innovative sustainable yoga class


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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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A non-traditional yoga class introducing ideas of sustainability and mindfulness to yoga students.


Page 1: Innovative Sustainable Yoga Class

Innovative Sustainable Yoga Class

Kelly Kokaisel

Day 1:

Discussion: Overview of yoga. Overview of sustainability. Discuss how the 2 relate.

Reading: Power Yoga, Beryl Bender Birch. Read chapter 1, the hard and the soft.

The Green Imperative, Victor Papanek.

Activity: Go through Sun Salutation 1 with group. 30 min.

Day 2:

Discussion: Assessment of how sustainable our lives are. How sustainable are our yoga practices? What can we do to make them more sustainable? Do’s and Don’ts of Yoga practice.

Reading: Power Yoga. Read chapters 2 (Breathing for Life) and 3 (The Generation of Heat).

Plan B: 3.0, Lester R. Brown. Read Chapter 1, Entering a New World.

Activity: Go through Sun Salutations with work on form and breathing. 30 min.

Day 3:

Discussion: Assessment of current diet. Do we know where our food is coming from? What about where it goes? How can we make our diet more sustainable?

Reading: Power Yoga. Read chapter 4, Power and Balance.

Plan B: 3.0. Read chapter 9, Feeding 8 Billion Well.

Activity: Go through Primary Standing Series 1. 30 min. Begin keeping food log.

Day 4:

Discussion: Assessment of our energy consumption. How much energy do we use at home/work/for entertainment? What are the alternatives and how can we make the most effective choices?

Reading: Power Yoga. Read chapter 7, Protection in the Unprotected State.

Plan B: 3.0. Read chapter 12, Turning to Renewable Energy.

Activity: Go through Sun Salutations, Primary Standing Series 1, and Closing Sequence, focusing on form and breathing. Review food log. 30 min. Snack and celebration.