information brochure 1976

c ,-... ..,.., e c-: ARPANET lflllll' INF c JION c::

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  • c ,-... ~

    ~ ..,.., e c-: ARPANET lflllll' ~

    ~ INF c JION c::

  • . . . . .. - -------------' ...... c: .. -
  • '

    !. hC I .,t,:;.;.: U n: D ........

    Reproduced from best available copy

    I '

  • S lJIII'.AIY

    AIIAXET 1 an operatlonal. reaourc~ harinA inter-ca.puter network linkin& a wide variety of ca.put~r in CONUS, Ha-.11. Norway, and Enal~d Its c~nicationa ayat.a introduced the revoh,tlonary technique of "packet .vitchln1'' ere each .. aae i broken up into ... 11 pa~keta and ach packet la awitched to ita deatlnation over the qu~ckeat c~lcatlona path available at any given lnatant AIPAIET vaa orlalnally dealaned under a reaearch and develo,.ent prosr .. by the Defenae AciYanc"td leaearch Projctt Aaency ln lt6t. Manaa_..t reaponalbillty of the network-.. tranaferred to Defenae C .. ~icationa Aaency on July 1. 197S

    Thi brochure provide a &neral deacrlptlon of the AIPAIIT and define the pollciea and proced~rea aovernlna lta u.e. A4dlt tonal lnfonution for proapect ive .aaera of AIPAIIIT and .. tra coplea of thla brochure are available fraa:

    Defenae 0 unlcat iona qency ATTII: Code 535 V.ahinaton. D.c. l0l05 T!l!phone ~ (202) 6926175/6176 ~ 222-617S/6176 AIPAJIT Mailbox: DCACode~l5@111

    AUCUIT 1976

  • Sl'JIIWlY

    1 Purpoa ..

    2 lnuoduct ion

    l Deflnit ion

    .:. twork 0.~r:ription

    s .. twork u~ i 1 i&et ion Polley 6 .._ AIIAIIET Service

    7. AlP ART Spon~r 1 ' Group

    Fundlna 9. AU'AIIIT lnfor"Mtlon

    Flaure 1 Concptual DU&r of the AIP..:f

    flpare 2 .. twork " ry







    ' 11 11




    lacln\ll"e 1 AIPUIT CeoiT., ..., 14

    Caclnure 2 AIPa.T L.c-.leal ..., 15

    lllclnure l a..atn4 r--t for,.,,_., '-rice 11 Inc loure 4 AlP__,. kcee UM Coet Pl .. lal 17

  • "! r: t ; .J r; . ' .. , ~ i l 1 f ! t ,;J{J~,, r.; .J' ~~ ..,.

    I'; fMfl') '( : I()\

    r ... an .!> ;r .. vtrit:o a d~1u:rir ion 11 d :rr t' .lur. ~ ! ur ; ~ ~ '1'\f'

    Tht- AIU~;:I- 1 l!> "" J;cnt' :'!l-"l rt>1ourc 1h11riny intt>r-l""'JJU''r ll"'""''ri- Ti . l i~ a' i I vrit,ty of .:OflaPU'f'ra at Defe:a!U Adven'-ttvcn h .. r ~""' ''''" ~utapulttrs "" that ha~dvarP. nft ... r ... ar!li data rtBollr - .. nulrl D convfnt.~nl }., and f't'On>~-tca' lv h~rtd ,-,. :t wldt t.;ftlllanitJ ,_,f ~r!l: A the n~tvork IU(~u!ully _,aJ.nd it" initial ril'li~n 11oah. addltiof'al u11er~ ~re authori.-;td atc"" n ht nvork Todn. tht> ARPANE1 pro-t.IJ ... auppnrt for a lr" :1::11ber of Dof1 pro )'- t and o~her non-

    OoO aovrft'!lt-r.t pro.c.ct" with af\ "'friltional netWt rk of .. ny node "'"'1 hor .J~Dpu~rr11 (Se nclourea 1 6. 1)

    Full ''dnf th ~uccclltful 'lccoapl tahiHn~ of initial AaPAICET deeian 'oAII ~n, th~ expanelon of th ntvork. it vaa conldered appropriatE' ~o tranafrr the repnn1ibll i.~v for nreration of ti-.e AIPAh~T fr1m ~~PA to t~e Def~nse C~nlcatton Asency {DCA) in July 1.75

    1 DtflNlTIOHS

    Fnr rase of .~ndc>rlt and in~ the ARPANET and th policie1 "overninA iu ,., ... the follOVi"lA defir.itlona are providd

    a Interface "-at Proceeor~IMP). A etore and for..rd packet ewlte~ ih ch cen ace~ Odate up to four hoet c011pUter1.

    b. Pluribua lnterf~ "-e Procaor. A ttore an~ forw.rd pa~kt iWiteh Wh~h can :aYe In ~c of 20 procereort, Mpencl1na on confiauretion. with each procetaor a

  • :,rmi nal 1:. t rl ~" c- ProceN For (llP J A !'tor~ and forvrd p
  • tih .. r ~n 1~1' or y;p rna i ~1on1ually ;ut.~tt'll "n :- rrl'mhu~. d 'VJJil:dt :wtv.>rF. i s 1oVT\ in f"i;(ur l Tn~ L~t'it!'t ntv,rlr 1s fqrm .. d hv lrt~truJrL\ itf' tht :Hdt-s ~hrou~Ct wlchban! r~u i-._arion ~iw~. r(f""!l.dl . .,0.000 hi!s pPr !U~cond r~'r~f':_., sJrr:ll'd b1 10l1111lo:1 carritr!> Ea~~. r.'>d r- "'nt ar.d forward mtsaa(I'S '> tl., n~a~..,horin.:, nodt"s ir. th~ ~.l~wvrr Uur in~~; yp i ('.: rat l
  • ,~ .. ,, , \ I I , ' tl! ', flll:l .. , ' . I


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    ! ! D r-__ _j ... J

    I I I i u I 1

    I I

    .. j ..

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  • .. :. !"\ .........

    Reproduced from best available copy

    :t - 1~ ' ... - . t Jt , 1..1', .. J r' ~rn .. a pu .. t ~ ..... .. . .. . . ':It ... -a, t o; u r l'" 'I u ., -\. .. - ... t-.!- ' lilt d...; f,.r s ........ ~4 ""al'.t ,pf':M) .. ~.J ; t ,, .... -., .; . .- .. ;,. '"':~:td L, In s~ rt- ~ ' ;. .. ,. , ; r I r t: ~", 't ''(~"'""\'('.. 'ht- "lot's l>_.!llt' :U -1 not hC dC t ~ Vf'rt'd du .. t.' .. '1ndt" .. ; ;rt : 1nt- J1sr1p' il>n. t.'tc ir, such cast's an ~r.,nm.>l .. :-r,,,i~,~ :"lt'l,..~, .,i!l h~ Tt"''.Jrn~d to t.,t sourc~ "to 11.'~ "ld'~~~ !; ni'l ta!!lr the n~ssaJt' which was ~H"t>CI,~; .. r-c~l-'11' .,.,, t; a.t. tJt-nt ifieJ bv naiiK'

    I: -4 rt"r- r;t ~re-m~ ... Je, i:--a1on nodf fri!httr llJ'NM or ln'-omplt:t' !r.11'1m1 ... lnl i& ~o dt"livt'red to tht" originating :-:cs'. t~ili ~ovnJ:tot vili ht' Jetf't''t'd hv rhr sourre nodt', which vlii autona 1c ~ilv >"lu1rt- of f'1t dt'sf ination nod vhrthr the nritinal IM's"~( """" Lorrl'~.:rly reC"t'iv~d and repeat the inquiry Jn' i6 a rf'spon!'lt' 18 nn.lvld from the d~

  • II'IWOII ~y

    DIP.,... AVt:UJ.f HOST TaM r: ,-- --

    UM All .. r~reZSoftwar j ""o-i-- - - pa.:k .. t .. / ,,.,v !!!!! 2!tm Cauae Pen eat II'TV InTI !tod lnt .. rr'lf '""Jr

    JlJ n .sn .671 ,1) IH I :01 "t7 ~ , I 7'f. )fl I I. 'II". 'I HI

    Allpec .541 1.061 .u 26) 1 : II \I ., ,0'10. lfll l,Olii,IIIO

    lept.-.r .471 l.MI .27 411 1: 10 .,, 'I,Of>CI ,071 ~.~t~~4,QO:.'! OetoMr .461 .sat .24 412 1:10 MJ .,,097 ,670 ' 7),.,02 ........ .Sll ... 1 .)5 ~ I : Sl! .,, 4,ft~l.9U 1,1119,487 .,. ....... .tll 1:16% .25 - I : 17 ~ 4,600. 4\& l,., .. 4,Q

  • Reproduced from best available copy

    as f n: ~ ,..,s

    , . ''. . A a : '_. r ' ~ ; ,l ~ ~ : 1 ~~ .. ~ -- .

    '' 7, Jlf-r ~lEi ..;;, !I H ..n vf l :la ~:wr1t- AltP.\.~t.T J..,f'r to;ui; tr.~- .. 1~ ,,r, ... ,. ARPAN F. T H: r s ~-c. s ' rt , ;., iaS:.J J J(A

    I,;,. "t;o""; f IH' i l i ' ll !'" hOW. .,.,.f. ; .rt m.~n.a:.t>m.-~t i r.s r r-...c' .orlo

    :, r1 .. ri. ,, .. 1! ~ trJar'!" for l",t-r!"l" .tre sp~ci!'hd in R~pnr :o.Jmbtr liL.' !r~.,.:--"d~ .~t">'i;l;.!t- i';sor Spt:c:ifi cations fur t~ .'lttt-rHHL' ;ur. nf 1 :,,,!6~ and .JI\ t!'tP Cllol~ ~eranl'k .and :;wrn:i Utlt~btr : 4 7', r-vist-d ;"rirdi~allyAD-A018'H'I :;, . .., 'r~~eria -s:1t! ,..,..,dard" h.-velopt'd joi:.t~f oy tht OCA. t'a. :h:iar.- Str.l~" -t:vJ ... , Dtft-nse a~ton\.:il'a wi:J be tJTOr.t\ll;.:a't-d "> ~t JC.o\ .\1~ 'l"'tr! wil: r-~~ .. t AaPANE- inr.t-rfan~ cri~t.ri-1

    Cl) Th~ ~ir~l~r. DC.\ on a continuin~ basis. will :Dnit..>r t~.t t.'~ft"c' i.vent>sil of AltPA~t.T. alYt= tho martr which havt m..Jjor i:np.ld ryr will impact adversrly 1.>n t:u net1110rk. and dlrecc ac~ion tn alltviat~ or prvent such inapac~

    b Csr Ac~e The ARP~~ET La intndd to be usd solly for tht' conouct -oror in support uf official 1; s Covernl!lent bu~inss

    (1) DoD Us~rs - Subject to tht' availability of assets. DoD actlvitiea vill be connctd to tht' AaPAKET provided thrir requic.-.nts are procd throuah noraal c~Jnicatlons validating channels.

    (2) Non-DoD U.S. C~vern.en~ Activities lequta for AllPAIIET srvlce from non-DOD U.s COver.,..nt act.~vHt vill be considered by DCA on caae-by-case basis

    ()) Non-Covern .. nt U.S. Act1v1t1ea - A DoD or ot~er U.S. Cover~nt activity authOilzid to uae the network .. , aponaor. aa uaer. a non-sove~nt activity perfor.lftA ln contractual support of the C.S. Govern.ent. Juatlflcatlon outlining benefit to the U.S. Govern.ent for uch ace 1hall be provided to DCA by the aponaorln& activity. Coat for net work aervlc provided to non-&avern.e~t activitiea ahall be allocated to the aponaorln& activity.


  • (4) ~0:--:~-~--A\:!J_:ilii.~- :oon-L: S utiv1~1~ vill no be dirf'ctly cur.nt'ctec1 t., tne AIIPA.-.r.: Ace~ to the ARPA:-tE7 :---i '1t- orc:vidt! ~r.r'''-Ud'l h faL.litit-11 ,,fan author1.:eJ Utllr lf ~.),)rdi.a~td 111it h :K:A

    ()) N -Compktltive Basis - 7ne ARPANET ia an op~rat ion .. l lo!l-netvor anaT.-not-intended to ca.pete vlth comparable L~rcial aervic~ ~ccordlngly, before AafAKET aervice it pro,ided to any n< ;.-l.: S Governlkn'. activity, it must be dt:t~rmined ::-at adec;ua".P c,.r.zercial "t::' .. lic~ is not av~ilablf'

    (6) Priva6i - Th~ pro;,osed Ulte of tht: AllPAICET .:~t not violate apj)Tica e pl'lvac 1 bvs

    (}) l: 5. Govern'11t-nt act~vitl~s r~questins AllPAKET servic~ must apply to the Direc~or. O.f~r Ca.aunicatlona Agency, ATTN AIPANET M.naAement Branch. Code Sl~

    (7) A non L:.S. Cove~nt activity auat have a U 5. Gover~nt ~c~ivity actin1 aa a aponaor. Application for servic~ on the AIPAIET .uac be aubaitted by the a~.ortna activity to Director. O.fenae to..unicationa A&ency, ATTI: AIPAalT Mang~t l~anch, Code ~l~ The application .u.t clarly atate how the propoaed aerwlce la in the beat lntereat of the L S. Cover~nt, la ~ttal to llon fulfill.-nt. doea not violate privacy lava and adequate ca..ercial aerwice ia not available The contract nu.ber of the contract be~ the apor.aorln activity and the non-aove~t activity requ1rina ace to the AIIAIET .uat be prGYlded.

    ()) tach application, ao.ern.ent and aon-aowe~,_.t, vtll be in the fo~t contained in !Dcloaur" l and will co~taln tM apprN&illate ...,...t of traffic to be ,.aaed. the houra of operation and concurreace froa the aaency 1lhoH DIP/TIP rill be ut lllaed the AIPAat entry point .

    (4) le4aulr_...t for vtdebatkl (SOIIPS ....,.) ctrcuUa be nllattt .. ala (6) -tha in ..,aace, to atw the -uactor fectU.t7 ..,__..,. - alftUI.t -clMille t.... All other r-.ueata for c(r-cutt 1eaa1na act1oaa ... t .. ..-.&tt .. hty (60) oaya ttrlor to the r..,alred HrYlce date to allow aufftcleat tl8e for actloea .

  • (~) Of~ vit1 ~vl~t th~ avplication and advle~ the requestin& actlvitv ->f the dtspot~itlo: of their request vlthln thlrtv ()~)days lf thr appli~~tton 1 aprroved. the notifi-cati
  • o!fi~ ''' ~h~ ARPA~ET ,drd~arf co~~ractor 1~ nw ~ode voulc norf':~tl > ~ ... f.r'!u,:d hv a ~t llt~tr:t Inerc!epartftlental Pur"haal Rtq\.t>"J. r: lPR) Ar, x:w CUltS apr-ro).i:Utelj SfJO.POO an~ a TIl' S l.: ' . -JrJ() ... : i !'ltr of'1 ~"''" fi gur at ior:

    d ii

  • For 1uch tet. interconnection of the 41P~~T with o~her network l authorized DCA el.-.nt will coordinate :heir plana for testing wi h the DCA AlPANET operational aanager (Code 530. Record Kana~ment Diviaion) In a ~ilar .. nnr. DARPA 1 authorited to continue ~~ of the AIFARIT for te1ting new concept a~d develo,-.ntl. DAliA will coordinate their plan for tetlna with the DCA AIPAKIT operational .. nager

    j. The Dt.rector, Telec:~icatlone and C~d and Control S~t (DTACCS) ha expreed the followina auidance for DoD O.ta Network and their projected uaer

    "'Tho MU itary Depart1Mnt I Defanae qenc:y ADP eyt-. tha~ arc ~urrently connected to the AIPAJIT or who plan on connectina to the AIPAIET prior to the availability of AUTODIJ It Ph 1 hould confiaure their dealan ao to tnblhe the t.pact of reconnectina to AU1'0D1J 11 ~ae 1 7nce thl ayat .. ie operational. the final dlr,ottton of :he ARPAKET will be determined at a later date.'


    a. To be flexible and reeponatve to the requlr.-.nte ol the uaer c~lty. an AJJI~T Sponaore' Group haa been eatabllehed and cbarterad. The aroup enable eponaora of tiM network to coaatder ami .ake rec D4atloaa to DCA oa Det11Drk operational actlvitiea M4l aervlce pro.l ... bJ the net.ork. It alao provide a fon. for the eachaft&e of , .... .-cl tnforaatlon on the operation of the AlP~ Mhl future plas1a for the network of c wa intereat to ttl 1ponaora.

    b. 'ftMt lponaora' Group ao..-u, -t .-l....uallJ. Special -tlnaa 1 be called by tbe Qaaln.a U tbe altua-tlon -1'"1'-tl attention tO INalMaa prior to the .... t naularlJ acbHule4 -ttna. lt.etla& aor-ur are beld in tbe V.ahtaat. D.C. area, but .. , be beld at otftet" locatlona.

    . ,., .c;

    a. "ftae operation .-4 alnt.....ce (0111) of the -....r Me....._. t. e. . ....... inurfacea. aad later-_.. c al-eatl-. clrcutta. ta rid th,..... the C Lcatlolla ler'Ytcea lllduatrlal t'un4 (Cilf "'-1ch ta sv .... _. operat .. ~ the a.r ..... ODlcatl At_c,.


  • b. l.'nder the workinl! capital or revolvin& fund concept predete~lned subscriher ratet will be the basil for recover~na th'l" coat of operatlnt and !Mintaining t.he Backbone network. The eatiaated coat to uperate and aaintain the AIPAK!T backbone durin& a fiacal ~ear. divided ~Y the eatt.ated nu.ber of IMFS TIPS in the network. provide the annual coat per year per node.

    Tntal Ollt Coat liMPs & ittPs Annual Cost Per IMP or TIP. All A&PAI!T activitl will be billed .onthly ba~ed on a predeter.ined ~oat for eac~ ooerational node in the iackbon FY7i rat~ will be $5900 oer month oer node + lt overhead


    a. For further infor.atlon on ARPAIIT write or call:

    Defense c~ .. unicationa Aancy ATTN: Code SlS Telephone nu.bers (202) 692-617S/6 or A~ 2226175/6 .uP .wiT Mail boa : DCACcHie S 1 ~IS I

    b The foll~ docu.enta are publ1ahe4 nnually for the benefit of AlP uaera:

    ( 1) AlP AliT IUOUaCI UIDIOC*

    (2) AlP MIT DlDCTOIY


    ~ .... doe~ta are dlatrt .. ted directly to AIPAIIT ... ra. Other aown-t ..-ctea 1 receive coplea by aullldttla& a r~at .tth Jvatlflcatten to DCA Code ~l~- laeaoweaa IBt aaeeetea _, pnacure coplee fro. the

    .. tt ... 1 Tec .. tca1 tafcm~ettOil lentce (11'111) U.S. Depare.eet of C....rce ~2~ Port ..,.1 IHd lprlftlflel. Ylrainla 22161

    c. ..altte~~Y1 teclaatca1 taf.-ttoa la conta1M4 b


  • liM ~rt 1122. Interface ~aae Proctaor, Scclficatiora fur tKiTritiiConnectron at ..-ou anaan-lRP - vhlon 11}75 m-mta~-pTU..-:JinU.ry I9TeLVTiion 7D-Aot lltl} anT" ~ Selected liblioaraphy nd Index to Pltcat ton About AIPAII&T f A0-E16 ~oG)wtilrli are i'r.-.c. iVilli51.-Yroia RTII. -


  • --I I


    I I I_

    I I !::!;

  • I . l

    I i

    Reproduced from best available copy

  • REg[!~p- f_Q~T FOI AJtPAHE'f SEIVIC~

    a 19 March 1976 (Date request ~~mitted).

    b. 1200 baud. f~ll period, (Typ of service de1lred). full duplex conditioned circutt

    c. Start (Type of requeat, .. , be a start. dl~connect. o~ chan&e).

    d. 19 May 1976 (Ditte atrvlce d~aired)

    e. Program ~sig~ator Cod~ (Thla ~. a CQde required b7 Def~nec C~rciel C~lcationa Office (D!CCO) lndlcattna who will be billed for the aervice Jf th~ aponaortna a1ency doea not have a PDC. DC4 will ~rovlde one upon reque3t).

    f Hr Villi .. Jonea (..._ and telephone nULber of


    (70)) 12)-4)67 contect at 1ervtce point 1)

    Mr. John S.~ th ( 112) 12)-4)67

    aoo. 12. tutldtna 411 Untvereity of ~heeter 201 .. ith Avenue locheeter. -.v York 12)4,

    au.. Air Develo,..nt Center Crtffiae An, h .. York 12l4S

    (..._ and telaphone nu.ber of concact at aervlce point 2)

    (Specific location ~ere aervtce 11 deetred at aervtce potnt 1).

    (Specific location where eervlca fs deeir~ at eerwtce point 2)

    h. ftia par .. raph will lnclu6t Y clarlfyl r-riLe necee .. ry to ur full .-.ratandl of the nntce Ired to lncl'* ewe of teniul or holt. !tale ,... .. raplt vtll al lMlude the tnf...,.tl r-.atred bJ per-araphe SC(2) It kU).


  • MPAIIf MAll ldll 2211 PI.AIIliG Tbe follovlq lafo..att.l J be uaed to clete,.1M eetlaated ace llne coete to COBDeet t~laale to a TIP or Very Dhtant Hot CCIIIfUtel'e to a nP or DIP . ..... , a.n. ACCIII Ll. 11611 BI!ICI CMt lrti14DSI! C.T lOO ........... ... + 50e/IG tlOO ...... 12 .. 22 lA lOl to 1100 ._. ... +SOc/Ill tlOO ..... 25 8S4 lA 2.00 .... ... + 50e/lll ..... 10 t IZ lA 4100 .... n; +He/Ill JlOO ..... ' liS lA ....... IW * 1111 H" ..... 11 u SO CUeltit (lMlwln ..... ) ,. + .. ,. t450 lA
