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Esplora aspetu jéneru husi projetu bee saneamentu no ijiéniku iha komunidade: Manuál Treinamentu Exploring gender aspects of community water, sanitation and hygiene projects: A Training Manual Feto servisu ho mane servisu hamutuk hodi halo sintina Women work with men to build a toilet

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Esplora aspetu jéneru husi projetu bee saneamentu no ijiéniku iha komunidade:

Manuál Treinamentu

Exploring gender aspects of community water, sanitation and hygiene projects:

A Training Manual


Feto servisu ho mane servisu hamutuk hodi halo sintinaWomen work with men to build a toilet

Mane fase bikanA man washes dishes

Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Konteudu / Contents

Introdusaun / Introduction............................................................................................................................................3

Seksaun 1: Manuál ba fasilitadór komunidade...................................................................4

Section 1: Community facilitator manual............................................................................4Introdusaun / Introduction............................................................................................................................................5Módulu sira / The Modules.............................................................................................................................................5Objetivu Treinamentu / Training Objectives..........................................................................................................6

Modulu 1: Analisa Atividade Feto no Mane liu husi Matan Jéneru......................................7

Module 1: Analysing Women and Men’s Activities Through a Gender Lens........................7Introdusaun / Introduction............................................................................................................................................7

A. Durante PAK / Exercise for CAP......................................................................................9Sesaun 1: Se mak Halo, Se mak Desidi – Ezersísiu Koloka Kartaun / Session1: Who Does, Who Decides – Card-Sorting Activity....................................................................................................................................9Sesaun 5: Jogu Sintina – Asesibilidade ba BESI / Session 5: Toilet Game: Inclusive and Accessible WASH..............................................................................................................................................................14

B. Feto no Mane iha BESI / Women and Men in WASH....................................................18Sesaun 1: Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor-loron (Oras 24) / Session 1: Men and Women’s Daily Task (24 hours)............................................................................................................................................................................ 18Session 2: Gender and Culture Exercise – this session still to come..........................................................21Sesaun 3: Feto no Mane iha Tempu Uluk no Agora / Session 3: Women and Men in Past Time and Now................................................................................................................................................................................ 22Session 4: – Rights and Responsibilities Exercise – this session still to come.......................................25Sesaun 5a: Analiza Fóto Kona-ba Feto no Mane Papel iha Besi / Session 5a: Women and men in WASH: Photo Analysis....................................................................................................................................................26Sesaun 5b: Analiza Fóto Kona-ba Asesibilidade ba BESI / Session 5b: Access, Equity and Inclusion – Photo Analysis............................................................................................................................................28Evaluasaun ba Modulu 1 / Evaluation of Module 1...........................................................................................30

Modulu 2: Harii Jeneru nebee Justu iha Familia no Komunidade sira................................31

Module 2: Building Gender Fair Families and Communities..............................................31Introdusaun / Introduction:........................................................................................................................................31Sesaun 1: Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor- loron (Oras 24) / Session 1: Men and Women’s Daily Task (24 hours)................................................................................................................................................................. 32Sesaun 2: Tipu Servisu Tolu Nian – Feto Nia Naha Todan Tolu / Session 2: Three Types of Work – Women’s Triple Burden.............................................................................................................................................35Sesaun 3: Instrusaun atu Viziona Ezersisiu Drama Mudansa Pozitivu / Session 3: Visioning Positive Change – Role-Play Exercise......................................................................................................................42Evaluasaun ba Modulu 2 / Evaluation of Module 2...........................................................................................44

Modulu 3: Hanoin refreska konabá Mane no Feto sira nia Papel no Relasaun no Avalia Mudansa..........................................................................................................................45


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Module 3: Refresh Thinking about Men and Women’s Roles and Relations and Assess Change.............................................................................................................................45Introdusaun / Introduction.........................................................................................................................................45Sesaun 1: Refreka konabá Feto no Mane sira nia Direitu /Session 1: Refresher on Women’s and Men’s Rights........................................................................................................................................................................ 47Sesaun 2. Reflesaun konabá mudansa ba feto no mane sira dezde projetu hahú / Session 2. Reflection on change for women and men since project began...................................................................49Sesaun 3: Feto no Mane sira nia papel Relasiona ho BESI: Votasaun Segredu uza Surat-tahan/ Session 3: Women’s and Men’s Roles Relating to WASH: Secret Pocket Chart Voting......................51Evaluasaun ba Modulu 3/ Evaluation of Module 3............................................................................................56

Introdusaun / Introduction

Manuál treinamentu ida-ne’e WaterAid maka dezenvolve tiha hodi hasa’e koñesimentu jéneru nian nu’udar kestaun signifikante ida relasiona ho BESI iha komunidade sira iha-ne’ebé WaterAid implementa ninia programa BESI. Manuál ne’e Pontu Fokál Jéneru maka sei uza no pesoál seluk WaterAid nian no ninia organizasaun parseiru sira.

Manual treinamentu ne’e iha seksaun rua:

Fasilita diálogu konabá jéneru iha komunidade sira: seksaun ida-ne’e fasilitadór komunidade maka uza no kontein módulu lima ba fasilitasaun iha komunidade sira.

Treinamentu jéneru ba pesoál no parseiru sira: seksaun ida-ne’e Pontu Fokál Jéneru maka uza no ezbosa prosesu treinamentu sira ne’ebé bele uza tiha ba pesoál

Materiál treinamentu sira iha módulu ida-ne’e propriedade WaterAid nian.Barak husi material treinamentu nian mai husi programa BESIK ne’ebé finansia husi AusAID. Material sira seluk orijinál, dezenvolve tihaho kolaborasaun husi Di Kilsby Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Feto Internasionál (IWDA), ho pesoál WaterAid, liu-liu Delfina da Silva, Pontu Fokál Jéneru orijinál ba WaterAid.

This training manual was developed by WaterAid to raise awareness of gender as a significant issue relating to WASH in communities where WaterAid implements its WASH program. The manual is to be used by Gender Focal Points and other staff of WaterAid and its partner organisations.

The training manual has two sections:

Facilitating dialogue on gender in communities: this section is for use by community facilitators and contains five modules for facilitation in communities.

Gender training for staff and partners: this section is for use by Gender Focal Points and outlines training processes that can be used for staff

The training materials in this module are the property of WaterAid. Much of the training material originated from the AusAID-funded BESIK program. Other material is original, developed collaboratively by Di Kilsby of International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA), with WaterAid staff, particularly Delfina da Silva, the original Gender Focal Point for WaterAid.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Seksaun 1: Manuál ba fasilitadór komunidade

Section 1: Community facilitator manual


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Introdusaun / Introduction

Seksaun manual ida-ne’e nian ba WaterAid no ninia organizasaun parseiru sira hodi fasilita prosesu sira ho feto no mane sira iha komunidade sira.

Aprosimasaun maka la’os atu hala’o treinamentu formal maibé atu fasilita oportunidade sira ba diálogu entre feto no mane sira atubele harii fahe kompriénsaun konabá oinsá ema ida-idak sei benefisia husi mudansa ne’ebé halo relasaun no papel jéneru sai iguál liután.

This section of the manual is for WaterAid and its partner organisations to facilitate processes with women and men in communities.

The approach is not to conduct formal training but to facilitate opportunities for dialogue between women and men in order to build a shared understanding of how everyone will benefit from change that makes gender roles and relationships more equal.

Módulu sira / The Modules

KAPModulu ne’e inklui ezersísiu atu inklui iha prosesu KAP

Módulu 1 no 2, ‘projetu módulu sira’ pesoál parseiru sira maka hala’o tiha durante faze projetu ativu iha kada suku.

Módulu 1 hala’o tiha kedas hafoinde prosesu PAK, molok hahú konstrusaun nian.

Módulu 2 pesoál parseiru hala’o tiha kedas (ka lalais se bele) hafoinde kompleta konstrusaun

Módulu 3, 4 no 5 nu’udar ‘módulu sira tuirmai nian’, pesoál WaterAid maka hala’o ho grupu sira suku nian. Módulu hirak-ne’e fornese oportunidade liután ba diálogu entre feto no mane sira ho rekoñesimentu katak mudansa hahalok presiza tempu; sira mós fornese oportunidade ida ba WaterAid hodi avalia to’o ona pontu ne’ebé maka projetu atinji tiha ona mudansa pozitivu konabá igualdade jéneru ne’ebé boot liu

Módulu 3 Pontu Fokál Jéneru WaterAid maka hala’o entre fulan neen ka liu hafoinde kompleta konstrusaun.

Módulu 4 no 5 seidauk dezenvolve, no sei hala’o maizumenus tinan ida ka rua tuirmai, respetivamente.

Ezbosu manual oras ne’e nian – iha fulan-Juñu tinan 2012 – inklui konteúdu prinsipál ba Módulu 1 no 2. Módulu 3 sei revee no inklui tiha iha Manuál ne’e iha inisiu tinan 2013. Módulu 4 no 5 seidauk dezeña tiha, tan nia fora de ámbitu ekipa pesoál oras ne’e nian hodi hala’o módulu hirak-ne’e. sei dezenvolve tiha estratéjia sira durante periódu tinan 2012 – 2013 hodi kompleta módulu sira nian no planu realistíku ba sira-nia implementasaun.

CAP This manual includes one exercise for inclusion in the CAP process.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Modules 1 and 2, the ‘project modules’ are conducted by partner staff during the active project phase in each village:

Module 1 is conductedimmediately after CAP process, prior to the commencement of construction.

Module 2 is conducted by partner staff immediately (or as soon as possible) after the completion of construction.

Modules 3, 4 and 5 are ‘follow-up modules’, conducted in clusters of villages by WaterAid staff. These modules provide a further opportunity for dialogue between women and men in recognition that behaviour change takes time; they also provide an opportunity for WaterAid to assess the extent to which the project has achieved positive change towards greater gender equality.

Module 3 is conducted by WaterAid Gender Focal Points around six or more months after the completion of construction.

Modules 4 and 5 are yet to be developed, and will be conducted approximately one year and two years later, respectively.

The current draft of the manual – at June 2012 - includes the main content for Modules 1 and 2. Module 3 will be reviewed and included in the Manual by early 2013. Modules 4 and 5 are yet to be designed, as it is beyond the scope of the current staff team to conduct these modules. Strategies will be developed during the period 2012-13 to complete the set of modules and plan realistically for their implementation.

Objetivu Treinamentu / Training Objectives

Objetivu glóbal programa diálogu jéneru komunidade nian maka:

1. Haklean/ hametin kompriensaun komunidade feto no mane konaba direitu.

2. Atu halo atividade sira visivel no valoriza iha familia & komunidade

3. Atu apoio komunidade hodi imajina no realiza mudansa pozitivu balansu entre feto no mane

The overall objectives of the community gender dialogue program are:

1. To deepen/ strengthen community understanding on rights of women and men, boys and girls

2. To make visible and valued the activities of women and men in family and community

3. To support community to imagine and realise positive change towards gender equality


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Modulu 1: Analisa Atividade Feto no Mane liu husi Matan Jéneru

Module 1: Analysing Women and Men’s Activities Through a Gender Lens

Introdusaun / Introduction

Tempu: Loron rua

Time: Two days

Bainhira: Modulu nee atu tuir prosesu PAK

Timing: This Module is conducted immediately after the CAP process.


Modulu ida-ne’e kontribui ba atu atinji Objectivu 1, 2no 3 husi Programa Treinamentu nian:

1. Haklean/ hametin kompriensaun komunidade feto no mane konaba direitu.

2. Atu halo atividade sira visivel no valoriza iha familia & komunidade

3. Atu apoio komunidade hodi imajina no realiza mudansa pozitivu balansu entre feto no mane


This module contributes to achieve Objectives 1, 2 and 3 of the Training Programe:

1. To deepen/ strengthen community understanding on rights of women and men, boys and girls

2. To make visible and valued the activities of women and men in family and community

3. To support community to imagine and realise positive change

Partisipante: Ema hotu iha komunidade bele partisipa – feto no mane.

Participants: Everyone in the community – women and men - are welcome.

*Some selection process may be introduced to ensure best outcomes for men, women and communities. Decision yet to be made.


A. Durante PAK1. Se mak Halo, Se mak Desidi: Ezersísiu koloka kartaun2. Jogu Sintina – Asesibilidade ba BESI

B. Feto no Mane iha BESI


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

1. Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor-loron (Oras 24)2. Gender and Culture exercise – this session still to come3. Feto no Mane iha Tempu Uluk no Agora4. Rights and Responsibilities – exercise – this session still to come5. Analiza Foto:

a. Feto no Mane Papel iha Besib. Asesibilidade ba BESI


A. During CAP:1. Who Does, Who Decides: Card Sorting2. Toilet Game: Inclusive and accessible WASH

B. Women and Men in WASH:1. 24 Hour Clock2. Gender and Culture exercise – this session still to come3. Women and men in past time and now4. Rights and Responsibilities – exercise – this session still to come5. Photos

a) Women and men in WASHb) Access, equity and inclusion

Modulu hahu husi ne’e:

The module starts from here:


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

A. Durante PAK / Exercise for CAPSesaun 1: Se mak Halo, Se mak Desidi – Ezersísiu Koloka Kartaun / Session1: Who Does, Who Decides – Card-Sorting Activity

Tempu: Oras 2

Time: 2 hours

Material: Flipchart, spidol, kartaun (prepara molok – familia x 6, komunidade x 2)

Material: Flipchart, markers, cards (pre-prepared – 6 sets of family cards, 2 sets of community)

Objetivu: Atu identifika dalan oioin ne’ebé feto no mane sira involve no afetadu husi kestaun BESI no naha-servisu nian

Purpose: To identify different ways that women and men are involved in and affected by WASH issues and workload

Preparasaun: Prepara kartaun sira antes ba grupu sira tuirmai ne’e. Kada kartaun tenke iha eskema ki’ik hodi hatudu katégoria ema ne’ebé reprezenta tiha, ka uza kor ketak ba mane no feto, hodi tulun ba hirak ne’ebé ho limitasaun abilidade hatene lee no hakerek.

Preparation: Prepare cards in advance for the following groups. Each card should have a small diagram showing the category of person represented, or use a different colour for each gender, to assist those with limited literacy skills.

Kartaun sira: Familia Cards: Family

Joven Feto Young women

Joven Mane Young men

Inan Adult women

Aman Adult men

Avo Feto Elderly women

Avo Mane Elderly men

Labarik Feto Girl children

Labarik Mane Boy children

Defisiente Feto Disabled women

Defisiente Mane Disabled men


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Kartaun sira: Komunidade Cards: Community

Xefe de suco mane Male village head

Xefe de suco feto Female village head

Xefe de aldeia mane Male sub-village head

Xefe de aldeia feto Female sub-village head

Xefe GMF feto Female head of GMF

Xefe GMF mane Male head of GMF

Membru GMF Mane Male member of GMF

Membru GMF Feto Female member of GMF

Lider foin-sa’e Youth leader

Lider Igreja Church leader

Rai-na’in Landowner

Feto sira nia lider grupu Women’s group leader

PSF Mane Male health volunteer

PSF Feto Female health volunteer

Etapa 1: Fahe ideia konabá BESI relasiona ho responsabilidade sira

Fasilita diskusaun ho grupu tomak hodi hanoin konabá ne’e no lista:

Nota ba fasilitadór sira, haree didi’ak katak ida-ne’e inklui rua-ne’e hotu:

BESI relasionadu ho servisu/knar Responsabilidade tau-matan relasionadu ho BESI

La presiza atu esplika grupu rua ne’e ba partisipante sira, maibé halo tiha nu’udar sujestaun, hakerek servisu oin rua ne’e ba iha koluna rua ne’e ka lista ketaketak rua.

Enkoraja partisipante sira hodi hanoin detalla balun konabá knaar sira, la’os de’it en jerál. Haree didi’ak katak lista ne’e inklui buat hotu-hotu tuirmai ne’e:

o Fó hariis labariko Tau-matan ba membru familia sira ne’ebé maka moras (ho diáreia ka moras

relasionadu ho BESI sira seluk)o Hamoos uma


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

o Fase bikan o Nono beeo Fase ropa o Kuru beeo Hamoos sintinao Lori labarik (ka membru familia sira seluk ne’ebé presiza tulun) ba sintina

Mantein fó hanoin-hetan no halo sujestaun se buat ruma ne’ebé temi iha leten ne’e grupu sira la temi, maibé mantein nafatin atu la’o ho lalais. La presiza atu servisu ba parte ezersísiu ida-ne’e nian – di’ak atu fó hanoin-hetan no sujere, basta halo knaar sira hotu ho lalais nu’udar ita bele. Objetivu halo ida-ne’e nu’udar ezersísiu partisipatóriu ida simplismente atu garante katak ema sira kontribui no sente sai-na’in rasik ba lista sira nian. Parte ezersísiu ida-ne’e nian tenke han de’it minutu sanulu ka sanulu-resin-lima.

Step 1. Brainstorm on WASH-related responsibilities

Facilitate discussion with whole group to think about and list all the tasks related to WASH.

Note to facilitators, make sure this includes both:

WASH related tasks/work Caring responsibilities related to WASH

It is not necessary to explain the two groups to the participants, but as the suggestions are made, write up the two kinds of labour onto two columns or two separate lists.

Encourage participants to think in some detail about tasks, not only in general. Make sure the list includes all of the following:

Bathing children Caring for sick family members (with diarrhoea or other WASH-related illness) Cleaning the house Washing dishes Boiling water Washing clothes Collecting water Cleaning the toilet Taking children (or other family members who need help) to the toilet

Keep prompting and making subtle suggestions if any of the above do not come out from the group, but keep things moving quickly.There is no need to labour this part of the exercise – it’s fine to prompt and suggest, just get all the tasks down as quickly as you can. The purpose of doing it as a participatory exercise is simply to ensure that people are engaged and feel ownership of the lists. This part of the exercise should only take ten or fifteen minutes.

Etapa 2: Koloka kartaun iha grupu sira:

Fahe ba grupu feto no mane hodi halo diskusaun ketak.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Husu ba grupu feto no mane sira hodi hanoin konabá knaar sira tuirmai ne’e no katégoria diferente sira, ema no dezide konabá sé maka halo barak liuhotu en relasaun ho kada knaar ne’e. pergunta la’os konabá sé maka teorikamente responsabiliza ba knaar ne’e, ka sé maka halo ida-ne’e bainhira ema ne’ebé baibain halo ida-ne’e la iha fatin. Ita husu konabá norma – husi loron ba loron, loroloron – la’os exesaun.

Uza kartaun sira, koloka grupu oioin ema nian tuir:

1. Sé maka involve ho ativu barak liu hodi halo knaar sira relasiona ho BESI iha nivel familia nian: Servisu – Kuru bee, te’in, hamoos uma, fase roupa sira Tau-matan – Ajuda membru familia sira (foin-sa’e, ferik no katuas, ema moras no defisiente)

hodi hariis no uza sintina

2. Sé maka involve barak liu konabá foti dezisaun konaba: Dezisaun komunidade konabá infra-estrutura bee – dezeñu, fatin, sistema bee, torneira,

manutensaun – relata problema sira no hadi’a Dezisaun familia konabá harii sintina, fasilidade fase liman – material sira no familia uza

Bainhira grupu sira hotu ramata ho sira-nia kolokasaun, husu ba kada grupu hodi tau kartaun sira tuir orden sira-nia kolokasaun nian.Haree tuir kada pergunta hamutuk, enfaze ba iha maneira ne’ebé kada grupu sira koloka kartaun no nota diferensia sira iha opiniaun. Nota katak objetivu ezersisiu nian la’os atu hetan akordu ida maibé atu haree no komprende sira seluk nia perspetiva

Ikusmai, fasilita diskusaun ida konabá oinsá serteza katak hirak-ne’ebé iha involvimentu ativu no responsabilidade liu bele sai involve liután iha foti dezisaun. Enfaze koñesimentu ne’ebé feto no mane sira iha konabá aspetu deferente sira BESI nian, nota partikularmente koñesimentu ne’ebé feto sira iha kareira no makhalo knaar BESI nian ne’ebé barak tebes

Step 2: Card-sorting in groups

Divide into men and women’s groups for discussion.

Ask the women’s and men’s groups to think about the following tasks and the different categories and people, and to decide on who does the most in relation to each task. The question is not who is theoretically responsible for the task, or who does it when the person who usually does it is not there. We are asking about the norm - from day to day, every day - not the exception.

Using the prepared cards, rank the different groups of people according to:

1. Who is most actively involved in doing the following tasks related to WASH at family level: Work - Water collection, Cooking, cleaning house, washing clothes Caring - Assisting family members (young, elderly, sick, disabled) to wash and use the toilet

2. Who is most involved in making decisionsrelating to the following: Community decision about water infrastructure – design, location water system, tap stand,

maintenance – reporting and fixing problems Family decision about building toilet, handwashing facilities – materials and family usage


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

When all the groups have finished their ranking, ask each group to put up the cards in the order of their ranking. Go through each question one by one together, highlighting the ways in which each group sorted the cards and noting differences in opinions. Note that the objective of the exercise is not to come to agreement but to see and understand each other’s perspectives.

Finally, facilitate a discussion about how to ensure that those with the most active involvement and responsibility can be more involved in decision-making. Highlight the knowledge that women and men have about different aspects of WASH, noting particularly the knowledge that women have as carers and doers of so many WASH tasks.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 5: Jogu Sintina – Asesibilidade ba BESI / Session 5: Toilet Game: Inclusive and Accessible WASH

Tempu: Oras 1

Time: 1 hour

Material: la iha

Material: none

Rezultadu Aprendizajen: Feto no mane sira iha komunidade dezenvolve kompriénsaun konabá difikuldade asesibilidade ne’ebé bele mellora/hadi’ak tiha ho dezeñu ne’ebé ho kuidadu

Learning Outcome: Women and men in the community develop understanding about accessibility difficulties that can be improved with careful design

Instrusaun ba Fasilitador husi etapa ba etapa:

Fahe ba grupu feto no mane hodi halo atividade ketak. Hahú ho kee rai-koak iha rai hodi reprezenta sintina. Husu ema ida hodi hamriik iha leten nune’e

it abele marka ain tau fatin. Ho ai-dona ida hodi pinta iha rai, ka uza ai naruk ne’ebé leten iha rai, pinta liña sira hodi reprezenta didin hale’u sintina no odamatan ida.

Pinta torneira ida iha rai. Husu ema na’in ida ka rua hodi mai no hatudu oinsá koko uza sintina ne’e. Hafoin husu sira hodi

hatudu oinsá uza torneira. Hafoin husu ema barak liután hodi mai no uza sintina ne’e, maibé husu kada sira ida-idak hodi

imajina katak sira iha problema asesibilidade nian. Husu ba ema iha komunidade ka fasilitadór sira hodi fahe hena rohan sira nslk (kesi-matan nslk).

Husu ema ida hodi imajina katak sira maka ema:o Isin-ruao Matan aato Iha kadeira-roda ka ho impedimentu mobilidadeo Otas tuano Someone who has had an accident and who cannot use both legs until the injuries healo Moras ka defisiénte no presiza maktau-matan ida hodi ajuda sira uza sintina ne’eo Labarik ki’ik

Husu kada ema ida-idak hodi mós koko uza torneira ne’e.Ajuda sira hodi imajina naruk beton no aas oinsá mak sira presiza hakat ba, aas torneira nian, oinsá fasil ka difisil hodi loke ka taka torneira ne’e.

Facilitator Instruction Step by step

Separate into men’s and women’s groups. Facilitate the same exercise with each group. Start by drawing a hole in the ground to represent the toilet. Ask someone to stand over it so

you can mark the foot holds. With a stick to draw in the ground, or using long sticks laid on the ground, draw lines to represent walls around the toilet and a door.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Draw a tap-stand on the ground. Ask one or two people to come and demonstrate trying to use the toilet. Then ask them to

demonstrate using the tap-stand. Then ask more people to come and use the toilet, but ask each of them to imagine they have an

issue of accessibility. Ask people in the community or facilitators to share pieces of cloth etc (blindfold etc).

Ask someone to imagine they are:

o Pregnanto Blindo In a wheelchair or with a mobility impairmento Elderlyo Someone who has had an accident and who cannot use both legs until the injuries healo Sick or disabled and needing a carer to assist them to use the toileto Small children

Ask each person to also try using the tap-stand. Help them to imagine the height of the concrete apron and how high they need to step to get onto it, the height of the tap, how easy or difficult it might be to turn the tap on and off.

Sumario inklui komentario:

Husu ba grupu sira hodi fahe konabá saida maka sira hetan tiha iha ezersísiu ida-ne’e.Difikuldade saida maka ema la hanesan hetan? Oinsá maka bele dezeña sintina no torneira sira atu habele asesu ba ema hotu-hotu? Hanoin konabá nesesidade ema atuál/oras ne’e nian iha suku ne’ebé bele hasoru problema sira hanesan ne’e, rekomendasaun saida maka bele halo tiha konabá fatin torneira nian no sintina sira?

Summary including comments:

Ask the group to share what they experienced in this exercise. What difficulties did different people experience? How can toilets and tap-stands be designed to enable access for all? Thinking about the needs of actual people in the village who might encounter such issues, what recommendations can be made about locations of tap-stands and toilets?

Documentation: Notetaker to complete Record Sheet on next page

Dokumentasaun: Makfoti atás atu kompleta Surat-tahan Nota iha pájina tuir mai


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Surat-tahan Nota: Identifikasaun Kestaun Asesibilidade nian iha KomunidadeRecord Sheet: Identification of Accessibility Issues in the Community

Hakerek-na’in atu nota:

Note-taker to record:

Problema asesibilidade ne’ebé maka eziste iha suku ida-ne’e?Which accessibility issues exist in this village?

Sujestaun sira saida maka halo tiha ona hodi mellora asesibilidade?What suggestions were made to improve accessibility?

Rekomendasaun saida maka halo tiha ona konabá fatin sira ba torneira no sintina sira?What recommendations were made about locations for tap-stands and toilets?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Surat-Tahan Nota: halo tiha akordu konabá Dezeñu Asesibilidade, Foti-Dezisaun no Fatin Fasilidade sira nian

Record Sheet: Agreements made about Accessible Design, Decision-Making and Location of Facilities

1. Dezeñu saida maka it abele halo ba sira? What design can we use for them?

2. Bainhira maka sei fórnese sintina no torneira ne’ebé asesivel?When will accessible design tap-stand and toilet this be provided?

3. Sei fórnese sintina no torneira ne’ebé asesivel ne’e iha-ne’ebé? Where will accessible design tap-stand and toilet be provided?

4. Sé maka responsabiliza ba ida-ne’e? Who will be responsible for this?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

B. Feto no Mane iha BESI / Women and Men in WASHSesaun 1: Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor-loron (Oras 24) / Session 1: Men and Women’s Daily Task (24 hours)

Tempu: Oras 1.5

Time : 1.5 hours

Material: Flipchart, spidol, meta-card ka sticky-notes

Material: Flipchart, marker, meta-card or sticky-notes

Preparasaun:Fótokopia pro-fórma ba relatoriu

Preparation: Photocopy pro-forma for report

Dezenu: (use picture from blue Resource Guide)

Picture: (uza dezeñu husi blue Resource Guide)

Objectivu Aprendizajen: Partisipante mane bele valoriza kontribusaun feto nia servisu loron-loron

Learning Objective: Male participants be able to valuing women’s daily work contribution

Instrusaun ba fasilitadór husi etapa ba etapa:

1. Esplika ba grupu katak ita hakarak komesa koalia kona-ba kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé mane no feto halo ba programa BESI

2. Fahe ba grupu rua mane ketak feto ketak3. Husu ba grupu mane sira atu hakerek lista husi sira-nia kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé mane sira

halo ba programa BESI nomós husu ba grupu feto atu hakerek mós lista husi kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé feto sira halo ba programa BESI.

4. Fahe lista ba malu- grupu mane fahe sira-nia lista ho grupu feto, no grupu feto fahe sira-nia lista ba grupu mane, depois esplika tanbasá?

5. Hafoin husu partisipante sira karik sira iha perguntas, komentariu ka observasaun. Husu perguntas kona-ba atividade rua ne’e.

6. Hakerek atividade sira hotu ne’ebé hala’o tiha durante 24 oras

Step by Step Guide to Facilitators:

1. Explain to the group that we would like to start talking about positive contribution of man and woman to the WASH programme

2. Split into two separate groups of man and woman3. Ask to the man’s group to list their positive contribution that they have done to WASH

programme as well as woman4. Sharing the list to each other – the men’s group share their list to women’s group and vice versa,

then explain why?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

5. Then ask the participants if they have any questions, comments or observation. Ask question regarding on those two activities.

6. Write all the activities conducted during 24 hours

Sumariu inklui komentario:

Kestaun sira ne’ebé sei mosu durante feto no mane sira nia grupu diskusaun maka:

Feto ho mane sira kontribui servisu hamutuk iha programa BESI. Importansia mane sira permite tempu ba feto sira hodi hola parte iha programa ne’e Feto mós bele komprende oinsá fahe servisu entre feto ho mane. Mane sira mós bele rekoñese klean kona-ba saida mak servisu loron-loron ne’ebé feto ho

mane sira hala’o. Mane sira mós bele rekoñese katak feto mós iha direitu ne’ebé hanesan mós ho mane. Mane sira bele komprende katak feto nia atividade loron tomak ida-ne’e barak tebes no

naha ne’ebé injustu.

Summary including comments:

The issues that will emerge through women’s and men’s discussion groups are:

Men and women have contributed working together on WASH programme The importance of men allowing time for women to takepart inthe program Women able to understand on sharing task between men and women. Men also able to deeply recognize on daily tasks conducted by both men and women Men also able to recognize that women have equal rights with men Men be able to understand that women has a lot of activities and unfair burden during a

whole day

Dokumentasaun (pro fórma): Haree molde iha pájina tuirmai

Documentation: see template on next page


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Record Sheet: 24-hour clock / Surat-tahan Nota: atividade 24 oras

Instrusaun: Pesoál baze foti kópia mamuk no kompleta durante sesaun ne’e. hakerek tempu no atividade oioin feto no mane nian iha kada tempu. Favór nota mós diferensia signifikante ruma entre atividade sira mane foin-sa’e sira kompara ho mane adultu sira, no feto foin-sa’e sira kompara ho feto adultu sira.

Instruction: Field staff to take blank copies and complete during the session. Write the time and the different activities of women and men at each time. Please also note any significant differences between activities of young men compared with older men, and young women compared with older women.






Meiudia to’o lokraik

Midday to afternoon




Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Session 2: Gender and Culture Exercise – this session still to come


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 3: Feto no Mane iha Tempu Uluk no Agora / Session 3: Women and Men in Past Time and Now

Tempu: Minutu 45

Time: 45 minutes

Material: Flipchart, spidol

Material: Flipchart, marker

Objetivu Aprendizajen: Atu komprende katak papel ‘jéneru’ no relasaun entre feto no mane sira muda husi tempu ba tempu

Learning Objective: To understand that culture, including ‘gender’ roles and relations between women and men can and do change over time, and that further change is possible


Fasilitadór ida-idak lee instrusaun sira no sai klaru konabá objetivu no etapa sira ezersísiu nian. Fasilitadór ida-idak iha ezemplu natoon ne’ebé prontu atu fahe konabá mudansa papel jéneru

husi tempu ba tempu iha sira-nia familia rasik. Hanoin-hetan atu prepara maneira ne’ebé ita atu fasilita ezersísiu ne’e lahó uza termu ‘jénerur’,

ne’ebé bele provoka asosiasaun ideia nanis no bele la ajuda tebetebes.


Each facilitator to read instructions and be clear about purpose and steps of exercise. Each facilitator to have suitable examples ready to share about changes in gender roles over

time in their own family. Remember to prepare the way you will facilitate the exercise without using the term ‘gender’,

which can provoke preconceived associations and may not be helpful.

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi etapa ba etapa:

Husu ba partisipante sira hodi forma grupu feto no mane ketaketak no kada grupu iha ema na’in haat ka lima.

Esplika ezersísiu ne’e no fó ezemplu sira: ezemplu iha pasadu feto sira la bele lori karreta, ka sai forsa militár, ka halo viajen mesak sai husi Timor; mane sira la bele tuur hamutuk ho feto sira iha enkontru maibé tenke tuur ketaketak. Fasilitadór ida-idak tenke fó ezemplu espesífiku ida husi nia feto/mane ninia familia rasik, konabá ninia avó-mane se nia mane ida, ka konabá ninia avó-feto se nia feto ida.

Husu ba grupu sira atu diskute pergunta sira tuirmai ne’e:1. Buat saida maka oras ne’e ita bele halo ne’ebé maka uluk ita-nia avó-feto/avó-mane la

bele halo horibainhira iha otas hanesan ita? Koalia konabá avó sira feto ka mane hanesan mós ho ita nian rasik

Husu ba partisipante sira hodi fahe sira-nia ideia no istória sira, no hakerek iha flipchart Halo pontu ida katak papel jéneru muda husi tempu ba tempu no mós iha kultura sira.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Hatete klaru katak sei iha dezigualidade entre feto no mane sira – sasán sira muda tiha ona, maibé sei dook husi igualdade. Ita haree ba iha buat balun ne’ebé maka muda tiha ona hodi ajuda ita hodi haree katak mudansa ne’e posivel iha papel jéneru sira. Ida-ne’e tanba sira la’os ‘naturál’, ezemplu. Sira ne’e bazeia ba iha hahalok aprendizajen.

Husu ba grupu tomak hamutuk hodi diskute: 2. Hanoin konabá mudansa sira ne’ebé ita identifika tiha ona, tanbasá maka mudansa

hirak-ne’e akontese? Lista fatór sira ne’ebé temi tiha. Ezemplu balun fatór sira nian ne’ebé tenke kobre tiha maka: o Konflitu – iha tempu rezisténsia nian, feto sira mós bele sai guerilleirao Mudansa husi subsisténsia ba iha ekonómia osan-kontadu – signifika katak mane sir

abele la’o dook tiha husi uma no feto sira asumi mane sira nia papel iha uma – no feto sira asumi papel servisu selu nian ho tipu oioin.

o Mudansa sosiál, polítiku, ekonómiku no selseluk tan bele liga ho relasaun jéneru – ezemplu. Servisu ba iha ‘ekonomia merkadu’, iha impaktu ba iha halo dezisaun konabá rai – muda tiha asesu diretu ba feto sira;

o Dala ruma papel jéneru nakloke ba feto sira no hafoin muda fali – ezemplu durante funu/rezisténsia feto sira bele hakiak papel foun, maibe depois funu remata komunidade dala barak iha expectasaun katak sira ba fali papel ‘tradisional’

Ikus liu, husu partisipante atu fo sira nia hanoin konaba ideia iha nee, no saida mak sira aprende hosi atividade nee.

Facilitator instructions step-by-step

Ask participants to form separate women’s and men’s groups of four or five in each group. Explain the exercise and give examples: eg in the past women could not drive, or be in the

military, or travel alone outside of Timor; men could not sit together with women in meetings but had to sit separately. Each facilitator should give a specific example from his or her own family, about his grandfather if he is a man, or about her grandmother if she is a woman.

Groups to discuss the following questions:2. What is one thing you can do now that your grandmother/grandfather couldn’t do when

she/he was your age?” Speak about the grandparent of the same sex as your own.

Ask participants to share the things that have changed. List them on flipchart. Make the point that gender roles change over time and across cultures. Be clear that there is still inequality between women and men – things have changed, but are

still far from equal. We are looking at some of the things that have changed to help us to see that change is possible in gender roles. This is because they are not ‘natural’, ie. they’re based on learned behaviour.

Ask the whole group together to discuss: 3. Thinking about the changes we have identified, why have these changes occurred?

List the factors named. Some examples of factors that should be covered are: o Conflict – In times of resistance, women may also be activists and take up armso Change from subsistence to cash economy – means that men might be away from

home and women take on men’s roles at home – and women take on different kinds of paid work roles.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

o Social, political, economic and other changes can interact with gender relations – e.g. in the shift to a ‘market economy’, has an impact on decision-making around land – changed rights access for women;

o Sometimes gender roles open up for women and then change again – eg after war/ resistance women, who may have taken on new roles during the conflict, are often expected to go back to ‘traditional’ roles

Finally, ask participants to respond with their reflections about these ideas and what they learned from the exercise.

Dokumentasaun (pro fórma):

La iha dokumentasaun ne’ebé presiza tiha ba ezersísiu ida-ne’e. maske nune’e, ne’e bele ajuda tebetebes hodi alista mudansa sira iha papel jéneru ne’ebé maka temi tiha ona, tan ida-ne’e bele ajuda tebetebes hodi aprende ba liu hosi habele fasilitadór sira hodi dada ezemplu reál sira husi komunidade sira bainhira fasilita ezersísiu ne’e iha futuru.


No documentation is required for this exercise. However, it may be helpful to list the changes in gender roles that are mentioned, as this can be helpful to learn from by enabling facilitators to draw upon real examples from communities when facilitating the exercise in future.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Session 4: – Rights and Responsibilities Exercise – this session still to come


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 5a: Analiza Fóto Kona-ba Feto no Mane Papel iha Besi / Session 5a: Women and men in WASH: Photo Analysis

Tempu: Oras 2

Time: 2 hours

Material: Fóto sira, flipchart, spidol

Material: Photos, flipchart, marker

Objectivu Aprendizajen: Atu bela aprende balansu servisu entre feto ho mane iha programa BESI

Learning Objective: To learn about different roles men and women can take in WASH activities

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Fahe ba grupu ne’ebé kompostu ho ema ne’ebé nain tolu. Hatete ba grupu sei hareee fóto ne’ebé mak fahe ba sira.

Hareee hotu tiha hafoin pasa fóto ne’e ba fali iha grupu seluk. Sira-nia serbisu mak atu koko no hanoin saida mak sira hareee husi fóto sira ne’e.

Husu partisipante hodi halo: Aprezentasun, diskusaun no esplika klean kona-ba atividade ne’ebé iha figura laran.

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Split into groups of three people. Ask the group to look at the picture. After they have looked at it then pass the picture on to another group. The group’s task is to

think about what they have seen inthose pictures. Ask group to present, discuss and explain in depth about the activities happening in those


Sumariu inklui komentario

Rezultadu ne’ebé sei hetan husi grupu idak-idak kona-ba esplikasaun husi figura/ foto mak: Konstrusaun fiziku, feto ho mane sira servisu hamutuk hanesan kahur masa, lalin masa, hodi

halo konstrusaun. Feto mós bele sai tékniku iha sistema. Mane sira fó tempu ba feto sira hodi tuir enkontru nomós, fókórajen ba feto sira atu lidera

enkontru. Feto mós iha direito atu partisipa tomak iha enkontru. Iha enkontru ou foti desizaun sei lidera mós husi feto sira. Mane sira ajuda feto, bainhira feto fósusu hela labarik. Mane mós bele hatene oinsá balansu feto ho mane iha servisu uma laran.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Summary including comments

The outcomes from the group discussion about the photos should include:

Physical construction, men and women working together such as mixing the cement, collecting it to do the construction

Women are able to perform technical roles Men allowing women to take part in the meeting and encourage them to lead the meeting Women have the right to take part fully in meetings Women are able to lead the meeting or decision making Men helping women, when they are breastfeeding children Men may also know how to take an equal share of work inthe household


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 5b: Analiza Fóto Kona-ba Asesibilidade ba BESI / Session 5b: Access, Equity and Inclusion – Photo Analysis

Tempu: Oras 1

Time: 1 hour

Material:Fóto sira, flipchart, spidol

Material: Photos, flipchart, marker

Objectivu Aprendizajen: Atu aprende konabá nesesidade oioin ema nian asesu sira-nia direitu BESI

Learning Objective: To learn about the diverse needs of people in accessing their WASH rights

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Fahe ba grupu ne’ebé kompostu ho ema ne’ebé nain tolu. Hatete ba grupu sei haree fóto ne’ebé mak fahe ba sira. Share photos illustrating WASH accessibility issues for different people:

o Tipu oioin defisiente niano Ema defisiente ne’ebé presiza tulun husi mak tau-matan sirao Isin-ruao Katuas no feriko Labarik

Uza pergunta sira iha kartaun foto nia kotuk hodi fó-hanoin diskusaun:

1. Dezeñu saida maka it abele halo ba sira? 2. Bainhira maka sei fórnese sintina no torneira ne’ebé asesivel? 3. Sei fórnese sintina no torneira ne’ebé asesivel ne’e iha-ne’ebé? 4. Sé maka responsabiliza ba ida-ne’e?

Hareee hotu tiha hafoin pasa fóto ne’e ba fali iha grupu seluk. Sira-nia serbisu mak atu koko no hanoin saida mak sira hareee husi fóto sira ne’e.

Husu partisipante hodi halo: Aprezentasun, diskusaun no esplika klean kona-ba atividade ne’ebé iha figura laran.

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Split into groups of three people. Ask the group to look at each picture. Share photos illustrating WASH accessibility issues for different people:

o Disabilities of different kindso People with disabilities who need assistance from carerso Pregnancyo Elderlyo Children


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Use the questions on the reverse of the photo cards to prompt discussion: 1. What design can we use for them?2. When will accessible design tap-stand and toilet this be provided?3. Where will accessible design tap-stand and toilet this be provided?4. Who will be responsible for this?

After they have looked at it then pass the picture on to another group. The group’s task is to think about what they have seen inthose pictures.

Ask group to present, discuss and explain in depth about the activities happening in those pictures.

Sumariu inklui komentario:

Rezultadu ne’ebé sei hetan husi grupu idak-idak kona-ba esplikasaun husi figura/ foto mak:

Iha komunidade ne’ebé de’it ema oioin sei iha nesesidade oioin no abilidade sira. Presiza konsidera tiha ida-ne’e iha planu atividade BESI sira.

Ema hotu-hotu iha komunidade iha direitu hanesan hodi asesu ba fasilidade BESI ho la susar no dignidade

Modifikasaun dezeñu simples no hanoin didi’ak konabá atu aloka fasilidade sira iha-ne’ebé sei habele asesu ba hotu-hotu

Summary including comments

The outcomes from the group discussion about the photos should include:

In any community different people will have different needs and abilities. This needs to be considered in planning WASH activities.

Everyone in the community has an equal right to access WASH facilities with ease and dignity. Simple design modifications and careful thinking about where to locate facilities will enable

access for all.

Documentasaun: Notetakers to record agreements about the discussion questions using the record sheet on the next page.

Documentation: Makfoti atás sira atu nota akordu konabá pergunta diskusaun sira uza surat-tahan nota iha pájina tuirmai.


sophie.cooke, 24/01/13,
Di, not sure if there is meant to be a note sheet for this one? This activity seems to repeat the questions that are now in the toilet game – so maybe the same record sheet will be used?

Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Evaluasaun ba Modulu 1 / Evaluation of Module 1

Iha módulu ne’e nia rohan hala’o evaluasaun ida ho partisipante sira uza Votasaun surat-tahan At the end the module undertake an evaluation with pariticipants using pocket chart voting.

Fasilitadór mós tenke kompleta relatóriu treinamentu tuirmai ne’e The facilitator should also complete the following training report:

Treinamento Naran      



Numero Partisipante       mane,       feto,       labarik mane,       labarik feto

ResultadoEma hotu partisipa?; Feedback hosi partisipantes; Feedback hosi fasilitador; Ita atinje objetivo ka lae?


Area nebe susesu bele repete fali ba futuru

Aktividade ka resultado 1 ka 2 nebe susesu, no ita bele repete fali iha treinamento ba futuru


Area nebe tenki hadia ba futuruBuat ida nebe lao ladun diak, bele aprende hosi esperiensia ne atu halo treinamentu diak liu ba futuru


Photos ka materi seluk rai iha comuptador file nebe:      

Prepara hosi: Data:


sophie.cooke, 28/01/13,
Di, I added this reporting format that I developed for Delfina last year. Thought it might be appropriate to include in the module.

Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Modulu 2: Harii Jeneru nebee Justu iha Familia no Komunidade sira

Module 2: Building Gender Fair Families and Communities

Introdusaun / Introduction:

Tempu: Loron ida

Time: One day


Modulu nee, kontribui atu atinje objetivu 2 no 3 hosi programa treinamentu:1. Haklean/ hametin kompriensaun komunidade feto no mane konaba direitu.2. Atu halo atividade sira visivel no valoriza iha familia & komunidade3. Atu apoio komunidade hodi imajina no realiza mudansa pozitivu balansu entre feto no mane


This module contributes mainly to achieving Objectives 2 and 3 of the Training Program:1. To deepen/ strengthen community understanding on rights of women and men, boys and girls 2. To make visible and valued the activities of women and men in family and community3. To support community to imagine and realise positive change

Participante: Nakloke ba ema hotu-hotu

Participants: Everyone is welcome


Introdusaun atividade Sesaun 1 Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor- loron Sesaun 2 Tipu Servisu Tolu Nian – Feto Nia Naha Todan Tolu Sesaun 3 Instrusaun atu viziona Ezersisiu Drama Mudansa Pozitivu


Introduction Session 1 Men’s and Women’s Activites in a Day (24-hour clock) Session 2 Three Kinds of Labour – Women’s Triple Burden Session 3 - Role Play

Modulu hahu husi ne’e:Modulu starts here:


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 1: Mane no Feto nia Knaar Lor- loron (Oras 24) / Session 1: Men and Women’s Daily Task (24 hours)

Tempu: Oras 1.5

Time : 1.5 hours

Material: Flipchart, spidol, meta-card ka sticky-notes

Material: Flipchart, marker, meta-card or sticky-notes

Preparasaun:Fótokopia pro-fórma ba relatoriu

Preparation: Photocopy pro-forma for report

Dezenu: (use picture from blue Resource Guide)

Picture: (uza dezeñu husi blue Resource Guide)

Objectivu Aprendizajen: Partisipante mane bele valoriza kontribusaun feto nia servisu loron-loron

Learning Objective: Male participants be able to valuing women’s daily work contribution

Instrusaun ba fasilitadór husi etapa ba etapa:

7. Esplika ba grupu katak ita hakarak komesa koalia kona-ba kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé mane no feto halo ba programa BESI

8. Fahe ba grupu rua mane ketak feto ketak9. Husu ba grupu mane sira atu hakerek lista husi sira-nia kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé mane sira

halo ba programa BESI nomós husu ba grupu feto atu hakerek mós lista husi kontribuisaun pozitivune’ebé feto sira halo ba programa BESI.

10. Fahe lista ba malu- grupu mane fahe sira-nia lista ho grupu feto, no grupu feto fahe sira-nia lista ba grupu mane, depois esplika tanbasá?

11. Hafoin husu partisipante sira karik sira iha perguntas, komentariu ka observasaun. Husu perguntas kona-ba atividade rua ne’e.

12. Hakerek atividade sira hotu ne’ebé hala’o tiha durante 24 oras

Step by Step Guide to Facilitators:

7. Explain to the group that we would like to start talking about positive contribution of man and woman to the WASH programme

8. Split into two separate groups of man and woman9. Ask to the man’s group to list their positive contribution that they have done to WASH

programme as well as woman10. Sharing the list to each other – the men’s group share their list to women’s group and vice versa,

then explain why?11. Then ask the participants if they have any questions, comments or observation. Ask question

regarding on those two activities.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

12. Write all the activities conducted during 24 hours

Sumariu inklui komentario:

Kestaun sira ne’ebé sei mosu durante feto no mane sira nia grupu diskusaun maka:

Feto ho mane sira kontribui servisu hamutuk iha programa BESI. Importansia mane sira permite tempu ba feto sira hodi hola parte iha programa ne’e Feto mós bele komprende oinsá fahe servisu entre feto ho mane. Mane sira mós bele rekoñese klean kona-ba saida mak servisu loron-loron ne’ebé feto ho

mane sira hala’o. Mane sira mós bele rekoñese katak feto mós iha direitu ne’ebé hanesan mós ho mane. Mane sira bele komprende katak feto nia atividade loron tomak ida-ne’e barak tebes no

naha ne’ebé injustu.

Summary including comments:

The issues that will emerge through women’s and men’s discussion groups are:

Men and women have contributed working together on WASH programme The importance of men allowing time for women to takepart inthe program Women able to understand on sharing task between men and women. Men also able to deeply recognize on daily tasks conducted by both men and women Men also able to recognize that women have equal rights with men Men be able to understand that women has a lot of activities and unfair burden during a

whole day

Dokumentasaun (pro fórma): Haree molde iha pájina tuirmai

Documentation: see template on next page


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Record Sheet: 24-hour clock / Surat-tahan Nota: atividade 24 oras

Instrusaun: Pesoál baze foti kópia mamuk no kompleta durante sesaun ne’e. hakerek tempu no atividade oioin feto no mane nian iha kada tempu. Favór nota mós diferensia signifikante ruma entre atividade sira mane foin-sa’e sira kompara ho mane adultu sira, no feto foin-sa’e sira kompara ho feto adultu sira.

Instruction: Field staff to take blank copies and complete during the session. Write the time and the different activities of women and men at each time. Please also note any significant differences between activities of young men compared with older men, and young women compared with older women.






Meiudia to’o lokraik

Midday to afternoon




Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 2: Tipu Servisu Tolu Nian – Feto Nia Naha Todan Tolu / Session 2: Three Types of Work – Women’s Triple Burden

Tempu: Totál tempu ne’ebé mak presiza tiha ba atividade ida-ne’e nian maka oras 4

Time: The total time needed for this activity is 4 hours.

Material: Tais ba diagram, flipchart, spidol, metacards/surat tahan mutin ba partisipante sira hodi hakerek no pinta (longuprazu:prepara Kartu Atividade Loro - loron nian ho ilustrasaun iha kartaun ne’ebé laminatin ona), fita kola, kamera

Prepara diagrama iha surat tahan boot – inklui ilustrasaun ba produtivu, reprodutivu, servisu komunidade no foti dezisaun iha komunidade; no ba feto no mane sira; no ba selu no la selu atu nune’e ema hotu-hotu bele komprende diagrama ba sira ne’ebé la hatene lee no hakerek

Prepara lista revista atividade ba grupu sira kona bá atividade oioin ne’ebé la hanesan.

Material: Tais for chart, flipchart, markers, Metacards/ post-it notes – blank, for participants to write and draw on (long-term: have Daily Activity Cards prepared with illustrations on laminated cards), sticky tape, camera

Prepare chart on flip-chart paper – include illustrations for productive, reproductive, community service and community decision-making; and for women and men; and for paid and unpaid so that everyone can understand the chart regardless of literacy

Prepare checklist of activities as prompt for groups about different kinds of activities

Objectivu Aprendizajen:

Atu halo vizivel no valorize atividade feto no mane nian iha familia no komunidade Atu fó respeita ba feto nia kontribuisaun (koñesimentu no servisu) ba familia no komunidade

Learning Objective:

To make visible and valued the activities of women and men in the family and community To build respect for women’s contribution (knowledge and work) to the family and the


Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Atividade treinamentu ida-ne’e iha parte hitu:

Etapa 1. Saida maka feto no mane sira halo iha familia no komunidade? (Oras 1)

Etapa 2. Hatudu servisu oin tolu – selu no la selu (Minutu 30)

Etapa 3. Reflesaun konabá jéneru no traballu oin tolu ne’e (Minutu 30)

Etapa 4. Imajina se… (Minutu 50)

Etapa 5. Fahe konabá oinsá ita sente (Minutu 20)


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Etapa 6. Ida-ne’e signifika saida ba BESI? (Minutu 30)

Etapa 7. Rezumu (Minutu 20)

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

This training activity has seven parts:

Step 1. What do men and women do in the family and community? (1 hour)

Step 2. Show three kinds of work – paid and unpaid (30 minutes)

Step 3. Reflection on gender and the three kinds of labour (30 minutes)

Step 4. Imagine if… (50 minutes)

Step 5. Sharing how we feel (20 minutes)

Step 6. What does this mean for WASH? (30 minutes)

Step 7. Debrief (20 minutes)

Etapa 1. Saida maka feto no mane sira halo iha familia no komunidade? (Oras 1)

Fahe feto no mane sira ba iha grupu separadu – feto sira hamutuk, mane sira hamutuk. Se grupu sira boot liu, halo grupu feto ki’ik rua no grupu mane ki’ik rua.

Husu ba feto sira iha grupu ketak ida husi mane hodi hakerek iha metacards atividade sira hotu ne’ebé feto sira halo iha umakain no komunidade. (iha futuru, iha kartaun ho dezeñu no liafuan ne’ebé iha ona)

Step 1. What do men and women do in the family and community? (1 hour)

Divide women and men into separate groups – women together, men together. If groups are too large, make two smaller groups of women and two smaller groups of men.

Ask women in a separate group from the men to write and draw on metacards all the activities done by women in the household and community. (in future, have cards with pictures and words already). Ask men in a separate group from the men to write and draw on metacards all the activities done by men in the household and community. (in future, have cards with pictures and words already)

Knar fasilitadór:

Fasilitadór sira tuur hamutuk ho grupu sira (mane ho grupu mane sira, feto ho grupu feto sira) hodi ajuda sira hanoin konabá atividade sira. Uza ita-nia lista hodi fó-hanoin ba sira konabá atividade sira ne’ebé sira rasik la hanoin hetan.Enkóraja partisipante sira hodi pinta dezeñu iha kartaun hodi habele partisipasaun kompleta husi hirak ne’ebé la hatene lee no hakerek.

Facilitator role:

Facilitators sit with the groups (men with mens’ group, women with women’s group) to help them think about the activities. Use your checklist to remind them of activities that they do not think of by


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

themselves. Encourage the participants to draw pictures on the cards to enable full participation by all regardless of literacy level.

Etapa 2. Hatudu servisu oin tolu – selu no la selu (Minutu 30)

Tara tais/diagrama iha didin lolon (hareee ezemplu diagrama iha kraik)

Esplika konabá servisu diferente oin tolu ne’ebé ema halo iha familia no komunidade. Esplika katak servisu balun husi ida-ne’e nian ba manan osan, no servisu balun husi ida-ne’e nian halo no la hetan osan

Ezemplu balun atividade nian no oinsá atu koloka hirak ne’e hatudu tiha iha ezemplu tabela kraik ne’e.

Fasilitadór sira tulun feto no mane sira hodi fahe sira-nia ideia no diskuti atu tau dezeñu sira ne’e iha ne’ebé iha diagram depende ba knar ne’e feto ka mane maka halo, selu ka la selu

Se grupu feto no mane rua-ne’e hotu identifika atividade ne’ebé hanesan ba mane no feto, husu se maka halo barak liu servisu ne’e, hafoin koloka kartaun iha koluna mane ka feto hanesan ne’ feto no mane sira kuaze halo hanesan, koloka ne’e iha koluna rua-ne’e hotu iha mane no feto nian.

Se ne’e maka servisu ne’ebé selu, husu se feto sira maka barak liu manan osan ka rendimentu husi atividade ne’e ka mane maka barak liu manan osan husi atividade ne’ feto ka mane rua-ne’e hotu kuaze bele manan rendimentu ne’ebé hanesan, entaun koloka ne’e iha koluna rua-ne’e hotu iha koluna feto selu no mane hetan selu.

Step 2. Show three kinds of work – paid and unpaid

Put the tais/ chart on the wall. (see below for Sample Chart)

Explain the three different kinds of work that are done by people in the family and community. Explain that some of this work earns money, some of it is done for no money

Facilitators assist men and women to place their cards of activities on the chart depending on whether the task is done by women or men, paid or unpaid.

Some examples of activities and how to place them are shown on the sample table below.

If the women’s and men’s group have both identified the same activity for women and men, ask who does most of the work, then place the card in the men’s or women’s column accordingly. If it is done almost equally by women and men, place it in both the women’s and men’s columns.

If it is paid work, ask if it is mostly women who earn income from that activity or mostly men who earn income from that activity. If both women and men can earn almost the same amount of income from the activity, place it in both women’s and men’s paid columns.

Etapa 3. Reflesaun konabá jéneru no traballu oin tolu ne’e (Minutu 30)

Bainhira diagrama ne’e kompleta tiha, husu feto no mane sira hodi halo diskusaun, ema hotu-hotu hamutuk:


sophie.cooke, 24/01/13,
Sample chart missing from this version. Do we have soft copy?

Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Saida maka ita bele hareee husi diagrama ida-ne’e? Sé maka halo servisu ne’ebé la hetan selu barak liu? Sé maka depende liu ba iha ida seluk – mane sira depende liu ba feto sira ka feto sira maka

depende liu ba iha mane sira? Sé maka iha oportunidade barak liu hodi manan osan – feto sira ka mane sira? Ida-ne’e justu ka lae?

Step 3. Reflection on gender and the three kinds of labour

When the chart is completed, ask the women and men to discuss, everyone together:

What can you see from this chart? Who does most of the unpaid work? Who depends more on the other – men depend more on women or women depend more

on men? Who has more opportunity to earn income – women or men? Is this fair?

Etapa 4. Imajina se…(Minutu 50)

Esplika katak agora ita atu hanoin konabá oinsá mane sira depende ba feto sira no feto sira depende ba mane sira. Taka tiha feto nia koluna servisu la selu nian: imajina se la iha feto hodi halo sasán hirak ne’e – saida maka sei akontese. Fó de’it minutu balun ba grupu hodi hanoin konabá ida-ne’e.taka tiha feto nia koluna rua-ne’e hotu – servisu ne’ebé hetan selu no la selu nian. dala ida tan, fó de’it minutu uitoan ba grupu hodi fó reasaun. Hafoin taka fali mane nia koluna servisu ba hetan selu no la selu.Husu ba grupu hodi hanoin iha minutu balun nia laran konabá ida-ne’e.hafoin esplika katak ita sei halo diskusaun liután konabá ida-ne’e iha grupu separadu ba feto no mane sira.

Husu ba feto sira hodi sai tiha husi sala laran. Fasilitadóra feto sira ba ho feto sira. Fasilitadór mane hela iha sala ne’e ho partisipante mane sira

Pergunta diskusaun sira ba grupu mane nian – fasilitadór mane maka fasilita:

Saida maka akontese se feto sira hotu sai tiha loron tomak ida? Saida maka akontese se feto sira hotu sai ba fulan tomak ida? Saida maka akontese se feto sira hotu sai ba tinan tomak ida?

Hakerek iha surat-tahan boot saida maka sei akontese se feto sira hotu sai:

Saida maka sei akontese ba labarik sira? Saida maka sei akontese ba mane nia saúde? Saida maka sei akontese ba ita-nia rendimentu? Saida maka sei akontese iha ita-nia uma? Saida maka sei akontese iha komunidade?

Husu ba mane sira hodi hanoin konabá buat ne’ebé mane sira depende ba feto – tan feto sira iha matenek no abilidade. Mane sira bele halo ida-ne’e? Mane sira bele aprende abilidade hirak-ne’e?

Pergunta diskusaun ba grupu feto sira-nian – fasilitadóra feto maka fasilita


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Saida maka akontese se mane sira hotu sai tiha ho permanente no la haruka osan ba umakain?

Saida maka sei akontese se mane sira hotu sai tiha ba semana ida? Saida maka sei akontese se mane sira hotu sai tiha ba fulan ida? Saida maka sei akontese se mane sira hotu sai tiha ba tinan ida?

Hakerek iha surat tahan boot saida maka sei akontese se mane sira hotu sai tiha no la haruka osan ba familia:

Saida maka sei akontese ba labarik sira? Saida maka sei akontese ba familia nia saúde? Saida maka sei akontese ba ita-nia rendimentu? Saida maka sei akontese ba ita-nia uma? Saida maka sei akontese iha komunidade ne’e?

Husu feto sira hodi hanoin konabá buat hotu ne’ebé feto sira depende ba mane sira. Feto sira bele halo buat hirak ne’e? Feto sira bele aprende abilidade hirak ne’e?

Step 4. Imagine if…

Explain that we are now going to think about how men depend on women and women depend on men. Cover up the women’s column of unpaid work: imagine if there were no women to do these things – what would happen. Give the group only a couple of minutes to think about that. Cover up both women’s columns – paid and unpaid work. Again, just give the group a few minutes to react. Then cover up the men’s columns of paid and unpaid work. Ask the group to think for a few minutes about that. Then explain that we will discuss this more with the women and men in separate groups.

Ask women to leave the room. Woman facilitator goes with the women. Male facilitator/s stay in the room with the men participants.

Discussion Questions fór men’s group/s – to be facilitated by male facilitator/s:

What would happen if all the women left for one day? What would happen if all the women left for one month? What would happen if all the women left for one year? Write on flipchart what would happen if the women all left: What would happen to the children? What would happen to men’s health? What would happen to your income? What would happen in your house? What would happen in the community?

Ask the men to think about all the things that men depend on women for - because women have the knowledge and the skills. Could the men do these things? Could the men learn those skills?

Discussion Questions fór women’s group/s – to be facilitated by female facilitator/s:

What would happen if all the men left permanently and sent no money back to the household?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

What would happen if all the men left for one week? What would happen if all the men left for one month? What would happen if all the men left for one year?

Write on flipchart what would happen if the men all left and did not send money back to the family:

What would happen to the children? What would happen to family’s health? What would happen to your income? What would happen in your house? What would happen in the community?

Ask the women to think about all the things that women depend on men for. Could the women do these things? Could the women learn those skills?

Etapa 5. Fahe konabá oinsá ita sente (Minutu 20)

Halibur fali feto no mane sira hamutuk.Husu ba kada grupu hodi fahe konabá oinsá sira sente iha grupu separadu ne’e.saida maka mane sira sente lahó feto nia presenza no saida maka feto sira sente lahó mane sira-nia presenza

Step 5. Sharing how we feel (20 minutes)

Bring women and men back together. Ask each group to share how they felt in the separate groups. What do men feel without the women’s presence and what do the women feel without the men’s presence?

Etapa 6. Ida-ne’e signifika saida ba BESI? (Minutu 30)

Fasilitadór sira reorganiza fali kartaun sira iha diagram atu nune’e atividade sira hotu ne’ebé la iha relasaun ho BESIla hareee ona. husu ba grupu hodi komenta konabá oinsá mane barak liu depende ba feto sira en relasaun ho atividade BESI. Sé maka iha matenek barak liu konabá atividade loro - loron nian iha BESI? Sé maka depende liu ida seluk ba atividadeBESI - mane sira depende liu ba feto sira ka feto sira maka depende liu ba mane sira?

Step 6. What does this mean for WASH? (30 minutes)

Facilitators reorganize the cards on the chart so that all the activities that are not related to WASH are out of sight. Ask the group to comment on how much men depend on women fór WASH-related activities. Who has the most knowledge about daily activities in WASH? Who depends more on the other for WASH activities – men depend on women more or women depend on men?

Etapa 7. Rezumu (Minutu 20)

Husu ba feto no mane sira konabá saida maka sira aprende liu hosi halo ezersisiu ida-ne’e

Saida maka mane sira bele halo hodi apoia liu sira-nia feen sira?

Step 7. Debrief (20 minutes)


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Ask women and men what they learned by doing this exercise.

What can men do to support their wives more?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 3: Instrusaun atu Viziona Ezersisiu Drama Mudansa Pozitivu / Session 3: Visioning Positive Change – Role-Play Exercise

(Husi Fasilitadór nia Matadalan Peskiza BESI)

(These instuctions are taken from the WASH Research Facilitators’ Guide)

Tempu: Oras 2

Time: 2 Hours

Objectivu Aprendizajen: Viziona hetok sai esperiénsia di’ak liu ba feto sira, mane no sira-nia relasaun iha kontestu BESI nia laran

Learning Objective: Visioning positive experiences for women, for men and for their relationships within the context of WASH

Material: Surat-tahan, markadór sira, material drama se presiza

Material: Paper, markers, props as needed.

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Fahe partisipante sira ba iha grupu ki’ik ne’ebé kompostu husi ema na’in 10 (mane no feto ketak) no tau atensaun ba oinsá agrupa tiha sira. Porezemplu separa foin-sa’e sira sei fornese fatin ba sira

Grupu ida-idak presiza dezeña jogu rua. Grupu sira ho alternativamente bele hili atu pinta ka konta istória se jogu sira la natoon. Iha drama sira ne’e, membru grupu sira hola parte hodi hatudu situasaun oioin:

Iha jogu dahuluk nian ne’e konabá grupu nia vizaun ba sasán oinsá maka bele ba feto no/mane sira iha futuru ho referénsia ba familia ida ka situasaun umakain.

Jogu daruak ne’e konabá grupu nia vizaun ba sasán oinsá maka bele ba feto no/mane sira iha futuru ho referénsia ba situasaun komunidade ida.

Fó tempu ba kada grupu ho prepara jogu rua molok aprezenta ida-idak ba grupu sira seluk. Bainhira grupu ne’e aprezenta ramata sira-nia jogu, enkoraja audiénsia hodi basa liman no

rekoñese jogu ne’e. Husu ba audiénsia hodi esplika saida maka sira hanoin akontese. Grupu ne’e bele responde ba

saida maka audiénsia sira hatete, esplika saida maka jogu ne’e hatudu. Husu ba audiénsia sira se sira aseita ka la aseita ho saida maka hatudu tiha ona ne’e, no saida maka sira hanoin atu aumenta ka muda tiha.

Repete prosesu ida-ne’e ba jogu daruak, no hafoin husu ba grupu sira seluk hodi aprezenta sira-nia drama, repete prosesu ne’e to’o grupu sira hotu ramata.

Fasilita diskusaun taka ninian konabá mensajen xave sira ne’ebé grupu sira komunika ona no ideia sira konabá oinsá maka komunidade bele servisu hamutuk hodi alkansa sira-nia vizaun sira.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Divide participants into small groups of up to 10 people (men and women seperately) paying attention to how they are grouped. For example separating youth will provide space for their views also.

Each group needs to design two role plays. Alternatively groups could chose to draw or story tell if role plays are not suitable. In the plays, group members play parts in to show different situations:

The first role play is about the group’s vision for how things could be for women and/or for men in the future with reference to a family or household situation.

The second role play is about the group’s vision for how things could be for women and/or for men in the future with reference to a community situation.

Give each group time to prepare the two role plays before performing each for the remaining group.

When the group has finished performing their play, encourage the audience to applaud and acknowledge the role play.

Ask the audience to explain what they think is happening. The group can respond to what the audience says, explaining what the plays show. Ask the audience whether they agree or disagree with what is being shown, and what they think should be added or changed.

Repeat this process for the second role play, and then ask the other groups to perform their plays, repeating the process until all groups are finished.

Facilitate a closing discussion about the key messages the groups were communicating and ideas for how the community could work together towards achieving their visions.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Evaluasaun ba Modulu 2 / Evaluation of Module 2

Iha módulu ne’e nia rohan hala’o evaluasaun ida ho partisipante sira uza Votasaun surat-tahan At the end the module undertake an evaluation with pariticipants using pocket chart voting.

Fasilitadór mós tenke kompleta relatóriu treinamentu tuirmai ne’e The facilitator should also complete the following training report:

Treinamento Naran      



Numero Partisipante       mane,       feto,       labarik mane,       labarik feto

ResultadoEma hotu partisipa?; Feedback hosi partisipantes; Feedback hosi fasilitador; Ita atinje objetivo ka lae?


Area nebe susesu bele repete fali ba futuru

Aktividade ka resultado 1 ka 2 nebe susesu, no ita bele repete fali iha treinamento ba futuru


Area nebe tenki hadia ba futuruBuat ida nebe lao ladun diak, bele aprende hosi esperiensia ne atu halo treinamentu diak liu ba futuru


Photos ka materi seluk rai iha comuptador file nebe:      

Prepara hosi: Data:


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Modulu 3: Hanoin refreska konabá Mane no Feto sira nia Papel no Relasaun no Avalia Mudansa

Module 3: Refresh Thinking about Men and Women’s Roles and Relations and Assess Change

Introdusaun / Introduction

Tempu: Loron 1

Duration: One day


Modulu ida-ne’e kontribui ba atu atinji Objectivu 1, 2no 3 husi Programa Treinamentu nian:

1. Haklean/ hametin kompriensaun komunidade feto no mane konaba direitu.

2. Atu halo atividade sira visivel no valoriza iha familia & komunidade

3. Atu apoio komunidade hodi imajina no realiza mudansa pozitivu balansu entre feto no mane

Módulu ida-ne’e iha objetivu adisionál, ne’ebé maka atu ajuda avalia no dokumenta mudansa ne’ebé akontese tiha ona iha papel jéneru no relasaun sira dezde inisiu projetu ne’e nian.


This module contributes to achieve Objectives 1, 2 and 3 of the Training Programe:

1. To deepen/ strengthen community understanding on rights of women and men, boys and girls

2. To make visible and valued the activities of women and men in family and community

3. To support community to imagine and realise positive change

This module has an additional purpose, which is to help assess and document change that has occurred in gender roles and relations since the beginning of the project.

Participante:Guidance on who to invite or encourage to participate is to be developed. Currently open to all who want to attend.


Introdusaun atividade Sesaun 1 Refreka konabá Feto no Mane sira nia Direitu Sesaun 2 Reflesaun konabá mudansa ba feto no mane sira dezde projetu hahú Sesaun 3 Feto no Mane sira nia papel Relasiona ho BESI: Votasaun Segredu uza Surat-



Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Introduction Session 1 Refresher on Women’s and Men’s Rights Session 2 Reflection on change for women and men since project began Session 3 - Women’s and Men’s Roles Relating to WASH: Secret Pocket Chart Voting

Modulu hahu husi ne’e:

The module starts from here:


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 1: Refreka konabá Feto no Mane sira nia Direitu /Session 1: Refresher on Women’s and Men’s Rights

Tempu: ?

Time: ?

Material: Spidol, flipchart

Material: Markers, flipchart

Objetivu: Atu hafresku partisipante sira nia memoria konabá kestaun feto sira nia direitu

Purpose: To refresh participants’ memory about issues of women’s rights

Instrusaun sira ba fasilitadór sira:

Husu ba partisipante sira hodi alista saida maka sira fiar konabá pergunta sira tuirmai ne’e:

1. Direitu (no responsabilidade) saida maka ita hatene katak feto sira iha?2. Direitu (no responsabilidade) saida maka ita hatene katak mane sira iha?

Nota ba fasilitadór sira: Iha futuru ita tenke inklui rua-ne’e hotu direitu no responsabilidade feto no mane. Ne’e bele la lójika hodi inklui ne’e to’o ezersísiu Direitu no Responsabilidade introdúz tiha ona ba iha Manuál no implementa tiha iha komunidade sira.

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Ask participants to list what they believe about the following questions:

1. What rights (and responsibilities) do you know about that women have?2. What rights (and responsibilities) do you know that men have?

Note for facilitators: In future we should include both rights and responsibilities of women and men. It may not make sense to include it until the Rights and Responsibilities exercise has been introduced into the Manual and implemented in communities.

Dokumentasaun: Nota ba iha flipchart:

Documentation: Record on flipchart:

Direitu sira ne’ebé feto sira iha

Rights that women have

Diretu sira ne’ebé mane sira iha

Rights that men have


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Husu ba feto no mane sira ne’ebé bele lee no hakerek hodi ajuda feto no mane sira ne’ebé la bele lee no hakerek.

Fasilita diskusaun konabá saida maka hanesan no saida maka diferente entre direitu sira ne’ebé deklara tiha ba feto no ba mane sira. Fó-hanoin ba partisipante sira katak feto no mane sira iha direitu ne’ebé hanesan, maibé feto no mane sira ne’e dala ruma hetan problema la hanesan, porezemplu, feto sira dala ruma nega tiha sira-nia direitu relativu ba mane sira, ka sira-nia direitu hetan abuzu husi mane sira balun.

Husu mós iha ne’ebé maka ema aprende tiha konabá sira-nia direitu sira.

Ask women and men who can read and write to help women and men who cannot read and write.

Facilitate a discussion about what is the same and what is different between the rights stated for women and for men. Remind participants that women and men have the same rights, but that women and men sometimes experience different issues, for example, women are sometimes denied their rights relative to men, or have their rights abused by some men.

Also ask where people learned about their rights.


Arkiva ba saida maka hakerek tiha ona iha surat-tahan boot no foti nota husi diskusaun ne’e. kuidadu atu foti nota konabá fonte sira iha-ne’ebé maka partisipante sira aprende tiha konabá sira-nia direitu sira, tan ida-ne’e sei ajuda hodi komprende konabá mudansa attitude hira maka rezulta husi kontribuisaun ne’ebé maka projetu halo tiha ona.


Record what is written on the flipchart and take notes from the discussion. Take care to note the sources where participants learned about their rights, as this will help to understand how much of the change in attitudes came through the contribution made by the project.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 2. Reflesaun konabá mudansa ba feto no mane sira dezde projetu hahú / Session 2. Reflection on change for women and men since project began

Tempu: ?

Time: ?

Material: Spidol, flipchart

Material: Markers, flipchart

Objetivu : Atu refleta konabá mudansa sira iha mane no feto sira nia papel no relasaun ne’ebé akontese tiha ona dezde inisiu projetu nian no atu haforsa ideia sira konabá feto sira nia direitu.

Purpose: To reflect on the changes in men’s and women’s roles and relations that have occurred since the beginning of the project and to reinforce ideas about women’s rights.

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Fahe partisipante sira ba iha grupu feto no mane sira ketaketak.

Buat saida maka oras ne’e feto sira halo ne’ebé maka uluk sira la halo? Buat saida maka oras ne’e mane sira ne’ebé maka uluk sira la halo? Iha tiha ona mudansa ba iha relasaun entre feto no mane sira ka lae?

Husu ba kada grupu hodi relata sira-nia hatán sira ba iha surat-tahan boot:

Mudansa iha atividade sira ne’ebé maka feto sira halo husi inisiu projetu nian to’o oras ne’e

Changes in activities that women do from beginning of project till now

Mudansa iha atividade sira ne’ebé maka mane sira halo husi inisiu projetu nian to’o oras ne’e

Changes in activities that men do from beginning of project till now

Mudansa sira iha relasaun entre feto no mane sira husi inisiu projetu nian to’o oras ne’e

Changes in relationships between women and men from beginning of project till now

Feto sira nia respondeWomen’s response

Mane sira nia responde


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Men’s response

Fasilitadór sira tenke motiva partisipante sira hodi garante katak diskusaun ne’e kobre knaar oioin nian ne’ebé kompletu no luan ba rua-ne’e hotu feto no mane sira, inklui knaar doméstika sira, ajuda iha konstrusaun, foti dezisaun, knaar sira seluk ne’ebé la liga ho direita ba BESI maibé ne’e bele ho indireita tanba melloramentu BESI ka atividade projetu sira.

‘Revista-realidade’ ba hatán sira ne’ebé fó tiha ona hodi koko enkoraja onestidade konabá mudansa hira maka akontese tiha ona. Dezafia mane sira ne’ebé dehan katak mane sira maka halo servisu doméstika nian barak liu, no tenke kuidadu tebetebes hodi fó tempu ne’ebé natoon ba feto sira balun hodi espresa sira-nia pontu de vista konabá saida maka akontese tiha duni no mudansa to’o iha-ne’ebé.

Fasilita diskusaun konabá tanbasá maka akontese tiha ona mudansa hirak-ne’e.

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Divide participants into separate men’s and women’s groups.

What things do women do now that they did not do before? What things do men do not that they did not do before? Have there been changes in relationships between women and men?

Ask each group to report their responses on flipchart: (table above)

Facilitators should prompt participants to ensure that the discussion covers a broad and complete range of tasks for both women and men, including domestic tasks, help in construction, decision-making, other tasks not directly related to WASH but that might be indirectly because of WASH improvements or project activities.

‘Reality-check’ answers given to try to encourage honesty about how much change has happened. Challenge men who say that men have taken on more domestic work, and be very careful to allow enough time for several women to express their views about what has really changed and the extent of change.

Facilitate discussion about why these changes have occurred.


Arkiva ba saida maka hakerek tiha ona iha surat-tahan boot no foti nota husi diskusaun ne’e. kuidadu atu foti nota konabá fonte sira iha-ne’ebé maka partisipante sira aprende tiha konabá sira-nia direitu sira, tan ida-ne’e sei ajuda hodi komprende konabá mudansa attitude hira maka rezulta husi kontribuisaun ne’ebé maka projetu halo tiha ona.


Record what is written on the flipchart and take notes from the discussion. Take care to note the sources where participants learned about their rights, as this will help to understand how much of the change in attitudes came through the contribution made by the project.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Sesaun 3: Feto no Mane sira nia papel Relasiona ho BESI: Votasaun Segredu uza Surat-tahan/ Session 3: Women’s and Men’s Roles Relating to WASH: Secret Pocket Chart Voting

Tempu: Oras 2 aumenta ho tempu preparasaun

Time: 2 Hours plus preparation time

Material: Prepara surat-tahan vota ba knaar ida-idak; fini, fatuk ka surat-tahan pedasuk sira hodi vota ba kada pergunta (ne’e bele di’ak hodi uza materiál koloridu oioin ba grupu ema oioin nian, ezemplu ema foin-sa’e)

Material: Prepared pocket voting sheets for each task; seeds, stones or pieces of paper pieces to vote with for each question (it might be good to use different coloured materials for different groups of people, eg young people)

Objetivu: Atu kuantifika rezultadu jéneru identifikadu no identifika perspetiva diferente entre feto no mane sira.

Alvu husi atividade ida-ne’e nian maka atu valida ideia sira ne’ebé fahe tiha ba malu iha atividade sira uluk nian konabá sasán sira ne’ebé maka muda tiha ona. Ida-ne’e sei ajuda pesoál sira hodi komprende mudansa hira maka akontese tiha ona liuhosi kuantifikasaun sé maka halo saida en relasaun ba knaar selesionadu sira no valór diferente sira no perspetiva konabá mudansa entre mane no feto sira.

Partisipante sira sei hatán pergunta sira ne’ebé aranja ona iha fatin la hanesan iha área sesaun-traballu hanesan ho “fatin votasaun” individualmente no ho privadu. Ne’e dala ruma bele haluan tiha fora de partisipante sira, hodi involve grupu ne’ebé luan liu husi komunidade.

Objective: To quantify the identified gender outcomesand identify different perspectives among women and men.

The aim of this activity is to validate the ideas shared in the previous activities about things that have changed. This will help staff to understand how much change has occurred through quantification of who does what in relation to selected tasks and the different values and perspectives on change between men and women.

Participants will individually and privately answer questions set up at different locations around the workshop area similar to “voting stations”. It may be extended beyond the participants, to involve a wider group from the community.


Prepara pergunta votasaun sira, materiál votasaun sira no “fatin votasaun” nanis.

Ne’e importante katak prosesu votasaun sai serve ba partisipasaun alfabetizasaun ki’ik, uza ajudu vizuál sira no se presiza garante katak pergunta ida-idak lee sai ba partisipante vota nian.


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Uza sirkulu ki’ik liu no boot liu hodi indika eskala vizuál husi ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.

Arranja fatin votasaun ba feto no mane sira. Ne’e importante katak partisipante sira bele vota individualmente no ho provasidade atu nune’e sira la influénsia ba malu nia vota no katak feto no mane sira nia fatin vota ketaketak ho klaru.


Prepare the voting questions, voting materials and “voting stations” in advance.

It’s important that the voting process be suitable for low literacy participation, use visual aids and if needed ensure each question is read out to the voting participant.

Use smaller and larger circles to indicate a visual scale from ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

Set up the voting stations for women and for men. It is important that participants can vote individually and with privacy so that they do not influence each other’s vote and that women’s and men’s voting stations are clearly separated.

Instrusaun ba Fasilitadór husi Etapa ba Etapa:

Haketak feto no mane sira nia grupu hodi introdúz no fasilita prosesu votasaun.

Introdúz prosesu no lee pergunta sira ne’e ba grupu sira, klarifika konfuzaun ruma. Esplika iha to’o iha hatán posivel haat ne’ebé indika esperiénsia posivel diferente ne’ebé maka sir abele hetan tiha ona. La iha hatán loos no sala nian. Ne’e importante atu husu ba sira hodi hatán pergunta ho onestu konabá sira-nia esperiénsia personál ka opiniaun. Esplika katak la iha ema seluk ida maka sei hatene ka haree saida maka sira vota ba nune’e sir abele sente livre hodi sai onestu.

Partisipante sira sei vota uza surat-tahan pedasuk sira ka fatuk musan

Distribui kartaun votasaun ka fatuk musan no esplika signifika kór oioin nian se aplikavel.

Votasaun ne’e sei konabá mudansa sé maka halo knaar diferente sira. pergunta ba kada knaar ne’e maka:

Iha tempu oras ne’e nian kompara ho molok projetu, to’o dala hira maka mane sira ajuda ho kuru bee - ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.

Iha tempu oras ne’e nian kompara ho molok projetu, to’o dala hira maka mane sira ajuda ho te’in ba familia - ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.

Iha tempu oras ne’e nian kompara ho molok projetu, to’o dala hira maka mane sira ajuda ho fase ropa - ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.


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Iha tempu oras ne’e nian kompara ho molok projetu, to’o dala hira maka mane sira ajuda ho fó hariis labarik sira)- ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.

Iha tempu oras ne’e nian kompara ho molok projetu, to’o dala hira maka mane sira ajuda ho hamoos sentina)- ‘la iha mudansa’, ba ‘mudansa ki’ik’, ba ‘mudansa boot uitoan’ ba ‘mudansa boot loos’.

Facilitator Instructions Step-by-Step:

Separate the women’s and men’s groups to introduce and facilitate the voting process.

To the group introduce the process and read through the questions, clarifying any confusion. Explain there are as many as four possible answers which indicate different possible experiences they might have had. There are no right or wrong answers. It is important to ask them to answer the question honestly with regard to their own personal experience or opinion. Explain that no one else will know or see what they vote so they can feel free to be honest.

The participants will vote using pieces of paper or stones

Distribute the voting cards or stones and explain the meaning of the different colours if applicable.

The voting will be about change in who does different tasks. The question for each task is:

At the present time compared to before the project, how much do men help with collecting water - ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

At the present time compared to before the project, how much do men help with cooking for the family - ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

At the present time compared to before the project, how much do men help with washing clothes - ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

At the present time compared to before the project, how much do men help with bathing children - ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

At the present time compared to before the project, how much do men help with cleaning the toilet - ‘no change’, to ‘small change’, to ‘quite big change’ to ‘very big change’.

Votasaun (minutu 45)

Fasilita prosesu ne’e liu hosi konvida partisipante sira hodi vota individualmente iha kada fatin hahú iha fatin dahuluk no hafoin rotasaun to’o sira vota tiha iha fatin lima ne’e hotu.

Garante katak grupu partisipante sira nian hein ba vota tuur dook nafatin husi fatin sira no permite partisipante sira nia tempu hodi konsidera pergunta sira no hodi vota.

Voting (45 minutes)

Facilitate the process by inviting the participants to individually vote at each location starting at the first and then rotating until they have voted at all five locations.


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Ensure the group of participants waiting to vote remain seated away from the locations and allow the participant’s time to consider the questions and to vote.

Konta Rezultadu sira (minutu 15)

Bainhira partisipante sira hotu vota tiha ona maka konta rezultadu ba kada pergunta vizualmente. Tara rezultadu sira besik ba pozisaun vota sira no arkiva hirak-ne’e.

Tallying the Results (15 minutes)

Once all of the participants have voted tally the results for each question visually. Display the results next to the voting positions and record these.

Fahe rezultadu ba malu (minutu 15)

Konvida grupu feto no mane sira hodi halibur hamutuk.

Konvida grupu hodi la’o hadulas pozisaun vota sira hodi haree ba iha rezultadu ne’ebé hatudu hodi enkoraja grupu feto no mane sira hodi haree rezultadu ba malu mós.

Bainhira grupu sira haree tiha ona rezultadu ne’e, husu ba partisipante sira hodi buka belun ida no refleta iha momentu ida hafoin fahe sira-nia observasaun rezultadu sira nian.

Sharing the results (15 minutes)

Invite the women’s and men’s groups to join together.

Invite the group to walk around the voting positions looking at the results displayed encouraging the women’s and men’s groups to view each others results as well.

Once the groups have viewed the results, ask the participants to pair up and reflect for a moment then share their observations of the results.

Grupu Diskusaun (Minutu 30)

Bainhira ema hotu-hotu iha tiha ona tempu atu haree rezultadu fasilita diskusaun ida ho grupu uza pergunta hirak-ne’e:

Rezultadu hirak-ne’e signifika saida ba ita? Iha buat ruma maka halo surpreza iha rezultadu sira? Tanbasá ? Tanbasá maka lae?

Atu taka uza tempu atu hatán ba pergunta ka preokupasaun ruma.

Group Discussion (30 minutes)

Once everyone has had time to look at the results facilitate a discussion with the group using these questions:

What do these results mean to you?


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Was there anything surprising in the results? Why? Why not?

In closing take time to address any questions or concerns.


Manual Treinamentu Jeneru

Evaluasaun ba Modulu 3/ Evaluation of Module 3

Sumariu abilidade fasilitasaun jéneru

(maybe have a section of the manual about this? Could include the sections translated from the blue Resource Guide)