introduction to fichte’s science of knowledge

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  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge




    [Note.—In presenting this “Introdution! to the re"ders o# the $ourn"% o# Speu%"ti&e

    'hi%osoph() *e +e%ie&e *e "##ord the, the e"siest ,e"ns o# g"ining "n insight into

    -ihtes gre"t *or/ on the Siene o# Kno*%edge. The present introdution *"s *ritten

     +( -ihte in 0121) three (e"rs "#ter the #irst pu+%i"tion o# his #u%% s(ste,. It is ert"in%(

    *ritten in " re,"r/"+%( %e"r "nd &igorous st(%e) so "s to +e %i/e%( to "rrest the "ttention

    e&en o# those *ho h"&e +ut %itt%e "3u"int"ne *ith the rudi,ents o# the Siene o#

    'hi%osoph(. This %ed us to gi&e it the pre#erene o&er other ess"(s) "%so *ritten +( -ihte)

    "s Introdutions to his Siene o# Kno*%edge. A tr"ns%"tion o# the Siene o# Kno*%edge)

     +( 4r. Kroeger is "t present in ourse o# pu+%i"tion in Ne* Yor/. This "rti%e is)

    ,oreo&er) interesting "s +eing " ,ore o,p%ete un#o%ding o# the dotrine o# '%"to upon

    4ethod) hereto#ore "nnouned.—Ed.5


    De re) 3u"e "gitur) peti,us) ut ho,ines) e", non opinione,) sed opus esse) ogitent "

     pro erto h"+e"nt) non set"e nos "%iu6us) "ut p%"iti) sed u%ti%it"tis et ",p%itudinis

    hu,"n"e #und",ent" ,o%iri. Deinde ut) suis o,,odis "e3ui) in o,,une onsu%"nt) et

    ipsi in p"rte, &eni"nt.—  Baco de Verulamio.

    The "uthor o# the Siene o# Kno*%edge *"s soon on&ined) through " s%ight

    "3u"int"ne *ith the phi%osophi"% %iter"ture sine the "ppe"r"ne o# K"nts 7riti3ues)

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    th"t the o+6et o# this gre"t ,"n—to e##et " tot"% re#or, in the stud( o# phi%osoph() "nd

    hene o# "%% siene—h"d resu%ted in " #"i%ure) sine not one o# his nu,erous suessors

    "ppe"red to underst"nd *h"t he h"d re"%%( spo/en o#. The "uthor +e%ie&ed th"t he h"d

    understood the %"tter8 he reso%&ed to de&ote his %i#e to " represent"tion—tot"%%(

    independent #ro, K"nts—o# th"t gre"t diso&er() "nd he *i%% not gi&e up this reso%&e.

    9hether he *i%% sueed +etter in ,"/ing hi,se%# understood to his "ge) ti,e "%one "n

    sho*. At "%% e&ents) he /no*s th"t nothing true "nd use#u%) *hih h"s one +een gi&en to

    ,"n/ind) is %ost) though on%( re,ote posterit( shou%d %e"rn ho* to use it.

    Deter,ined +( ,( ""de,i"% &o"tion) I *rote) in the #irst inst"ne) #or ,( he"rers)

    *ith *ho, it *"s in ,( po*er to e:p%"in ,(se%# in *ords unti% I *"s understood.

    This is not the p%"e to testi#( ho* ,uh "use I h"&e to +e s"tis#ied *ith ,( e##orts) "nd

    to entert"in) o# so,e o# ,( students) the +est hopes #or siene. Th"t +oo/ o# ,ine h"s

    "%so +eo,e /no*n e%se*here) "nd there "re &"rious opinions "#%o"t onerning it

    ",ongst the %e"rned. A 6udg,ent) *hih e&en pretended to +ring #orth "rgu,ents) I h"&e

    neither re"d nor he"rd) e:ept #ro, ,( students) +ut I h"&e +oth he"rd "nd re"d " &"st

    ",ount o# derision) denuni"tion) "nd the gener"% "ssur"ne th"t e&er(+od( is he"rti%(

    opposed to this dotrine) "nd the on#ession th"t no one "n underst"nd it. As #"r "s the

    %"tter is onerned) I *i%% heer#u%%( "ssu,e "%% the +%",e) unti% others sh"%% represent it so

    "s to ,"/e it o,prehensi+%e) *hen students *i%% dou+t%ess diso&er th"t ,(

    represent"tion *"s not so &er( +"d "#ter "%%8 or I *i%% "ssu,e it "%together "nd

    unondition"%%() i# the re"der there+( shou%d +e enour"ged to stud( the present

    represent"tion) in *hih I sh"%% ende"&or to +e "s %e"r "s possi+%e. I sh"%% ontinue these

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    represent"tions so %ong "s I ", on&ined th"t I do not *rite "%together in &"in. But I

    *rite in &"in *hen no+od( e:",ines ,( "rgu,ent.

    I sti%% o*e ,( re"ders the #o%%o*ing e:p%"n"tions; I h"&e "%*"(s s"id) "nd s"(

    "g"in) th"t ,( s(ste, is the s",e "s K"nts. Th"t is to s"() it ont"ins the s",e &ie* o#

    the su+6et) +ut is tot"%%( independent o# K"nts ,ode o# represent"tion. I h"&e s"id this)

    not to o&er ,(se%# +( " gre"t "uthorit() or to support ,( dotrine e:ept +( itse%#) +ut in

    order to s"( the truth "nd to +e 6ust.

    'erh"ps it ,"( +e pro&en "#ter t*ent( (e"rs. K"nt is "s (et " se"%ed +oo/) "nd

    *h"t he h"s +een understood to te"h) is e:"t%( *h"t he intended to er"di"te.

    4( *ritings "re neither to e:p%"in K"nt) nor to +e e:p%"ined +( his8 the( ,ust st"nd +(

    the,se%&es) "nd K"nt ,ust not +e ounted in the g",e "t "%%. 4( o+6et is—%et ,e s"( it

    #r"n/%(—not to orret or ",p%i#( suh phi%osophi"% re#%etions "s ,"( +e urrent) +e

    the( "%%ed "nti) "nd not vice versa; "nd this

    serious%() not ,ere%( in *ords.

    Let no one o+6et; “I# this s(ste, is true) ert"in ":io,s "nnot +e uphe%d)! #or I

    do not intend th"t "n(thing shou%d +e uphe%d *hih this s(ste, re#utes.

    Ag"in; “I do not underst"nd this +oo/)! is to ,e " &er( uninteresting "nd insigni#i"nt

    on#ession. No one "n "nd sh"%% underst"nd ,( *ritings) *ithout h"&ing studied the,8

    #or the( do not ont"in " %esson hereto#ore t"ught) +ut so,ething—sine K"nt h"s not

     +een understood—"%together ne* to the "ge.

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    7ensure *ithout "rgu,ent te%%s ,e si,p%( th"t ,( dotrine does not p%e"se8 "nd

    this on#ession is "g"in &er( uni,port"nt8 #or the 3uestion is not "t "%%) *hether it p%e"ses

    (ou or not) +ut *hether it h"s +een pro&en. In the present s/eth I *rite on%( #or those) in

    *ho, there sti%% d*e%%s "n inner sense o# %o&e #or truth8 *ho sti%% &"%ue siene "nd

    on&ition) "nd *ho "re i,pe%%ed +( " %i&e%( ?e"% to see/ truth. 9ith those) *ho) +( %ong

    spiritu"% s%"&er() h"&e %ost *ith the #"ith in their o*n on&ition their #"ith in the

    on&ition o# others8 *ho onsider it #o%%( i# "n(+od( "tte,pts to see/ truth #or hi,se%#8

    *ho see nothing in siene +ut " o,#ort"+%e ,ode o# su+sistene8 *ho "re horri#ied "t

    e&er( proposition to en%"rge its +ound"ries "s in&o%&ing " ne* %"+or) "nd *ho onsider no

    ,e"ns disgr"e#u% +( *hih the( "n hope to suppress hi, *ho ,"/es suh "

     proposition)—*ith those I h"&e nothing to do.

    I shou%d +e sorr( i# they understood ,e. @itherto this *ish o# ,ine h"s +een

    re"%i?ed8 "nd I hope) e&en no*) th"t these present %ines *i%% so on#use the, th"t the( "n

     perei&e nothing ,ore in the, th"n ,ere *ords) *hi%e th"t *hih represents their ,ind is

    torn hither "nd thither +( their i%%

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    represent"tions. -or so,e o# the, "ppe"r "%together dependent upon our #reedo,) "nd *e

    "nnot possi+%( +e%ie&e th"t there is *ithout us "n(thing orresponding to the,. Our

    i,"gin"tion) our *i%%) "ppe"rs to us "s #ree. Others) ho*e&er) *e re#er to " Truth "s their

    ,ode%) *hih is he%d to +e #ir,%( #i:ed) independent o# us8 "nd in deter,ining suh

    represent"tions) *e #ind ourse%&es onditioned +( the neessit( o# their h"r,on( *ith this

    Truth. In the /no*%edge o# the, *e do not onsider ourse%&es #ree) "s #"r "s their

    ontents "re onerned. In short; *hi%e so,e o# our represent"tions "re "o,p"nied +(

    the #ee%ing o# #reedo,) others "re "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit(.

    Re"son"+%( the 3uestion "nnot "rise—*h( "re the represent"tions dependent upon our

    #reedo, deter,ined in preise%( this ,"nner) "nd not other*ise -or in supposing the,

    to +e dependent upon our #reedo,) "%% "pp%i"tion o# the oneption o# " ground is

    re6eted8 the( "re thus) +e"use I so #"shioned the,) "nd i# I h"d #"shioned the,

    di##erent%() the( *ou%d +e other*ise.

    But it is ert"in%( " 3uestion *orth( o# re#%etion—*h"t is the ground o# the

    s(ste, o# those represent"tions *hih "re "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit( "nd o#

    th"t #ee%ing o# neessit( itse%# To "ns*er this 3uestion is the o+6et o# phi%osoph(8 "nd)

    in ,( opinion) nothing is phi%osoph( +ut the Siene *hih so%&es this pro+%e,. The

    s(ste, o# those represent"tions) *hih "re "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit() is

    "%so "%%ed Experience —intern"% "s *e%% "s e:tern"% e:periene. 'hi%osoph() there#ore) to

    s"( the s",e thing in other *ords) h"s to #ind the ground o# "%% E:periene.

    On%( three o+6etions "n +e r"ised "g"inst this. So,e+od( ,ight den( th"t

    represent"tions) "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit() "nd re#erred to " Truth

    deter,ined *ithout "n( "tion o# ours) do e&er our in our onsiousness. Suh " person

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    *ou%d either den( his o*n /no*%edge) or +e "%together di##erent%( onstruted #ro, other 

    ,en8 in *hih %"tter "se his deni"% *ou%d +e o# no onern to us. Or so,e+od( ,ight

    s"(; the 3uestion is o,p%ete%( un"ns*er"+%e) *e "re in irre,o&"+%e ignor"ne

    onerning it) "nd ,ust re,"in so. To enter into "rgu,ent *ith suh " person is

    "%together super#%uous. The +est rep%( he "n reei&e is "n "tu"% "ns*er to the 3uestion)

    "nd then "%% he "n do is to e:",ine our "ns*er) "nd te%% us *h( "nd in *h"t ,"tters it

    does not "ppe"r s"tis#"tor( to hi,. -in"%%() so,e+od( ,ight 3u"rre% "+out the

    design"tion) "nd "ssert; “'hi%osoph( is so,ething e%se th"n *h"t (ou h"&e st"ted "+o&e)

    or "t %e"st so,ething e%se +esides.! It ,ight +e e"si%( sho*n to suh " one) th"t sho%"rs

    h"&e "t "%% ti,es design"ted e:"t%( *h"t *e h"&e 6ust st"ted to +e 'hi%osoph() "nd th"t

    *h"te&er e%se he ,ight "ssert to +e 'hi%osoph() h"s "%re"d( "nother n",e) "nd th"t i# this

    *ord signi#ies "n(thing "t "%%) it ,ust ,e"n e:"t%( this Siene. But "s *e "re not

    in%ined to enter upon "n( dispute "+out *ords) *e) #or our p"rt) h"&e "%re"d( gi&en up

    the n",e o# 'hi%osoph() "nd h"&e "%%ed the Siene *hih h"s the so%ution o# this

     pro+%e, #or its o+6et) the Science of Knowledge.

    II. On%( *hen spe"/ing o# so,ething) *hih *e onsider "ident"%) i.e. *hih *e

    suppose ,ight "%so h"&e +een other*ise) though it *"s not deter,ined +( #reedo,) "n

    *e "s/ #or its ground8 "nd +( this &er( "s/ing #or its ground does it +eo,e "ident"% to

    the 3uestioner. To #ind the ground o# "n(thing "ident"% ,e"ns) to #ind so,ething e%se)

    #ro, the deter,ined ness o# *hih it "n +e seen *h( the "ident"%) ",ongst the &"rious

    onditions it ,ight h"&e "ssu,ed) "ssu,ed preise%( the one it did. The ground %ies—+(

    the &er( thin/ing o# " ground—+e(ond its Grounded) "nd +oth "re) in so #"r "s the( "re

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    Ground "nd Grounded) opposed to e"h other) re%"ted to e"h other) "nd thus the %"tter is

    e:p%"ined #ro, the #or,er.

     No* 'hi%osoph( is to diso&er the ground o# "%% e:periene8 hene its o+6et %ies

    neess"ri%( beyond all Experience. This sentene "pp%ies to "%% 'hi%osoph() "nd h"s +een

    so "pp%ied "%*"(s hereto#ore) i# *e e:ept these %"tter d"(s o# K"nts ,isonstruers "nd

    their #"ts o# onsiousness) i.e. o# inner e:periene.

     No o+6etion "n +e r"ised to this p"r"gr"ph8 #or the pre,ise o# our on%usion is " ,ere

    "n"%(sis o# the "+o&e

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    "nd e%e&"ted hi,se%# "+o&e it. I# he "+str"ts #ro, the #irst) he ret"ins "n inte%%igene in

    itself ) i.e. "+str"ted #ro, its re%"tion to e:periene8 i# he "+str"t #ro, the %"tter) he

    ret"ins the Thing in itself ) i.e. "+str"ted #ro, the #"t th"t it ours in e:periene8 "nd

    thus ret"ins the Inte%%igene in itse%#) or the “Thing in itse%#)! "s the e:p%"n"tor( ground o# 

    E:periene. The #or,er ,ode o# proeeding is "%%ed Idealism) the %"tter ogmatism.

    On%( these t*o phi%osophi"% s(ste,s—"nd o# th"t these re,"r/s shou%d on&ine

    e&er(+od(—"re possi+%e. Aording to the #irst s(ste, the represent"tions) *hih "re

    "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit() "re produtions o# the Inte%%igene) *hih ,ust

     +e presupposed in their e:p%"n"tion8 "ording to the %"tter s(ste, the( "re the

     produtions o# " thing in itse%# *hih ,ust +e presupposed to e:p%"in the,. I# "n(+od(

    desired to den( this) he *ou%d h"&e to pro&e th"t there is sti%% "nother *"( to go +e(ond

    e:periene th"n the one +( ,e"ns o# "+str"tion) or th"t the onsiousness o# e:periene

    ont"ins ,ore th"n the t*o o,ponents 6ust ,entioned.

     No* in reg"rd to the #irst) it *i%% "ppe"r +e%o*) it is true) th"t *h"t *e h"&e here

    "%%ed Inte%%igene does) indeed) our in onsiousness under "nother n",e) "nd hene is

    not "%together produed +( "+str"tion8 +ut it *i%% "t the s",e ti,e +e sho*n th"t the

    onsiousness o# it is onditioned +( "n "+str"tion) *hih) ho*e&er) ours n"tur"%%( to


    9e do not "t "%% den( th"t it is possi+%e to o,pose " *ho%e s(ste, #ro,

    #r"g,ents o# these inongruous s(ste,s) "nd th"t this i%%ogi"% %"+or h"s o#ten +een

    undert"/en8 +ut *e do den( th"t ,ore th"n these t*o s(ste,s "re possi+%e in " %ogi"%

    ourse o# proeeding.

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    IV. Bet*een the o+6et—=*e sh"%% "%% the e:p%"n"tor( ground o# e:periene) *hih "

     phi%osoph( "sserts) the ob!ect of that philosophy) sine it "ppe"rs to +e on%( through "nd

    #or suh phi%osoph(>—+et*een the o+6et o# Idealism "nd th"t o# ogmatism there is "

    re,"r/"+%e distintion in reg"rd to their re%"tion to onsiousness gener"%%(. A%% *hereo# I

    ", onsious is "%%ed o+6et o# onsiousness. There "re three *"(s in *hih the o+6et I

    "n +e re%"ted to onsiousness. Either it "ppe"rs to h"&e +een produed +( the

    represent"tion) or "s e:isting *ithout "n( "tion o# ours8 "nd in the %"tter "se) "s either

    "%so deter,ined in reg"rd to its 3u"%it"ti&eness) or "s e:isting ,ere%( in reg"rd to its

    e:istene) *hi%e deter,in"+%e in reg"rd to its 3u"%it"ti&eness +( the #ree inte%%igene.

    The #irst re%"tion "pp%ies ,ere%( to "n i,"gin"r( o+6et8 the seond ,ere%( to "n o+6et o# 

    E:periene8 the third "pp%ies on%( to "n o+6et) *hih *e sh"%% "t one proeed to


    I "n deter,ine ,(se%# +( #reedo, to thin/) #or inst"ne) the Thing in itse%# o# the

    Dog,"tists. No* i# I ", to "+str"t #ro, the thought "nd %oo/ si,p%( upon ,(se%#) I

    ,(se%# +eo,e the o+6et o# " p"rtiu%"r represent"tion. Th"t I "ppe"r to ,(se%# "s

    deter,ined in preise%( this ,"nner) "nd none other) e.g. "s thin/ing) "nd "s thin/ing o#

    "%% possi+%e thoughts—preise%( this Thing in itse%#) is to depend e:%usi&e%( upon ,(

    o*n #reedo, o# se%#

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    so,ething re"% in onsiousness) not "s " Thing in itself  —#or then Ide"%is, *ou%d e"se

    to +e *h"t it is) "nd +eo,e Dog,"tis,—+ut "s “ I ! in itself; not "s "n o+6et o#

    E:periene—#or it is not deter,ined) +ut is e:%usi&e%( deter,in"+%e through ,(

    #reedo,) "nd *ithout this deter,in"tion it *ou%d +e nothing) "nd is re"%%( not "t "%%—+ut

    "s so,ething +e(ond "%% E:periene.

    The o+6et o# Dog,"tis,) on the ontr"r() +e%ongs to the o+6ets o# the #irst %"ss)

    *hih "re produed so%e%( +( #ree Thin/ing. The Thing in itse%# is " ,ere in&ention) "nd

    h"s no re"%it( "t "%%. It does not our in E:periene) #or the s(ste, o# E:periene is

    nothing e%se th"n Thin/ing "o,p"nied +( the #ee%ing o# neessit() "nd "n not e&en +e

    s"id to +e "n(thing e%se +( the dog,"tist) *ho) %i/e e&er( phi%osopher) h"s to e:p%"in its

    "use. True the dog,"tist *"nts to o+t"in re"%it( #or it through the neessit( o# thin/ing it

    "s " ground o# "%% e:periene) "nd *ou%d sueed) i# he ou%d pro&e th"t e:periene "n

     +e) "nd "n +e e:p%"ined on%( +( ,e"ns o# it. But this is the &er( thing in dispute) "nd he

    "nnot presuppose *h"t ,ust #irst +e pro&en.

    @ene the o+6et o# Ide"%is, h"s this "d&"nt"ge o&er the o+6et o# Dog,"tis,)

    th"t it is not to +e dedued "s the e:p%"n"tor( ground o# e:periene—*hih *ou%d +e "

    ontr"dition) "nd h"nge this s(ste, itse%# into " p"rt o# e:periene—+ut th"t it is)

    ne&erthe%ess) to +e pointed out "s " p"rt o# onsiousness8 *here"s) the o+6et o#

    Dog,"tis, "n p"ss #or nothing +ut " ,ere in&ention) *hih o+t"ins &"%idit( on%(

    through the suess o# the s(ste,.

    This *e h"&e s"id ,ere%( to pro,ote " %e"rer insight into the distintion +et*een

    the t*o s(ste,s) +ut not to dr"* #ro, it on%usions "g"inst the %"tter s(ste,. Th"t the

    o+6et o# e&er( phi%osoph() "s e:p%"n"tor( ground o# E:periene) ,ust %ie +e(ond "%%

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    e:periene) is re3uired +( the &er( n"ture o# phi%osoph() "nd is #"r #ro, +eing derog"tor(

    to " s(ste,. But *e h"&e "s (et diso&ered no re"sons *h( th"t o+6et shou%d "%so our

    in " p"rtiu%"r ,"nner *ithin onsiousness.

    I# "n(+od( shou%d not +e "+%e to on&ine hi,se%# o# the truth o# *h"t *e h"&e

     6ust s"id) this *ou%d not ,"/e his on&ition o# the truth o# the *ho%e s(ste, "n

    i,possi+i%it() sine *h"t *e h"&e 6ust s"id *"s on%( intended "s " p"ssing re,"r/. Sti%% in

    on#or,it( to our p%"n *e *i%% "%so here t"/e possi+%e o+6etions into onsider"tion.

    So,e+od( ,ight den( the "sserted i,,edi"te se%#

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    =@ene the re"son *h( K"nt h"s not +een understood "nd *h( the Siene o# Kno*%edge

    "n #ind no #riends. The s(ste,s o# K"nt "nd o# the Siene o# Kno*%edge "re idealistic

     —not in the gener"% inde#inite) +ut in the 6ust desri+ed de#inite sense o# the *ord8 +ut the

    ,odern phi%osophers "re "%% o# the, dog,"tists) "nd "re #ir,%( reso%&ed to re,"in so.

    K"nt *"s ,ere%( to%er"ted) +e"use it *"s possi+%e to ,"/e " dog,"tist out o# hi,8 +ut

    the Siene o# Kno*%edge) *hih "nnot +e thus onstrued) is insupport"+%e to these *ise

    ,en. The r"pid e:tension o# K"nts phi%osoph(—*hen it *"s thus ,isunderstood—is not

    " proo# o# the pro#undit() +ut r"ther o# the sh"%%o*ness o# the "ge. -or in this sh"pe it is

    the ,ost *onder#u% "+ortion e&er re"ted +( hu,"n i,"gin"tion) "nd it does %itt%e honor

    to its de#enders th"t the( do not perei&e this. It "n "%so +e sho*n th"t this phi%osoph(

    *"s "epted so greedi%( on%( +e"use peop%e thought it *ou%d put " stop to "%% serious

    speu%"tion) "nd ontinue the er" o# sh"%%o* E,piriis,.>

    -irst. Ide"%is, "nnot re#ute Dog,"tis,. True) the #or,er s(ste, h"s the

    "d&"nt"ge) "s *e h"&e "%re"d( s"id) o# +eing en"+%ed to point out its e:p%"n"tor( ground

    o# "%% e:periene—the #ree "ting inte%%igene—"s " #"t o# onsiousness. This #"t the

    dog,"tist ,ust "%so "d,it) #or other*ise he *ou%d render hi,se%# in"p"+%e o#

    ,"int"ining the "rgu,ent *ith his opponent8 +ut he "t the s",e ti,e +( " orret

    on%usion #ro, his prinip%e) h"nges this e:p%"n"tor( ground into " deeption "nd

    "ppe"r"ne) "nd thus renders it in"p"+%e o# +eing the e:p%"n"tor( ground o# "n(thing

    e%se sine it "nnot ,"int"in its o*n e:istene in its o*n phi%osoph(. Aording to the

    Dog,"tist) "%% pheno,en" o# our onsiousness "re produtions o# " Thing in itself ) e&en

    our pretended deter,in"tions +( #reedo,) "nd the +e%ie# th"t *e "re #ree. This +e%ie# is

     produed +( the e##et o# the Thing upon ourse%&es) "nd the deter,in"tions) *hih *e

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    dedued #ro, #reedo,) "re "%so produed +( it. The on%( di##erene is) th"t *e "re not

    "*"re o# it in these "ses) "nd hene "sri+e it to no "use) i.e. to our #reedo,. E&er(

    %ogi"% dog,"tist is neess"ri%( " -"t"%ist8 he does not den( the #"t o# onsiousness) th"t

    *e onsider ourse%&es #ree—#or this *ou%d +e "g"inst re"son8—+ut he pro&es #ro, his

     prinip%e th"t this is " #"%se &ie*. @e denies the independene o# the Ego) *hih is the

     +"sis o# the Ide"%ist) in toto) ,"/es it ,ere%( " prodution o# the Thing) "n "idene o#

    the 9or%d8 "nd hene the %ogi"% dog,"tist is neess"ri%( "%so ,"teri"%ist. @e "n on%( +e

    re#uted #ro, the postu%"te o# the #reedo, "nd independene o# the Ego; +ut this is

     preise%( *h"t he denies. Neither "n the dog,"tist re#ute the Ide"%ist.

    The prinip%e o# the #or,er) the Thing in itse%#) is nothing "nd h"s no re"%it() "s its

    de#enders the,se%&es ,ust "d,it) e:ept th"t *hih it is to reei&e #ro, the #"t th"t

    e:periene "n +e e:p%"ined on%( +( it. But this proo# the Ide"%ist "nnihi%"tes +(

    e:p%"ining e:periene in "nother ,"nner) hene +( den(ing preise%( *h"t dog,"tis,

    "ssu,es. Thus the Thing in itse%# +eo,es " o,p%ete 7hi,er"8 there is no #"rther re"son

    *h( it shou%d +e "ssu,ed8 "nd *ith it the *ho%e edi#ie o# dog,"tis, tu,+%es do*n.

    -ro, *h"t *e h"&e 6ust st"ted) is ,oreo&er e&ident the o,p%ete irreoni%"+i%t( o# +oth

    s(ste,s8 sine the results o# the one destro( those o# the other. 9here&er their union h"s

     +een "tte,pted the ,e,+ers *ou%d not #it together) "nd so,e*here "n i,,ense gu%#

    "ppe"red *hih ou%d not +e sp"nned.

    I# "n( one *ere to den( this he *ou%d h"&e to pro&e the possi+i%it( o# suh "

    union—o# " union *hih onsists in "n e&er%"sting o,position o# 4"tter "nd Spirit) or)

    *hih is the s",e) o# Neessit( "nd Li+ert(.

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     No* sine) "s #"r "s *e "n see "t present) +oth s(ste,s "ppe"r to h"&e the s",e

    speu%"ti&e &"%ue) +ut sine +oth "nnot st"nd together) nor (et either on&ine the other)

    it ours "s " &er( interesting 3uestion; 9h"t "n possi+%( te,pt persons *ho

    o,prehend this—"nd to o,prehend it is so &er( e"s( " ,"tter—to pre#er the one o&er

    the other8 "nd *h( s/eptiis,) "s the tot"% renuni"tion o# "n "ns*er to this pro+%e,)

    does not +eo,e uni&ers"%

    The dispute +et*een the Ide"%ist "nd the Dog,"tist is) in re"%it() the 3uestion)

    *hether the independene o# the Ego is to +e s"ri#ied to th"t o# the Thing) or vice

    versa" 9h"t) then) is it *hih indues sensi+%e ,en to deide in #"&or o# the one or the


    The phi%osopher diso&ers #ro, this point o# &ie*—in *hih he ,ust neess"ri%(

     p%"e hi,se%#) i# he *"nts to p"ss #or " phi%osopher) "nd *hih in the progress o#

    Thin/ing) e&er( ,"n neess"ri%( oupies sooner or %"ter)—nothing #"rther than that he

    is forced to represent to himself  +oth; th"t he is #ree) "nd th"t there "re deter,ined things

    outside o# hi,. But it is i,possi+%e #or ,"n to stop "t this thought8 the thought o# "

    represent"tion is +ut " h"%# " thought) " +ro/en o## #r"g,ent o# " thought8 so,ething ,ust

     +e thought "nd "dded to it) "s orresponding *ith the represent"tion independent o# it. In

    other *ords; the represent"tion "nnot e:ist "%one +( itse%#) it is on%( so,ething in

    onnetion *ith so,ething e%se) "nd in itse%# it is nothing. This neessit( o# thin/ing it is)

    *hih #ores one #ro, th"t point o# &ie* to the 3uestion; 9h"t is the ground o# the

    represent"tions or) *hih is e:"t%( the s",e) 9h"t is th"t *hih orresponds to the,

     No* the representation o# the independene o# the Ego "nd th"t o# the Thing "n &er(

    *e%% e:ist together +ut not the independene itself  o# +oth. On%( one "n +e the #irst) the

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     +eginning the independent8 the seond +( the &er( #"t o# +eing the seond) +eo,es

    neess"ri%( dependent upon the #irst) *ith *hih it is to +e onneted—no* *hih o# the

    t*o is to +e ,"de the #irst Re"son #urnishes no ground #or " deision8 sine the 3uestion

    onerns not the onneting o# one %in/ *ith "nother) +ut the o,,ene,ent o# the #irst

    %in/) *hih "s "n "+so%ute #irst "t is "%together ondition"% upon the #reedo, o#

    Thin/ing. @ene the deision is "r+itr"r(8 "nd sine this "r+itr"riness is ne&erthe%ess to

    h"&e " "use) the deision is dependent upon inclination "nd interest . The %"st ground)

    there#ore) o# the di##erene +et*een the Dog,"tist "nd the Ide"%ist is the di##erene o#

    their interest.

    The highest interest) "nd hene the ground o# "%% other interest) is th"t *hih *e

    #ee% for ourselves. Thus *ith the 'hi%osopher. Not to %ose his Se%# in his "rgu,ent"tion)

     +ut to ret"in "nd "ssert it) this is the interest *hih unonsious%( guides "%% his Thin/ing.

     No*) there "re t*o gr"des o# ,"n/ind8 "nd in the progress o# our r"e) +e#ore the %"st

    gr"de h"s +een uni&ers"%%( "tt"ined) t*o hie# /inds o# ,en. The one /ind is o,posed o# 

    those *ho h"&e not (et e%e&"ted the,se%&es to the #u%% #ee%ing o# their #reedo, "nd

    "+so%ute independene) *ho "re ,ere%( onsious o# the,se%&es in the represent"tion o#

    out*"rd things. These ,en h"&e on%( " desu%tor( onsiousness) %in/ed together *ith the

    out*"rd o+6ets) "nd put together out o# their ,"ni#o%dness. The( reei&e " piture o#

    their Se%# on%( #ro, the Things) "s #ro, " ,irror8 #or their o*n s"/e the( "nnot renoune

    their #"ith in the independene o# those things) sine the( e:ist on%( together *ith these

    things. 9h"te&er the( "re the( h"&e +eo,e through the outer 9or%d. 9hosoe&er is on%(

    " prodution o# the Things *i%% ne&er &ie* hi,se%# in "n( other ,"nner8 "nd he is

     per#et%( orret) so %ong "s he spe"/s ,ere%( #or hi,se%# "nd #or those %i/e hi,. The

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


     prinip%e o# the dog,"tist is; -"ith in the things) #or their o*n s"/e8 hene) ,edi"ted

    -"ith in their o*n desu%tor( se%#) "s si,p%( the resu%t o# the Things.

    But *hosoe&er +eo,es onsious o# his se%#

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    inte%%etu"% s%"&er() sho%"r%( %u:ur( "nd &"nit() *i%% ne&er e%e&"te the,se%&es to


    You "n sho* the dog,"tist the insu##iien( "nd inonse3uene o# his s(ste,) o# 

    *hih *e sh"%% spe"/ diret%(8 (ou "n on#use "nd terri#( hi, #ro, "%% sides8 +ut (ou

    "nnot convince hi,) +e"use he is un"+%e to %isten to "nd e:",ine *ith "%,ness *h"t

    he "nnot to%er"te. I# Ide"%is, shou%d pro&e to +e the on%( re"% 'hi%osoph() it *i%% "%so

    "ppe"r th"t " ,"n ,ust +e +orn " phi%osopher) +e edu"ted to +e one) "nd edu"te hi,se%# 

    to +e one8 +ut th"t no hu,"n "rt =no e:tern"% #ore> "n ,"/e " phi%osopher out o# hi,.

    @ene) this Siene e:pets #e* prose%(tes #ro, ,en *ho h"&e "%re"d( #or,ed their

    h"r"ter8 i# our 'hi%osoph( h"s "n( hopes "t "%%) it entert"ins the, r"ther #ro, the (oung

    gener"tion) the n"tur"% &igor o# *hih h"s not (et +een su+,erged in the *e"/<

    ,indedness o# the "ge.

    VI. But dog,"tis, is tot"%%( in"p"+%e o# e:p%"ining *h"t it shou%d e:p%"in) "nd this is

    deisi&e in reg"rd to its insu##iien(. It is to e:p%"in the represent"tion o# things) "nd

     proposes to e:p%"in the, "s "n e##et o# the Things. No*) the dog,"tist "nnot den( *h"t

    i,,edi"te onsiousness "sserts o# this represent"tion. 9h"t) then) does it "ssert thereo#

    It is not ,( purpose here to put in " oneption *h"t "n on%( +e g"thered in i,,edi"te

    onte,p%"tion) nor to e:h"ust th"t *hih #or,s " gre"t portion o# the Siene o#

    Kno*%edge. I *i%% ,ere%( re"%% to ,e,or( *h"t e&er( one) *ho h"s +ut #ir,%( %oo/ed

    *ithin hi,se%#) ,ust %ong sine h"&e diso&ered.

    The Inte%%igene) "s suh) sees itself ) "nd this seeing o# itse%# is i,,edi"te%(

    onneted *ith "%% th"t "ppert"ins to the Inte%%igene8 "nd this i,,edi"te uniting

    o# Being  "ndSeeing  the n"ture o# the Inte%%igene onsists. 9h"te&er is in the Inte%%igene)

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    *h"te&er the Inte%%igene is itse%#) the Inte%%igene is for itself 8 "nd on%( in so #"r "s it is

    this for itself is it this) "s Inte%%igene.

    I thin/ this or th"t o+6et No* *h"t does this ,e"n) "nd ho* do I "ppe"r to

    ,(se%# in this Thin/ing Not other*ise th"n thus; I produe ert"in onditions *ithin

    ,(se%#) i# the o+6et is " ,ere in&ention8 +ut i# the o+6ets "re re"% "nd e:ist *ithout ,(

    in&ention) I si,p%( onte,p%"te) "s " spet"tor) the prodution o# those onditions *ithin

    ,e. The( "re *ithin ,e on%( in so #"r "s I onte,p%"te the,8 ,( onte,p%"tion "nd their

    Being "re insep"r"+%( united.

    A Thing) on the ontr"r() is to +e this or th"t8 +ut "s soon "s the 3uestion is put; #or

    whom is it this No+od() *ho +ut o,prehends the *ord) *i%% rep%(; -or itse%# But he

    *i%% h"&e to "dd the thought o# "n Inte%%igene) for  *hih the Thing is to +e8 *hi%e) on the

    ontr"r() the Inte%%igene is se%#

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    itse%#. You ,"( gi&e this Other e&en " ,eh"ni"% po*er) "nd it *i%% tr"ns#er the reei&ed

    i,pression to the ne:t %in/) "nd thus the ,o&e,ent proeeding #ro, the #irst ,"( +e

    tr"ns#erred through "s %ong " series "s (ou hoose to ,"/e8 +ut no*here *i%% (ou #ind "

    %in/ *hih re"ts +"/ upon itse%#. Or gi&e the Other the highest 3u"%it( *hih (ou "n

    gi&e " thing— Sensibility —*here+( it *i%% #o%%o* the %"*s o# its o*n inner n"ture) "nd

    not the %"* gi&en to it +( the "use—"nd it *i%%) to +e sure) re"t upon the out*"rd "use8

     +ut it *i%%) ne&erthe%ess) re,"in " ,ere si,p%e Being) " Being #or " possi+%e inte%%igene

    outside o# it. The Inte%%igene (ou *i%% not get) un%ess (ou "dd it in thin/ing "s the

     pri,"r( "nd "+so%ute) the onnetion o# *hih) *ith this (our independent  Being) (ou

    *i%% #ind it &er( di##iu%t to e:p%"in.

    The series is "nd re,"ins " si,p%e one8 "nd (ou h"&e not "t "%% e:p%"ined *h"t

    *"s to +e e:p%"ined. You *ere to pro&e the onnetion +et*een Being "nd

    Represent"tion8 +ut this (ou do not) nor "n (ou do it8 #or (our prinip%e ont"ins ,ere%(

    the ground o# " Being) "nd not o# " Represent"tion) tot"%%( opposed to Being. You t"/e "n

    i,,ense %e"p into " *or%d) tot"%%( re,o&ed #ro, (our prinip%e. This %e"p the( see/ to

    hide in &"rious *"(s. Rigorous%(—"nd this is the ourse o# onsistent dog,"tis,) *hih

    thus +eo,es ,"teri"%is,8—the sou% is to the, no Thing "t "%%) "nd indeed nothing "t "%%)

     +ut ,ere%( " prodution) the resu%t o# the reipro"% "tion o# Things ",ongst the,se%&es.

    But this reipro"% "tion produes ,ere%( " h"nge in the Things) "nd +( no ,e"ns

    "n(thing "p"rt #ro, the Things) un%ess (ou "dd "n o+ser&ing inte%%igene. The si,i%es

    *hih the( "ddue to ,"/e their s(ste, o,prehensi+%e) #or inst"ne) th"t o# the

    h"r,on( resu%ting #ro, sounds o# di##erent instru,ents) ,"/e its irr"tion"%it( on%( ,ore

    "pp"rent. -or the h"r,on( is not in the instru,ents) +ut ,ere%( in the ,ind o# the he"rer)

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    *ho o,+ines *ithin hi,se%# the ,"ni#o%d into One8 "nd un%ess (ou h"&e suh " he"rer

    there is no h"r,on( "t "%%.

    But *ho "n pre&ent Dog,"tis, #ro, "ssu,ing the Sou% "s one o# the

    Things) per se"The sou% *ou%d thus +e%ong to *h"t it h"s postu%"ted #or the so%ution o# its

     pro+%e,) "nd) indeed) the "tegor( o# "use "nd e##et *ou%d there+( +e ,"de "pp%i"+%e

    to the Sou% "nd the Things—,"teri"%is, on%( per,itting " reipro"% "tion o# the Things

    ",ongst the,se%&es—"nd thoughts ,ight no* +e produed. To ,"/e the Cnthin/"+%e

    thin/"+%e) Dog,"tis, h"s) indeed) "tte,pted to presuppose Thing or the Sou%) or +oth) in

    suh " ,"nner) th"t the e##et o# the Thing *"s to produe " represent"tion. The Thing) "s

    in#%uening the Sou%) is to +e suh) "s to ,"/e its in#%uenes represent"tions8 God) #or

    inst"ne) in Ber/e%e(s s(ste,) *"s suh " thing. =@is s(ste, *"s dog,"ti) not

    ide"%isti.> But this does not +etter ,"tters8 *e underst"nd on%( ,eh"ni"% e##ets) "nd it

    is i,possi+%e #or us to underst"nd "n( other /ind o# e##ets. @ene) th"t presupposition

    ont"ins ,ere%( *ords) +ut there is no sense in it. Or the sou% is to +e o# suh " n"ture th"t

    e&er( e##et upon the Sou% turns into " represent"tion. But this "%so *e #ind it i,possi+%e

    to underst"nd.

    In this ,"nner Dog,"tis, proeeds e&er(*here) *h"te&er ph"se it ,"( "ssu,e.

    In the i,,ense gu%#) *hih in th"t s(ste, re,"ins "%*"(s open +et*een Things "nd

    Represent"tions) it p%"es " #e* e,pt( *ords inste"d o# "n e:p%"n"tion) *hih *ords ,"(

    ert"in%( +e o,,itted to ,e,or() +ut in s"(ing *hih no+od( h"s e&er (et thought) nor

    e&er *i%% thin/) "n(thing. -or *hene&er one "tte,pts to thin/ the ,"nner in *hih is

    "o,p%ished *h"t Dog,"tis, "sserts to +e "o,p%ished) the *ho%e ide" &"nishes into

    e,pt( #o",. @ene Dog,"tis, "n on%( repe"t its prinip%e) "nd repe"t it in di##erent

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    #or,s8 "n on%( "ssert "nd re

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


     p"rtiu%"r) "s #or inst"ne) in 4"the,"tis. I# persons o# this ,ode o# thin/ing see +ut "

    #e* %in/s o# the h"in "nd the ru%e) "ording to *hih on%usions "re dr"*n) the( "t

    one #i%% up the re,"ining p"rt through their i,"gin"tion) ne&er in&estig"ting #urther o#

    *h"t the( ,"( onsist. I#) #or inst"ne) "n A%e:"nder on $oh te%% the,; “A%% things "re

    deter,ined +( n"tur"% neessit(8 no* our represent"tions depend upon the ondition o#

    Things) "nd our *i%% depends upon our represent"tions; hene "%% our *i%% is deter,ined

     +( n"tur"% neessit() "nd our theor( o# " #ree *i%% is ,ere deeption!—then these peop%e

    thin/ it ,ighti%( o,prehensi+%e "nd %e"r) "%though there is no sense in it8 "nd the( go

    "*"( on&ined "nd s"tis#ied "t the stringen( o# this his de,onstr"tion.

    I ,ust "%% to ,ind) th"t the Siene o# Kno*%edge does not proeed #ro, this

    ,i%d *"( o# thin/ing) nor "%u%"te upon it. I# on%( " sing%e %in/ in the %ong h"in it h"s to

    dr"* does not #it %ose%( to the #o%%o*ing) this Siene does not pretend to h"&e

    est"+%ished "n(thing.

    VII. Ide"%is,) "s *e h"&e s"id "+o&e) e:p%"ins the deter,in"tions o# onsiousness #ro,

    the "ti&it( o# the Inte%%igene) *hih) in its &ie*) is on%( "ti&e "nd "+so%ute) not p"ssi&e8

    sine it is postu%"ted "s the #irst "nd highest) preeded +( nothing) *hih ,ight e:p%"in its

     p"ssi&it(. -ro, the s",e re"son "tu"% Existence "n not *e%% +e "sri+ed to the

    Inte%%igene) sine suh E:istene is the resu%t o# reipro"% "us"%it() +ut there is nothing

    *here*ith the Inte%%igene ,ight +e p%"ed in reipro"% "us"%it(. -ro, the &ie* o#

    Ide"%is,) the Inte%%igene is " oing ) "nd "+so%ute%( nothing e%se8 it is e&en *rong to "%%

    it an $ctive) sine this e:pression points to so,ething e:isting) in *hih the "ti&it( is


  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    But to "ssu,e "n(thing o# this /ind is "g"inst the prinip%e o# Ide"%is,) *hih proposes

    to dedue "%% other things #ro, the Inte%%igene. No* ert"in determined  represent"tions

     —"s) #or inst"ne) o# " *or%d) o# " ,"teri"% *or%d in sp"e) e:isting *ithout "n( *or/ o#

    our o*n—"re to +e dedued #ro, the "tion o# the Inte%%igene8 +ut (ou "n not dedue

    "n(thing deter,ined #ro, "n undeter,ined8 the #or, o# "%% dedutions) the "tegor( o#

    ground "nd se3uene) is not "pp%i"+%e here. @ene the "tion o# the Inte%%igene) *hih

    is ,"de the ground) ,ust +e " determined  "tion) "nd sine the "tion o# Inte%%igene

    itse%# is the highest ground o# e:p%"n"tion) th"t "tion ,ust +e so deter,ined by the

     Intelligence itself ) "nd not +( "n(thing #oreign to it. @ene the presupposition o# Ide"%is,

    *i%% +e this; the Inte%%igene "ts) +ut +( its &er( essene it "n on%( "t in " ert"in

    ,"nner. I# this neess"r( ,"nner o# its "tion is onsidered "p"rt #ro, the "tion) it ,"(

     proper%() +e "%%ed L"*s o# Ation. @ene) there "re neess"r( %"*s o# the Inte%%igene.

    This e:p%"ins "%so) "t the s",e ti,e) the #ee%ing o# neessit( *hih "o,p"nies

    the deter,ined represent"tions8 the Inte%%igene e:perienes in those "ses) not "n

    i,pression #ro, *ithout) +ut #ee%s in its "tion the %i,its o# its o*n Essene. In so #"r "s

    Ide"%is, ,"/es this on%( re"son"+%e "nd re"%%( e:p%"n"tor( presupposition o# neess"r(

    %"*s o# the Inte%%igene) it is "%%ed %ritical  or Transcendental Idealism. A tr"nsendent

    Ide"%is, *ou%d +e " s(ste, *hih *ere to undert"/e " dedution o# deter,ined

    represent"tions #ro, the #ree "nd per#et%( %"*%ess "tion o# the Inte%%igene; "n

    "%together ontr"ditor( presupposition) sine) "s *e h"&e s"id "+o&e) the "tegor( o#

    ground "nd se3uene is not "pp%i"+%e in th"t "se.

    The %"*s o# "tion o# the Inte%%igene) "s sure "s the( "re to +e #ounded in the one

    n"ture o# the Inte%%igene) onstitute in the,se%&es " s(ste,8 th"t is to s"() the #"t th"t

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    the Inte%%igene "ts in this p"rtiu%"r ,"nner under this p"rtiu%"r

    ondition is e:p%"in"+%e) "nd e:p%"in"+%e +e"use under " ondition it h"s "%*"(s "

    deter,ined ,ode o# "tion) *hih "g"in is e:p%"in"+%e #ro, one highest #und",ent"%

    %"*. In the ourse o# its "tion the Inte%%igene gi&es itse%# its o*n %"*s8 "nd this

    %egis%"tion itse%# is done +( &irtue o# " higher neess"r( "tion or Represent"tion. -or

    inst"ne) the %"* o# 7"us"%it( is not " #irst origin"% %"*) +ut on%( one o# the ,"n( ,odes

    o# o,+ining the ,"ni#o%d) "nd to +e dedued #ro, the #und",ent"% %"* o# this

    o,+in"tion8 this %"* o# o,+ining the ,"ni#o%d is "g"in) %i/e the ,"ni#o%d itse%#) to +e

    dedued #ro, higher %"*s.

    @ene) e&en 7riti"% Ide"%is, "n proeed in " t*o#o%d ,"nner. Either it dedues

    this s(ste, o# neess"r( ,odes o# "tion) "nd together *ith it the o+6eti&e

    represent"tions "rising there#ro,) re"%%( #ro, the #und",ent"% %"*s o# the Inte%%igene)

    "nd thus "uses gr"du"%%( to "rise under the &er( e(es o# the re"der or he"rer the *ho%e

    e:tent o# our represent"tions8 or it g"thers these %"*s—perh"ps "s the( "re "%re"d(

    i,,edi"te%( "pp%ied to o+6ets8 hene) in " %o*er ondition) "nd then the( "re "%%ed

    "tegories—g"thers these %"*s so,e*here) "nd no* "sserts) th"t the o+6ets "re

    deter,ined "nd regu%"ted +( the,.

    I "s/ the riti *ho #o%%o*s the %"st

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    h"&e o+t"ined the, +( "+str"tion #ro, these o+6ets) i.e. #ro, E:periene. It is o# no

    "&"i% i# he t"/es the,) +( " round"+out *"() #ro, %ogi) #or %ogi is to hi, on%( the resu%t

    o# "+str"tion #ro, the o+6ets) "nd hene he *ou%d do indiret%() *h"t diret%( ,ight

    "ppe"r too %e"r%( in its true n"ture. @ene he "n pro&e +( nothing th"t his postu%"ted

    L"*s o# Thin/ing "re re"%%( L"*s o# Thin/ing) "re re"%%( nothing +ut i,,"nent %"*s o#

    the Inte%%igene. The Dog,"tist "sserts in opposition) th"t the( "re not) +ut th"t the( "re

    gener"% 3u"%ities o# Things) #ounded on the n"ture o# Things) "nd there is no re"son *h(

    *e shou%d p%"e ,ore #"ith in the unpro&ed "ssertion o# the one th"n in the unpro&ed

    "ssertion o# the other. This ourse o# proeeding) indeed) #urnishes no underst"nding th"t

    "nd *h( the Inte%%igene shou%d "t 6ust in this p"rtiu%"r ,"nner. To produe suh "n

    underst"nding) it *ou%d +e neess"r( to pre,ise so,ething *hih "n on%( "ppert"in to

    the Inte%%igene) "nd #ro, those pre,ises to dedue +e#ore our e(es the %"*s o# Thin/ing.

    B( suh " ourse o# proeeding it is "+o&e "%% ino,prehensi+%e ho* the o+6et itse%# is

    o+t"ined8 #or "%though (ou ,"( "d,it the unpro&ed postu%"tes o# the riti the( e:p%"in

    nothing #urther th"n the &ualities "nd relations o# the Thing; =th"t it is) #or inst"ne) in

    sp"e) ,"ni#ested in ti,e) *ith "idenes *hih ,ust +e re#erred to " su+st"ne) .>

    But *hene th"t *hih h"s these re%"tions "nd 3u"%ities *hene then the su+st"ne

    *hih is %othed in these #or,s This su+st"ne Dog,"tis, t"/es re#uge in) "nd (ou h"&e

     +ut inre"sed the e&i%.

    9e /no* &er( *e%%; the Thing "rises on%( #ro, "n "t done in "ord"ne *ith

    these %"*s) "nd is) indeed) nothing e%se th"n all these relations gathered together by the

     power of imagination; "nd "%% these re%"tions together "re the Thing. The O+6et is the

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    origin"% S(nthesis o# "%% these oneptions. -or, "nd Su+st"ne "re not sep"r"tes8 the

    *ho%e #or,ness is the su+st"ne) "nd on%( in the "n"%(sis do *e "rri&e "t sep"r"te #or,s.

    But this the riti) *ho #o%%o*s the "+o&e ,ethod) "n) on%( "ssert) "nd it is e&en " seret

    *hene he /no*s it) i# he does /no* it. Cnti% (ou "use the *ho%e Thing to "rise +e#ore

    the e(es o# the thin/er) (ou h"&e not pursued Dog,"tis, into its %"st hiding p%"es. But

    this is on%( possi+%e +( %etting the inte%%igene "t in its *ho%e) "nd not in its p"rti"%


    @ene) "n Ide"%is, o# this h"r"ter is unpro&en "nd unpro&"+%e. Ag"inst

    Dog,"tis, it h"s no other *e"pon th"n the "ssertion th"t it is in the right8 "nd "g"inst the

    ,ore per#eted ritiis, no other *e"pon th"n i,potent "nger) "nd the "ssur"ne th"t (ou

    "n go no #urther th"n itse%# goes.

    -in"%%( " s(ste, o# this h"r"ter puts #orth on%( those %"*s) "ording to *hih

    the o+6ets o# e:tern"% e:periene "re deter,ined. But these onstitute +( #"r the s,"%%est

     portion o# the %"*s o# the Inte%%igene. @ene) on the #ie%d o# 'r"ti"% Re"son "nd o#

    Re#%eti&e $udg,ent) this h"%# ritiis,) %"/ing the insight into the *ho%e proedure o#

    re"son) gropes "+out "s in tot"% d"r/ness.

    The ,ethod o# o,p%ete tr"nsendent"% Ide"%is,) *hih the Siene o#

    Kno*%edge pursues) I h"&e e:p%"ined one +e#ore in ,( Ess"() 'n the %onception of the

    Science of Knowledge. I "nnot underst"nd *h( th"t Ess"( h"s not +een understood8 +ut

    su##ie it to s"() th"t I ", "ssured it h"s not +een understood. I ", there#ore o,pe%%ed to

    repe"t *h"t I h"&e s"id) "nd to re"%% to ,ind th"t e&er(thing depends upon the orret

    underst"nding thereo#.

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    This Ide"%is, proeeds #ro, " sing%e #und",ent"% L"* o# Re"son) *hih) is

    i,,edi"te%( sho*n "s ont"ined in onsiousness. This is done in the #o%%o*ing ,"nner;

    The te"her o# th"t Siene re3uests his re"der or he"rer to thin/ #ree%( " ert"in

    oneption. I# he does so) he *i%% #ind hi,se%# #ored to proeed in " p"rtiu%"r ,"nner.

    T*o things "re to +e distinguished here; The "t o# Thin/ing) *hih is re3uired—the

    re"%i?"tion o# *hih depends upon e"h indi&idu"%s #reedo,)—"nd un%ess he re"%i?es it

    thus) he *i%% not underst"nd "n(thing *hih the Siene o# Kno*%edge te"hes8 "nd the

    neess"r( ,"nner in *hih it "%one "n +e re"%i?ed) *hih ,"nner is grounded in the

    Essene o# the Inte%%igene) "nd does not depend upon #reedo,8 it is

    so,ething necessary) +ut *hih is on%( diso&ered in "nd together *ith " #ree "tion8 it is

    so,ething discovered ) +ut the diso&er( o# *hih depends upon "n "t o# #reedo,.

    So #"r "s this goes) the te"her o# Ide"%is, sho*s his "ssertion to +e ont"ined in

    i,,edi"te onsiousness. But th"t this neess"r( ,"nner is the #und",ent"% %"* o# "%%

    re"son) th"t #ro, it the *ho%e s(ste, o# our neess"r( represent"tions) not on%( o# "

    *or%d "nd the deter,inedness "nd re%"tions o# o+6ets) +ut "%so o# ourse%&es) "s #ree "nd

     pr"ti"% +eings "ting under %"*s "n +e dedued. A%% this is " ,ere presupposition)

    *hih "n on%( +e pro&en +( the "tu"% dedution) *hih dedution is there#ore the re"%

     +usiness o# the te"her.

    In re"%i?ing this dedution) he proeeds "s #o%%o*s; (e shows that the first

     fundamental law which was discovered in immediate consciousness) is not possible)

    unless a second action is combined with it) which again is not possible without a third

    action; and so on) until the conditions of the #irst are completely exhausted) and itself is

    now made perfectly comprehensible in its possibility. The te"hers ,ethod is " ontinu"%

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


     progression #ro, the onditioned to the ondition. The ondition +eo,es "g"in

    onditioned) "nd its ondition is ne:t) to +e diso&ered.

    I# the presupposition o# Ide"%is, is orret) "nd i# no errors h"&e +een ,"de in the

    dedution) the %"st resu%t) "s ont"ining "%% the onditions o# the #irst "t) ,ust ont"in the

    s(ste, o# "%% neess"r( represent"tions) or the tot"% e:periene8—" o,p"rison) ho*e&er)

    *hih is not instituted in 'hi%osoph( itse%#) +ut on%( "#ter th"t siene h"s #inished its


    -or Ide"%is, h"s not /ept this e:periene in sight) "s the pre/no*n o+6et "nd

    resu%t) *hih it shou%d "rri&e "t8 in its ourse o# proeeding it /no*s nothing "t "%% o#

    e:periene) "nd does not %oo/ upon it; it proeeds #ro, its st"rting point "ording to its

    ru%es) "re%ess "s to *h"t the resu%t o# its in&estig"tions ,ight turn out to +e) the right

    "ng%e) #ro, *hih it h"s to dr"* its str"ight %ine) is gi&en to it8 is there "n( need o#

    "nother point to *hih the %ine shou%d +e dr"*n Sure%( not8 #or "%% the points o# its %ine

    "re "%re"d( gi&en to it *ith the "ng%e. A ert"in nu,+er is gi&en to (ou. You suppose th"t

    it is the produt o# ert"in #"tors. A%% (ou h"&e to do is se"rh #or the produt o# these

    #"tors "ording to the *e%%

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    our re"soning) the( "re *h"t is "%%ed the a priori o# the hu,"n ,ind8 "nd in so #"r "s

    the( "re &ie*ed) "%so—i# the( shou%d "gree *ith e:periene—"s gi&en in e:periene)

    the( "re "%%ed a posteriori. @ene the a priori "nd the a posteriori "re) in " true

    'hi%osoph() not t*o) +ut one "nd the s",e) on%( &ie*ed in t*o di##erent *"(s) "nd

    distinguished on%( +( the ,"nner in *hih the( "re o+t"ined. 'hi%osoph( "ntiip"tes the

    *ho%e e:periene) thin*s it on%( "s neess"r(8 "nd) in so #"r) 'hi%osoph( is) in o,p"rison

    *ith re"% e:periene) a priori. The nu,+er is a posteriori) i# reg"rded "s gi&en8 the s",e

    nu,+er is a priori) i# reg"rded "s produt o# the #"tors. 9hosoe&er s"(s other*ise

    /no*s not *h"t he t"%/s "+out.

    I# the resu%ts o# " 'hi%osoph( do not "gree *ith e:periene) th"t 'hi%osoph( is

    sure%( *rong8 #or it h"s not #u%#i%%ed its pro,ise o# deduing the *ho%e e:periene #ro,

    the neess"r( "tion o# the inte%%igene. In th"t "se) either the presupposition o#

    tr"nsendent"% Ide"%is, is "%together inorret) or it h"s ,ere%( +een inorret%( tre"ted in

    the p"rtiu%"r represent"tion o# th"t siene. No*) sine the pro+%e,) to e:p%"in

    e:periene #ro, its ground) is " pro+%e, ont"ined in hu,"n re"son) "nd "s no r"tion"%

    ,"n *i%% "d,it th"t hu,"n re"son ont"ins "n( pro+%e, the so%ution o# *hih is

    "%together i,possi+%e8 "nd sine) ,oreo&er) there "re on%( t*o *"(s o# so%&ing it) the

    dog,"ti s(ste,) =*hih) "s *e h"&e sho*n) "nnot "o,p%ish *h"t it pro,ises> "nd

    the Ide"%isti s(ste,) e&er( reso%ute Thin/er *i%% "%*"(s de%"re th"t the %"tter h"s +een

    the "se8 th"t the presupposition in itse%# is orret enough) "nd th"t no #"i%ure in "tte,pts

    to represent it shou%d deter ,en #ro, "tte,pting it "g"in unti% #in"%%( it ,ust sueed. The

    ourse o# this Ide"%is, proeeds) "s *e h"&e seen) #ro, " #"t o# onsiousness—+ut

    *hih is on%( o+t"ined +( " #ree "t o# Thin/ing—to the tot"% e:periene. Its peu%i"r

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    ground is +et*een these t*o. It is not " #"t o# onsiousness "nd does not +e%ong *ithin

    the sphere o# e:periene8 "nd) indeed) ho* ou%d it +e "%%ed 'hi%osoph( i# it did) sine

    'hi%osoph( h"s to diso&er the ground o# e:periene) "nd sine the ground %ies) o# ourse)

     +e(ond the se3uene. It is the prodution o# #ree Thin/ing) +ut proeeding "ording to

    %"*s. This *i%% +e "t one %e"r) i# *e %oo/ " %itt%e %oser "t the #und",ent"% "ssertion o#

    Ide"%is,. It pro&es th"t the 'ostu%"ted is not possi+%e *ithout " seond) this not *ithout "

    third) .) .8 hene none o# "%% its onditions is possi+%e "%one "nd +( itse%#) +ut e"h

    one is on%( possi+%e in its union *ith "%% the rest. @ene) "ording to its o*n "ssertion)

    on%( the 9ho%e is #ound in onsiousness) "nd this 9ho%e is the e:periene. You *"nt to

    o+t"in " +etter /no*%edge o# it8 hene (ou ,ust "n"%(?e it) not +( +%ind%( groping "+out)

     +ut "ording to the #i:ed ru%e o# o,position) so th"t it "rises under (our e(es "s "

    9ho%e. You "re en"+%ed to do this +e"use (ou h"&e the po*er o# "+str"tion8 +e"use in

    #ree Thin/ing (ou "n ert"in%( t"/e ho%d o# e"h sing%e ondition. -or onsiousness

    ont"ins not on%( neessit( o# Represent"tions) +ut "%so #reedo, thereo#8 "nd this

    #reedo, "g"in ,"( proeed "ording to ru%es. The 9ho%e is gi&en to (ou #ro, the point

    o# &ie* o# neess"r( onsiousness8 (ou #ind it 6ust "s (ou #ind (ourse%#. But

    the composition o# this 9ho%e) the order o# its "rr"nge,ent) is produed +( #reedo,.

    9hosoe&er undert"/es this "t o# #reedo,) +eo,es onsious o# #reedo,) "nd thus

    est"+%ishes) "s it *ere) " ne* #ie%d *ithin his onsiousness8 *hosoe&er does not

    undert"/e it) #or hi, this ne* #ie%d) dependent thereupon) does not e:ist. The he,ist

    o,poses " +od() " ,et"% #or inst"ne) #ro, its e%e,ents. The o,,on +eho%der sees the

    ,et"% *e%% /no*n to hi,8 the he,ist +eho%ds) ,oreo&er) the o,position thereo# "nd the

    e%e,ents *hih it o,prises. Do +oth no* see di##erent o+6ets I shou%d thin/ not Both

  • 8/19/2019 Introduction to Fichte’s Science of Knowledge


    see the s",e) on%( in " di##erent ,"nner. The he,ists sight is) a priori; he sees the

    sep"r"tes8 the ordin"r( +eho%ders sight is a posteriori; he sees the 9ho%e. The on%(

    distintion is this; the he,ist ,ust #irst "n"%(?e the 9ho%e +e#ore he "n o,pose it)

     +e"use he *or/s upon "n o+6et o# *hih he "nnot /no* the ru%e o# o,position +e#ore

    he h"s "n"%(?ed it8 *hi%e the phi%osopher "n o,pose *ithout " #oregoing "n"%(sis)

     +e"use he /no*s "%re"d( the ru%e o# his o+6et) o# re"son.

    @ene the ontent o# 'hi%osoph( "n %"i, no other re"%it( th"n th"t o# neess"r(

    Thin/ing) on the ondition th"t (ou desire to thin/ o# the ground o# E:periene. The

    Inte%%igene "n on%( +e thought "s "ti&e) "nd "n on%( +e thought "ti&e in this

     p"rtiu%"r ,"nner Suh is the "ssertion o# 'hi%osoph(. And this re"%it( is per#et%(

    su##iient #or 'hi%osoph() sine it is e&ident #ro, the de&e%op,ent o# th"t siene th"t

    there is no other re"%it(.

    This no* desri+ed o,p%ete riti"% Ide"%is,) the Siene o# Kno*%edge intends

    to est"+%ish. 9h"t I h"&e s"id 6ust no* ont"ins the oneption o# th"t siene) "nd I sh"%%

    %isten to no o+6etions *hih ,"( touh this oneption) sine no one "n /no* +etter

    th"n ,(se%# *h"t I intend to "o,p%ish) "nd to de,onstr"te the i,possi+i%it( o# " thing

    *hih is "%re"d( re"%i?ed) is ridiu%ous.

    O+6etions) to he %egiti,"te) shou%d on%( +e r"ised "g"inst the e%"+or"tion o# th"t

    oneption) "nd shou%d on%( onsider *hether it h"s #u%#i%%ed *h"t it pro,ised to

    "o,p%ish or not.