internet basic of it20

IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

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Internet basic of it20


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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Page 2: Internet basic of it20

IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Assessment Policy and procedures

Please read the following AICL assessment policy and procedures carefully

All questions must be answered. This assessment is worth 60% marks and contributes 60% towards your final grade. Student must hand in assignment in hard copy and email soft copy to trainers email address You must provide the reference of all website you have visited and books have read to do this

assignment. Please note AICL has zero tolerance on Plagiarism, if your assessor finds that you have been

plagiarized you will get zero marks on this assignment, and you need to apply for reassessment by paying $250 re-assessment fee.

IntroductionThe purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge to be able to analyse the impact of the system on the organisation and carry out risk analysis, disaster recovery and contingency planning in the context of the case study scenario outlined below. This case study addresses each of the elements of competency for this unit as listed below.

Evaluate impact of system on business continuity Evaluate threats to system Formulate prevention and recovery strategy Develop disaster recovery plan to support strategy

You will be marked and assessed on the following criteria by your assessor:

a) Your understanding of the business in relation to business-critical functions, critical data and potential impact of risks and threats

b) Ability to carry out risk assessment on the current system situationc) The creation of the appropriate disaster recovery plan inclusive of a prevention and recovery

strategyThe results of the case study research and report will also be presented to your class in the form of a Short presentation for which you will also be assessed on.

InstructionsPlease read carefully the case study and assessment task details below.

You are required to produce and present information appropriate to the needs of the required context and to justify why you have made the recommendations in terms of the requirements of the case study.

You may use your student notes, trade magazines, periodicals, books, scholarly publications, web sites, etc. that you can find to obtain information to assist you in this assessment. In other words, you are not limited to scholarly sources. Make sure, however, that you keep accurate records on all sources of information so that you can document your sources with accurate in-text citations and in a reference section at the end of your case study report.

You are required to submit your completed Disaster Recovery Plan report to your assessor in hard copy format.

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Should you be deemed not yet competent by your assessor and require re-assessment. You will be informed by your assessor of the AICL process for re-assessment. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was in fact incorrect please refer to your student handbook for information on assessment appeals the required steps you are to undertake.


1) Examine the college area and produce a risk assessment matrix for the perceived risk you discover. Classify them at the levels you consider to be correct.

2) Using the information gathered in task one, research and develops a full disaster recovery plan for AICL. This plan should take into account the building layout, replacement of student resources, computers, and software and office equipment and include a prevention strategy

You will also need to contact different supplies to find out about the type of maintenance contracts that they offer and also request if they can supply information about the maintenance contracts where possible.

Using the internet will assist in this matter, as some of the larger supplies such as DELL have details online of their maintenance contracts.

Following guidelines need to be covered when you submit your assignment:

1) Executive summary

2) Acknowledgement

3) Table of contents

4) Clarity: Overall clarity of expression.

5) Completeness: How well has the chosen area been covered.

6) Originality: Is it your own work?

7) Reference: you have to show me at least 5 references that you have used for this assignment

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity


Web designer Web Programmer A person who designs and prepares

content for the World Wide Web, including text, images, site architecture and multimedia.

Somebody who designs the structure and graphics of a website with the use of html / CSS / Photoshop etc

A person who does coding for any website’s mean web programmer is known as who made web pages.

Somebody who writes codes that may run on the server such as php(or browser-type - JavaScript) that can query a database and pull tables, write login systems, Email systems etc.

Skill required for this post (web designer)

Web Designers are at the very least graphic artists experienced with Photoshop and/or Illustrator, and frankly if they are a "web" designer, then would be experienced with XHTML and CSS and possibly entry level at things like JavaScript and maybe DHTML for design

Skill required:1. HTML, CSS, Photoshop & Macromedia(Dreamweaver , Flash)

Skill required for this post (web developer)

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

We Developers essentially deals with the functionality. They do things like creating databases and applications as well as architecture to communicate between web based services and applications such as for payment processing, real-time shipping rate quotes, etc. They use a wide array of development applications and may develop in any of several environments such as PHP/MySQL, ASP or ASP.NET(VB & C#)/MS SQL, or may others ( ColdFusion, JSP, CGI, and on and on ), not to mention JavaScript, AJAX, etc. . . . and of course, developers need to be very skilled at XHTML and CSS ( but especially the markup ). They are also the guys that have to wade through technical documentation such as API's and SDK's.

Skill required::



I may not apply in these positions right now as I have just a basic knowledge of server side scripting.

1. I am not ready to became a certified web professional as I lack knowledge of server side. I need an intensive training for scripting and database.a. PHP/MySQL, ASP or ASP.NET(VB & C#)/MS SQL,

b. Photoshop and macromedia Flash.

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

3. Web project management is challenging because to develop a rela good website with all the standards maintained is not easy.For that a lot of things has to be considered.To maintain everything good project management is needed .These are the reasons why project management is important for a successful web projects:

a. Various aspects needed for a web project, from creative to technical has to be managed appropriately .

b. Proper planning makes a better website.c. Various aspects like – how long a project will take, how much it will cost, what

resources and skills are required - with respect to internal and external teams has to be considered.

d. Delivery teams tend to be of varying quality and experience and therefore require close supervision

e. Because of the background of many project sponsors, the objectives of web projects are often not clearly defined.  Strong project management is required for crystal clear vision throughout the life cycle of the develepment.

This is a methodology for developing webs

1. Planning 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Implementation 5. Promotion 6. Innovation

Two web development methodologies which are typically used on web development project

Evaluation methodologies:

Size: It's hard to get people to read documentation at the best of times, so a thick

document explaining the methodology was unlikely to be effective. Chances were that, if

we had a 100-page guide with a 10-page summary at the end, most people would use

only the summary.

Cost:Anything that cost money would have to be justified; the less money

that was required, the better.

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

2. W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) The standards body of the Web Founded and headed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. W3C defines and develops the protocols that ensure the universality of the Web, including HTML, HTTP, XML and many others. It is heavily involved in the development of web services standards, most notably SOAP and WSDL. A major project of the W3C is to use XML as the foundation for creating the Semantic Web. Purpose

It allows internet user to check HTML documents for conformance to HMTL or XHTML standards. It also provides a quick method for web page authors to check their posted pages for mark-up errors

3 standards needed as a web designer:

1. CSSCascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a used to describe the presentation semantics (that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL.

2. HTMLIt stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. It can include or can load scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML processors like Web browsers; and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational markup

3. Xhtml

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, or XHTML, is a family of XML markup languages that mirror or extend versions of the widely used Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language in which web pages are written.

While HTML (prior to HTML5) was defined as an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a very flexible markup language framework, XHTML is an application of XML, a more restrictive subset of SGML. Because XHTML documents need to be well-formed, they can be parsed using standard XML parsers—unlike HTML, which requires a lenient HTML-specific parser.

5. Difference between client side and server side technologies

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Client side technologies Server side technologies Client-side programming is run on the

user's computer. An example of client-side programming is JavaScript. It can be used to run checks on form values and send alerts to the user's browser. The problem with client-side scripts is the limit of control and problems with operating systems and web browsers. Since programming a website involves users with several options of computer software, it's difficult for programmers to account for any bugs in the code or compatibility issues with browsers.

Code written in Javascript is often included in an basic HTML code and it’s executed at the client explorer.This kind of code is visible to everybody.


<script language=”JavaScript”>

var v = new Date()







Server-side scripts are run on the server. This reduces the amount of bugs or compatibility issues since the code is run on one server using one language and hosting software. Server-side programming can also be encrypted when users send form variables, protecting users against any hack attempts. Some examples of server-side programming languages are C#, VB.NET, and PHP.

Server side script is processed at server after server get request for a PHP document.After request for a PHP document was sent, server is processing PHP code and it generates HTML code that is sent to a client.



$time= date(”H:i:s”);

echo $time;


ExamplesClient side

Java script HTML

Server side


6. My favorite website is

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

This is the site I mostly visit for any kind of information from technical to adventure.Although some content is technical, knowledge-hungry kids will find this site worth the read. Ads are present, but are kid friendly and by far the least interesting part of the web page. Also, I like this site for children because it encourages reading for personal pleasure and imaginativeness/curiosity: Two things those are not always easy to instill in some children. Also, the content is aimed at all age groups, kids to seniors. Because of this, the language (minus technical terms) is easy to read and understand, and adults can find interesting topics, too. From, "how bed bugs work" to, "how credit scores work," any curious, literate person can enjoy

My best website is has to be one of my favorite websites I recently stumbled upon. You can literally find out how to do something right here on the website. They can tell you how to do almost anything, and that is what I like about this website. The website is from people like me and you, and everyone has their own opinion about something. There may be 20 articles on how to make tomato soup, but everyone has their own different touch or ingredient. It is a really good website which I find quite addicting.

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

If you love to write, this might be the website for you. You have the opportunity to sign up for their writer’s compensation program and make money off of the articles that you share on the website. I would not expect to become rich off the website, but it is a great way to put some extra cash in your pocket.You could make a lot more money if you promoted the things you wrote, but I never really got into article promotion. I just love to share my knowledge with everyone. I cannot stress how addicting this website truly is, so be cautioned when checking this out.The website does not cost anything to join, and I highly recommend you give this one a try.

The worst websites which I have seen is

An advertisement on a church web site! You have to click to enter the site to get to the “real” home page, which is a whirling collection of Flashturbation that would make a Sufi dizzy.

If you turned up the sound to hear the advertisement, you're in real trouble. The volume of the screaming guitar on the home page is louder than the ad

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IT20 (Internet Basics) class activity

Yes there is the evidence to suggest the site was w3c complaint

Mark up language is HTML

They use Style sheet ---CSS.Client side technology is HTMLNo Server side technology can be seen.Web authoring tool is Dreamweaver.Macromedia Flash embedded.