interannual variability in the extratropical ocean carbon system scott doney ( whoi) -ubiquitous!!...

Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney (WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change -New approaches & experimental designs Dore et al. (2002) Hawaii Ocean Time-Series

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Page 1: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System

Scott Doney (WHOI)

-Ubiquitous!!-Physical climate modes-Mechanisms & climate change-New approaches & experimental designs

Dore et al. (2002)

Hawaii Ocean Time-Series

Page 2: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Interannual Variability in Global Carbon Cycle


-Ocean sequesters ~30% of fossil fuel CO2

-Variability dominated by land sinks but role for the oceans-Primary global signal associated with ENSO events






Cape Grim(CSIRO)



Fossil Fuel


1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000



El Nino

La Nina

Mauna Loa(Scripps/NOAA)

(R J Francey, pers. Com)

Atmospheric CO2 growth rate

Page 3: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

El Niño : 0.2-0.4 PgC/yNon El Niño : 0.7-0.9 PgC/yAverage: 0.6±0.2 PgC/y

-Dense time/space coverage-Agreement among field data, ocean models & “top-down” atmospheric estimates

Feely et al. (2003)

Equatorial Pacific

Bousquet et al. (2000)

ocean modelatmosphere


Le Quere et al. (2000)(also Obata et al. 2003)


Page 4: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Natural Climate Modes


NAO: North Atlantic OscillationPDO: Pacific Decadal OscillationAAO: Antarctic Oscillation

-Shift of mass from subpolar lows and subtropical highs-Changes in winds, SST, ocean convection, freshwater flux, …-”Intrinsic” atmospheric variability (ocean, stratosphere)-Tropical-extratropical interactions

Wang and Schimel (2003)

Surface Pressure Anomaly

Page 5: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Regional Spatial Patterns

Wang and Schimel (2003)

-Modes expressed on regional (sub-basin) scales with significant cancellation (dipole pattern)-Historical and future climate change appear to project onto natural modes-Spatial patterns may evolve with time

Correlation-0.6 +0.8

NAO Index

20001950 20501900


Page 6: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

SubtropicalNorth Atlantic

Gruber et al. (2002)

Negative NAO => +WML -SST +entrainment +production +CO2 uptake

Extrapolate to subtropical gyre =>±0.2 PgC/y

whole basin =>±0.3 PgC/y

Mixed Layer


CO2 uptake



Page 7: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change


Pacific Decadal Oscillation ML Anomaly

Wang & Schimel (2003)

Karl et al. (2001)

DepthIntegrated Chlorophyll

Hare & Mantura (2000)


Subtropicalnutrient limited prod.+ML => +Chlorophyll + ProductionSubpolar/Polarlight limited prod.-ML => +Productionmultiple impacts on higher trophic levels (e.g. zooplankton, fisheries, mammels)

Page 8: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Climate Change Response

-Regional climate change signals-Surface warming, high latitude freshening, increased stratification, reduced mixed layer depths & sea-ice -Productivity lower in subtropics, higher in subpolar


Sarmiento et al. (submitted)

Page 9: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Multi-Century Coupled Carbon/Climate Simulations

Net CO2 Flux (Pg C/yr)-1.5


-Fully prognostic land/ocn BGC and carbon/radiation-“Stable” carbon cycle and climate over 200y-Projection of climate change on natural modes-Detection & attribution

Surface Temp.13.6


Fung, Doney, Lindsay & John2000 year

Page 10: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Variability Mechanisms Particle






.1 Fresh-water

mol C/m^2

Fung, Doney, Lindsay & John

-Regions of high variability in North Atlantic & Pacific, tropics and Southern Ocean-Mechanisms differ across regions

Page 11: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Atmospheric Dust Deposition

-Significant interannual variability, particularly in the North Atlantic-Driven mostly by atmospheric transport, not sources-Largest fraction is synoptic, within month variability

Mahowald et al. (2003)

(standard deviation/mean)

Page 12: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change


Air-seaCO2 flux

Zonal Anomalies

N2 Fixation

Doney, Dusenberry, Moore & Mahowald

Page 13: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data (1997-2003)

Page 14: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

April 2000Oct. 1998

Coherent Regional-Scale Patterns

SeaWiFS Monthly Anomaly SeaWiFS Monthly Anomaly

Page 15: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Antarctic Circumpolar Wave

Le Quere et al. (2002)

-Positive/negative physical anomalies propagate around southern ocean with 8-10 year time-scale-Ocean color variability appears coherent across basin-Differential regional biological responses to mixed layer depth changes depending on light versus nutrient limitation

Page 16: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change



Local GlobeOceanBasin

Regional(500 km)







Process Studies

Repeat Sections

Surface transectsFloats/driftersOcean Observatories



Atm. CO2


New Technology & Observational Paradigms

Page 17: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change


AcknowledgementsJ. Dusenberry & S. McCue WHOI K. Lindsay NCARNSF and NSF/ONR NOPPCCSM & the NCAR CSL

-Common feature of almost all ocean time-series-Regional time-space structured by climate modes & biology-Natural experiments for studying climate change response-Require more spatially “extensive” design for ocean observation

Page 18: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

LeQuere et al. (2000)

Obata et al. (2003)

Global & Extratropical Variability

LeQuere: ±0.4 (70% Eq. Pac.)Obata: ±0.23 (>50% Eq. Pac. ~30% Southern)-Only partial reconciliation with atmosphere inversions-Poor data coverage outside of equatorial Pacific

Bousquet et al. (2003)

Page 19: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change
Page 20: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Regional Spatial Patterns

Wang and Schimel (2003)

-Modes expressed on regional (sub-basin) scales with significant cancellation (dipole pattern)-Historical and future climate change appear to project onto natural modes-Spatial patterns may evolve with time

Correlation Correlation-0.6 +0.8 +0.8-0.6

Page 21: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Monthly SeaWiFS Ocean Color Anomalies

standard deviation

standard deviation/mean

Page 22: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

-DIC supply (dominant) & export out of phase-General agreement among field data, ocean models & “top-down” atmospheric estimates-But what about the extratropics?

Obata et al. (2003)

Obata et al. (2003)

physicsexport air-sea


Equatorial Pacific

Bousquet et al. (2000)

ocean modelatmosphere


Le Quere et al. (2000)

Page 23: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Antarctic Circumpolar Wave

Le Quere et al. (2002)



Wind Stress& CO2 fluxAnomalies

Obata et al. (2003)

-Ocean response to annular mode in the atmosphere-Different regional biological responses to mixed layer depth changes-Air-sea CO2 flux correlated with wind stress/speed

Page 24: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Global Carbon Cycle

Doney and Schimel (2001)

-Ocean sequester ~30% of fossil fuel CO2

-Human perturbations overlay large natural background C cycle-Climate responses and feedbacks of ocean C sink not well known

Page 25: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Physical & Biological Controls

pCO2 = f(Temp., Salinity, DIC, Alkalinity) + (+) + -

Net Community Prod.

Winter mixed layer



Nutrient/DIC Supply


Winds, Heat & Freshwater Fluxes Dust/iron CO2 O2


Regenerated Prod.

Page 26: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Greene et al. 2003 Chavez et al. 2003

-Impacts on both biomass and species competition-Multi-decadal “regime shifts” integrating higher frequency climate variability

Community Structure & Higher Tropic Levels

Page 27: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

Climate Modes & Change Change

Page 28: Interannual Variability in the Extratropical Ocean Carbon System Scott Doney ( WHOI) -Ubiquitous!! -Physical climate modes -Mechanisms & climate change

SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data (1997-2003)