innovation management ppt

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  • 8/9/2019 Innovation Management Ppt


    Copyright AL Consulting 2014 1



    9 Essential Aspects You Should Knowin order to Better Manage your Innovation


  • 8/9/2019 Innovation Management Ppt



    Introductory statement1.Increase your MC²2.Define the specific organization3.Communicate on the project4.Train the people involved

    5.Use a performing tool6.Choose the right challenge7.Define the recognition system8.Think about the reward system9.Practice the PDCA Conclusion Annexes

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    Introductory statement

    This document is meant mainly for the leader, as it is his commitmentand support on the application of the suggested 9 aspects, which are theconditions of success.

    Only the application of the chosen Actions generates progress

    The actions must be part of a system that defines the principles, theorganization and the tools allowing to involve the concerned people.

    Not to burden the presentation, the details of certain points are obtainedby clicking on links that refer to the content of resources menu of theIdeasMine tool.

    This presentation is meant to be a part of your communication plan

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    Point 1 : Increase your MC2

    Definition of the MC²◦ Motivation x Skills x Communication

    ◦ These are the factors of the Collective Efficiency(E) = Motivated and Competent People and whichCommunicate well with one another.

    As a leader, the more you increase your personal MC², thebetter the results of your business will be.◦ Add the exemplarity

    ◦ Establish the Progress system which gives coherence to theproposed approach.

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    Point 2 : Define the specificorganization

    Appoint a facilitator who will report directly toyou.◦ It must be a manager with very good communication


    Define the key roles

    State objectives and corresponding indicators.

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    Point 3 : Communicate on theproject

    The communication plan is defined by threeelements: Target - Message – Media

    Example :the information message of a new dynamic (Message)addressed to the leaders (Target) of the organization through apresentation meeting, conducted by the leader (Media)

    This plan aims to◦ to show your commitment

    ◦ to aknowledge the contents of system progress, the

    reason of the challenges and the proposed systems ofrecognition and reward.

    ◦ It is the vector of the 2nd C of the E=MC²

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    Point 4 : Train the people involved

    The manager : his relational skills, the will toachieve and good business knowledge areessential for project success.

    He must adopt the same vision of innovation asyours (definition of innovation, incremental andrupture innovation and be able to communicate).

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    Point 5 : Use a performing tool

    A good tool will let you gather Ideas, follow theirevolution, and facilitate the implementationof the selected Ideas.

    IdeasmineTool has been developed with this aimin mind, and targeting the principle of simplicity(in set-up, in everyday use, and in IdeaManagement)

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    Point 6 : Choose the right challenge

    2 types of participatory innovation◦ Induced innovation

    ◦ Spontaneous innovation

    For a good start, suggest a challenge for a short time spanand a small group of peopleExample : A 8 to 10-people group among business employees for 15 days:

    What are our ideas to develop the "Innovative“ spirit of our employees ?

    ◦ Even better and more participatory: define with them the theme of thechallenge and the wording of the question.

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    Point 7 : Define heaknowledgement system

    Aknowledgement is essentially individual

    ◦Ceremonies to congratulate the leaders, presentation of trophies(greater participation, better ideas of the period on various

    topics, etc..…)

    ◦These events are then given a specific internal communicationand optionally external that can be found in the communicationplan.

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    Point 8 : Think about the rewardsystem

    The reward is essentially collective

    ◦ Economic outcomes generated by the Innovation must bemeasured by indicators SQCDIE

    ◦ The gains achieved are shared at entity level with known rules,with the aim of strengthening the collective dynamics.

    ◦ It is important not to engage in a system of individual reward(in this case complications and perverse effects areguaranteed)

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    Point 9 : Pratice the PDCA

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     ACT : Narrow ing the Gaps

    Setting the standard

    Drawing lessons

    Continue the progress

    PLAN : Prepare the


    DO : Implement the

    prepared planCHECK : Assess to identify

    differences between P and D

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    Better Manage the innovation is to obtain the best from your teams, talent,

    intelligence, initiative, creativity and passion of all those who benefit the progress

    and success of your business in the first place your employees.

    ◦ It is the objective of the system and the recommendations proposed in this document.

    Try and validate this innovative approach by using for you and your close

    team the tool we put FREE for three months (value $670) at your

    disposal for up to 10 people.

    This tool was developed with the principles set out in this document.

    Ask, right now, the establishment of a secure site only

    dedicated to your business by sending an email to :[email protected]

    28/03/2014 Copyright AL Consulting 2014 13

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Improvement system

    Innovation: What are we talking about?

    Incremental Innovation

    Breakthrough Innovation The application areas of innovation

    The winning combination to accelerate progress

    Readings, cases and recommended websites

    Who are we?


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    The progress system

    Copyright AL Consulting 2014 15





    Project management(Gantt)

    Management control ProjectSpace Communication Plan

    Surveys (google docs)SMIABP * - ** MRPG

    WebconferencesPDCA (audit)Mental map

    Process and outcomeindicators

    Roles OperatingRules

    *System for Management of Ideas,

     Actionss and Best Practices

    ** Method in Group ProblemSolving

    Stakeholder satisfactionIncremental innovationDisruptive Innovation

    Pareto Principle

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    Innovation: What are we talking about ?

    What is innovation ?

    Innovation is the realization of an idea

    creative ofvalue (social, economic,environmental) that appropriates a public(employees, shareholders, customers,suppliers ...) as relevant to their needs orexpectations expressed or hithertounsuspected.

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    Incremental innovation

    The accumulation of improvement actions derived fromaccepted improvement ideas.

    For existing processes and everyone

    Can be partially materialized by the issuers themselves

    In general, do not require investment

    Is the breeding ground for breakthrough innovation

     A business culture where everyone has the desire

    to do better and better day by day

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    Breakthrough Innovation

    Ideas that allow a significant jump in performance withina short time after their implementation

    Generally requires a long preparation and a significant financialinvestment

    Rather reserved for specialists

    Sustainability difficult to achieve if continuous improvementculture is low

    Examples : A new product or service that enthusiasms the market A new management approach that boosts everyone's MC ²

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    The Application Areas of Innovation

    Economical Enhanced Product or Services or new to attract and retain

    customers Lean Process

    Social Wellness at Work - recognition Stress reduction Involved management and communicating better More autonomy

    Environnemental Factor of earnings (saving resources) Image factor Pride factor

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    The winning combination forAccelerating progress


    Incremental innovation

    + Maintenance at level

    + Disrupt ive Innovation

         P    e    r

         f    o    r    m    a    n    c    e


    And are abreeding groundfor sustainablebreakthrough



    innovation only

    The business ofsome..

    Everybody's BusinessOn all indicators



    The period2014-2017

    The acceleration of progress arises from the combination Incremental

    Innovation + Maintenance at level + Disruptive Innovation



  • 8/9/2019 Innovation Management Ppt


    Readings, cases and recommendedwebsites

    Books◦ The End of Management G. Hamel Editions Vuibert

    ◦ What Really Matters G. Hamel Editions Eyrolles

    ◦ Participative Innovation (Return the Human to the heart of the company)

    Muriel Garcia President of the Innov’Acteurs Association, Nadège de Peganow


    Press files◦ CapitalCom survey

    ◦ Journal of Management

    ◦ E-briefing Usine Nouvelle

    Recommended associations◦ Innov’Acteurs

    ◦ ICDD Civic Innovation and Sustainability

    Copyright AL Consulting 2014 21

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    Who are we ?

    Some figures at the end of 2013:◦ 1330 accomplished progress worksites (VSM Methods of Problem Solving,Participatory Innovation, Quality, 5s, Hoshin, autonomous teams, TPM, Kanban,SMED, Logistics) at more than 300 sites of our Clients.

    ◦ missions in the automotive industry (30%) but also in the chemical,electronics, food processing, medical, furniture, railway, services,

    ◦ 13700 people trained (75% Technicians Degree, Managers and Leaders) in

    28 countries on 5 continents,

    ◦ 5 intervention languages (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese)

    ◦ 15 to 60% improvement on key indicators of progress.

     AL Consulting Group is since 1991, the expertise of the

    implementation of Lean Management (Lean

    Manufacturing, Lean Office) and Lean Innovation.

    It is also since 2002, the application of LEAN concepts

    Design Product / Process and Supply Chain.

     AL-Consulting Group is an

    international team of seniorconsultants, experts methods

    engineers, organizations and tools for

    continuous and simultaneous

    improvement of safety, quality,

    product ivity and time.

    copyright AL Consulting 2014

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    Better Manage the innovation is to obtain the best from your teams, talent,

    intelligence, initiative, creativity and passion of all those who benefit the progress

    and success of your business in the first place your employees.

    ◦ It is the objective of the system and the recommendations proposed in this document.

    Try and validate this innovative approach by using for you and your close

    team the tool we put FREE for three months (value $670) at your

    disposal for up to 10 people.

    This tool was developed with the principles set out in this document.

    Ask, right now, the establishment of a secure site only

    dedicated to your business by sending an email to :[email protected]

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    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]