefellows with pet now buildings willhe pretty likely to he left out In tht

oldWhen tho bill leaves our commit-tee It will carry just about S 15000000 The senate will he likely to adda few millions to this but owing Ithe state of financial affairs we can-

not agree to a very largo addition-

S t4F OK IIOUHKSl A Nil HACKSI will by order of court sell the

iroporty of Chas J Clark to the hlglst bidder on the 1st day of April at

IOn m at the Ioeb stable on Flftlbetween Broadway and Kentuckyconsisting of one match team of gre-

inrseg three other horses two hackstno sets of double harness one phae-ton and harness on a credit of threeind six months with good and approved security bearing C ir centmerest on all over 110

A C SHELTONConstnhln McCracken County


NTSPECIALSfret Patent Flour per sack 75c2 cans Corn for lfie2 pkgs Macaroni for 1licOpen Kettle Molasses per gal Colc

3i jpkgs Graham Crackers for 253I pkgs Nabisco Wafers for 25Ci pkgs Uneeda Biscuit for 25SI pkgs Vanilla Waters for 261Si pkgs COcoanut IDainties tar 2iic

3I pkgs Fig Newtons for 261c

3I pkgs Cheese Sandwich for 2rc2 pkgs Saratoga Flakes for 2 lie

Cream Cheese per lb 21k

3I pkga Cake Flour for 252 bars H and 11 Soap for 2Jic

3l 1lb cans HlLo Baking Powder 26eC rolls Toilet Paper for 2ic10 lb bucket Lard for 1005 lb bucket Iard for liOc

t3 sacks Salt for 10c

4 JIfR IIi4I A i


Mrs R H Cra leII

Elwnlh and Madiso S s


Won that handsome hat at our I

opening last night null na ¬

turally was delighted with itThanks are duo out many

friends for the hearty nipport which they gave ouropening yesterday for n

larger more enthusiastic ormore representative gather-



never attended a milli

tif ry opening in Pddtunli

Mrs E R MillsHlu Broadway





XVIII Ho In Charge of Cityt CJIMS fure Month Slv Depart


Tho Paducah Medical anti Surglwsociety met with Dr Ileddlck y stti9r

jay afternoon and selected tho followlug physicians as members of lh

visiting staff for the month at UlvBislde hospita-

lSurgicalDr P H Stewart andDr H P Sights

Medical Dr Chartas IIIIaleI Female Medical Dr PornoBlythe

I tienltoUrlnary Dr Jeff Uobert


LI E YoungEye 1Far Nose and ThroatDr

Harry F WilliamsonI


IImcr SlakesCairo 412 03 faChattanooga 152 lD fal

I Cincinnati 417 31 fallEvansville 370 DC rise

I JololcncernIsIJngohhsonvllio 21G 14 rise

Xulsvlllo 200 16 fal

ill Carmelti1601 03 fatCashvlllo 1CC-

HtsburglG full

77 05 fnll51 Louis r 153 04 fullott Vernon 3C2-

adiicahOI rile

357 02 rl8l

lurnsidosr C8 00 faitI

Carthage 10J 00 full

The Ohio will become stationaryhere Sunday and then falU

River stage ai7 oclook this morn-

Ing road 357 a rise of 02 since yeserday morning v

Tho Inverness left this morning fortho Cumberland after ties for thoVyor k Lord Tie company

The Joo Fowler was In and out forSvnnsvlllo today with a good trillloch Way

The Dick Fowler got away hillmorning on time for Cairo vlih a fall


jj Saturday SpecialsThe Union CoOperative


10lhI Broadway New Phone 11233

j121l jibs Omega Flour S5c24 lbs Pride of Dixie

Flour 8001

24 Ibs Lafort Patentj Flour 76c24 lbs White Star Flour 7r t24 lbs Swan Lake Flour 76c

24 lbs White Llllle C5c

12c Ib Hams the host 12clilc Ib for good Bacon lIe3 cans Peas 25c3 cans Sugar Corn 25c1 3lb call Tomatoes tOe1 can nice Table Peaches 15c3 3lb caps linked Bean3 25c3 bottles Catsup 25c3 bottles Mixed Pickles 25c3 cans Pineapple 2Eo

3 3lb can Lye Hominy 25c1 gal Heinz Sour Pickles LOc

1 gal Heinz Sweet MixedPickles 1J0

3 Ibs Prunes 25o2 Ihs Evap Apples 2fc2 lbs IEvap Peaches 2903 his Ginger Snaps 29o3 pkgs Flake Hominy 2Cc

1 pkg Quaker Oats 5n

2 Jars Apple Butter 2ic2 lbs Mince Meat 53cC bars Star Soap25cC bars Big Deal Soap 25ca bars Money Worth 25c1 peck Irsh jotatoed > 25c



trip and will return tonight TheDick had some trouble In making herlandings yesterday on account of thestrong wind

The John S Hopkins will be thoEvqnivllle packet tomorrow morning

The Martha Hennen arrived fromJoppa last night with a tow of emptybarges and got away this morning fatthe Tennessee after a ttfw of ties

The George Cowling did a fair sizedhiiRlncss on her two trips from Me-


to Paducah und returnthe lKentucky arrived last night

from the Tennessee with a big trip offreight She went on down to Brookport Metropolis and Juppa to unloadand take on freight this morning andwill leave for the Tennessee Saturday

oclockI wlnd bound at Gotdid not make a

trip but undo up for the lost triptoday by having a big freight andpassenger business each way

The Nellie passed down fromClarks river to Metropolis with araft of logs this morning

The Georgia Leo loft Memphis yes-


afternoon for Cincinnati andwill arrive here tomorrow afternoonlate

ITho Egnn will leavo tomorrowfor Illvcrton Ala with three

barges of west Kentucky coal for tine

colltptnyI thisgotmorning empty

away late this afternoon for the Tenafter a tow or ties

fsee Charles Turner arrived fromtihs morning with an empty

ttow and will leave tomorrow for th >

Cumberland after a tow of tiestI The Harth one of tho West lKerrlucky Coal companys towboats wascondemned by Steamboat Ins ector8Green and St John of Nashville yel-l


terdayl afternoonI The Chattanooga will be duo fromtho Tennessee Sunday afternoonw

Tho government boat Lily will he-

lot off the marine ways tomorrow andwill return to St Louis tho first ofnext week Patrick Joyce deckhaniton the Fannie Wallace will ship onthe Lily when she leaves for St IAMI la

Olllrliil Ion cnels-The


Ohio at Evnnsvllle will ronJane riling during tho next 30 hoursreaching slightly over 37 feet At Mlllernon will continue rUIng for twolays reaching slightly tinder 3S fcfcttt-t Paducah will begin rising thisafternoon and rite slowly for threelayr At Cairo will continue fallingluring Clio next 24 hours thon rloe

The Tenncdee from Florence tothe mouth will rise during tho nextSO Jour reaching slightly ovor 21Feet it Johnsonvlllo

The MlMlMlppl from below StLouie to Cairo will continue fallingrOf 24 to 30 hours

Tho Wabash at Ml Carnet no iliaIerlal change for 24 bourII I

Try the Sun for lob Work il


Ederheitner SteinNAKxaf

If you seek a confirmation suitTor a general wear suit for the boy

como to tie No department of the excellent store

makes a stroi cer bid for your patronage than our

a childrens depariinont none gives greater values e

j The products are from the very best makers ill this 1 t I-

Itt country und exclusive with ni We show evtryr good thing the reason affords every style and idea t

the prices tangoIIaUll 350 up I I lf



extend yon mother a cordial invitation

ttWo to look through our showings A visit tllII iimply a purchase Wo merely want jbu to htIly appreciate whirl sJlhmtlillnhiltJrcllft deportment r

iiIwo have and how convenient nail pleasing sboltrping in it is

irtoY1JiLLYCo 1

1ll 1


j fEnsTAkftNANdBoYSI 11-

tourn1 ft t

11 f 4 N tti Ff ff1 If q fI ee

For Quick Action Use SUN Want Ads1

rI t1845L 1908IThe






ItIPremium RcccipH to January 1 1008tUJ


Of this sum there hat already been returned to Policy Holders o I

For Policy Claltnll41i 0 ler cent 11431 155I HU

For Surrendered rollclca 122 Per cent 39119211121

for DIVIDENDS 222 Pert OplU141Nt50lvi

lutal 80 3 ler eenti iu TtvuMioLeaving fitlll in Companys Possession > Hll3tnll277 i


The Companys Investments have yielded sulllclcnt returns to pay all Expenses nllll Taxes undstill add to the Policyholders Fund for the fulllllmcnl of exlstlntf contracts 50Mno JTotal Assets January 1 11KM

J Market Value 111OJ579t 01iiUnapportloned Surplus January 11909 JlOOri48Ult3It

Now there is one vitally important thingi regarding this magnificent show ¬ l-


which we with to impress upon you particularly JJItpiny is administered ffor the benefit of the Policyholders Fundjoprs is a mutuall tIthfcimpany The profits arc credited to our members they do not go to the en ¬

ri< hment of a few favored stock holders Consider the importance of this matterto you and I ifyou would be willing to listen to a straightforward business propoiition sceor write


T M NANCEDistrict ManagerI1 t

IDS Fraternity Bldg Old Telephone 83541as

l ppiBairn iSYnwJ Yip I