intermediate results of istent or istent inject a real-world setting: a longitudinal...

ORIGINAL RESEARCH Intermediate Results of iStent or iStent inject Implantation Combined with Cataract Surgery in a Real-World Setting: A Longitudinal Retrospective Study Ricardo Augusto Paletta Guedes . Daniela Marcelo Gravina . Jonathan Clive Lake . Vanessa Maria Paletta Guedes . Alfredo Chaoubah Received: December 12, 2018 / Published online: February 5, 2019 Ó The Author(s) 2019 ABSTRACT Introduction: In this real-world, retrospective, comparative study we evaluated 6-month per- formance and safety in consecutive eyes fol- lowing implantation of the iStentÒ or iStent injectÒ trabecular micro-bypass device with concomitant cataract surgery. Methods: Performance outcomes included intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction; glaucoma medication reduction; proportions of eyes achieving an IOP of \ 18, \ 16, \ 14, or \ 12 mmHg; and proportions of eyes on 0, 1, 2, or C 3 medications. Safety outcomes inclu- ded adverse events, secondary surgeries, and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Results:A total of 73 eyes with open-angle glaucoma and cataract were included in the study; of these, 38 eyes were implanted with the iStent device and 35 were implanted with the iStent inject device. The two groups of patients had similar baseline characteristics, with the exception of mean age and medication burden (both higher in patients receiving the iStent inject device); over 90% of eyes in both groups had early glaucoma. At 6 months after surgery, mean IOP had fallen from 16.5 ± 3.9 to 13.9 ± 2.3 mmHg in eyes with the iStent implant (p \ 0.001), and from 17.3 ± 3.0 to 12.7 ± 1.8 mmHg in those with the iStent inject implant (p \ 0.001). This reduction was signifi- cantly greater in the iStent inject eyes than in the iStent eyes (26.6 vs. 15.8%) (p = 0.005). Signifi- cantly more eyes receiving the iStent inject de- vice compared to the iStent device achieved an IOP of \ 18 mmHg at 6 months post surgery (100 vs. 86.8%) (p = 0.033). Average medication usage was reduced from 1.8 to 0.4 medications in iStent eyes (p \ 0.001) and from 2.3 to 0.4 medications in iStent inject eyes (p \ 0.001). Over 70% of eyes in both groups became medi- cation-free by 6 months post implantation. Adverse events in iStent eyes were mild and resulted in no sequelae; two iStent eyes under- went non-penetrating deep sclerectomy during follow-up. No complications or secondary surg- eries were noted in iStent inject eyes. All eyes in both groups maintained or showed improved BCVA versus baseline. Conclusion: Significant and safe IOP and med- ication reductions were observed after iStent or iStent inject implantation with concomitant Enhanced digital features To view enhanced digital features for this article go to m9.figshare.7618775. R. A. P. Guedes (&) Á D. M. Gravina Á V. M. P. Guedes Paletta Guedes Eye Institute, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] R. A. P. Guedes Á A. Chaoubah Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil J. C. Lake Cataract and Glaucoma Department, Brasilia Vision Hospital, Brasilia, DF, Brazil Ophthalmol Ther (2019) 8:87–100

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Page 1: Intermediate Results of iStent or iStent inject a Real-World Setting: A Longitudinal Retrospective Study Ricardo Augusto Paletta Guedes. Daniela Marcelo Gravina. Jonathan Clive


Intermediate Results of iStent or iStent injectImplantation Combined with Cataract Surgeryin a Real-World Setting: A Longitudinal RetrospectiveStudy

Ricardo Augusto Paletta Guedes . Daniela Marcelo Gravina .

Jonathan Clive Lake . Vanessa Maria Paletta Guedes . Alfredo Chaoubah

Received: December 12, 2018 / Published online: February 5, 2019� The Author(s) 2019


Introduction: In this real-world, retrospective,comparative study we evaluated 6-month per-formance and safety in consecutive eyes fol-lowing implantation of the iStent� or iStentinject� trabecular micro-bypass device withconcomitant cataract surgery.Methods: Performance outcomes includedintraocular pressure (IOP) reduction; glaucomamedication reduction; proportions of eyesachieving an IOP of\18,\16,\ 14,or\12 mmHg; and proportions of eyes on 0, 1,2, or C 3 medications. Safety outcomes inclu-ded adverse events, secondary surgeries, andbest-corrected visual acuity (BCVA).Results: A total of 73 eyes with open-angleglaucoma and cataract were included in thestudy; of these, 38 eyes were implanted with the

iStent device and 35 were implanted with theiStent inject device. The two groups of patientshad similar baseline characteristics, with theexception of mean age and medication burden(both higher in patients receiving the iStentinject device); over 90% of eyes in both groupshad early glaucoma. At 6 months after surgery,mean IOP had fallen from 16.5 ± 3.9 to13.9 ± 2.3 mmHg in eyes with the iStentimplant (p\0.001), and from 17.3 ± 3.0 to12.7 ± 1.8 mmHg in those with the iStent injectimplant (p\0.001). This reduction was signifi-cantly greater in the iStent inject eyes than in theiStent eyes (26.6 vs. 15.8%) (p = 0.005). Signifi-cantly more eyes receiving the iStent inject de-vice compared to the iStent device achieved anIOP of\ 18 mmHg at 6 months post surgery(100 vs. 86.8%) (p = 0.033). Average medicationusage was reduced from 1.8 to 0.4 medicationsin iStent eyes (p\ 0.001) and from 2.3 to 0.4medications in iStent inject eyes (p\0.001).Over 70% of eyes in both groups became medi-cation-free by 6 months post implantation.Adverse events in iStent eyes were mild andresulted in no sequelae; two iStent eyes under-went non-penetrating deep sclerectomy duringfollow-up. No complications or secondary surg-eries were noted in iStent inject eyes. All eyes inboth groups maintained or showed improvedBCVA versus baseline.Conclusion: Significant and safe IOP and med-ication reductions were observed after iStent oriStent inject implantation with concomitant

Enhanced digital features To view enhanced digitalfeatures for this article go to

R. A. P. Guedes (&) � D. M. Gravina �V. M. P. GuedesPaletta Guedes Eye Institute, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazile-mail: [email protected]

R. A. P. Guedes � A. ChaoubahFederal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG,Brazil

J. C. LakeCataract and Glaucoma Department, Brasilia VisionHospital, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Ophthalmol Ther (2019) 8:87–100

Page 2: Intermediate Results of iStent or iStent inject a Real-World Setting: A Longitudinal Retrospective Study Ricardo Augusto Paletta Guedes. Daniela Marcelo Gravina. Jonathan Clive

cataract surgery. Trends toward greater effec-tiveness and fewer adverse events were observedwith the iStent inject device compared with theiStent device.Funding: Article processing charges were pro-vided by Glaukos Corporation.

Keywords: Cataract; Glaucoma; Intraocularpressure; iStent; iStent inject; Microinvasiveglaucoma surgery; Second-generation; Stent;Trabecular micro-bypass


The permanent optic nerve damage associatedwith glaucoma makes it the leading cause ofirreversible blindness worldwide. All existingtherapies, both medical and surgical, aim tolower intraocular pressure (IOP), which remainsthe primary risk factor linked to glaucoma pro-gression and visual field decline. Indeed, con-siderable data support the strong relationshipbetween reduced IOP and reduced glaucomaprogression and vision loss [1–4]; this wasquantified in the landmark Early ManifestGlaucoma Trial (EMGT) to be approximately10% decreased risk of glaucoma progression perevery 1 mmHg IOP reduction [1].

Historically, the glaucoma treatment land-scape has consisted of medications and/or lasertrabeculoplasty as initial treatment, while inci-sional filtering surgeries, such as trabeculec-tomy, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy, andtube implants, have rounded out the moreinvasive end of the treatment spectrum [5]. Theeffectiveness of medications may be limited bylocal and systemic side effects, poor adherencerates, difficulty with instillation, complex dos-ing regimens, and ocular surface hypersensitiv-ities [6–10], while the utility of lasertrabeculoplasty is curbed by its waning treat-ment effect over time [11]. Filtering surgeriesyield considerable IOP reduction, but carry risksthat include hypotony, infection, bleb-relatedcomplications, and/or choroidal detachment[12–14]. Over the past two decades, micro-in-vasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) has gained anincreasing role in glaucoma treatment, and itmay be particularly useful in patients whose

disease lies between the aforementioned twoextremes on the treatment spectrum.

A substantial body of peer-reviewed evidencehas been amassed on the iStent implant (Glau-kos Corp., San Clemente, CA, USA), which isthe first MIGS device to be approved by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration, and its morerecent iteration, the iStent inject implant(Glaukos Corp.) [15–43]. These studies havedemonstrated sizable, durable reductions in IOPand medication burden, combined with favor-able safety. Results have been achieved in avariety of clinical settings, including with andwithout cataract surgery, in mild to severeglaucoma, in primary open-angle glaucoma aswell as pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and ocularhypertension, in controlled clinical trials andsingle-surgeon case series, in comparative andnon-comparative studies, and in evaluations ofsingle or multiple stents.

Either the iStent (containing one stent) oriStent inject (containing two stents, each withthe newer design) devices (Fig. 1) were implan-ted in the eyes included in the present study.Both devices are designed to decrease IOP bycreating a patent pathway for aqueous humor toexit the anterior chamber through the

Fig. 1 The iStent� and iStent� inject trabecular micro-bypass stents, with relative dimensions

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trabecular meshwork into Schlemm’s canal. Theinclusion of both devices in the cohort allowedus to compare not only one versus two stents,but more importantly to assess the additionalbenefit of the iStent inject device itself. Suchadditional benefit may emerge due to the pres-ence of four lateral outlet lumens per stent toallow aqueous fluid to exit from the anteriorchamber, potentially maximizing the numberof clock-hours of outflow, and also due to thedevice’s greater procedural efficiency, whicheases the learning curve for surgeons and con-ceivably results in more straightforward, com-plication-free implantation.

The rationale behind the use of multipleversus single stents evolved from preclinical andlaboratory studies to clinical trials and single-surgeon case series. Laboratory investigations byHunter et al. [44] and Bahler et al. [45, 46], forexample, and supportive biomechanical modelsby Johnstone et al. [47], have demonstrateddecreased outflow resistance and reduced IOPafter single and double stent placement. Inthese studies, the bulk of IOP and resistancereduction was achieved after the first stent, withincremental benefit achieved with additionalstent placement.

Clinical studies have mirrored these preclin-ical findings. A prospective randomized trial byKatz et al. [33] compared one, two, and threeiStents in a standalone procedure (i.e., withoutconcomitant cataract surgery), and Belovayet al. [39] and El Wardani et al. [40] evaluatedtwo or three iStents during cataract surgery. Theresults of these three studies confirmed thatmost IOP reduction is owed to the first stent andthat each additional stent yields further IOP andmedication reduction.

The present study represents a natural evo-lution from these prior investigations, withside-by-side outcomes of both the iStent andiStent inject devices in a clinical setting. In thisstudy we assessed the safety and effectivenessoutcomes during 6 months following theimplantation of either the iStent or iStent injectdevice in combination with cataract surgery ineyes with mild to moderate open-angle glau-coma. To our knowledge, this is the first studywith head-to-head data on the two devices, as

observed in a real-world setting in the hands ofa single surgeon at a single site.


In this longitudinal retrospective study, weevaluated all consecutive eyes implanted witheither the iStent or iStent inject devicewith concomitant cataract surgery from June2017 to April 2018. All surgeries were performedin a single center by the same surgeon (R.G.).The choice between implants was based on theiravailability in the Brazilian market. From June2017 to November 2017, only the iStent tra-becular bypass was commercially available foruse, while use of the iStent inject device steadilyincreased after its approval by the Brazilianregulatory agency in November 2017. Since thelevel of experience can confound surgical out-comes, we excluded the first ten iStent cases andthe first five iStent inject cases from this eyecohort. Thus, all eyes included in this studywere unaffected by the surgeon’s learning curve.

Eligible patients were over 18 years of ageand had open-angle glaucoma, cataract requir-ing surgery, and the need for IOP and/or med-ication reduction; follow-up data were availablefor the entire 6 months following surgery. Eyeswith missing data, shorter follow-up than6 months, and/or significant coexisting oculardiagnoses that could confound the effect of thesurgery were excluded.

Main effectiveness outcomes included per-centage IOP reduction, percentage medicationreduction, and proportion of patients achievingdifferent levels of IOP control at the end of thefollow-up (IOP\ 18 mmHg,\ 16 mmHg,\14mmHg, or\12 mmHg). Safety outcomesincluded adverse events, secondary surgicalinterventions, and best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA). IOP was measured by Goldmannapplanation, and BCVA was measured using astandard Snellen chart. Proper positioning ofthe iStent and iStent inject was verified bygonioscopy examination, which was performedboth during surgery and at all clinical exami-nations throughout the follow-up.

Chi-square test and Student’s t test were usedfor the analysis of categorical and numerical

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variables, respectively. Statistical analysis wasperformed using SPSS statistical software (IBMCorp., Armonk, NY, USA), with a p value of 0.05as the threshold for statistical significance.

All procedures were in accordance with theInstitutional Review Board of the PalettaGuedes Eye Institute and with the 1964 Helsinkideclaration and its later amendments or com-parable ethical standards. Given that this was aretrospective outcomes analysis that includedonly patients from the surgeon’s real-worldclinical population who already had receivedtreatment, formal clinical trial registration wasnot required. As it was a retrospective studybased on information on the patients’ medicalrecords, informed consent from study partici-pants was not necessary.


Demographics and Baseline OcularCharacteristics

A total of 73 eyes met inclusion criteria andcomprised the study population. These inclu-ded 38 eyes receiving an iStent implant and 35eyes receiving an iStent inject for which 6months of postoperative follow-up data wereavailable. The mean ± standard deviation agewas 70.9 ± 9.0 years. The majority of patientswere female (65.8%). Glaucoma stage was early,moderate and advanced in 97.3, 1.4, and 1.4%of study eyes, respectively.

Table 1 presents the preoperative compar-ison between groups. Groups were statisticallycomparable in baseline IOP, laterality (right orleft eye), glaucoma stage, and baseline visualacuity. The two implant groups differed in theirmean age (patients receiving the iStent injectdevice were an average of 8 years older) and thenumber of medications at baseline (patientsreceiving the iStent inject device had a highermean number of medications).

Intraocular Pressure

Mean IOP in the iStent group was reducedfrom 16.5 ± 3.9 mmHg at baseline to

Table 1 Demographic and baseline ocular characteristicsaccording to the iStent and iStent inject groups


iStentdevice(n = 38eyes)

iStentinjectdevice(n = 35eyes)

p value(between-groupcomparison)

Age (years) 67.1 ± 8.8 75.1 ± 7.1 \ 0.001a

Baseline IOP


16.5 ± 3.9 17.3 ± 3.0 0.275a


number of


1.8 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 1.0 0.019a


Caucasian 60.5% 82.6% 0.122b



39.5% 17.4%


Male 28.9% 40.0% 0.227b

Female 71.1% 60.0%

Glaucoma stage

Early 100% 94.2% 0.189b

Moderate 0.0% 2.9%

Advanced 0.0% 2.9%

Baseline visual acuity

20/30 or


47.4% 34.3% 0.101b

20/40 up to

(but not



52.6% 57.1%

20/200 or


0.0% 8.6%

Values in table are presented as the mean ± standarddeviation (SD) or as the percentage, as appropriateIOP Intraocular pressurea Student’s t testb Chi-square test

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13.9 ± 2.3 mmHg at 6 months post implanta-tion(p\0.001). In the iStent inject group, meanIOP dropped from 17.3 ± 3.0 at baseline to12.7 ± 1.8 mmHg at 6 months post implanta-tion (p\0.001). Mean percentage IOP reduc-tion was significantly greater in eyes receivingthe iStent inject device (26.6%) than in thosereceiving the iStent implant (15.8%)(p = 0.005).

Figure 2 shows the mean IOP through the6 months of follow-up for the overall eyecohort. Figure 3 and Table 2 show the mean IOPthrough the 6 months of follow-up for eachstudy group separately. Statistically significantreductions in IOP versus baseline were achievedat all time points in the iStent inject group, andat all but two time points (Days 15 and 30) inthe iStent group. IOP distribution into differentIOP thresholds at the end of follow-up isshown in Table 3. Although baseline IOP wasstatistically similar between groups, at

6 months post surgery, significantly moreiStent inject eyes than iStent eyes achievedan IOP of\ 18 mmHg (p = 0.033) and IOPof \12 mmHg (p = 0.04). More eyes with theiStent inject implant also achieved the other IOPthresholds at 6 months, but the between-groupdifference was not statistically significant atthese latter thresholds (84.2 and 55.3% of iStenteyes vs. 88.6 and 71.4% of iStent inject eyesachieved a final IOP\16 and\14 mmHg,respectively; p[ 0.05).


In eyes implanted with the iStent device, themean number of medications reduced from 1.8at baseline to 0.4 medications at 6 months postsurgery (77.8% reduction; p\ 0.001); in eyesimplanted with the iStent inject device, medi-cation usage reduced from 2.3 to 0.4 medica-tions over the same time period (82.6%

Fig. 2 Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) from baseline to 6 months (Day 180) post surgery in the overall cohort (n = 73eyes). p\ 0.001 at all postoperative visits. Vertical bars represent the standard error (SE)

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reduction; p\ 0.001) (Fig. 4). Prior to surgery(i.e. at baseline) 63.1 and 74.3% of eyes in theiStent and iStent inject groups, respectively,were on C 2 glaucoma medications, and 5.3and 0% of eyes, respectively, were medication-free (Fig. 5a, b). By 6 months post surgery, asimilarly high number of eyes in both groups

had become medication-free (71.1% in iStenteyes and 74.3% in iStent inject eyes; p = 0.482)(Fig. 5a, b). The medication regimen postoper-ative was either decreased or maintained versusthe preoperative (baseline) regimen for all eyesin both implant groups.

Table 2 Intraocular pressure from baseline to 6 months post surgery according to type of implant


IOP (mmHg), iStent device(n = 38 eyes)a

IOP (mmHg), iStent inject device(n = 35 eyes)a

p valueb (between-groupcomparison of IOP at eachtime point)

Baseline 16.5 ± 3.9 17.3 ± 3.0 0.275

Day 1 13.7 ± 3.3 (p = 0.001) 11.9 ± 3.0 (p\ 0.001) 0.022

Day 15 15.3 ± 4.2 (p = 0.135) 14.0 ± 3.2 (p\ 0.001) 0.133

Day 30 15.2 ± 4.1 (p = 0.074) 13.9 ± 3.0 (p\ 0.001) 0.152

Month 3 13.8 ± 2.8 (p\ 0.001) 12.9 ± 1.8 (p\ 0.001) 0.116

Month 6 13.9 ± 2.3 (p\ 0.001) 12.7 ± 1.8 (p\ 0.001) 0.014

Values in table are presented as the mean ± SDa Paired Student’s t test (comparison vs. baseline); i.e., p value in each cell for IOP at that time point vs. baselineb Student’s t test (comparison between groups)

Fig. 3 Mean IOP from baseline to 6 months (Day 180)post surgery according to type of implant (iStent, n = 38eyes; iStent inject, n = 35 eyes). p\ 0.001 at all

postoperative visits in eyes with the iStent inject device,and at all but two visits (Days 15 and 30) in eyes with theiStent device. Vertical bars represent SE

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Both implant groups demonstrated favorablesafety. Intraoperatively, there were two cases oftechnical difficulty with stent implantation(iStent eyes) that resulted in no sequelae and

two cases of mild hemorrhagic reflux at theimplantation site that resolved without inter-vention by postoperative Week 1. No eyes withthe iStent inject device experienced an intraop-erative complication (difference in intraopera-tive complication rate between groups:p = 0.142, not significant). Gonioscopy wasperformed intraoperatively and at all postoper-ative examinations; no significant problems instent position were identified in either group atany point during the study. During the entire6-month follow-up, all eyes in both groupsmaintained or improved their visual acuityversus baseline (preoperative), which is consis-tent with expectations for phacoemulsificationcataract surgery. A minority of eyes (42.9%)presented a visual acuity of 20/30 or better atbaseline, whereas 85.7% had that visual acuitylevel at the 6-month follow-up time point.

Only one eye (2.6%) with the iStent implanthad an adverse event during the entire6 months of follow-up. This one eye had

Table 3 Proportional analysis of intraocular pressure at6 months post surgery according to type of implant

IOPthresholdat 6 months



p valuea (between-group comparisonof percentage ofeyes at each IOPthreshold)

IOP\ 18 mmHg 86.8 100.0 0.033

IOP\ 16 mmHg 84.2 88.6 0.422

IOP\ 14 mmHg 55.3 71.4 0.118

IOP\ 12 mmHg 7.9 25.7 0.040

a Chi-square test (comparison between groups)

Fig. 4 Mean number of medications from baseline to 6 months (Day 180) post surgery according to type of implant(iStent, n = 38 eyes; iStent inject, n = 35). p\ 0.001 at all postoperative visits in both groups. Vertical bars represent SE

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peripheral anterior synechiae resulting in stentocclusion at 3 months post surgery, which wascorrected in-office by Nd:YAG laser iridotomyand resulted in no further sequelae. No adverseevents were reported for eyes with the iStentinject implant.

During the follow-up, two eyes with theiStent implant underwent secondary surgery(non-penetrating deep sclerectomy). In one of

these eyes, the IOP became elevated after sys-temic steroid medication was given for asthma;no associated stent malfunction was noted. TheIOP remained elevated in this eye despite topi-cal medications, and systemic steroid with-drawal was not medically safe, so the decisionwas made to undertake surgery. In the secondeye, IOP elevation occurred at approximately2 months post surgery and did not have any

Fig. 5 Proportional analysis of medication use at baseline (Preoperative) and at 6 months (Day 180) post surgery. a iStentgroup (n = 38 eyes), b iStent inject group (n = 35 eyes)

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known cause or stent malfunction. The patienthad dry eye and medication hypersensitivities,so surgery was considered instead of additionalmedication to manage the IOP. There were nosecondary surgeries in the iStent inject group.


This real-world, single-surgeon study providesthe first side-by-side comparative data on iStentand iStent inject devices in eyes with glaucoma.Outcomes for 6 months following surgeryshowed favorable safety and meaningful reduc-tions in IOP and medication, with a directionaltrend toward better outcomes with the iStentinject device versus the iStent device. Thesefindings were achieved in a real-world clinicalsetting and included all-comers, rather than aselection of only certain patients to yield posi-tive outcomes. This approach allows for greatergeneralizability to physicians and patientsseeking a suitable glaucoma treatment.

Clinically and statistically significant IOPreductions from baseline were observed in bothimplant groups at Month 6 (p\0.001). Thesereductions are particularly notable given therelatively well-controlled IOP in both groupspreoperatively (16.5 and 17.3 mmHg, respec-tively), which predisposes to modest postoper-ative IOP reductions [30].

The postoperative 6-month IOP range ofapproximately 12.5–14.0 mmHg is also signifi-cant given that these ab-interno (inside the eye)stent procedures act on the trabecular outflowpathway, where IOP reaches the physiologiclower limit of episcleral venous pressure. Thepotential for these trabecular stents to produceIOP reduction is not expected to be as dramaticas suprachoroidal or subconjunctival proce-dures; however, their trabecular location alsounderlies their lower safety risks compared tosuprachoroidal or subconjunctival surgeries.

Although our limited sample size prevents usfrom drawing definitive conclusions, direc-tional trends can be discerned in our compar-ison of the postoperative IOP and medicationsfor the two groups. The IOP reduction in eyeswith the iStent inject implant was approxi-mately double that of those eyes receiving the

iStent implant (26.6 vs. 15.8%, respectively;p = 0.005). Several factors may contribute tothis significant difference. As shown in pre-clinical studies, and subsequently borne out inthe clinical arena [33, 39, 40, 44–47], thegreatest reduction in IOP and outflow resistancecomes from the first stent, with additionalstents resulting in incrementally greater reduc-tions in outflow resistance and IOP beyondthose achieved by the first.

Both groups in our study were able to reducetheir medication burden by over 80%, with adecrease of 1.4 medications in the iStent groupand a decrease of 1.9 medications in the iStentinject group. The medication regimen frompreoperative (baseline) to 6 months post surgerywas either decreased or maintained in all eyes inboth groups, and over 70% of eyes in bothgroups became medication-free by 6 months.The most salient benefits of reducing medica-tion reliance are threefold: (1) medicationeffectiveness is dependent upon treatmentadherence, which is known to be low in themajority of glaucoma patients; (2) topicalmedications result in local and systemic sideeffects and ocular surface compromise; (3) andmedications carry costs associated with thedrops themselves and with the additional care-giving and office visits needed to monitormedication regimens [6–10]. This latter draw-back has been included in several recent popu-lation-based cost-effectiveness analyses of iStentsurgery, which have shown the durablecost–benefit of stent surgery versus alternativetreatment options [48–51].

The safety profile of both groups was excel-lent, corroborating the existing body of evi-dence showing favorable safety of these devices[15–43]. All eyes maintained or improved visualacuity from their preoperative (baseline) levels,suggesting no negative impact of stent implan-tation upon the visual improvement expectedwith cataract surgery. There were no reports ofthe complications seen with filtering surgeries,such as hypotony, choroidal detachment,endophthalmitis, bleb-related complications, orinfection [12–14]. During the 6 months ofpostoperative follow-up, adverse events occur-red in the iStent group only, and these werelimited and resulted in no sequelae. Two eyes

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with iStent implants had secondary surgery(non-penetrating deep sclerectomy) due to IOPelevation with no associated stent malfunction.There were no adverse events or secondarysurgeries recorded in the iStent inject group.

Although both the iStent and iStent injectdevices performed well in this cohort of eyes,the safety and effectiveness outcomes in the twogroups suggest a treatment advantage favoringiStent inject over iStent. This advantage may beattributed to several characteristics of the devicedesign. First, the presence of two stents, ratherthan one, in the trabecular meshwork allows forgreater IOP-reducing potential, as shown inprior clinical and preclinical studies. Second,each individual iStent inject stent has four lat-eral outflow lumens, with the aim to maximizethe number of clock-hours accessed for outflow.Finally, the iStent inject implantation procedureis considered to be more straightforward andefficient than that of the iStent, leading to aflatter and shorter learning curve for surgeons.This procedural elegance also conceivablyallows for fewer complications with the iStentinject device than with the iStent device, as wasobserved in this study.

Because all patients underwent combinedtrabecular microbypass stent–cataract surgery, itwas not possible to separate the IOP effect ofcataract extraction versus stent implantation.Thus, patients’ postoperative outcomes shouldbe understood in the context of expected IOPreductions after phacoemulsification alone. Asestablished in the literature, post-phacoemulsi-fication IOP reduction is estimated tobe\ 2 mmHg [52, 53] and/or to be 16.5%reduced [54] versus baseline IOP. Eyes withhigher preoperative IOP are known to havegreater postoperative IOP reduction [54]. In thepresent study, the majority of eyes had earlyglaucoma and relatively well-controlled preop-erative IOP (16.5 and 17.3 mmHg in the iStentand iStent inject eyes, respectively), therebypredisposing to smaller reductions during thepostoperative period. Despite this modestexpectation, the study observed IOP reductionsof 2.6–4.6 mmHg in the two groups (p\0.001for both); and equally importantly, these IOPreductions were achieved while also reducing

the medication burden by 1.4–1.9 medicationsin the two groups (p\0.001 for both).

Several limitations to our study should bementioned. There was a modest number of eyesin each group. The study was intended to be aretrospective, non-comparative, preliminaryoutcomes analysis for iStent and iStent injecttechnologies in Brazil; however, future researchcould include prospective comparative trials,trials with larger sample sizes, and/or multi-center trials. All surgeries were completed by asingle surgeon, and the groups were drawn fromthe surgeon’s real-life clinical population andthus were not identical; however, this real-world format may enhance applicability tocurrent clinical settings by including a hetero-geneous patient base unconstrained by theinclusion/exclusion criteria of traditional pro-duct-registration trials. There was no controlgroup of cataract surgery only for comparison tothe stent–cataract surgery groups. However,given that IOP and medications are numericmeasurements, and medication decisions weremade by the same doctor before and after sur-gery, patients’ preoperative IOP and medicationnumber may be considered to be valid com-parators for postoperative values. No medica-tion washouts were undertaken, as this couldcompromise the ocular health of these real-world glaucoma patients. However, given thatpre- and post-operative IOP and medicationswere reported in the same eyes, patients’ pre-operative values were considered to be reason-able comparators for postoperative efficacy.This study covers outcomes during a 6-monthpostoperative period, as the iStent and iStentinject devices are relatively new technologies inBrazil. Thus, the results represent some of thefirst available data available in Brazil and for thissurgeon. Future reports may include data withlonger periods of follow-up.


These preliminary real-world data demonstratesignificant reductions in IOP and number ofanti-glaucomatous eye drops after implantationof either the iStent or iStent inject trabecularmicro-bypass stent model. Implantation of the

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iStent inject device led to higher relative reduc-tions in IOP and medication number and feweradverse events versus implantation of the iStentdevice. A prospective study with a larger popu-lation and longer follow-up is necessary to val-idate these findings.


We thank the participants of the study.

Funding. No financial sponsorship wasreceived for the work in this study. Article pro-cessing charges were funded by Glaukos Cor-poration. All authors had full access to all of thedata in this study and take complete responsi-bility for the integrity of the data and accuracyof the data analysis.

Editorial Assistance. Editorial Assistance inthe form of Medical Writing was conducted byDr Dana Hornbeak from Glaukos Inc. Since allauthors of the manuscript are native in thePortuguese language, Dr Dana Hornbeak hadthe courtesy to revise the English language inthe text. Neither Dr. Hornbeak or Glaukos Inc.charged us for doing this service.

Authorship. All named authors meet theInternational Committee of Medical JournalEditors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for thisarticle, take responsibility for the integrity ofthe work as a whole, and have given theirapproval for this version to be published.

Disclosures. Ricardo Augusto Paletta Guedeshas the following disclosures: consultant toGlaukos; Alcon; Allergan; OphtaVision Brasil.Daniela Marcelo Gravina, Jonathan Clive Lake,Vanessa Maria Paletta Guedes and AlfredoChaoubah have nothing to disclose.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Allprocedures were in accordance with the Insti-tutional Review Board of the Paletta Guedes EyeInstitute and with the 1964 Helsinki declarationand its later amendments or comparable ethicalstandards. Given that this was a retrospectiveoutcomes analysis, including only patients from

the surgeon’s real-world clinical populationwho already had received treatment, formalclinical trial registration was not required. As itwas a retrospective study, based on informationon the patients’ medical records, informedconsent from study participants was notnecessary.

Data Availability. The datasets generatedduring and/or analyzed during the currentstudy are available from the correspondingauthor on reasonable request.

Open Access. This article is distributedunder the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalLicense (, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproductionin any medium, provided you give appropriatecredit to the original author(s) and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license,and indicate if changes were made.


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