io-link master and sick opr20g-rb317537 · 5/21/2015 sick wtb2sc-2p3244 proximity sensor 3 test...


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SICK WTB2SC-2P3244 Proximity Sensor




5/21/2015 SICK WTB2SC-2P3244 Proximity Sensor 2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Test Report Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

IO-Link Master – IO-Link Diagnostics Page ............................................................................................................................ 3

Configuring IO-Link Settings Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 4

After Configuring Friendly Port Names ................................................................................................................................ 5

Setting Up Passwords ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

IO-Link Device Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Loading the IODD Files ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

Verifying that the Correct IODD Files Loaded ................................................................................................................... 10

Changing Parameters in the Proximity Sensors with the GUI ........................................................................................... 11

Changing Parameters Using the ISDU Interface............................................................................................................... 14

Using the Device Validation Feature ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Incompatible Device Attached to Port ............................................................................................................................... 16

Compatible Device Attached to Port ................................................................................................................................. 18

Identical Device Validation ................................................................................................................................................ 19

Configuring Data Validation .................................................................................................................................................. 21

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Test Report Overview

The SICK WTB2SC-2P2344 Proximity sensor operates properly with the Comtrol IO-Link Master. This report contains the following topics:

• IO-Link Master – IO-Link Diagnostics page

• Configuring IO-Link settings

• Setting up passwords

• IO-Link device configuration

• Using the device and data validation features

This report is based on Application Base v1.3.14 on the IO-Link Master DR-8-EIP (DIN rail, IP20). This report does not illustrate all Comtrol IO-Link Master features, such as: EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP configuration, uploading the latest software, or network configuration. Nor does this report discuss data storage since this is a v1.0 IO-Link device and data storage was introduced at v1.1.

IO-Link Master – IO-Link Diagnostics Page

Five SICK IO-Link devices were connected to the Comtrol IO-Link Master and upon connection, the IO-Link Diagnostics page immediately displays the SICK IO-Link devices without any configuration.

Note: This screen shot does not display the complete IO-Link Diagnostics page.

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Configuring IO-Link Settings Settings

During IO-Link configuration, the Minimum Cycle Time can be left to the default value, as the IO-Link Master negotiates the required Cycle Time with each IO-Link device.

This example shows configuring a port-friendly name. Ports 1-2 and Ports 4-5 contain IO-Link v1.0 devices, which is why UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD buttons are not available under the Data Storage Manual Ops. IO-Link v1.1 devices support data storage.

The Device and Data Validation features are discussed later in this report after using the IO-Link Master to configure the IO-Link devices.

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After Configuring Friendly Port Names

You can use the IO-Link Configuration page to customize the Port Name. The IO-Link Diagnostics page now displays friendly port names.

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Setting Up Passwords

The IO-Link Master ships from the factory without passwords and administrative permissions are granted. You can use the Advanced | Accounts page to set up passwords for the IO-Link Master. Admin, Operator, and User permissions are defined in the help system on the Accounts page.

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IO-Link Device Configuration

You can use the Comtrol IO-Link Master to configure the IO-Link device.

• If an IODD file is loaded, you may want to use the IO-Link Device – Port table (GUI) to change parameter settings.

• If an IODD file is not loaded, you can use the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface on the bottom of the IO-Link Device – Port page along with the Operators Manual for the IO-Link device.

This section discusses the following topics:

• Loading IODD files

• Verifying that the correct IODD file is loaded

• Changing IO-Link device parameters using the GUI

• Resetting to the IO-Link device to factory defaults

• Changing IO-Link device parameters using the ISDU Interface

Loading the IODD Files

You must first download the IODD file from the SICK web site for each IO-Link device.

1. Click Attached Devices | IODD Files.

2. Click the UPLOAD IODD FILE button.

3. Click Browse, select the file set to upload, and click Open.

4. Click the UPLOAD button.

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The IO-Link Master loads only the files required and may issue a message like this:

5. This is the IODD file loaded for this IO-Link device.

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6. Click the the IODD FILENAME to view the .xml file.

7. If desired, review the IODD file.

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Verifying that the Correct IODD Files Loaded

The IO-Link Master can verify that the correct IODD files for a product have loaded using the Configuration Summary page.

1. Click Attached Files | Configuration Summary.

2. Verify that the port that the device is connected to displays an xml file name in the IODD Name field, as illustrated in this image.

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Changing Parameters in the Proximity Sensors with the GUI

Use the EDIT button to easily configure the sensor using the user interface or expand the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface.

1. Click Attached Devices | Port 1 (in this example). The IO-Link device displays as expected in the PORT page.

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2. Click the EDIT button and change several parameters and click SAVE.

Index Number Parameter Value Changed Parameter

ISDU Index 24 ********* Proximity#91

ISDU Index 216 0 2

ISDU Index 212 0 1

ISDU Index 214 0 200

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3. If necessary, click the REFRESH button to verify the changes have occurred.

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Changing Parameters Using the ISDU Interface

This shows using the IO-Link ISDU Interface to change configuration parameters.

Please note:

• You must enter the decimal value for the ISDU Block Index and ISDU Sub-index.

• The following images do not display the complete web page.

• The following screenshots do not illustrate the system responses. The IO-Link Master responds with a command executed notification.

The following shows how to use the IO-Link ISDU Interface to change IO-Link device configuration parameters.

1. Expand the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface.

2. Optionally, verify that the sensor responds to queries.

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3. Change the value to 4 and click SET.

4. Change Index 214 to 300.

5. Click REFRESH to view that the changes have been made.

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Using the Device Validation Feature

The WTB2SC-2P3244 sensor supports Device Validation, Compatible or Identical.

Incompatible Device Attached to Port

This feature prevents any IO-Link device other than the WTB2SC-2P3244 sensor to function on this port.

1. In the IO-Link Configuration page, click EDIT, set Device Validation mode to Compatible.

2. Click the GET ATTACHED button.

3. Click SAVE.

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4. Remove the sensor from the port and connect another IO-Link device (not a WTB2SC-2P3244).

5. The IO-Link LED on the IO-Link Master is now flashing red to indicate that an incompatible device is connected to the port.

In addition, the IO-Link Diagnostics page displays that an incompatible device (wrong sensor) is attached to the port.

This condition is also reported in Last Events on the Diagnostics page.

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Compatible Device Attached to Port

Remove the IO-Link device from the IO-Link Master and replace it with the other WTB2SC-2P3244, which immediately returns to an active state as displayed in the IO-Link Diagnostics page.

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Identical Device Validation

1. In the IO-Link Configuration page, click EDIT, set Device Validation mode to Identical.

2. Click the GET ATTACHED button.

3. Click SAVE.

Serial Number 15050031 is Connected to Port 1

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4. The IO-Link LED on the IO-Link Master is now flashing red to indicate that the identical device is not connected. In addition, the IO-Link Diagnostics page displays the IOLink State as DV: Wrong Sensor and that the Wrong Sensor displays in the Last Events field at the bottom of the page.

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Configuring Data Validation

Use the following steps to configure the Data Validation feature.

1. In the IO-Link Configuration page, click EDIT, set Data Validation mode to Strict or Loose.

2. Click the GET ATTACHED button.

3. Click SAVE.