ini irain stork w 23/fort plains ny... · 2013. 12. 19. · a. d ijo*' ham a t.o, ia rainitl...

m A laanaev- A toe****** tot. (MM! tboogb ** » • " trotgtlar," we belief* htm) lb*f be fWUMfJlll f»«iligif fwetw Skill* b*b*« pt#|»l« »J©dlog jrjF»A«M»MlOkMMfA?ej their ewo hum***' Tt*«* reowrkabt* tMBItmt baOfrOed t| **»~lh* p«M> eegera tetog tee sick to attend to eaeB MM.tort'Stanwmp. I* pf*ao«>l.eJet tie* aad Utmrn-hM * *•** r**<esWt09*eaW o> fiijr<i*4ea*•'• ***** tie* ««#*>• try. *' •" " • ' O ree*4*ed*MewB*gtot*r ©Sir*, Pert i _ kl«i*.jbw ever* •*^l«*_»POf, " —A m»e wweetlv beese of a "H™ 'k^^wwrW^s'^MsF- IwW iPwakyr Wwwa- ntW*% good ooo**f*e!i<yoel power.. A i**B*d editor, in comm«olio* tootot,any*; aae*p*ew*sseg abwe ear** than #11 other w t«iisrttt*eat. A wM' W»H eosvto** the Wri a«*f«***l. |1 * SWUM { ai* *W g». « * t i i Illf •s*****. Cawatsr* t**** **td by M. C. Dpewm, ii Ktam ttijtuk » l w^tiMto|iiii,,>M»ii b»«r jrf*». 1 ' f eiawib AltMAWWAhim MHUfM* niMH»btMl. I'ruataAtkatto Magaalw*, ui«« i lie » lay. ** KHMI ****** *«« •»*I ««-»•»• •%*•!*#, PsiaU** Si CM. If gnamil,**, or I ( r t M i . i l . K**Mtoewa*rtt*r Ms§aat M pabf. Maswy: K I « H V i<« mti-gad. Ad- Orabom » M-a* >*iaa He should ban tnartietj iter, iwT lho»-^ ,l lfiS!L5iSf!!f l * PlJI ,w -' ll ia2fT* refused b*r a oew boon*, to Let* Jevel- "? *V"**^> fc *».^_ , «**"• fBKAf, AGBNCT. rat SURANCE INI Irain STORK p«prwt ir wra/m __ BIMDIMO. •«**•««,jMUertatiwi *f VfaMlf Seek* »**aw- 0iMttti»»»totrif»liiii/V.,^M*»r»rhll l iO9.«T* W tii^«)riitt0«irdrrlaf«4a(ftoii»4aiiwluwpii<r«a:J*a«Miis * .. * .. t,M»4M|H> *»«**, t**oi.t,i»ed s*r*»b*r*totim<r***try. Paw- j Omm , " New Have*Co«u, t jeu.etejau titota**/ i«lwita*nert*dd» library by gattowiog *Our* Ktefctag* Iga.fto., M. ?. eooooe w ..rrw-— |i|«to0ll4J»a?JN»> ?ort| U»,3IJ>*1|t HtHmmi iM» Urn., V»MW»v fo.k. Kmii-ijf N^MHtfdm A m r w c 0 ttt ,«f U trttori (JM*. , .SOI^W M T«»NIW Ui»iwa. 0*»f H»rifur« Own f«i'#*.M »» ibiir _ lUtiiM*. i^wspaptfft ti4 Ulrr ttrlila. awj>ajtojfl»i % HMarjof tJattod ] Aeiw* MM nta«b IM,C», of opod b»r oovtii of loik.' Ono X>o***** t l O, a.r.,«#il(Hivil)«. ,»H.Wwl«»»#.«inl Al|»*£** Uraa««ii,feMMwIsii» oi«o a«* an OS tool it iaogarooa, m^nam.imtlfy.'^Hm Ptau^ w«r«.*a»iBi U* emmtk u « « iuf our i-M«aton. la a ____^ yUU.TURRtfYaif/r. •«.MA TO t^MHie VSR VBAM, ifui.^CAy.AstriaosPWisnin. A v r H i» ««kte4 ill t««ri MrstoUi* U»k»» , IUI.F CALK «w HA LP TURKEV. toi4uik«4b<l Milan •ftteb «l i#H/ cul»«MW|j«hi« i M t«lt •JtM^Jiiil of luilf cloth. WIIU *«J(i« of gilt K- k.U M.^ju^.ikt. «,;!«» ***»? •*•.%. H U fMWfcltoMi fc*«. U t o i i t r ««rbt«<irMriiililmt, a»aM| bt<to«irrd. "" "" " nroaif»l mttwlloii. _ ANviKM..*jTTHJRW*Oir. Agtul, A hw Woria to Mmm iallorf OR lalliog *•(•• 1|R *w^F*w Paoiroot UMI. If andfeedata not Ptt-p aim io but iota him go out, aod ibat oi kith a aaao owu«r u jtuilty Uodor tt« old Tttt*« GDout diipooaatioo, raefe a »*n, hy tht diieciloB of God »aj pot to dtaib. it ii a iroat onrna for a mao to oodtogor too lt»e*. eorrupt tbo cbaractor, aw* feed tbo viota of bit f#llo* roan ]f b# doca ft be will tbt Ditio* trlbuool. But, aaft aootber, if I tbouid oet atll lienor aome ooe alae would, Mao wiU bave it aod wbj » « | oot I bat* tb* profit* at wall aa olban. So (be binbwaff robbtr aod tb* murder er o)*y tajr ,* there k luob a good op- poiiuiJiy to male oioBey. 8oonebod| will corumit [be crime if i do oot, aod why may oot I bate tbo profit! of it aa well aa otbata. Becauae if yoo do, you will be e robber aod murderer aa welt aa tbo other*, aod will be a partaker of the It wooa. Tbt aaoeof you gaio bj doing wrong will ooly bo a oftree to you; you bad belter be wit bout it, aod reet eontenffd with wbot can bo gaioed by dJIgtcee, eoooomj, aod tb* bletaiog of Heateo io doiog riglt. Tot wage* of MO, ai are tboae Biade by tb* aole of al- abol to be ua«d aa a beteteg*, will rt laat, tile alcohol iteelf, " bit* like a aer- t ant asd atiog lib* ao adder." It Io) aa I. aalneae wbi#b ia daogeroua to tboao *bo puriue it, oa wait at to otbert, aod ombi proreo by pre*antatioo from a Wi art SRltlRg to»plrle Rft:VOI.rTI#M IF* TRADEf AM -* Milag ,1u* tee awe «t trto«a» _*«** rieaeof t*eet oawe nig mm I'rtctMHt * llaaa^ia* t —11« » Rmp«i>ta. H.i\\m> H tg»aa«, iMfn Ikmfe, Library fWk*. i-»# Rtfiika, Urftf'*netwtat, HareeaNi PtetoHalt fallow** Ptetothai. i u«*amtr4 l/wa«.a ftawa tea | Hiefwi'e ItMary el VlA- TdlWRuaaaapaart, JibrMtie'a trriBgaW^attea, t4««i4ni» WaMiaftuM, . Rertotata Hfatory, Ula»l Chriat, Herpvr'a R»Wa, ria<*Kar'. KhU, Tlnae'a Rluie, m»?tk>imim'»t ArUaatl , »*t,'ieweea, VanarFalr, Rttiautiit: Amartoaa, i ka I ** w * ,far *""• ***»Higte* ebea*. aod tie aacuw..(, | iWMuuu. ^ «.--*, •• ! ML* the ate* mm mmha a (trewt* warlfc 03to%tm. > A a* al aa«a|it*fa«, wbetber graat or aewlt .•»**» M-oHiliagtM wiaibir *#e(. Agawta va«i««i ar«ry : *< aa(t#(t$ltMi« <tf Paaatetllato, Maaeefrtola. er vketo. Olrtratora m>iitm, »aairf*r e»»# »• warMiy of ereaaraattoo. _ . _ . gwgkawmoa bated i a a * r *igh leeatt toe PlRtCRR * t:«»., t t gvgereJ tn,,"' I OidUbtuwa M4. . I«»KJ *11f¥l A ttUiTH i.lLA.i #AIA/ Agouta, JParltoetat gALAKY will eelgror raaa bf rautrn m*u,w naotjria *oullii»g el «.*« fariOeto. P»aa»a u*tue ymimt t m aot ikw aetUeia. A. D IJO*' HAM A t.O, ia RaiNitl Mtevf, Ma« Tutli «3«w4b liu ua H u'ltAilK, eaetataiag a Ptauograpb. i r«ii..i r'iir»i.jk». )'»teet Reel aiara. L'«lt*iaViita H)«tary, Magic Cigar Ugbter. laaMUa \'iu*o- 4%»i>tt. «;h*4iti i R>a«i Magic Uird, Utoi^tMMriH^' I'tvltaa ln<k, *'m.u< Pav** Ktwrlujiaa aik pu* gafa. Paaatl. P«u ht>to«r,i<•>!>)• a law-afl i««r ««» tlutut. Haiti (MMtaaa a*4. W.U. WKMrag.AIi HtvaOwajr. Ma* York. etowlto iip>i.iu»fp«... <# - • •a'twy." '•' >*jeaim •!•• jmuiyii ••••maaw 1 •'•«'iiaiMK*Kga--H i • • i.ipea OLAPP'B RHEUMATIC CIRK laaso mwAJURUT, UmlUwm ell PefM m 10 Ilosra. CerI tie aag g paja Cere jw___ BHEUMATI8M. Wftelaaaie by all Ma* *ork Una Hi«*aw. utl by thai |>ria«i|H>l i'ntjgmu. I'rlca. Out tor, BOWIM* A L X A P P A C.i altwlt b mt tag a** Rru»4«ay Mo* Yurk o> Dvl- AT Ml» CO«T. P alSf «f all Mot* freer toe aaeea ef the feet to too rn»»o oi tee bea*. reeweei b> IKM3T. rtport oi a ieuipor»oco coofeniiou to i woi-WI I, llu UkeAbaeiieMra, Ma* Yoih.bfi i he eaatrro part of laif Stat*. Io c*»|»*aeae af PAIM PA**?, awii ay ail UraMgiata ( ..wn. io iwtnty-two yrara, tweutyoluf .eu uudeitoolt to mako mooey by the ta'e of iutoilcetiog drioke. Fire of l.ftn iftarwarda abaodooed tb* buii- • -*. ai»d four died druokarda, Twenty > iho tiaio the coureoiioo em bold, at ia COMI •. 'i tug > »t aJitf b NEW MEDICAL BOOK ow IIM »>tti|.iuiH*. 4-au*aa *»J «M«i*c^«tMoraof J!«•»•«. uf taaiiriMtaaoo, en»ra at jotttb, (•WMialuro Jrtiii, MMl lite »yci.<I Ktatbitlum u( wu , utait, »UI( *JI« r«u,etlMM R f t t a o b . Oatft Ip<* to (tlnia.MHbMl OHavMi|tr, Milk lb« IlijlW.t '*»IHMull, tttf - — <* V*X*,Hifut*r Ufr,. r«tP1»t«,M. Y. Iuauraaca «a farn Rtillglegt e*<t eealtata ; aad a* getaabad atwelllagaia vllUgea, efectod at lew re4«» of (jrowiuw. A* a tarai afyaartaud tie |»er- I olaad atari aa tU«a. aa4 rlaka aa tt»ftfftwtatln« by *s teal aed raMratd Ukee at the towaat rata* of Tb* rnVTVAlMWU IMRUIIAItCIt CO , of Mev York,totha large*!, aafoat, Ibe obtoat I* buatit*M,and tbe ettattaaeceojifttl iitaor- aacai'o.. al »tiy kind in tbo l-'.H. TltK TltiVKI.KItH IMNI HA*' rSCOj til llailfuril. t»4» the fljrkt Ut litli'udiie in lm« •-••m. | tr« lae (luctitsa ol hiiarance agaittat afcldotiia. Tbe aol»*«rii»t-r» wtmul moat r«e«#oifuliy aeetogge to tke dtlseueer Pert Pialo aad ftotoH> •• aeu oeii i»o i»»i tkey bar* <j|M,oed * WATCH AND JSWMLRY STORM In Fort Plain. TklCIR NBH* RTORB, wbetfttMef will e and IIM»toe%ef renda aattollr foaed <T<CtfAM 4«WgL3Y KBTAUI.IRH- It Itaa ise largaet awata el any cutritwniaa «tl that i •/ '"* •*'*•* a/yie*, ebtaa, aed la tkt tiiineany «f it* klad. Gaeeral atoldeat polwtoafor a year, or foraahttrtar ~ longer time, will be writteo at thlt agansy. Parttrodattfrtitg nlit&it luaurani'e.ot aquliable ratea, vlllftudittrt mmr wMttttaae toecftv ai ibi» agency iteftiie loomittg *r teaewiag their poiiuie* ttoawbara. ROIir.HT AD4MI, OB.* ever Woad, Chw* * Hall'a tttere. a»l FORTfLAIM Jf.V. e American WatohoR, //fidl Odd end Silver frb$ttt, JaYATjT OOLD LADIES' WATCIWS 18 J. GOLD CMA J XS. FIN* SOLID 00LD JSWBLH V, Sitttd Silver Ware f mnd« |e order and warranted Coin, m \ PLATED GOODS, of Uu bat o««%. ,u i fit tr*ut »amln INSURANCE * * jigmm** I aaaaaaaaiBiBBa aaaaaki. *a*H .4%, C3r Tf|: J>Jf FOMT PLAIN, NV. FORT PLAIN, N.Y. nne four \ eart ag*, were all It lug poor ' i 1 *- •»» »tt«k*>mir a ^ «« ataw(< a«d t*e inuoa »f -_«-.— ",^^tki*iaH»tr,uUH.l.AWttti^iJA,allLl«li.»t.,M.Y. 'Siikaida, acme al ibe eipeoae of the i. wo. Agaio, in ooe part of a cerlein iiv, which ahalt be Bamilru, there w. e litty-aot-eB tetailera of ardetrl i(i its, Wheo thia aooveuiion waa bold, A? were dead, 43 of whom died drunk- a..N. WI'.ttB tb* Iflt t eflvllk ^£i!H. H.U, BKUWM'R lt«tapb)ai«'aJ Di«tW«n •Large Arritak ef CHOICE DRY GOODS, Kmbrueiog a IJWI« Rlti«k >>f ^MaialaM aTaloWalK: Ofatl Gotoraead atylaa F A N C Y K N I T H O O D S AiTMA IMR..I0O., Of lUUTPOr.D CONN, Catitui aed Areata..,, H u-u.!»-» 17 l.oaa*-* ptud la 4k year a fit »HM% IT «paj*|a**aafi IIUMK tMR. ( Ug;,OP .VKW VOllK. Capital auu Agaata,.,,., ****6,*e» IT ' | waai ..pwn mi — . . i HARTFO.ID flRI lift. CO., Of HAaTfORD o5f*„ Caplia; aad Aatettf,...,,, ........ .11 ,TM,laS II IVTKUNATIU3TAL IMR.,00., OP MltT YORK. Capital aad Aaaeta,,, It 44t,(Wt> 17 H.u. mtuen * i«fiapa)att'ai ui-n-ttoor? » the itoly U»gte*l Unttitiont eaianl. It klltt tbo root of all diiieiao, l)e.ilitoe>, MuNaa M tne Head, HiaclMijca irwoi Ibc Kai, Kttodneaa, RJ|«I- ! MOW, Oa tan b, i»„ Ac. Tito l>l*«tieery \* neti j t M I k * eyagoWJ by abautptto* ibtuogit lira ayea, ao;« euty |eara, HI ,,U4 M.*\\> «ud u>aieforaaa* b>H?eb«bo. ttoad AMD Breakfast Shawls. A c< uotj not far from here, 8lO potaooa 1 '^* » k tor , to ••* liiaolORl agtoeiii. Bani.t. lutu Ueo llceored to aell •—^.*-'«• '•*• (*«'•'ww0«. diitiga. After a (borough iottnicelia* * m *!** iUu * ^JPf ^>#***•>*' ate* eg- * ,v ""«g | preaa oh^.'ge*.) l>ire«tkma at^uwttaay ajeb i<ark* 111 Wa leal I atoek ot particular attaalioa to oar Imiaenaa namiuatloo kg* Nee W. off* Mt u* t r a g i "*«il|t<ir Orowlb "of Ike Hair. To »ru»gi««« *i Kirty Genta ear (Mile ii hi beeo fuuod that SOO of theie per- »uua b a r e oot increaiod their property, but that ISO have ioal tbo wbot* or a I .it of laid property. Tbat 150 bare rvooonoo druukardi, aod that mauy, yet a »tiy oaaoy, of their children bare fol- lourd tit* etemple' aet them by their F tiruia. Tbua the traffic dealroya many who ponue it, aa well at otberi. It* fruit* are bittern?** aod doatb. Tb* L-ird hai corted tt with many curaea Sou e ou* **ya: Tboao oieo lock • 5 o'uoh ; they aold It too, probably to I,,., kirda. That ia alwaya bad. But i •»ver aell liquor to druukarda, I «eit i»uly to aober men. JU oot toot wen*I IWit oot do more to lHr|p* ;-fcwt , -1(-r ,- rt(1 , tf r!t ut.keeoaaa aod lie ee*u*geet +**U »b*err (i't '< 11 log of tge poifott, ereo to d.uok wide J fiuppoe* (here t* a quaofity of p-ivoLOu* rood le the matfet. and that H-n.ore a man rake* of It the Btoro hia tppeiiie for it ia inereoaed, the It** it- «ro it girta him aod -the more he »•!• continuo to lake unlit he la killed, i Ii. tie quantity it can be che.p Ueauao it is potaooed, aod io aejall q u<<iiiee tt could bo lold at bigh rate* ia i l.oeo who liktd it, bectut* when 1 uii'1. r lie itiflueuee ibey are betide them . a*lrea. They Im»glu* ^hoy aie titb when (hoy are poor, atroog wheo ihey •re «eak, and well wbeo they ar* ready *•> dk», Koowlug iti effect« you put- iltaao aod tell it io order to mako IH >• ttj-. Your ctietouten litkett awl di*f but before tfery die tbry b#c me de* r.tigod. Ooe illta big father, another hi* mother, or hi* wife or children. No iiMn*i life Ii tafo, tb* whole oommooity i* in ao uproar. Tbo poop!* aaawmble aftii reaooatrate wttb you, who to make BttBgf buy and tell poiaoooui food. You »a> : wh*o I aa* a man ao pottooed ai M RU, U. ii. HK.ivtMM Puor Igibwd a Kje Wa. t tvr- i.m. RoRke* asea, •.tt«i< K ib«u* Weak < ' e>e*,e!«*ra l*i« ai«a. To A* bod oi ell li.ujg »ta j «( i'wooty tt*« Ceuu perbattit. «.-:iiwiia CLOAKINOS, CLOAKS.' SUA WZi$ t U. O. MOMS'* Root* Mea<we otova* tVene, Woria and Uaadruff, m^ bt H*« rallauia |«<f|>aiatn»n far tbe Htnttib of tba be bod of all 131* I So £ » I'LOIK & DIM TRIMMGS. THE OREAT BEHKD1 WbiiliUanoaeti favorably kaown«ad ettauatve- ly u»ed la New Y»rk citj ond vfaiwitv i*»t apwarda ef tWBMTY Y\V% YKAI«. HAOAJU SaVjSMM P t i . t i K u s etJBATlVI. COUGH BALSAM. PRICK U. Ml AMD » ORMTM l»klll RflfTLg. The Moat. Cbvapeot, aad a* a I Uaotody torCoogha. C.dda, * i . , l b e W<itid H.»« aver pro dtuwd. Purely Va^olabto, eoetaioa so Mlnarabi or The C.iraUve III I.SAM la •arrattlfil. If oaed a a eliding to Plierf luua l.i t.'era or reitee* la alt i'a- aoa.i'iaigb* C.iia.,kVliii ID iog iTim.b, Cruup, Aatu ma. aad all aff-nriliMia ot tbo Throat and Liunaa- Mai true ZtUocCur' .'a Ributtt i. 4 ), u-fl) V*,t« table K»|i»i pre- pared Willi grcut .-.ire .uiJ aciantibV ektll. Imot a irii'tibioalbtn of tlw beat rakMHliaa tbe eegoteble klngdoM ttfjida. IK iiioclial «) laiitlf »it»|ii»ivi<Hi u*»MMa*rte aaaUl tbe IteaJtbr aad f.goroiia rirculathot ol Ibe •Blood tbroagb tbe LOOga tt enlieaa* the ma«ilw aod eeeMo tha alio to perlotiu the di.i .aa ••r* rt g- .lalliu Hir livat in tuc •yaiatu. aod io gaott) •ww'NWiiik'ii froto I be atufaaa A large aaaortmeat of^^.fl VJ A JLX I Jtlf 1 & a MATS, RUQS. OIL CLOTHS. TSAVELlNa«|BAQS,'» R in great variety, UdWa'tlilaeea' audfCbiLlroW RBTURITY 1MB. UO..OP NEW YORK. Capital and Aaaeta., ....... i,t!»t»^i.» II LORILUAUU riRB 1MA.C0., OPNKW YORK, Capital aed Aaaeta ,.li,t*4,ooo uu PRdaTIX lJM.OO.,OPBARTrORI> COMM. ' Capital aad Aaaeta..... II,0*1 , m If PUTMA* PI9B tWR. 00. OP BARTPORP CONK Cagttal and -laaota... ..... I ut7.4i» et. 0LBM8 KAU-ft IMS*.. CO., UI.KN8 PA M.M. M. Y, Capitol aad Aaaeta ., iieo.Tie OS f*«)ieie» leaned and jBeneweg and Leaawe Promptly Adju.tetl and Paid atthU Ageacy, / PAKMnuiLlltSTfaaJANOCONTiSMTM anti detochoil dwellioga io village*, loan red lor a tm io of year* at tow ratee of premium. CONNKCTIOUT MUTUAL UfH INHUHdNCJS COMPANY. Aeenmnlatci A •it* *r*r OIg.000,000 00 Ufa potittio*greetedoo ibe Purely MIIIUHI Hyatam, teUraimj aneaally to tba Atnotred. tl>« i euiire proBta lu dividend*. 1 .United Suttea Caauality In* , Go. i Capital and AaaeM "... .1117,Tel M Tbeoelr Mutual Aocidaut iuvoranee Company ta tb* lluiw.l Rtalae. fc 00 per Clont of Cm prmlta iWurned lotbe atwuicd anuuall) ta dieloenda, taaurani* made aguinat aouiduntaof all kind* at moderate ratra of piemluut, with weekly eom- pouaotbiu In e4»* iiflitju'y and payment of auootit luaured ie oaae of death. HARTFORD t.lVK STOCKIM., CO. Capital and Aaaeta. |11I,»H» 41 f'.iliulea leaued on Live Ritik egelntl I'*- by Death, Theft and ihe ol Tranfj^rta- all u' renoaabla rate*. OfBcc In ihe Amarioon BxprewoBlee.uratdoor to the Raak. ALFRED CARY, Ageat Itjrl /ine In Gold, Sitter and Steel, Table and Potket CVTLMRY. CLOCKS -Fin* tVnteh. t\ d> 8 Day, ania large variety of fine Fancy Goodi, i*mdmg Shoot Music and the first quali- ty of Italian Violin Strings. awl! mu m Peraitiia dr.nlng an J tiling in mir line can aiitiafy I hem an fee* in rigord to Hie price., hv giviun na no " •ipptiitonlt; to auu* them I *• timtfix at t'l* tlm*a freely »h>wi. ol ourerock aod jirle** la eollciiad. Ktasi I nation ,0 * ; <ff*r, to deranged aa to talk about! ""•> tlut "*' ••! ****** keep-it wmvi killio, hi. father or_motber, I tQn \ ^JJfJ^iaBffif?tt him o**r to other* and let them lake the r*apoo*ibllity of kilting bim, eapw cially if be ie poor and can not pay oae. I* i bat a ay betigyf If you, aod moo like you, would only tell to tboao who are poiaoned and could oot tire, the ml would *oou cure iteelf. You would Un««...» uo of tloi tmdy Jt loo*«aa tha pblrgm, indoree free tpittlog and •ill be iMMod eery agreeable to (go toate. It |» 0*4 a violent reut'dy,bat emollient, wonomg, eaareb lag aod edeftur : aod eae bo Ukao !•/ the oiaoat prr-t,n or yiaiugf.t child. If y*o have a Cold, l f ever *o Hgbt. do not fail to give tb* RaiMot a trial, at tbo vary low at abicb R la aold bring* it within lb* raa. It .* every vealoNt foi wHIortrb cuet. kWld by all Diuggi-H. llt< KtCI, M HKMUK1 , cWtaeto ProprieUHT., a* Uarelajr >t.. Mew Y.#k. OaFAIIgo J (i iartnt«atPaa reoommanded.) C. Y. EDWARDS A CO, Ccixia,* Street, FORT PLAIN *-». CUT—Bbowio* tb* Net Worl •f Wrought ii^.i Bora HearYel. IAKK rate of ynur ment HoiOiitieo, A Hear y « ! ! Valimblc. PUJOI r : , Ac. Cavern Oet. I, 1807. C. Y. RDWARDS, A. G. MASKK. o m c IT IR TUB BKHT CrlAMCB ever nAgedtp , Ageou Cue or two d*y*' Hate will a*, me a go d bin . i t - ^ J . JAawlee Machlra, Ratoo.nllk Dn**». Rerotoer. 01 kill all your old cuitomera and make ooj *we «<bar artlelo of «}tml value.Paea or 1 o*r new one*. S* with men who eel! erdeotl ?**£* "I? 1 ^ V' r !**? T \ tw tu * lm * " M i,;>, Bn^ tbe he-i BURtiLAK PROOF MFB made. i & SON, LEWIS LILLIE Manufacturing Co. r.M KM ITU, AKi-nt.l Pot Miimtlii.'toieia. Part Plain. Ott. 31, MM7. HUM liUi «piriti, if they would ot 11 ooly to drug! ania.'tbor would *ooo kit! tbrm and the eul would ctaao. But the grand diffi- tu It y U, they tetV! soli to aobor moo, ttiui propating thorn for wbat ia to fol- low. For, oo loooor bar* tbey killed utio goooraitoo tbao they hare pr*p*t*i toother to bo kilted lo tb* earn* way. — Tbia ia abominable and ought td receive uoiroraal alteration. You do Both tog but koowiofly, with your tyoa open, in ritw of tb* focii, peraeeerv io making druokardt, turqiog aober youth aod ro> ipeetable men ioto grorelllng goti, pre- paring them, at 1000 aa o*j* geoeratiou of druokarda baa gou*. to roll the buru- Jog our** down oo tb* next generation. aod Indue* tbem to roll it 00, aod thua f oo bono to eaoapa. Vein, ralo bop*, f any boieg to human abnpo will re- oeire too taatlog tgeoratioo of a rir- tuow* aad temperate oommooity, It will bo thoo* woo, ootwiihataodiog aouod argument, k-ud porauaaioo aod tb* tear* of the widew, aod th* groao of the orphan, will ooutioue, is full riew ot the fact*, aod for the purpoee of mak- ing mooey, to do that which tbey bare reaooo to belier* will turn temperatoj men ioto drunkard*, sod entail upon their familie* aod upon poaterity the innumerable ortla and untold agooie* of druokarda' woo*. Suppoeo be ihould writ* io capital* oo hif ligo board what bit buaio*** would do. It will Cimilar. c33«ab t.M fcO.THOMPetOMACO., Id Mauweor Ht, BoaU.n.Maaa. WE ABB COVINCTC A MD w ll.l. PRnMBMT TO AMY PEHSOM Roodiag aa a Club ta Out Croat ONE DOLLAR 8ALE OF DRY AW FANCY GOODS, A picreel RilKBTUNC, WATCH. HII.K OHKRd PATTBBM,-e.,*«., FBEE OF COST.' Catatogoe of Good* and Ham pie rent to aajr addreaa free. Addreaa, AIXSM, MAwas m m*, WUoleaale Oealer* te Praacb, German aad Bag- liah Dry and Pamy CfK^aXJaUary, •" -- • ~* A1 bum*, I*ea4*er tiooda, dm., eUwltb* Plated Wate, No. II Pegeral-atreet, BORTOM. ST. JOHNSVILLE. Matthewson's *• NEW JEWILEY STORE, !•• Pe SPONABLE, Healer ia!* GROCERIES AND PRO VI 81 O.N 8 IV G if ta for ChristmasftWow Tears A SUPERB STOCK OP PINBOOI.D AMB»||> VKH WATCIIk'B. all Warranted to run, and tktamegluy regulated, at lite low /*rke of 110 eaolt.aud aatiafaciioo guarao'ieed' « ISO Solid Cold Hunting Watch**, ISM to IIOM leg Magw t.'aaad Cold Watebea, Si«toMR 100 Udlea* WL,teUo.,an*jnatod, 1*0 to SOI loo tiuld Hunting Chronometer Wa'a|iMt to Mm Jtxj Cold if uotiog KngltaM l^v^r*, ago lo | m KaiKoU rlootlag Duplex Wotolma, tlOtoMM) .<« Hold floating AmertoaBWatobo* l«a to JAO Mm RHeer Hunting I-event, oo to 'xaiMilevr lioniiog Dnpbtxa* 1 f||* fja *m Oobt i*dioa' wataata, m to no l.oHUCoud Hooting l.epiue*. Ht to 1,0*0' M Ieeettoeeoo* Oil ver Watche*. V. to Rllver Walelma, Ti lot 4* n tfioo lloatlag Stiver Watolwa, u to m .y m 16R09 laoortod Woutbe* ell Wad*, 10 to „ nmiUM la aawl I . l U - . » _ ». *"•** Vha al«v* at.« It oil I b* dbttMieoU of «>0 Ift* p,w. majfiwajeg' to tbo aim* boo**, it 1 L*.o*e raw.-,.»*. ,^% W T imirembBA* will esoite ao many mora to th* com !•*"«•* »*«Md stiver Waieb. fertn, wRamtk r*- m^of erimoaodthoa ta« tb. poo- j ^ f i f f e U a C*,.*i Sraadway.M^fork, pi* tor iBe proearcutioii; aod 10 many it *i*b to immedtotair di*tm**or tb* »b»*« m«g wMI toad to Ml: ao mane to *taia> ~.u .«**«*« «"«*• »>wMaWatoe, ueming the ankle*. «. 7*-7L\J . T " l *„ #c * t - P'toH,** *»*,.**toemnwJeowtap**, tadweJIaalaTdv!. 00, aod ao mauy to too gatlow* ; that t llidLr* »r* a«ttled to ib*i*«l^ ^awg la Mwl? ao many it will deofira of !****»»• •A>^*b a ^'*t^^*? i ^^ t . 8 '/ r »- l * uJ ^''". *bet*er many It will depir0 of 1 anaon; M many it will etait with diatreaaiog ikk- anMto; ie ao maoy eaeee (t will eatta* add- deo death; to maoy wfrea It wilt make widow*, aod ao maoy children orphan* ; and lo maoy other eaa** prevent the ef- flwey Of is* goapel aed ruin th* aoula sf m*R. Weald it bo aoy worae for a m»n te writ* est e*for»baod what he ia goiog to do, tbao it it for htm, with* oot wareieg, to go forward sod do it 1 ; Oh,y*ruma*ihif*, what* foorful reek00 log awaits you, aod unieea yg repeot ye shall receive your juat AfmH§ from ag outraged Qod who marka all your lo- a^sitoAMi poosedioga, W. P , iti^a *aieb worth |i Atm or oae won i.t »«e/ The rotara of aoy al mt <-etti*r*t*o entitbw joo to the , aiitoto* tmmed tlrnvea*. aao* paymoiit lrra*peaiiv* ol H* worth, aed a* ao arnete valued lea* taaa II* w aauaod oaaey certiltmta,it will atone* baa*** that tbt* t* oo lottery, hot a alraigut Rerwari tWarit* i.oat* tr*ro**ctio«, *ki«b may be partwlpated la •v*a by tbe amat tbMWtoo*. A at ogle tmrtekaia will b* a*bt by matl.ptagpaiil af*Mr*eeiK*f*oefaie r lv*.lorlL*>lerea a* II. thirty-tare**w< oreeMam for U, atgty *lg tmlM*ia-a vatoable premium for M , oae •ad moat *ep*rb Watek .tor III, Te tbo**wiehUtg eeaplovmajat.,tkie lea 1 loony. It I*. * togRlaaateig amidocto doty aot bar teed by tb* Co vet emeu t wu d «»** to lue tnuat oaraful aorotlay. Waluitea «.ot gr KM praa*. wkk <4tt for vadtoeaieg 00 de||**r*,ta thai me aiaiatiata Oa* ***,. puaolbly « i a r . Try »*,~ ilmMji?, •m*n*aai>0b.,i b IH Ve 8* Shaffor A Go's, 1 St. JOnRRVILLB, aad *ee the magaUleeat (took of all kiadtot Watches, (locks, Jewelry, SOLID* SIl VMM FLATJSD WARS *•» Ifl^il'hiWl^lRiinM toat bra*g»ttoMew Yerk at tbe tewaat gold batU. Ladtee will fad mo*« magnlgeant U n l d . P r n r l . Jnt. and Bt gw*Md aet* of J*welry,a*leoiad wl h great «or*, aad from,Use rateet gad meat f aab- "ge*w 'aPgnF •aniaaw'e i*n** an* ****# nen. *TH J^i BrlAal Pr-ae»t*, llolidai Pteeeata, Birth-Day Preaeata, Aad all other klade of Praaeot*. ReHdaad Silver Plated Oaetore, Cake Raaketa, Ryrup Gagt, ipootta. Pork*, Kipao {Ittnga, Cups, A*., A*. Oold and Silver Watch**, Gold LockgU, Rings, hiiiis, and •verytHua] *b»e feuad la a fiat eku* Jt welry eatohltobawat. . Call aad taamioe t te atoek• fteia*e»ber the place, at If.M.»IAPrKIt A Oe'a BrKkglore, fetiJoUoafllle, i*a*HL*aBMalBWl*tf^ll^ ! ' ' At the old store ef MORTOM BBOTHEas, oa Mate Street, i*of*ri»* the beat Family Grooerics, which the Country e»n fiirelvh, putebaaed alnea the recent fall in prleea.Ior c**b. oaaaialfeg In part of Ten*, €*8W*,Sagar* aV Molasaea. Tbe beat grades of F i i O U rt.. Canned and l>h*& Fruits, Nut*, CRACFgRS «# CANDIAS, Crockery, Glaea Wore, Pre it Jars, And a Roe aasortmentof , STONE * WOODEN WME. //«««, Fork, Fhh t Mutter, Lard^ Okme, Kg§t, he., efe. The farmer will here l a d s IMUiDUC'E JeSXCHANdE, where be will recelvg tbe rigbeat market priVea for what be baa to aell, and can porch*** hi* Pamily aoppli** at Ibe lowest prtoea. CALL and GK7 GOOD BARGAINS, Oujpga delivered snywliere ia the village, H. P. SPOITABLM, Part Plain. Aeg.T, Mrf llyl ALF\A^DI:H FKA MAKER0P Parlor •Organs aad tVIelodeous OriVBaYDRnCRIPirON. E VERY tattrumeot made by tha uudeuigued i* et the beat quality, aad 1* . I Warranted for Five Tears! He calls attention to the great POWBB, DEPTH of TOMg, anti atyle ul iitiwli ol hia luatruineuu, and bellerev that nave never failed to give entire aatUfauttoii. MK. PBA, he* teatlmoulabtl'rim dieliliifulehed .Artlat*, to the etipoi'ioi'ity ef hi* luatreeamt*, bat odrra tbe beat te»tiiiimiiol in tu* liiaiiumouia tb*ai»etve*. Plea** to, nil and ex- amiae, Sweond lined leatntmeeta reeoived in Bxehnage for New Ones. Repairing and Tuning "oa* in the beet maiiocr.ygGB Paeterr eee door *a*t ef P, Stlehel's, Csrrlsge Factory, ho Canal Street, ALBXANDEH FKA. ««yl FiRsmilpijrvi SWT^RSIOM IT fTOP BTTOOTI ' A ViASIlaaZaDtfaaAV lafJeV*?** The If«t-WearingCoraetHaPy: willflod tbe Moat Deiirgble Aeaortment of « IIA.TH* AIVI> CJA1PS oytof Maw York. At lew York Prion, Maaortetoredoeder mySatnweiaJoa.andalwayto 'be Y*ry t.aie*tood Moat PeeUeaablealfyl**. Al*o ta hand a »mrga Aasortaaeatef CbildreB'* Hat* aed Oepe, Js9*lf*»tl3j.3aia»la AXXXm nnWW ^nw^waaw" ^a-»w^^»w."a» , ^^^a~eu|jpf ^aaaa^ a* •'• ^aw^^aajae*. y Laaderaadlutrodueei of Pashioa*, flat ggg Brood war, Albaay. TOPEWBUOOT! . M»' . AT TBS 4 ; MONTOOMERY'COUNTY FAIR KKFT. taaa, HENRY BETZINGER, OP JaPlgMlZXe W AN AWABD8Dtu*»ir*tPramiemfor the beat Tap and Open Begge. TofTop Reg*J wea Immwliatol v afterward*aold to flaner*, Prieat,of Little Pall*, for IDA. rPnrtUeae.t ten yeariHKMBY BETZtMCER as* bed tberojiitetlon.tbrooghoot ihU aectionof the country, Uf turning oot the matt tiurabit »M4 ityHtk CAKRlAlnMendrtf.BlCHRor any *atitUli«hm«<it In t,h« Mohawk Valley. All hi* work ia done hi the moat aabatantial and elegant manner, by eg- rierlenoed werkmea *udunder Mr. IlKTZIMUBU'B itnm*di*te*upervl*iou, ia want of a Llgbt Open Buggy, r, a Democrat Ngrteo Wagon, agOH, aa Bxpreaa Wagon, a roaeha, ef auy pattern, will do well tago Shop, of UY nET7*INGtiIt, AIM ST., PORT PIA1M, beforepurgbaaing elaewbere. CTJfTEHS A SLEIOHfl the moat elegant sad MATTHEWSON'S aaa^WB*,} jgwolxy Store. fortheaaaaaa, gaten apin awtoAsniiarotaaaer, l,!Mt9l^ r-rematlyraad neat *y# ***»*•• im* ..p ..w* aw "#0*..p. "«gP- **•• *vnf*e. mrAMpri IftumnHHf gf n*j>r***ntt4,jm FRANCIS RFREEMAN' IMWREBHUTTIE %im\m mwm$ [tatoPggggtk A rtrki l airesopertortoall etherafor TUPORTSn fllOII PAR* PALCY COODR, - * ^ 1 , JJ ^SS!^ WU9( T' ! MgRYOfJR 08*4 tttf t, W ITH ITRuuMUiir *rTa*a*aT*.-»,*w ariatr* b*i-as«*ioK,ivruM<>iraar tmia*to>>* 1 ...a or **»**, a-rkHMareaanoi*. Moot of rowsa, f i n r MkAU. Ui*» <f atriaorg «W ikreaitmd tBroofear* mmd < imlmtUi§ Bud acawerngarwi* IN HUMPUIlEih', HOMrtifAiHItJ pPBtlPMJ M«i. TWBM1Y Kit. HI, Cttaipwetd ef tbe etoet valuable mlid and poleat fiiiaiitiai.ihey etrikeat aat* at tin- t**a ••' 1i1.itin, urn* «o nut avetna arit'-t Hie do» kar- g*a. aod itiwart vigor aad e«*rg), lift- ami vitality to the entire taaa. They have ttpod ibx-aiideot I'IM «. I uVler. per ptokase of mx hot**, aad vial or oae dot tar per aingle bos. Mold by d uggLi* and oeot by mail oa rweipt of twice,— Sddrcea HUHpHREVR' RPkOIPW HWMWi PATIIIC MEDIC IN !•. Cu„ aw Hio*dw*y. New York, ** TOOTHACHE A NEURALGIA JLrt c inocli o a*.. V * A4JMETIC TOOTH CORDIAL. Tbe raging t>«th*fl<e why en dm e, Wbea tbete lound a perfect ear*. Whb h aa»t» the t.eith an4atopa ikejpaiii, Aud give* the soShrer eaee agala. Price t ll.ftuoeut* andMuii''*. Mantifacttiiti by Mr ii.H'.MACKKV, *HHrk*r»llr, Herkimer C*., M Miscellaneous. Magavuicfg Tiatr. twaaBBaWaaaawvayw* a*** aSB^pjatB_fJ JBBBBJ*_V. ^awmaaaaos **a**a**M**i jmi _i ^rVATOHEIS, awiavnr jk'WKtn rtbBiL VKH WA JIK. Tb* starve Wet- lee* 'have proved to he e**t1 time keaifier*. SKA'VI''t.T R»«ei„ ill Broadway. (Up t"*H.) SIKEOtOT «WW ,••*< Hr.mdwey. tBatw- ea Aawty 4t»d KoortewJ "feSmoUya.X. Y.. IBM EDICT SIMM.»« PULT.1K Ml, Role Agent Nay ta* Renamttdr Ubareh Ctoek*. A km Ageatatorthembiof tb* Aamrkwa «'«lib*m Watebe*. Coedaaeat by Bapre*., aiamlb \ J OBJtMtR. DAVIDBOMAOO., Noe.JHilai.dWt BliOADWAY. X V. Maaoraatar*f#ef' raje AND au»omA puoor AAF>.A VJtVLTDOOM, IRONHHUTTKkS, AND WON WORK Ol ALL KINDS. &AIIROAD CHKCK8. PADLOCKS, MTC. KNAM- KLEDAND PLAIN, HOLLOW AND STOVE WARK. aSSaiSb 0tLMBMT C. DA VIDROt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OAT OOOIW! FAMCY 0t*tr* JEW£LHY A blLVfiRWAllE. Wurtt. err? a* te*,o*e! ait r* be tea* i*rO>fcl<i UK KAtll .A.!af*3T4*hTJl.*r5iPblIS ejfey <Do.. p^avaej^^a^i^ awtap ^ae^-^a^amaaaaoaa-^a^F^ae-^iaa'^a^aBi^ ^aajr- ^H^awav ^aaja^ ^^^^ ap «JI HseatMUWaT, M W tuatk. *t!KV 1* yog AUKOfKlX M t V t'gaCTVM*<aV. A#>auaar* thai tt Baa*ee,wea>-e .1 i|,« «r*rN'«ti..a *l tk» t. aa hat, market, aa inw*a*> «**wm« or |ikT and * A .\C\ uiMMie ka«r n.aiiii, |.i Itieao *.ti, 1^ atruettitMtu 0**leare4 tm twawlMe )<«« at aef a4«ri**a «.IU„li.». lUvrvlui >, rieneJFi4*ej "Sal liit-ui i.i:«»liltli| p. tlieir i*f.i|H#l» »}'!»* aji bWall...> at II ewe a, «llo00l refal'il lw vaioe •jlie fulii.aii.f toft Ifee » n , > u i wLu.ta.alf |»TNHU vi Mine at* tbe arttaieo wbirb tbey t«.» utter at »i tt..r. *<.», aad BweUtti itutm l/vm » It <-• »'.<- Y - THE PAPCR FOR THE MILLNIN f — ! The American Farmer, Sleighs aud Carriages. i n«^*«««f> i rme»#c*.*i'ar^r, D BYBits. row ri.Atir. a. t. arsmsa The Cheapest and the Best . uteturiog aud i»a»lei,ll»BH-t.oi. Lend AORICUI.U'ltAl!. ASD HnRTlCUI.U'itA L Sleiche Cotters A Canioges.. \t!8Lv$k *«***•'«• a*w«.t»rnu> ni.M.ti.t, fl u ' BJ o up ' v u u t i ° ** watt»o|a»,' „,„(, elitmeiomfcjigiovingaol t^arm MaMaRoge if sllkti.da.Maniiractoredin the Utoat Styles of j iawto.PrulUaag eMowna. ;heb**t maUrial.aadat prifeathat ar/e mmprit '.ion, Tbey are a.iw paying »ueila 1 attention lu lOfaetll ••TTT.Al.r State WO M ... Ie i" ja... a eu 4l« Iff *•• IS It *l« tta I h> at.. Ip ONLY ONE DOLUR A YF.ARI Ibe MeO.fa.ln,. of Rl^lOIIR A . u ' W . f f & ^ S Z l S^^JgZ theaeaaoa^ompttalagtbe watt Imaotlful^tUre*., JOHN 1 URKKH, Poblhbei ei.d .••" imV-" allmlb l* II it Tbey are *!*» prepared to fuieUb Piano Fortes, Cabinet Organs And gfttlodeott*, from the nuMd ,-ei. i.rated mniiafactorera, at t h e l o w eat Caotiiry Prieea. Pieaa* give us a ca'l and ea- smlne ear stock. Good* not lound na reg- ra*a>aUal. the money will be refuaded. P. ta-RBPAIRIKO floaeia the beat poaalbto' tnaaaar and at th* iowe-t ratea. Diracuit emit mllclted. la. P . At S . 8 . GOB. a IfOTICI TO HOUSEKEEPERS! KKW FDRNITURB STORE! lVEW OOOPSI Hew Prices! I 1 | I M I A large and moat tpltndid aaaortment of Rtlll111 EM will beta readitteierorlheHpHngtrade. CalUod ! iiemlne our atock Manufattoiy on tba Hill a i fe* rod* a bo. e ibe ORIBTMII.L. D. MYBRR. G. G. NELLIS' IIKALER IM LUMBER, M. Y lONSUIVIPTIVES Xe-**V -, ..: | ,: AND BUILDING MATERIALS, of every dewrlplli.ti. Mash, Mblngle*, Fence Potla, litun*, Pleketa, lion Polea, Hiiutia, Bntiena, Lnedera, I..tiU Paling. Mawel Poale. HMluaiera, Ilraoketa, Mnrae* Plooring Celling. AlaoBatternot, ninek toalaat end Wbiteweod Lumber. Torniag, Painting and (i laslng don* to order. OEK1CE, corner..f Canal A River Hi., oppoalte ' Olbaoa'* HarneeaRtore. Prmoliial Lumber Ritlldhtg In rear of Unl-.n Ho- tel, oa WUlet Kt PORT PLAIN. A DELIVERY 'WACOM In tonnetted »IUi the | yard for the delivery oi Lumber within the coruo- | I T la *Hlb«nuiially elated litat <*».«.-fl'11. . * the iuliaUiuute nf tliia oonnl'Y and Kn- | din of No <li»^aee baa I l.etsti more tbororglily alt-dit-d, ami iia nature i |<ra* nndt-reuiod ; there I* no dievaae upon wliiolt eaiet* « grf*U-r dlveraity ol opinion : and no diecaet- wliit-li l<*eu<oi« > coajpletrly I lieffl-H all medical (kill ai.d n-Boedlal agenoie*. HotBu of tb* J roniilli-nl tyctlp'oioa are Cough, Kapootoealiou, Shortaee* of Rrnatb, i Irritation about the Ltiitf* and Cheat, darting ; Pain* in tbe Hide* and Berk,Etuaciation,and j general ncgatlvr eoudlttoe of the whole *)*• I ten:. PrraoD* aoffi-iliig with tMt dread die ase, I or auy of its ooDoomitant*, should It** no time la josai-ertng tht-meelfe* of the proper Remndy, in order that they may stay Ha r»v- sges, aed he rostored to boalth. The rate limit*. "Advtrlite no perform"—V. T. l*yl more than HAIINCM. IJOU can I S ajtlkipatlnn oT a c.lionge In a.'rlb«*r iH|i-r« lor aule In- folloa iri« !let Huh a iu Ilia hue, putrhamr*. bnaine.e, the aoli il ul Mt prliea tliiil uinuoi tail In watt rpiJBSobafrlbem'would aanoanee to tbe public X that they have lately oreusd ia SAYLKS' NEW BUILDING, in tha Village of CANAJOHARIE, aod have uov it».lyler **le the Large*!and Uc*t aeleuted ttock ol qre^jtycp r*/rrenfivar rti o*i JPeer offered for Sale in Montgotnery County I Embreetng every variety uanally kept in thia branch ef boat nee*, trout tbe ama Ileal aiticie to theLargeataod rklicet aty lea ol CHAMBER & PARLOR SETS. tbeeeOOODR were all puichaaed or t'ABH, we utter tbem to ibe public at a email advance above enet, couildeniiy believing that we can aOurd tbem Bt a LOWJSR PRICK than oae be found lu any other esto-blUbmenl In tbi* region of country. Dealrlng to ettabllah and build up a permanent buaiaweJLaad believtag u close attention to bueiaea* together with atrtct hooeuy and Integrity In dealing la the only *tir* rood to eoroeaa, t he *ub- airi»ea»almtoso conduct their buaineea a* to gain tnecoagdenoe and met it lUJi patronage of tbe public. Jt Tt. N. CCRTI88, J. Q. ADAMR 34 PINK, l i K n l M k SPRlfb LUMBER, Barn & House Siding, Cedar, Pine a&Npruce SHINGLES. HOP POLES Broom Handles. Oak Post*. Also Seasoned HICKORY, OAK, SLACK WALNUT Rev- E. A., WILSON'S Pr« jjar«-d Preaoiff.tioe lot lit*- Cure of (bniusipiioB, Aaaaa, BrsscBiils, (©ttgh*, folds, ASD All Throat and Long Affections, l.y the 0** of a hii Ii h* w»e reft artrtto I .alih in a lew w*t-kr, alter hav ins aofl r.d ».•«•»• re I ytmra with a at-ve-if lung a got I Ion Slid thai dread dl^eHf* 1 , Coo*tiku)4lun, hat an* l.rea In ueo over i.n year* wltb the nao.t marked auoew**. I 'fhi* remedy ia prepared from tb* oilglaal | Recipe clieinirallv itiie, bv the Re*. ED- WARD A. WILSON, 166 South aVI Btr-el, WilllsBj*l>ur|lt, king* Co , New York. A Pamphlet containing th* original Pre. acrlptioa with fall snd espli'it dDeoiicu* for pr. )e*r*tiou and uaa, together with a ahorl Malory ol lue ease with tymptoou, ntj«.ri- etica aod eure, ran b* obtained (frew of charge) of sir. Wi latin, a* above, or by e*ll- ttig ok or addiMevtUg, A. P. Settle, Cauajo- 'harle, and Gregory A Co., Port Plain, N»w York. *2lu>Sb MAKVIN & CO.'S Alum And Dry Plaster FIRE AND BURGLAR ARK NOW CONSIDERED TUK ' 3B*2»g»t in tii© W'or*lcaL *erkr»d wr lllu»li .led Catatueiie. Piiaatoti W*rehoo.**>w.) RIIIIADWA Y. New Vork.aod 781 CMkWTMOTSt,, Pblla. aiSmlfb J A a ti Whitcwood Lumber. BLINDS f HASH, Oluard and Uiml.i*<•.!. We fill Riateful for the litiernl |ial'0ii»n* wr have iri'eived,aiid h.'jx o. ao rourtml our hualnew. oa to bit a oi ill) oi a r.oiillnueure and lin-ieaao t.l tile aitliie. il JOHN A. XOI.I.KIt. "What! Shall Cmaer *eiid * lief Have I in eoitqtirel etrctrluil mine armao i»r, To heal raid to tell ihe truth P' Canvassers i t tAN tntke more m-mey b> .I'liujr i he (*• . up j hdiin.o' WntKa f«i llu- MlHioo I uu* pul.neliilig. Oliver Twi»l *S tenia I Chi tet 1 maa S t o i i t a . KJ c e o t e ) X*' Imlaa No klrOy.Hi niil. the tft.ole bcinf offuied (or |4 UU. J be l;pe .11>U j |jj|*:. h, oil in! l.i lu- ll Al'PLETCM A t O.,*.a. * j uSKnilb Key Yoia. DPI erguA. Thornpkon A I*., 82 Crder Street, N. Y. J. F DEVERKAUX ». CO., a Geuita.1 Hiitoi. ilo»ii,n, ni»t.a MASurAcTuaaaa or eaa RDDD1CK ST£AM E1VGINE, moat|Mt.'t, Hie *>lllipli«l,*iid tbo Cheap I ll cat ill thia Coooti U, The l(ulf<1 I'owCTaiiii He»t aulet-d. M.'Uiotil AUioa.l. lid I'e.l I'ircufaia au.ll'iic* l.iat on ap] W..i| >u,„ii»|.in .tie f<ua^ eat urn. MONtal' .TIADi: KASl'. OCAL A'-ENT.H wanled iu IF Y017 HAVE AHY TEETH, old stump* or root* of teeth that you with to get rid of iu a w«y and manner at once plea****, harmleea and entirely free from pant, tall at the DENTAL BOOMS of efa 14* BnUKlwaG*T I % Fort Plain, If. ?., In the WEBSTER BUILDtMC when he ladalh re- lieving thtaw *A1(cted with teeth ol thlekii.i1 In iuat this way, aud where lie can thua relieve you If desired. It having become established tbat MITROlfM 0X1DBJ la theeafeet sad moat efficient agent for deatroy log all pale la extract leg teeth, tbe aabacrlbei, de tlroua of giving hit patroiia the benefit ol all I.n provemeiita In hi* profession.has purthsaed * new and Improved apparata* lor making ml tkmt notkt tbl* article ia It* putret atme, aud he I* now ag. mlnlaieriug thesaniowith grestMceew.for thlt ptirpoee. All ate invited to tall and wit nee* it* operation or teat Ha efficiency. The •oberrlberi* alatiinaerting Artillilal Teeth,te tbe moel elegant aad atiiattaiitial inaaner at cheaper rateethat ean ba procured ebtewhere far •• ninety day*," er mora Teeth filled, ahm.*t roaaoasble price*. All work waraotedtobrr* gAf. }. K. BORNETT. Port Plain. Aug. I i . l l l g . U ISTSARAH L ADA187 SUOOBSROIt TO Miss Ct Perrine, TB eoastaatly making awjuUltlon*toher ttook ef MILLINERY, At bar old **t*bil«h*d Store, Adjoining A, Ihinu'y bawdry Store, CANAL STREET, FORT tUfN. She has a choice aaaoitmeuioi the latest atylse Pato |.ii. Veeoa, % Gems, JEuiptif, %HMsnl2! e- Marie Miowarta.Ac, Aad allaaber kind* or Jockeys, llnt», TriaalRfp, I tit Al. A'.LNTs wanted lu every loan and j city loeuipluy laiya lu aell ao artlch; uf gieai jiilintv Everi i.,miiy want* eevetuli.t ibem. tie ] receipt ot ail ecttte, laoaaioulea, which retail tor be caul*, will be eeiil ahli t|r>'ui*ia and lertna pi attenla. AUdieaa C II. rt I |).Ml,V iaiamlb 4.1 Coitlaadt St., V, Y. Meatfeaery Ceiatv Cenru. M ONTOOMKBY COUNTY, «. Il i, hereby Ordered, tiuit the Couniy Couita fur the county or Moulgum. ry for the \ear Ihtih, be keld at tbe Court Hoose in the village of Ponds, iu said county, »< the lime* following, vis t Mor tb* trial ot ]|#u*a of law and toot, OB lit* first lloaday of March aod July, asd on the third Monday of November. For the trial of issue* of law, aod the hearing and decision ef root leu* and other proceed Ing* oe tito Brat Mondays of May and 8«}Hetwlier,»Bd on the third Monday of December—at abiob no jury slutll ho r»-«ju(red to attend. And it i* further ordered that a Court ef Setelous be. held at the tttna and piaee of holding the March, July and MoeembVr i*no» ot the County Court; and that a Petit Jury tie drawn and summoned for said term* ef th* Court. Dated January t, 106s, JAMES 0- COOK, Sab CoBBty Judge of Montgomery Co. LAWKA, TAKS fAlTICULAR MOTICg. The Real Irtpau Ff*ile Pills! WARRANTED FRENCH, 1 hear PI la, >u aali-brateil man, yeara eg* t* Farl», for tb* relief of feat* irrtfulerliiet, aod »ft#» a">r*» tar lb*ir eritnioal e in ui«> uieat in tl.a a rea tic* ef aUaw- fort -^^ — ^p^ " ^^* ^ffe^aw^aV^ngna a Head Ore****, Special pals* wtlta*taken to glv* perfect **th> fs,i||iintoiter cu*tomeia,iu Style, O^atlty, Price aud Workmanship. She wililry nnd taerlt g eoatlnnsac* of the lib. tohffitm** 8 hewlo/«r* toetoesd »»»» >*res, NEW MILLINERY STORE JUST OPENED! HiMfiiKTILL.ct POTTER, S 'AVEjust amrngg yhjf|r NEW MILL!! . 8IIWenMjiBk^«r4iw*gj ep^»*i evy, lad tlilrd mmranetli o»S. s$efi*,-A 1NERY p'»*ite the Pit* wlllalwMjrktV'p oji j sahJousJile MttifHsry tiun, tia use t,m redfortale tor tha lir.i time in Aa a, lea. Tbey k*** baen kept ia eo«u*r»u>« ahooiit, •asm «b* fact that tbt, fj r , V,!^., H » ib / ttelaa la Peri*, of a .eat wea'tk. snd ttrb I i«aiel» lien, prtn.lelaa, trot btawiirhebi thra. from ee. art' a,e, le.tlhey atiom* in M*p oyed for a*t*wfui aurao •Mffas I* eveeaiMBlar *amala nb.nui Uaaa, falllag af Ike ! Wtenti, While*, Dr»*o bt«l..|»e., Superea-tae, *>Ua Hen, we loorueAarat* Plaw uf W»# «e*U>ly IMaakeraaa,, ¥;"******* 8 »»l*»> A*aetto»*,l , ato* to toe Oae* tZ* etaan net a* hav* fa; tad: aad, aMHtagb a *ai»«eraj r.mady Aa not oo ktto etJouetl, aatiawn*. er »s»t»u>, amtStoHalhaBOettttulitw ' aa.,Maa»r T* atariled* Iw4ie* and ynunf ft<|. wba l»e«0 T*t* S t t d , MV-y >re peeullarl, tulte.l. ioelfrort tjme btuif e* Ik* aoaaUil r,t« ut fura, itakie, trnna* or Wink i*. tc. Wi<n* *l lai.Outlae*" " •• Milk aert eatta Irreae Hetieroa Bt-fege au.l I tl u«.an I I U. Aajuaea *a>'. Maai.n oe lartieo freoch Wettaa» «nu tarn la Lau.tiru•, Ifa.O. l 4 l o i U..I...H Balmoral atul I " aot atoi i *re Via i» *' StHr Uu U l . a HII refla t» - I'a.rn I l^nte«* t'ale-l» il ,n.O areliteta.SlA. (Mate ll>H,il.ti be* »ixl e niunailiri'ii laaeB iami ; |Ml m , | . , au.ea at.* tiekt* I "H * "Kill a abil tflkk Hiacatol Salt M«*f ; per eV* * pair. I.oae. aad i.eut, - Wert.Hi Uu«* a.,,1 <<attng t l.iria aao UnaYratiirit . «*h f to to Ceart Veal ai,u lai,Ui>«ia r-tl, i ii. i, ( i.-il , t,ae»u.are an* lOwrSin lie I i in. i.«a.i k.wiee 'labia ('••veia jl e« I Ulcie jint OuUareel l.ioea .Va|4t«' par <*t t lo alua'tB kblu aa* t'akaaaebea, pei rare It to tt«ai.*ik ; ekaab. IS Weattt-ii ; Hit aa* at-eliirtlM** | l.uta «i Cluuca , kaatlro Ruoja , Itlaeaete ; IJ t a n end aliwlie aa»i,j VelvH aad «.,r,*.« I'aetatuaaiee », rki.|.ptig lu t » kaiieia ) Mareriaam i»t«». tee* an.i "I, OU<la-i*4BkM keiV**. Villi |aMil lwrt»nMa aorf tm) banal** yreutsa Cl<«ki , lii.i ao* l r«i I Ms .leal but** ; Kevulvrn Koajliiif Mt*** ; l-i.., I'..«IM ; Hair Xeta ; Wart aWtaa ; * i t e r Car* (saw ; AIOMHM j »'*a»t | aod I'utkat gtklaa , uoaoa trfataaua, *a. We liaee «t,« rteetveU a ap'i nli.l a., itutabi vl WATCH EM. Unl.i aadKilvei II iiitiag Caae. I,.I i.i 1.1• . t 5'% lur i»«. ii.,eit.ei ami. CIMIO. u. uu) i-ain r* aa* •i) it .•>«» ol'lry ie aeery aafiei < . el*rve knln n- 1 too.tiler , I i»krti l!..i..v. ; K.UA, al e«Mjr k,l.. Hr^iii-lala , .... ul I ' m , . A-- . t,.>- HIE felLVEKrtAltE MKPAUIMINT UOaiPKIttE:* -IT, i lie i i ,i,.| I r.i •• o I i » , I » llu I.,rr Ta I... »|..«.|.» li.ilu, To« ,|aMU- , «,,<.. vlt |aO»aili« I i.|» n., l , u . l e a o a . I i a..e. Cioiua,., .»^*r *>'•>• /i w.l U.-k.-t., C«ke fWrl.'la. C^nl tvlleO. Iiul K i\ e.. ») r in u*ua, ajl. a/,, riirlinni, ,11 » I'Matlilw. hi-li kbit ea Uu.kard etui »»II >uou«a. .VaaAtia *t.< a - 11$ eieii.le Wma H.MOer. t'ai a Caea-a. tc All ll.c aC.ia iM ul an ilea u> lit-Mild l..r |1 Okeuil, *l i,a i -xiatii.t-" are |>o ,1 by Hie a. uf I'I.,.,»>II. or i rrlil.ii.tea li.lBlak aai ,»rll\,l« |,. i|,.. aUM'-k . a e t 'la value, law. evr- ,H **~ -a At. cuuioar* ia eavelotHr mixed up. au.l wild al 86 (EN TH EACU-5 POR $ 1 - 1 1 FOK $3 Waalerur a-lktla n uainiil 11 ti, a oarllauali uaa c ufctaiiiegai une Snllar. fkeanitle Wl|l be ahoara in tbt ho Her at lio- can SBII«. aa-i it ali.i he at kll ..HtKrii «ii»ti.rr in y* ,, lue nalUf aoatakia. the arttela «r uw la itaaa ariu *a aelit l«y a.atl<w etp- -*,are IKH taitatarVHry, IU,> ui be r.-tn.lital aeilllte nialteji will U» relge.ieu Kvart leiiiBta,,, ,-ullilia 'lie holder In wiuie etlk'le ut »1.11: nu > ai«»\ Malta luueb aawe ikeu a un.lar h |,iuul I'l Ikia HEAD riHS OFFR, You aaa liavekni «a) .a uur earillcaiia ant St m at,, ol llu* li.iiuaie, artaihaa ee fl.a.t n ,«H. ate >>"i l< .-*»e<i aril I. iim aitiwle or anii n- ,.i il,, ... I, St .1, ) ou i.eet net ea,, ll.e vt la-i.u \ «u t-ai • or ii One a. » ». |,u.liMiIhiee b>aile caafir liaintaou.i mm I'Ui'il Holier laait, A ol. I'lale ana u..v,r i.i.o. 'a ,lnji. fane '*** a tn I-II t.irr 11' ui*. I,..iu.* in ialiila..< yi I ei I u l I « ,(e.'i.. ,1V. I |...l..l . ,. a I.lit Hi i,. . el iluul'ie iitaleil labn >|« • ! • • . i r k . i*,i. i^iiei, v ,>, j are. me.Mi,i le) |all J"i.i I . I i. I ti. tiklr*. i|-iri rti.l real klvoravliai.111 fM|K ••. .uliu it. i .0 lal Cu.d |.Ui» Ring . HEPEIIENCICM. In,HII, Ilia fpur ) . a i a ere liar* I'. 1 1 a,»i 1. I. 1 I 1, ru|rmali Ir. »e hat a nv.mU 1. w t.. 11.. 1 ( 1 ..iniei riiUon \ net une In a. 11.. | i . i a and Ii 11,1. 11.,a. |i,U»|e imlilliuala «-1 |.l 1 .111 , 11,1 1 1, I . I ..11.|. , 11.., ail I, i.UI inrlloHlol d,"l , Inl.tmr., Ill l,|, Ir B ai.l ..1 there leal annual, a 111. i.uni. »< , fleiea. enni.Uie |w.a.|,l, l#l tui Ui and aa »• lave 1.0 .1 in . far 11,. m ,, Utlila advai Oa. eucnl, wa m l . a i i d i...|.nu net 0-alj «.l drt"*- Wliuneirr dralred <«i alii aew* artklar hi |*nree» a 11 r>. aa urn ike unra. r aeedualy ke paid ..a nana eat ' tua, rtu'em tba anlire raefaaoatlM I It, ul antiifj aral b) Vim aa- Coal Ugke Order, nr hank Orafl. We « .i.i aeenia iraaiaaaat u> auuie a liberal uou. (Hii-aii.iB all) ke paid, wbiafa MO be lialnud ui. ef).;. ealtnu Uk,Vake cart to write jo»ur uaiui and adtrana la a clear, di-tiaci k«.e.l, aad addreaa ARRANDALE, & Oo. ( J * . liutlAUWAT, KgW YitltR, t'uai Rut. »»* r.a.1 NO MORE PAIN I Uss. 1 to.ifc* H bmU Easai" etereeae. 01 IS WOT THAT WILIUHTPOL! ' •• I ttiti|kt you wa* ae-ra/tAto |»onag gg |r>(," Why, It 1* not oot! Wall, I'll k*ee aiioiliei l(aOlho*tr*ct*d witkoul tiklajlbe Ijiiig*. log Oaa / diata'f/teitt." Thoee are tome ef Ihe eepraweleit* af tboae who lite* had tpaih *xtr»ct*d 11 my ogtoa. wall* un- der the inrtueiice of N1TK0CS OXIDE While uodor Ha* tnnuene* ef tW* •• LgUOU- INC OAR." natvetia teutiOillty ta *«mpl*l*iy 1,legended, and ih* moat painful eurgkal apartftoa n.a> be. tajiforniod while ihe pa ileal it mtlirely uncooatimia ot pain, tnd dretning ef Seating la iba «lovdv, 01 listening to ealigbflul moak. i'ha undoraigaatl jt paiig lb* teaw (IAS OBN- ERA TO*. *o *ee****»ullj r lueoi by the Cattee Denitl Amocktioa. aheteby the NlTSOUl Og- IDE i* mtd* »be*lu»*ly puis tnd peitoctly b*rm> teat. All wh* dealt* Dwntuui j *i Cheitpcr KMICS 1 h.i> ikov agMfgjaanr* It sa)wh*r* ah* ia th* Riaieet Maw Vet a, will *V well le eall a* tgf tobaciiber Itoeuilaileat* of taaib trot* It ». lie. A prtetiraat twaaty.ea* yatraiaPeetPigi,, ia tlrouied * aiiititieiit guauaiy that hi* apaia tiona will be aitda e*th*n*A*ry. ftjlb ft «. KELU8C. •urrogrnte'M Notice. T AKK KOTICjf, t)i»l th* hooks and paprr. bi'liiugliig to th* Etfraaftto's *>$ne t •lf| hf kept in tit* rooms ptotided (of that jserposr, at the Curt House va the viltof* of Pouga, undor the charge ef DAKIII. Year, who baa hea.u dely »ppoluieti RorrogaVk Clerk, thkll slisll attoed si »ald reoma, tor the purpoee of Surrogate butitu aa on esah aed erary Monday, and other day* (when net otherwise engaged) at my office I14 the fUbvge of CansjehsrTe Dated Jen 1,1MB. JAMBS H COOK, atwSh Ceenty Jadge sad Sartogair 1^1 SWr NAM , October Iff, JtVV-Il b erggroi «lm Co« Oyer sad Terminer tnd Spaaitl Tarata.'la thJ rei tha Pouiih Judietoi Dharjet *f tha Rial* ef May aara,toribe yast i*n* sa* leg*,tobeld g* to|• OEaE&AL TERM* Pnat Tktirtoay *f Jte'y, Court Mease thU- aeetady, PimTvrtwaay ef Aftll, Caart Heat*. Scb* aaeiady. Racood Toeadty of Jaly, Court DetMe, C*W- well, Kiitt Taaaday eg Oetobet, C**H Howe, C*a- too ciitn-iT ooegts, arsou. rgan* asp pegggs o* oyag Aapeaaaiaaa, sua res eooatrf, J? l^rt.l>toherl#l,|Bf» ) - : ltb H.r Oeaettl Term*, Clrttiit Lpui/a, |A|im >f ;»a* eater, Haekat rtat. k%ee otear Tbey wttl, autatoly pertoS ana r*g«. uaut, far Mtey ' Parian' "aeawrii""**. tawai*. u n » „ , oianaee, Psas, Broaha* Oamha, Opart UtoetM, Rag*, in Ware, Wetk *****. t»«'salag Casm,AeT^f, No, SSI *V««Mtway, ayl %' MAW YOHM. lay go nerk. **. Agenh Circulars free. Agent* w*Bt*d.— nt*llowed, Norekslgemeat*msde PIUEBS.M.OO,, |T| ikoad*sy, *ia* Dry Onod* Rt'ere, where tlley band all the latest »lylee of ¥ Ootids. STRAW OOODS, in all the new styles. HI BB0K8 ARILKS, In every variety. HAT* BONNET PBAMEM. ail new ilyles. ' PREHCn PIOWERR.ricli aad beautiful. AMERICAN PLOW MRS, pretty andeheep. .•Wg JrooM raapeetfully state, that Juat npeniug we hatil6'%aw#u*atd ang m i of nyle g.Hala of 1 any rtowriptbw, as air oay gia,|s b»*« joef been purchased, andweaga oi*r Mewmw* Mr*" veutege of uorehjamg uargtaaia at 1*1* rwgBci prices. MATILDA L. SftLL, i.adle, tm pnwar* * bo*, »»'*d tto"*ye^«Fi*e tnrfout, by euab'rfna eu* dollar, aad ti* aa.taa. tuatpaUM W ALkCOMREE, 0*s*eal A t w r n i E Uattod tetatt-* tad Casada*. a< A'baay, W. f,. ee u ea* ao heritee Agent por tale at Uedge * eiafTurd «4 PMBMIt COlf|tT,-Ct*jav/r or U.rr avtottW^Deptoi Pljat, jgalttat Uvl 1'llnt. J , •t?-,V ,,, Vur^*»> ^^'n4-Duu,o»,d hu wife. Jacob Miller. Chios Miller lease Wall nib .lelpha Walmili, Dolas* Pllul.llhiiard Khanana. and all peraons orowurr* ttnknowu. Imving or elstoiiuy imjtotetett In the pr.n.iaea *on|ht to be pan itiourd In thieaetinn—In partition. To fhe above named*: You are uere- be atompattsgfaid Raffli(red to aseasr Ihe com- plaiMol lb* **fr*fyrjn m* ttPnn'. thbh wa* thia ear tied with Ills (?torfc of the oouniy of M««<i g.awiy. at hivoRlee |K Poiins eeldctaiiity. and to teres a copy ot your sueaei on meal Purt Plain, H. V., within twenty daytaftet litetervlce ef tbt* aim mu a* upon joo excluaive iaf the day of such ewrvli'o.and if yea tail to sn*wer*«h) enmplatmt a* t.i't«hy reoiifrvd. the plaintiff win spnly to^ilie Court loiibe telitl demanded in the oomtilalal fhitcd Port l'ialu, Sept, imh IWT # r ef. St. IrlfWraV. yupi 19 troai Corue.m Maekea t?ei(a*V Pat tor |*W/^r^*faJJ» *W* »r M *•§* J W V* ' a | TWrdMekWerft^y. 4 Seeead Maadsy et May, a *. i W • « _ UMTKD MTATKS HA LO(l\ Ukder RSIUCT1 RATSTOBB, Canal Street, Fort Plain, *f. Ta HelNRY EDICK, Prtpletef. R ERPRCTPOILY aammtire*tft (he people of Ihla place and eutrraikding vlcluiiy. I lit l be I i kg* heiM liud now I* keeping a Fir»i ireaaofisbleteitt*, Hit* C v lit*a «,,. can alwsva •JefctVijB, MATILDA LaBTiMa, l •* •*", a* 1 *** : »W»f MftilAto M|.,p,g*r*v « MA8Y E POTTER. l r*»e*s*«w t« ma. Here is where the beaaly an* Third Tuaadty *f J**'y Puurtb Ta**i*y *l Mty. boekea. Third Tatawaay *f Swat., Baeskre** asaax ooearr. Plrtt Twee*** ef Mty, J**aa* Third IWday af ttot.. Pallor. rraskLta oeearv PeuriliTpeadsy pf Ppb. Jtme*. Pourlb Tuaadty of Ao* RoaebrtD*. rtrt>rei copwrf., Potter Pourtb Moudty of Nov back**. Moaroontav oae MI Pint Maadty et* Peb'y. Roaakita*. Pttai Monday of Jme, Rochet geeo*,* 1 Moedoy al Oct., Poltpr -'"_afc w A c*p| #f jtoaskiiM WnaMaW* SacaadMaudtjref Bep't. Potter. •oeairaoTABr LOVSTV. Third Monday of Mtui, BawAai Third Monday el Nov Potter. er. t, Awaaaoe eoeerv. Third Toaadty al gwh'y, Jaatsa. Thtid Tuoadcy ef Jaa*. Magbet, Sapoed Tuestoy al Oet. Maaakr*** } r wAgfaa RMtigri.' Second Tueadty *rf M«r., Patter. Third Taaeday *f Sept.. Moeke- WAsatseTojr OOPSTT. tgaua PoBttk Tweed* y of feaT Sttom. Fourth Tuetdty of June. Stttdy Hill, Paurth Tueadty *f Nov., Salem, Penrlh fgesasg ef pebflmdy J|ill Fuwith Tueadty ol Juoe.Rtla**. , .._. Pounh Tuetdty f NevdUiady Hill atotbaa It it erdaeed that adjoursed Special I eira. be keid at th* Chtmher* ei tba •***»«! iMiirat of ibixDUtiirt *t folia** By Juat tea Jamea, tl Ogdaa*hurgh, aad by Jaa- tk* Rocket, tt Stitiogt Bpnafa. aa the asm **d third Tueadty• ei e*eh nwatn, aalaas etharwma aaeiuaed. tfjfiittetkg JreeskJ/lpJ, }t fJI**» Pslls.tad by swMOdUtddyA ea tke'seeobg tad tourik Tuseaayeef eaek sseaik, aaiew othei. ^wtPMniv w^^^iHjwjmnn*- *• ^^j A* BPB **>••* *wwB awy^W'Wwaajs^m a^^^tPisgJ gi w*ne|ar W9 kept eanstsatly ap** fat **p*vt« kuaia***, K'H'. HOHMKBANS. Mwgb i FlATT POTMEB i. iitaaa^»<eiea)aaa«awaaaewaeaaaiMi ^naiLiiiiin—aaaaaaa. .n.i BOO^Bmctln,. tMayataeitrad M thia Omo* far *k-BlaaHeg ,|t *aaaifw<o*i' Rocakitaa Potter Itoek ea P«*#t ltotk*.. Es**k tea. Pot'to itotkea B»ebea. Raaefcraa. Hoakaa. nVatekraaa. Docket. Jteaektto*. hoc baa. Jail Meeakri Petta* «•#* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: INI Irain STORK W 23/Fort Plains NY... · 2013. 12. 19. · A. D IJO*' HAM A t.O, ia RaiNitl Mtevf, Ma« Tutli «3«w4b liu ua H u'ltAilK, eaetataiag a Ptauograpb. i r«ii..i r'iir»i.jk»

m A l a a n a e v - A toe****** • tot. (MM! tboogb ** » •

" trotgtlar," we belief* htm) lb*f be f W U M f J l l l f » « i l i g i f f w e t w i» Skil l* b*b*« pt#|»l« »J©dlog jrjF»A«M»MlOkMMfA?ej

their ewo hum***' Tt*«* reowrkabt* t M B I t m t baOfrOed t | * * » ~ l h * p«M>

eegera t e tog t ee sick to attend to eaeB

MM. tor t'Stanwmp. I* pf*ao«>l.eJet tie* aad Utmrn-hM *

*•** r**<esWt09*eaW o> fiijr<i*4ea*•'• ***** tie* ««#*>• t r y . * ' •" " • ' ree*4*ed*MewB*gtot*r ©Sir*, Pert i _ kl«i*.jbw ever* •*^l«*_»POf, "

—A m»e wweetlv beese o f a "H™ 'k wwrW s' MsF- IwW iPwakyr Wwwa- ntW*%

good ooo**f*e!i<yoel power. . A i**B*d editor, in comm«olio* o« too tot, any*;

aae*p*ew*sseg abwe ear** than #11 other • w t«iisrttt*eat. A wM' W»H eosvto** the

W r i a«*f«***l. | 1 * SWUM { a i * *W g » . « * t i i Illf •s*****. Cawatsr* t**** **td by M. C. Dpewm,

ii Ktam ttijtuk »lw^tiMto|iiii,,>M»ii b»«r jrf*». 1 ' f eiawib

A l t M A W W A h i m MHUfM* niMH»btMl. I'ruataAtkatto Magaalw*, ui«« i l i e » lay. * * K H M I ****** *«« •»*I ««-»•»• •%*•!*#, PsiaU** Si CM. I f gnamil,**, or I ( . K**Mtoewa*rtt*r Ms§aat M pabf. Maswy: K I « H V i<« mti-gad. Ad- Orabom » M-a* >*iaa

H e should b a n tnartietj iter, iwT l h o » - ^ , l l f i S ! L 5 i S f ! ! f l * P l J I , w - ' l l i a 2 f T * refused b*r a oew boon*, to L e t * Jeve l - "? * V " * * ^ > f c * » . ^ _ , « * * " •

fBKAf, A G B N C T . rat

S U R A N C E INI I r a i n STORK

p«prwt i r wra/m

_ _ BIMDIMO. •«**•««,jMUertatiwi * f VfaMlf S e e k * »**aw- 0iMttti»»»totrif»liiii/V.,^M*»r»rhllliO9.«T* W tii^«)riitt0«irdrrlaf«4a(ftoii»4aiiwluwpii<r«a:J*a«Miis * .. * .. t,M»4M|H> *»«**, t**oi.t,i»ed s*r*»b*r* to tim<r***try. Paw- j Omm , " New Have*Co«u, t jeu.etejau titota**/ i«lwita*nert*dd» library by gattowiog *Our* Ktefctag* Iga.fto., M. ? . eooooe w . .rrw-— | i | « t o 0 l l 4 J » a ? J N » > ? o r t | U » , 3 I J > * 1 | t

HtHmmi iM» Urn., V»MW»v fo .k . Kmii-ijf N^MHtfdm A m r w c 0 t t t ,«f

U trttori ( J M * . , .SOI W M T « » N I W Ui»iwa. 0 * » f H»rifur« Own f«i'#*.M »»

ibiir _

lUtiiM*. i wspaptfft ti4 Ulrr ttrlila.

awj>ajtojfl»i % HMarjof tJattod ] Aeiw* MM nta«b IM,C», of

opod b»r oovt i i of loik.'

O n o X>o***** t l O, a . r . , « # i l ( H i v i l ) « . ,»H.Wwl«»»#.«inl Al|»*£** Uraa««ii, feMMwIs i i»

oi«o a«* an OS too l i t iaogarooa, m^nam.imtlfy.'^Hm Ptau^ w«r«.*a»iBi U*

emmtk u « « iuf our i-M«aton. la a ____ yUU.TURRtfYaif/r. •«.MA TO t MHie VSR VBAM, ifui.^CAy.AstriaosPWisnin.

A • v r H i» ««kte4 ill t««ri Mrs to Ui* U»k»» , IUI.F CALK «w HA LP TURKEV. toi4uik«4b<l Milan •ftteb «l i#H/ cul»«MW|j«hi« i M i« t«lt •JtM^Jiiil of luilf cloth. WIIU *«J(i« of gilt

K- k . U M.^ju^.ikt. «,;!«» ***»? •*•.%. H U fMWfcltoMi fc*«. Utoiitr ««rbt«<irMriiililmt, a»aM| bt<to«irrd.

"" "" " nroaif»l mttwlloii. _ ANviKM..*jTTHJRW*Oir. Agtul,

A hw W o r i a to Mmm ial lorf OR l a l l i o g * • ( • • 1|R * w ^ F * w

Paoiroot U M I .

If and fee data not Ptt-p aim io but iota him go out, aod ibat oi kith a aaao owu«r u jtuilty Uodor tt« old Tttt*« GDout diipooaatioo, raefe a »*n, hy tht diieciloB of God »aj pot to dtaib. it ii a iroat onrna for a mao to oodtogor too lt»e*. eorrupt tbo cbaractor, aw* feed tbo viota of bit f#llo* roan ]f b# doca ft be will tbt Ditio* trlbuool. But, aaft aootber, if I tbouid oet atll lienor aome ooe alae would, Mao wiU bave it aod wbj » « | oot I bat* tb* profit* at wall aa olban. So (be binbwaff robbtr aod tb* murder er o)*y tajr ,* there k luob a good op-poiiuiJiy to male oioBey. 8oonebod| will corumit [be crime if i do oot, aod why may oot I bate tbo profit! of it aa well aa otbata. Becauae if yoo do, you will be e robber aod murderer aa welt aa tbo other*, aod will be a partaker of the It wooa. Tbt aaoeof you gaio bj doing wrong will ooly bo a oftree to you; you bad belter be wit bout it, aod reet eontenffd with wbot can bo gaioed by dJIgtcee, eoooomj, aod tb* bletaiog of Heateo io doiog riglt. Tot wage* of MO, ai are tboae Biade by tb* aole of al-• abol to be ua«d aa a beteteg*, will rt laat, tile alcohol iteelf, " bit* like a aer-t ant asd atiog lib* ao adder." It Io) aa I. aalneae wbi#b ia daogeroua to tboao *bo puriue it, oa wait at to otbert, aod o m b i proreo by • pre*antatioo from a

Wi art SRltlRg • to»plrle Rft:VOI.rTI#M IF* T R A D E f

• AM -* • Milag ,1u* tee awe «t

trto«a» _*«** rieaeof t*eet oawe • n ig mm

I'rtctMHt * llaaa^ia*

t —11« » Rmp«i>ta. H.i\\m> H tg»aa«, iMfn Ikmfe,

Library fWk*. i -»# Rtfiika, Urftf'*netwtat, HareeaNi PtetoHalt fallow** Ptetothai. i u«*amtr4 l/wa«.a ftawa

tea | Hiefwi'e ItMary el VlA-

TdlWRuaaaapaart, JibrMtie'a

t r r iBgaW^at tea , t4««i4ni» WaMiaftuM, . Rertotata Hfatory, Ula»l Chriat, Herpvr'a R»Wa,

ria<*Kar'. KhU, Tlnae'a Rluie,

m»?tk>imim'»t ArUaatl , »*t,'ieweea, • VanarFalr, Rttiautiit: Amartoaa, i ka I * * w * , f a r *""• ***»Higte* ebea*. aod tie aacuw..(, | iWMuuu. ^ «.--*,

• • ! ML* the ate* mm mmha a (trewt* warlfc 03 to %tm. > A a* a l aa«a|it*fa«, wbetber graat or aewlt . •»**» M-oHiliagtM wiaibir *#e(. Agawta va«i««i ar«ry : *< aa(t#(t$ltMi« <tf Paaatetllato, Maaeefrtola. er vketo. Olrtratora m>iitm, »aairf*r e»»# »• warMiy of ereaaraattoo.

_ . _ . gwgkawmoa bated iaa* r *igh leeatt toe PlRtCRR * t:«»., t t gvgereJ tn,,"'


OidUbtuwa M4. . I « » K J

* 1 1 f ¥ l A ttUiTH i.lLA.i # A I A / Agouta, JParltoetat

gALAKY will b« eelgror r» raaa bf rautrn

m*u,w naotjria *oullii»g el «.*« fariOeto. P»aa»a u*tue ymimt tm aot ikw aetUeia. A. D IJO*' HAM A t.O, ia RaiNitl Mtevf, Ma« Tutli «3«w4b

liu ua H u'ltAilK, eaetataiag a Ptauograpb. i r«ii..i r'iir»i.jk». )'»teet Reel aiara. L'«lt*iaViita H)«tary, Magic Cigar Ugbter. laaMUa \'iu*o-4%»i>tt. «;h*4iti i R>a«i Magic Uird, Utoi tMMriH ' I'tvltaa ln<k, *'m.u< Pav** Ktwrlujiaa aik pu* gafa. Paaatl. P«u ht>to«r,i<•>!>)• a law-afl i««r ««» tlutut. Haiti (MMtaaa a*4. W.U. WKMrag.AIi HtvaOwajr. Ma* York. etowlto iip>i.iu»fp«... <# - • • a ' t w y . " ' • ' >*jeaim • ! • • jmuiyii ••••maaw1 •'•«'iiaiMK*Kga--H i • • i.ipea


l aaso mwAJURUT,

UmlUwm e l l PefM m 10 Ilosra. CerI tie aag g paja Cere jw___

BHEUMATI8M. Wftelaaaie by all Ma* *ork Una Hi«*aw.

utl by thai |>ria«i|H>l i'ntjgmu. I'rlca. Out tor, BOWIM* ALXAPP A C.i altwlt b mt tag a** Rru»4«ay Mo* Yurk

o> Dvl-

A T Ml» CO«T.

PalSf «f all Mot* freer toe aaeea ef the feet to too rn»»o oi tee bea*. reeweei b> IKM3T.

rtport oi a ieuipor»oco c o o f e n i i o u to i w o i - W I I, l lu UkeAbaeiieMra, Ma* Yoih.bfi i he eaatrro part of laif Stat* . Io c*»|»*aeae af PAIM P A * * ? , awii ay ail UraMgiata ( . .wn. io i w t n t y - t w o yrara, t w e u t y o l u f • .eu uudeitoolt to mako mooey by the ta'e of iutoi lcet iog drioke. F ire of l.ftn iftarwarda abaodooed tb* buii-

• • -*. ai»d four died druokarda, Twenty > iho tiaio the coureoi ioo e m bold,

at ia COMI • . 'i tug > »t aJitf b


ow I I M »>tti|.iuiH*. 4-au*aa *»J «M«i*c^«tMoraof J!«•»•«. uf taaiiriMtaaoo, en»ra at jotttb,

(•WMialuro J r t i i i , MMl l i te »yci .<I Ktatbitlum u( wu , utait, »UI( * J I « r«u,etlMM R f t t a o b . Oatft Ip<* to •

(tlnia.MHbMl OHavMi|tr, Milk lb« I l i j lW.t '*»IHMull,

t t t f - — <*

V*X*,Hifut*r Ufr,. r«tP1»t«,M. Y.

Iuauraaca «a farn Rtillglegt e*<t eealtata ; aad a* getaabad atwelllagaia vllUgea, efectod at lew re4«» of (jrowiuw. A* a tarai afyaartaud tie |»er-

I olaad atari aa tU«a. aa4 rlaka aa tt»ftfftwtatln« by *s teal aed raMratd Ukee at the towaat rata* of

T b * rnVTVAlMWU IMRUIIAItCIt CO , of Mev York, to tha large*!, aafoat, Ibe obtoat

I* buatit*M,and tbe ettattaaeceojifttl iitaor-aacai'o.. al »tiy kind in tbo l-'.H.

T l t K T l t i V K I . K I t H IMNI H A * ' rSCOj til l la i l fur i l . t»4» the fljrkt Ut litli'udiie in lm« •-••m. | tr« lae (luctitsa ol hiiarance agaittat afcldotiia.

Tbe aol»*«rii»t-r» wtmul moat r«e«#oifuliy aeetogge to tke dtlseueer Pert Pialo aad ftotoH>

•• aeu oeii i»o i»»i tkey bar* <j|M,oed * WATCH AND JSWMLRY STORM

In Fort Plain. TklCIR NBH* RTORB, wbetfttMef will e and IIM»toe%ef renda aattollr foaed <T<CtfAM 4«WgL3Y KBTAUI.IRH-

It Itaa ise largaet awata el any cutritwniaa «tl that i • / '"* •*'*•* a/yie*, ebtaa, aed la tkt tiiineany «f it* klad. Gaeeral atoldeat polwtoafor a year, or foraahttrtar ~ longer time, will be writteo at thlt agansy.

Parttrodattfrtitg nlit&it luaurani'e.ot aquliable ratea, vlllftudittrt mmr wMttttaae toecftv ai ibi» agency iteftiie loomittg *r teaewiag their poiiuie* ttoawbara.

R O I i r . H T A D 4 M I , OB.* ever Woad, Chw* * Hall'a tttere.

a»l F O R T f L A I M J f . V .

e American WatohoR, //fidl i» Odd end Silver frb$ttt,


FIN* SOLID 00LD JSWBLH V, Sitttd Silver Waref

mnd« |e order and warranted Coin, m\ PLATED GOODS, of Uu bat o««%. ,u i fit tr*ut »amln

INSURANCE * * jigmm** I aaaaaaaaiBiBBa aaaaaki. * a * H

.4%, C 3 r Tf | : J>Jf F O M T P L A I N , N V .


nne four \ eart ag*, were all It lug poor ' i1*- •»» »tt«k*>mir a « « ataw(< a«d t*e inuoa »f - _ « - . — ",^^tki*iaH»tr,uUH.l.AWttti^iJA,allLl«li .»t. ,M.Y. 'Siikaida, acme al ibe e ipeoae of the

i. wo. Agaio, in ooe part of a cerle in i i v , which ahalt be Bami lru , there w. e litty-aot-eB tetailera of ardetrl i ( i its, Wheo thia aooveuiion waa bold, A? were dead, 43 of whom died drunk-a..N. WI'.ttB tb* I f l t t

eflvl lk

^ £ i ! H . H . U , BKUWM'R lt«tapb)ai«'aJ Di«tW«n

•Large Arritak ef


DRY GOODS, Kmbrueiog a IJWI« Rlti«k >>f

^MaialaM aTaloWalK: Ofatl Gotoraead atylaa


AiTMA IMR..I0O., Of lUUTPOr.D CONN, Catitui aed Areata..,, H u-u.!»-» 17 l.oaa*-* ptud la 4k year a f i t »HM% IT


IIUMK tMR.(Ug;,OP .VKW VOllK. Capital auu Agaata,. , , . , ****6,*e» IT

' | waai ..pwn mi — . . i

HARTFO.ID f l R I l i f t . CO., Of HAaTfORD o5f*„

Caplia; aad A a t e t t f , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . .11 ,TM,laS II

IVTKUNATIU3TAL IMR.,00., OP MltT YORK. Capital aad Aaaeta,,, It 44t,(Wt> 17

H.u. m t u e n * i«fiapa)att'ai ui-n-ttoor? » the itoly U»gte*l Unttitiont eaianl. It klltt

tbo root of all diiieiao, l)e.ilitoe>, MuNaa M tne • Head, HiaclMijca irwoi Ibc Kai, Kttodneaa, RJ|«I-! MOW, Oa tan b, i»„ Ac. Tito l>l*«tieery \* neti j t M Ik* eyagoWJ by abautptto* ibtuogit lira ayea, ao;«

euty |eara, HI ,,U4 M.*\\> «ud u>aieforaaa* b>H?eb«bo. ttoad


Breakfast Shawls. A c< uot j not far from here, 8lO potaooa 1 '^* »k*» tor, to ••* liiaolORl agtoeiii. Bani.t. l u t u U e o llceored to aell • — ^ . * - ' « • ' • * • ( * « ' • ' w w 0 « . diitiga. After a (borough

i o t t n i c e l i a * * m *!** iUu* ^ J P f ^>#***•>*' ate* eg-* , v " " « g | preaa oh^.'ge*.) l>ire«tkma at^uwttaay ajeb i<ark*


Wa leal I atoek ot

particular attaalioa to oar Imiaenaa

n a m i u a t l o o • kg* N e e W. off*

Mt u* tragi "*«il|t<ir Orowlb "of Ike Hair. To »ru»gi««« *i Kirty Genta ear (Mile

ii h i beeo fuuod that SOO of theie per-»uua bare oot increaiod their property, but that ISO have ioal tbo w b o t * or a I . i t of laid property. T b a t 150 bare rvooonoo druukardi, aod that mauy, yet a » t i y oaaoy, of their children bare fol-l o u r d tit* e t e m p l e ' aet them by their F t i ru ia . Tbua the traffic dealroya many who p o n u e i t , aa well at otberi . It* fruit* are bittern?** aod doatb. T b * L-ird hai corted tt with many curaea — Sou e ou* **ya: Tboao oieo lock • 5 o'uoh ; they aold It too, probably to • I,,., kirda. T h a t ia alwaya bad. But i •»ver aell liquor to druukarda, I «eit i»uly to aober men. JU oot toot w e n * I I W i t oot do more to l H r | p * i . a i g ; - f c w t , - 1 ( - r , - r t ( 1 , t f r!t ut.keeoaaa aod lie ee*u*gee t +**U »b*err (i't '< 11 log of tge poifott, ereo to d.uok wide J fiuppoe* (here t* a quaofity of p-ivoLOu* rood le the mat fe t . and that • H - n . o r e a man rake* of It the Btoro hia tppeii ie for it ia inereoaed, the It** it- «ro it girta him aod -the more he »•!• continuo to lake unlit he la killed, i Ii. t i e quantity it can be bou.b i c h e . p Ueauao it is potaooed, aod io aejall q u<<iiiee tt could bo lold at bigh rate* ia i l.oeo who liktd it, bectut* when1

uii'1. r lie itiflueuee ibey are betide them . a*lrea. T h e y Im»glu* ^hoy aie titb when (hoy are poor, atroog wheo ihey •re «eak, and well wbeo they ar* ready *•> dk», Koowlug iti effect« you put-iltaao aod tell it io order to mako IH >• t t j - . Your ctietouten litkett awl di*f but before tfery die tbry b#c me de* r.tigod. Ooe illta big father, another hi* mother, or hi* wife or children. No iiMn*i life Ii tafo, tb* whole oommooity i* in ao uproar. T b o poop!* aaawmble aftii reaooatrate wttb you, who to make BttBgf buy and tell poiaoooui food. You »a> : wh*o I aa* a man ao pottooed ai

M RU, U. ii. HK.ivtMM Puor Igibwd a Kje Wa. t tvr- i .m. RoRke* asea, •.tt«i<Kib«u* Weak <

' e>e*,e!«*ra l*i« ai«a. To A* bod oi ell li.ujg »ta j «( i'wooty tt*« Ceuu perbattit. «.-:iiwiia



U. O. MOMS'* Root* Mea<we otova* tVene, Woria and Uaadruff, m^ bt H*« rallauia |«<f|>aiatn»n far tbe Htnttib of tba

be bod of all 131* I So


T H E O R E A T B E H K D 1 WbiiliUanoaeti favorably kaown«ad ettauatve-

ly u»ed la New Y»rk citj ond vfaiwitv i*»t apwarda ef tWBMTY Y\V% YKAI«.

HAOAJU SaVjSMM Pti . t iKus


The Moat. Cbvapeot, aad a* a I Uaotody torCoogha. C.dda, * i . , l b e W<itid H.»« aver pro dtuwd. Purely Va^olabto, eoetaioa so Mlnarabi or

The C.iraUve III I.SAM la •arrattlfil. If oaed a a e l i d i n g to Plierf luua l.i t.'era or reitee* la alt i'a-aoa.i'iaigb* C.iia.,kVliii ID iog iTim.b, Cruup, Aatu ma. aad all aff-nriliMia ot tbo Throat and Liunaa-

Mai true ZtUocCur' .'a Ributtt i . 4 ), u-fl) V*,t« table K»|i»i pre­pared Willi grcut .-.ire .uiJ aciantibV ektll. Imot a irii'tibioalbtn of tlw beat rakMHliaa tbe eegoteble klngdoM ttfjida.

IK i i i o c l i a l «) l a i i t l f »it»|ii»ivi<Hi u*»MMa*rte aaaUl tbe IteaJtbr aad f.goroiia rirculathot ol Ibe •Blood tbroagb tbe LOOga

tt enlieaa* the ma«ilw aod eeeMo tha alio to perlotiu the di.i .aa ••r* rt g-.lalliu Hir livat in tuc •yaiatu. aod io gaott)

•ww'NWiiik'ii froto I be atufaaa

A large aaaortmeat of^^.fl

VJ A JLX I Jtlf 1 & a


T S A V E L l N a « | B A Q S , ' » R

in great variety,

UdWa'tlilaeea' audfCbiLlroW

RBTURITY 1MB. UO..OP NEW YORK. Capital and Aaaeta., . . . . . . . i ,t!»t»^i.» II

LORILUAUU riRB 1MA.C0., OPNKW YORK, Capital aed Aaaeta ,.li,t*4,ooo uu

PRdaTIX lJM.OO.,OPBARTrORI> COMM.' Capital aad Aaaeta..... II,0*1 , m If

PUTMA* PI9B tWR. 0 0 . OP BARTPORP CONK Cagttal and -laaota... . . . . . I ut7.4i» et.

0LBM8 KAU-ft IMS*.. CO., UI.KN8 PA M.M. M. Y, Capitol aad Aaaeta ., iieo.Tie OS

f*«)ieie» leaned and jBeneweg and Leaawe Prompt ly Adju.tetl a n d P a i d a t t h U

A g e a c y , /

P A K M n u i L l l t S T f a a J A N O C O N T i S M T M anti detochoil dwellioga io village*, loan red

lor a tm io of year* at tow ratee of premium.


A e e n m n l a t c i A • i t * *r*r O I g . 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 Ufa potittio*greetedoo ibe Purely MIIIUHI

Hyatam, teUraimj aneaally to tba Atnotred. tl>« i euiire proBta lu dividend*.

1 .United Suttea Caauality In* , Go. i Capital and AaaeM " . . . .1117,Tel M

Tbeoelr Mutual Aocidaut iuvoranee Company ta tb* lluiw.l Rtalae. fc

0 0 per Clont of Cm prmlta iWurned lotbe atwuicd anuuall) ta dieloenda,

taaurani* made aguinat aouiduntaof all kind* at moderate ratra of piemluut, with weekly eom-pouaotbiu In e4»* iiflitju'y and payment of auootit luaured ie oaae of death.

HARTFORD t.lVK STOCKIM., CO. Capital and Aaaeta. |11I,»H» 41 f'.iliulea leaued on Live Ritik egelntl I'*- by

Death, Theft and ihe ol Tranfj^ all u' renoaabla rate*.

OfBcc In ihe Amarioon BxprewoBlee.uratdoor to the Raak.

A L F R E D C A R Y , A g e a t I t jr l

/ i n e In Gold, Sitter and Steel, Table and Potket CVTLMRY.

CLOCKS -Fin* tVnteh. t\ d> 8 Day, ania large variety of fine Fancy Goodi, i*mdmg

Shoot Music and the first quali­ty of Italian Violin Strings.

a w l !

mu m Peraitiia dr.nlng an J tiling in mir line can aiitiafy

I hem an fee* in rigord to Hie price., hv giviun na no " •ipptiitonlt; to auu* them I *•

timtfix at t'l* tlm*a freely »h>wi. ol ourerock aod jirle** la eollciiad.

K t a s i I nation

, 0 * ;<ff*r, to deranged aa to talk about! ""•> t lut "*' • • ! ****** keep-it wmvi k i l l i o , h i . father or_motber , I t Q n \ ^ J J f J ^ i a B f f i f ? t t him o**r to other* and let them lake the r*apoo*ibllity of kilting bim, eapw cially if be ie poor and can not pay oae. I* i bat a ay betigyf If you, aod moo like you, would only tell to tboao who are poiaoned and could oot tire, the m l would *oou cure iteelf. You would

Un««...» uo of tloi tmdy

Jt loo*«aa tha pblrgm, indoree free tpittlog and •ill be iMMod eery agreeable to (go toate. It |» 0*4 a violent reut'dy,bat emollient, wonomg, eaareb lag aod edeftur : aod eae bo Ukao !•/ the oiaoat prr-t,n or y ia iugf . t c h i l d .

If y*o have a Cold, lf ever *o Hgbt. do not fail to give tb* RaiMot a trial, at tbo vary low at abicb R la aold bring* it within lb* raa. It .* every

vealoNt foi wHIortrb

cuet. kWld by all Diuggi-H. l l t< KtCI, M HKMUK1 , cWtaeto ProprieUHT., a* Uarelajr >t.. Mew Y.#k.

OaFAIIgo J (i iartnt«atPaa reoommanded.)

C. Y. EDWARDS A CO, Ccixia,* Street,


*-». CUT—Bbowio* tb* Net Worl •f Wrought ii^.i Bora

HearYel. IAKK rate of ynur

ment HoiOiitieo, A

Hear y«!! Valimblc. PUJOI r : , Ac.


Oet. I, 1807.

C. Y. R D W A R D S , A. G. MASKK.

o m c IT IR TUB BKHT CrlAMCB ever nAgedtp

, Ageou Cue or two d*y*' Hate will a*, me a go d bin . i t - ^ J . JAawlee Machlra, Ratoo.nllk Dn**». Rerotoer. 01 kill all your old cuitomera and make o o j *we «<bar artlelo of «}tml value.Paea or 1 o*r new one*. S* with men who eel! e r d e o t l ?**£* " I ? 1 ^ V'r!**?T\tw tu* lm* " M i,;>,•

Bn^ tbe he-i



& SON, LEWIS LILLIE Manufacturing Co.

r.M KM ITU, AKi-nt.l

Pot Miimtlii.'toieia. Part Plain. Ott. 31, MM7.

HUM liUi «piriti, if they would ot 11 ooly to drug! ania.'tbor would *ooo kit! tbrm and the e u l would ctaao. But the grand diffi-tu It y U, they tetV! soli to aobor moo, ttiui propating thorn for wbat ia to fol­low. For, oo loooor bar* tbey killed utio goooraitoo tbao they hare pr*p*t*i toother to bo kilted lo tb* earn* way. — Tbia ia abominable and ought td receive

uoiroraal a l terat ion. You do Both tog but koowiof ly , with your tyoa open, in r i t w of tb* focii, peraeeerv io making druokardt, turqiog aober youth aod ro> ipeetable men ioto grorelllng goti, pre-paring them, at 1000 aa o*j* geoeratiou of druokarda baa gou*. to roll the buru-Jog our** down oo tb* next generation. aod Indue* tbem to roll it 00 , aod thua

f oo bono to eaoapa. Vein, ralo bop*, f any boieg to human abnpo will re-

oeire t o o taatlog tgeoratioo of a rir-tuow* aad temperate oommooity, It will bo thoo* w o o , ootwiihataodiog aouod argument, k-ud porauaaioo aod tb* tear* of the widew, aod th* groao of the orphan, will ooutioue, i s full riew ot the fact*, aod for the purpoee of mak­ing mooey, to do that which tbey bare reaooo to belier* will turn temperatoj men ioto drunkard*, sod entail upon their familie* aod upon poaterity the innumerable ortla and untold agooie* of druokarda' woo*. Suppoeo be ihould writ* io capital* o o hif l igo board what bit buaio*** would do . It will




fcO.THOMPetOMACO., Id Mauweor Ht, BoaU.n.Maaa.



Roodiag aa a Club ta Out Croat




F B E E OF COST.' Catatogoe of Good* and Ham pie rent to aajr addreaa free. Addreaa,

AIXSM, MA was m m*, WUoleaale Oealer* te Praacb, German aad Bag-

liah Dry and Pamy CfK^aXJaUary, •" -- • ~* A1 bum*, I*ea4*er tiooda, dm.,


Plated Wate,

No. II Pegeral-atreet, BORTOM.


Matthewson's *•


! • • Pe

SPONABLE, Healer ia!*


PRO VI 81 O.N 8


G if ta for Christmas ft Wow Tears A SUPERB STOCK OP PINBOOI.D AMB»||>

VKH WATCIIk'B. all Warranted to run, and tktamegluy regulated, at lite low /*rke of 110 eaolt.aud aatiafaciioo guarao'ieed' « ISO Solid Cold Hunting Watch**, ISM to IIOM leg Magw t.'aaad Cold Watebea, Si« to MR 100 Udlea* WL,teUo.,an*jnatod, 1*0 to SOI loo tiuld Hunting Chronometer Wa'a|iMt to Mm Jtxj Cold if uotiog KngltaM l^v^r*, ago lo | m KaiKoU rlootlag Duplex Wotolma, tlO to MM) .<« Hold floating AmertoaBWatobo* l«a to JAO

Mm RHeer Hunting I-event, oo to 'xaiMilevr lioniiog Dnpbtxa*1 f| |* fja *m Oobt i*dioa' wataata, m to n o

l.oHUCoud Hooting l.epiue*. Ht to 1,0*0' M Ieeettoeeoo* Oil ver Watche*. V. to

Rllver Walelma,

Ti lot 4* n

tfioo lloatlag Stiver Watolwa, u to m.ym 16R09 laoortod Woutbe* ell Wad*, 10 to „

n m i U M l a a a w l I . l U - . » _ ». * " • * * Vha a l « v * at.« It o i l I b * dbttMieoU of «>0 Ift* p,w.

m a j f i w a j e g ' t o tbo aim* boo**, it 1 L*.o*e raw.- , .»* . , ^ % W T imirembBA* will esoite ao many mora to th* com !•*"«•* »*«Md stiver Waieb. fertn, wRamtk r*-m ^ o f erimoaodthoa ta« tb . poo- j ^ f i f f e U a C*,.*i Sraadway.M^fork, pi* tor iBe proearcutioii; aod 10 many it *i*b to immedtotair di*tm**or tb* »b»*« m«g wMI toad to Ml: ao mane to *taia> ~.u .«**«*« «"«*• »>wMaWatoe, ueming the ankle*. « . 7 * - 7 L \ J . T " l*„# c* t- P'toH,** *»*,.** toemnwJ eowtap**, tadweJIaalaTdv!. 00, aod ao mauy to too gatlow* ; that t llidLr* »r* a«ttled to ib*i*«l^ awg la Mwl? ao many it will deofira of !****»»• •A>^*ba^'*t^^*?i^^t.8'/r»-l*uJ^''". *bet*er many It will depir0 of 1 anaon; M many it will etait with diatreaaiog ikk-anMto; ie ao maoy eaeee (t will eatta* add-deo death; to maoy wfrea It wilt make widow*, aod ao maoy children orphan* ; and lo maoy other eaa** prevent the ef-flwey Of is* goapel aed ruin th* aoula sf m*R. Weald it bo aoy worae for a m»n te writ* est e*for»baod what he ia goiog to do, tbao it it for htm, with* oot wareieg, to go forward sod do it 1 ;Oh,y*ruma*ihif*, what* foorful reek00 log awaits you, aod unieea yg repeot ye shall receive your juat AfmH§ from ag outraged Qod who marka all your lo-a sitoAMi poosedioga, W. P,

i t i^a *aieb worth | i Atm or oae won i.t »«e/ The rotara of aoy al mt <-etti*r*t*o entitbw joo to the

, aiitoto* tmmed tlrnvea*. aao* paymoiit lrra*peaiiv* ol H* worth, aed a* ao arnete valued lea* taaa II* w aauaod oaaey certiltmta,it will atone* baa*** that tbt* t* oo lottery, hot a alraigut Rerwari tWarit* i.oat* tr*ro**ctio«, *ki«b may be partwlpated la •v*a by tbe amat tbMWtoo*.

A at ogle tmrtekaia will b* a*bt by matl.ptagpaiil af*Mr*eeiK*f*oefaierlv*.lorlL*>lerea a* II. thirty-tare**w< oreeMam for U, atgty *lg tmlM*ia-a vatoable premium for M , oae •ad moat *ep*rb Watek .tor III , Te tbo**wiehUtg eeaplovmajat.,tkie lea 1 loony. It I*. * togRlaaateig amidocto doty aot bar teed by tb* Co vet emeu t wud «»** to lue tnuat oaraful aorotlay. Waluitea «.ot • g r KM praa*. wkk <4tt for vadtoeaieg 00 de||**r*,ta thai me aiaiatiata Oa* ***,. puaolbly « iar . Try »*,~

ilmMji?, •m*n*aai>0b.,i b IH

Ve 8* Shaffor A Go's, 1

S t . JOnRRVILLB, aad *ee the magaUleeat (took of all kiadtot

Watches, (locks, Jewelry, SOLID* SIl VMM FLATJSD WARS


Ifl^il'hiWl^lRiinM toat bra*g»t to Mew Yerk at tbe tewaat gold batU.

Ladtee will fad mo*« magnlgeant U n l d . P r n r l . Jnt. and Bt gw*Md aet* o f J*welry,a*leoiad wl h great «or*, aad from,Use rateet gad meat f aab-• " g e * w 'aPgnF • a n i a a w ' e i*n** an* ****# • nen. * T H J^i

BrlAal Pr-ae»t* , l l o l i d a i Pteeeata ,

B i r t h - D a y Preaeata,

Aad all other klade of Praaeot*.

ReHdaad Silver Plated Oaetore, Cake Raaketa, Ryrup Gagt, ipootta. Pork*, Kipao {Ittnga, Cups, A*., A*.

Oold and Silver Watch**, Gold LockgU, Rings, hiiiis,

and •verytHua] *b»e feuad la a fiat eku* Jt welry eatohltobawat. . Call aad taamioe t te atoek•

fteia*e»ber the place, at If.M.»IAPrKIt A Oe'a BrKkglore, fetiJoUoafllle,

i*a*HL*aBMalBWl*tf ll !' '

At the old store ef MORTOM BBOTHEas, oa Mate Street, i*of*ri»* the beat

Family Grooerics, which the Country e»n fiirelvh, putebaaed alnea the recent fall in prleea.Ior c**b. oaaaialfeg In part of Ten* , € * 8 W * , S a g a r * aV Molasaea.

Tbe beat grades of

F i i O U r t . . Canned and l>h*& Fruits, Nut*,

CRACFgRS «# CANDIAS, Crockery, Glaea W o r e , Pre it Jars ,

And a Roe aasortmentof ,

STONE * WOODEN WME. / / « « « , Fork, Fhht Mutter, Lard^ Okme,

Kg§t, he., efe.

The farmer will here l a d s

I M U i D U C ' E J e S X C H A N d E , where be will recelvg tbe rigbeat market priVea for what be baa to aell, and can porch*** hi* Pamily aoppli** at Ibe lowest prtoea.

CALL and GK7 GOOD BARGAINS, Oujpga delivered snywliere ia the village,

H. P. SPOITABLM, Part Plain. Aeg.T, M r f llyl


Parlor •Organs aad tVIelodeous OriVBaYDRnCRIPirON.

EVERY tattrumeot made by tha uudeuigued i* et the beat quality, aad 1* .

I Warranted for Five Tears! He calls attention to the great POWBB, DEPTH of TOMg, anti atyle ul iitiwli ol hia luatruineuu, and bellerev that nave never failed to give entire aatUfauttoii. MK. P B A , he* teatlmoulabtl'rim dieliliifulehed .Artlat*, to the etipoi'ioi'ity ef hi* luatreeamt*, bat odrra tbe beat te»tiiiimiiol in tu* liiaiiumouia tb*ai»etve*. Plea** to, nil and ex-amiae,

Sweond l i n e d leatntmeeta reeoived in Bxehnage for New Ones.

Repairing and Tuning "oa* in the beet maiiocr.ygGB

Paeterr eee door *a*t ef P, Stlehel's, Csrrlsge Factory, ho

Canal Street,

A L B X A N D E H F K A .



' A

V i A S I l a a Z a D t f a a A V l a f J e V * ? * *

The If«t-WearingCoraetHaPy: willflod tbe Moat Deiirgble Aeaortment of «

I I A . T H * A I V I > C J A 1 P S oytof Maw York.

At lew York Prion, Maaortetoredoeder mySatnweiaJoa.andalwayto 'be Y*ry t.aie*tood Moat PeeUeaablealfyl**. Al*o ta hand a »mrga Aasortaaeatef

CbildreB'* Hat* aed Oepe, J s9* l f*» t l3 j .3a ia» la AXXXm nnWW ^nw waaw" ^a-»w^^»w."a»,^^^a~eu|jpf ^aaaa^ a* •'• aw^^aajae*. y

Laaderaadlutrodueei of Pashioa*, flat ggg Brood w a r , Albaay.




J a P l g M l Z X e

WAN AWABD8Dtu*»ir*tPramiemfor the beat Tap and Open Begge. TofTop

Reg*J wea Immwliatol v afterward*aold to flaner*, Prieat,of Little Pall*, for IDA. rPnrtUeae.t ten yeariHKMBY BETZtMCER as* bed tberojiitetlon.tbrooghoot ihU aectionof the country, Uf turning oot the matt tiurabit »M4 ityHtk CAKRlAlnMendrtf.BlCHRor any *atitUli«hm«<it In t,h« Mohawk Valley. All hi* work ia done hi the moat aabatantial and elegant manner, by eg-rierlenoed werkmea *udunder Mr. IlKTZIMUBU'B itnm*di*te*upervl*iou,

ia want of a Llgbt Open Buggy , r, a Democrat Ngrteo Wagon , agOH, aa Bxpreaa W a g o n , a

roaeha, ef auy pattern, will do well tago Shop, of


beforepurgbaaing elaewbere.

CTJfTEHS A S L E I O H f l the moat elegant sad


aaa WB*,} jgwolxy Store.

fortheaaaaaa, gaten apin awtoAsniiarotaaaer, l , ! M t 9 l ^ r-rematlyraad neat * y # ***»*•• i m * ..p ..w* aw "# 0*..p. "«gP- **•• * v n f * e .

mrAMpri IftumnHHf gf n*j>r***ntt4,jm

F R A N C I S R F R E E M A N ' IMWREBHUTTIE %im\m mwm$ [tatoPggggtk A rtrki l airesopertortoall etherafor

TUPORTSn fllOII PAR* PALCY COODR, - * 1 , J J ^ S S ! ^ W U 9 ( T ' !

MgRYOfJR 08*4 tttf t,

WITH ITRuuMUiir *rTa*a*aT*.-»,*w ariatr* b*i-as«*ioK,ivruM<>iraar tmia*to>>* 1 ...a

or **»**, a-rkHMareaanoi*. Moot of rowsa, f i n r MkAU. Ui*» <f atriaorg «W ikreaitmd tBroofear* mmd < imlmtUi§ Bud acawerngarwi* IN HUMPUIlEih', HOMrtifAiHItJ pPBtlPMJ M«i. TWBM1Y Kit. HI, Cttaipwetd ef tbe etoet valuable mlid and poleat fiiiaiitiai.ihey etrikeat aat* at tin- t**a ••'

1i1.itin, urn* «o nut avetna arit'-t Hie do» kar-g*a. aod itiwart vigor aad e«*rg), lift- ami vitality to the entire taaa. They have ttpod ibx-aiideot

I'IM «. I uVler. per ptokase of mx hot**, aad vial or oae dot tar per aingle bos. Mold by d uggLi* and oeot by mail oa rweipt of twice,— Sddrcea HUHpHREVR' RPkOIPW HWMWi PATIIIC MEDIC IN !•. Cu„ aw Hio*dw*y. New York,


JLrt c i n o c l i o a*.. V * A4JMETIC TOOTH CORDIAL.

Tbe raging t>«th*fl<e why en dm e, Wbea tbete i» lound a perfect ear*. Whb h aa»t» the t.eith an4atopa ikejpaiii, Aud give* the soShrer eaee agala.

Price t ll.ftuoeut* andMuii''*. Mantifacttiiti by


i i . H ' . M A C K K V , *HHrk*r»llr, Herkimer C*., M


Magavuicfg Tiatr. twaaBBaWaaaawvayw* a*** a S B^p j a t B_ f J JBBBBJ*_V. ^awmaaaaos **a**a**M**i jmi _i ^rVATOHEIS,

awiavnr jk'WKtn rtbBiL VKH WA JIK. Tb* starve Wet- lee* 'have proved to he e**t1 time

keaifier*. SKA'VI''t.T R»«ei„ i l l Broadway.

(Up t"*H.) SIKEOtOT «WW ,••*< Hr.mdwey.

tBatw- ea Aawty 4t»d KoortewJ

"feSmoUya.X. Y.. IBM EDICT SIMM.»« PULT.1K Ml,

Role Agent Nay ta* Renamttdr Ubareh Ctoek*. A km Ageatatorthembiof tb* Aamrkwa «'«lib*m Watebe*. Coedaaeat by Bapre*., aiamlb



Maaoraatar*f#ef' raje AND au»omA puoor AAF>.A






J E W £ L H Y A b l L V f i R W A l l E . Wurtt. err? a* te* ,o*e! ait r* be tea* i * r O > f c l < i

U K KAtll

.A.!af*3T4*hTJl.*r5iPblIS ejfey <Do.. p^avae j^^a^ i^ awtap ^ae^-^a^amaaaaoaa-^a^F^ae-^iaa'^a^aBi^ ^aajr- ^ H ^ a w a v ^ a a j a ^ ^^^^ ap «JI

HseatMUWaT, M W tuatk. *t!KV 1* yog AUKOfKlX M t V t'gaCTVM*<aV.

A#>auaar* thai tt Baa*ee,wea>-e .1 i|,« «r*rN'«ti..a *l tk» t. aa hat, market, aa inw*a*> «**wm« or |ikT and * A .\C\ uiMMie ka«r n .a i i i i , |.i Itieao * . t i , 1 atruettitMtu 0**leare4 tm t w a w l M e ) < « « at a e f a4«ri**a « . I U „ l i . » . lUvrvlui >, rieneJFi4*ej "Sal liit-ui i.i:«»liltli| p. tlieir i*f.i|H#l» » } ' ! » * aji bWall...> at II ewe a, « l l o 0 0 l refal'il lw vaioe

•jlie fulii .aii .f toft Ifee » n , > u i wLu.ta.alf |»TNHU vi Mine at* tbe arttaieo wbirb tbey t«.» utter at »i tt..r. *<.», aad BweUtti itutm l/vm » It <-• »'.<-

•Y - THE PAPCR FOR THE MILLNIN f — ! The American Farmer,

Sleighs aud Carriages. i n« *«««f>irme»#c*.*i'ar r,

D BYBits. row ri.Atir. a. t. arsmsa The Cheapest and the Best . uteturiog aud i»a»lei,ll»BH-t.oi. Lend AORICUI.U'ltAl!. ASD HnRTlCUI.U'itA L

Sleiche Cotters A Canioges.. \t!8Lv$k '» *«***•'«• a*w«.t»rnu> ni.M.ti.t,fl u ' B J o u p ' v u u t i ° ** w a t t » o | a » , ' „,„(, elitmeiomfcjigiovingaol t arm MaMaRoge A«

if sllkti.da.Maniiractoredin the Utoat Styles of j iawto.PrulUaag eMowna. ;heb**t maUrial.aadat prifeathat ar/e mmprit '.ion, Tbey are a.iw paying »ueila 1 attention lu

lOfaetll • • T T T . A l . r

State WO M ... Ie i" j a . . . a eu 4l«

I f f *••


*l« t ta I h>


I p


Ibe MeO.fa.ln,. of Rl^lOIIR A . u ' W . f f & ^ S Z l S ^ ^ J g Z theaeaaoa^ompttalagtbe watt Imaotlful^tUre*., JOHN 1 URKKH, Poblhbei ei.d .••" imV-"




i t

Tbey are *!*» prepared to fuieUb

Piano Fortes, Cabinet Organs And gfttlodeott*,

from the nuMd ,-ei. i.rated mniiafactorera, at thelow eat Caotiiry Prieea. Pieaa* give us a ca'l and ea-smlne ear stock. Good* not lound na reg -ra*a>aUal. the money w i l l be refuaded.

P . ta-RBPAIRIKO floaeia the beat poaalbto' tnaaaar and at th* iowe-t ratea. Diracuit emit mllclted. la. P . At S . 8 . G O B .




Hew Prices!

I 1 | I M I

A large and moat tpltndid aaaortment of Rtlll111 EM will beta readitteierorlheHpHngtrade. CalUod ! iiemlne our atock Manufattoiy on tba Hill a i fe* rod* a bo. e ibe O R I B T M I I . L .




M. Y

lONSUIVIPTIVES Xe-**V - , ..: | ,:


BUILDING MATERIALS, of every dewrlplli.ti.

Mash, Mblngle*, Fence P o t l a , l i tun*, Pleketa , l i o n Po lea , Hiiutia, Bnt iena , Lnedera , I..tiU P a l i n g . Mawel Poale . HMluaiera, Ilraoketa, Mnrae* P loor ing C e l l i n g . AlaoBatternot, n i n e k toalaat end W b i t e w e o d Lumber .

Torniag, Painting and (i laslng don* to order. OEK1CE, corner..f Canal A River Hi., oppoalte '

Olbaoa'* HarneeaRtore. Prmoliial Lumber Ritlldhtg In rear of Unl-.n Ho­

tel, oa WUlet Kt PORT PLAIN. A DELIVERY 'WACOM In tonnetted »IUi the |

yard for the delivery oi Lumber within the coruo- |

IT la *Hlb«nuiially elated litat <*».«.-fl'11. . * the iuliaUiuute nf tliia oonnl'Y and Kn-

| din of No <li»^aee baa I l.etsti more tbororglily alt-dit-d, ami iia nature i |<ra* nndt-reuiod ; there I* no dievaae upon

wliiolt eaiet* « grf*U-r dlveraity ol opinion : and no diecaet- wliit-li l<*eu<oi«> coajpletrly I lieffl-H all medical (kill ai.d n-Boedlal agenoie*.

HotBu o f t b * J roni i l l i -n l t y c t l p ' o i o a are Cough, Kapootoealiou, Shortaee* of Rrnatb,

i Irritation about the Ltiitf* and Cheat, darting ; Pain* in tbe Hide* and Berk,Etuaciation,and j general ncgatlvr eoudlttoe of the whole *)*• I ten:.

PrraoD* aoffi-iliig with tMt dread die ase, I or auy of its ooDoomitant*, should It** no time la josai-ertng tht-meelfe* of the proper Remndy, in order that they may stay Ha r»v-sges, aed he rostored to boalth. The

rate limit*.

"Advtrlite no perform"—V. T.


more than HAIINCM.

IJOU can

I S a j t lk ipat lnn oT a c.lionge In a.'rlb«*r iH|i-r« lor aule In - fo l loa iri« !let

Huh a iu Ilia hue, putrhamr*.

bnaine.e, the aoli il u l

Mt prliea tliiil uinuoi tail In watt

rpiJBSobafrlbem'would aanoanee to tbe public X that they have lately oreusd ia

SAYLKS' NEW BUILDING, in tha Village of CANAJOHARIE, aod have uov it».lyler **le the Large*!and Uc*t aeleuted ttock ol

qre^jtycp r*/rrenfivarrti o*i JPeer offered for Sale in Montgotnery

County I

Embreetng every variety uanally kept in thia branch ef boat nee*, trout tbe ama Ileal aiticie to theLargeataod rklicet aty lea ol

CHAMBER & PARLOR SETS. \» tbeeeOOODR were all puichaaed or t'ABH,

we utter tbem to ibe public at a email advance above enet, couildeniiy believing that we can aOurd tbem Bt a

LOWJSR PRICK than oae be found lu any other esto-blUbmenl In tbi* region of country.

Dealrlng to ettabllah and build up a permanent buaiaweJLaad believtag u close attention to bueiaea* together with atrtct hooeuy and Integrity In dealing la the only *tir* rood to eoroeaa, t he *ub-airi»ea»alm to so conduct their buaineea a* to gain tnecoagdenoe and met it lUJi patronage of tbe public. Jt

T t . N. CCRTI88, J. Q. ADAMR


PINK, l iKnlM k SPRlfb

LUMBER, Barn & House Siding,

Cedar, Pine a&Npruce

S H I N G L E S .


Broom Handles. Oak Post*.

Also Seasoned


Rev- E. A., WILSON'S Pr« jjar«-d Preaoiff.tioe lot lit*- Cure of

(bniusipiioB, Aaaaa, BrsscBiils, (©ttgh*, f o l d s ,


All Throat and Long Affections, l.y the 0** of a hii Ii h* w»e reft art rt to I .alih in a lew w*t-kr, alter hav ins aofl r.d ».•«•»• re I ytmra with a at-ve-if lung a got I Ion Slid thai dread dl eHf*1, Coo*tiku)4lun, hat an* l.rea In ueo over i.n year* wltb the nao.t marked auoew**. I

'fhi* remedy ia prepared from tb* oilglaal | Recipe clieinirallv i t i ie , bv the Re*. ED­WARD A. WILSON, 166 South aVI Btr-el, WilllsBj*l>ur|lt, king* Co , New York.

A Pamphlet containing th* original Pre. acrlptioa with fall snd espli ' i t dDeoiicu* for pr. )e*r*tiou and uaa, together with a ahorl Malory ol lue ease with tymptoou, ntj«.ri-etica aod eure, ran b* obtained (frew of charge) of sir. Wi latin, a* above, or by e*ll-ttig ok or addiMevtUg, A. P. Settle, Cauajo-

'harle, and Gregory A Co., Port Plain, N»w York. *2lu>Sb

M A K V I N & C O . ' S Alum And Dry Plaster


3B*2»g»t i n t i i © W'or*lcaL * e r k r » d w r l l lu»l i . l ed Catatueiie . Piiaatoti W*rehoo.**>w.) RIIIIADWA Y. New

Vork.aod 781 CMkWTMOTSt,, Pblla. aiSmlfb J

A a ti

W h i t c w o o d Lumber.

BLINDS f HASH, Oluard and Uiml.i*<•.!.

We fill Riateful for the litiernl |ial'0ii»n* wr have iri'eived,aiid h.'jx o. ao rourtml our hualnew. oa to bit a oi ill) oi a r.oiillnueure and lin-ieaao t.l tile aitliie.

il J O H N A. XOI.I .KIt .

"What! Shall Cmaer *eiid * lief Have I in eoitqtirel etrctrluil mine armao i»r, To heal raid to tell ihe truth P'

Canvassers i tt A N tntke more m-mey b> .I' l iujr i he (*• . up

j hd i in .o o f l i n i . r u . ' WntKa f«i llu- MlHioo I u u * pul.neli i l ig. Oliver Twi»l *S tenia I Chi tet 1 maa S t o i i t a . KJ ceote ) X*' Imlaa N o klrOy.Hi n i i l .

t h e tft.ole b c i n f offuied (or | 4 UU. J be l ; p e .11>U j | j j | * : . h , oil in! l . i lu­

l l A l ' P L E T C M A t O . ,*.a. * j uSKnilb K e y Y o i a .

DPI erguA. Thornpkon A I*., 82 Crder Street, N. Y.

J. F DEVERKAUX ». CO., a Geuita.1 Hiitoi. ilo»ii,n,

ni»t.a MASurAcTuaaaa or eaa

RDDD1CK ST£AM E1VGINE, moat|Mt.'t, Hie *>lllipli«l,*iid tbo Cheap

I ll cat ill thia Cooot i U ,

T h e l(ulf<1 I'owCTaiiii He»t aulet-d.


AUioa.l . lid I'e.l

I'ircufaia au.ll'iic* l.iat on ap] W..i|>u,„ii»|.in

.tie f<ua^

eat urn.

M O N t a l ' . T I A D i : K A S l ' . OCAL A'-ENT.H wanled iu

IF Y017 HAVE AHY TEETH, old stump* or root* of teeth that you with to get rid of iu a w«y and manner at once plea****, harmleea and entirely free from pant, tall at the DENTAL BOOMS of

e f a 1 4 * B n U K l w a G * T I %

Fort Plain, If. ?. , In the WEBSTER BUILDtMC when he ladalh re­lieving thtaw *A1(cted with teeth ol thlekii.i1 In iuat this way, aud where lie can thua relieve you If desired. It having become established tbat


la theeafeet sad moat efficient agent for deatroy log all pale la extract leg teeth, tbe aabacrlbei, de tlroua of giving hit patroiia the benefit ol all I.n provemeiita In hi* profession.has purthsaed * new and Improved apparata* lor making ml tkmt notkt tbl* article ia It* putret atme, aud he I* now ag. mlnlaieriug thesaniowith grestMceew.for thlt ptirpoee. All ate invited to tall and wit nee* it* operation or teat Ha efficiency. The •oberrlberi* alatiinaerting Artillilal Teeth,te tbe moel elegant aad atiiattaiitial inaaner at cheaper rateethat ean ba procured ebtewhere far •• ninety day*," er mora Teeth filled, ahm.*t roaaoasble price*. All work waraotedtobrr* gAf.

}. K. BORNETT. Port Plain. Aug. I i . l l l g . U


Miss Ct Perrine, TB eoastaatly making awjuUltlon* to her ttook ef

MILLINERY, At bar old **t*bil«h*d Store,

Adjoining A, Ihinu'y bawdry Store,

CANAL STREET, FORT tUfN. She has a choice aaaoitmeuioi the latest atylse

P a t o | . i i . Veeoa,

% Gems, J E u i p t i f ,

%HMsnl2! e-Marie Miowarta.Ac, Aad allaaber kind* or Jockeys ,

l l n t » ,


I tit Al. A'.LNTs wanted lu every loan and j city loeuipluy laiya lu aell ao artlch; uf gieai

jiilintv Everi i.,miiy want* eevetuli.t ibem. tie ] receipt ot ail ecttte, laoaaioulea, which retail tor be caul*, will be eeiil ahli t|r>'ui*ia and lertna pi attenla. AUdieaa C II. rt I |).Ml,V

iaiamlb 4.1 Coitlaadt St., V, Y.

Meatfeaery Ceiatv Cenru.

MONTOOMKBY COUNTY, « . Il i, hereby Ordered, tiuit the Couniy Couita fur the

county or Moulgum. ry for the \ear Ihtih, be keld at tbe Court Hoose in the village of Ponds, iu said county, »< the lime* following, vis t Mor tb* trial ot ]|#u*a of law and toot, OB lit* first l loaday of March aod July, asd on the third Monday of November. For the trial of issue* of law, aod the hearing and decision ef root leu* and other proceed Ing* oe tito Brat Mondays of May and 8«}Hetwlier,»Bd on the third Monday of December—at abiob no jury slutll ho r»-«ju(red to attend.

And it i* further ordered that a Court ef Setelous be. held at the tttna and piaee of holding the March, July and MoeembVr i*no» ot the County Court; and that a Petit Jury tie drawn and summoned for said term* ef th* Court. Dated January t , 106s,

JAMES 0- COOK, Sab CoBBty Judge of Montgomery Co.


The Real Irtpau Ff*ile Pills! WARRANTED FRENCH,

1 hear PI la, >u aali-brateil man, yeara eg* t* Farl», for tb* relief of feat* • irrtfulerl i iet , aod »ft#» a">r*» tar lb*ir eritnioal e in ui«> uieat in tl.a a rea tic* ef aUaw-


- ^ ^ — ^p^ " ^ * ^ffe^aw^aV^ngna a

H e a d Ore****, Special pals* wtlta*taken to glv* perfect **th>

fs,i||iin to iter cu*tomeia,iu Style, O^atlty, Price aud Workmanship.

She wililry nnd taerlt g eoatlnnsac* of the lib. tohffitm**8 hewlo/«r* toetoesd »»»» >*res,



S'AVEjust amrngg yhjf|r NEW MILL!! . 8IIWenMjiBk^«r4iw*gj ep^»*i evy, lad tlilrd mmranetli o»S. s$efi*,-A

1NERY p'»*ite the

Pit* wlllalwMjrktV'p oji j

sahJousJile MttifHsry

tiun, t ia u s e t,m red for tale tor tha lir.i time in Aa a, lea. Tbey k*** baen kept ia eo«u*r»u>« a h o o i i t , •asm «b* fact that tbt o r l f i n . m t , f j r , V , ! ^ . , H » i b / ttelaa la Peri*, of a .eat wea'tk. snd ttrb I i « a i e l » l i e n , prtn.lelaa, trot b tawi i rheb i thra. from ee. art' a,e, l e . t lhey atiom* in M*p oyed for a*t*wfui aurao •Mffas

I* eveeaiMBlar *amala n b . n u i Uaaa, fa l l lag af Ike ! Wtenti, While*, Dr»*o bt«l. . |»e., Superea-tae, * > U a Hen, we loorueAarat* Plaw uf W»# «e*U>ly IMaakeraaa,, ¥;"******* 8»»l*»> A*aetto»*, l ,ato* to toe Oae* tZ*

etaan n e t a* hav* fa; tad: aad, aMHtagb a *ai»«eraj r.mady Aa not oo ktto etJouetl, aatiawn*. er »s»t»u>, amtStoHalhaBOettttulitw ' aa.,Maa»r

T* atariled* Iw4ie* and ynunf ft<|. wba l»e«0 T*t* Sttd, MV-y >re peeullarl, tulte.l. i oe l f ror t tjme btu i f e* Ik* aoaaUil

r , t« ut fura, itakie, t rnna* or Wink i * . t c . Wi<n* *l

lai .Outlae*" " •• Milk aert eatta Irreae Hetieroa Bt-fege au.l I t l u«.an I I U. Aajuaea *a>'. Maai.n oe lartieo f reoch Wettaa» «nu tarn la Lau.tiru•, Ifa.O. l4 lo i U..I...H Balmoral atul I " a o t atoi i *re Via i» *' StHr Uu U l . a HII refla t» -I'a.rn I l^nte«* t'ale-l» il ,n.O arel i teta.SlA. (Mate ll>H,il.ti be* »ixl

e niunailiri'ii laaeB i a m i ; |Ml m , | . , au.ea at.* t i ekt* I "H * "Kill a abil tflkk

Hiacatol Salt M«*f ; per eV* * pair. I . oae . aad i .eut , - Wert.Hi U u « * a.,,1 <<attng

t l.iria aao UnaYratiirit . « * h f to to Ceart Veal ai,u lai,Ui>«ia r - t l , i i i . i, ( i.-il ,

t,ae»u.are an* lOwrSin l i e I i in. i.«a.i k .wiee 'labia ('••veia jl e« I U lc i e jint OuUareel l.ioea .Va|4t«' par <*t t lo

alua'tB k b l u aa* t'akaaaebea, pei rare I t to tt«ai.*ik ; ekaab. IS Weattt-ii ; H i t aa* at-eliirtlM**

| l.uta «i Cluuca , kaatlro Ruoja , Itlaeaete ; IJ tan end aliwlie a a » i , j VelvH aad « . , r ,* .« I'aetatuaaiee », rki.|.ptig lut» kaiieia ) Mareriaam i»t«». tee* an.i "I , OU<la-i*4BkM keiV**. Villi |aMil lwrt»nMa aorf t m ) banal** • yreutsa Cl<«ki , lii.i ao* l r«i I Ms

.leal but** ; Kevulvrn Koajliiif Mt*** ; l - i . . , I ' . . « I M ; Hair Xeta ; Wart aWtaa ; * i t e r Car* ( s a w ; AIOMHM j »'*a»t | aod I'utkat gtklaa , uoaoa trfataaua, * a .

We l iaee « t ,« rteetveU a ap'i nli . l a . , itutabi vl WATCH EM.

Unl.i aadKilvei II iiitiag Caae. I,.I i.i 1.1• . t 5'% lur i»«. ii . ,eit.ei ami. CIMIO. u. u u ) i-ain r* aa* • i ) i t

.•>«» ol J .ai ' lry ie aeery aafiei < . e l*rve knln n-1 too.tiler , I i»krti l ! . . i . .v . ; K.UA, al e«Mjr k,l.. Hr^iii-lala , ....ul I 'm,. A-- . t,.>-


- I T , i l i e i i ,i,.| I r.i •• o I i » , I » l l u I.,rr Ta I... »| . .«. | .» l i . i l u , To« , |aMU- , «,,<.. vlt | aO»a i l i « I i . |»

n . , l , u . lea o a . I i a..e. Cioiua,., .»^*r *>'•>• / i w.l U.-k.-t., C«ke fWrl.'la. C^nl t v l l e O . I i u l K i\ e . . ») r in u*ua, aj l . a/ , , riirlinni, ,11 » I'Matlilw. hi-li kbit ea Uu.kard etui »»II >uou«a. .VaaAtia *t.< a -11$ eieii.le Wma H.MOer. t'ai a Caea-a. t c

All ll.c aC. ia iM ul a n ilea u> lit-Mild l..r | 1 Okeuil, *l i,a i -xiatii.t-" are |>o ,1 by Hie a. I« uf I'I.,.,»>II. or

i r r l i l . i i . t e a l i . l B l a k aai , » r l l \ , l « | , . i | , . . aUM'-k . a e t 'la value, l a w . evr-,H**~ -a At. cuuioar* ia eavelotHr mixed up. au.l wild al

86 ( E N TH E A C U - 5 POR $ 1 - 1 1 FOK $3 Waalerur a-lktla n uainiil 11 ti,a oarllauali uaa c

ufctaiiiegai une Snllar. f k e a n i t l e Wl|l be ahoara in tbt ho Her at lio- can •

S B I I « . aa-i it ali.i he at kll ..HtKrii «ii»ti.rr in y* , , lue nalUf aoatakia. the arttela «r uw la itaaa ariu *a aelit l«y a.atl<w e t p - - * , a r e IKH taitatarVHry, IU,> u i be r.-tn.lital aei l l l te nialteji will U» relge.ieu

Kvart leiiiBta,, , ,-ullilia 'lie holder In wiuie etlk'le ut »1.11: nu > ai«»\ Malta luueb aawe ikeu a un.lar h | , iuul I'l Ikia

HEAD riHS OFFR, You aaa liavekni «a) .a uur e a r i l l c a i i a ant St m

at,, ol llu* l i . i iuaie , artaihaa ee fl.a.t n ,«H. ate >>"i l< .-*»e<i aril I. i im aitiwle or anii n - ,.i il,, . . . I, St .1, ) ou i.eet net ea,, ll.e vt la-i.u \ «u t-ai • or ii

One a. » ». |,u.liMiIhiee b>aile caafir liaintaou.i m m I'Ui'il Holier laait, A ol. I'lale ana u..v,r i.i.o. 'a , ln j i . fane '*** a tn I-II t.irr 11' ui*. I,..iu.* in i a l i i l a . . < yi I ei I u l I « , ( e . ' i . . , 1 V . I | . . . l . . l . ,. a I.l it Hi i, . . e l iluul'ie iitaleil labn >|« • ! • • . i r k . i * , i . i^i iei , v ,> , j are . me.Mi,i l e ) |a l l J"i.i I . I i. I t i . t i k l r * . i |-iri rti.l real klvoravliai.111 fM|K ••. .uliu it. i .0 lal Cu.d |.Ui» Ring .

HEPEIIENCICM. In,HII , Ilia fpur ) . a i a ere liar* I'. 1 1 a,»i 1. I. 1 I 1,

ru|rmali Ir. » e hat a n v . m U 1. w t.. 11.. 1 ( 1 ..iniei riiUon \ net une In a. 11.. | i . i a and Ii 11,1. 11.,a. | i , U » | e i m l i l l i u a l a «-1 |.l 1 .111 , 11,1 1 1, I . • I . . 1 1 . | . , 11.., a i l I, i.UI i n r l l o H l o l d,"l , In l . tmr . , I l l l,|, I r B a i . l ..1 there leal annual, a 111. i . u n i . »< , fleiea. e n n i . U i e |w.a.|,l, l#l tui Ui and aa » • l a v e 1.0 .1 in . far 11,. m ,,

Utlila advai Oa. eucnl, wa m l . a i i d i...|.nu ne t 0 - a l j «.l drt"*-

Wliuneirr dralred <«i al i i aew* artklar hi |*nree» a 11 r>. aa urn ike unra. r aeedualy ke paid ..a nana eat • ' tua,

• • rtu'em tba anlire raefaaoatlM I It, ul antiifj aral b) Vim aa- Coal Ugke Order, nr hank Orafl.

We « .i.i aeenia i r a a i a a a a t u> auuie a liberal uou. (Hii-aii.iB all) ke paid, wbiafa M O be lialnud ui. ef).;. ealtnu

Uk,Vake cart to write jo»ur uaiui and adtrana la a clear, di-tiaci k«.e.l, aad addreaa

ARRANDALE, & Oo.( J*. liutlAUWAT, KgW YitltR,

t'uai Rut. »»* r.a.1


Uss. 1 to.ifc* HbmU Easa i" etereeae.

01 IS WOT THAT WILIUHTPOL! ' •• I ttiti|kt you wa* ae-ra/tAto |»onag gg |r>(," • Why, It 1* not oot! Wall, I'll k*ee

aiioi l ie i l (aOlho*tr*ct*d w i t k o u l t i k l a j l b e I j i i ig* . log Oaa / d i a t a ' f / t e i t t . "

Thoee are tome ef Ihe eepraweleit* af tboae who lite* had tpaih *xtr»ct*d 11 my ogtoa. wall* un­der the inrtueiice of N1TK0CS OXIDE

While uodor Ha* tnnuene* ef tW* •• LgUOU-INC OAR." natvetia teutiOillty ta *«mpl*l*iy 1,legended, and ih* moat painful eurgkal apartftoa n.a> be. tajiforniod while ihe pa ileal it mtlirely uncooatimia ot pain, tnd dretning ef Seating la iba «lovdv, 01 listening to ealigbflul moak.

i'ha undoraigaatl jt paiig lb* teaw (IAS OBN-ERA TO*. *o *ee****»ulljr lueoi by the Cattee Denitl Amocktioa. aheteby the NlTSOUl Og-IDE i* mtd* »be*lu»*ly puis tnd peitoctly b*rm> teat. All wh* dealt* Dwntuui j *i

Chei tpcr K M I C S 1 h.i> ikov agMfgjaanr* It sa)wh*r* ah* ia th* Riaieet Maw Vet a, will *V well le eall a* tgf tobaciiber Itoeuilaileat* of taaib trot* I t ». l i e . A prtetiraat twaaty.ea* yatraiaPeetPigi,, ia tlrouied * aiiititieiit guauaiy that hi* apaia tiona will be aitda e*th*n*A*ry. ftjlb ft «. KELU8C.

•urrogrnte'M Notice.

TAKK KOTICjf, t)i»l th* hooks and paprr. bi'liiugliig to th* Etfraaftto's *>$net • l f | hf

kept in tit* rooms ptotided (of that jserposr, at the Curt House va the viltof* of Pouga, undor the charge ef DAKIII. Year, who baa hea.u dely »ppoluieti RorrogaVk Clerk, thkll slisll attoed s i »ald reoma, tor the purpoee of Surrogate butitu aa on esah aed erary Monday, and other day* (when net otherwise engaged) at my office I14 the fUbvge of CansjehsrTe

Dated Jen 1,1MB. JAMBS H COOK,

atwSh Ceenty Jadge sad Sartogair

1 1 SWr NAM , October Iff, JtVV-Il b erggroi «lm

Co« Oyer sad Terminer tnd Spaaitl Tarata.'la thJ rei tha Pouiih Judietoi Dharjet *f tha Rial* ef May aara, tor ibe yast i*n* sa* leg*, to beld g* to|•

OEaE&AL TERM* Pnat Tktirtoay *f Jte'y, Court Mease thU-

aeetady, PimTvrtwaay ef Aftll, Caart Heat*. Scb*

aaeiady. Racood Toeadty of Jaly, Court DetMe, C*W-

well, Kiitt Taaaday eg Oetobet, C**H Howe, C*a-

too ciitn-iT ooegts, arsou. rgan* asp pegggs o*

oyag Aapeaaaiaaa, sua res eooatrf,

J? l ^ r t . l > t o h e r l # l , | B f » ) - : l t b H.r Oeaettl Term*, Clrttiit Lpui/a, | A | i m >f

;»a* eater,


r t a t .

k%ee otear Tbey wttl,

• autatoly pertoS ana r*g«.

uaut, far Mtey '


" a e a w r i i " " * * . tawai*. u n » „ , o i a n a e e , Psas, Broaha* Oamha, Opart UtoetM, Rag*,

in Ware, Wetk *****. t»«'salag Casm,AeT f, No, SSI *V««Mtway,

ayl % ' MAW YOHM.

lay go nerk. **. Agenh Circulars free. Agent* w*Bt*d.—

nt*llowed, Norekslgemeat*msde PIUEBS.M.OO,, |T | ikoad*sy,


Dry Onod* Rt'ere, where tlley band all the latest »lylee of ¥ Ootids.

STRAW OOODS, in all the new styles. HI BB0K8 ARILKS, In every variety. HAT* BONNET PBAMEM. ail new ilyles.

' PREHCn PIOWERR.ricli aad beautiful. AMERICAN PLOW MRS, pretty andeheep.

.•Wg JrooM raapeetfully state, that Juat npeniug we hatil6'%aw#u*atd ang mi of nyle g.Hala of

1 any rtowriptbw, as a ir oay gia,|s b»*« joef been purchased, andweaga oi*r Mewmw* Mr*" veutege of uorehjamg uargtaaia at 1*1* rwgBci prices.


i.adle, tm pnwar* * bo*, »»'*d tto"*ye^«Fi*e tnrfout, by euab'rfna eu* dollar, aad ti* aa.taa. tuatpaUM W ALkCOMREE, 0*s*eal A t w r n i E Uattod tetatt-* tad Casada*. a< A'baay, W. f,. ee u ea* ao heritee Agent por tale at Uedge * eiafTurd « 4

PMBMIt COlf|tT,-Ct*jav/r or U.rr avtottW^Deptoi Pljat, jgalttat Uvl 1'llnt.

J , •t?-,V,,,Vur^*»> ^^'n4-Duu,o»,d hu wife. Jacob Miller. Chios Miller lease Wall nib .lelpha Walmili, Dolas* Pllul.llhiiard Khanana. and all peraons orowurr* ttnknowu. Imving or elstoiiuy imjtotetett In the pr.n.iaea *on|ht to be pan itiourd In thieaetinn—In partition.

To fhe above named*: — You are uere-be atompattsgfaid Raffli(red to aseasr Ihe com-plaiMol lb* **fr*fyrjn m* ttPnn'. thbh wa* thia ear tied with Ills (?torfc of the oouniy of M««<i g.awiy. at hivoRlee |K Poiins eeldctaiiity. and to teres a copy ot your sueaei on meal Purt Plain, H. V., within twenty daytaftet litetervlce ef tbt* aim mu a* upon joo excluaive iaf the day of such ewrvli'o.and if yea tail to sn*wer*«h) enmplatmt a* t.i't«hy reoiifrvd. the plaintiff win spnly to^ilie Court loiibe telitl demanded in the oomtilalal

fhitcd Port l'ialu, Sept, imh IWT# r ef. S t . I r l f W r a V .

yupi 19 troai Corue.m

Maekea t?ei(a*V

Pat tor

|*W/^r^*faJJ» *W* »r M * • § * J W • V * ' a |

TWrdMekWerft^y. 4

Seeead Maadsy et May, a * . i W • « _


Canal Street, Fort Plain, *f. Ta

HelNRY EDICK, Prtpletef.

RERPRCTPOILY aammtire*tft (he people of Ihla place and eutrraikding vlcluiiy. I lit l be

I i kg* heiM liud now I* keeping a Fir»i

ireaaofisbleteitt*, Hit*

Cvlit*a « , , . can alwsva

•JefctVijB, MATILDA LaBTiMa, l •* •*", a*1*** : »W»f MftilAto M|.,p,g*r*v « MA8Y E POTTER. l r*»e*s*«w t« ma. Here is where the beaaly an*

Third Tuaadty *f J**'y Puurtb Ta**i*y *l Mty. boekea. Third Tatawaay *f Swat., Baeskre**

asaax ooearr. Plrtt Twee*** ef Mty, J**aa* Third I W d a y af ttot.. Pallor.

rraskLta oeearv PeuriliTpeadsy pf Ppb. Jtme*. Pourlb Tuaadty of Ao* RoaebrtD*.

rtrt>rei copwrf., Potter Pourtb Moudty of Nov back**.

Moaroontav oae M I Pint Maadty et* Peb'y. Roaakita*. Pttai Monday of Jme, Rochet geeo*,*1 Moedoy al Oct., Poltpr

-'"_afcwA c * p | # f

jtoaskiiM WnaMaW*

SacaadMaudtjref Bep't. Potter. •oeairaoTABr LOVSTV.

Third Monday of Mtui, BawAai Third Monday el Nov Potter.

er. t, Awaaaoe eoeerv. Third Toaadty al gwh'y, Jaatsa. Thtid Tuoadcy ef Jaa*. Magbet, Sapoed Tuestoy al Oet. Maaakr***

} r • wAgfaa RMtigri.' Second Tueadty *rf M«r., Patter. Third Taaeday *f Sept.. Moeke-

WAsatseTojr OOPSTT. tgaua

PoBttk Tweed* y of feaT Sttom. Fourth Tuetdty of June. Stttdy Hill, Paurth Tueadty *f Nov., Salem,

Penrlh fgesasg ef p e b f l m d y J|ill Fuwith Tueadty ol Juoe.Rtla**. , . . _ . Pounh Tuetdty f NevdUiady Hill atotbaa

It it erdaeed that adjoursed Special

Ieira. be keid at th* Chtmher* ei tba •***»«! iMiirat of ibixDUtiirt *t folia** By Juat tea Jamea, tl Ogdaa*hurgh, aad by Jaa-

tk* Rocket, tt Stitiogt Bpnafa. aa the asm **d third Tueadty• ei e*eh nwatn, aalaas etharwma aaeiuaed.

tfjfiittetkg JreeskJ/lpJ, }t fJI**» Pslls.tad by swMOdUtddyA ea tke'seeobg tad tourik Tuseaayeef eaek sseaik, aaiew othei. ^wtPMniv w^^^iHjwjmnn*- *• ^ ^ j

A* BPB **>••* * w w B awy^W'Wwaajs^m a^^^tPisgJ gi w*ne|ar W9

kept eanstsatly ap** fat **p*vt« kuaia***,

K'H'. H O H M K B A N S . Mwgb i FlATT POTMEB

i. iitaaa^»<eiea)aaa«awaaaewaeaaaiMi ^naiLiiiiin—aaaaaaa. . n . i

BOO^Bmctln,. tMayataeitrad M thia Omo* far P» *k-BlaaHeg , | t


R o c a k i t a a Potter Itoek ea

P«*#t ltotk*.. Es**k t e a .

P o t ' t o i t o t k e a

B»ebea. Raaefcraa. Hoakaa.

nVatekraaa. D o c k e t .

Jteaektto*. hoc baa. Jail

Meeakri Petta*


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