introduction to html5 by sam nasr, mcad, mct, mcts, mvp nasr information systems october 22, 2013

Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

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Page 1: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Introduction to HTML5


Nasr Information Systems

October 22, 2013

Page 2: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

IntroductionSam Nasr ([email protected])

Software developer since 1995Independent Software Consultant (Nasr Information

Systems)MCAD, MCT, MCTS(WSS/MOSS)President - Cleveland C#/VB.Net User GroupPresident – Cleveland WPF User GroupPresident - .Net Study GroupINETA Mentor for OhioINETA Community Champ (2010, 2013)Author for Visual Studio MagazineMicrosoft Most Valuable Professional (2013)

Page 3: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

HousekeepingForum for learning

Feel free to ask questions

Cell Phones on vibrate please

Page 4: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

AgendaBrowser CompatibilityNew Features in HTML5

Simplified MarkupNew AttributesNew Tags

New Features in CSS3SelectorsAdvanced Layout and Animation

New JavaScript API

Page 5: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Why HTML5?UbiquitousEase of DevelopmentWidely SupportedForged by many tech leadersBetter PerformanceMore Capabilities

Page 6: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 7: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Page 8: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Page 9: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Simplified MarkupHTML4:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">


Page 10: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Simplified MarkupHTML4:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8“>

HTML5:<meta charset="utf-8">

Page 11: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Simplified MarkupHTML4:

<link type="text-css" rel="stylesheet" href="MyStyle.css">

HTML5:<link rel="stylesheet" href="MyStyle.css">

Page 12: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Simplified MarkupHTML4:

<script type="text/javascript" src="Myscript.js"><script type="text/javascript">


HTML5:<script src="Myscript.js"><script>


Page 13: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

New Tagsarticle embed mark ruby

aside figcaption meter section

audio figure nav source

canvas footer output summary

command header progress time

datalist hgroup rp video

details keygen rt wbr

Page 14: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Non-Semantic Markup<div id="Header">

<div id="Article"> <div id="Aside">

<div id="Footer">

Page 15: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Semantic Markup<Header>

<Article> <Aside>


Page 16: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Semantic <header> <hgroup> <h1>My Page</h1> <h2>Life, The Universe and Everything</h2> </hgroup> <nav> <h1>Page Navigation</h1> <ul> <li><a href="#">News</a></li> <li><a href="#">Sports</a></li> <li><a href="#">Weather</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <article> <h1>Breaking News</h1> <p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</p> <aside> <h1>Side Note</h1> <p>Oh, by the way</p> </aside> </article> <footer> <p>Copyright 2012 (c)</p> </footer>

<div class="header"> <h1>My Page</h1> <h2>Life, The Universe and Everything</h2>

<div id="nav"> <h2>Page Navigation</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#">News</a></li> <li><a href="#">Sports</a></li> <li><a href="#">Weather</a></li> </ul> </div> </div>

<div id="article"> <h1>Breaking News</h1> <p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</p> <div id="aside"> <h3>Side Note</h3> <p>Oh, by the way</p> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>Copyright 2012 (c)</p> </div>

Page 17: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 18: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

CanvasContext methodsbeginPath()moveTo()lineTo()fill()fillRect()arc()

Page 19: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 20: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Canvas vs. SVGCanvas

Not a drawing object, only a containerOnly used for drawing and redrawing via

JavaScriptUsed for many HTML5 games due to

performance impact

SVGEvery object manipulated via the DOMCould have performance issues if using many


Page 21: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

New Attributes<input type="text"

name="First" autofocus placeholder="Enter First Name" />

Page 22: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Input Types<input type= "color"


Page 23: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Validation input:required {

border:3px solid red; }

input:valid {border:3px solid gray;


Page 24: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Video <video controls loop poster=“HTML5Rocks.png"> <source src=“HTML5Rocks.mp4" /> <source src="HTML5Rocks.ogv" /> <source src=“HTML5Rocks.webm" /> <source src="HTML5Rocks.wma” /></video>

The browser will use the first recognized format.

Page 25: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Video Support

Page 26: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Audio <audio controls loop> <source src="yyy.mp3" /> <source src="yyy.ogg" /> <source src="yyy.wav" /> </audio>

Page 27: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Audio Support

Page 28: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 29: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

CSS3 SelectorsPosition Values Misc

:first-child :last-child :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-of-type :nth-child(#) :nth-last-child(#) :nth-of-type(#) :nth-last-of-type(#)



Page 30: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

CSS3 SelectorsVisible State




Page 31: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

CompatibilityStyle Browser(s)

feature [W3C Standard]

-ms-feature IE

-moz-feature Firefox

-webkit-feature Safari and Chrome

-o-feature Opera

#title {transform:rotate(-15deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-15deg); -moz-transform:rotate(-15deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-15deg);-o-transform:rotate(-15deg);



Page 32: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Fonts@font-face { font-family: FriendlyFontName; src: url('fontname.woff') format('woff');}

selector { font-family: FriendlyFontName;}

Page 33: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Text Shadowsdiv { text-shadow: horizontal-offset vertical-offset blur color;}

The Long, Dark Tea Time of the SoulThe Long, Dark Tea Time of the Soul

Page 34: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Resize selector { resize: both; /* none|horizontal|vertical */ overflow: auto; /* required */ max-width: 600px; /* optional */ max-height: 800px; /* optional */}

Page 35: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Rounded Cornersselector { border-radius: 2em;}

selector { border-top-left-radius:2em; border-bottom-left-radius:2em;}

Page 36: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 37: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Rotate.rotate { transform:rotate(-15deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* IE */ -moz-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Firefox */ -webkit-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Safari, Chrome */ -o-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Opera */} rotate

Page 38: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Selector { transform: skewX(xdeg); -ms-transform: skewX(xdeg); -moz-transform: skewX(xdeg); -webkit-transform: skewX(xdeg); -o-transform: skewX(xdeg); }selector { transform: skewY(ydeg); -ms-transform: skewY(ydeg); -moz-transform: skewY(ydeg); -webkit-transform: skewY(ydeg); -o-transform: skewY(ydeg); } selector { transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -ms-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -moz-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -webkit-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -o-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); }

Page 39: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013



transform: scale(factor); -ms-transform: scale(factor); -moz-transform: scale(factor); -webkit-transform: scale(factor); -o-transform: scale(factor);}


transform: scaleX(factor); -ms-transform: scaleX(factor); -moz-transform: scaleX(factor); -webkit-transform: scaleX(factor); -o-transform: scaleX(factor);}Selector{

transform: scaleY(factor); -ms-transform: scaleY(factor); -moz-transform: scaleY(factor); -webkit-transform: scaleY(factor); -o-transform: scaleY(factor);}

Page 40: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013


Page 41: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

data- attributes<div data-firstname="David" id="fName">

var div = getElementById("fName");var fn = div.dataset("firstname");

Page 42: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

Web StorageCapacity: 2-10MB (W3C recommends 5MB)Local Storage vs Session Storage

Page 43: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

DemoJavaScript API

Page 44: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

RecapBrowser CompatibilityNew Features in HTML5

Simplified MarkupNew AttributesNew Tags

New Features in CSS3SelectorsAdvanced Layout and Animation

New JavaScript API

Page 45: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

ResourcesHTML5 Rocks

Developing HTML5 Jump Start


.Net Study Group

Page 46: Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013

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