involve summer 2012

Two Saints INVOLVE Bill’s journey to a new life and new career Two Saints named as Mayor’s Charity in Southampton! Fundraising boost Rising to the top New workshop to open in Portsmouth On yer bike! National recognition for our services to tackle homelessness Our services achieve national recognition May 2012

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Involve is a Two Saints publication. Two Saints are a charity which works with people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.


Page 1: Involve Summer 2012





Bill’s journey to a new life and new career

Two Saints named as Mayor’s Charity in Southampton!

Fundraising boost

Rising to the top

New workshop to open in Portsmouth

On yer bike!

National recognition for our services to tackle homelessness

Our services achievenational recognition

May 2012

Page 2: Involve Summer 2012


Welcome to our Spring edition of Involvemagazine. Inside you can read how TwoSaints can open up all sorts of new opportunitiesfor people who have been homeless.

Louise Barnden

Find out more about how Two Saints’ clients are getting involved in:

• our new Bike Workshop (see page 10)

• activities including clay pigeon shooting (see page 3)

• redesigning the facilities in our hostels (see page 4)

• or even learning about energy saving and recycling at our hostel in Andover where we have been running a “sustainability pilot”. This has brought useful skills and knowledge which will serve clients well when they move into their own homes in the future (see page 9)

I am also pleased to announce our new service in Poole, Dorset. Working in partnership with Poole Borough Council, we will be finding good quality private rented accommodation for people who are at risk of homelessness and offering a supported lodgings service. There has been a lot in the news lately about how shortages of social housing coupled with changes in benefits are making it harder than ever for vulnerable people to find and keep a home. You can read more on page 3 about how our new services will tackle these difficulties.

We’d like to thank the very many generous local supporters and volunteers who support Two Saints’ services. We rely on fundraising and sponsorship from local communities and businesses, to offer activities which can make a real difference to the future prospects for our clients.

We offer so much more than you might think; a stay in one of our services certainly provides a warm, safe place to stay with friendly, supportive staff. But our real aim is to reconnect people with their own hopes and plans for their future, and to support them to find work or training, to reconnect with friends or family, to deal with health problems or addictions – as well as getting on the path to finding a more permanent home.

Chief Executive

Louise Barnden Chief Executive

To support Two Saints – either as a fundraiser, by making a donation or volunteering your time please call us on 01329 234600 or visit our website for more ideas of how you can get involved and make a difference.

Contents03 Our latest news

04 A new dining experience in Oxford

05 Southampton’s new Mayor names us as his charity

06 Learning services in Fareham and Gosport

07 Welcoming dogs into our hostels

08 Bill’s story

09 Greener living in Andover

10 Bicycle workshop to open in Portsmouth

11 National praise for our Newbury project

12/13 Experiences of life in our Southampton Day Centre

14 New look reception areas

15 How you can help

Page 02 / Welcome / Contents Involve Two Saints

Page 3: Involve Summer 2012


Page 03 / News Involve Two Saints

Fancy an office Christmas party with a social conscience?Although summer is just around the corner, we are already planning our Christmas party! Our 2011 festive fundraising gala ball at St Mary’s Stadium in Southampton raised over £1250.

Thank you to everyone who supported us by buying a ticket or donating a raffle

prize, in particular John Lewis who provided lots of prizes. You and your colleagues can support people who are homeless this Christmas by attending our event or holding a raffle at your own party. You can make a difference whilst having fun raising vital funds for a great cause! Get in touch today.

After featuring in our summer 2011 issue where she was photographed on a work placement at local Executive Search company Ocean Edge, former homeless client Pam Rwanyarare has made the move from homeless hostel to high flyer!

Promotion for Pam!

We are encouraging local landlords and residents in Poole to rent a home or even just a spare room to someone at risk of becoming homeless.

A safe and friendly home coupled with our ongoing support is a great way for a person to get their life back on track and make the next step into living independently.

With increasing numbers of people at risk of losing their homes, coupled with dwindling access to local housing, we are keen to expand our accommodation service across the South.

Help to find a home

NEWSResidents at Patrick House in Southampton enjoyed a day of clay pigeon shooting recently. The event was just one of the many different activities run by the hostel to help boost confidence by encouraging clients to have fun and try something new.

In the firing line

Armed with new skills from her placement, Pam secured a full time job, moved into a flat of her own and has recently enjoyed a promotion at work! She says that the support she received from Two Saints was vital. For more details about how you can help someone like Pam turn to page 15.

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Page 04 / Designer dining in Oxford Involve Two Saints

Designer dining in Oxford

Thank you...

He might be living in a hostel now, but before Nick Williamsended up homeless he was employed as an electrical / mechanical engineer and worked on satellites used byGoogle imaging. Nick says that he has really enjoyed working on plans to redesign the dining room alongside his fellow residents. The images on this page were produced by Nick taking into account the views of the people who use the dining area every day. St Ebbs Church and St John’s College for donating money from the 2012 annual Oxford Sleep Out which has funded the dining room transformation, uncovered Nick’s amazing talent and re-ignited his ambition.

When residents at our Oxford hostel,Lucy Faithfull House, were asked to help re-design the dining room, they really got their teeth into the job!

“My ambition is to work towards a degree and achieve a permanent job in a research and development department. I know it’s hard work and I haven’t had much success in my life recently but with the support of Two Saints I’m determined to stand on my own two feet, live on my own and find a job.”

Page 5: Involve Summer 2012

Top level support

Southampton’s new Mayor Councillor Derek Burke has named Two Saints as one of his charities of the year!

It’s terrific news, and will help us increase our profile whilst raising funds to help us support even more people who are homeless. Over the next 12 months the Mayor will attend hundreds of events and meet thousands of people, providing lots of opportunities to promote the important work that we do at Two Saints.

“Two Saints provide such a valuable service not just to those people who are on the streets and need help to get their lives back on track, but to many vulnerable and young people who are on the brink of homelessness.

“Their prevention work, as well as all the support on offer in their hostels, day centres and learning services is crucial to transforming lives. Hearing the stories of former rough sleepers who have gone on to beat addictions, find work and settle down is truly inspirational!”

The Mayor in numbers:

Councillor Derek Burke will be the 790th Mayor of Southampton.

Derek is a supervisor for Solent Stevedores, and has worked at Southampton Docks for 42 years.

He has been a councillor for 26 years.

The population of Bevois Valley, the ward in Southampton which Derek represents.

The number of times he has beenMayor before (in 1999 -2000).






Page 05 / Top level support Involve Two Saints

“I am delighted to be working with Two Saints during my Mayoral year. Homelessness and housing issues are particularly important to me and I am really pleased that in my capacity as Mayor I can enable Two Saints to help even more people affected by this issue.”

Page 6: Involve Summer 2012

All in a day’s work

We provide lots of different learning services to help people who are homeless learn new skills and develop the self-confidence needed to find work and turn their lives around.

Jodie Parker, Learning Coordinator in Gosport.

Page 06 / All in a day’s work Involve Two Saints

“Jodie helped me to feel good about myselfagain. I’m currently studying a level two Horse Care course at Gosport college, I am really enjoying it and learning lots of new skills. I haven’t worked for two years but now I’m really looking forward to getting a job and earning my own money.”

We employ seven Learning Coordinators like Jodie across the counties we work in, who all help clients to build confidence by:

• encouraging people to recognise their own skills• providing lots of opportunities to learn new skills – from learning to read or write to studying for a university degree• working with local colleges to promote formal work-related qualifications• running fun learning sessions in-house• arranging work experience placements and voluntary work opportunities• providing job workshops including help on how to write a CV and interview tips

Without a home and a permanent address it’s very hard to find a job. Yet without work it’s difficult to keep a roof over your head. This is a vicious circle that we are here to help break.

“Anyone who has been unemployed for a long time knows how hard it is to feel confident about the future. Add on losing your home, and in many cases all your family and friends, and you can understand why the people we work with need extra support to rebuild their self esteem and find a job.”

James Buckley, a resident in our Gosport Road hostel.

Page 7: Involve Summer 2012

Man’s bestfriend

“Most of my week is spent helping people look for a job. I assist with writing CVs and applying for apprenticeships. We also offer courses in First Aid and run lots of other activities like art and sport – anything to help people do something different and start feeling good about themselves.”

“I want to turn the training room into a base offering education and advice for the residents in the hostel as

well as past clients who may have moved on but still need help and support to find work.” Jodie Parker, Two Saints Learning Coordinator in Gosport.

Check out page 8 for an interview with Bill Pullen – a former rough sleeper who received help from Jodie and the team at Gosport to get a job at the local Tesco supermarket.

It’s not just people who can be homeless, it’s dogs too. At Two Saints when people come to us for shelter we also welcome their four-legged friends, and we often have up to 20 dogs living in our hostels.

Marcus Dent lives with his dog Lulu in our Fareham hostel.

“Lulu is the only family I’ve got now so it’s really important that she’s at theshelter with me. The other residents and staff loveher, she barks at them to say hello!”

Once a week a Learning Bus visits our Farehamhostel. Onboard there is free IT training andaccess to the internet along with free adviceand support on learning new skills, gettingqualifications and finding work.

All of our hostels and day centres have a learning facility offering regular group sessions and classes;some may lead to a qualification, others are just for fun.

Page 07 / All in a day’s work Involve Two Saints

Marcus Dent and Lulu

All aboard!

Learning Service

Page 8: Involve Summer 2012

Several years ago Bill was happily working with horses in the great outdoors. But after he broke his ribs in a bad fall he lost his job and not long after his home.

He soon became homeless after “sofa surfing” with friends and moved into our hostel in Gosport. Here he met Jodie our Learning Coordinator and for the first time in ages, things started looking up.

“Jodie helped to build my confidence and encouraged me to join a computer course. I had never done any exams but she helped me to learn and I went on to gain NVQ Level

1 qualifications in both English and Maths – something I never thought was possible! I realised I had a real enthusiasm for learning and I worked towards certificates in Health & Safely and construction skills credentials! Now I’ve got a job as a trainee baker at Tesco. I absolutely love it! I never would have thought my life was going to change so much. I’m happy at work, I love living independently and I’ve got great neighbours that I enjoy socialising with. I’m living proof that things can get better with a safe place to stay and the right help.”

The Tesco Express store in Gosport where Bill works celebrated its launch with a £500 donation to our local Accommodation Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC provides a range of support services to help 16-25 year olds who are at risk of homelessness.

Page 08 / Bill Pullen Involve Two Saints

The recipe for success!Bill Pullen suffered a nervous breakdown, lost his job and ended up homeless but thanks to support and advice from Two Saints he’s now enjoying life in his own home with a good job at Tesco and great prospects for the future.

Support for young peoplein Gosport

Page 9: Involve Summer 2012

Residents at Dene Court in Andover have been finding out how to ‘go green’ by helping us to introduce lots of ‘eco friendly’ initiatives at the hostel.

The project has provedreally successful inpromoting the benefits ofa greener and healthierlifestyle for everyoneinvolved, and has alsohelped to reduce our energyand water bills as well.

Finding good quality, affordable one-bedroom accommodation for anyone with a history of homelessness is a struggle.

Local councils and housingassociations have longwaiting lists and flats onthe open market are tooexpensive and requirelengthy work and tenancyreferences. So we set upReal Lettings South to offerguaranteed peace of mindfor landlords and decenthomes for our clients.

Some of the green activities at Dene Court have included:

• a greenhouse for residents to grow their own vegetables • the use of free bicycles for ‘green’ travel• movement detectors and energy saving lights • communal recycling bins and recycling information • washing lines to dry clothes instead of using tumble dryers• separating the water pipes so each client can see their own usage and the cost• loft insulation to reduce heating bills• water butts to catch rainwater for use in the garden• worm composters, which reduce waste sent to landfill and produce organic compost to use in the garden

If you are a landlord inPortsmouth, Southamptonand Newbury and interestedin enjoying the followingbenefits, get in touch today:

• guaranteed rent every month in advance• professional and personal management service• security of a long term lease up to 3 or 5 years• no set up fees or administration costs• free photographic inventory / schedule of condition• regular property inspections• responsive tenant support and management• no void periods• the property is handed back in the same condition as at the start

Page 09 / Greener living / Help with finding a home Involve Two Saints

Greener living in Andover

Help with finding a home

For more information please contact:

Pippa Tout Real Lettings Newbury07872 915272

Lucy HaworthReal Lettings Portsmouth07714 181893

Richard Mitchell Real Lettings Southampton07921 289626

Or visit the

Page 10: Involve Summer 2012

Graham Harrison A former Two Saints client

This summer we are opening the very first Two Saints bike workshop.It’s a social enterprise providing a bicycle repair service which will be run by and for people who live in our service in Locksway Road, Portsmouth.

The workshop will provide a place for our clients to learn new skills and will also offer very reasonably priced bike repairs for members of the public.

The project is the brain child of Graham Harrison,former chair of our Project Assessment Team (a groupof residents who check we are doing a good job and make suggestions forimprovements). Graham has been instrumental in helping us to develop our services and empower ourclients and he has also been involved with helping the government tacklehomelessness issues nationally.

“I came up with the idea around two years ago when people in the hostel said they wanted a place where they could learn how to repair their bikes. I’ve been busy working with the local police force to get the idea off the ground, and Two Saints helped me bid for £5800 from The Big Lottery Fund Awards for All. I can’t believe it’s finally going to happen!”

Page 10 / A smooth road ahead Involve Two Saints

We’re looking for local volunteers to help us run the bike workshop. If you enjoy cycling and could teach others how to repair bikes please contact Graham on 07970 889172.

Help us onthe road tosuccess

A smooth road ahead

Page 11: Involve Summer 2012

Page 11 / Leading the field Involve Two Saints

Our ground breaking work supporting people to rebuild their lives has been praised by the government.

Leading the field

A successful personalisation project at our Newbury Hostel has seen residents receiving £15 a week to spend on anything that will help their future prospects of getting a home of their own. Donna Moore, a key Worker at Newbury says the extra money has had a big impact:

It’s just one example of how we continually develop services to help more people move forward with their lives.

Key Worker Donna Moore with Tony Stalley who is using his £15 on weekly driving lessons

“Residents have used themoney on bus or trainfares to visit family, topurchase a copy of theirbirth certificate which isessential for bank accountand tenancy applications,and to buy books or sitexams at Newbury College.One client is using his £15to pay for weekly drivinglessons so he can gethimself to work when hegets a job.”

In May 2010, the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in association with the National Mental Health Development Unit (NMHDU) published ground breaking best practice guidance for supported housing providers entitled Mental Health Good Practice Guide - Meeting the psychological and emotional needs of homeless people.

Two Saints were involved from the beginning of this influential work. We provided one of the report’s authors, Dr Nick Maguire from Southampton University, access to our services to help shape recommendations. In a follow up report published recently, our strategy has been recognised as an example of best practice by the DCLG and NMHDU.

Following the publication of the report, Two Saints set up a task force led by Jon Cox, Head of Business Development to take forward the report’s recommendations. A number of initiatives were developed, including a series of two day training courses for all staff to help them understand the psychological needs of people using Two Saints’ services. A programme of remodelling of reception areas (see page 14) and bedrooms was set up.

Two Saints continue to further embed the recommendations across all of our services – our approach is to continually work to provide the best possible services to people affected by homelessness.

Innovative thinkingat Newbury

Our Strategy

Page 12: Involve Summer 2012

“My name is Rob. I’m 49 years old and I moved to Southampton from Dorset over 12 years ago to live with my partner, but we broke up and things started to go wrong for me. I felt very unstable and developed paranoia and anxiety and ended up in a mental health hospital. I had lost contact with my family and I felt alone and depressed. But then I

started visiting Two Saints’ Day Centre. The staff were so supportive. They asked Dorset police to let my family know I was alive and well and I couldn’t believe it when my sister got in touch to say how much everyone missed me! I’ve since discovered I have a son and that I’m also a grandad! I’m ecstatic and I‘m planning to return home to Dorset to be closer to

my family and rebuild our relationships. I feel I’ve been given another chance at life and that for the first time in years I’m actually living instead of merely existing. I now realise how much I need my family. I couldn’t have done it without Two Saints behind me and I can never thank them enough.”

Page 12 / Different views Involve Two Saints

Different perspectivesof Two Saints’ Day Centrein Southampton

Rob“I feel I’ve been given another chance at life and that for the first time in years I’m actually living instead of merely existing. I now realise how much I need my family. I couldn’t have done it without Two Saints behind me”.

Page 13: Involve Summer 2012

“My name is Jess. I’m studying social work at university and I’ve recently completed a work placement at the Day Centre. I had never been in contact with people affected by homelessness, alcohol or substance misuse issues and I was really anxious about what I was getting myself into. I always thought that social work was about sitting in an office doing paper work. How wrong could I be!

My initial nerves evaporated and I soon started to realise that the placement was a life changing event for me. Each day was different and motivating. It opened my eyes to the struggles that affect homeless and vulnerable people. I had no idea how important Two Saints is and how much support is on offer to help people move on and improve their lives. The staff at the Day Centre

help to change people’s lives every single day. They have taught me so much like sitting down and having a cup of tea and a chat with someone who is feeling poorly, lonely or excluded can make a huge difference. I can’t wait to start a career in social work, helping people to see the bigger picture and move forward with their lives.”

Jess“I had no idea how important Two Saints is and how much support is on offer to help people move on and improve their lives.”

Page 13 / Different views Involve Two Saints

Page 14: Involve Summer 2012

Work on our reception areas is just part of our approach to providing the best possible environments and services for our clients. Investing in both our properties and staff is showing great results and has recently been recognised by the government. Check out the news section on our website for more details.

Page 14 / New look reception areas Involve Two Saints

The best possible welcomeA clean bed in a safe place with a friendly welcome – that’s what we offer everyone who walks through the front door of one of our hostels.

Entering a homeless hostel is the first step on a long journey towards a new life for every client so it’s crucial that our properties look and feel welcoming. We are busy removing glass partitions and redesigning our reception areas to make the entrances feel much more friendly and open.

Gary Stroud Associates (Left to Right) Gary Stroud, Shaun Mitchell, Roberto Hotstone, Paul Dearing.

Our reception areas are being transformed by Gary Stroud Associates (pictured below). Together with his dedicated team Gary works hard to ensure Two Saints properties are well maintained and all major works are completed with minimal disruption to staff and residents. He’s on hand for all our repair jobs, ranging from fixing a door or replacing a window through to fitting a kitchen or bathroom. Gary says:

“My team and I know how important it is to get repairssorted quickly and efficiently as the residents in Two Saints’hostels need to feel safe and secure. We all work hard toprovide the best possible service.”

Since awarding our core maintenance contract to Gary, our repair response times have rocketed up, and we are now scoring almost 100% across the board.

The right man for the job



100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%












April May June July August September October November December

Peter HewittSupport Worker at Mill House, Portsmouth.

“The new reception area is much better. It feels more open and friendly, our clients prefer it and the difference in communicating is huge. It’s so much easier to talk to people without the barriers!”

Total % of repairs completed within target2011-2012

Working with Gary Stroud

Before working with Gary Stroud


Page 15: Involve Summer 2012

How can youhelp?

Golfer David Gasson was honoured by his club, East Horton Golf Club with the senior captaincy for 2011. David, a long term supporter of homelessness elected Two Saints as his charity of the year and he and his fellow golfers raised a whopping £3300!

To mark their 25th anniversary Rund Partnership (a surveying company with offices in Southampton and London) has launched a “2012” challenge in aid of Two Saints. Staff will be encouraged to run, cycle, swim or row a distance of 2012 km during the year. Rund Director Richard Mussell has got his running shoes on already! He says:

Richard MussellRund Director

Page 15 / How can you help?

“We wanted to support a homeless charity to celebrate reaching 25 years. We will be holding a number of special events with our staff and customers and will use the momentum of these celebrations to help people who need a hand.”

It’s not just large corporations who can help. Small businesses also play an important role in supporting us. Ori Halup owner of The Missing Bean Coffee Shop in Oxford raised over £150 by kindly donating money made from selling mince pies in the run up to Christmas.

Voluntary help is just as important as financial contributions and we have been lucky enough to be supported by some big organisations such as Capita Symonds, Clydesdale Bank, Sainsbury’s, Grant Thornton, HSBC to name just a few.

Justine Taylor from Capita Symonds says “The experience has really opened my eyes to how we all as a society can very easily (and often wrongly)stereotype homelessness.”

We rely on help and donations fromboth big businesses and individualmembers of the public.

Whether you raise £5 or £500 your support can help change a life.

Teeing off for a good cause

Capita Symonds lend their expertise

Small businesses can help too

Rund aiming to raise £2012 in 2012

For more information call — 01329 234600visit —

Page 16: Involve Summer 2012

Page 16 / Can you help us? Involve Two Saints

To support Two Saints – either as a fundraiser, by making a donation or volunteering your time, please call us on 01329 234600 or visit our website for more ideas of how you can get involved and make a difference.

We can all do something and every volunteer minute, every donated penny makes a difference to someone’s life.

Two Saints supporters joined more than 1600 other cyclists taking part in the annual Isle of Wight Randonnee in May and raised more than £6000!

Next year’s cycling challenge promises to be even bigger and better – with a sponsored ride across Cambodia. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and a chance to help people who are homeless in your community – join us on this adventure, get in contact today!