introduction. 4 australia britain jamaica singapore

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Page 1: Introduction. 4 Australia Britain Jamaica Singapore


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Page 4: Introduction. 4 Australia Britain Jamaica Singapore

Reading and vocabulary(1)

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Reading and vocabulary(1)

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Reading and vocabulary(1)

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Reading and vocabulary(1)1. even if even though

even if: used for emphasizing that although something may happen or may be true, another situation remains the same

He's determined to prove his innocence, even if he has to go to the highest court in the land.

even though: used for introducing a fact that makes the main statement in your sentence very surprising

Most of us ignore this good advice, even though we know it to be true.

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Reading and vocabulary(1)even, even though, though

even 是副词,作“甚至”解,用来强调语气。它在句中的位置应靠近所强调的词或短语,否则会引起歧义。体会以下各句意思:She would not even enter my room.       Even she would not enter my room.   She would not enter even my room.   even though 和 though 都为连词,前者为“即使,纵使”,表示退一步设想,引导一个条件状语从句,含有不肯定的意味;后者为“虽然”,引导一个让步状语从句,表示的是一种事实。

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Reading and vocabulary(1)2. varietyThe shopping-centre sells a variety of goods.When the news of a free variety show at our lo

cal cinema got round, we all rushed to see it.At school we learn a variety of things. He didn't come for a variety of reasons.She made the children glad in a variety of way

s.for a variety of reasons 因种种理由in a variety of ways 用种种方法

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Reading and vocabulary(1)3. matterThis is a matter of no account.I can't see the visitors right now. I have an

urgent matter to attend to.I have an important matter to talk to you about. It doesn't matter if you are late. 'It doesn't matter,' I said. It doesn't matter if I miss this bus, I can walk.

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Reading and vocabulary(1)4. withinMy house is within walking distance of my

university.He learned to speak English within six

months! Within these old walls there was once a town. Success is within our grasp now.Please stay within hearing.He lives within 20 minutes’ walk.Do what's within your power!She felt the anger mounting up within her.

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Reading and vocabulary(1)5. count to count from 1 to 100 Count these apples. count it an honor (to do sth.) (把做某事)引以为荣 Every second counts. count onYou can count on my help.counted on getting a raise.

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Reading and vocabulary(1)6. caseThis is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.There are three cases of fever in school. In this case I'm acting for my friend Mr Smith.The case was settled out of court.Is that the case? No, that's not the case 以防;可能;倘若Take a hat with you in case the sun is very ho

t. in case of 如果;万一In case of rain they can't go.

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Reading and vocabulary(1)6. aimHe aimed with the gun. She aimed a pistol at the bandit point-blank.

He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.I aim to be a lawyer. He aimed to swim a mile. What is your aim in life? His aim was to swim a mile. aim at 向 ... 瞄准 ; 旨在 , 针对 ; 志在take aim (at) 瞄准

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Conversation 1 2 3 4AirportBus stationTaxi rankRailway stationAustraliaBritishJamaicanSingaporean

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Conversation 11 Why did the man miss the train?2 How long has he got to wait for the next one?3 How does the man sound (angry, happy etc.) ?

Listen and answer the questions

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Conversation 24 Where docs the woman want to go?5 What has happened to the bus?6 How docs the woman feel?


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ListeningConversation 3

7 What does the man complain about?8 What joke does he make?9 How dm the woman sound (polite, rude etc.) ?

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ListeningConversation 4

10 Why can't the man sit in the back?11 What does he decide to do?12 Is the man angry or calm?

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Reading and vocabulary(2)The future of English

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Reading and vocabulary(2)

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Reading and vocabulary(2)

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Reading and vocabulary(2)

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Reading and vocabulary(2)1. combineThe two small shops combined to make a

large one. The two principal political parties have

combined to form a government.

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Reading and vocabulary(2)2. connectWill you connect this wire to the television. This flight connects with New York one. Connect me with Beijing University.That solitary old man was suspected to beconnected with the crime.Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe. connect Dalian with the seaTheir families are now connected by marriage.I was again connected to the wrong person.

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Reading and vocabulary(2) join combine unite connect join 指“任何事物的直接连接 , 连接的程度可紧可松 , 还能分开”之意 combine 着重指“两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同目的而结合在一起 , 结合后原来部分可能仍不改变或失去其本性” unite 强调“紧密地结成一体” , 含“极难分开”之意 connect 语意较 combine 和 unite 弱 , 指“通过某种媒介物把事物连接起来 , 原物的特征还保持”

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Reading and vocabulary(2)3. acquireShe acquired a knowledge of the English by

careful study. Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an

acquired taste and are not in born.We must work hard to acquire a good

knowledge of English.We must cherish experience acquired at the

cost of blood.

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Reading and vocabulary(2) 4. complex complicated involved complex 指“包含许多(尤其是不同的)部分, 因而比较难懂或难解释的”This is a complex problem. complicated 指“各部分相互交错而变得错综复杂”What a complicated machine! I can’t possibly us

e it. involved 指“由于陷入某种麻烦与混乱而难以解决的”The real meaning of his remark is involved in am


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Reading and vocabulary(2)5. convinceHe convinced me that I should study law. We convinced Anne to go by train rather than

plane.He was convinced of his convinced of 确信, 承认be convinced that 确信, 承认be fully convinced 充分相信[半信]be half convinced 充分相信[半信]convince sb. of 使某人承认, 使某人信convince oneself of 充分弄明白[清楚]

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1. thusHe sold his farm and thus he had enough

money for his journey. There has been no rain — thus, the crops

are drying. He spoke thus.She studied hard; thus she got high marks.The text runs thus.

Reading Practice

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2.choose select pick choose 强调在“选择”某物时的意愿,特别是当供挑选物只有两个时,我们应当用 cho

ose有好几个东西供选择时,最好用 select. 因为有较多的被挑选物,挑选人就必须加以鉴别。pick 在用作“挑选”时,不强调鉴别,也不强调意愿。

Reading Practice

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3. adaptHe adapted himself to the cold weather. When he moved to Canada, the children

adapted to the change very well.Here is a letter adapted from DEAR

ABBY, Philadelphia Bulletin, March 9,1973.

The movie was adapted from a novel.She lacked the ability to adapt easily.

Reading Practice

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Reading Practice 4. achieveThe university has achieved all its goals this

year.He hopes to achieve all his aims soon. achieve one‘s purpose 达到目的achievesuccess 获得成功achieve victory 获得胜利This will help us achieve modernization.He achieved because he was a hard worker.

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Cultural Corner

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Cultural Corner 1. demandIt is impossible to satisfy all demands. Teachers are in demand in this area. This work demands your attention I demand that John (should) go there at once.This work demands your patience.The guard demanded her business.Where is my mother ?” demanded the little


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Cultural Corner 2. opportunityI have been offered a job. It's a great opportunit

y. I'll have another opportunity to visit the exhibiti

on next year.Opportunity makes the thief. ( 谚 ) 疏忽招盗贼。I take this opportunity of thanking you.

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Cultural Corner 3. curiousa curious glance 好奇的眼光curious neighbours 爱管闲事的邻居I'm curious to know what he said.What a curious mistake!There was a curious curious about 对 ( 某事物 ) 感到好奇be curious about sth. 对 ( 某事物 ) 感到好奇be curious to (do) 很想 ( 做 ); 渴望 ( 做 )(be) curious to say 说来稀奇

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Cultural Corner 4. fascinationThe city has a fascination for him. Old churches have a certain strange fasci

nation for me.FascinateThe changing vivid colours of the sunset

fascinated the eye.The very style of the old house fascinate
