initializing and launching your social business initiatives: social from the inside out at ibm

© 2013 IBM Corporation 1 Internalizing and launching your social media initiatives: social business from the inside out at IBM May 14, 2013 Jacques Pavlenyi, Senior Marketing Manager, IBM Collaboration Solutions Based on materials developed by Ethan McCarty, Director Enterprise Social Strategy and Programs, IBM @mediamutt @sdpressclub @SoCalBMA

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An overview of IBM's transformation into a social business. Case study reviewing how IBM continues to adopt social media and collaboration technologies, and the beneficial impact it is having on the business.


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© 2013 IBM Corporation1

Internalizing and launchingyour social media initiatives:

social business from the inside out at IBMMay 14, 2013

Jacques Pavlenyi, Senior Marketing Manager, IBM Collaboration Solutions

Based on materials developed by Ethan McCarty, Director Enterprise Social Strategy and Programs, IBM

@mediamutt @sdpressclub 

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© 2013 IBM Corporation2

IBM is the world’s largest information technology company

A highly diverse workforce:• 400k full time employees,

100k partners, 100k contractors

• 50% of workforce has less than 5 years of service

• 62% of workforce is in the Services organization

• 50% of workforce work remotely – not from a traditional IBM office

• 71% of workforce outside USA• 15% of workforce comes from

acquisitions and outsourcing deals

• $100B revenue• Operations in 170 countries• Key Business Segments

• Software Group• Systems & Technology

Group• Global Business Services• Global Technology Services

Challenge: increase productivity, collaboration, and innovation of 400k employees

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Although this presentation discusses IBM and examples of how IBM is a social business, the presenter is acting as an individual IBM employee, sharing expertise about this particular topic only.

The presenter is not acting on behalf of IBM, either as an official agent or representative. The views expressed are those solely of the presenter.

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© 2013 IBM Corporation4

From consumption to participation: IBM journey to become a Social Business

1980s: “Virtual Machine”1996: w3 Intranet operated by Corp. Comms (17k/day

2000: One IBM Single Portal Strategy (500K/day)

2004: Role-enabled workplace (2M/day)

2005: Bottom-up blogging guidelines

2008: Blogging guidelines expanded and formalized into social computing guidelines

2009: Collaboration platform, corporate risk assessment

2010: Social enterprise: internal/external

2011: Workplace of the Future is Social Business, Social Business Council

2012: Digital IBMer, Voices

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© 2013 IBM Corporation5

Bringing order to the chaos: introducing the IBM Social Computing Guidelines

• Written collaboratively with IBMers in 2006

• Provides both permission and direction

• Clarifies roles for employees

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IBM applies social networking tools for business in context

IBM Internal / Intranet External / Internet


… plus many many more…


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Social business inside IBM starts with a social intranet


Rich profile information

Reporting chain


Activity Stream

Tags Social links

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Social business inside IBM starts with a social intranet



To Do List

Recommended Content

Activity Streams

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IBMers can even access email and other internal social networks on their favorite mobile devices

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IBM social behavior leads to great resultsInside IBM Outside IBM

Profiles 636,000 users w/ profiles doing3.5 million profile searches / week

8 million registered users4.5 million unique monthly visitors

Communities 86,000 public and 83,000 private communities with 715,000 members

2,500 public communities45,000 members

Blogs 428K users with 74, 500 blogs244,000 entries

1,100 blogs25,000 comments

File Sharing 1.18 million files downloaded 44.8 million times

Wikis 99,500 wikis with 1.6 million pagesand 92.4 million page views

Bookmarks 64,600 users sharing 1.6 million bookmarks and 4.8 million tags

Forums 178,000 forums with 967,000 topics generating 3.18 million posts from 175K users

IBM developerWorks has over 1 million users sharing in thousands of forums

Instant Messaging

12 million instant messages per day

IBM collaborates with thousands of partners and customers through IM

Web Meetings 150,000 web meetings1 million participants

Activities 655,000 users working on 400,000 activities with 7.49 million entries

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© 2013 IBM Corporation11

IBM social behavior leads to great results

• Search satisfaction up 50% with productivity savings of $4.5M/yr

• $700K savings from reduced travel

• Reductions in voicemail• Reductions in email server costs• 87% increase skills• 84% access experts more

quickly• 84% share knowledge with

others• 77% re-use assets• 74% increase their productivity• 64.5% improve personal

reputation• 64.5% increase their sense of

belonging• 59.9% increase sales• 42.2% improve customer


Source: Luba Cherbakov, IBM Distinguished Engineer (Feb 2010)

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Social business outside of IBM is about matching the IBM digital experience to the IBM brand

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© 2013 IBM Corporation13

FROM:1) Enable the IBMer

2) Experiments with content on platforms

3) Publish broadcast content

TO:1) Enable the expert in the context of our

go-to-market programs2) Optimize engagement across owned

and earned social platforms to create shared belief with IBM experts and strategic constituencies

3) Map social content and interactions optimize progression through the demand cycle

From experimentation and enablement to a more programmatic approach...

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© 2013 IBM Corporation1414

...that leverages IBM’s biggest asset – the IBMer.

Market Interest IBM SMEs and Social PropertiesSocial Program ReadinessMindshare

• Social Strategy / Marketing Plan

Created based on social media research and GTM strategy & plan

reviewed with management

• Full-time Social Program Manager

• SMEs identified and recruited

• SMEs + IBM branded social sites

established, maintained and active


compliant with IBM Social Brand Guidelines

• Business goals and baseline measurement set

• Collaboration process to apply social insights and KPIs, and share marketing plans, messages and materials with SME

• Reach

• Engagement

• Amplification

• Improved connectedness and engagement with key influencers

• Keyword frequency

• Hashtag frequency

• Inbound links to IBM assets

• Clicks on links to IBM assets

• Optimization of inbound links

• Improved level of engagement

• Improved efficiency of content shared

• Conversion


Favorable Selling Environment Social Business Program Effectiveness

Measure market language used in online buzz and searches

Measure IBM inclusion in online discussions and searches that use the market language

• Market term volume

in online conversations

by segment

by theme

in online searches

• Share of IBM

in online conversations

in online searches

in influencers’ messages

• IBM placement in organic search results for market terms


• Reach

• Engagement

• Amplification

• Improved connectedness and engagement with key influencers

• Keyword frequency

• Hashtag frequency

• Inbound links to IBM assets

• Clicks on links to IBM assets

• Optimization of inbound links

• Improved level of engagement

• Improved efficiency of content shared

• Conversion

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© 2013 IBM Corporation15

An intentional social enablement ecosystem of enabled subject matter experts and branded social channels

Social Business and Community Managers

IBM Select Program

Forward Thinker ProgramIBM Voices Program

Digital IBMer Hub


10s of 1,000’s

100s of 1,000’s

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Applied to new accounts or existing accounts

no grandfathering!

Dedicated Corporate team reviews all accounts and communities

Non-compliant IDs contacted to bring to standard and remove fakes

Easily support new platforms like Google+ and Pinterest

Social channel managers and community managers now have IBM social brand guidelines

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IBM Select Program: support eminence of high-value, high-touch thought leaders in targeted online communities

Grow influence and reputation subject matter experts in the social sphere

IBM Select SMEs IBM Champions – non-IBM

technical leaders 1-on-1 coaching and support from

an IBM Social Business Manager

Sustain and support engagement while continuously proving competency and expertise

Support and amplify word-of-mouth aligned to Go-to-Market priorities

On-going listening and measurement to gauge progress


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© 2013 IBM Corporation18

IBM Forward Thinkers – self-selected but community verified experts that share thought leadership internally and externally

1) Create an expert profile - provide information about your expertise, and as your knowledge and skills evolve, so can your profile so you're always presenting an accurate picture of yourself.

2) People connect with you - using search, colleagues find you or you are promoted on where customers and others can follow you on the social networks and other sites you share.

3) You and IBM benefit - You build your professional reputation by communicating and demonstrating your expertise, while IBM benefits through more effective outreach and improved productivity and collaboration.

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© 2013 IBM Corporation19

IBM Voices: dynamic inventory and syndication of IBM branded, IBM Select and IBM Forward Thinker social channels

Objective: optimize Earned and Owned media coverage, aligned to Brand strategy

+3,000 IBM social brand accounts and channels identified

Curation and administration support to help maximize content marketing and shared expertise

Self-enrollment with brand training, validation and permission

Accounts are available for syndication via Social Media Aggregator

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© 2013 IBM Corporation20

Not every IBMer is familiar with social media, so IBM has created training and guidelines on a range of topics

IBM Connections Social media basics Cybersecurity Social selling Dozens of courses

Recommendation engine

Rewards & tracking

Strategic, sharable content

Digital IBMer Hub: enabling 400K+ IBMers on how to be successfully social

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Tactics driving >5k visits

Initiated Registrations(e.g., white paper downloads, event registrations, product demos, etc)

Completed Registrations(Form Completion Rate)

Marketing Tactics to drive site traffic

133 All tactics


IBM drives SME participation for one simple reason: it drives superior conversion results vs. other drive-to-Web tactics

SME bloggers are the 4th most effective marketing tactic out of 3000+ in terms of conversion rate

In July and August 2012, SMEs drove significantly higher traffic than other tactics: 6K visits to 1 of 133 tactics which drove 5K+ visits to + 511 visits or 9% of 6K initiated registrations on + 173 or 3% of 6,000 completed registrations

3000+ All tactics

#12 SME tactic

#4 SME tactic

34% SME tactic vs 14% All tactics

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So how do you start getting the same results?

Start with a business objective• For IBM, it’s about meeting our 2015 roadmap through “Smarter Planet”• Determine the right social business patterns for you – listening,

collaboration, organizational transformation, finding/sharing expertise...

Push against open doors• Partner with internal constituencies who already motivated to use social

Try to think of social business as more than social media• Focus first on social business patterns that target top business pains

Cultivate an attitude of impatience + glacial persistence • Change comes in fits and starts, but when you look at it over a long

time it will seem seismic.