install share point 2010

Install SharePoint Server 2010 Installation and configuration for development This tutorial helps you to install SharePoint Server 2010. It shows you step-by-step how to setup requirements like Windows Server 2008 R2 including roles and features, administrative and service accounts as well as SQL Server 2008 R2. With these requirements installed you are able to deploy SharePoint Server 2010. Get more tutorials at Need a SharePoint book? SharePoint resources Disclaimer THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. © Copyright 2011 2011 Andreas Glaser Software Engineering GmbH Version: 1.1, 3/9/2011

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Page 1: Install Share Point 2010

Install SharePoint Server 2010 Installation and configuration for development This tutorial helps you to install SharePoint Server 2010. It shows you step-by-step how to setup requirements like Windows Server 2008 R2 including roles and features, administrative and service accounts as well as SQL Server 2008 R2. With these requirements installed you are able to deploy SharePoint Server 2010. Get more tutorials at Need a SharePoint book? SharePoint resources Disclaimer THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. © Copyright 2011


Andreas Glaser Software Engineering GmbH Version: 1.1, 3/9/2011

Page 2: Install Share Point 2010

1 Overview

Table of contents

1. Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2

1.1. Hardware requirements .......................................................................................................... 3

1.2. Software requirements ........................................................................................................... 4

1.3. Example: Hyper-V Development Environment ....................................................................... 5

1.4. Other resources ....................................................................................................................... 6

2. Windows Server 2008 R2 ....................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Installation ............................................................................................................................... 7

2.2. Updates ................................................................................................................................... 8

2.3. Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Computer settings ........................................................................................................... 9

2.3.2 Network settings ........................................................................................................... 10

2.3.3 Remote Desktop ............................................................................................................ 11

2.3.4 Firewall settings ............................................................................................................. 11

2.3.5 IE Enhanced Security Configuration .............................................................................. 12

3. Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features ...................................................................... 13

3.1. Active Directory ..................................................................................................................... 13

3.2. Web Server (IIS) and Application Server ............................................................................... 16

3.3. Pop3, SMTP, Outlook ............................................................................................................. 20

3.4. Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) .............................................. 20

4. Administrative and service accounts .................................................................................... 21

4.1. Accounts ................................................................................................................................ 21

4.2. Assign permission .................................................................................................................. 22

4.2.1 SQL Server service account ........................................................................................... 22

4.2.2 Setup administrator ....................................................................................................... 22

4.2.3 Farm account ................................................................................................................. 23

5. SQL Server 2008 R2 ............................................................................................................. 24

5.1. Software requirements ......................................................................................................... 24

5.2. Installation ............................................................................................................................. 26

5.3. Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 29

5.3.1 Assign permission .......................................................................................................... 29

5.3.2 Configure networking .................................................................................................... 30

6. SharePoint Server 2010 ....................................................................................................... 31

6.1. Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 31

6.2. Installation ............................................................................................................................. 32

6.3. Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 35

7. End User License Agreement ............................................................................................... 36

Page 3: Install Share Point 2010

2 Install SharePoint Server 2010

1. Overview

We are going to setup a SharePoint Server 2010 development environment containing two servers:

SharePoint ServerDatabase Server


Active Directory


We don’t deploy a single server with the built-in database. Instead we are using SQL Server 2008 R2

so this deployment can be scaled out to create two- and three-tier farm topologies if necessary1.

This guide shows you how to create a closed environment with an Active Directory on a separate

box. If you already have an Active Directory you can use the existing one for your installation.

Updates or additional downloads for this tutorial are documented here:

Please post your comments and suggestions here:

1 Deployment scenarios (SharePoint Server 2010),

Page 4: Install Share Point 2010

3 Overview

1.1. Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements are depending on the type of server you are going to setup.

For web servers, application servers or single server installation it is recommended2 to use the

following hardware:

Component Minimum requirement

Processor 64-bit, four cores

RAM 4 GB (development or evaluation) 8 GB (production)

Hard disk 80 GB

For database servers it is recommended to use the following hardware:

Component Minimum requirement

Processor 64-bit, four cores (small deployments) 64-bit, eight cores (medium deployments)

RAM 8 GB (small deployments) 16 GB (medium deployments)

Hard disk 80 GB

These numbers are dated October 2010 and might change.

Using the given minimum requirements I suggest using at least the following hardware specification

for a development environment:

Component Minimum requirement

Processor 64-bit, two cores


Hard disk 1st: 256 GB SSD 2nd: 512 GB Data

If you are using a laptop you can use the first hard disk for your operating system and the second one

as data storage. If you are not using a laptop you can of course use a better processor and more RAM

since weight doesn’t matter.

2 Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010),

Page 5: Install Share Point 2010

4 Install SharePoint Server 2010

1.2. Software requirements

Software requirements are depending on the type of server you are going to setup3.

Database server

In order to deploy SharePoint Server 2010 with SQL Server you need the 64-bit edition of one of the


SQL Server 2005,

SQL Server 2008 or

SQL Server 2008 R2.

The Windows Server requirements of the described products also apply.

Web servers and application servers in a SharePoint farm (or single server with built-in database)

In order to deploy SharePoint Server 2010 you need the 64-bit edition of one of the following

operating system:

Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, Web Server or

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, Web Server.

Detailed software requirements as well as updates are discussed in the according chapter later.

3 Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010),

Page 6: Install Share Point 2010

5 Overview

1.3. Example: Hyper-V Development Environment

Regarding the software and hardware requirements I recommend the following setup as a

development environment:

1. Use a laptop so you are flexible where you work. You don’t depend on a certain server or

domain or something else.

2. Use at least 8GB RAM and an Intel Core i5 or i7.

3. Use two physical disks with a 2nd hard drive caddy instead of the DVD drive:

a. The first disk should be a SSD for your operating system.

b. The second disk should be a 7200rpm disk with a minimum of 640GB to store your

virtual images. I bought the Samsung Spinpoint MP4 HM640JJ 640GB and it works

fast and reliable. Actually I wanted to get the Seagate Momentus 7200 750 GB but it

wasn’t available when I needed it.

4. Use Hyper-V instead of VMware Workstation. After using both the last 2 years I recommend

Hyper-V since it has a better performance. Even when saving the virtual machine Hyper-V is a

lot faster than VMware Workstation.

1st Internal Hard Disk (Operating System)

2nd Internal Hard Disk(Virtual Images)


Have you heard of CloudShare? You can setup a SharePoint 2010 farm in about 5 minutes which I

have tested myself. You can try it for free for 14 days where you can build a farm with different


Page 7: Install Share Point 2010

6 Install SharePoint Server 2010

1.4. Other resources

The year 2012 has a lot of new books and resources available for SharePoint people:

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Enterprise Content Management

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Business Connectivity Services (Information Worker)

SharePoint 2010 Business Roles

Practical SharePoint 2010 for Small Businesses

Sams Teach Yourself SharePoint 2010 Development in 24 Hours

SharePoint 2010 Field Guide

SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Architect's Guidebook

You can find more books at

Page 8: Install Share Point 2010

7 Windows Server 2008 R2

2. Windows Server 2008 R2

If you have an existing Windows Server 2008 R2 installation you can skip to step 2.2.

2.1. Installation

The installation is straight forward and doesn’t require any detailed explanation. Just be sure you

install the 64-bit edition.

1. Start the install wizard for Windows Server 2008 R2.

2. Choose either „Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Full installation) x64“ or

„Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Full installation) x64” and accept the license


3. Select „Custom (advanced)” and create a new partition.

Page 9: Install Share Point 2010

8 Install SharePoint Server 2010

4. Wait for the installation to complete.

At this point you have a basic but not configured Windows Server 2008 R2 image.

2.2. Updates

Windows Server 2008

You need to apply the following updates:

1. Service Pack 24

If you are running Windows Server 2008 without SP2, the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation

Tool installs Windows Server 2008 SP2 automatically.

Windows Server 2008 R2

You need to apply updates later in the process but for now there is nothing to do.

4 Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 - Five Language Standalone for x64-

based systems,

Page 10: Install Share Point 2010

9 Windows Server 2008 R2

2.3. Configuration

In order to avoid problems during the installation process later it is highly recommended to do the

following steps.

2.3.1 Computer settings

1. Join a domain and rename your computer if necessary. Restart your computer.

2. Enable virtual memory.

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10 Install SharePoint Server 2010

2.3.2 Network settings

1. Enable “File and printer sharing” to access your image using remote desktop.

Page 12: Install Share Point 2010

11 Windows Server 2008 R2

2.3.3 Remote Desktop

1. Enable remote desktop.

2.3.4 Firewall settings

1. Turn off Windows Firewall for domain networks.

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12 Install SharePoint Server 2010

2.3.5 IE Enhanced Security Configuration

1. Disable IE enhanced security configuration if you have an isolated Hyper-V environment and

you want to work directly on the server (e.g. open Central Administration).

Page 14: Install Share Point 2010

13 Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features

3. Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features

After installing Windows Server 2008 R2 you need to prepare your server depending on the required

role in your environment.

3.1. Active Directory

This part explains the installation of Active Directory in order to create an isolated virtual

development environment. If you have an existing Active Directory you can skip this step.

1. Click Start, Run and enter “dcpromo” to start the installation process.

2. Select Use advanced mode installation and click next.

3. Click next again to skip the operating system compatibility warning screen.

4. Select Create new domain in a new forest and click next.

5. Enter a full qualified domain name and click next.


1. If you can access the internet from inside your image don’t use the domain name of a

Page 15: Install Share Point 2010

14 Install SharePoint Server 2010


2. Don’t use a single-label domain name like mydomain, see

Information about configuring Windows for domains with single-label DNS names,

6. Accept the given NetBIOS name and click next.

7. Click next using the current forest functional level. Since this is an isolated virtual

environment we don’t need to care.

8. Do the same with the domain functional level.

9. Keep DNS server checked and click next.

10. If you have a network adapter with a dynamically assigned IP address you will get this

warning. Click yes as long as you have one network adapter with a static IP address.

Page 16: Install Share Point 2010

15 Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features

11. Click yes again.

12. Click next using default settings for the database, log files and sysvol.

13. Enter a restore mode administrator password and click next.

14. At the summary screen click next in order to start the installation process.

15. Reboot.

16. Use the server manager to check if things have been successfully installed.

17. You don’t need to do any configuration regarding the Active Directory. Necessary account

operations are described later.

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16 Install SharePoint Server 2010

3.2. Web Server (IIS) and Application Server

SharePoint 2010 requires the Web Server (IIS) role and Application Server role including .NET

Framework 3.5 SP1. These roles are also installed by the products preparation tool.

1. Open Server Manager, go to roles and click Add roles.

2. Check Application Server.

3. Add features required for Application Server.

4. Check Web Server (IIS).

Page 18: Install Share Point 2010

17 Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features

5. Proceed to the role services selection and add the features you can see in the picture. If you

are prompted to add required role services and features click yes.

6. Proceed to the role services selection and add the following features.

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18 Install SharePoint Server 2010

7. Click install.

Page 20: Install Share Point 2010

19 Windows Server 2008 R2 - Roles and features

8. After finishing the installation apply the following update5:

KB9799176 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation

Windows Server 2008 SP2: download “Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista)“

Windows Server 2008 R2: download “Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7)”

5 Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010), 6 Download KB979917,

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20 Install SharePoint Server 2010

3.3. Pop3, SMTP, Outlook

Since Windows Server 2008 the Pop3 server feature is deprecated. If you need mail you have to

install Exchange Server or something similar.

3.4. Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)

PowerShell ISE allows you to run, edit and debug PowerShell scripts in a graphical environment.

Page 22: Install Share Point 2010

21 Administrative and service accounts

4. Administrative and service accounts

In order to install SharePoint 2010 there are three accounts which are most important.

4.1. Accounts

You need to create the following accounts in Active Directory:

Account type Account name (example)

SQL Server Service sqlSvcAcc

Setup Administrator setupAdmin

Farm Account spFarmAcc

These accounts don’t have to be member of a certain group.

Difference to SharePoint 2007

Service accounts in SharePoint 2007 needed two properties when they were created in Active


User cannot change password and

Password never expires.

This isn’t necessary with SharePoint 2010 since we now have managed accounts capable of password

expiration and automatic change.

If you setup a development environment it is still recommended to use User cannot change

password and Password never expires in order to keep things simple.

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22 Install SharePoint Server 2010

4.2. Assign permission

You need to assign permission only to the SharePoint 2010 setup administrator setupAdmin.

4.2.1 SQL Server service account

You don’t need to assign permissions since they are assigned during installation of SQL Server 2008

R2. The SQL Server service account is used to run SQL Server and should be a domain account.

4.2.2 Setup administrator

The setup administrator is used to install SharePoint 2010 and you need to manually assign


1. The SharePoint 2010 setup administrator has to be a member of the administrators group on

every server SharePoint will be installed.

2. This configuration step is done after SQL Server is installed and is documented here for the

purpose of completeness.

The SharePoint 2010 setup administrator needs to have the securityadmin and dbcreator

role. The sysadmin role is assigned if you decide during SQL Server 2008 R2 installation that

Page 24: Install Share Point 2010

23 Administrative and service accounts

your SharePoint 2010 setup administrator should also be the SQL Server Administrator.

4.2.3 Farm account

You don’t need to assign permissions since they are automatically assigned by the SharePoint 2010

setup administrator during installation and configuration.

The farm account is used:

1. for configuration and management of the server farm,

2. as an application pool account for Central Administration and

3. to run the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service.

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24 Install SharePoint Server 2010

5. SQL Server 2008 R2

This chapter explains the installation and configuration of SQL Server 2008 R2.

5.1. Software requirements7

You need to meet at least the following requirements if you want to install SharePoint Server 2010

without the built-in database:

SQL Server 2005 64-bit with Service Pack 3 (SP3) and

Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3

SQL Server 2008 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and

Cumulative update package 2, CU 5 or later but NOT CU3 or CU4

SQL Server 2008 R2

Although it is not mentioned there are newer cumulative update packages available for SQL Server.

SQL Server Edition Component Url

SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU3




SQL Server 2008 SP1 CU2





SQL Server 2008 R2 - -


SharePoint 2010 setup doesn’t check your SQL Server edition. It is checked by the SharePoint

Product and Technologies Configuration Wizard after setup.

7 Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010),

Page 26: Install Share Point 2010

25 SQL Server 2008 R2

If you install SQL Server 2008 RTM on Windows Server 2008 R2 you need to apply SP1 for

SQL Server 2008 after installation. So you can continue installing SQL Server 2008 if you see

the following picture:

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26 Install SharePoint Server 2010

5.2. Installation

The installation of SQL Server 2008 compared to SQL Server 2008 R2 is almost the same and

described below. If you get a compatibility warning while trying to install SQL Server 2008 on

Windows Server 2008 R2 you can proceed with install. Before running SQL Server you need to apply

Service Pack 1.

1. Install .NET Framework if required.

2. Start a new installation, accept the license agreement and install setup support files.

3. Select SQL Server Feature Installation and click next.

Page 28: Install Share Point 2010

27 SQL Server 2008 R2

4. Select Database Engine Services and Management Tools - Basic and click next. Depending

on the things you do with SharePoint you might need additional features enabled.

5. Create a default instance.

6. Add the newly created sqlSvcAcc as the service account.

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28 Install SharePoint Server 2010

7. Keep the collation settings.

8. Add the setup administrator a SQL Server administrator if you have an isolated Hyper-V

environment. Also enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access and FILESTREAM for file I/O

under FILESTREAM tab.

9. Click next and finish the installation of SQL Server 2008 R2.

Page 30: Install Share Point 2010

29 SQL Server 2008 R2

5.3. Configuration

There are two configuration steps you need to do: assign permission to the SharePoint 2010 setup

administrator and configure networking.

5.3.1 Assign permission

The SharePoint 2010 setup administrator needs to have at the following roles:



The following role is assigned if you decide during SQL Server 2008 R2 installation that your

SharePoint 2010 setup administrator should be a SQL Server administrator:


Important: If you are not logged on with the setup administrator please logon using setupAdmin.

Otherwise you might not be able to change settings if you don’t have the sysadmin role assigned.

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30 Install SharePoint Server 2010

5.3.2 Configure networking

At the end you need to configure networking if you are planning to deploy a farm with multiple

SharePoint Server 2010 servers.

According to TechNet8 SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 has to be updated to the following


SQL Server 2005: Local and remote connections have to be enabled and have to use the

TCP/IP protocol.

SQL Server 2008: Under network configuration the TCP/IP protocol is enabled.

Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server

Configuration Manager

8 Multiple servers for a three-tier farm (SharePoint Server 2010),

Page 32: Install Share Point 2010

31 SharePoint Server 2010

6. SharePoint Server 2010

This chapter explains the installation and configuration of SharePoint Server 2010.

Important: If you are not logged on with the setup administrator please logon using the above

created account (setupAdmin).

6.1. Prerequisites

The remaining software requirements can be installed by using the SharePoint Products and

Technologies 2010 Preparation Tool which is part of the SharePoint installer.

Use the SharePoint installer to setup the following components:

Beta: Microsoft "Geneva" Framework

RTM: Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) - Geneva has to be uninstalled before WIF can be


Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0

Microsoft Chart Controls for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Beta: Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP3

RTM: Windows PowerShell 2.0

SQL Server 2008 Native Client

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET

Beta: ADO.NET Data Services v1.5 CTP2

RTM: ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

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32 Install SharePoint Server 2010

6.2. Installation

The installation itself requires only few steps to be completed.

1. Enter the product key, accept the license agreement and click Server Farm.

2. Select a complete installation.

3. Wait until the installation has finished and run the products configuration wizard.

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33 SharePoint Server 2010

4. Create a new server farm.

5. Enter the server name of your SQL Server and add the farm account and its credentials.

6. Enter a passphrase. The passphrase is used to join new SharePoint servers to the farm.

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34 Install SharePoint Server 2010

7. Specify a different port number if required.

8. Finish the configuration wizard.

9. After successfully installing SharePoint 2010 the configuration wizard is closed and the

Central Administration automatically opens with the following screen.

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35 SharePoint Server 2010

6.3. Configuration

After the installation of SharePoint 2010 is completed the following settings should be configured.

1. Usage and health data collection9.

2. Diagnostic logging10.

3. Outgoing e-mail11.

9 Configure usage and health data collection (SharePoint Server 2010) , 10

Configure diagnostic logging (SharePoint Server 2010), 11

Configure outgoing e-mail (SharePoint Server 2010),

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36 Install SharePoint Server 2010

7. End User License Agreement

End User License Agreement (EULA) for this e-book by Andreas Glaser Software Engineering GmbH

Object/Purpose of the EULA

1 This End User License Agreement (hereafter referred to as «EULA») is part of the Agreement between Andreas Glaser Software Engineering GmbH (hereafter referred to as «Licensor») and you (either an individual or a single entity; hereafter referred to as «Licensee») concerning this e-book. The EULA shall regulate the use of the e-book and the liability of the Licensor.

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Page 38: Install Share Point 2010

37 End User License Agreement

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