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Scientia Iranica A (2015) 22(2), 299{312

Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

Transactions A: Civil

Integrating RFID, web-based technology, and arti�cialintelligence in engineering management

C.-H. Ko�

Department of Civil Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1, Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 91201,Taiwan.

Received 29 November 2012; received in revised form 27 May 2014; accepted 9 August 2014

KEYWORDSRadio frequencyidenti�cation (RFID)technology;Web-based systems;Arti�cial intelligence;Integration;Management.

Abstract. Radio frequency identi�cation (RFID) technology is emerging as an importanttechnology for improving management e�ciency. Web-Based Systems (WBS) are particu-larly useful for managing operations spread over multiple locations. Arti�cial Intelligence(AI) can be used to process uncertain and incomplete information which inevitably occurs inthe real world. This study aims to enhance managerial e�ciency through the integrationof RFID, web-based technologies, and arti�cial intelligence. RFID is primarily used toidentify managerial objects, while web-based technology is used for data management, andAI is used to analyze the collected data. A real case is used to validate the applicabilityof the proposed method. Experimental results show that the integration of RFID, web-based systems, and AI can be e�ectively applied in a practical environment. The proposedmethod can improve managerial e�ciency, data transfer, data quality, and service processtime. This study is one of the �rst to investigate the integration of RFID technology withweb-based technology and AI.© 2015 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Radio frequency identi�cation (RFID) technology ischaracterized by repetitive read/rewrite, non-contactaccess to multiple tags. In recent years, RFID hasemerged as a key technology for management sys-tems [1-6], and its application has been the subjectof many studies. Cardellino and Finch [7] surveyedinnovations in facilities management and recommendedRFID as having promise in the �eld. Wing [8] inves-tigated RFID technology applications in constructionmanagement, presenting a case study in which RFIDtags were used to collect data which was then passedthrough the Internet to supervisors. The location andstatus of equipment can also be controlled within abuilding by RFID tags. Legner and Thiesse [9] appliedthe technology to maintenance at Frankfurt Airport

*. Tel.: +886 8 7703202; Fax: +886 8 7740122E-mail address: [email protected]

by integrating RFID and a mobile application withthe airport's asset management systems. Ergen etal. [10] used RFID to overcome di�culties encounteredin facilities maintenance, and thus removed restrictionson data transfer between maintenance workers. Ko [11]proposed a positioning algorithm using a passive lo-cation schema to allocate objects using RFID. Thedeveloped location sensing algorithm is able to identifythe actual location of the target tags by iterativerevisions to reduce positioning error.

A Web-Based System (WBS) is a software ap-plication that can be executed on web pages throughthe Internet [12,13]. A WBS can be accessed fromanywhere, which is particularly useful for operationsspread over multiple locations [14,15]. This advantagehas led to web-based systems being widely appliedin diverse areas such as resource planning, education,medicine and environmental management [16-19].

Arti�cial Intelligence (AI) is concerned withbuilding computer systems that solve problems intel-

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ligently by emulating human behavior [20,21]. AItechnology provides techniques allowing computer pro-grams to carry out a variety of tasks which are currentlybetter performed by humans. Computer systems canstore huge amounts of data and run computationsfree of subjectivity [22], allowing AI to serve as analternative approach to deal with decision-makingproblems [23]. AI is frequently used to solve complex,uncertain and incomplete problems such as Li andShi's [24] use of arti�cial neural networks for weatherforecasting. To minimize production costs, Taleizadehet al. [25] optimized multiproduct multi-constraintinventory control systems using genetic algorithms. Keand Liu [26] used Fuzzy Logic (FL) to allocate resourcesrequired by project schedules so as to balance totalcosts and completion time.

RFID technology, WBSs, and AI are complemen-tary rather than competitive. Engineering manage-ment frequently entails simultaneously dealing with alarge number of managerial tasks. A method thatprovides e�cient and robust object identi�cation canbe very helpful for achieving management purposes.Managerial operations require continuous retrieval oflarge amounts of data, and enabling the retrieval andanalysis of such data from diverse locations in realtime would provide signi�cant bene�ts to managers.Although previous studies have explored the promise ofapplying these three technologies for problem solving,little research has been devoted to the developmentof a comprehensive system for their integration. Theprimary objective of this study is to integrate RFID,web-based technologies and AI to enhance manageriale�ciency. This study presents an investigation of RFIDtechnology, WBS, and Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs),followed by an explanation of the research methodologyused and the integration framework. The e�ciencyof the proposed system is examined using a real-lifemaintenance problem, documenting application resultsand presenting conclusions.

2. Background

2.1. Radio frequency identi�cation technologyRFID is a wireless sensor technology �rst proposedby Stockman [27] to identify useful applications for\re ected-power communication." One of the �rstlarge-scale commercial uses was documented in the1990s in electronic toll collection on US highwaysin Texas, Oklahoma, and Georgia [28]. Since then,RFID has been used across multiple industries and hascontinued to advance in functionality and capability.Today RFID is a generic term for technologies that useradio waves to automatically identify people or objects.

As shown in Figure 1, a typical RFID systemconsists of three parts: an antenna, a transceiver,and a transponder. In the �gure, radio signals are

Figure 1. RFID system.

emitted by the transceiver through the antenna. Thetransponder (RF tag) is activated and data on it areread and written by the requested signals sent fromthe antenna. The RF tag transfers data accordingto request sent from transceiver. The transceiver isresponsible for acquiring data from signals returnedfrom the transponder. The data can consequently betransferred to any computer system for processing [3].The antenna can be packaged with the transceiver asa compact reader/writer which can be implementedeither as a mobile or a �xed-mount device. The rangeof radio waves emitted from the device depends on itspower output and the radio frequency used.

Unlike barcodes, RFID technology can dynami-cally transmit and receive information to help identifyobjects without \line-of-sight". Information storedin the tag can be modi�ed, providing exibility formanagerial modi�cation. Information Technology (IT)using RFID can be applied to overcome the problemswhich limit traditional solutions (e.g., alphanumericcodes and barcode labels) [29].

2.2. Web-Based Systems (WBSs)WBS architecture typically consists of three tiers, asshown in Figure 2 [30]. The storage tier is usedfor storing system data. Data collected during man-agerial operation period are stored in the database.The application logic involves system modules anddatabase connections. RFID software applications anddatabase management information system function inthe layer. The presentation tier is used to interact withthe application logic layer, which includes graphicalinterfaces.

Figure 3 shows how computational e�ciency isdriven by web and database servers. Web systemfunctions are programmed and transferred throughhttp/https protocols. The system inputs and outputsare stored in the database. Users can implementsystem functions through their browser. Under thisarchitecture, multiple users can simultaneously andremotely interact with the system through the internet.

2.3. Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs)One of the most popular AI paradigms, an FNN, is theintegration of FL with arti�cial neural networks [31,32].FL was �rst developed by Zadeh in the 1960s to

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Figure 2. Web-based system conceptual architecture.

represent uncertain and imprecise information [33]. Ina broad sense, FL is synonymous with fuzzy set theory,that is, the theory of classes with unclear boundaries.In a narrow sense, FL is a logic system intended toserve as approximate reasoning [34]. Fuzzy Logic Sys-tems (FLSs) simulate the process of high level humandecision making, and aims to model imprecise modes ofreasoning to make rational decisions in an environmentof uncertainty and imprecision. As shown in Figure 4,FLSs generally contain four major components: thefuzzi�er, the inference engine, the rule base and thedefuzzi�er [35].

The arti�cial neural network concept originatedfrom work modeling the brain in the 1950s. Arti�-cial neural networks are massively parallel distributedprocessors made up of simple processing units (neu-rons), which perform computations and store informa-tion [22]. Modeling functions of the brain providesan alternative approach to conventional methods. Asshown in Figure 5, a typical multi-layer feed-forwardnetwork consists of three types of layers: input layer,hidden layers, and an output layer. Combining FLand neural networks into an integrated model haspromised in the development of intelligent modelscapable of recreating qualities which characterize thehuman brain [36].

Figure 4. Fuzzy logic systems.

Figure 5. Multi-layer feed forward networks.

Figure 6. Integration structure.

3. Research methodology

The objective of this study is to enhance manageriale�ciency by integrating RFID, web-based technologiesand AI. The methodology used to integrate these threetechnologies is shown in Figure 6. RFID technologyuses waves to automatically identify objects. Thischaracteristic allows for the transmission and recep-tion of information without \line-of-sight", providingadvantages such as allowing rapid, multiple scanning ata distance [11]. Low-cost passive RFID tags typicallyhave a limited memory capacity but, from a managerialperspective, the identi�ed objects may contain signi�-cant amounts of related information which cannot becompletely stored in the RF tags. One way to solve

Figure 3. Web-based system application architecture.

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this problem is to store object data in the databaseand provide a linkage between database and the tag.WBSs provide a platform through which data can bemanaged from multiple locations. Platform integrationenhances managerial e�ciency through the remoteand automatic connection of object ID and relatedinformation. The row data linked with object ID storedin the database frequently reveals trends related to theapplication [37]. AI techniques can capture complexinputs and out mappings, and is thus adopted here toanalyze the row data. The proposed method integratesRFID, web-based technology and AI to provide aframework to capture, manage and analyze data. Theintegration of these three methods has the potential toenhance managerial e�ciency.

4. Identifying objects

This research uses RFID technology to identify objects.Portable RFID (read/write) devices are adapted formobility and managerial purposes. RFID devicesare chosen according to weight, transmission power,size, interface, price, and frequency range. Mobiledevices require light weight and small size, whiletransmission power and frequency range are key tooptimizing scanning distance; interface control is akey concern in determining appropriate software de-velopment tools, and price is considered as part ofthe deployment cost. Numerous RFID devices canbe found in the market, but the list can be narroweddown to a few candidates according to the followingconditions: Ultra High Frequency (UHF), light weight,small size, Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection,Visual Basic. NET programmable, PC compatible,and low cost. Ultimately, the Ensyc RFID Block wasselected, along with Gen 2 passive RFID tags with thecorresponding communications protocol. Active RFIDtags were excluded from the current application due toeconomic considerations. Figure 7 shows the selectedRFID hardware. The devices can be controlled usingprogramming languages, such as C, C# and VisualBasic.NET. Speci�cations of the selected device aresummarized as follows:

� RF output frequency range: 860 Mhz - 960 MHz;

� Power supply: USB;

� Dimensions: 114.3 � 114.3 � 50.8 mm;

� Weight: 220 g;

� Communications protocols: EPC Class1 GEN1 andGEN2;

� Software development kit: Visual Basic.NET;

� Tag size: 94.9 � 7.9 mm;

� Tag protocol: GEN2.

Figure 7. Selected RFID hardware.

The selected RFID device, Ensyc RFID Block, isattached to a tablet PC by USB, as shown in Figure 6.Ensyc RFID Block is used to read from and write tothe RFID tag. The Wi-Fi enabled tablet PC thentransmits the tag information to the database serverthrough the internet. The process of sending andreceiving data between the RFID tag and the VisualBasic.NET project solution is shown in Figure 8. Theprogram integrates an \RFIDBlock" class developedby the RFID manufacturer to control RFID BlockReader. A public class \Reader" is declared to enu-merate reader commands. \MyReader" is de�ned asa Reader. To access the database server, a visualBasic.NET component \SqlClient.SqlConnection" isused to specify the data source and security settings.RFID tag information is read using the \ReadTag()"method de�ned in the Class \Reader." Tag informationcan also be written using the \writeTag()" method.Finally, the read/written information can be updatedin the database.

5. Managing data

A web-based application is designed to providedatabase management access to multiple users. Asthe development platform, we recommend ASP.NET, atechnology developed by Microsoft, which can integrate

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Figure 8. Pseudocode for data transmission between RFID and visual basic.NET.

the selected RFID hardware with web application.It supports multiple platforms including the personalcomputers, cell phones, Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs) and Palm devices. Users can thus manipu-late the developed systems using these devices. Theintegrated WBS may include application modules.The system allows users to manipulate data storedin the system database. Information related to themanagerial objects can be queried by entering valuesor selecting from a list provided by the system. Theintegrated WBS should be able to generate RFID codesand write them onto tags using the RFID device. Whensearching for information about a speci�c object, userscan pose queries using the item category, name or RFIDcode, or can directly identify it using the RFID reader.

The system collects considerable amounts of datawhile implementing managerial jobs. Statistical toolscould help users understand the distribution and prop-erties of the data. Statistical charts, such as circlegraph, ogive, bar chart, and line chart could be used torepresent the system database.

6. Analyzing data

An FNN is used to analyze the row data, and FLis used to represent the uncertain information andexecute approximate reasoning. Arti�cial neural net-works are used to represent fuzzy rules. Complexrelationships between inputs (in uencing factors) andoutput (equipment lifetime) are identi�ed throughlearning algorithms. The FNN architecture used in theprediction module is comprised of four layers, as shownin Figure 9. Each layer is explained as follows.

1. Input layer: The �rst layer is an input layer thatreceives the input data features and distributesthem to the next layer (fuzzi�cation layer). Thislayer contains m nodes corresponding to m in u-encing factors. As shown in Figure 5, each inputneuron distributes an input value to its membershipfunctions. The inputs of nodes h and Ih are crispinputs as formulated in Eq. (1). The outputs of

Figure 9. Fuzzy neural network architecture.

nodes h and Oh are formulated in Eq. (2):

Ih = ph; (1)

Oh = Ih: (2)

2. Fuzzi�cation layer: This layer converts crisp inputsinto fuzzy values using membership functions. Thislayer has n nodes that can be divided into mgroups (input variables). Each node representsa membership function. The input of nodes iand Ii, is expressed in Eq. (3). In the equation,each fuzzi�cation neuron connects with a singleinput neuron. The output of nodes i and Oi canbe expressed using Eq. (4). The notation (�)represents a membership function.

Ii = Oh; (3)

Oi = (Ii): (4)

3. Intermediate layer: Neurons at the intermediatelayer process the fan-in signals and then perform anactivation function (noted as '(�)). The non-linear

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mapping between the input and output layers ishandled primarily in this layer. The input for nodesj and Ij is formulated in Eq. (5). The output fornodes j and Oj is formulated using Eq. (6):

Ij =nXi=1

wjiOi; (5)

Oj = '(Ij): (6)

4. Output layer: The output layer processes the fan-in signals and produces outputs. Because theprediction module infers a single result (equipmentlifetime), the layer has only one neuron whichdefuzzi�es fuzzy values into crisp values (defuzzi�-cation). The input for nodes k and Ik is formulatedin Eq. (7). The output for the node Ok is formu-lated in Eq. (8). The notation �(�) stands for adefuzzi�cation function.

Ik =rXj=1

wkjOj ; (7)

Ok = �(Ik): (8)

6.1. Training methodThe connection strength between the fuzzi�cation, in-termediate, and output layers (i.e. wji and wkj), shownin Figure 9, is adjusted by a training method. Thisresearch trains the weight connections in the FNNsusing the Error Back-Propagation (EBP) algorithm,one of the most popular training methods [38]. Thereare two stages in the EBP algorithm: forward pass andbackward pass. In the forward pass process, featuresof a learning pattern are inputted to the network toproduce actual outputs. Network errors are estimatedby comparing the di�erence between actual outputsand desired outputs. During the backward pass, agradient descent method is used to modify the weightsbetween interconnections to reduce the errors based onthe predictive errors. Weights distributed in the FNNare updated incrementally pattern-by-pattern until thenetwork converges.

The input signals propagate through the networkfrom left to right, whereas error signals propagate fromright to left. The EBP learning law adjusts connectionweights by comparing the actual and desired outputs.The error signal of neuron k at learning iteration p,ek(p), is de�ned in Eq. (9):

ek(p) = Od;k(p)�Ok(p); (9)

where Od;k(p) is the desired output of neuron k atiteration p. The rule for updating weights wkj isformulated in Eq. (10):

wkj(p+ 1) = wkj(p) + �wkj(p); (10)

where �wkj(p) is the weight correction that can becalculated using Eq. (11) [39]:

�wkj(p) = ��Oj(p)� �k(p); (11)

where �k(p) is the error gradient at neuron k and � isthe learning rate. For a sigmoid activation function,the error gradient can be represented as:

�k(p) = Ok(p)� [1�Ok(p)]� ek(p): (12)

7. Validation and veri�cation

7.1. Case studyThis research uses a real instance of uorescent lightmaintenance to validate the feasibility of the proposedintegration framework. Facility operating conditionsdirectly a�ect occupant satisfaction, but the uorescentlight functionality of a given facility will deteriorateover time, requiring a well-tuned maintenance programto maintain occupant satisfaction [40]. Assigning an IDto each facility and piece of equipment is a common wayto manage facilities, with barcodes frequently beingused to acquire the required information. However,paper-based barcodes are easily damaged and opticalcommunications between the barcode and the laserscanner are easily disrupted or blocked, thus limitingtheir e�ectiveness in facility maintenance [41].

The performance of the developed integrationframework was examined at a university in Taiwan.The university has �ve colleges, 45 departments, about10,000 students and more than 140 buildings in asingle campus. These buildings serve normal universityfunctions and are primarily used as o�ces, classrooms,and laboratories. The facilities de�ned in the studyinclude the facilities and installed equipment. Toprovide satisfactory service, facility and equipmentfunctions must perform normally, which depends onperiodic maintenance. The maintenance data in thiscase show that uorescent light replacement takes up67% of all maintenance e�ort. As a result, uorescentlight maintenance was selected for validation.

7.2. Identifying objectsIn the current setup, the RFID interrogator is detachedfrom the tablet PC, making it di�cult to read the RFtag. Another problem is that the equipment is di�cultto hold during data entry. A carrying case, shown inFigure 10, was used to enhance mobility by attachingthe RFID interrogator to the tablet PC, using a strapto attach it onto the user's wrist (Figure 11), thusleaving the user's hands free to write notes and executemaintenance tasks. In addition, RF tag accessibility isa�ected by environmental factors such as the presenceof metal. Thus, a wooden tag stand (Figure 12) wasused to hold the RF tags, providing an adjustable baseby which the RF tags can be adhered to a metal surface,

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Figure 10. RFID carrying case.

Figure 11. Usage sketch.

Figure 12. RF tag stand.

thus preserving RF functionality in potentially harshconditions.

7.3. Data collectionThe lifetime of uorescent lights is primarily a�ectedby three environmental factors: (1) use time, (2)

on/o� frequency, and (3) humidity [42,43]. However,these variables are inconstant across di�erent spacesequipped with uorescent lights. In addition, thesefactors are variable themselves, e.g. uorescent lightshave di�erent use times and on/o� frequencies everyday. Humidity changes every hour due to weather,wind direction, and season. The other challenge tocollecting these data is that no records exist for theuse time, on/o� frequency, and humidity of uorescentlights in these buildings. This research thus soughtto obtain these data by surveying facility users usingfuzzy linguistic variables. Three variables are used todescribe the use time, viz. \short" (four hours per day),\average" (eight hours per day), and \long" (12 hoursper day). The on/o� frequency is described as \notoften" (twice per day), \moderately frequently" (fourtimes per day), and \very often" (six times per day).Humidity is assessed by the facility location, with aclosed basement seen as the most humid location.

Normally, uorescent light maintenance at theuniversity is initiated by a passive \request sheet"whenever a uorescent light begins to function poorly.The more uorescent lights a facility has, the greaterthe likelihood of a \request sheet" being initiated.Therefore, the number of uorescent lights in a givenfacility is also recorded as a variable. The uorescentlight maintenance period was obtained from campusmaintenance records, and the collected data are pre-sented in Table 1. In the table, training data are usedto train the FNN while test data are used to evaluateprediction accuracy. Fourteen cases (20%) were keptfor testing based on historical convention [44,45].

7.4. Analyzing dataThe collected data was analyzed using FNNs to esti-mate malfunctions prior to the next scheduled mainte-nance check. Equipment should be regularly inspectedto maintain high levels of functionality, but equipmentlifetimes vary with environmental and usage conditions,and quantifying in uencing factors is a process fullof uncertainty. For example, it is not clear that 30minutes of continuous use of a particular facility shouldqualify as \long-duration" use, nor should usage �vetimes a week necessarily be considered \frequent use".The other challenge in evaluating equipment lifetimeis that the impact of the in uencing factors on theequipment lifespan is ambiguous. Moreover, thesefactors are mutually-in uential to some degree.

The feasibility of the application of FNNs in uorescent light maintenance is evaluated using the14 test cases that were not included in the trainingprocess. The prediction accuracy is tabulated inTable 2. The root mean square error (RMSE) is 0.09.This predictive result is satisfactory to facility users,since uorescent lights can be either replaced beforeor right after malfunction. Table 2 is represented in

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Table 1. Collected uorescent maintenance data.

Training patterns

Input Output

No. Use time(hour/day)

On/o� frequency(times/day)

LocationNumber of

lightMaintenanceperiod (day)

1 8 3 Above ground 100 352 12 2 Ground 16 253 8 3 Ground 26 324 8 3 Ground 48 675 12 2 Above ground 17 746 12 2 Ground 38 397 8 3 Above ground 37 288 12 2 Above ground 3 329 12 2 Above ground 16 2210 6 5 Ground 45 3811 12 3 Ground 45 7912 12 2 Above ground 40 4213 12 2 Above ground 18 4414 12 3 Ground 14 3115 12 2 Above ground 60 2216 12 2 Above ground 40 5917 8 3 Above ground 40 8918 8 3 Ground 16 10819 8 3 Ground 24 1920 8 3 Above ground 83 5321 12 2 Above ground 214 1222 12 2 Above ground 40 3223 8 3 Ground 32 5924 6 5 Above ground 96 7225 6 5 Above ground 68 6826 6 5 Ground 96 1727 8 3 Ground 64 4728 4 5 Ground 9 4629 12 3 Ground 146 1530 4 2 Above ground 80 3431 12 2 Above ground 26 10132 12 2 Ground 24 4033 12 2 Ground 26 15834 12 2 Above ground 30 1735 12 2 Above ground 24 6036 12 2 Above ground 36 7937 6 5 Ground 128 5338 6 5 Ground 63 3239 6 5 Ground 70 2340 12 2 Above ground 28 5641 12 2 Above ground 28 6242 12 2 Above ground 32 166

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Table 1. Collected uorescent maintenance data (continued).

Training patternsInput Output

No. Use time(hour/day)

On/o� frequency(times/day)

LocationNumber of

lightMaintenanceperiod (day)

43 8 3 Above ground 48 8044 8 3 Ground 9 2845 12 2 Above ground 18 2846 12 2 Ground 40 4947 12 2 Ground 12 5748 6 5 Above ground 36 2749 6 5 Above ground 36 3150 8 3 Above ground 30 5151 4 2 Above ground 20 4652 4 2 Above ground 81 4053 12 3 Above ground 112 6654 12 2 Ground 48 3855 12 2 Ground 48 3556 8 3 Ground 32 5557 8 3 Ground 26 7158 8 3 Ground 48 21

Test patterns59 12 2 Ground 24 5260 12 2 Ground 14 4761 12 2 Above ground 32 3662 12 2 Semi-basement 30 6163 12 2 Above ground 24 4564 12 2 Above ground 24 4965 12 2 Above ground 26 3766 8 3 Ground 48 4567 12 2 Ground 100 668 12 2 Ground 100 3369 6 5 Ground 23 1570 12 2 Ground 20 3671 12 2 Above ground 32 4372 12 2 Above ground 34 35

Figure 13, which shows that the trend of actual outputsconforms to desired results. The developed FNN couldgeneralize uorescent light maintenance periods thatmatch the practical distribution.

In this case, maintenance sta� members performmaintenance work for the 140 buildings on a monthlybasis, but respond to speci�c maintenance requestsdaily. To perform uorescent light maintenance usingthe current practice, prediction results are transformedinto a maintenance period. Predictive outputs areconverted into six degrees, viz. 1 month to 6 months.The predictive results shown in Table 3 are convertedfrom Table 2. The acceptance rate is 79% which ispractical for maintenance sta�.

Figure 13. Comparison of actual and predictedmaintenance periods.

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Table 2. Prediction accuracy.

Pattern no. Actualoutputs



59 0.35 0.29 0.00

60 0.34 0.26 0.01

61 0.31 0.20 0.01

62 0.22 0.34 0.01

63 0.30 0.25 0.00

64 0.30 0.27 0.00

65 0.30 0.21 0.01

66 0.24 0.25 0.00

67 0.12 0.04 0.01

68 0.12 0.18 0.00

69 0.20 0.08 0.02

70 0.35 0.20 0.02

71 0.31 0.24 0.00

72 0.31 0.19 0.01

RMSE 0.09

7.5. DiscussionMaintenance jobs are executed by sta� members car-rying tablet PCs with portable RFID readers, whichare used to identify equipment. As shown in Figure 14,maintenance data were entered into the system usingthe WBS through a wireless Internet connection. Theamount of equipment accounted for in the study caseincreased daily. The completed RFID system wasconnected to a single database through the Internet,enabling multiple users to conduct maintenance workat the same time. The proposed system updates the

Table 3. Prediction acceptance.






59 2 2 Yes60 2 2 Yes61 2 1 No62 2 2 Yes63 2 2 Yes64 2 2 Yes65 2 2 Yes66 2 2 Yes67 1 1 Yes68 1 1 Yes69 1 1 Yes70 2 1 No71 2 2 Yes72 2 1 No

Acceptance rate 79%

database in real time, which avoids data re-inputting,duplicated maintenance and lost maintenance records.Data stored in the database can be analyzed usingstatistical graphs from anywhere at any time withup-to-date distributions. An orgiv summarizing thepurchasing cost is shown in Figure 15. The proposedsystem also uses maintenance records to actively fore-cast the possible lifetime of equipment, as shown inFigure 14. Users can establish a forecast for a speci�cfacility and modify the project with the corresponding

Figure 14. Prediction web-page.

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Figure 15. Statistical module.

Table 4. Comparison of integrating RFID, web-based, and AI methods.

Research RFID Web- based AI ApplicationLuvisi et al. [46] X X Vineyard traceability systemSamad et al. [47] X X Livestock managementElghamrawy and Boukamp [48] X X Construction document managementLee et al. [49] X X Logistics work owBrilakis et al. [50] X X Construction entities trackingDias et al. [51] X X Supply chain managementPark et al. [52] X X Web searchCruz et al. [53] X X Geospatial analysisTenorio et al. [54] X X Disease diagnosingProposed method X X X Fluorescent light maintenance

requirements. Proper facility functionality can there-fore be ensured prior to the next maintenance round.Other advantages of the developed RFID web-basedintelligent system include the ability of the tags tocapture information without contact or line-of-sight.Tags can be read through a variety of visual conditionssuch as paint, grime and dust, which are inevitable ina working environment. These properties enhance theapplicability of RFID in real-life facilities maintenance.

Table 4 compares previous e�orts to integrateRFID, web-based technologies and AI methods. Forthose combining RFID and web-based technologies,RFID is primarily used to identify objects, whereasWBS is used for displaying/entering data. Lee etal. [49], Brilakis et al. [50] and Dias et al. [51] combinedRFID and AI methods in an application to deal withobject management, e.g. logistics, supply chains andtracking systems. Web-based and AI combinationscover a wide range of topics. In these kind applications,

WBSs are not only used for displaying results, butfor web searches, while AI is used as a data analysistool. However, few studies have attempted to combineRFID, web-based technologies and AI methods, espe-cially in the �eld of engineering management. The casestudy presents a novel application for the integrationof these three methods.

In this case, the greatest challenge to the useof AI technologies is data acquisition. FL is anappropriate way to acquire environmental data forpractical maintenance needs. FNNs are able to learncomplex input-output mappings through historicalmaintenance records. The functionality of uorescentlights is a�ected by complex factors that can be hardto describe. For these reasons, precisely predictingmalfunction times is di�cult. In terms of approximatereasoning, the validation results indicate that thedeveloped prediction module is applicable to real lifemaintenance.

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8. Conclusion

This paper presents a framework for the integrationof RFID, web-based technologies and AI to enhancemanagerial e�ciency. RFID is used to identify objectIDs while WBSs is used to manage data and AIdeals with incomplete and uncertain information. Thefeasibility of the developed framework was veri�edusing a real problem of uorescent light maintenance.

This study integrated RFID technology with In-ternet technologies, management information systemsand AI to develop a web-based RFID intelligent man-agement system. The system automated object iden-ti�cation, reduced input errors, and saved operationaltime. Unlike barcode systems, data stored in RFIDtags can be easily modi�ed, and the technology's non-contact, non-line-of-sight characteristics allow RFIDtags to be used in challenging practical conditions.

The developed WBS can be implemented fromanywhere, at any time, on any platform using wiredor wireless Internet connections. Managerial e�ciencyis also enhanced in that the system enables multipleusers to simultaneously implement maintenance workdirectly through the web-system. FNNs enable usersto predict equipment lifetimes with 79% accuracy. Theinferred results can allow for timely inspection, repairor replacement which can reduce malfunctions andbreakdowns.

The proposed framework presents a novel ap-proach to facilities maintenance that integrates RFIDtechnology, databases, Internet technology and com-putational intelligence. The developed method poten-tially breaks new ground in applying FNNs in RFIDapplications. Lifetimes of uorescent lights are a�ectedby a range of complex factors, and cathode voltage andCurrent Crest Factor (CCF) could be considered toobtain more precise predictions. In the future, di�erentkinds of AI techniques could also be explored for betterresults.


This research was funded by the Architecture andBuilding Research Institute (ABRI) and grant NSC99-2622-E-020-006-CC3 from the Ministry of Scienceand Technology, Taiwan, whose support is gratefullyacknowledged. Any opinions, �ndings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this paper are those ofthe author and do not re ect the views of the ABRI andNSC. The author would also like to thank the admin-istrator of the case study for supporting this research.


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Chien-Ho Ko is a Professor in the Department ofCivil Engineering at National Pingtung Universityof Science and Technology, Taiwan. He received aBS degree in Construction Engineering from NationalTaiwan Institute of Technology in 1997, and MSand PhD degrees from National Taiwan University ofScience and Technology in 1999 and 2002, respectively.Prof. Ko was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at theUniversity of California at Berkeley from 2004 to 2005,sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Heis a registered Professional Engineer of �re protectionand a member of Taipei Association of Fire ProtectionEngineer. Prof. Ko is a co-founder and Presidentat Lean Construction Institute-Taiwan, and co-founderand executive director at Lean Construction Institute-Asia. He is serving as Editorial Board Member for morethan 15 international journals. Dr. Ko is also serving asEditor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering, Project,and Production Management (EPPM-Journal). Hisresearch has centered around four areas: 1) leanconstruction, 2) computational algorithms, 3) robotics,and 4) engineering education.