
Features of invidualism/collectivism

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Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Features of invidualism/collectivism

Individualists prefer to be seen as unique, don't want to be like everybody else,they

have strong opinions which they are ready to defend, are independent-minded, like arguing and are not easily influenced by


Collectivists are conventional, conformist, follow trends and fashions, want to fit within

the group, adapt their style and their opinions to those of the group they belong to.

At a score of 89 on the Hofstede index, the UK is amongst the highest of the individualistic scores. British people are famous for their

exacerbated individualism.

Children are taught from an early age to think for themselves and to find out what their unique purpose in life is and how they

uniquely can contribute to society.Young people usually leave their parental home when they turn 16

or 18.

The British are individualistic to an unequalled extend in their hobbies they don’t care what other people do and enjoying themselves in

their own private little ways.

That also means that some have weird or for the least original hobbies, like train-spotting.

They are also very individualistic at work, having and caring little about hierarchy as long as people have

brilliant and original ideas.

They are also very individualistic at work, having and caring little about hierarchy as long

as people have brilliant and original ideas.